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This chapter deals with the measurements of the individuals abilities of the

students in developing speaking mastery between those who are taught by Gouin

Series method and those who are not taught by Gouin Series method. This chapter

presents research finding and discussion. It covers data description, result of

validity and reliability, result of normality of distribution of test, result of

homogeneity test, and result of hypothesis.

4.1 Data Description

The research was conducted on 18th April to 16th May on the second

semester of academic year 2018-2019 in order to find the influence of Gouin

series method towards students’ speaking skill in descriptive text. The research

took place at SMPN 9 Kota Serang with the seventh grade students as the

population of the research. The sample was 64 students from 2 classes.

In order to answer the research question about the influence of Gouin

Series method towards students’ speaking skill, the researcher used test as the

instrument to collect the data. There were two tests used in this research, pre-test

and post-test. Pre-test was conducted before the treatment and post-test was

conducted after the treatment. The result of the data had been calculated as follow:


Table 4.1 Data Description

Pre-Test Post-Test
No Result

1. Min 40 44 52 60

2. Max 76 72 88 92

3. Range 36 28 36 32

4. Mean 58.625 58.875 71.75 77.15

5. Std. Deviation 8.94 7.71 10.08 8.84

The researcher used content validity and inter-rater reliability to found the

validity and reliability of the instrument. After doing the validity and reliability,

the researcher analyzed the data. The researcher calculated the mean score of pre-

test and post-test form each class. Then, the researcher calculated the normality of

pre-test and post-test. After calculated normality, the researcher calculated the

homogeneity of the variant data from two classes. The last, the researcher

calculated the t-test.

4.2 Validity and Reliability

4.2.1 Content Validity

To determine content validity in this research, the researcher made validity

sheet then compared it to Curriculum 2013 (Kurtilas) of the seventh grade of

junior high school. The researcher then asked for help from the expert of the

subject to analyze whether the concept of the test was valid or not. Thus, this

validity did not need a trial and statistic analytic. Here is the validity of the


Table 4.2.1 Content Validity

Basic Competence 3.10 Understanding social functions, text, structure,

and linguistic elements from descriptive text by
stating and asking about descriptions of people,
animals, and objects, very short and simple,
according to the context of their use

4.12 Capturing meaning in oral and written

descriptive taxts, very short and simple.

4.13 Compose oral and written descriptive texts,

very short and simple about people, animals
and objects, taking into account social
functions, text structures and linguistic
elements, correctly and in context.

Indicator The students able :

1. Understand meaning and identify generic

structures in descriptive text.
2. Perform a simple short about description text
with the correct structure.
Method/Technique Gouin Series

Instrument of Test Pretest

Speak a description about family


Speak a description about family and their job description

Time Allocation 2 x 40 Minutes

4.2.2 Inter-Rater Reliability

To make sure that the students’ speaking score was reliable, the researcher

used inter-rater reliability to measure the reliability. Inter-rater reliability used two

raters in comparing the students’ score between the teacher and the researcher.

The researcher cooperated with the English teacher of SMPN 9 Kota Serang in

scoring students’ speaking performance. The results between the two raters then

compared to the kappa value (see Table 4.2.2).

Table 4.2.2

Agreement of Inter-Rater Reliability

Group Pre-Test Post-Test

Experimental Class 0,71 agreement 0,71 agreement

Control Class 0,76 agreement 0,74 agreement

Based on the calculation of reliability for the student’s score (see in

appendix 3), the result of reliability test of students’ score was > 0,61 which

indicated strong agreement between the two raters. So, the scores of the students

were reliable.

4.3 Research Finding

4.3.1 Normality Test

The researcher used normality test in order to test whether the distribution

of the test was normally distributed. Furthermore, here is the criterion of

normality of the distribution:

If x2count ≥ x2table: it indicates the distribution of the data is not normal.

If x2count ≤ x2table: it indicates the distribution of the data is normal.


Based on the result of the calculation (see in appendix 3), the result of data

normality of the test; pre-test in control class are displayed on the table with dk =

C – 1 or 6 – 1 = 5, Significance 5% = 11,070

Table 4.3.1
The Result of the Normality Test at Control and Experimental Class
Group Pre-Test Post-Test Dk 5, Significance 5%
Control 8.943370 10.080322 11.070
Experimental 7.711533 8.843110 11.070

The normality of pre-test in control class was 8.943370 < 11,070

The normality of post-test in control class was 10.080322 < 11,070

The normality of pre-test in experimental class was 7.711533 < 11,070

The normality of post-test in experimental class was 8.843110 < 11,070

From the result above, it can be concluded that the data of pretest and post

test showed the distributions of both classes were normal.

4.3.2 Homogeneity Test

The researcher used homogeneity test to find out the similarity between

control and experimental class. Furthermore, here is the criterion of homogeneity:

If Fcount ≥ Ftable: it indicates not homogenous

If Fcount ≤ Ftable: it indicates homogenous

The total variances of the students’ score were calculated (see appendix 3).

The result of sample homogeneity of the pre-test was 1,159, and the result of

sample homogeneity of the post-test was 1,140. Then, it was obtained by


comparing the value of the highest variance and the lowest variance with

significance level of 0.05 for dk = 29 with the Ftable = 4,183.

Table 4.3.2
Result of the Homogeneity Test at Control and Experimental Class
Group Fcount Pre-test Fcount Post-test Ftable

Control and Experimental 1,159 1,140 4,183

Pre-test: Fcount < Ftable = 1,159 < 4,183

Post-test: Fcount < Ftable = 1,140 < 4,183

Therefore, the variances of those two variables of both classes were


4.3.3 Hypothesis Test

There are two hypotheses assumed in this research:

1. The alternative hypothesis (ha)

There is influence of Gouin Series method towards students’ speaking skill

in descriptive text

2. The null hypothesis (ho)

There is no influence of Gouin Series method towards students’ speaking

skill in descriptive text at Seventh Grade students of SMPN 9 Kota Serang

The criterion of the hypotheses as follow:

If tcount ≤ ttable= Ho refused

If tcount ≥ ttable= Ha received


To prove the hypothesis of this research, statistic calculation of t-test

formula with the degree of significance 5% was used. T-Test Formula as follows:

Then, those values are inserted into T-Test Formula as follows:

Mx -My
Txy =
∑ x²+ ∑ y2 1 1
√{ } { + Ny}
Nx +N - 2 N
y x

20 – 11.88
Tcount =
864 + 2607.5 1 1
√{ }{32+32}
32+32- 2

3471.5 2
√{ }{32}

8.12 8.12
= =
6.943 √3.499

= = 4.342

After getting the Tcount, it will be compared to Ttable.

Df = Nx + Ny – 2

= 32 + 32 – 2

= 62

Ttable for df 62 is 1.9990.


It can be concluded that Tcount > Ttable = 4.342 >1.999 . It means that this

calculation result shows Ha received (There is influence of Gouin Series

method toward students’ speaking skill in descriptive text). It can be seen that

tcount is higher than ttable. Moreover, the alternative hypothesis is accepted

and the null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is influence of Gouin

Series method toward students’ speaking skill in descriptive text.

4.4 Research Discussion

This research was done by quasi experimental with nonequivalent control

group design which is involved two classes as the sample, they are; control class

and experimental class.

4.4.1 Control Class

In control class, before doing the pre-test, the researcher checked the

content validity of the instrument by comparing the test with the curriculum of the

school and signed by the English teacher of the school. After the pre-test is done,

the researcher found that highest score in the control class was 76, the lowest

score was 40, and the mean score of the students was 58,625. The researcher

found out that speaking activity was difficult to them, especially in arranging the

sentences, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

In control class, the researcher reviewed material about descriptive text.

After reviewing the material, the researcher taught the students how to speak a

simple description by adding picture into their speaking. The researcher also

taught about how to make a good sentence in describing people and gave them

example of descriptive text so they might be more enthusiastic in arranging their


speaking. After learning how to make simple descriptive text, the students were

asked to do a post-test. The highest score of post-test in control class was 88, the

lowest score was 52, and the mean score was 71,75.

4.4.2 Experimental Class

Before doing the pre-test as same as the control class, the researcher also

did content validity to make sure the instrument is valid. The highest score of pre-

test in experimental class was 72, the lowest score was 44, and the mean score

was 58,875. Same with the control class, the students in experimental class also

found difficulties to composed they own speaking. They still lack capability in

determining the sentences and lack in mastering vocabulary and pronouncing.

When doing the treatment, first, the researcher reviewed students’

understanding in descriptive text, then; the researcher introduced them about

Gouin Series which using picture series and gesture. The students should repeat

and follow what the researcher was said and practice. Then, the students tried to

speak with their own in describing people. The students were done the post-test

and they showed some significance improvement in their speaking because Gouin

Series helped students in memorizing vocabulary and pronunciation and also

picture to make them easier to speak up. The highest score of post-test in

experimental class was 92, the lowest score was 60, and the mean score was

77,15. The treatment was done successfully; it can be seen from their improved of

vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency and generic structure of descriptive

text itself when doing the post-test.



This chapter presents the conclusion of the research. It covers conclusion

and suggestion for the teachers, the students and other researchers.

5.1 Conclusion

This research was aimed to know the influence of Gouin Series method

towards students’ speaking skill in descriptive text. To answer the research

question, the researcher used quasi experimental with purposive sampling. The

population of this research was the seventh grade students of SMPN 9 Kota

Serang. The researcher used two classes as the sample and determined 32 students

only from each class.

This research used pre-test and post-test as the instrument. The result of

the pre-test and post test showed that the mean score of control class was 58,625

and 58,875. Whereas, the experimental class was 71,75 and 77,15. Those results

indicated that there was significant difference of the score. However, the

experimental class had better score than the control class.

The result of students’ score was not only seen by the result of their test

but also by their positive responses toward Gouin Series. Students showed their

enthusiasm toward Gouin Series which is use picture series and gesture in

memorizing the sentence. It also led them to be more fluent in their speaking,

especially in pronouncing and mastery in vocabulary which helped them in

improving their score. Their positive attitude also made them find the advantages

of speaking skill through Gouin Series method. Furthermore, the result Tcount >

Ttable = 4.342 > 1.999. It means that this calculation result shows Ha accepted


(There is influence of Gouin Series method towards students’ speaking skill in

descriptive text).

5.2 Suggestion

Gouin Series helped students to getting easier in memorizing and fluent

their sentences in speaking. It also made students more enthusiasm in learning

speaking English with the gesture and picture series. Although Gouin Series

helped students getting easier in speaking, there are still many processes to do to

improve speaking skill in English. Therefore, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions.

1) Suggestion for Teachers

The teacher should give more understanding about grammar, vocabulary

and pronunciation to the students to make them familiar with English

structure. Teacher should choose an interesting picture series to build

students’ creativity in speaking. The teacher also should more attractive in

giving the gesture to make the student getting easier in pronouncing and

memorizing the sentences.

2) Suggestion for Students

Students should practice speaking in daily routine although with another

method/technique to improve speaking skill. Students also should pay

attention more during learning process because this method need full of


3) Suggestion for Other Researchers

The other researcher can conduct the similar media or can found new

media in order to make easier in speaking. The other researcher also can

select another topics/material that suitable to decrease the lack of grammar

and vocabulary in students’ speaking skill.

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