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NOVEMBER 12, 1974
To Douglas M. Knight and William S. Heckscher.



Designed by W. K. Stars and Cynthia Beck
Copyright by the Duke University Museum of Art, 1974

Printed in the United States of America by the Seeman Printery

A Division of Fisher-Harrison Corporation


The contact one has with others is perhaps the most cherished reward obtained from any task.
Over the past years in my work with the Duke University Museum of Art, it has been my plea-
sure to meet, to become acquainted with, and to develop a love and respect for Mary and
Harry Dalton. The Daltons radiate a generous warmth and understanding that makes it im-
possible to speak of them as mere acquaintances; for after one's first encounter, no longer is
he a stranger, but rather a friend. An interest in art means that one's friendship with the
Daltons has a common ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton have been granted, through effort and circumstance, the power and
privilege to collect art. Befitting their personalities, they have approached the task with re-
sponsibility and pleasure. They have fully realized that their likes and dislikes were involved
in each decision, while also knowing that their collection was to be shared with others.

The Daltons have acquired a many-faceted collection. This exhibition of Italian paintings
represents the art of Italy from Venice in the east, to Milan in the west, and down the pen-
insula to Florence and Rome, Naples, Capri and Sicily.

Within this exhibition one can view and study the stylistic change and development of an
individual artist, as evident in the works of Giorgio de Chirico. Certain of the paintings are so
mounted as to show the personal comments of the artist to the collector, thus attesting to the
intimate friendship between the two. In each incident, the viewer is allowed insight into the
manner in which the Daltons collected.
Duke University and the Duke University Museum of Art are indeed grateful to Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton for making this exhibition possible. Theirs is a most cherished friendship.

W. K. Stars

Little Monument Under a Tree
etching; 4V2" x 3Va"



Born in Venice, his earliest datable works are four

views of Venice executed from 1725-26 for Stefano
Conti of Lucca. He is famous for his "Vedute"
(views), painted from nature rather than from
drawings. For the time, this was an unusual tech-
nique, and one which he later abandoned. Working
through Joseph Smith, an English consul in
Venice, Canaletto established an English market
between 1746-1756. His work evolved into a tighter,
harder style during this era of English patronage.
Ruin by the Sea
oil; 6" X 41/4"


Born in Venice, a contemporary of Tiepolo (his

brother-in-law) and Canaletto, Guardi's style
shows the tradition of the High Baroque Illusion-
ism with a mastery of light and color, and a free
handling of atmospheric effects. Guardi's primary
works were easel paintings and miniatures of
views of Venice and were thought to have
been produced as souvenirs for tourists. His
works has been acclaimed and collected by all
of the major museums.
His mastery of draftsmanship and understanding
of color had a marked influence on the style of
practically all of the other Italian artists whose
works appear in this exhibition.
The Adoration of the King
oil; 721/2" X 15W


Del Mondo was a pupil of Francesco Soli-

mena from 1789 to 1806 and became Director
of the Academy of Painting in Naples. He dec-
orated various churches in Naples with paintings
and frescoes.

oil on wood; SVa"x 8%"


Born in Leghorn, studied with Boldini at the Academy of Florence; however, due to poor
financial conditions, he was unable to afford a studio and the necessary supplies and therefore made
very little progress. All his life he was content with ver\' little money, and painted for his own spiritual
satisfaction. Instead of the more formal, academic approach, he resorted to studying, drawing and
painting from nature. He was especially partial to rendering horses and soldiers in action. His Battle
of Magenta was awarded a prize at Ricasoli in 1859 and now hangs in the Modern Art Gallery in

was not a theoretical artist and therefore his association with the Macchiaioli School of painting
svasone whereby he tried not to direct or influence the other artists involved. Because he never
preached to younger artists, he was surprised when he was nominated in 1886 to be a teacher at
the Academy of Florence.

In 1909, one year after his death, the Uffizi in Florence bought 161 of his paintings from his heir, Malesci.
in 1925, another collection of 167 paintings was deposited at the Uffizi. The sixth Quadriennale
(1952) in Rome gave a commemorative exhibition of his works.
Landscape with Pink House
oil; VA" X 31/4"

Landscape- Lakeside
oil; 2" X 3%"


Born in Florence, Sorbi attended the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, but developed his own style
of painting at a very early age, rather than adapting to the academic styles. He lived and worked in Paris
for a few years working on "en plein air" studies. When he returned to Florence, he abandoned figure
and genre paintings to concentrate exclusively on landscapes that were painted from nature. He was
one of the greatest Italian painters after the period Macchiaioli, a school that added subtle
chiaroscuro effects to the light and color techniques of the impressionists. Thus, light and dark,
and light and color were related in such a manner as to produce a new and unique visual experience.
oil on wood panel; x 6"


Born in Forii, Francesco Vinea was a disciple of Meissonier and a member of the Macchiaioli
School. The subject matter for his paintings were genre scenes of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries. He won the Gold Medal in Berlin in 1886. His work is held in high esteem both in Italy and
The Little


Adrano, Gussardi studied at the Academy

IV/i" X 8"

^ ''


of Florence under Ciseri, although later he
adopted his own individualistic style of painting.
His paintings are noted for their simplicity and
remarkable technique of style, showing a finesse
of touch.

In 1876, he exhibited at the Academy of Florence,

which was followed by exhibitions held through-
out the world. In 1887, he was awarded the Gold
Medal at the International Exhibition at Cologne.
His paintings now hang in the Modern Art Gal-
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leries at Melbourne, Bucharest, Liverpool, Munich,
the Royal Palace at Turin, and Lima.

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Puppet Dream
X 3V/2"
oil; 23^/4"


Born at Castelnuovo Garfognana, Affortunati

studied for six years at the Royal Academy of
Florence under two famous painters, Spinelli
and Chini. Affortunati is one of the few artists left
whose artistic mastery is a faithful reconstruction
of the art of ancient Florence. He is considered
the finest interpreter of the enchanting Tuscan
countryside with its narrow roads, silver-green
olive trees and colorful farm houses.

The Old Couple

oil; 76" X 24"

Aldo Affortunati
Aldo Affortunati Street Scene
oil; eVi" X 9Vi"
The Model
oil; 14" X 76"

ANTONIO A. ALCIATI (1878-1929)

Born at where he studied at the Institute of Fine Arts, Alciati later

studied in Milan. He became known for his figurative and landscape paintings and
was the recipient of many awards and Cold Medals. He also followed a teaching
career and was Professor of Merit at the Brera Academy in Milan where he died in
1929. His paintings are in all major art galleries in Milan, at the Senate in Rome,
and in the Royal Palace.
still Life

oil; 6" X 12"


Born in Parma, he was trained in the Academy of

Fine Arts of Milan. He had had his first one-man show
by the age of eighteen. He is a superb draftsman
and his technique is an expression of total real-
Ism, as witnessed by the two still life paintings in
this exhibition. He belongs to the group of painters
in Milan known at the Pittori della Realta.
still Life

oil; 35V2" X 273/4"

Walter Benoldi
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The Little Figures

0/7; 73" X 8"


Born in Florence, Massimo Campigli has lived mostly in Paris, and yet he is one of the best known
artists of contemporary Italy. He has listed the three main influences of his painting as the neo-
classicism of Picasso, the cylindrical forms of Leger's painting in the early 1920's, and above all,

the stylized, corseted figures and parasols of Seurat. However, Campigli's art has remained un-
mistakably Italian.
X 20"
oil; 91/4"

NINO CAFFE (1910- )

Born Abruzzo, Nino Gaffe's family moved to Ancona on the Adriatic Sea in 1920. In 1930 his
family Ancona for nearby Pesari, where the artist now lives. From 1935 to 1941, he taught
drawing at the "Instituto di Belle Arti" at Urbino and was awarded several prizes at Ancona, Recanati,
and Milan. Following the war, Caffe exhibited his works extensively, and today many of his paintings
are in private collections and museums in Europe and North America.
Nino Caffe Visiting Velasquez
oil on wood; 16" x 28"
The Clown
oil on wood; ISVi" x IOVa"


Born inRome, Canevari comes from a family of

artists.He became widely known in the United
States when Helena Rubenstein toured her collec-
tion of Ten Top Italian Artists. A master of "sharp
focus" technique, he combines satire and whimsy
in Roman street scenes of harlequins, peddlars,
lovers, nuns, and monks.
Mattine al Marre
oil on wood; ISVi" x ISV*"

CARLO CARRA (1881-1966)

Born in Quargnento, Carra began to work as an interior decorator in Valenza Po in 1895

and later in Milan, where he studied painting. He went to Paris for the first time in 1900,
where he discovered French painting while working at the pavilions of the World's Fair.
In 1906 he enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. In 1909 he, with Balla Boccioni,
Russolo, and Severini, signed the Futurist Manifesto and participated in that move-
ment until 1911. In 1916, he met Chirico and was so impressed with his metaphysical
paintings that he began to experiment in the same direction. In later years he
developed a more naturalistic style. In 1950 he was awarded the Grand Prize of the Venice

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Copper Pots and Onions
oil on wood; ISVi" x 23"


Born in Lucera, Cavalli first went to Rome in 1921 for his classical studies. In 1928 he went to
Paris where he lived for a year, taking part in the spirit of that extremely active period in
the history of European art. There he was active in the formation of what was to become the
Roman School. In a certain sense Cavalli defined for the Roman School the theory of "tonal
painting," which was the aim at that time in Italy of the most reflective and dedicated artists.

Venice Biennale in 1926 and since then has participated

Cavalli exhibited for the first time at the
in the most important expositions both in Italy and abroad. In 1938 he had a personal

exhibition at the Venice Biennale resulting in several awards and honorable mentions. Since
1945, Cavalli has lived in Florence where he teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts.
oil; 24" X 20"


Born in Tuscania, Cesetti is a self-taught painter who has lived in Rome, Florence, Paris, and
Venice. His first one-man show was in 1927 in Como. Since 1939 he has taught at the Academy
of Fine Arts in Venice, and from 1955 to 1958 he was director of the Italian School of Art
in Paris.
I Centauri
Self- Portrait; oil; 16" x 11"


Born in Greece of Italian parents, de

Chirico lived and painted in Paris just
before World War I. His primary source
of artistic inspiration was found in
the painting of Arnold Bdckiin and
later in theprose of Friedrich Nietzsche.
From Nietzsche's descriptions of
Italian squares came the basic inspi-
ration for de Chirico's paintings of
dream-like piazzas. In Paris he founded
the short-lived, quasi-surrealist move-
ment, "Pittura Metafisica," which
reflected his concern for the meta-
physical world and the association be-
tween dreams, memory, and reality.

In 1924, de Chirico rejected his former

nostalgic, magical, surrealistic vision
of his environment in order to struggle
with the monumental style of the Old
Master paintings. De Chirico, with
his sense for the "fantastic," is con-
sidered by many to be the most pro-
found and complex of all the
"metaphysical painters."
The King's Things
oil on canvas; 23V2" x 793/4"

Giorgio de Chirico

Oresti e Pilade
pencil drawing and wash; 9V2" x 6y2"

Giorgio de Chirico
still Life
oil on canvas; 15^A" x 791/2"

Giorgio de Chirico

Reclining Nude
oil; 9V2" X 7"

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico The Lonely Square
oil; 18" X 22"

charcoal; BVi" x 8%"

Horse in Meadow
oil; 71/4" X 51/4"

Giorgio de Chirico
Horse and Country Scene
watercolor; 7" x WVa"

Giorgio de Chirico

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Two Horses
drawing; 8%" x 1VA"

Giorgio de Chirico

Italian Family Scene
oil on wood panel; 15" x 23W
PRIMO CONTI (1900- )

Born in Florence, Primo Contiis self-taught. He followed at first the Impressionist School, then

was attracted by futurist art and participated in the first futurist exhibition at Milan in 1918. His
later paintings have nothing to do with futurism although they show a continual interest in something
new. He took part in an International Art Exhibition at Geneva in 1920, the "Florentine Spring
Exhibition" in Florence in1922, and the Biennale in Rome in 1925.
Santo Spirito
oil on wood; 73 Vz" x 73 Vz"


Born in Florence, Lassaro Donati did not begin to paint until he was twenty-eight years old. His
painting reveals a striving for perfection through continual research in problems of style and
technique. His early works indicate a momentary interest in surrealism, but his later works indicate
an interest in volume and a particular taste for curved forms.
Natura Morta
0/7; 751/2" X 231/2"


The Gypsy
oil; 38" X 30"


Born in Naples, Fantuzzi studied in

the "Cignariku" Academy in Verona.
Two main elements of Fantuzzi's work
are color and the blending of the sub-
ject into his surroundings. His paintings
"talk" a pictorial language without
sacrificing the content of his pictures.
The figures take on a personality,
not in the individual sense, but of the
whole that describes the surroundings
in which they are found.

Sea Scape
oil; 20" X 28"


Born in Capri, Michele Federico was a disciple of Antonio Leto. His paintings interpret and
portray the sky and the sea. These elements go through an infinite number of variations, expressing
different shades of contrast and content in each of his paintings. Preferring this simple subject
matter of the sky and the sea, his technique seems to search for more accurate realism.
The Staircase
oil; 32" X ;0"

(1929- )

Born in Genoa, Maria Antonietta

possessed a restless, eager tem-
perament; she never tired of
investigating and probing her own
powers. She had her first personal
exhibition at Milan, and then in
various Italian towns. During the
spring of 1960, Gambaro exhibited
for the first time in the U.S.A. at the
San Francisco Modern Art Museum
with most remarkable success.
She has won numerous prizes and
isconsidered to be one of Italy's
most exciting young artists.
Sulphur Miner
colored crayon drawing; llV-i' x 20"


Born in Sicily, Guttuso first studied

law. In 1931 he moved to Naples, and then Milan,
where he began his career of painting. Now living
in Rome, he takes his themes from social and
political questions. He was one of the founders
of the "Fronte nuovo delle Arti," a group engaged
in combating nineteenth century academism.
He paints in a realistic style, and his pictures
present a visual commentary on contemporary
oil; 20" X 28"


Born in Genoa, Beppe Cuzzi first exhibited in 1924 in the Boutique of Art in
Leghorn, the city where he had established himself and remained until 1940. He

was invited to Venice and participated actively in the official exhibitions Quad-
riennale di Rome, exhibits organized in foreign countries by the Biennale of Venice,
in which he won several prizes. From the original choice of form of modern
Belgian and Dutch paintings, he has passed into accentuation of modernistic large
planes and zones of landscapes.
St. Peters
oil; 16" X 71/2"

/^i^e CIANCARLO ISOLA (1927- )

Born in Livorno (Leghorn), Isola received his degree

at the institute of Art in Lucca. He has exhibited at the
Quadriennale in Rome and various other national
exhibits. He has executed commissions in ceramics
<=;: tsom as well as paintings; some of these have been in the
United States.
My Native Town of Malinati
oil on wood; IIV2" x 14V4"


Born in Lucioni studied in New York and has a long list of awards ranging
from a Tiffany Medal to a purchase award of the National Academy of Design.
His works have been widely exhibited and hang in important collections, including
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Seattle
Art Museum, and London's Victoria and Albert Museum.
oil on canvas; 23^4" x 79%"


Born near Rome, Ludovisi earned his

degree at the Art School of Viterbo,
and was a frequent visitor of Rome's
architecture school. His talents embrace
painting, sculpture, and architecture.
For his painting, he was awarded the
National Prize of CONI. He exhibited
at the Victoria and Albert Museum in
London and worked in the Modern Art
Gallery in both Rome and Naples.
In Veniceat the twenty-eighth Biennale
(1956), Ludovisi had an exhibition of
his paintings and etchings. He also
had an exhibition at the sixth
Quadriennale in Rome in 1956.
Fuoca D'Artificio Bois de
oil; 9V2" X 8V4"

MARIO MAFAI (1902- )

Born in Rome, Mafai's early artistic

idiom was characterized by the
style later known as the Roman
School, of which Mafai was co-
founder with Scipione. Later, Mafai
was influenced by the expressionists
Kokoschka and an English-educated
Lithuanian painter, Antonietta
Raphael, the latter exerting a notice-
able influence on his style of paint-
ing. His convulsive, over-dramatic
idiom was unusual for an Italian
and evolved from this contact. He
exhibited often with Raphael and
Scipione (Cino Bonichi). His
subject matter is frequently of
fantasy, leaving one to imagine in-
correctly that he was a mystic. This
is easily explained by the fact that
he had a vivid imagination, which
he exploited on the canvas.


Born in Modena, he studied there at the Academy of Arts

under the guidance of the Neapolitan master Salvatore
Postiglione. His sense of color was influenced by such painters
as Rousseau and Corot. Magnavacca was also a sculptor and
an etcher.

The voluminous quantity of articles on Ubaldo Magnavacca

praise his works for having "the power and the sounds of
Beethoven's symphonies, where you feel all the world in its
endless greatness." The winner of several gold and silver
medals, his paintings hang in major art museums and royal

22" X 2OV4"

Venice Scene
oil on wood; 27V-i' x ^OV^"
White Clouds
oil; 19V2" X 223/4"

Ubaldo Magnavacca

Impetuous Sunshine
oil; 22" X 28%"

Ubaldo Magnavacca

print; 13" x 73"


Born in Bergamo, Manzu was apprenticed to an engraver at the age

of eleven. He attended the Instituto d'Arte Cicognini. After
World War he reopened a studio in Milan and worked almost ex-

clusively in sculpture, spending some time on drawings and engravings.

He was recognized by Muzio, who delegated the decoration of the
new chapel at the Universite Cattolica to him. He held his first one-
man show in Rome in 1937. He has taught in Lurin, at the Brera
Academy in Milan and with Kokoschka in Salzburg. He received
an award at the Venice Biennale in 1948. He designed the new doors
of St. Peter's at the Vatican, which were dedicated in 1964.
Girl Dressing in the Morning
watercolor wash; 20" x 19"


Born inMurano, Martini studied art in the Academia delle Belle Arti. He Is known for his
talent in the medium of gouache as well as for his paintings and portraits in other media.
His bright and well-designed frescoes adorn the walls and ceilings of many churches and
public buildings in the Veneto, and his designs for mosaics are constantly sought in Venice.
oil; 20" X 24"

EZIO MARZI (1875-1955)

Born inFlorence, Marzi studied under Professor Ciaranfi at the classes of the Florentine
Academy and began his artistic career by exhibiting two pictures at the "Promotrice Ex-
hibition" in Florence. In 1899 his picture "In the Studio" was bought by King Humbert and
in 1912 the king became the owner of another picture by Marzi entitled "The Simple
Way." He was a prize winner in Florence in 1903 with "Curiosity" and again in 1919 with an
Honorable Mention at the Paris Salon. His self portrait is in the Uffizi Gallery and his paintings
hang in the Royal Palace in Rome. Marzi was a member of the Board of Professors of the
Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. He was also a Member of Honor at the Fine Arts
Academy in Paris.
Italian Family
oil; 20" X 25"


Born in Ferrara, Melli was both a sculptor and a painter in his early years. While
others were challenging the futurist frenzy of speed with metaphysical inertia,
it was Melli who opened the way to Valori Plastici and the effort to identify space

and color that finally led to the Roman School. Presently Melli receives wide
recognition, and exhibits both in Italy and elsewhere.
Tete de Femme
conte crayon; lOVi" x 74"


Born in Leghorn, Modigliani re-

ceived his first training in Italy before
going to Paris in 1906. He spent the
rest of his life in Paris, and while
the influence of the greats, such
as Toulouse-Lautrec, Cezanne,
Picasso and many others of the
period made their mark, his real
style was based on African sculp-
ture. He wasa superb draftsman, and
is considered by many to be the
greatest Italian artist of the
twentieth century. A life of illness
and a search for relief through
drink and other stimulants, robbed
the art world, at an early date, of
his genius.
oil; IVA" X 76"


Born in Macerata where he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Monachesi showed
a very definite futuristic tendency from the beginning. He has exhibited at
the Venice Biennaie for several years, and is presently teaching at the Academy
of Fine Arts in Rome. He also taught in Venice for several years.
Still Life
watercolor; 14%" x 20%"


Born in Bergamo, Morandi lived his entire life in Bologna with the exception of short
excursions through Switzerland and Italy. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in
1913, where he later taught engraving. He was devoted to the study of the Old Masters I
and contemporary expressionism, from which he synthesized his own style of classic
simplicity. His subjects were primarily still lifes with a few figures, portraits, and com-
positions with bathers. This still life world of his was rendered by simple, shadowy objects
in sober colors, which closely resemble grisaille. His sense of color greatly influenced
Scipione, Mafai, and Cagli.
studio Scene
oil; 18" X 271/2"


Born in Rome, Muccini was primarily a self-taught artist, although he did study
in Rome for a time. He first exhibited at the Gallerie I'Obelisco in Rome in 1947.
He later exhibited at the 1950 Venice Biennale and was invited to return in 1952.
He has received and accepted invitations to show in all the Rome Quadriennales
since 1950. At the 1954 Quadriennale he was awarded a prize. He has held exhibitions
internationally and is represented in public and private collections, including the
Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Rockefeller Collection.
oil; 791/2"X 28"


Born in Rome, Omiccioli was firstinfluenced by Scipione's and Mafai's chromatic

sensibilities, but he later created his own avant garde style. He was of the Roman
School of tone-painters, attempting to achieve the third dimension by a synthesis
of space, light and color. The genre of his paintings consisted of landscapes and
peasant scenes. He exhibited in the twenty-fourth Biennale in 1948 in Venice and
in the twenty-fifth Biennale in 1950. His paintings have been exhibited in Rome and
Warsaw also.
The Weaver
oil; 363/4" X 253/4"


Born in Bari, Picinni started as an abstract surrealist, but has

changed to more representational figures with surrealist
tendencies. Sea scenes are a typical theme in Picinni's works.
He has exhibited in numerous national and international ex-
hibitions. In 1962, at the Bari May Festival, he received the
greatest possible acknowledgment awarded to a young painter,
the Silver Sprig, awarded unanimously by the jury for
decided originality.
Floral Still Life
oil; 24" X 30"

FILIPPO DE PISIS (1896-1956)

Born in Ferrara, de Pisis was a contem-
porary of Campigli and had contact with
both de Chirico and Carra in 1916 who
were engaged in metaphysical painting.
While he was an art teacher in Rome and
Assisi, during the years between 1920
and 1925, his artistic studies matured.
When he moved to Paris in 1925 he
devoted himself exclusively to paint-
ing. He had his first one-man show in
Milan in 1926, sponsored by Carra.
The aesthetic theories in Paris during his
life had no great impact on him, as he was

influenced by the traditional schools of

painting. He had a particular affinity to
the eighteenth century, especially Guardi.
Pisis imbued the old scenes of Venice
with an impressionistic, luminous style.
He also painted portraits, still lifes,
and won deserved international recog-
ink and watercolor; 19" x 27"


Born in Fondi, Domenico Purificato received

a classical education in Italy while experi-
menting with painting. In 1936, at the age
of 21, he had his first exhibition in Rome.
He has exhibited in Italy, France, North
and South America, Switzerland, England,
the Netherlands, and Japan. He has won
numerous prizes. Purificato teaches paint-
ing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
Candle and Fruit
oil; ir X 23"

BEPPE RIGHI (1895- )

Born in Florence where he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Righi was
a student of Nincheri. His paintings usually involve landscapes and rustic
scenes. He exhibited his paintings at Promatrice, Florence, in 1912, and
elsewhere regularly until 1914. After 1918 he exhibited landscapes of Tuscany
in regional shows. In the town of Corizia, he was awarded the Bronze Medal for
his painting, Street of Fiesole. Righi was also awarded a number of gold
Green Umbrella
oil; 8" X 76"


Born in Rome, Laura Ricchiello was awarded her degree

of the Liceo Artistico in Rome in 1948. At the beginning
of her artistic career, ceramics gained her recogni-
tion in Italy and abroad. Her works show that she con-
siders color a fundamental coefficient for all works
of art.
street Scene
oil; 19^A" X 23V2"

mixed media; 17" x 23"

GINO SEVERINI (1883-1966)

Born in Cortona, Severini moved to Rome in 1899 where he attended art school
in the evenings. In 1900 he met Boccioni. Together they visited Balla's studio
regularly. He left for Paris in 1906 where he met Modigliani. In 1909 Braque intro-
duced him to Picasso, thereby establishing his connection with the cubist masters.
As a signer of the "Manifesto of Futurist Painters," in February 1910, Severini
grew to be the liaison between the cubist and futurist groups. Until 1921 his
paintings evolved from their futurist style into a rational, pure cubistic manner,
similar to Gris's paintings. He exhibited in 1917 at the Stieglitz Gallery in New York.
During his later years, he vascillated between neoclassicism and geometric ab-
straction, and eventually embraced a style derived from a contemporary development
of cubism and futurism.
Courtyard in Venice
oil; 33" X 28"


Born in San Lucido Marina, Simbari began Rome at the Academy

his studies in
of Fine Arts. His one-man exhibitions in Rome1953 and in London in 1957
and 1959 have brought him wide recognition. Besides easel paintings, Simbari
does stage and costume designs and graphic arts. In 1958, he was commis-
sioned to do the interior design for the Italian Pavilion at the Brussels World
Figure Paesaggio Urbano
oil; 10" X 8V2"

MARIO SIRONI (1885-1964)

Born at Sassari in Sardinia, he entered the futurist movement in Milan

where he had taken up residence after abandoning his study of mathematics
at the University of Rome. After World War he became one of the leaders

of the Novecento in Milan in 1926. This twentieth century movement, to which

he gave his enthusiastic leadership, spread rapidly, particularly among the
young, and permeated all other arts, especially architecture. He also gained
fame for his work in glass and mosaic media.
oil; 11 Vi" X 7V2"


Born inNaples, Stradone completed his

classicalstudies in Rome where he now
lives. He is considered to be the father
of abstract expressionism in Italy which
rose from one specific current of the Roman
School of Sciponi and Mafai. He received
the "Premio Bergamo 1942," the "Premio
Rome 1948," the Olympic Games Award in
London in 1948, the E. Toti Award in 1958,
and the "Premio Latina" in 1960.
Night Scene
oil; 771/2" X 71/2"

Giovanni Stradone

oil; 77%" X 15W

Giovanni Stradone
The Country of the Dolomitz
oil on wood; QVi" x 74"

FIORENZO TOMEA (1910-1960)

Born in Zoppe di Cadore, Fiorenzo Tomea was a resident

of Milan and a self-taught artist. He was known for his
painting of the low skies of mountains, landscapes,
still lifes with candles, and the grotesque masks
of peasant processions. His recent landscapes are
outstanding for their meter of composition and their
special clean light.

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Operai che Tornano dal Lavor

oil; 8" X 72"


Born in Citta di Castello, Villoresi received a classical education and then

studied law. His literary and social interests brought him to collaborate with
the Italian writer Curzio Malaparte for the magazine, "Prospettive." Deeply
anti-Fascist, he fled to Rome and took active part in the Resistance. After
the war he returned to Rome and held a one-man show at the "II Cortile"
gallery. Since 1945 he has exhibited in Italy and abroad, gaining wide recog-
nition. He has won numerous national and international prizes.

The presentation of this exhibition and the compilation of this catalog were only possible
through the combined efforts of the following people: Mrs. Novice Sigmon, curator
of the Dalton Collection; Mrs. Lula Bell, assistant curator of the Dalton Collection; Dorothy
Spragins; Mr. Henry van Dijk; Mrs. Inger M. Tavernise; Mr. Pietro Tavernise; Ella Fountain
Pratt;Mr. Agostino Zamparutti of the Italian Institute of Culture; Dr. John Blackburn; Mr.
Jim Robins; and the Staff of the Duke University Museum of Art.


Director William K. Stars

Staff Assistant Cynthia Beck
Student Assistant Sher Sweet
Assistant Curator Paul A. Clifford
Assistant Curator Dr. Keith Stanley
Honorary Curator Dr. Elizabeth R. Sunderland
Photographer Henry van Dijk
Photographic Assistant Paul Johnson
Guards Klaas Frans
Shelton C. Herbin, Jr.

Management Services Agnes Borden

Mr. Harry L. Dalton of Charlotte, North Carolina, Duke
Alumnus, class of 1916.

Commissioner Emeritus N. C. Museum of Art

N. C. Arts Council Appointed by Governor
N. C. Society of Art
United Arts Council, Charlotte

Honorary member of the Board Mint Museum of Art,
Charlotte (only five individuals accorded this honor
since incorporation of Museum in 1936)
Life Member —
Friends of the Duke University Museum of
Historical Properties Committee

Acquisitions Committee Mint Museum

Advisory Council to President Agnes Scott College

Former Chairman Friends of the University of N. C,

Investment Corrimittee Queens College
Friends of the Duke University Library
Advisory —Wingate College
Board of — Davidson College
Patrons — Chairman — Queens College
Patrons — Chairman — Montreat Anderson College
Board of Visitors — Guilford College
Board of Visitors — Furman University
Board of Visitors — Andrews College

Board of Trustees- -Alexander's Children Home

Board of Trustees- -Charlotte Country Day

Dalton Towers, University of N. C, Charlotte

Burnside Dalton Galleries Wingate College

Dalton Rare Book Room Duke University

Dalton Gallery Agnes Scott College

Honorary Degree — Duke University LHD, 1965

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