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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk

Assessment Task 1

Assessment Task 1 – Questions

Purpose The purpose of this Assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to
demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge
evidence and performance evidence. Including:
 Confirm assessment requirements with supervisor or relevant health
 Encourage participation of the older person and their carer in
assessment and further actions
 Provide information to the older person and/or carer to clarify own
role, responsibilities and accountability
 Provide information to the older person and/or carer explaining the
assessment process, including explanation of results
 Communicate in a supportive and encouraging manner that is
respectful of the older person and carer's, rights, level of
understanding and cultural background
 Seek older person's permission and cooperation in the assessment
 Identify and review factors in the older person's lifestyle that might
affect their level of risk
 Use appropriate tools and methodologies, within scope of role, to
determine risk based on physical indicators presented by the older
 Assist with risk assessment ensuring to minimise unnecessary
discomfort to the older person and maximises their participation
 Recognise the older person's risk factors based on medical history,
measurements and findings, in collaboration with supervisor and/or
relevant health professional
 Identify the older person's needs, issues and concerns outside scope
of own practice and refer to appropriate supervisor and/or health
 Identify and explain options to minimise risk to the older person
and/or carer
 Work with the older person and carer to identify risk minimisation
strategies that are consistent with the older person's safety needs,
priorities and specific requirements
 Implement strategies in a safe and effective manner that minimises
the older person's discomfort
 Support carer in contributing to the implementation of strategies,
where appropriate
 Monitor the effects of the strategies on the older person
 Identify any indicators of increased risk
 Identify when strategies are not having the desired result and
possible reasons for this
 Reassess and identify more appropriate strategies
 Work with the older person and carer to assess the outcomes of risk
minimisation strategies
 Discuss feedback from the older person and carer with supervisor
and/or or relevant health professional
 Complete, maintain and store all relevant documentation and reports
according to organisation policy and protocols in a timely manner

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Context To demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete
tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage
tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role
The Assessment will be performed in the following context:
 You will do this task in the classroom and or at home

Instructions to the Read each question carefully.

candidates 1. Answer all of the questions.
2. Write your answers in clear and legible print in the space provided
alternatively, you may type your answers.
3. If electronically submitting your assignment, please ensure your
name, course code and title, unit code and title and electronic
signature is on every page.
4. If you do not understand a question, seek clarification from your
Trainer and Assessor. Although your Trainer and Assessor cannot
tell you the answer, they may be able to re- word the question for
you to assist you to understand.
5. Ensure that your answers are in your own words and your own work.
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. If you use a source for
information, appropriately Reference that source using the easy
Harvard Reference System (refer to the following link for instructions
on the easy Harvard Reference System
6. Submit this assessment by the due date.
7. Your Trainer and Assessor will mark your completed Assessment
and provide feedback.

Resources Required Learner Guide, Internet for research, access to a computer,

Assessment Conditions Skills must have been demonstrated in an ageing support workplace with
the addition of simulations and scenarios where the full range of contexts
and situations have not been provided in the workplace. These are
situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where
assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe, impractical or
threatens the dignity of the older person.

The following conditions must be met for this unit:

 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including relevant
assessment tools
Overall, assessment must involve some real interactions with older
people, colleagues, families/carers and the use of individualised plans

Reasonable Adjustments If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to
you about resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally

Documents to submit You are required to submit the completed answers to Assessment task 1

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Question 1a: Provide five (5) pieces of information you will need to know about the older person
when confirming assessment requirements with your supervisor or relevant health

Answer: 1. Medical history

2. Cultural history
3. Mobility
4. Medication
5. Strengths and weaknesses

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 1b: Name six (6) different types of health professionals that you might need to confer with
for the care of an older person.

Answer: 1. Physio
2. Cardiologist
3. Podiatrist
4. Psychologist
5. Urologist
6. dermatologist

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 2a: Name three (3) benefits of encouraging the older person and their carer in the
assessment process.

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 2a.Answer: Provide feedback,recognize risks,accurate information.

Question 2b: Provide three (3) actions you may need to take with the older person and their carer
as part of the assessment? and what benefits will this provide to the older person? (in
15 to 50 words)

Answer: Give data to elucidate possess job, duties and responsibility

Speak with conscious way. Seek older person’s permission to cooperation in the

By taking these decisions we can gain the approval of the older person. The result is
a broader view of the overall situation.

Source: CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 3: Explain how you could communicate your work role, responsibilities and
accountability to the older person and/or carer, and state what these are. (in 150 to
200 words)

Answer: Evaluation the needs and goals whilst monitoring the condition of the client and
creating a better relationship between both.
Assisting clients with personal care activities.
Acting as a companion toward the individual and supporting in daily routine.
Performing household tasks such as preparing meals, laundry, shopping and
Implementing strategies for managing dementia and other health issues.
Delivering activities that promote emotional and intellectual stimulation.
Providing a safe environment
Liaising with other health care professionals, family members and carers.
Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 4a: Provide three (3) processes of an assessment.

Verbal communication

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 4b: Briefly explain how you would provide information to the older person/carer when
explaining the assessment process and the results (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: Follow the code of ethics and communicate in a manner of respect. It a key point
that the rights of the client are protected. It is crucial to make sure that the older
person or client understands what kind of support they are provided with and all
aspects of how it affects them. Overall scope should be within the legal obligation,
Duty of care.

Source: CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 5a: Explain how you can communicate in a supportive and encouraging manner that is
respectful of the older person and carer’s level of understanding. (in 50 to 100 words)

Communicate in a clear manner and make sure the older person is able to
understand what you are saying. Question him if he understood and ask his
permission before taking action on anything that affects him.

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 5b: Name five (5) rights that clients have which may cause tensions when providing
health and care services.

Answer: 1. Sex of the carer

2. Cultural unawareness
3. Lack of awareness of different societal lifestyle practices
4. Differences in cultural practice
5. Differences in perception of illness and treatment

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 5c: Explain how you can communicate in a supportive and encouraging manner that is
respectful of the older person and carer’s cultural background. (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: Even if the carer has different cultural background from the resident. She or he has
to be respectful and open minded to the older person and don’t cause conflict
between him and the resident.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 6: Explain how you would seek permission and cooperation from the older person in the
assessment process. (in 50 to 100 words)

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 6.Answer: Is our duty to treat each person with respect as it is their right to have this reciprocated. We
should make sure we explain the assessment process in plain language and engage the client in the strategies to be
implemented. Also, we may have to motivate the older person to participate as there may be a reluctance to accept
Source: CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Question 7: Identify three (3) factors in an older persons lifestyle that might effect their level of
risks and what are the benefits of reviewing these factors? (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: Alcohol & Drugs : Continuous abuse of these can affect the body and detorriate in
most cases..
strong painkillers: an can affect an individuals resistance to it or even cause an
addiction to it. It is crucial to have a certified professional provde the pain killers.

With understanding the persons lifestyle, will give us the ability to assist the older
person with the appropriate care.
Source: CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 8a: Describe the tools and methodologies that are used to determine the level of risk
based on physical indicators presented by the older person. (in 100 to 150 words)
Provide two (2) tools that are used.

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Answer: Some of the tools and methodologies are:

Information gathering techniques
Root cause analysis – for identifying a problem, discovering the causes that led to it
and developing preventive action, risk categorization, and risk urgency assessment.
The tools are Hazard identification and Risk assessment.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Answer: 8b: Briefly describe the term “within scope of role” (in 25 to 50 words)

Answer: “Within scope of role” is the range of activities, duties, or responsibilities, that an
employee is reasonably expected to care out or fulfill within the ambit of his/her job.


Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 9a: Explain the process of a risk assessment and list the five (5) things that a risk
assessment should include. (in 100 to 150 words)

Answer: First thing to do is to identify the risks. Then we have to find the source of these
risks. After, we have to evaluate the risks and try to find the appropriate solutions
for the reduction, or even the elimination of the risks.
1. Identify hazards, i.e. anything that may cause harm.
2. Decide who may be harmed, and how.
3. Assess the risks and take action.
4. Make a record of the findings.
5. Review the risk assessment.


Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 9b: As a carer how can you minimise unnecessary discomfit and maximise an older
persons articipation through the risk assessment process? ( in 150 to 200 words)

Question 9b.Answer:Reassure the resident that you are doing the best for his safety and wellbeing,and empower him to express
his opinions,and what would be the best solution for him to minimize or eliminate any risks,explain to him/her in a detailed manner
what are you going to do and how you are going to do it,Offer to him/her,services that would might help him to reduce the risks.

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Question 10: Why is it important to gain the support of carers to identify risks?
(in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: It is important to seek the support of carers because they help to identify risks since
it is in their obligation as a part of duty of care. By identifying risks, We can ensure a
high level of care is provided to the client. Carers will have valuable insight due to
their experience in dealing with the older person for an extended period of time
since they have functioned in the position of a carer.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 11a: How can a person's medical history, measurements and findings help you determine
the older person's risk factors? (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: Medical history will contain vital background information such as psychological
illnesses, physical health problems and a comprehensive history of treatments
provided to the older person. By reviewing this, potential risk factors can be
identified, and steps can be taken to mitigate any bad effects which could arise from

Source: CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Alexandros Vacharidis Student ID: 553

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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Answer: 11b: How can collaborating with your supervisor and/or other health professionals on your
findings and evidence assist with the risk assessment? (in50 to 100 words)

Answer: By collaborating with the supervisor and/or other health professionals we gain more
opinions and options with greater experience and expertise, which enables us to
have the best possible risk assessment.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 12a: Define scope of practice. (in 25 to 50 words)

Answer: Scope of practice is defined as the field of processes, procedures and actions carers
can undertake in accordance with the legality of their professional license.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 12b: Explain why you need to refer to a supervisor or appropriate person when you have
identified an older persons needs, issues and concerns that are outside scope of own
practice. (in 100 to 150 words)

Answer: It is important to refer to a supervisor in the case of dealing with a older person who
is beyond your scope of practice because you have a duty of care to the older person
to ensure they get the proper attention and care required. This increases the
chances of the client getting the best possible care.

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 13: Read the following scenario and answer the question that follows
An older person has recently been discharged from hospital after experiencing a fall
which caused bruising and grazing to the hips and legs (causing mobility issues); this
resulted from balance problems compounded by poor muscle strength.

What risks have you identified from the scenario and what options can you provide to
the older person and/ or carer that will minimise the risk of further injuries? (in 100 to
150 words)

Answer: Risk of fall, risk of wound infection.

To minimize the risk of further injuries, we can provide hip protectors and tubigrips
for the older person’s legs. Also, we can provide him with mobility aids, such as
walking stick, or walking frame, or a wheelchair, and at last we can provide the client
with an exercise regime of daily activities to improve his muscle strength.

There is a risk of a fall and a wound infection.

To prevent the possibility of further injuries, we could provide hip protectors for the
older person. The older person can also be given a mobility aid such as a scooter or
even a wheel chair. Providing a daily routine of exercise to improve muscle is also

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 14: When working with an older person and carer how do you identify risk minimisation
strategies that are consistent with the older persons safety needs, priorities and
specific requirements (in 100 to 150 words)

Answer: The best way to identify risk minimisation strategies is to review the older person’s
care plan, and medical history. With keeping them updated and regularly monitoring
the daily activities of the older person.
It is also important to have regular check ups and follow any reccomondations from
any physician or medical doctor.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 15: Provide three (3) strategies for each of the following risks that can be implemented in
a safe and effective manner that minimises the older persons discomfort.
1. Depression/anxiety
2. Isolation
3. Abuse
4. Falls

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1
5. Medication
6. Nutrition and hydration
7. Dysphagia
8. Continence

Answer: 1. Talk to someone, take deep breaths, count slowly to 10.

2. Keep them busy, join daily group activities, Be kind to yourself.
3. Talk to someone, close monitoring daily, implement and boost confidence
4. Medication, protective equipment, reassurance
5. Persuade them to stop complaining about the side-effects,but accept them
and try to have a good life day by day,keep them busy, switch taking method
6. Offer frequent smaller portions,assist on feeding if needed,adjust meals
7. ◦ Use chin-tuck position, Maintain liquid intake, Eat calorie dense foods
8. Be patient, understand their condition and emotional needs.manage

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 16: Name four (4) things that you could do to support the carer in contributing to the
implementation of strategies.
How would you monitor the strategies? (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: Strategies can be effectively monitored by review and evaluation processes in daily
1. Physical support
2. Psychological support
3. Feedback
4. Offer him/her information that Is out of his/her scope of practice.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 17: Name five indicators of increased risk that you might observe on the older person, the
carer(s) or in the environment.

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 17.Answer: 1. Oral health 2. Grooming of the client and the carer. 3. Signs of self abuse. 4. Slippery spots. 5. Forget to
use mobility aids(risk of falls).

Question 18 : When you have identified strategies that are not having the desired effect what could
be the cause for this and what could you do to maximise a desired result for the older
person? ( in 100 to 150 words)

The reducing health of the client could be the most probable cause. The most
recommended method is to obtain the best result is to evaluate the care plan and
make changed accordingly. Observing the clients daily routine and improving and
providing support are also strategies that can be adapted

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 19 : Provide four (4) appropriate strategies that can be used when you have identified the
previous strategies id not work

Answer: 1. Review and assess the care plan

2. Daily monitoring of the client’s health condition.
3. Feedback from Supervisor.
4. Family meeting.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Question 20 : Explain how you would assess risk minimisation strategies with the older person and
carer. (in 50 to 100 words)

Answer: In order to evaluate risk minimization strategies the greatest conceivable way, we
must fold information from the client, and the carer with daily check ups and initiate
meetings with members of family and staff for client feed back.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 21: Why is it important to take time to obtain feedback from the older person, carer, with
the supervisor and or relevant health professional and to also provide feedback?
(in 150 to 200 words)

Answer: Duty of care is a legal obligation to our client, to provide the best service to the
client. However in some scenario the clients needs cannot be satisfied by use and
are out of our scope. In these situations we can report to our supervisor for advice or
a specialist. And by obtaining and providing feedback to the client, we can empower
him and make him feel independent by expressing his own opinions and solutions on
his health status.

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 22 : Explain why employees are required to complete, maintain and store all relevant
documentation and reports according to their organisation policy and procedures in a
timely manner.

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
Assessment Task 1

Marking: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 22.Answer.
It is our duty to follow the policies of the organization and its procuedures. These policies are kept in order to
maintain the confidentiality of the clients and for their benefits as well as for legal obligations.

Australian Centre of Further Education

Location: Level 5 & 9 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
2018 Telephone: (61 3) 8600 8600
RTO Code 40898 CRICOS Provider Code: 03377J
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