Rules of Predictions

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Rules of predictions

1. Find out the Lagna, Rashi, Nakshatra and dasha calculation.

2. Apply P.A.C. without fall. This is to be applied with the mahadasas and its sub-periods then
transits of planets of prediction. It is after this preliminary exercise is done, that one should
go into the details.
3. Position – Where are the planet placed and who is the lord of that house.
4. Aspect - Very special to Hindu astrology and very extraordinary. Planets give their effect not
merely from where they are in a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house
which they aspect. Ketu’s aspect is not considered, at any rate. Rahu’s aspect is not counted
5. Conjunction – See which planets are conjuct
6. Then locate the nakshatras of all planet and their charans.
7. Dhan yoga – The lord that should be seen for this are 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th and of-course lords
of these houses. The cardinal and the most important always in the lagna and the lagna lord.
The combination for wealth
a. Certain combination of lords of the different houses.
b. Moon and Mars combining.
c. Concentration of planets in the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses.
8. Arishta Yoga – Misfortune of ill health and tragic events. The lord and houses to be seen are
the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th including the lagna invariably and its lord. Lagna lord plays the most
important role (nakshatras and degrees). Next to lagna lord moon is important (to close to
sun)and its nakshatra and degrees also. Then come into play the 6 th house and its lord, the
8th house and its lord and the 12th house and its lord. Ayukarar Saturn with 8th house and its
lord. Arogyakarak and 1st house karak Sun.
Checklist for Danger Points :-
a. Natural malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun.
b. The moon and mercury under malefic influence become malefics.
c. Retrograde benefics lose their beneficence particularly if they are aspected by malefics.
d. The lagna lord placed in 6th, 8th and 12th house is generally bad for health.
e. The moon, in childhood, is a danger signal for child if under malefic influence and even in
adulthood or old age if in ill placed house or in malefic influences.
As usual dasha sequence and transit of planets are important in timing such incidents.

The death Inflicting Planets

The lord of the 2 nd and 7th houses and planets placed in these house and dasha periods are
the periods to be watched when sickness and disease affect an individual.

Sound Time Tested Principles :-

The sound and the time tested principles for the good health and life are :–
a. Benefics in Kendras.
b. Melafics in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses.
Therefore before examining any horoscope apply the following checklist –
1. Are there benfics in the kendras?
2. Are there melefics in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses?
3. Are lagna lord and moon ill placed or under any malefic influence?
4. Is lagna lord and the moon are afflicted?
5. Is the mahadasha running along with its sub-periods running and sub-periods to
follow promising recovery for continuing sickness or misfortune?
6. Are malefic in transits harmful?
7. Finally, is the opening dasha and its sub-period itself make that start of someone’s
life with ill-health?
9. Raj yoga – Combination for rising professionally and otherwise promise of distinction in
various fields. The houses and the lords to be seen are the 1 st, 4th, 7th and 10th and their
combination (PAC) with the lord of the 5th and 9th houses. Lagna lord is the lord of both
Kendra and trikona.
The combination of Jupiter and the Sun is known as a Rajlakshana yoga, a promise of royal
10. Exchange – Exchange of the rashis between planets or exchange of the nakshatras between
planets in the horoscope should never be neglected.
11. Special Features – Special aspects if any.
12. Dasha system - In view of the importance of making carrers early in life, it is of utmost
importance to see what dasha one gets at the right time for achieving what one has
achieved. A checklist is being given here.
a. See what are the rajyogas in the horoscope, by which what is meant is the combination
of Kendra and trikona lords.
b. See whether the planets promising high things in the horoscope have deteriorated or
improved in the navamsha.
c. Look out for the new meanings in the changed times in which we are living.
d. Note the planets with the directional strength.
e. See what is the dasha and antar-dasha or major and sub periods running at a given time.
f. Wherever necessary use sub-sub periods also.
g. Last will come transits of planets. To give exaggerated importance to transit is to make
mistake the feather of a bird into bird itself.
h. Vargottama planet also.
i. Do not forget to examine “A” (arishta) first, before launching in a prediction.

Note :- In interpreting the results of the dasha the mutual disposition between the major lord and
sub-dasha lord gives a valuable clue whether the work will be done smoothly or not.

13. Gochara system.

14. Follow the steps given below :–
1. Never be in a hurry to jump to conclusions when you judge a horoscope.
2. You have to make a total analysis which starts with the PAC analysis.
3. The PAC approach gives you a total picture.
Classical Yogas
4. What about the yogas given in the books on astrology is the question that must spring in the
minds of those readers who have read such books. Those books will give you a totally
inchoate picture of a horoscope. The reason are –
a. Few writers have been understood that the classical yogas can function within the overall
planetary promises, as a whole of a horoscope, never outside.
b. All the yogas given in those books can become totally ineffective in many ways, because
good ones get by bad ones and the reverse also happens.
c. Therefore ignore those yogas first and look at the series of example given here to appreciate
that judgement in Hindu astrology can mature on when a total picture of a horoscope
emerges out.
d. After doing the exercise given here, go next to the other memory tablet which is D.A.R.E.S.
You will see in the example given later how life takes a queer twists.
With the intention to help people avoid memorizing. The tradional Indian method since
ancient times has been to make a boy memories
15. The permution and combination of the lords of kendras, trikonas, panapharas, aplokimas and
upachayas are used for predictions.
16. The important principle to remember is that planets give multiple effects i.e. they lift, the
cause a fall, they give fortunes and they throw you into the deepest mood of despair. What a
planet does is that it give happiness and grief, rise and fall, laughter and tears, turn by turn.
17. If possible and the sarvastaka varga, which is an extraordinary technique of quantifiying the
strength of transiting planets.

Note – Always remember and pay attention to the Desh, Kaal and Patra. It is relevance which makes
sense for present human mind. We can’t weave a net around a person of prediction on the basis of
old and illogical ideas. Anything we read about native or predict about his future should be relevant
to the present world and make sense to anyone who is willing to trust on you. We shouldn’t do
astrology with dogmatic approach rather we should try to understand the sutras with relevance to
present world. Always read and understand the asto-sutras with modern approach and
remembering the current scenario.

Note – One of the principles of the astrology is that Saturn and Rahu can be unconditional killers, if
they are ill-placed or are associated with malefics.

Another subtle principle of astrology is to examine the results of mahadasha from the moon.

In hindu astrology what is apparent in the birth chart may improve or deteriorate in the navamsha. It
is never safe to make any prediction without using the navamsha.

Rahu and Ketu in the house of Jupiter, Dhanu or Meena are generally good. If they are aspected by
Jupiter the acquire beneficence.

Planets in the kendras from each other exert pressure on each other to do their best of the worst.

We must not stop with the reasoning given by the ancient and treat it as a dogma but innovate,
improvise and do our research and keep using it for predictive uses and keep modifying from time to
time, to take into account many variation and variables which are common in human life.

Note :- Mostly whenever anything is happening to one’s body the lagna and lagna lord have to come
into play.

Melafic in third house becomes negation of negation, or two negatives makes a positive.

An afflicted 8th house or lord is major factor in predicting fatal events of life.

For predicting about father 9th and 10th house both simultaneously should be taken into

10th house is the house of career, the nature of planets associated with the 10 th house or the 10th lord
will give a clue to the nature of one’s profession.

Basic points of prediction by Sh. K. N. Rao

In making predictions an astrologer must keep the following points in his mind.
1. Examine each house and the lord of each house in the birth horoscope.
2. Then examine each house and its lord in Navamsha.
3. Now analyse jointly both the birth horoscope and the Navamsha.
4. Make a similar use of other divisional horoscopes, first separately then jointly with the birth
5. Now examine in detail the Mahadasha and antardasha of each planet in the Vimshottari
dasha in six ways:
a. In the birth horoscope from the Lagna first.
b. In the birth horoscope from the lord of the dasha running.
c. In the Navamsha again go through the exercise given in (a) and (b).
d. Do it again in the divisional horoscope concerned other than the Navamsha.
e. The significance of the each planet and each house must be kept in the mind.
f. The 2-12 or 6-8 position of the planets must kept in examined.
6. It is now that the transit of planets is to be used, not before the steps given above have been
gone through.

The transits are to be seen from:

1. The Lagna or the ascendant first.
2. Next from the moon (as moon stays in a house for nearly two and a quarter days. It is
doubtful if examining transits from the moon alone).
3. Now examine with relation to the Vimshottari dasha how the mahadasha lords and
antardasha lord are placed in transit from the lagna when a question is being examined.
4. If you know the use of ashtakavarga, it is better than using transits as it reveals a wealth of
such details as are not available otherwise.
5. Finally see which planet in transit contacts which planet of the birth horoscope and, in
which house. Saturn’s Sade Sati, or the 4 th or the 8th house transit from the natal Moon has
the deep meaning.

These steps must be gone through to delineate a horoscope.

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