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It is a bath given to a patient in bed.

1. To cleanse, refresh and give comfort to a patient who must remain in bed
2. To stimulate circulation and aid in elimination
3. To provide an opportunity to inspect the patient’s body for any sign of abnormality
4. To help patient with some form of movement and exercise
5. To provide an opportunity for nurse-patient interaction

1. Introduce yourself and verify the client’s identity.
2. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, how the client can cooperate.
3. Assemble the equipment.
4. Adjust the temperature and ventilation of the room
5. Perform hand hygiene and observe appropriate infection control measures.
6. Prepare the bed, and position the client appropriately.
 Position the bed at a comfortable working height. Lower the side rail on the side close to you. Keep the other side
rail up. Assist the client to move near you.
 Loosen the top sheet. Place a bath blanket over the top sheet. (Remove the top sheet from under the bath
blanket by starting at client’s shoulders and moving the linen down towards client’s feet. Ask the client to grasp
and hold the top of the bath blanket while pulling the linen to the foot of the bed)
7. Remove the patient’s gown/clothing under cover of the top sheet or blanket

8. Wash the Face

 Spread the towel across the client’s chest.

 Wet the washcloth and squeeze out the excess water. Wrap the washcloth around the palm and fingers to form a
 Wash the client’s eyes with the wet wash cloth and dry them well. Use a separate corner of the washcloth for
each eye. Wipe from the inner to the outer canthus.
 Ask whether the client wants soap to be used on her face.
 Wash and rinse 2-3 times, and dry the client’s face, ears and neck.
 Remove the towel.
9. Wash the arms and hands.
 Place a towel lengthwise under the arm farther away from you.
 Soap, rinse, and dry the arm by elevating the client’s arm and supporting the client’s wrist and elbow paying
particular attention to the axilla and using long firm strokes from proximal to distal
 Apply deodorant or powder, if desired.
 Repeat the same actions as in the further arm for the hand and arm nearer you. Exercise caution if an infusion is
present, checking flow after moving the arm.
 Place a towel on the bed, and put a washbasin on it. Place the client’s hands in the basin. Assist the client to
wash, rinse, and dry hands when necessary paying particular attention to the spaces between fingers.
10. Wash the chest and abdomen.
 Place a bath towel lengthwise over the chest and abdomen. Fold the bath blanket down to the client’s pubic area.
 Lift the bath towel off chest, and bathe chest and abdomen with your mitted hand, using long firm strokes giving
special attention to the areas beneath the breasts and umbilicus. Rinse and dry well.
 Replace the bath blanket when the areas have been dried.
11. Wash the legs and feet.
 Expose the leg farther from you by folding the bath blanket towards the other leg, ensuring to keep the perineum
 Flex and lift the leg and place the bath towel lengthwise under it. Wash, rinse, and dry the leg, using long smooth
firm strokes from the ankle to the knee to the thigh.
 Repeat the procedure with the other leg.
 Wash the feet by placing them in the basin of water.
 Dry each foot.
12. Change the water if necessary.
13. Wash the back.
 Assist the client into a prone or side-lying position facing away from you. Place the bath towel lengthwise
alongside the back and buttocks while keeping the client covered with bath blankets as much as possible.
 Wash and dry the client’s back, moving from the shoulders to the buttocks and upper thighs, paying attention to
the gluteal folds.
 Assist the client to the supine position and determine whether the client can wash the perineal area
independently. If the client cannot do so, drape the client and wash the area.

14. Assist the client with grooming aids, such as powder, lotion or deodorant.
 Use powder sparingly. Release as little as possible into the atmosphere.
 Help the client put on a clean gown or pajamas
15. Discard dirty linens into the hamper, clean and return used equipment and leave the unit in order

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