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Journal Article:

Name: Explaining Reading Comprehension in Children With Developmental Language Disorder:

The Importance of Elaborative Inferencing
Author: Kenyon, Sheila M Gough; Palikara, Olympia; Lucas, Rebecca M.
Year: October 2018
Summary: Reading comprehension is a key indicator of academic and psychosocial outcomes.
Children with developmental language disorder tend to find reading comprehension challenging.
This study compared those with DLD and typically developing peers. Children aged 10-11 years
with either typical development or DLD were recruited from 8 primary schools. They completed
standardized language and literacy assessments. A disproportionate difficulty in answering
inferential relative to literal questions was found for the DLD group compared to the TD groups.
Children with DLD were significantly poorer at elaborative inferencing than TD peers, but there
were no group differences in cohesive or lexical inferencing.

Theses and Dissertations:

Name: Statistical Word Learning in Children with Language Disorders
Author: Haebig, Eileen
Year: 2015
Summary: Word learning abilities are important for academic and social development. It is
necessary to understand the underpinnings of word learning in children with typical and atypical
development. This study examined word learning mechanisms in children with typical
development, autism spectrum disorder, and specific language impairment who matched in age
and nonverbal cognition. Specifically, abilities in statistical learning and fast mapping were
examined. This study was the first to examine whether the output of statistical learning
enhanced word learning abilities in school age children with typical and atypical language
development. It was found that children with SLI have deficits in statistical learning and fast
mapping abilities, relative to children with ASD and typical development.

Name: Communication in Autism
Author: Joanne Arciuli, Jon Brock
Year: 2014
Summary: This book reviews evidence linking cerebral lateralisation and language impairment
in both typical and atypical development, with a particular focus on the communication
difficulties characteristic of autism.

Name: Speech and Language Strategies
Author: Lambent Productions
Year: 2005
Genre: Instructional television program

Name: The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders
Author: Raymond D. Kent
Year: 2003
Summary: This reference refers to the computer aided rehabilitation for aphasia treatment.

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