Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics and Somatotype in Young Soccer Players and Karate Practiconers

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Article · October 2013

DOI: 10.5550/SP.5.2013.17


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5 authors, including:

Blerim Saiti Zarko Kostovski

University "Mather Theresa" Ss. Cyril and Methodius University


Agron Ademi
University of Tetova


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Proceedings 2013. (2014), Vol 5, ISSN 1986-8146 www.sportkon.com




Blerim Saiti1, Žarko Kostovski2, Agron Ademi1, Haki Ismaili1, and Sh Memishi1
Fakultet fizičke kulture, Univerzitet u Tetovu, Makedonia
Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tetovo, Macedonia
Fakultet fizičkog obrazovanja sport i zdravlje, Univerzitet u Skoplju, Makedonija
Faculty of Physical Education Sport and Health, University of Skopje, Macedonia


doi​: 10.5550/SP.5.2013.17 UDK: 796.332.011-053.6:796.85.011-053.6

Summary Sažetak

The identification of anthropometric characteristics aims to Indentifikacija antropometriskih karakteristika nastoji da da

contribute in a greater success in youth sports. Certainly, the doprinos boljem uspehu mladih u sportu. Tačnije, različite
different and various body structures of young athletes dur- i brojnije telesne strukture kod mladih sportista za vreme
ing selection in various sports, are as well crucial (Malousa- selekcije u različitim sportovima su od ključnog značaja
ris, Bergeles, Barzouka, Bayios, Nassis, & Koskolou, 2008). (Malousaris, Bergeles, Barzouka, Bayios, Nassis i Koskolou,
Somatotype reflects the overall appearance of the human 2008).
body and gives meaning to the total morphological status of
Somatotip reflektuje cjelokupni izgled čovekovog tela i daje
the human body (Ross, Ward, Leahy, & Day 1982).The
značaj celokupnog morfolo{kog statusa čovekovog tela (Ross,
research was conducted on 100 males subject 17-18 years,
Ward, Leahy i Day 1982). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na
football players (50) and karate players (50). The purpose of
uzorku od 100 ispitanika mu{kog pola na uzrastu od 17 i
this study is to define the differences in anthropometric
18 godina, fudbalera (50) i karatista (50). Cilj ovog istaživa-


characteristics and somatotypes in athletes from two sports
disciplines, karate and football, which different in their way nje je definisanje razlike u antropometriskim karakteristika-
of training and competition. The pattern of the anthropo- ma i somatotipu kod sportista iz dve sportske discipline,
metric measures is defined by ISAK (International Society karate i fudbal, koju se razlikuju u načinu treninga i takmi-
for the Advancement of Kinanthropmetry), except the vari- čenja. Način određivanja antropometriskih mera definisan
ables: body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%) je od od strane ISAK-a (International Society for the Advan-
and lean body mass (ALBM), which are calculated according cement of Kinanthropmetry), osim varijabli: indeks telesne
to the methodology During Womerslay, while the variable mase (BMI), procena telesni masti (BF%) i čista telesna masa
(HWR) derives from the software program somatotype 1.2. (ALBM), koje su dobijene pomoću metodologije During
For determining the differences between the two groups of womrslay, dok varijabla (HWR) proizlazi od softverskog
respondents is applied t-test for independent samples, while programa somatatipa 1.2. Za određivanje razlike između
the evaluation of the somatotypes was done according to dve grupe ispitanika primenjen je t-test za nezavisne uzorke
the methodology by Heath-Carter with 10 anthropometric dok je evaluacija somatotipa bila urađena saglasno metodo-
measurements. Based on the obtained results of measure-
logije Heath-Carter sa 10 antropometriskih mera. Na osno-
ments from both groups respondents, was proved that there
vi dobijenih rezultata iz obe grupe ispitanika, utvrđeno je
are statistically significant differences in anthropometric
da postoi statisticki značajne razlike u antropometriskim
measures: BF%, AKNT, AKNG, AKNS, AKNN, and AKNP.
merama: BF%, AKNT, AKNG, AKNS, AKNN i AKNP. Na
Based on our study, in soccer players we found balanced
mesomorph somatotype 2.48-4.78-3.08 while in karate osnovi dobijenih rezultata kod fudbalera utvđeno je balan-
players is found balanced mesomorph somatotype 3.07- siran mezomorf somatskog tipa 2.48-4.78-3.08 dok kod
4.28-2.85. Statistically significant differences on the com- karatista otkriven je balansiran mezomorf somatskog tipa
ponents of somatotypes exist at (ENDO) endomorph com- 3.07-4.28-2.85. Statistički značajne razlike u komponenta
ponent. somatotipa postoje kod (ENDO) endomorph komponente.

Key Words: differencest, karate, soccer, somatotype. Ključne riječi: fudbal, karate, razlike, somatotipove.

Saiti, B. et al.: DIFFERENCES IN ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS... Proceedings 2013, 151–157

Introduction Uvod

Anthropometric characteristics aim to improve the perfor- Svrha antropometriske karakteristika je da se pobolj{aju
mance in many sports (Carter & Heath, 1990). The identi- ve{tine u mnogim sportovima (Carter i Heath, 1990). Inden-
fication of anthropometric characteristics aims to contribute tifikacijom antropometriskih karakteristika nastoji se da se
in a greater success in youth sports. Certainly, the different da doprinos uspehu mladih u sportovima. Tačnije različite
and various body structures of young athletes during selec- telesne strukture kod mladih sportista za vreme selekcije u
tion in various sports, are as well crucial (Malousaris et al., različitim sportovima su od su{tinskog značaja (Malousaris i
2008). The identification of anthropometric characteristics saradnici, 2008). Identifikacijom antropometrijskih karak-
also evaluate the structure of the human body as a whole teristika takođe procenujemo strukturu čovekovog tela kako
or only some of its components (McArdle, Katch, & Katch, u celini tako i u pojedinim njegovim komponenata (McArdle,
1991). Morphological status of top athletes is relatively ho- Katch i Katch, 1991). Morfolo{ki status vrhunskih sportista
mogeneous, depending on the sport, and can be defined as su relativno homogeni, zavisnosti od sporta, i mogu biti
a pattern for the achievements of athletes (Mi{igoj-Duraković, definisan kao modeli sportistskog postignuća (Mi{igoj-
Matković, & Medved, 1995). Somatotype reflects the over- Duraković, Matković i Medved, 1995). Somatotip reflektira
all appearance of the human body and gives full meaning celokupni izgled čovekovog tela i daje značaj celokupnom
to the morphological status of it (Ross et al., 1982). Many morfolo{kom statusu čovekovog tela (Ross i saradnici, 1982).
studies show that the somatotypes have a strong genetic Mnoga istrazivanja dokazala su da somatotipovi imaju jaku
basis (Harrison, Weiner, & Tanner, 1976). Many anthropo- genetsku osnovu (Harrison, Weiner i Tanner, 1976). Mnoga
metric researches, including the somatotypes of athletes are antropometriskia istraživanja, uklučujući i istraživanja so-
conducted during the Olympic Games (eg, Carter, 1982), matotipova sportista, primenjena su za vreme održavanje
or in different sports, such as swimming (Carter & Ackland, olimpiskih igara (npr. Carter, 1982), ali i u drugim spor-
1994), soccer (Rienzi, Drust, Reilly, Carter, & Martin, 2000), tovima, kao {to je na primer plivanje (Carter i Ackland, 1994),
gymnastics (Claessens et al., 1991), karate (Pieter & Bercades, fudbal (Rienzi, Drust, Reilly, Carter i Martin, 2000), gimnas-
2009) and other. Katić, Blazević, Krstulović, and Mulić (2005) tika (Claessens i saradnici, 1991), karate (Pieter i Bercades,
found that adult elite karate in Croatia is predominantly 2009) i dr. Katić., Blazević, Krstulović i Mulić (2005) ut-
characterized by mezomoph somatotype, which was con- vrdili su da odraski vrhunski karatista u Hrvatskoj ima pre-
firmed by Fritzsche and Raschka (2007) in the German elite dominantno karakteriziran mezomorfnim somatotipa, {to je
adult karate determined by Heath-Carter methodology and bilo potvrđeno i sa strane Fritzsche i Raschka (2007). Oni su
found medium somatotip in elite male karate 2.0-3.7-2.7. ustanovili kod nemačkih vrhunskih karatista pomoću Heath–
meanwhile in female elite karate 3.4-2.4-2.4. Gualdo and Carter metodologije srednji somato tip kod vrhunskih karat-
Graziani (1993) made an analysis and description of the
ista mu{kog pola 2.0-3.7-2.7, dok kod vrhunskih karatist-
somatotypes in 1593 young Italian athletes (717 male and
kinja on je iznosio 3.4-2.4-2.4. Gualdo i Graziani (1993)
876 female subjects) from different sports. The average of
anlizirali su i opisali somatotip kod 1593 mladih italjanski
somatotypes was 2.7-4.7-2.7 in male subjects and 3.6-3.7-
sportista (717 mu{karaca i 876 žena) iz razlicitih sportova.
2.8 in female subjects. The researches of Amus and Onieva-
Prosek somatotipa bio je 2.7-4.7-2.7 kod mu{karaca i 3.6-
dume(2001) in karate representatives from Botswana, as
3.7-2.8 kod žena. Istraživanje Amusa i Oneivadumea (2001)
part of the preparations for the African Games in 1999,
na karate reprezenativcima Bocvane, kao sastavni dio pri-
concluded that the main somatotype in men was 2.5+1.1-
3.9+0.9-3.0+1.2 and in women 4.4+0.8-4.7+1.2-1.3+1.1 prema za afričke igare 1999. godine, do{lo se do zaklučka
(endomorph, mesomorph and ektomorph). Also Hazir (2010) da je glavni somatotip kod mu{karaca bio 2.5+1.1-3.9+0.9-
made a research over all players of Turkish Super League 3.0+1.2 a kod žena 4.4+0.8-4.7+1.2-1.3+1.1 (endomorf,
mezomorf i ektomorf). Takođe Hazir (2010) sproveo je

and based on this research was found somatotype 2.4-4.8-

2.3, while in the first Turkish league was found somatotype istraživanje igrača turske Super lige i na osnovi ovog istraživanje
3.0-4.5-2.6. The differences between the Turkish super otkriven je somatotip 2.4-4.8-2.3, dok u je turskoj Prvoj ligi
league and first league players was more significant meso- otkriven somatotip 3.0-4.5-2.6. Razlike između igrača turske
morph (p≤.01), endomorph (p≤.00) and ectomorph (p≤.00). Super lige i turske Prve lige bio je značajan mezomorf
Our research was conducted with the main objective to (p≤0,01), endomorf (p≤0,00) i ektomorf (p≤0,00).
identify the differences and anthropometric characteristics Ovo istraživanje sproveđeno je sa osnovnim ciljem ustanov-
and somatotypes in two sports disciplines, karate and soccer ljavanja razlike u antropometriskim karakteristiokama i
players, varying the manner of competitions, training, etc. somatotipovima kod dve različite sportske discipline, karatea
Collective sports like soccer are characterized by high inten- i fudbala. Timski sportovi kao fudbal karakteri{e visok in-
sity short-term activities, the duration of the game is 90 tenzitet timske aktivnosti, vreme trajanja igre iznosi 90
minutes, involves providing great energy by the aerobic minuta, uklučuje ispoljavanje velike energije od strane
system (José, 2001), while individual sports, like Karate, aerobnog sistema (José, 2001), dok individualni sportivi, kao
belongs to a group of combat sports which contain a series karate, pripadaju u grupi borilačke sportova koji sadrže
of coordinated harmonious movements made in a particu- seriju koordinirana harmoničnih kretanji urađenih u određenom
lar sequence adapting to a specific rhythm and also the way redoslijedu prilagođavajući se spesificnom ritmu, a takođe
of competitions in different categories and two disciplines, način takmičenja u različitim kategorijama i dve discipline
kata and kumite (fighting). kata i kumite (borenje).

Methods Metode

The research procedure included 100 subjects of young Istraživačka procedura uključila ja 100 mladih sportista
male athletes, divided into two groups of 50 young soccer mu{kog pola, podeljena u dve grupe od 50 mladih fudbalera
players of the first league of the Republic of Macedonia and iz prve lige Makedionije i 50 mladih karatista takmičara
50 young karate sportsmen, junior competitors in kata and juniora u kata i kumite uzrast od 17-18 (±6 meseci). Za
kumite of different categories, age 17-18±6 months. For postizanje cilja ovog istraživanja primenjeno je 17 antrop-

Saiti, B. i saradnici: RAZLIKE U ANTOPOMETRISKIM KARAKTERISTIKAMA... Zbornik radova 2013, 151–157

the purposes of this research were applied 17 anthropomet- ometriskih varijabli od koijih su 13 bili primenjeni po ISAK-
ric variables of which 13 variables were measured by - ISAK u (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthrop-
(International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthrop- metry): telesna visina (AVT), telesna masa (AMT), kožni
metry), Body height (AVT), body mass (AMT), triceps skinfold nabor tricepsa (AKNT), kožni nabor bicepsa (AKNB), kožni
(AKNT), biceps skinfold (AKNB), abdomen skinfold (AKNA), nabor abdomena (AKNA), supraspinalni kožni nabor (AKNS),
supraspinale skinfold (AKNS), subscapular skinfold (AKNG), kozni nabor sub scapule (AKNG), kožni nabor femura (AKNN),
femur skinfold (AKNN), calf skinfold (AKNP), upper arm girth kožni nabor lista (AKNP), obim nadlaktice (AON), obim
(AON), calf girth (AOP), breadth of the humerus (ADL), podkolenice (AOP), dužina humerus (ADL), dužina femura
breadth of the femur (ADK), except the variables: body mass (ADK), osim varijabli: indeks telesne mase (BMI), procenat
index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%) and lean body mass telesne masti (BF%) i čista telesna masa (ALBM), koji su
(ALBM), which are calculated according to the methodol- dobijeni suglasno metodologiji During Wonerslay dok je
ogy During Womerslay, while the variable Height-Weight varijabla odnosa težina visina (HWR) dobijena softverskim
ratio calculation (HWR) derives from the software program programom somatotipa 1.2.
somatotype 1.2. Somatotipovi su definisani suglasno metodologiji Heath-
The somatotypes are defined by the methodology of Heath- Carter kori{ćenjem antropometriskih metoda sa 10 antrop-
Carter using the anthropometric method with 10 anthropo- ometriskih mera primenom sledećih jednačina:
metric measures using the following equations:
• Endomorfija = -0.7182 + 0.1451 (X1) – 0.00068 (X2)
• Endomorphy = -0.7182 + 0.1451 (X1) - 0.00068 (X2) + 0.0000014 (X3) gde je X = (suma iz tricepsa,
+ 0.0000014 (X3) where X = (sum of triceps, sub- scapula i supraspinalna kožni nabor) puta (170.18 /
scapular and supraspinale skinfolds) multiplied by visine u cm).
(170.18/height in cm). • Mezomorfija = 0.858 x dužina hemurus + 0.601 x
• Mesomorphy= 0.858 x humerus breadth + 0.601 x dužina femura + 0.188 x korigovan obim nadlaktice
femur breadth + 0.188 x corrected arm girth + 0.161 + 0.161 x korigovan obem podlaktice – visina 0.131
x corrected calf girth –height 0.131 + 4.5.
+ 4.5.
• Ectomorphy = If HWR is greater than or equal to
• Ektomorfia = kad HWR je veće ili jednako 40.75
40.75 then ectomorphy = 0.732 HWR -28.58. If
onda ektomorfija = 0.732 HWR – 28.58. Kad HWR
HWR is less than 40.75 but greater than 38.25 then
je manje od 40.75 a veće od 38.25 onda ektomorfia
ectomorphy = 0.463 HWR -17.63. If HWR is equal
= 0.463 HWR – 17.63. Kad HWR je jednakvo ili
to or less than 38.25 then ectomorphy = 0.1.
manje od 38.25 ondak ektomorfia = 0.1.
This is called height- corrected endomorphy and is the
Ovo je nazvano visina – korigovana endomorfia i preferi-
preferred method for calculating endomorphy.
rani metod za određivanje endomorfie.
For the data processing is used the software program SPSS15.
To determine the significant differences between arithmetic Za obradu dobijene podataka kori{cen je statistički softver-
average of each group, is used student t-test, while the de- ski program SPSS15. Za utvrđivanje značajne razlike aritmetičkih
termination of somatotypes and their difference is made by sredina svake grupe, kori{ten je t-test, dok za utvrđivanje
the software program somatotype 1.2. This procedure de- somatotipova i nihove razlike kori{ten je softverski program
termines somatotypes for each subject individually, accord- za somatotipove 1.2. Ova procedura određuje somatotipove
ing to the methodology of Heath-Carter. za svakog ispitanika posebno po metodolgiji Heath-Carter.

Rezultati i diskusija


Results and discussion


According to differences between the arithmetic averages, Analizirajući razlike između aritmeticka srdina ustanov-
verified by t-test among both groups, will move to the inter- ljenih t-testom između dve grupe interpretiranih rezultata
pretation of the results where the difference of the arithme- gde su razlike između aritmeticke sredina statisticki značajne.
tic average is statistically significant.
Analizirajuću rezultate prezentovani u Tabele 1 u vezi antro-
According to the results presented in Table 1 regarding the
anthropometric measures among karate and soccer players pometriskih mera između karatista i fudbalera uzrasta 17-18
17-18 years, we can highlight that from a total of 17 anthro- godina, može se zaključiti da od ukupno 17 antopometri-
pometric variables applied, in 6 variables is determined jski varijabli, kod 6 varijabli utvrđena je statisticki značajna
statistically significant difference, while in 11 variables is not razlika, dok kod ostale 11 nije ustanovljena ta razlika.
observed such a difference. Statistically significant differ- Statisticka značajna razlika utvrđena je kod sledećih vari-
ences were determined in variables BF% p=.05, AKNT
jabli: BF% p=0,05, AKMT p=0,05, AKNG p=0,03, AKNS
p=.05, AKNG p=.03, AKNS p=.02, AKNN p=.00, and
AKNP p=.00. All differences tells us that soccer players have p=0,02, AKNN p=0,00 i AKNP p=0,00. Sve razlike uka-
lower levels of fat compared with karate players. We evalu- zuju da fudbaleri imaju manji nivo masti u odnosu na
ate that this is due to the training process of both groups of karatiste. Zaključili smo da ja ovo rezultat trenažne tehnologi-
subjects. je kod ove grupe ispitanika.
Following somatoplot (Figure 1) which shows the distribution Iz analize Slike 1 na kojoj je pretstavljena distribucija kom-
of the somatotype components in soccer players and karate, ponenata somatotipova kod fudbalera i karatista možemo
we can observe that in both groups the mesomorpfy com-
se vidjeti da kod obe grupe komponenata su dominantne.
ponent is dominant. They also belong to the category of
balanced mesomorphy with average values of 2.48-4.78-3.08 Oni pripadaju kategoriji balansirani mezomorfi sa prosečnim
in the soccer players and 3.07-4.28-2.85 in karate players vrednostima od 2.48–4.78–3.08 kod fudbalera i 3.07-
(endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy). 4.28–2.85 kod karatista (endomorph, mezomorf i ektomorf).

Saiti, B. et al.: DIFFERENCES IN ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS... Proceedings 2013, 151–157

Tabela 1: T-test antropometrijskih karakteristika između karatista i fudbalera.

Table 1: T-test in anthropometric characteristics between karate and soccer players.
Soccer players Karate atheletes
Varibale F t p
AVT 173.00 6.70 173.86 5.13 2.39 -.72 .47
AMT 64.92 9.95 67.25 8.34 .03 -1.27 .21
BMI 21.75 2.55 22.21 2.60 .19 -.89 .38
BF% 12.52 3.71 14.63 6.40 6.32 -2.01 .05
ALBM 56.67 6.45 57.04 5.06 1.34 -.32 .75
AKNT 8.88 3.93 11.08 6.72 6.33 -2.00 .05
AKNB 4.80 2.17 5.86 3.88 7.33 -1.69 .09
AKNA 9.96 5.25 12.68 9.29 6.28 -1.80 .07
AKNG 8.58 2.89 10.22 4.55 7.97 -2.15 .03
AKNS 8.22 4.45 10.90 7.03 6.92 -2.28 .02
AKNN 10.26 3.26 13.22 6.25 12.44 -2.97 .00
AKNP 7.14 2.62 11.14 5.50 12.64 -4.64 .00
AON 26.07 2.39 26.00 3.60 6.47 .12 .91
AOP 35.93 2.56 35.08 2.83 .28 1.57 .12
ADL 7.64 .69 7.52 .52 1.61 1.01 .31
ADK 9.97 .89 9.90 .74 .20 .42 .68
HWR 43.23 1.52 42.88 1.77 .32 1.06 .29

Legend/Legenda: AVT - Body height (Telesna visina); AMT - Body mass (telesna težina);
AKNT - Triceps skinfold (Kožni nabor tricepsa); AKNB - Biceps skinfold (Kožni nabor bi-
cepsa); AKNA - Abdomen skinfold (Kožni nabor abdomena); AKNS - Supraspinale skinfold
(Supraspinalni kožni nabor); AKNG - Subscapular skinfold (Subskapularni kožni nabor);
AKNN - Femur skinfold (Kožni nabor natkolenice); AKNP - Calf skinfold (Kožni nabor li-
sta); AON - Upper arm girth (Obim nadlaktice); AOP - Calf girth (Obim potkolenice);
ADL - Breadth of the humerus (Dužina humerusa); ADK - Breadth of the femur (Dužina
femura); BMI - Body mass index; BF% - Body fat percentage (Procenat telesne masti);
ALBM - Lean body mass (Čista telesna masa); HWR - Height-weight ratio (Odnos težina
visina); M - The arithmetic mean (Aritmetička sredina); SD - Standard deviation (Standar-

dna devijacija); F - F test (F test); t – t test; p - Probability (Vjerovatnoća).

Slika 1: Distribucija kategorije somatotipova kod karatista i fudbalera.

Figure 1: Distribution of the somatotype categories in karate and soccer players.

Saiti, B. i saradnici: RAZLIKE U ANTOPOMETRISKIM KARAKTERISTIKAMA... Zbornik radova 2013, 151–157

According to the displayed Figire 2 where is presented the Analizirajuci Sluku 2, gde su prezentovane distribucije fud-
distributions of subjects regarding the group of soccer play- balera, iz 13 kategorija ustanovili smo 6 kategorija somato-
ers, out of the 13 categories, we found six somatotype cat- tipova koji su: endomofem-mezomorf 22%, balansiran
egories which are: endomorphic mesomorph 22%, balanced
mezomorf 20%, ektomorfen-mezomorf 28%, mezomorf-
mesomorph 20%, ectomorphic mesomorph 28%, mesomorph-
ectomorph 14 %, mesomorphic ectomorph 12% and central ektomorf 14%, mezomorfen-ektomorf 12% i centralni so-
somatotype 4%. matotip 4%.
According to the displayed Figure 3 where is presented the Slika 3 pokazuje distribuciju kategorija somatotipa kod
distributions of subjects regarding the group of karate play- karatista gde je prezentirana distribucija prikazuju sledeće:
ers, out of the 13 categories, we found nine somatotype od 13 kategodija, utvrđeni je 9 kategorija somatotipova:
categories which are: mesomorphic endomorph 4%, meso- mezomorfen-endomorf 4%, mezomorf – endomorph 10%,
morph-endomorph 10%, endomorphic mesomorph 14%, endomorfen – mezomorf 14%, balansirani mezomorf 18%,
balanced mesomorph 18%, ectomorphic mesomorph 14%, ektomorfen – mezomorf 14%, mezomorf-ektomorf 10%,
mesomorph-ectomorph 10%, mesomorphic ectomorph 12%, mezomorfen-ektomorf 12%, balansirani ektomorf 4 % i
balanced ectomorph 4% and central somatotype. centralni somatotip 14%.

Slika 2: Distribucija kategorije somatotipova Slika 3: distribucije kategorija somatotipa

kod fudbalera (%). kod karatista (%).
Figure 2: Distribution of the somatotype categories Figure 3: Distribution of the somatotype categories
in soccer players (%). in karate players (%).

Based on the somatotype classification in both groups of Na osnovi klasifikacije somatotipa kod obe grupe ispitanika
subjects, in general we can conclude that in soccer players možemo zaklučiti da je kod fudbalera ustanovljena veća
is present a more homogeneous categorization, compared homogena kategorizacija u poređenju sa karatistima. Ovaj
with the group of karate players. This result is due to the rezultat odnosi se na različite trenažne procese, različiti
different training process, different ways of competition,
načine takmičenja, različita dužinu i intenzitet treninga itd.
different length and intensity of training, etc…


Tabela 2: T-test komponenata somatotipova između karatista i fudbalera.
Table 2: T-test in somatotype components between karate and soccer players .
Soccer players Karate atheletes
Varibale F t p
ENDO 2.48 .98 3.07 1.57 6.86 -2.25 .03
MESO 4.78 1.30 4.28 1.38 .46 1.88 .06
ECTO 3.08 1.08 2.85 1.22 .18 .99 .32

Legend/Legenda: ENDO – Endomorphy; MESO - Mesomorphy; ECTO - Ectomorphy; M - The

arithmetic mean (Aritmetička sredina); SD - Standard deviation (Standardna devijacija); F
- F test (F test); t – t test; p - Probability (Vjerovatnoća).

According to the results presented in Table 2 we can highlight Na osnovi rezultata prezentovani na Tabeli 2 možemo
that statistically significant difference is present only in the zaključiti da je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika samo kod
endomorphy type ENDO (p=.03), while in the mesomorphy endomornog tipa ENDO (p=0,03), dok kod mezomorfne i
and endomorphy types, statistically significant difference is ektomorfne tipove nije utvrđena razlika. Na osnove prika-
not present. Given the somatotype characteristics and based zanih karakteristika somatotipova i na osnovi rezultata iz
on Table 1 where karate players presented higher values of Tabele 1, gde karatisti imaju veće vrednost kožnih nabora
skin fold compared with the soccer players, statistically u odnosu na fudbalera, statistički značajna razlika u korist
significant difference was expected in endomorphy type. endomorfnog tipa bila je i očekivana.

Saiti, B. et al.: DIFFERENCES IN ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS... Proceedings 2013, 151–157

Conclusion Zaključak

Based on the results of our research on 100 subjects, aiming Na osnovi rezultata ovog istraživanja sprovedenog na 100
to determine the differences in anthropometric characteris- ispitanika, a sa ciljem ustanovljavanja razlike u antropome-
tics and the categorization of the body type between the triskim karakteristikama i kategorizaciji telesnog tipa između
two groups of young athletes (17-18 years) from two sports, dve grupe mladih sportista(17-18 godina) iz dve sportske
karate and soccer disciplines, we reached full realization of discipline, karatea i fudbala, postignuta je u potpunosti re-
our goal. alizacija postavljenog cilja.
As a result, we can conclude the following: In the anthro-
Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti sledeće: u antropo-
pometric variables, statistically significant differences were
metrickim varijablama statistički značajne razlike dobijene
determined in BF% p=.05, AKNT p=.05, AKNG p=.03,
AKNS p=.02, AKNN p=.00, and AKNP p=.00. All differ- su kod: BF % p=0,05, AKNT p=0,05, AKNG p=0,03, AKNS
ences tells us that soccer players have lower levels of fat p=0,05, AKNN p=0,00 i AKNP p=0,00. Sve razlike uka-
compared with karate players. zuju da fudbaleri imaju niži nivo masti u poređenju sa
Based on the current situation and on the differences in karatistima.
somatotype components between the two groups with dif- Na osnovu faktičke situacije i razlike u komponentama so-
ferent training procces, we noticed that in both groups of matotipova između ove dve grupe utvrdili smo da kod obe
tested subjects dominate the mesomorph component, while grupe je dominantna mezomorfna komponenta dok kod
in both groups are also found values belonging to the cat- obe grupe takođe su pronađene vrednosi koju pripadaju
egory of balanced mesomorph with average values of 2.48- kategorii balansirane mezomorfije sa prosečnim vrednostima
4.78-3.08 in the soccer players and 3.07-4.28-2.85 in ka- od 2.48-4.78-3.08 kod fudbalera i 3.07-4.28-2.85 kod
rate players (endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy). karatista (endomorfija,mezomorfija i ektomorfija).
Overall, we can say that based on the somatotype classifica- Na osnovi rezultata mozemo zaklučiti da, na osnovi klasifi-
tion among karate and soccer players 17 - 18 years, we can kacija somatotipova između karatista i fudbalera, na uz-
highlight that statistically significant difference is present only
rasti od 17 i 18 godina, je utvrđena statistički značajna raz-
in the endomorphy type ENDO (p=.03), while in the me-
lika samo u endomorfnog tipa ENDO (p=0,03), dok kod
somorphy and endomorphy types, statistically significant
difference is not present. Given the somatotype character- mezomorfnih i ektomorfni tipova nije utvrđena takva razlika.
istics where karate players presented higher values of skin Na osnovi prestavljene karakteristike somatotipova gde
fold compared with the soccer players, statistically significant karatiste karakteri{u veće vrednosti kožnih nabora u odnosu
difference was expected in endomorphy type. Based on the na fudbalere, statisticki značajna razlika u korist endomorf-
somatotype classification in both groups of subjects, in gen- nog tipa bila je i očekivana. Na osnovi klasifikacije somato-
eral we can conclude that in soccer players is present a more tipova kod obe grupe, u principu možemo zaklučiti da kod
homogeneous categorization where found 6 components fudbalera je ustanoljena veća homogena kategorizacija gde
of somatypes, compared with the group of karate players je utvrđeno 6 komponenta somatotipova, u poređenju sa
where were present 9 components of somatotypes. grupom karatista gde je utvrđeno 9 komponente.
Generally we can say that the differences of anthropometric Može se reći da razlike u antropometrijskim karakteristikama
characteristics and components of somatotypes in both i komponentama somatotipova kod obe grupe su oslovljene
groups are conditioned from the training process and the samim procesom treninga i načinom takmičenja. Fudbal kao
manner of competitions. Soccer, as a collective sport, is
kolektivni sport karakteri{e visoko intenzivne kratke ak-
characterized by high intensity short-term activities, the
tivnosti, vreme trajanja igre je 90 minute, {to zahteva veliku

duration of the game is 90 minutes, involves providing great

energy by the aerobic system (José, 2001), while individual energiju od strane aerobnog sistema (José, 2011), dok indi-
sports, like Karate, belongs to a group of combat sports which viduali sportovi, kao karate, pripadaju grupi borilačkih
contain a series of coordinated harmonious movements sportova koji se sastoje od serije kaoordinisanih harmoničnih
made in a particular sequence, adapting to a specific rhythm pokreta, u određenom redoslijedu prilagođavajući se spesi-
and also the way of competitions is different, organized in ficnom ritmu, a takođe načinom takmicenja u različitim
categories and two disciplines, kata and kumite (fighting). kategorijama i dve discipline kata i kumite (borba).

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Korespodencija/Correspodence to:

Žarko Kostovski, PhD

Phone: 00389 70 34 07 97
E-mail: zarkokostovskiªhotmail.com




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