Keyboard Shortcuts: 1. Microsoft Windows

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 General windows functions keyboard shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. F1 Display Help
2. Ctrl+C Copy the selected item
3. Ctrl+X Cut the selected item
4. Ctrl+V Paste the selected item
5. Ctrl+Z Undo an action
6. Ctrl+Y Redo an action
7. Delete Delete the selected item and move it to the
recycle bin
8. Shift+Delete Delete the selected item without moving it to the
recycle bin first
9. F2 Rename the selected item
10. Ctrl+Right Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
11. Ctrl+Left Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous
12. Ctrl+Down Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next
13. Ctrl+Up Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous
14. Ctrl+Shift with any arrow key Select a block of text
15. Shift with any arrow key Select more than one item in a window or on the
desktop ,or select text within a document
16. Ctrl with any arrow Select multiple individuals items in a window or on
key+Spacebar the desktop
17. Ctrl+A Select all items in a document or window
18. F3 Search for a file or folder
19. Alt+Enter Display properties for the selected item
20. Alt+F4 Close the active item, or exit the active window
21. Alt+Spacebar Open the shortcut menu for the active window
22. Ctrl+F4 Close the active document
23. Alt+Tab Switch between open items
24. Ctrl+Alt+Tab Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
25. Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel Change the size of icons on desktop
26. Windows logo key+Tab Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using
Aero Flip 3-D
27. Alt+Esc Cycle through items in the order which they were
28. F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on
the desktop
29. F4 Display the address bar in windows explorer
30. Shift+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
31. Ctrl+Esc Open the start menu
32. F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
33. F5 refresh the active window
34. Esc Cancel the current task
35. Ctrl+Shift+Esc Open task manager
 Dialog box keyboard shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+Tab Move forward through tabs
2. Ctrl+Shift+Tab Move back through tabs
3. Tab Move forward through options
4. Shift+Tab Move back through options
5. F1 Display help
6. F4 Display the items in the active list
 Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Windows logo key Open or close start menu
2. Windows logo key + Pause Display the system properties dialog box
3. Windows logo key + D Display the desktop
4. Windows logo key + M Minimize all windows
5. Windows logo key + E Open computer
6. Windows logo key + F Search for a file or folder
7. Windows logo key + L Lock your computer or switch users
8. Windows logo key + R Open the run dialog box
9. Windows logo key + T Cycle through programs on the task bar

2. Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

 Manage Word Documents Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+N Create new document
2. Ctrl+O Open document
3. Ctrl+W Close document
4. Ctrl+S Save document
5. F12 Save document as
6. Ctrl+P Print document
7. Ctrl+F6 Switch between multiple word documents
 Navigate Within Documents Press this key To do this
1. Arrow left / Arrow right Jump one character to the left / to the right
2. Ctrl+Arrow left / Ctrl+Arrow Jump one word to the left / to the right
3. End / Home Jump to the end of a line / beginning of a line
4. Arrow up / Arrow down Jump one line up / one line down
5. Ctrl+Arrow up / Ctrl+Arrow Jump one paragraph up / one paragraph down
6. Page up / Page down Jump one screen up / one screen down
7. Ctrl+End / Ctrl+Home Jump to the end / to the beginning of document
8. F6 Cycle through ribbon / open panes / status bar /
document window
 Select Text Press this key To do this
1. Shift+arrow right / Shift+arrow Extend selection one character to the right / to the
left left
2. Ctrl+Shift+arrow right / Extend selection one word to the right / to the left
Ctrl+Shift+arrow left
3`. Shift+End / Shift+Home Extend selection to the end / to beginning of a line
4. Shift+arrow down / Shift+arrow Extend selection one line down / one line up
5. Shift+page down / Shift+page Extend selection one screen down / one screen
up up
6. Ctrl+Shift+End / Extend selection to end / to beginning of
Ctrl+Shift+Home document
7. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+page down / Extend selection to end / to beginning of visible
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+page up window
8. Ctrl+A Extend selection to entire document
 Undo, copy and paste Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
2. Ctrl+Y Redo the last action
3. Ctrl+C Copy selected text or object
4. Ctrl+X Cut selected text or object
5. Ctrl+V Paste selected text or object
6. Ctrl+Shift+C Copy text format
7. Ctrl+Shift+V Paste text format
8. Ctrl+Alt+V Paste special
 Edit documents Press this key To do this
1. Alt+Ctrl+C Insert copyright symbol ( © )
2. Alt+Ctrl+R Insert registered trademark symbol ( ® )
3. Alt+Ctrl+T Insert trademark symbol ( ™ )
4. Alt+Ctrl+. Insert horizontal ellipsis ( … )
5. Alt+Ctrl+- Insert em dash( — )
6. Enter Insert paragraph break
7. Shift+Enter Insert line break without breaking paragraph
8. Ctrl+Enter Insert page break
9. Alt+Ctrl+F Insert a footnote
10. Alt+Ctrl+D Insert an endnote
11. Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink
12. Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert column break (break table)
 formats Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+D Open the font dialog box
2. Ctrl+B Apply / Remove bold
3. Ctrl+I Apply / Remove italic
4. Ctrl+U Apply / Remove underline
5. Ctrl+= Apply / Remove subscript
6. Ctrl+Shift+= Apply / Remove superscript
7. Ctrl+Shift+C Copy formatting
8. Ctrl+Shift+V Paste formatting
9. Ctrl+Shift+D Apply / Remove double underline
10. Ctrl+Shift+< / Ctrl+Shift+> Decrease / Increase font size on value
11. Ctrl+R Right-align paragraph
12. Ctrl+L Left-align paragraph
13. Ctrl+E Center-align paragraph
14. Ctrl+J Justify-align paragraph
15. Ctrl+T Increase hanging indent
16. Ctrl+Shift+T Decrease hanging indent
17. Ctrl+1 Set line spacing to single-space
18. Ctrl+2 Set line spacing to double-space
19. Ctrl+3 Set line spacing to 1.5
 Search and replace Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+H Open traditional find and replace window
2. Ctrl+Tab Jump between find menu and document
3. Esc Close traditional search window if active
4. Ctrl+F Open new search menu n navigation task pane
 Print documents Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+P Print a document
2. Esc Close print preview
3. Arrow keys, Page up / page Move around the preview pages
4. Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+Esc Move to first page / last page

3. Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

 Formatting shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+B Bold
2. Ctrl+I Italic
3. Ctrl+U Underline
4. Ctrl+1 Format box
5. Ctrl+C Copy
6. Ctrl+V Paste
7. Ctrl+X Cut
8. Ctrl+Y Redo
9. Ctrl+Z Undo
10. Shift+F2 Insert a comment
11. Ctrl+Minus sign Delete selected cells
 Workbook navigation shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+Tab Toggle excel workbooks
2. Ctrl+N New workbook
3. Ctrl+P Print
4. Ctrl+O Open workbook
5. Ctrl+S Save workbook
6. Alt or F10 Activate menu bar
7. Ctrl+F1 Min / Restore ribbon
8. Ctrl+W Close window
9. Alt+F4 Close program
 Row / Column shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+Space Select colums
2. Shift+Space Select rows
3. Ctrl+ ‘minus sign’ Delete rows / colums
4. Ctrl+Shift+’plus sign’ Add rows / columns
5. Shift+Alt+Left / right arrow key Group / ungroup rows & column
 Data editing shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+A Select all
2. Ctrl+F Find
3. Ctrl+H Replace
4. F2 Edit cells
5. Ctrl+D Fill down
6. Ctrl+R Fill right
 Cell navigation shortcuts Press this key To do this
1. Ctrl+arrows keys Go to
2. Shift+arrows keys Select a cell range
3. Shift+Ctrl+arrows keys Highlight contiguous range
4. Home Move to beginning of line
5. Ctrl+Home Move to cell A1
6. Shift+enter Move to cell above
7. Tab Move to cell to the right
8. Shift+Tab Move to cell to the left
9. Backspace Delete cell and get inside
10. Delete Delete cell / selection
 Data editing shortcuts when within cells Press this key To do this
1. Alt+Enter Start new line in same cell
2. Shift+Arrow keys Highlight with in cells
3. Shift+Ctrl+Arrow keys Highlight contiguous items
4. Backspace Delete preceding character
5. delete Delete character to the right
6. Esc Cancel a cell entry
4. Inpage urdu keyboard shortcurts Press this key To do this

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