A GDFF CBFT - in Dia

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CitiDirect File Delivery

GDFF File Import Specification version 3.0

Cross Border Funds Transfer from India

Standard Import Map Name: A GDFF FTCHQATR (A GDFF CBFT IN - 'Based on India specific File Format')

Explanation: R/O/C/N – Required / Optional / Conditional / Not used (leave empty). Code(s) given below are product codes from
CitiDirect. Please refer to description of field 1 for explanation.
Ref Field Name Format R/O/ Comments
No C/N

Transaction Record
1. Product Code/Payment Method 3X R EFT
2. Debit Account Country Code 2X R IN
3. Debit Account Number 35X C Left justified. Leading 0 is not required. Need to exist in debit
account library. Eg : 123456789
4. Payment Currency 3X R Eg : USD
5. Payment Amount 21N R The decimal point is optional. Eg : 1500.00
6. Branch Code 5X N
7. Value Date 10X O If not provided, defaulted to system date. If provided, format must
Eg: 200080909
8. Transaction Reference Number 15X C Reference Number. Eg: 1014709
9. Pre-format Group Code 16X O
10. Pre-format Code 35X O
11. Confidential Indicator 1X O IN caps
12. Ordering Party [ID/Advice] Type 6X N
13. Ordering Party ID 34X N
14. Ordering Party Name 35X N
15. Ordering Party Address 1 35X N
16. Ordering Party Address 2 35X N
17. Ordering Party Address 3 35X N
18. Ordering Party Routing Method 35X N
19. Ordering Party Routing Code 11X N
20. Beneficiary Name 70X R Beneficiary Name IN caps. Eg: ANITA RAUT
21. Beneficiary Address 1 35X O Beneficiary Address 1
22. Beneficiary Address 2 35X O Beneficiary Address 2
23. Beneficiary Address 3 35X O Beneficiary Address 3
24. Beneficiary Account or Other ID Type 2X O
25. Beneficiary Account Number [or 16X R Eg : 987654321
Other ID]
26. Beneficiary Reference 10X N
27. Beneficiary Bank Name 35X R Eg:HSBC
28. Beneficiary Bank Address 1 35X N
29. Beneficiary Bank Address 2 35X N
30. Beneficiary Bank Address 3 35X R Eg:HSBC
31. Beneficiary Bank Routing Method 6X R Provide the two digit Beneficiary Bank routing Method for eg. IS
for swift, CH, FW etc. If left blank it is to be considered as swift.
Eg: IS
32. Beneficiary Bank Routing Code 11X R Provide routing code corresponding to routing method. Eg
33. Beneficiary Bank Account or Other ID 6X N
34. Beneficiary Bank Account 34X N
35. Beneficiary Bank Advice Type 10X N
36. Payment Details, Line 1 35X O Payment Details 1. Eg : BUSINESS TRAVEL
37. Payment Details, Line 2 35X O Payment Details 2. Eg : S0301
38. Payment Details, Line 3 35X N
39. Payment Details, Line 4 35X N
40. Beneficiary Is [A Bank] 10X N
41. Bank to Bank Information, Line 1 35X N
42. Bank to Bank Information, Line 2 35X N
43. Bank to Bank Information, Line 3 35X N
44. Bank to Bank Information, Line 4 35X N
45. Bank to Bank Information, Line 5 35X N
46. Bank to Bank Information, Line 6 35X N

Copyright© 2008 by Citibank N.A. All Rights Reserved.

CitiDirect File Delivery
GDFF File Import Specification version 3.0

Ref Field Name Format R/O/ Comments

No C/N

47. Intermediary Bank Routing Method 35X O 2 digit routing method
48. Intermediary Bank Routing Code 11X O corresponding routing code
49. Intermediary Bank Name 35X N
50. Intermediary Bank Address 1 35X N
51. Intermediary Bank Address 2 35X N
52. Intermediary Bank Address 3 35X N
53. Intermediary Bank Country Code 2X N
54. Intermediary Bank Country Name 35X N
55. FX Contract 20X N
56. Exchange Rate 20X N
57. Intra-company [Indicator] 1X N
58. Charges Indicator 3X N
59. Charges Account 35X N
60. Priority Flag 1X N
61. Pre-Advice Flag 1X N
62. Number of Credit Parties 35X N
63. Entry Description 10X N
64. Second Intermediary Bank Account 6X N
or Other ID Type
65. Second Intermediary Bank Account 34X N
or Other ID
66. Second Intermediary Bank Advice 10X N
67. Second Intermediary Bank Name 35X N
68. Second Intermediary Bank Address 1 35X N
69. Second Intermediary Bank Address 2 35X N
70. Second Intermediary Bank Address 3 35X N
71. Advice To Name 35X N
72. Advice Media/Bene Advice Type 10X N
73. Fax Number 15X N
74. Alternate Fax Number 15X N
75. Contact Phone Number 35X N
76. Internet Address – Account Name 50X N
77. Internet Address – Domain Name N
78. Payment Type 4X N
79. Transaction Type 3X N
80. Mail To Name 70X N
81. Mail To Address 1 35X N
82. Mail To Address 2 35X N
83. Mail To Address 3 35X N
84. Mail To Address 4 35X N
85. Mail To Country Code 2X N
86. Mail To Country Name 35X N
87. Beneficiary Country Code 2X N
88. Beneficiary Country Name 35X N
89. Clearing Country Code 2X N
90. Clearing Country Name 35X N
91. Delivery Method 5X N
92. Payable At Location 9X N
93. PDC Discounting 10X N
94. Custom field 1 70X N
95. Custom field 2 70X N
96. Custom field 3 70X N
97. Custom field 4 70X N
98. Custom field 5 70X C Advise Benenficiary-18 X- .Eg : NO ADVISE
99. Custom field 6 70X C Advise Benenficiary Bank -1 X- (Value Y or N). Eg : Y
100. Custom field 7 70X N
101. Custom field 8 70X N
102. Custom field 9 70X N
103. Custom field 10 70X N
104. Custom field 11 70X N

Copyright© 2008 by Citibank N.A. All Rights Reserved.

CitiDirect File Delivery
GDFF File Import Specification version 3.0

Ref Field Name Format R/O/ Comments

No C/N

105. Custom field 12 70X N
106. Custom field 13 70X N
107. Custom field 14 70X N
108. Custom field 15 70X N
109. Custom field 16 35X O
110. Custom field 17 70X N
111. Custom field 18 70X N
112. Custom field 19 70X N
113. Subsidiary Identifier 5X O This function can be used where client operating a single account but
needs to restrict users from different subsidiaries from accessing each
other transactions.

General Information.
The file described is a plain text file that uses (carriage return and) line feed characters to distinguish between lines. It contains multiple
transactions. One transaction comprises a transaction header record and, optionally, one to 9999 invoice line records.
Each record is represented by one line. The fields in each record are separated by at-sign (@). They can be any length up to the stated
maximum length for each field. The assignment to the format layout is by position. If the line ends before all fields have been filled, the
remaining fields are empty.
The following regulations apply for the formatting of the field values.
• All fields are given as string values.
• Date format is YYYYMMDD.
• Amount fields give the value with a decimal point with format “x.xx”. Specifying a decimal point is not required for integer values (e.g. SGD
23.00 and SGD 23 are both accepted).
• Due to the delimiter @, the e-mail address is split into two fields (No. 76 and 77). Either provide account name and domain name
separately in these fields or treat both field as one. In the latter case, an @ must be put in the (combined) field in case there is no e-mail

Sample Import file.


Copyright© 2008 by Citibank N.A. All Rights Reserved.

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