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Tamera Davis
Northern Oklahoma College
615 North Monroe
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078

June 18, 2019

Dear Mrs. Davis,

I have selected various Essays that I have written in the last year in order to establish my
progression as a writer. The essays that I have displayed are from three from Composition one
and one from composition two. The writings that I have chosen range from different writing
styles to eight annotated bibliographies. These particular writings represent failure most of the
time to strong understandings of the correct way to write. I hope, as the reader, you are able to
see improvement in my skills and confidence as a writer.
The first writing selection is an essay that I wrote in the beginning of class in Composition I for
my first assignment. It was a normal five paragraph essay about anything I wanted to write
about. I wrote about benefits because everything in this world is about improving themselves.
This essay was easier than the ones I have wrote before. It was an essay where my professor
wanted to see where my writing skills were at. She thought that this essay was excellent with
minor errors that could be fixed. But at the end of the semester she told me that she handed me
the grade because me and a few people were only doing the work in class. She never criticized
my papers or gave me feedback which was hard because I thought I wrote excellent papers.
My second writing selection is a narrative paper that I completed in Composition I assignment.
This essay was my first attempt to write about myself about a time of fear and gratefulness. I
never wrote an essay like this in High School. I remember every single detail about what
happened but I did not know how to put it all in an essay. Once the assignment was completed
and turned in, my professor stated that she could tell my assignment had a lot of words that did
not needed to be in the essay, a lot of punctuation errors, and my sentence structure was wrong. I
failed that assignment because those errors are an important part of the writing structure that I
could not understand them.
The third writing selection is a argumentative essay that I completed in Composition I for my
second assignment. I had to choose a topic that had both sides of the story but we were not
allowed to use sources. I was able to choose a writing topic that I had experience with and had a
lot of knowledge. It was hard at first but I learned that instead of using sources, I could ask my
sister, other family members, or friends what their opinion was to help me write my paper. The
argumentative essay has challenged me to see both sides of an argument and I could argument
my point without offending other oppositions.
My final selection is an assignment that I completed within my English Composition II
educational program. The assigned task was to create eight annotated bibliographies, write a
paragraph about them, and then decide which source I would used in my paper. This assignment
was very useful and I thought it would be great assignment to put on display in my portfolio. As
a result, of understand and knowing which source is credited and not bias. This is a skill that I
plan on using in my future papers in any class when I could use sources. This assignment helped
me use more quotation and paraphrase that could enhance my sources.
Throughout my writing experience, I am glad to finish Composition II with Mrs. Davis. You
have showed me what useful websites to use to help make a complete paper. Going into High
School, I never liked writing and I still don’t. English was a subject that I had the most
difficulties with but with the help that you gave me, I plan on writing more to improve my
writing skills. Thank you for the skills and writing techniques that you have taught me. I hope
you have a great rest of your summer.


Piper Woodard

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