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With the blessings of Allah Almighty and prayers of our parents, we have made this

humble attempt to achieve the goal that was set for us in the end of 4 th year in the kind

supervision of our respected teachers. Although it was not an easy task, but with the

devotion and dedication of our project team and cooperation of our respected teachers,

we have at last succeeded in the completion of our project. The support and

encouragement rendered by our Project Supervisor Engr. Syed Ajmal Hussain was very

vital in the completion of this project. His guidance and encouragement played a key role

in the study and implementation of this project.

Ali Hassan ______________

Naqash Aslam ______________

Haroon Afzal ______________


It’s all about the blessings of ALLAH (S.W.T), Who make us enable to do

our task successfully. We also owe to our respected parents whom utmost

love, care and Struggle against all odds brought us at this prestigious stage.

It’s also the dedication and devotion of our hardworking teachers, by whom

efforts we come to the height of knowledge with the blessings of Allah



We Ali Hassan, Roll# 11013322-048, Naqash Aslam, Roll# 11013322-051, Haroon Afzal,

Roll# 11013322-052, students of B-Tech Electrical , Department of Electrical

Engineering and Technology, University of Gujrat, Pakistan, hereby solemnly declare that

the data quoted in this thesis titled “Home Automation Using Bluetooth” is based on my

original work, and has not yet been submitted or published elsewhere. I also solemnly

declare that the entire thesis is free of deliberate plagiarism and I shall not use this thesis

for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution.

Ali Hassan _____________

Naqash Aslam ______________

Haroon Afzal ______________

I certify that Ali Hassan(11013322-048), Naqash Aslam(11013322-051) and Haroon

Afzal, (11013322-052), students of B-Tech Electrical, Department of Electrical

Engineering & Technology, University of Gujrat, Pakistan worked under my guidance

and they perform their work with devotion. They have sound knowledge of their work

related to “Home Automation Using Bluetooth”.

________________________ Dated: ______________

Engr. Syed Ajmal Hussain
Lecturer/Lab Engineer
Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology,
University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan


It is verified that this thesis titled “Home Automation Using Bluetooth” by Ali Hassan,

Roll# 11013322-048, Naqash Aslam, Roll# 11013322-051, Haroon Afzal, Roll#

11013322-052, students of B-Tech Electrical , Department of Electrical Engineering and

Technology, University of Gujrat, Pakistan, contains sufficient material required for the

award of above said degree.

________________________ Dated: _____________

Engr. Syed Ajmal Hussain
Lecturer/Lab Engineer
Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology,
University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan

________________________ Dated: ______________

Head of Department
Departmnet of Electrical Engineering & Technology,
University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan



ABSTRACT --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
CRAPTER 01: INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------- 2
1.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.2 Home Automation Technology --------------------------------------- 3
1.3 Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.4 Problem Statement------------------------------------------------------ 4
1.5 Project Objective-------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.6 Purpose of Project------------------------------------------------------ 5
CHAPTER 02: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ---------------------------- 7
2.1 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.2 Home Automation in Literature Review-------------------------------- 7
CHAPTER 03: MATERIAL AND METHODS ----------------------------- 11
3.1 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.2 Working Principle ------------------------------------------------------ 11
3.3 Project Component ----------------------------------------------------- 13
3.4 Regulated Power Supply ----------------------------------------------- 13
3.4.1 Step down Transformer ---------------------------------------------- 14
3.4.2 Bridge Rectifier------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.4.3 Filter-------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
3.4.4 7805 Voltage Regulator---------------------------------------------- 17
3.5 PIC16F877A Microcontroller ------------------------------------------- 18
3.5.1 Central Processing Unit --------------------------------------------- 19
3.5.2 PIC16F877A Memory------------------------------------------------ 19
3.5.3 Pin Description-------------------------------------------------------- 20

3.5.4 Working in Project---------------------------------------------------- 21
3.6 HC-05 Bluetooth Module --------------------------------------------- 23
3.7 LM016L LCD ---------------------------------------------------------- 25
3.8 LM 35 Temperature Sensor ------------------------------------------ 26
3.8.1 Working Principle---------------------------------------------------- 27
3.9 LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)------------------------------------- 28
3.9.1 Working Principle---------------------------------------------------- 29
3.10 Opto Coupler----------------------------------------------------------- 30
3.10.1 Working Principle--------------------------------------------------- 31
3.11Relay--------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.11.1 Working Principle--------------------------------------------------- 32
3.12 Servo Motor ----------------------------------------------------------- 33
3.12.1 Working Principle--------------------------------------------------- 34
3.12.2 Types of Servo Motors---------------------------------------------- 34
3.13 Required Skills--------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.14 Project Phase----------------------------------------------------------- 35
CHAPTER 04: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ---------------------------- 36
4.1Results--------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
5.1 Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------- 37
5.2 Recommendations------------------------------------------------------- 37
REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38



TABLE 1.1: Salient feature of Home Automation------------------------------- 6

TABLE 3.1: Project Component---------------------------------------------------- 13
TABLE 3.3: LM016L LCD Pin Description-------------------------------------- 26
TABLE 3.4: Required Skills--------------------------------------------------------- 34
TABLE 3.5: Project Phase----------------------------------------------------------- 35
FIGURE 3.1: Block Diagram of controlling circuit------------------------------ 12
FIGURE 3.2: Regulated Power Supply ------------------------------------------- 14
FIGURE 3.3: Step down Transformer --------------------------------------------- 14
FIGURE 3.4: Step down Transformer Schematic-------------------------------- 15
FIGURE 3.5: Schematic diagram of bridge rectifier ---------------------------- 16
FIGURE 3.6: LM7805 Pin out diagram ------------------------------------------- 17
FIGURE 3.7: Block Diagram of PIC16F877A CPU----------------------------- 19
FIGURE 3.8: Block Diagram of PIC16F877A Memory ----------------------- 20
FIGURE 3.9: PIC16F877A Pin Description -------------------------------------- 21
FIGURE 3.10: Schematic Diagram of PIC16877A ------------------------------ 23
FIGURE 3.11: HC-05 Bluetooth Module ----------------------------------------- 24
FIGURE 3.12: LM016L LCD ------------------------------------------------------ 25
FIGURE 3.13: LM35 Temperature Sensor --------------------------------------- 27
FIGURE 3.14: Internal Circuit of LM 35 ----------------------------------------- 28
FIGURE 3.15: Light Dependent Resistor------------------------------------------ 29
FIGURE 3.16: Basic Structure of LDR ------------------------------------------- 30
FIGURE 3.17: Opto Coupler ------------------------------------------------------- 30
FIGURE 3.18: Opto Coupler Internal Diagram ---------------------------------- 31
FIGURE 3.19: Relay ----------------------------------------------------------------- 32
FIGURE 3.20: Relay schematic Diagram ----------------------------------------- 33

FIGURE 3.21: Servo motor -------------------------------------------------------- 33
APPENDIX-01: Program ---------------------------------------------------------- 40
APPENDIX-02: PIC 16F877A Datasheet---------------------------------------- 46
APPENDIX-03: Internal Architecture Block Diagram for PIC 16F877A -- 47


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