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Compiled by a.s.jayaram.

1. Yoga
2. Has Summer Ended?
3. Save energy-II
4. Doll exhibition
@ Dhaatu organisation
5. Puzzle

The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit word

"yuj" which means yoke together or union, so,
yoga can be

Defined as Knowledge which bring union or

harmony among Spiritual and materialistic
Personalities of human beings
Shandylaya upanilhad defines yoga as
"jervathma paramathma Ikya Arastha
yogaha" which means it one adopts the yogic
way of life and practice the techniques
explained in yoga the ego consciousness
elevates to the State of Paramathma cosmic
consciousness. This devotion is symbolically
called as union of jeevathma with

As for as the materialistic level of human

personalities is concerned, it has specific
relation with the 5 bodies that encircles the
human soul (Jeevathma)

If one adopts the yogic way of use, there will be

union or harmony among these five bodies.
We shall now know more about five bodies and
why there should be harmony among them.
According to taithariya Upanishad, there are 5
bodies encircling the soul. They are;.

1. Annamaya kosha the physical body

2. Poanamaga kosha the energy body
3. Monomaya kosha the mental body
4. Vignanamaya kosha the intellectual
5. Anandamaya kosha the blissful body

Out of these fire bodies. The Annamaya

kosha is gross body and it is visible to
human eye. The other bodies are made up
of extra matter. According to science
those are smallest part of the matter
called particles. So these are not visible
and these four bodies are called as
Sukshma shareeras
In taithariya Upanishad, it is clearly
explained how these Sukshma Sharecras
have encircled the human Soul and age
approximately Same Shape of the
physical body.
One can see those by yogic meditation when
his consciousness elevates beyond five

Sukshma shareeras will exert influence or each

other and on physical body.

Ex; Poanamaga kosha transmits the pranic

energy to the physical body. This pranic
energy is absolutely necessary for physical
and physiological activities. Development
and functioning of various organs. It is also
necessary for the physical body as a whole- it
these is no harmony between Poanamaga
kosha & physical body, both of them will

Pranic body is also having relationship with

the mind. If we observe emotional activities
and breathing rhythm, we notice that when
emotional balance is lost. The breathing
rhythm get upset, this shows that breathing
and mental activity will influence on each
other. So, if we control breathing, then we
can control emotional balance. Hence both
the Koshas should have harmony. Similarly
the other Koshas should have harmony
among themselves and also on physical body
and mind. This harmony is brought by yoga.
To be continued

Long Live
The rainy season has started by the end of May
for Bangalore and South India receives good
rains by June. It is indeed cool just after it
rains and the sweltering summer heat seems to
have gone. But soon after a rainy day has
ended, heat picks up again and you feel as
though the weather is worse than it was
during summer. The reason is that the summer
has not really ended! The Northern hemisphere
where we are located continues to receive
direct rays of sun at high angle till September.
It shines right on our heads once again at noon
in August! It is this heat that causes the
Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean to boil up and
send rain bearing clouds to the Indian
peninsula! Welcome to the South-West
Monsoon summer months!

If sun was always `rising' in the east and

`setting' in the west, then we should have been
receiving equal amount of sun's heat
throughout the year and we would not have
had seasons such as summer or winter as we
have now. The sun appears to move up North
in summer and move down South in winter.
This is because the axis of earth's rotation is
tilted by as much as 23.5 degrees. This results
in the Northern hemisphere facing sun at more
direct high angle for six months of the year
and we have summer. When there is face off,
we receive less intense low angle sun and it
will be winter for us. (Diagram 1) The days are
also longer in summer, when we receive more
hours of sun light than in winter.

In summer of Bangalore, fans running at even

low speeds give relief in well ventilated homes
as the humidity is not very high. But during the
summer monsoon rainy season, fans that
churn out the same air does not lead to comfort
in ill ventilated homes. The humidity just
before the rains can be so high that you may
profusely sweat, even after a minor excretion
like walking up the stairs or after a hot meal.
You may even start wondering "Why am I
sweating so much! Anything wrong with my

For all this, you can blame the weather for

alternatively keeping you cool one day and
making you fret about the heat and humidity
the next day. The reason why it alternately
blows hot and cold during this season is, even
as the sun's heat brings us rains and the rains
cool the land in turn. The high angle sun rays
heats up the waters of the ocean, generating
huge amounts of vapor, which leads to the
formation of rain bearing clouds. These results
in high pressure zone over the ocean, like in a
pressure cooker kept on high flame. The effect
of sun's heat on land is different, as sun rays
heat it up, it is the air above land that gets hot
fast and moves up, resulting in low pressure
zone. This makes the rain bearing clouds to
move from high pressure zone above sea to low
pressure zone on land mass and drop its
precious cargo of life sustaining rains. The
process may not be as simple as this, but this
gives a general idea about happenings during
this season. Himalaya Mountain and the Ghats
do play an important role in the amount of
rain we receive.

Comfort during Rainy `Summer' monsoon

The most important thing to ensure during this
season is cross ventilation in our homes. Many
persons close the windows thinking that the
summer is over. But without cross ventilation,
humidity inside our homes builds up to near
saturation point and we start feeling
uncomfortable. Cross ventilation can
effectively carry off both heat and humidity to
assure a greater degree of comfort. Ceiling fan
alone will not be able to cool the interiors and
bring comfort in this season.

Welcome South Breeze

This being South-West Monsoon season, we
get cool and comforting breeze from these
directions. We need to keep big windows on the
South to receive this cool breeze. We do get cool
breeze from the West too, but it is difficult to
keep out the hot sun rays and allow only
breeze from this direction! But on the South
side, there won't be any sun rays as it will be
shining mostly in the North during this season.

The breeze during summer monsoon can be

termed as `cool' as it is nearest to the comfort
temperature of about 23degree Celsius. In
spite of the copious rains that we get during
this season, the temperature does not plunge
very low, as it does during the winter months,
after all it is still summer!

While planning for a new house

Diagram 1

North -South Sun Path in reference to

Bangalore Latitude at noon.
August Sun Right over our Head
High Angle Summer Sun on June 22 at 80
September High angle Sun at 78 Degrees
Winter Low Angle Sun at 55 Degrees on
December 22
It is advisable to leave ample open space on the
South of our buildings to facilitate easy
movement of summer breeze. Many times just
one window is kept on one side of room and it
is thought to be sufficient. Though this may
ensure day light for the room, it will not invite
cross ventilation inside such a room. It is
essential for the purpose of cross ventilation to
have windows on two sides. The cool summer
breeze that enters from one side should be able
to cross the room and leave from the adjacent

Learning to live with the weather

We have to live proactively with nature to get
maximum benefit in terms of health and
comfort. The season can be felt some times as
`really cold' since we are not acclimatized
during this part of the year unlike in winter.
During such a period we need to close some of
the window shutters if the temperature
plunges below 23 degrees, to reduce heat loss
from our residence. We have to close or open
our windows to match our ventilation
requirement. Many times we tend to either
keep all the windows open or closed regardless
of weather changes. It is advisable to keep
some of the window shutters in a big window
( 6 feet or more in length ) closed if the
temperature has dropped below comfort level
due to continuous rains. Similarly open up all
of them if the sun shines continuously for
couple of days and the heat and humidity build
Understanding the weather phenomenon
definitely keeps us not only comfortable and
healthy, but also makes us enjoy the season.

(The Author is an Architect and can be

contacted on mobile no.98441 32826 or Email:

Architects, Engineers
& Environmental Planners
Phone 98441 32826


By -A.S.Jayaram
Many times we use fridge as a dumping place
we will not use the spaces in the fridge
1. Many of us place the milk packet in
freezer it will almost become ice and thus
lot of electrical energy is wasted
2. The second fault that we do is that in the
next morning we will directly pour the
milk and boil it thus wasting lot of heat
3. Many times in the night we keep the
boiled hot milk or food items directly in to
the fridge. This will waste lot of electrical
energy as the Fridge has to cool it to the
room temperature
Then how to save energy?
1. First of all, we have to keep the milk
packet in the chiller so that it will not
freeze this Saves energy.
2. Next morning, we have to take out the
milk packet and allow it to thaw[ come
to room temperature by absorbing
atmospheric heat] then we have to pour it
in to the tumbler and boil it. This saves
lot of heat energy.
3. We Should allow hot milk or hot food
items it to cool down to room
temperature for about 1/2 an hour and
then keep it in to the fridge. This will save
lot of electrical energy.
In the next magazine let us learn about the
capacity and Sizes of fridges.

4]Doll exhibition@

Dhaatu, a non-profit organization is

arranging Doll exhibition. It is one of
the best in Bangalore. November 1,
2010 will be the last date. Some of the
photo collections are here for you.
5] Puzzle
Answer for last month puzzle.
(No one has sent the correct
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
3 roots
after reaching 1 to 3

roots after reaching 1to 7

5 roots after reaching 1to 2(point 5 is

reached twice, as it was allowed by rules)
5 roots after reaching 1to 4(point 5 is
reached twice, as it was allowed by rules)

Puzzle for
this month
You are on a level ground. You are
having a stick, whose length is not
known, but there is a mid point mark on
it. There are 3 marbles with you, but
there is no marker. You must place the
marbles so as to form the vertices
(corners) of a right angled (one of the
angle is 900) triangle
1] You are not suppose to draw or
mark lines on the stick, ground or
any where
2] You can alter the places of marbles
any number of times but finally it
should be the corners of a right
angled triangle.

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