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Finley Shillabeer Statement of intention

After creating my brief, I am now going to state my intentions for creating this product
and the advertisement alongside it. I am going to be making a promotional video for
headphones. I found that after doing my research I will aim my product at people aged
15-18. This is why I decided to make a school the setting of my advertisement. This will
help them relate and will make them more likely to buy it.

I decided to have the focus of the advertisement to be to drown out the world around
them and help them relax, to do this i am making the focus of the advertisement sound
effects, and the contrast of the lack of them. The advertisement will have no music in it
until the end of the advert when the headphones are put on. The advert will start out
with exaggerated sound effects, for example people talking, phone noises and a clock
ticking, but they will seem extremely loud to the subject. This is so the viewer
understands the protagonist and that the sound effects are affecting them negatively.
This creates a vast and clear contrast for when the sounds stop and there is only music.
These sound effects will build up more and more and become more distressing to the
protagonist until they decide to put the headphones on. Once the headphones are on
they become calmer, the noises are drowned out and they are at peace. Having this
makes the viewer more inclined to buy these headphones, my target audience are at an
age where a lot of their life is filled with loudness when they need quiet, to revise or

I will first film in the canteen area of a school. This is because of the social factors that
come with canteens and it will emphasise the difference between headphones off and
on. It is also showing that it will be set in the UK, where I am targeting my audience. I
will be using a camera, tripod and microphone. I will use these to film all of the shots I
have storyboarded. I’m using a tripod for capturing steady camera shots easily without
using my hand. I plan to film with the actors I have organised and also a small camera
crew. I plan to have cameramen who i use my communication skills to get across the
vision I am after and what i want filmed when.

Secondly i will film in the studio, the reason for this is to get less of a natural feel. I used
my communication, planning and time management skills to get the studio. The studio
has a lot of lighting and equipment I will need for filming. It also will help add to the
feeling of building up within my film. When I am filming in the studio i plan to film
dramatic shots. I will utilise the spotlights within there so i can create dramatic shots that
help the audience understand the feeling of the protagonist. I will mirror the shots i
previously filmed here in accordance to the storyboarding I created, this will result in a
shot that looks like the characters haven’t moved but the background changed. I am
also planning to film a shot of the headphones coming on with a black background so
that it can transition seamlessly into the text on the screen

I decided to cast a male as the protagonist, this is because the majority of the target
audience I researched were males. This made me know that the most effective casting
would be males.

The music I chose for this advert is classical, the reasoning for this is because it gives a
calming feeling. Making the viewer realise how much calmer they feel when they are
wearing the headphones. This shows the headphones are of cultural value and are
worth the price point.

I plan to change the cinematography to show the effect to the protagonist while the
music builds up, every time the camera cuts it will be zoomed in, this will be to create a
claustrophobic type feeling and helps add to the stress of the sound effects. It also
helps contrast significantly to when the protagonist has put the headphones on and is
stress free. By having the camera ‘closing in’ on the protagonist the viewer understand
the stress that they are undergoing and the effect it's having on them. Once the
headphones are on the protagonist the camera isn’t as close, it starts to move back
away from the protagonist, giving the audience the feeling of freedom that they have.

Throughout the first part of the advertisement i plan to have the camera remain
stationary, i want it to not move and to remain still while everything is building up to add
to the feeling of claustrophobia and being trapped. Then when they have finally put the
headphones on the camera moves more fluidly, it moves with the protagonist to add to
the feeling of freedom, helping convince viewers to buy the product.

Overall i used a multitude of enterprise skills, I used my communication skills to talk to

the cameramen and book actors. I also used my planning skills to fully book equipment
and to make sure that everything was prepared. I used my time management skills to
ensure that all the bookings and actors were ready before the day of the shoot to
prevent last minute panic.

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