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Lonnie L Grady-£1E™ Cio: $830 Seoit-lan Court Indianapolis, Indiana state, nar (46254-9998) Zip Exempt/ Nonresident/ Non-Domestic! Republic, Without the US. by order of lx domicili (AlMoroc! Amexeen! Washitaw Territory & Empire) Notice of Autochthonous Status 1 send sects of peace and tlesings 1 all whom shee presets shall cone. 1 am sending this cover leter of Notice of, Autochthonous Stats to she rpquited recipients known as United States President Donald Trump, \ oe Governor Ee. Ho leomb for the State of _Lwalana. 5 and the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gunes asa forward to explain the accompanying ‘document known As the Scientific Dissent in Support of, Autochthonous Stats, This dissent isto show proof of Autochthonous status by showing 2 commonality to DNA genetic markers of the oldest people inthe Americas; which proves my ancestral descent from these Aboriginal people. ‘Aboriginal people donot fall within the boundaries of State or Federal jurisdiction, and therefore must be looked upon within the body of international lw and the various treaties that apply to them, These documents are given merely as notice to my ancestral heritage, and the comresponding jurisdiction tat must be upheld by al levels ofthe Stae ad Federal government in receipt ofthis notice, Thank you in advanee for dealing with this matter [Notice of Autochthonous Status For Lonnie L. Grady-H10™ Page 1 of Co: United States President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. ‘Washington, D.C. 20500 via USPS Certified Maill Return Receipt RE 939 987 095 US Co: United Nations Secretary General Anorio Guteres 405 € 42" Street New York, NY 10017 with USPS Certified Mall Retum Receipt RE 933 087 113 US Ce: State of Indiana Governor Etc Holoorib (fice of Govemer Statehouse Indianapolis, IN 46204-2797 vith USPS Certified Mail’ Return Receipt RE 933 987 100 US nous Status For Lonnie L Grady-F10™ Page 2 of 2 Scientific Dissenting Opinion In Support of Lonnie L Grady-El’s Status Correction Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture. (UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Article (1). 2007) Prepared by: Tyrone Cannon ‘Scientific Dissenting Opinion In Support of Lonnie L Grads Status Corection ‘Jara sanguins mall jute ivi dir possnt’ ~The right of blood snd kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil aw! 1 Bowie, Disonay of Law (156), Dig. 0,17, 9; Daca Mas eg.

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