Unit 7 Enterprise Laa

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Finley Shillabeer Headphone Brief

Product description
Plugged in is a headphone brand that specialises in creating headphones for males
aged 15 - 24. I am planning to create an advertisement that promotes a specific product
for Plugged in, i will use the primary and secondary research to change my promotional
video to be most effective.

Enterprise Product:

The target audience for my headphone product is males in the age range between 15
and 24. My research has dictated that this is the most effective age range and gender i
should aim for. I also decided that the majority of people i will target will be living in the
United Kingdom my primary research has shown me that my product will be most
effective when I am aiming it at mostly that nationality. I am aiming to make my
headphones more affordable in comparison to competitors yet still high-quality, I am
aiming to make them £50. This indicates that my target audience fits into the BC1C2DE

The reason this product is useful is due to the lack of headphones that fully eliminate all
sound, there are headphones that partially eliminate sound but none that fully eliminate
all of the sounds around them. I saw this gap in the market and decided that I would try
to fill it with my product, a pair of headphones that will fully eliminate all the sound
around them, which is what sets it apart from other headphones, this will be my primary
selling point in my promotional video.

The fact that this product is different to other products on the market will allow me to
effectively create a promotional video that will promote this specific feature and benefit
to make people want to buy it.

The product will be distributed throughout the United Kingdom, which is where all of the
people that use it will be. I feel the UK is the most effective place due to the primary
research that has shown me that most of the people that are interested in the feature
my product provides live there. The distribution of my product will mainly be online and
that is where I plan to mainly promote my product with my advert.

Planning & Research

Structure of a headphone advertisement

Headphone advertisements usually build up, throughout the whole of the advert they
build and build until they reach a climax of the advertisement, usually as it reaches the
climax of the advertisement it normally calms down and reveals a logo or a slogan for
the product. Headphone advertisements are usually presented in montage form. They
have quick cuts and present the headphones in an exciting way. This has influenced
how I will create my advertisement. I believe I will use montage editing to create
excitement in my advertisement and I will also use a build up and a climax in my

Headphone Company Research

The first thing I did when I decided I was going to create a brand of headphones was
look at different headphone advertisements, to take inspiration and to see what they do
effectively and what they don't do so well. The first one I looked at were beats.

Beats were co-founded by DJ and rapper Dr Dre in 2008, they surged in popularity due
to their premium feel and sound quality, due to their popularity in 2014 they were
purchased by Apple for 3 Billion. They are a crucial company to look at due to their
success and popularity, the first advert i looked at for them was their advert with Post
Malone and Swae Lee.
These Beats range from £55 to £80

After watching this video it helped me understand the influence that famous people
have and the grasp it has on viewers on the advert. Showing their struggles makes the
viewer sympathise with them and make them more likely to purchase the product.

The second advert of theirs is Powerbeats Pro

These earphones are around £220. This is also well out of the range of money I want
my headphones to be.
This video made me understand the passion and feelings that come from wearing
headphones and listening to music. I hope to capture some of that passion in my

The second company I studied was Bose, a company that was started in the 60’s by
Amar Bose, It has been ongoing to this day, they have been known for their specialist
sound quality and are peoples go to headphones when they are in the market for
These noise cancelling headphones are normally around £300 pounds, which is
expensive and out of the range of what I am after.

This was the most influential advert i watched, it clearly and effectively conveyed the
emotions that are felt when the world around is silenced, and there is true calm and
peace. I will try to capture this kind of feeling in my video. The feeling of being free of all
sound around you.

Primary research

I created a poll for people to vote on concerning headphones, this was to give me a
secure idea on who would buy the type of headphones I was supplying, these are the

How old are you?

What kind of headphones do you like?

Wired or wireless?

What's the most important quality in headphones


I conducted a number of interviews to gather information about the people who live in
the same area as me and their feelings on headphones. This is the information I

● They prefer wired headphones to wireless headphones due to the price

● They prefer headphones to earphones due to the comfort that comes with
● They dislike headphones that leak audio and very much dislike headphones that
don’t cancel all noise around them
● They like headphones that are too complicated and their design is not simple
This has shown me overall that I should make the design simple and complicated it too
much would result in less people buying the product.

Target audience

My key demographic for this specific product are young, males within the age bracket of
15-25, my demographic is also people mainly from the United Kingdom.
I decided that I would make a pair of headphones, I also decided that I would make the
headphones for people aged 15-25, as this allows me to create a style and theme for
the headphones that is popular with this age bracket. The first thing I decided to do was
create a questionnaire so i could conduct some primary research on headphones, i
wanted to know what age bracket liked what kind of headphones. I got around 20
responses to this questionnaire, allowing me to fully create an idea of what people like
what. This is why i the first question I asked was what age bracket the person filling out
the questionnaire was in, this allows me to pinpoint where I could be most effective
when creating the headphones. The primary research has influenced the way my
headphones look. Research into the demographic has made me come to the conclusion
that i will make the design of my headphones simplistic. I will make them a simple and
sleek black with a yellow square to make it stand out to people.

I also conducted some secondary research as well, this was in the form of looking at
adverts for other headphones, I looked at the most popular adverts as well as the
adverts that were more stylised towards the product i am created, so i know what would
be in my best interests to try and create.

With the responses I received I understand what type of headphones i will create, and
both the primary and secondary research I have conducted allows me to effectively
create a product that will appeal to a lot of people, become popular.

The primary research I conducted showed me that I should make my headphones over
ear headphones that are wired, these are the most popular that i have seen in my
primary research, I have decided that i will also talor my advertisement around the
feeling of getting lost in music. I decided this after gathering secondary research, I found
the most popular advertisements for the product i have created focus on the feeling of
getting lost in music and the distractions of the outside world going away. It would be
pointless on focusing on being active or using headphones for a specialist reason.

I plan to have my headphones in the price range of £50, making it affordable but without
the decline of quality. I plan to have the majority of the advertisements on social media,
as that's where the majority of the target demographic resides. And they would be sold
online due to the large amount of people again who are the target demographic that use
it. This is similar to the Beats advertisements i have seen that have been effective. The
product that is similar to mine is the Bose noise cancelling headphones, due to the
noise cancelling feature. But the difference between our products is that my
headphones fully blocks out all noise, but theirs only blocks out specific amounts.
How has your idea developed over time?

Over time my idea has developed and changed, it began as an in ear wireless
earphones, but after reviewing all of my research I came to the conclusion that this
would be innifective. My research tells me that people in fact wanted over ear
headphones. The way I wanted to present my promotional video has changed over time
as well. At first I wanted to have someone explain the product in a studio with three
point lighting. After reviewing the advertisements of other businesses it has lead me to
change it to a montage type advertisements with a focus on presenting the products
abilities instead of explaining it.

Overall this has taught me many enterprise skills, this has taught me how to conduct an
interview with someone and ask relevant and effective questions to receive answers I
am after. It has also taught me how to research effectively. At first I didn't know where to
search to find the information I am after. I have learned how to respond to feedback
from others based on the market research. As I conducted interviews I utilised my
communication skills It has taught me how to develop my ideas to a point where I feel
confident in the product i am producing and finally it has helped me develop of making a
questionnaire with questions that will again be effective and relevant.

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