3 27 Journal

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Connie Chen

March 27 Journal
March 26, 2019
Turn in #5
1) Complete data collection
2) Organize everything for the visual display board
a) Type up the different parts of it that I want to include on my board
i) ie. introduction, conclusion, process, what I learned etc.
3) Talk to advisors about visual board and update them on my research

At this point, I am focused mainly on my data collection. Although, I am still rather

confused and unsure as to what content I need to put on my visual display board. I’m thinking I

would break up pieces of my paper and use those pieces as the main content for my board.

However, I’m not sure if my data collection will be finished by the time the visual display board

is due. But if it is, I plan to use that for my display board as well. I plan on asking Megan (Liu) to

reference her board as sort of what information I should put on mine and gaining inspiration as to

how I want my board to look.

I am feeling really great after I got feedback for my paper. I am so relieved and so

grateful that I do not have to revise my paper for the grade. I am not entirely sure how to do the

metacognitive data analysis and what conclusion I need to reach from it. I think overall, I’m at a

really good place right now, and I am feeling super pumped to get all my AP’s and finals over


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