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Rubén García Jasso. English IV.


The philosophical subjects used to be fundamental, specially in Europe. To have a strong

formation in crticial thinking was something necessary in high school and college. Sadly, in
these days this kind of subjects are almost forget in the curricular schedule. As a philosophy
student, my job is try to defend my study area and his particular ways to see the reality/world.
The multiple roads that philosophy has taken in her history, make us reflexionate about what
really is to create philosophy, or in negative way, what is not philosophy.

Since the Greeks, philosophy is objectified as a mix between cosmology, a certain kind of
racionality, a sense of world/reality, an unity, etc. Plato did a change of view based in a new
dimension of reality (topus uranus), starting the reality incision. Continuing with Aristotle,
this incision is contained in the same reality, is not necesaary to make a postulation of another
statute of reality. This kind of conversation continues until the philosophical modernity,
specifically with Kant and Descartes.

Kant and Descartes bring the discussion not to the reality problem. They put it in the subject
problem and his possibilities of make scientific knowledge (real knowledge). After this, the
discussions of the second modernity and his fall to new problems as: context, understanding
in contrast with explanation, new kinds of rationalities and his own irrationalitys, etc. In front
of the tradition, these new discussions open a plexus of senses that the philosophical tradition
never saw, and even is breaking with her in all her basics.

Talk about philosophy today, is being talking about an object of study that is not recognizable
easily. Is not more the Greek philosophy in his holistic way. Or the modern philosophy,
commited with the subject and his all possibilities of create truth knowledge. The
philosophies of have been commanding the reaserching roads in the academy. Looks like if
to make philosophy were an add speech to science or another disciplines.

As conclusion, philosophy invite us to check a multiple study object that put us as a subject,
involve in the reality complexity. Philosophy is changing all time, and with it, we as creators
but as receivers too. We have a dual part in the philosophical project, so, is fundamental take
part of our project, and continue being part of the thinking work.
Rubén García Jasso. English IV.

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