Gastric Acid Secretion of Normal Japanese Subjects in Relation To

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Gastric Acid Secretion of Normal Japanese Subjects in Relation to

Helicobacter pylori Infection, Aging, and Gender
K. Iijima, S. Ohara, T. Koike, H. Sekine & T. Shimosegawa
Dept. of Gastroenterology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
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Iijima K, Ohara S, Koike T, Sekine H, Shimosegawa T. Gastric acid secretion of normal Japanese
subjects in relation to Helicobacter pylori infection, aging, and gender. Scand J Gastroenterol
Background: In Japan, where the incidence of gastric cancer is high, Helicobacter pylori infection could
affect gastric acid secretion differently from that in Western countries. The aim of this study was to
investigate the relationship between H. pylori infection, acid secretion, aging, and gender in normal
Japanese subjects. Methods: The study comprised 193 Japanese subjects who had undergone routine
endoscopy. Gastrin-stimulated acid output was performed during the routine endoscopic examination
using the endoscopic method of gastric acid secretory testing (EGT: endoscopic gastrin test), which has
been reported previously. H. pylori status was determined by histology, rapid urease test, and serology.
Results: Mean EGT values were 3.9  1.5 mEq/10 min in H. pylori-negative men, 1.6  2.5 in H. pylori-
positive men, 2.2  0.9 in H. pylori-negative women, and 1.5  1.2 in H. pylori-positive women.
Although acid secretion was lower in H. pylori-positive subjects compared with H. pylori-negative
subjects in both men and women, the decrease was more marked in men with H. pylori infection.
Multiple linear regression analysis showed that aging is positively associated with gastric acid secretion
in the H. pylori-negative subjects, whereas a negative association was found between them in the H.
pylori-positive subjects. Conclusions: In Japanese subjects, aging affects gastric acid secretion
differently depending on the status of H. pylori infection. H. pylori infection showed a stronger
For personal use only.

inhibitory effect on the acid secretion in men than in women. This gender-related difference in the
susceptibility of acid secretion to H. pylori infection may explain the higher rates of gastric cancer in men
in Japan.
Key words: Aging; gastric acid secretion; gender; H. pylori infection
Katsunori Iijima, M.D., Dept. of Gastroenterology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 1-1
Seiryo-machi, Aobaku, Sendai 980–8574 Japan (fax. ‡81 22 717 7177, e-mail.

fter the discovery of Helicobacter pylori, there have thought to decline sharply with aging (16) as a result of
been several attempts to re-evaluate the effect of advances of body gastritis and gastric mucosal atrophy with
aging on gastric acid secretion in healthy subjects, aging (17). However, because it was clarified that the
giving consideration to H. pylori infection (1–5). However, development of gastric mucosal atrophy was confined mostly
most of these sutdies demonstrated the results of H. pylori- to H. pylori-positive subjects (18), even in the Japanese
negative and -positive subjects together (1–4), and very few population (19), the relation between age and gastric acid
showed the relation between aging and acid secretion in H. secretion could be different between H. pylori-negative and
pylori-negative and -positive subjects separately (5). H. pylori -positive subjects. So far, there have been two reports on the
infection has been demonstrated to have various effects on Japanese population examining the relation between gastric
gastric acid secretion (6, 7); stimulation through hyper- acid secretion and aging that have taken H. pylori infection
gastrinemia (8) or inhibition by gastric body gastritis and into account (5, 20). However, one of them was a retro-
consequent atrophic gastritis (9, 10). In Western countries, the spective study based on the data of decades ago (5). The other
bi-directional effects on gastric acid secretion are counter- aimed to compare the data of acid secretion obtained in the
balanced in the majority of H. pylori-positive subjects, 1970s and 1990s, but they involved relatively small numbers
leading to no overall change in acid secretion (11–14). As a of subjects in each period (n = 56 or 54, respectively) and
result, gastric acid secretion in healthy Western men is included few young subjects in their 20s or 30s (20).
comparatively preserved despite aging (1–4, 15) and is Gender is another variable suggested as important in gastric
independent of H. pylori status (2). acid secretion (21, 22). Most previous studies have reported
On the other hand, in Japan where the incidence of gastric higher gastric acid secretion in men than in women, which
cancer is the highest in the world, gastric acid secretion is was ascribed to the variation in gastric surface area (23) or the

 2004 Taylor & Francis DOI 10.1080/00365520410005911

710 K. Iijima et al.

difference in parietal cell sensitivity to gastrin (24). However, others. To rationalize the inclusion of young healthy
few studies have been undertaken to investigate the gender- volunteers into the study group and the analysis in unifying
related difference in gastric acid secretion specifically in them as a group, the acid secretion was compared between the
relation to H. pylori infection. young volunteer group and the young non-volunteer group.
Recently, we have developed a rapid, simple endoscopic No statistical difference was found in the acid secretion
method for evaluating gastrin-stimulated maximal acid output between these two groups using Student’s t test (mean  s
(the endoscopic gastrin test (EGT)) (25). The EGT facilitates (standard deviation) = 2.4  1.2, and 2.8  1.2 mEq/10 min.
the performance of routine endoscopic examination and respectively, P > 0.1). In addition, even if analyzed by
stimulated acid secretory testing simultaneously within about multiple linear regression with regard to the acid secretion
15 min. Using this method, we have reported the relation as a dependent variable and with regard to the entry status
between acid secretion and status of H. pylori infection (7), (volunteers or non-volunteers), age, H. pylori status, smoking
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and its relevance to reflux esophagitis (26, 27). In this study, habits, body weight as the independent variables, the entry
we evaluated the gastrin-stimulated acid output by EGT status did not show any independent influence on the acid
prospectively in a large number of subjects who underwent secretion (P > 0.5). The study was conducted in accordance
routine upper endoscopy and compared the gastric acid with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in Tokyo, and
secretion between H. pylori-positive and -negative normal informed consent was obtained from each subject.
Japanese subjects. We also investigated the effects of aging
on gastric acid secretion separately in the H. pylori-positive
and -negative subjects, and of gender on gastric acid EGT (endoscopic gastrin test)
secretion. The details of EGT have been reported previously (25).
Briefly, after an overnight fast, subjects were injected
intramuscularly with tetragastrin (Gastopsin Nippon Kayaku,
Tokyo, Japan) at a dose of 4 mg/kg about 15 min before the
Subjects endoscopy. During the endoscopic test, gastric fluid pooled in
Initially, 165 subjects aged 20 to 79 years who were the stomach was aspirated first and discarded. Gastric juice
attending Tohoku University outpatient clinic for routine secreted between 20 and 30 min after the tetragastrin injection
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upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy were prospectively was aspirated and collected under direct visualization during
enrolled in this study over a period of 2 years, from April 1997 the routine endoscopic examination of the stomach and
to March 1999. Subjects with clinical symptoms suggestive of duodenal bulb. After the collection of gastric juice, biopsy
upper GI disease such as heartburn, nausea, or epigastralgia specimens were taken if indicated, and the endoscope was
were excluded. Individuals with malignant diseases, systemic removed. The volume of gastric juice collected during the 10-
diseases, history of peptic ulcer, gastric surgery including min period was recorded, and its H‡ concentration was
endoscopic surgery were also excluded. None of the subjects determined by titration. Acid output in the 10 min period was
enrolled were taking any drug inhibiting gastric acid secre- calculated by multiplying the volume by H‡ concentration,
tion. Therefore the study group consisted mainly of asympto- and the EGT value was expressed as mEq/10 min. We have
matic subjects who attended the clinic for an annual shown previously that EGT values correlate well with peak
endoscopic check-up, and a small proportion of subjects acid output determined by conventional methods (correlation
with various mild to moderate symptoms unrelated to upper efficient = 0.92) with high reproducibility (coefficient of
GI (lower abdominal pain in 8, right hypochondriasis in 3, variation = 5.6%) (25).
mild anemia in 2, body weight loss in 2, diarrhea in 2,
dysphasia in 1, chest pain in 1, and bloody stools in 1 subject).
If the diagnoses of carcinoma, peptic ulcer, polyp, or reflux Histology
esophagitis (more than Los grade B) were made on Biopsy specimens were taken endoscopically from the
endoscopic examination, these subjects were excluded from gastric antrum and upper body in the greater curvature and
the analysis. Consequently, 3 subjects with peptic ulcer scar, 3 evaluated histologically. Using the updated Sydney system,
with gastric hyperplastic polyps, and 2 with reflux esophagitis the degrees of inflammation (lymphocyte and plasma cell
were excluded, and the remaining 157 subjects were finally infiltration of the lamina propria), activity (neutrophilic
included for the analysis. To assess the effect of age on the infiltration), and atrophy were scored from 0 to 3. If
parameters of interest, these subjects were divided into three inflammation or activity was found to be positive, a diagnosis
groups according to age: young (20–39 years old, n = 23), of superficial or active gastritis was made, respectively. If
middle-aged (40–59 years old, n = 77), and elderly (60–79 atrophy of gastric mucosa was present, a diagnosis of atrophic
years old, n = 57). Because of a relatively small number of gastritis was made irrespective of the presence of superficial
subjects of young age in our original study group from the or active gastritis. Histological assessment was performed by
outpatients’ clinic, 36 healthy volunteers aged 20 to 39 years two independent pathologists in a blinded manner (SO and
were also recruited to the study and analyzed together with the HS).

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Fig. 1. Distribution of endoscopic gastrin test (EGT) values (mEq/10 min) in normal male and female
subjects as a function of Helicobacter pylori status. Mean values are represented by the horizontal bars.
An asterisk (*) = P < 0.01; N.S = not significant.

H. pylori determination and smoking habits are considered to be two other important
Biopsy specimens of the stomach taken endoscopically, as variables in gastric secretory function. Hence, these four
above, were also evaluated histologically for the presence of variables were included in the analysis model as independent
H. pylori. At the same time, another set of biopsy specimens variables with the EGT value as a dependent variable. A P
was taken for rapid urease testing. In addition, a blood sample value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
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was obtained to determine the titer of serum IgG antibodies

against H. pylori. The patient was considered to be H. pylori
positive if one or more of the diagnostic methods applied were
positive, and H. pylori negative if all the methods were
negative. A total of 193 Japanese subjects (157 outpatients plus 36
healthy volunteers) who were free from upper GI symptoms
Statistical methods and had normal endoscopic findings were analyzed. The
The EGT values are expressed as means  s. The Mann- demographic features of the three age groups are presented in
Whitney U test was used to make a comparison between the Table I. The mean ages of these three groups were 29.6, 51.3,
H. pylori-negative and -positive groups within each subgroup and 67.6 years, respectively. The three age groups did not
set. Each demographic, serologic, secretory, and histological show any difference in gender distribution, body weight, and
value was compared among the three age groups using smoking habits. The prevalence of H. pylori infection
analysis of variance (ANOVA). A multiple linear regression increased with aging; 36%, 68%, and 80% in the respective
analysis was used to further assess which factors were related age groups, these percentages being similar to those reported
to the acid secretion among H. pylori-negative and -positive elsewhere in an asymptomatic Japanese population (28). As a
groups separately. Other than age and gender, body weight whole, gastric acid secretion decreased significantly with

Table I. Comparison of demographics among three age groups

Young Middle-aged Elderly
Parameters/Age group (Less than 39) (40 to 59) (More than 60) P value
Number (n) 59 77 57
Mean age (years) 29.6  6.2 51.3  5.2 67.6  4.3
% of male subjects 54 53 48 ns
Body weight (kg) 61.6  13.3 60.4  10.1 59.2  11.1 ns
H. pylori positive rate (%) 36 68 80 P < 0.01
% of smoker 19 29 19 ns
EGT values (mEq/10 min) 2.6  1.2 2.2  1.6 1.6  1.8 P < 0.01
Continuous variables are represented in means  s (standard deviation).
ns = Not significant; EGT = endoscopic gastrin test.

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Fig. 2. Distribution of endoscopic gastrin test (EGT) values (mEq/10 min) in Helicobacter pylori-
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negative and -positive subjects as a function of age groups in men (upper panel) and women (lower
panel). Open circles represent H. pylori-negative individuals and closed circles represent H. pylori-
positive individuals. Mean values are represented by the horizontal bars. In the statistical analysis
between H. pylori-negative and -positive subjects within each age group, an asterisk (*) indicates
P < 0.01 and others are not significant. In the statistical analysis among three age groups within H.
pylori-negative or -positive subjects, # and ## indicate P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively, and others
are not significant.

aging, in concordance with the results shown in a previous further illustrated in Fig. 2 according to the three age groups.
study of a Japanese population (16) (Table I). In H. pylori-negative men, the mean EGT values of the
Comparison of acid secretion between H. pylori-positive young, middle-aged, and elderly groups were 3.6  1.0 mEq/
and H. pylori-negative subjects was shown separately in men 10 min, 4.6  1.0, or 5.2  2.1, respectively. The values of
and women (Fig. 1). The mean EGT value in H. pylori- the middle-aged or elderly groups were significantly higher
positive men was 1.6  2.5 mEq/10 min, which was much than those of the young group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01, respec-
lower than H. pylori-negative men (3.9  1.5 mEq/10 min). tively). The mean EGT values of the respective age groups in
The level of acid secretion in the majority of H. pylori- H. pylori-positive men were as follows; young: 1.7 
positive men was below the value of most H. pylori-negative 1.3 mEq/10 min, middle-aged: 1.9  1.8, elderly: 1.0  1.2.
men, although there was a relatively large variation in the The value of the elderly group was significantly lower than
level of acid secretion in the former. In women, this difference that of the middle-aged group (P < 0.05). Furthermore, a
in acid secretion by H. pylori status was less prominent. substantial number of H. pylori-positive subjects in the
Although the mean EGT value in H. pylori-positive women middle-aged or elderly group showed extremely low acid
was 1.5  1.2 mEq/10 min, which was significantly lower secretion, verging on achlorhydria. When the level of acid
than that of H. pylori-negative women (2.2  0.9 mEq/ secretion in men was compared between H. pylori-positive
10 min), there was a large overlap in the value between H. and -negative subjects in the respective age groups, H. pylori-
pylori-negative and -positive women. Consequently, the positive subjects in all three age groups showed significantly
gender difference in acid secretion was obvious among the lower acid secretion levels than those of the H. pylori-
H. pylori-negative subjects with the mean value of women negative subjects. In particular, the majority of H. pylori-
being 56% that of men, whereas it was similar irrespective of positive subjects in the middle-aged or elderly group showed
gender among H. pylori-positive subjects. acid secretion below the lower limit of H. pylori-negative
Acid secretion in relation to gender and H. pylori status is subjects.

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Table II. Stratum analysis using multiple linear regression analysis prevalence or the severity of those histologic findings seen in
by H. pylori status to predict gastric acid secretion (EGT values) the gastric body of H. pylori-positive subjects did not differ
H. pylori H. pylori between men and women in the respective age groups (data
negative group positive group not shown). In H. pylori-negative subjects, gastritis and
variables Association P values Association P values atrophy of the gastric body were seen in only a few cases (data
Age Positive P < 0.01 Negative P < 0.01 not shown). Of 32 subjects who showed atrophy in the gastric
Male gender Positive P < 0.01 ns body, only 2 were free from atrophy in the antrum; one was H.
Body weight ns ns pylori positive and the other H. pylori negative. Therefore,
Smoking habits ns Positive P < 0.01
although intrinsic factors were not measured in this study, it is
ns = Not significant; EGT = endoscopic gastrin test. considered that inclusion of autoimmune (type A) gastritis
was rare in this study population.
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The mean EGT values of H. pylori-negative women were

2.1  0.6 mEq/10 min, 2.1  0.9, and 2.6  0.8 in the young,
middle-aged, and elderly groups, respectively. There was a
tendency towards an increased mean level with aging, In this study, 193 normal Japanese subjects were carefully
although there was no significant difference among the three divided into H. pylori-negative and -positive groups using
groups. The mean EGT values of H. pylori-positive women three determination methods for H. pylori infection in order
were 2.3  0.9 mEq/10 min in the young, 1.6  1.1 in the separately to analyze the relation between aging and gastric
middle-aged, and 1.1  1.1 in the elderly groups. The value acid secretion in the respective groups. The first major finding
for the elderly group was significantly lower than that for the of this study was that gastric acid secretion was well
young group (P < 0.01). When acid secretion was compared preserved irrespective of aging, rather it seemed to increase
between H. pylori-positive and -negative women in the with aging in the H. pylori-negative subjects, although it
respective age groups, there was no significant difference declined with aging in the H. pylori-positive subjects.
between them in the young and middle-aged groups, but the Since our study group contained a relatively small number
difference was significant in the elderly group. of H. pylori-negative elderly subjects, as is always the case in
Furthermore, because the effect of aging on acid secretion the general Japanese population (28), it may not be sufficient
For personal use only.

seemed to be different in association with the presence of H. to conclude that gastric acid secretion increases with aging in
pylori infection, stratum specific analyses were performed H. pylori-negative Japanese subjects. However, the present
separately in H. pylori-negative and -positive subjects using finding in the H. pylori-negative subjects seems to be
multiple linear regressions to predict the factors affecting acid consistent with two previous studies performed in Western
secretion (Table II). Aging was positively associated with populations (1, 23). Although it was reported before identi-
gastric acid secretion among H. pylori-negative subjects, fication of H. pylori, one study of a Finnish population
whereas it showed a negative association with gastric acid showed that acid secretion in the group of subjects with
secretion. Male gender was positively associated with gastric normal gastric body mucosa did not decrease with aging in
acid secretion only in the H. pylori-negative subjects. In men, and in women, it actually increased significantly with
addition, smoking was found to be a positive predictor for aging (23). The other study of healthy Americans, most of
gastric acid secretion in the H. pylori-positive subjects. whom were H. pylori-negative, demonstrated that aging was
The prevalence of gastritis and atrophy of gastric body in associated with an increase in gastric acid secretion,
118 H. pylori-positive subjects are presented in Table III especially in men (1). The mechanism promoting the increase
according to the three age groups. Superficial gastritis of the in acid secretion with aging is unknown. However, since the
body was observed in over 95% of H. pylori-positive subjects, alteration of acid secretion by the inflammation of oxyntic
irrespective of the age. Active gastritis of the body was also mucosa can be ignored in the H. pylori-free stomach, two
seen in a high portion (around 70%) in all three age groups. In main possibilities could be considered: one is an increase in
contrast, atrophy of the gastric body was more prevalently the total parietal cell mass with age, and the second is an
seen with increasing age, being 10%, 26%, and 44% in the increase in the reactivity of parietal cells. Because the
young, middle-aged, and elderly group, respectively. The previous studies failed to find any change in parietal cell

Table III. Prevalence of gastritis and atrophy in the stomach body of 118 H. pylori-positive subjects according to three age groups
Prevalence of grade of body gastritis/ Young Middle-aged Elderly
Age group (Less than 39) (40 to 59) (More than 60) P value
Superficial gastritis (%) 95 100 95 ns
Active gastritis (%) 67 69 68 ns
Atrophic gastritis (%) 10 26 44 P < 0.01
ns = Not significant.

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mass with aging (29, 30), the second possibility is more any difference between men and women. This observation is
likely. Alternatively, different mechanisms may be respon- due to the fact that the difference in the level of gastric acid
sible according to gender for the increase in acid secretion secretion between H. pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative
with aging. In that case, the female sex hormone estradiol, men was greater than that of women, suggesting that H. pylori
which is known to have an inhibitory effect on acid secretion infection may affect gastric acid secretion differently accord-
(31–33), may be partly associated with the increase in acid ing to gender. Consequently, the congenital male predomi-
secretion after the menopause in H. pylori-negative women. nance in gastric acid secretion, as seen in H. pylori-negative
Anyway, since it has not been confirmed whether gastric acid subjects, may be abolished by H. pylori infection. In com-
secretion actually increases with aging in H. pylori-negative parisons of men among the three age groups, it was found that
subjects, its relation to acid-related disease such as gastro- the gastric acid secretion in H. pylori-positive men is already
esophageal reflux (GERD) in elderly subjects is unclear. decreased significantly at a younger age, followed by a further
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On the other hand, this study showed that gastric acid decline in acid secretion with elderly subjects. In contrast, the
secretion decreased with aging in the H. pylori-positive acid secretion in H. pylori-positive women is relatively pre-
subjects, which is consistent with two previous studies on served until over 60 years of age, and it showed a significant
Japanese population (5, 20). In particular, the acid secretion in difference only in this elderly group compared with the H.
H. pylori-positive subjects was extremely low in some pylori-negative counterpart.
middle-aged and elderly subjects; these subjects in fact The mechanism of this gender-related difference in the
were verging on achlorhydria. It is recognized that H. pylori susceptibility of gastric acid secretion to H. pylori infection is
infection in gastric mucosa can inhibit gastric acid secretion unknown. The high prevalence of body gastritis seen
in humans either through body gastritis or through subse- extensively among all age groups could be associated with
quently progressing body atrophy (10). In the current study, hypochlorhydria in H. pylori-positive subjects, as already
the prevalence of active body gastritis was similarly high in mentioned. However, the degree of body gastritis itself cannot
all age groups, even in young subjects (about 70%). This high explain the difference in the acid secretion between genders
prevalence of body gastritis could therefore be associated because H. pylori-induced gastritis infiltrates oxyntic mucosa
with hypochlorhydria seen in all age groups of H. pylori- to the same degree in both genders in this study. It is therefore
positive Japanese subjects. Since the prevalence of gastric likely that gastric parietal cells in male oxyntic mucosa are
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atrophy progressed with aging in this study group, body more vulnerable to H. pylori-induced gastritis than in females,
atrophy rather than body gastritis could be responsible for a leading to a greater inhibition of acid secretion in H. pylori-
decline in the gastric acid secretion in H. pylori-positive infected men. Again, the interrelationship between sex
elderly Japanese subjects. The high prevalence of gastritis and hormones such as testosterone or estradiol and H. pylori
atrophy of the gastric body in Japanese subjects contrasts with infection may be involved in the gender-related difference in
the results of recent reports from Western countries (34–36), the susceptibility since it has been recognized that sex
as has already been suggested in a paper elsewhere (37). hormones have various effects on acid secretion (31–33).
Another important finding of this study was that there is a Interestingly, in an earlier paper it was demonstrated that
substantial gender-related difference in the effect of H. pylori parietal cells themselves might produce testosterone that
infection on gastric acid secretion. Among the H. pylori- shows a stimulating effect on acid secretion (40). H. pylori-
negative subjects in this study, there was a considerable induced gastritis in the oxyntic mucosa may abolish this
difference in acid secretory capacity between men and testosterone-related acid secretion in men. Whatever the
women; acid secretion in women is 56% of that in men. mechanism involved, the greater susceptibility of male gastric
The difference in acid secretion according to gender has been acid secretion to H. pylori infection appears to be consistent
reported in a number of earlier papers, before the recognition with the higher rates of gastric cancer in men, because hypo-
of H. pylori, on the study of Western control subjects (21–23) chlorhydria or achlorhydria is a well-known risk factor for
and Japanese subjects (16). In this study population, there was intestinal-type gastric cancer (41). In addition, the difference
a substantial difference in mean body weight between men according to gender in the human is also supported by a recent
and women (66  10 kg, 54  9 kg, respectively). In a pre- study using the hypergastrinemic mouse model, which
vious study it was demonstrated that when the dose of hista- demonstrated that the stomachs of male mice were injured
mine, as a stimulant for gastric acid secretion, was calculated more rapidly and aggressively by H. pylori infection and that
in relation to body weight, it did not yield maximal acid gastric cancer developed only in H. pylori-infected male mice
stimulation in lean populations (38, 39). Although 4 mg/kg after the 7-month observation period (42). However, it
tetragastrin was used in this study, a smaller dose of tetra- remains uncertain whether a gender-related difference in the
gastrin administered to women may partly explain the susceptibility of gastric acid secretion to H. pylori infection is
difference in gastric acid secretion between male and female a unique phenomenon seen only in a specific area with a high
H. pylori-negative subjects. In contrast, our present study also incidence of gastric cancer such as Japan, or a universal one
demonstrated that when analyses were confined to H. pylori- that is also true in other areas with a lower incidence of gastric
positive individuals, the level of acid secretion did not show cancer like Western countries.

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Received 3 October 2004

Accepted 29 February 2004

Scand J Gastroenterol 2004 (8)

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