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a | A dé 2340 i Aeda: 24192 a VOLUME 1 } Power-System-Control | and Stability P.M. ANDERSON i | A‘ A. FOUAD = ae Enon nnn fo P M, Anderson is Program Manager for Research in Power System Planning, Security, and Control with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. Prior to 1975 he was Professor of Electrical Engineering at lowa State University where he received the Ph.D. degree in 1961 His industrial experience includes six years with i the lowa Public Service Company and a university leave for research with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco He is author of numerous journal articles : and the book Analysis of Faulted Power Systems A.A. Fouad is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University. He re- ceived the B Se. degree from Cairo University and the Ph D degree from lowa State University in 1956 and has extensive overseas experience in Egypt, Brazil, and the Philippines He is active in the Power Engineering Society of the Institute of Elec- trical and Electronics Engineers where he serves as @ member of the Power System } Engineering Committee, System Control Subcommittee, and the working Group on Dy- namic System Performance To Our Families ©1977 The lowa State University Press Ames, lowa 50010. All rights reserved Composed and printed by Science Press, Ephrata, Pa 17522 First edition, 1977 Libyary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Anderson Paul 1926- Power system control and stability Includes bibliographical references I Electric power systems 2 System analysis 1, Fouad, Abéel-Aziz A , joint author. I Title TKIOOSAT — 6213 76-26022 ISBN 0-8138-1245-3

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