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Teacher Information:

Name : Gretchen Abuso

Mobile no. : none
Office no. : (088) 853-9800 local 9369
Email address :
Credit :3

Course Description:
This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multi-faceted phenomenon of
globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political,
technological, and other re-transformations that have created increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of
peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in global
governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks
to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

This course includes mandatory topics on population education in the context of population and demography.

Course Learning Outcomes (Culminating Outcome):

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

Prepare and present (observable action) a research proposal (artifact) that addresses or examines a global issue/
problem (standard qualifier) that is related to their respective discipline (authentic context).

Major Course Requirements:

1. 4 major exams
2. Culminating Output/Research Proposal

 English is the medium of instruction. Code switching is discouraged.
 Come to class on time (punctuality)
 Honesty in all aspects (academic – citations & plagiarism) is demanded.
 Observe proper decorum (Uniform, Cell Phone use policy)
 Use only research-based materials in reporting, recitations and other academic engagements
 NO DELAYED EXAMS EXCEPT FOR THE FINAL EXAM. You may however take any of the major exams
if you need to.
 Classroom decorum:
o Caught doing any of these 3, you will be required to step out of the classroom.
o If you have been reprimanded for any of these violations more than 3 times, you will be required to
submit a letter signed by your parents explaining your behavior.

Grading Policy: This may be lifted from the Course Syllabus. Use of Grade Book may also be included here…

Midterm Grade After-Midterm Class Standing Final Grade

Final Exam* and Final
Prelim Exam/Output 20% Output** 30%
Midterm Exam 30% Semi Final Exam 20% Midterm Grade 35%
After-Midterm Class
Class Standing 50% Class Standing 80% Standing 35%
Quizzes 25% Quizzes 50% Final Exam* 50pts
Final Output**(culminating
Class Participation 5% Class Participation 5% activity) 50pts
Seatwork/ Project/Paper/Seatwork/
Assignments/ 20% Assignments/ 25%
Total 100% Total 100% Final Grade Total 100%

Prepared by: Kathleen Mallorca Morales, PhD for the Office of the Vice President for Higher Education
Official Textbook: Ritzer, G. (2011). Globalization: the essentials. John Wiley & Sons.

Main References:
Chirico, J. (2013). Globalization: prospects and problems. Sage Publications.
Ritzer, G., & Dean, P. (2015). Globalization: A basic text. John Wiley & Sons.
Steger, M., Battersby, P., & Siracusa, J. (Eds.). (2014). The Sage handbook of globalization. Sage.

TEXTBOOK: NONE, you will be emailed all materials.

Consultation Periods:
Tuesdays ONLY. 9AM-12:NN

SOC ECON 10: The Contemporary World

Below is the list of our topics and the schedule, by week:

Dates/ Content/
Week Topics
1. Intro to the Course
2. Introduction to Globalization

3. Establishing the Nation/ Birth of Nations

4. The Global Interstate System
5. Contemporary Global Governance
6. Prelim Exam
7. The Global Economy
8. Market Integration
Global Divides: The North and South
10. Asian Regionalism and ASEAN
*emphasis on Philippines
11. Midterm Exam
12. Global Media Cultures
Globalization of Religion
14. Researching Globalization
15. The Global Cities
Global Mobility
17. Global Demography
Semi-final Exam
19. Sustainable Development
20. Global Food Security
21. Global Citizenship
22. Final Exam
Summary of Assessment Tasks

See grading policy and culminating output.

Rubrics for the Assessment Task

To distributed as needed.

I have read and clearly understood the demands and specified

requirements with deadlines of SOC ECON 10 ___.
I am fully aware that compliance and non-compliance of the same
is detrimental to my grades as representative of my academic performance.

__________________________________ _____________

Prepared by: Kathleen Mallorca Morales, PhD for the Office of the Vice President for Higher Education

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