Sen. Warner - Background Investigation NDAA Amendment

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BAGIONGa SLE. Moh. © Winey AMENDMENT NO. Calendar No. Purpose: To improve the quality of information in back- ground investigation request packages. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES—116th Cong,, Ist Sess. S.1790 To authorize appropriations for fiscal v= » for military AMENDMENT N: 0522 f the Depart- ry personnel By Aacnel, ~ ire her purposes. To: es and S190 3. 3 eal nted Page(s) ceo one seassime) WARNER Vu: 1 Mt the appropriate place in title X, insert the fol- lowii SEC. - IMPROVING QUALITY OF INFORMATION IN BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION REQUEST PACKAGES. (a) Report ON METRICS AND Best PRACTICES. Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment itel- of this Act, the Director of the Defense Counter Cmranneun the primar ligence and Security Agency, which serves 10 executive branch service provider for background inves- BAGIOSG9 SLC. 1 tigations for eligibility for access to classified information, cligibility to hold a sensitive position, and for suitability nt to Executive Order and fitness for other matters pu 13467 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to reforming proe- esses related to suitability for Government, employment, fitness for contractor employees, and eligibility for access to classified national security information), shall, in con , Suitabil sultation with the Se« , and Credentialing Council established under Performance Accountability Seawrxaneeon such exceutive order, submit to Congress a report on— u (1) metries for assessing the completeness and $ 12 quality of packages for background. investigations 1B submitted by agencies requesting background inves- 14 tigations from the Defense Counterintelligence and 15 Security Age 16 (2) rejection rates of background investigation 17 submission packages due to incomplete or erroncous 18 data, by agency; and s for stu 19 (3) best practices g full and complete 20 info 1 in background investigation requests, 21 (b) AxNvaL REPORT ON PERFORMANCE.—Not later 22. than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act 23 and not less frequently than once cach year thereafter, the 24 Security, Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Ac- 25 countability Couneil shall submit to Congress a report on RAGIOSG® SLE. 1 performance against the metries and return rates identi- 2. fied in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). 3 (c) IMPROVEMENT PLANS — 4 (1) IDENTIFICATION. —Not later than one year 5 after the date of the enactment of this Act, executive 6 agents under Executive Order 13467 (50 U.S.C. 7 3161 note) shall identify agencies in need of im- 8 provement with respect to the quality of the infor- 9 mation in the background investigation submissions 10 of the agencies as reported in subsection (b) u (2) Phaxs—Not later than 90 days after an 12 agency is identified under paragraph (1), the head 2B of the agency shall provide the executive agents re- 14 ferred to in such paragraph with a plan to improve 15 the performance of the ageney with respect to the 16 quality of the information in the ageney’s back- 17 ground investigation submissions,

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