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Unit 21: Learning Aim C

Murder mystery trailer Final Edit Evaluation

The main purpose of this murder mystery trailer was to create suspense.I wanted to
focus on the story of a detective trying to find killers and understand their minds, I
wanted to focus on the pace of the trailer building tension as enigma is created,
showing just enough that the viewer would become interested in the story and want to
watch the whole series. Short duration shots will be used to speed up the pace of the
trailer at different moments. I introduced the main characters by giving them a longer
duration shot by using the speed duration tool and having them all in close up at
some point in the trailer.I was inspired by mindhunters a mystery netflix tv series.
Throughout the trailer I used a fade to black transition to make the scenes smooth in
transition. I also cut from single shots to sequences, seamless editing to direct the
viewer's attention to the story and slow down the pace of the trailer. I used shot
reverse shots in the scenes where two or more characters are talking to show the flow
of the conversation and showing the emotions of the characters during the
conversation to do this I took a mid shot of both characters talking and used the razor
tool to cut between the two characters talking. To make sure the trailer flowed I used
dip to black throughout to make sure it gave off the feeling of a trailer instead of
feeling like a montage of clips. To make sure the film fit into the genre of murder
mystery I added in audio which would enhance the mysterious atmosphere that the
trailer tries to create.

When editing I struggled in getting certain scenes to merge together as the audio of
certain scenes leaked over to other scenes.
Test sequence 1 Ideas
● Murder Mystery
● Must include murder
● Include detective to refer to the mystery
● A death
● Use Scenes from Shutter Island
● Intense music to enhance the scenes
● A murder on the run
● Clues
● Foreshadow different events so that the audience become entertained
● Use jump cuts
● Dissolves
● Dip to black
● Sound bridges
Test Sequence 1
I have used different tools and editing techniques to
edit this test sequence I have used fades to black to
create a more cinematic feel throughout the trailer,
making sure the background music also added to this
atmosphere the trailer tries to create. The dip to black
was the most used editing technique in the trailer as
the use of short duration shots adds to the mystery as it
doesn't reveal to much but still attracts the audience.
Test sequence 2 Ideas
● Stranger things scenes
● Focus on a missing child
● Refer to a murder
● Intense mysterious background music to build atmosphere
● Use dip to black so the trailer is more effective
● Focus on the pace of the trailer
● Jump cuts
● Dissolves

Test sequence 2
Tools and Techniques Used And Why I Used
Speed duration tool: I used this tool to adjust the speed duration of different clips either slowing them down or making them quicker. I
first used this tool to slow down clips as the trailer was fast paced and I wanted to change the overall flow of the trailer slowing down
the pace of the trailer highlights the importance of a certain clip as it grabs the viewer's attention.

Fade to black transition tool: I used this to make the scenes have a smooth transition as they were quite rough at first.

Insert tool: I used this to import clips into premiere pro

Razor tool: This was one of the most important tools that I used, with this I was able to cut different clips from different videos and add
them together to create my own sequence in order to create a enigma.

Synchronising audio sound and video: To do this I separated the audio from the video clip and added it to other clips creating the effect
of the characters explaining the narrative. I also took soundtracks themselves and used them as non diegetic sound matching the
pace of the trailer.

3POINT or 4POINT Editing: This was used to cut different parts of a video clip without having to use the Razor tool, to do this I selected
in and out points cutting out parts I didn't want from the video then either putting an in point on where I wanted the clip to go or putting
another in and out point.

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