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Crowns of Majesty By Wilma Becker

One full ball of Aunt Lydia’s size10 crochet thread

Size 1.25mm crochet hook (Most people use 1.50mm, but I am a loose crocheter, so use whatever size
you get the best results from.

Finished size is 17”

Stitch Guide:

ST: stitch

CH: chain

SLST: slip stitch

SC: single crochet

DC: double crochet

SP: space

CSDC: Chain-less Starting Double Crochet Link is here if you don’t know how to do it: https://www.mooglyblog.-
com/chainless-starting-double-crochet/ This stitch will always count as your first Dc. and I do not specify that in the
pattern, so just remember to count it as your first DC.

FP…: Stitch around the front post of stitch indicated

BP…: Stitch around the back post of stitch indicated

Sm Picot: Chain 3, Slip stitch into 3rd chain from hook, ch 1

Med Picot: Chain 5, Dc into 4th chain from hook, ch 1

Lg Picot: Chain 7, Dc into 5th chain from hook, ch 2

CLUSTER: A set of stitches joined together at the top. Holding back the last loop of EACHch stitch in cluster set,
complete the number of stitches into the stitch or space indicated, yarn over, and pull through all the loops on the

FP6DC cluster: (Front Post 6 Double Crochet Cluster) Work 6 DC stitches, holding the last loop of EACH ch stitch
on hook, and pull last loop through all the loops on the hook.

FP4TC cluster: (Front Post 4 Double Crochet Cluster) Work 4 TC stitches, holding the last loop of EACH ch stitch
on hook, and pull last loop through all the loops on the hook.

FP2TTC Cluster: (Front Post 2 Triple Treble Crochet Cluster) Work 2 Triple Treble Crochet stitches, holding the last
loop of first stitch on hook, and pulling the last loop of the 2nd stitch through the first loop.

FP3TC Cluster: (Front Post 3 Treble Crochet Cluster) Work 3 TC stitches, holding the last loop of EACH ch stitch on
the hook, and pull last loop through all the loops on the hook.

Most rounds are joined with a SLST in the top of the beginning stitch unless otherwise noted.

Chain 6, Join

1. CH 1; SC in same space. 16 SC in ring, join

2. CSDC (counts as your first DC), ch 2; DC, ch 2; in EACH SC around. join

3. CSDC, (FP5DC cluster, ch 1, SC in same space, ch1) around EACH DC. 16 Clusters Join

4. *CH 5; FPSC to top of next cluster;* around. Join

5. * *
SLST to center of beginning CH 5, CH 6, SC in next chain; around. Join.

6. SLST into CH 6 SP, CSDC 4 DC, CH2, 4DC in CH 6 space, * around. Join

7. CSDC, BPDC around first 4 DC, CH 2; BPDC in next 4 DC; FP4TC cluster around SC

2 rounds directly below in round 5, CH 1; * around. Join

* *
8. SLST to CH 2, (Med Picot twice), SC in next CH 2 SP around. Join

* *
9. SLST to first Med Picot, SC in picot, CH 8, SC in next picot, CH 1, SC in next picot; around. Join to first picot
with CH 8.

* *
10. SLST to center of CH 8, CH 12, SC in next CH 8; around. Join.

* *
11. SLST to CH 12 SP, 8 SC, CH 3, 8 SC in EACH CH 12 Sp; around. CH 3, Join

12. SLST to CH 3 SP, CSDC, 11 DC in EACH CH 3 sp, CH 8; Join
At this point, the doily is starting to ruffle, and since I like to see how the pattern is coming along, I do a
quick blocking it to make it lay flat. Just pin it down and spray with water. Use a hair dryer to dry it if you are
in a hurry to keep crocheting. This seems to make it a lot easier for me to work on the piece as I can see the
stitches and how everything is laying. You should have 16 pattern repeats. If you don’t, you have miscount-
ed somewhere.

13. CSDC, BPDC around EACH of the 11 DC; CH 1, SC in CH 8 SP; FP2TTC Cluster around SC directly below in

round 10; SC in the same CH 8 SP, CH 1; * around. Join

14. Skip 1st DC, CSDC (BPDC, CH 1) around EACH of the next 9 DC; FPSC around the cluster from previous

round, CH 1; * Join

15. SLST to first CH 1 SP, CH3 (counts as first treble crochet) (FP5TC cluster around BPDC, CH1, SC in same SP),

CH 1 around EACH DC. Join

16. *SC in first FP5TC Cluster, CH 3; (SC, CH 3 in next FP5TC Cluster) 4 times; SC in same space as last SC; CH

3, SC in EACH of next 4 FP5TC Clusters, CH 1, around; * Join Place marker in each CH 1 for use in round 21.

17. 3 SC in each of first 4 CH 3 SP; * SC, CH 3, SC in next CH 3 SP; 3 SC in each of next 4 CH 3 SP; around. *

18. *SC in EACH of next 13 SC; (SC, CH 3, SC) in CH 3 SP; *

Sc in EACH of next 13 SC; around. Join.

19. SL ST in first ST; SC in EACH of 14 SC, (SC, CH 3, SC) in CH 3 SP; SC in 14 SC, around. Join
* *
20. SL ST in first ST, SC in EACH of 14 SC; SC, CH 3, SC in CH 3 SP; SC in EACH of 14 SC, Skip 3 SC around.

21. SL ST in 4 SC, SC in 10 SC; (SC, CH 3, SC) in CH 3 SP; SC in 10 SC, CH 3, SK 3 SC,

FP4TC Cluster around marked SC from round 16; SK 4 SC, CH 3 around. Join

22. SL ST in 3 SC, SC in 7 SC, (SC, CH 3, SC) in CH 3 SP; SC in 7 SC, CH 6, SK 4 SC, FP4DC Cluster in previous

cluster, CH 6, SK 4 SC around. Join

23. SK 1 SC, CSDC (counts as first DC), * BPDC in 7 SC; (DC, CH 2, DC) in next SC; BPDC in 7 SC; CH 6, FPSC

around cluster, CH 6; SK 1 SC around. * Join

* *
24. SK 1 DC, BPDC in 7 DC, CH 3, BPDC in 7 DC, CH 8, around. Join

25. SK 1 DC, *SC in 6 DC; 6 SC in CH 3; *

SC in 6 DC; CH 2, 9 SC in CH 8; CH 2, around Join

26. CSDC, DC in each of 9 SC, CH 3, DC in each of next 9 SC; CH 1, SC in next SC, CH 2, SK 3 SC, SC in

next SC, CH 2, SC in next SC, CH 2, SK 3 SC, SC in next SC, CH 1; * Join

27. SC in each of next 3 DC; CH 3, SK 1 DC, SC in each of next 2 DC; CH 3, SK 1 DC, SC in DC; (SC , CH 3,
SC) in CH 3 SP; SC in DC; CH 3, SK 2 DC, SC in each of next 2 DC; CH 3, SK 1 DC, SC in each of next 3 DC; SC
in CH 1 Sp, 3 SC in CH 2 SP, (SC, CH 2, SC) in next CH 2 Sp, 3 SC in next CH 2 SP, SC in CH 1 SP; around. * Join

28. SC in 4 SC; (SC, Sm Picot, SC) in next CH 3 SP; SC in 2 SC, (Sc, Sm Picot, SC) in next CH 3 Sp; SC in 2 SC,
(SC, Sm Picot, SC, Lg Picot, SC, Sm picot, SC) in CH 3 SP; 2 SC, (SC, Sm Picot SC) in next CH 3 SP; SC in 2 SC,
(SC, Sm Picot, SC) in CH 3 SP; SC in next 4 SC, (SC, SM Picot, SC, Med Picot, SC, Sm Picot) in CH 3 SP, around.
Join and cut thread.

Weave in ends.

Block. I do this by hand washing in mild detergent (DO NOT WRING OUT) and blotting in a bath towel.
Pin down on board, and let dry. You can use spray starch to stiffen lightly, or a liquid starch after blotting if
you want a heavier stiffening. I prefer spray starch.

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