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Improving Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension through

Think Pair Share

(A Classroom Action Research at VIII A Grade Students of MTs Syamsul

Huda Kedungreja in the Academic Year 2014/2015)

Nurrochmah Achsanty

This research was aimed at improving students’ ability in reading comprehension

through TPS technique. The objective of this research was to describe whether
TPS technique could improve the students’ ability in reading comprehension
competence or not. The research was implemented at MTs Syamsul Huda
Kedungreja in the academic year 2014/2015; especially class VIII A using a
classroom action research (CAR). There were 34 students’ comprising of 17
males and 17 females. The Classroom Action Research was carried out based on
the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart design. The data were collected through test,
observation, questionnaire and interview. The qualitative data were analyzed
based on the observation result of students activities and teacher activity in the
class and questionnaire, while the quantitative data were analyze by using reading
test (pre test and post test). The result of the research showed that through TPS
technique can improve the students’ ability in reading comprehension.The
improvement of students activity in pre test (54,55) to post test 1 (64,55) was
18,3%, then from post test 1 (64,55) to post test 2 (78,24) was 21,21%. And
94,1% of students has passed the passing grade (KKM) of reading comprehension
score ≥ 70.It has reached the criterion of action success which was 80%. The test
result supported by data from interviewed result that gave positive response and
the students’ questionnairewhich were gained from ten questions showed that the
students’ gave positive response to the implementation of TPS technique in their
reading activities. The average students’ questionnaire was 81,25%. Those data
proved that TPS technique could improve the students’ ability in reading
comprehension. It means that the technique improve reading comprehension.

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