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Week 9: Human Performance Technology Overview

Welcome to Week 9! In Module 2, we will be learning about the field of Human Performance Technology (HPT).


The study of human performance can be traced back to the industrial revolution era of the late 1800s and the work of
renowned figures such as William Thompson, Henry Gantt, and Frederick Taylor, pioneers of worker time and motion studies
aimed at improving performance. In the early 1900s psychologists Skinner, Maslow, and Herzberg among others were
interested in understanding what motivates certain behavior and performance. Skinner’s work on conditioning and
reinforcement led to the development of programmed instruction, which was used extensively in the military efficiently.
Later, Edwards Deming worked extensively on developing systematic assessments for continuous improvement. He is
notably known to have brought quality improvement methods and techniques first to Japan and his ideas continue to
transcend performance improvement efforts today. Another prominent figure in the field is Thomas Gilbert who in the
1970s introduced three theorems on human competence. He addressed the concept of worthy performance and provided a
behavior engineering model that depicts obtaining worthy performance. Many consider Gilbert as the father of HPT.

We will build upon our common understanding of the basic concepts of IT and ISD we move on to Human Performance
Technology (HPT) or Performance Technology (PT). The two terms will be used interchangeably here. This concept has
existed in the training world for more than 30 years, but in the past decade it has been publicized more widely by
professional organizations such as the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). So, while HPT is not new, it
is still new to people outside the field. As you will discover, the concept grew out of the practice of ISD. It was developed by
researchers and consultants, who came to realize that many workplace performance problems could not be solved by
training alone.

Pre-Lesson Exercise

Consider what you already know about performance technology. Is this a term that is used at your work? What have you
already read about it? Take what you know about HPT, and generate your current "working definition" of the field.


To understand the history of HPT and to integrate the main historical concepts and ideas into a contemporary view of the

Given various definitions of HPT, you will be able to compare and contrast the critical elements of those definitions.

Required Readings

Ferond, C. (2006). The origins and evolution of human performance technology. In Pershing, J. A. (Ed.), Handbook of human
performance technology (pp. 155-187). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Pershing, J. (2006). Human performance technology fundamentals. In J. A. Pershing (Ed.) (2006), Handbook of human
performance technology (3rd ed.) (pp. 5-34). San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Stolovitch, H. D. (2007). The development and evolution of human performance improvement In R. A. Reiser & J. V.
Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (pp. 134-146). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Person

Van Tiem, D. M., Mosely, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2004). Performance technology – defined. Fundamentals of performance
technology. (pp. 2-20). Washington, DC: ISPI.

Optional Readings

Brethower, D. M. (2008). Historical background for HPT certification standards 2, take a systems view, part 1. Performance
Improvement, 47 (2), 16-22.

Gawande, A. (2007, December 10). The checklist. The New Yorker, 86-95. This interesting article written by a medical doctor
shows how performance improvement can be realized in the organization simply by creating a checklist.

Rummler, G. A. (2007). The past is prologue: An eyewitness account of HPT. Performance Improvement, 46(10), 5-9.


 Dr. Molenda: Performance Technology | Flash Movie | Mp3 | PDF Notes

 Dr. Pershing: Defining Performance Technology
 Dr. Pershing: Performance Engineering Concepts
 Dr. Pershing: Origins and Evolution of the Field

After reading the articles, consider the following:

1. What are the main ideas and historical roots of HPT?

2. What key events were particularly influential to the development of HPT?
3. How does HPT relate to your work?
4. What are the common themes, concepts and principles found across the definitions?
5. How do you think HPT can add value to your work?
6. How can we help people and organizations perform better?

Deliverable: Module 1b

Overall Objective: To understand the issues, trends, and views surrounding our current field, as well as the history of
our field.

Work in groups. Select three issues that you believe to be the most pressing. You have two choices for delivery method.
A) Develop a script that discusses the issue and presents the different perspectives as different “actors”. Conclude with a
paragraph by the narrator (YOU) who discusses your stance on the issues and suggests solutions.

B) Write a paper outlining each of the issues and addressing potential solutions (so the format would be issue discussion 1,
solutions 1, issues discussion 2, solution 2, etc,). Make sure to include supportive evidence and citations, and place the
context of this issue within the selected area of our field.

Clarity, parsimony, and persuasiveness are important. Please post your deliverable in Assignments by Sunday, Mar. 13, 11:55
pm EST. Rubric can be found in Assignments.

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