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Section 2 - Unit III

Dental Amalgam

Exercise 1: Understanding the main ideas

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What do ADA and FDA stand for? What are the functions of these bodies?
3. In what countries were experiments testing the effects of dental amalgam carried out?
4. Did the experimenters come to similar or opposite conclusions?
5. What were the limitations of the experiments described?
6. What is the ADA's position in the debate? How can you account for it?

Exercise 2: Vocabulary
A. The following words are verbs. What nouns of the same root do you know?
Consult the dictionary to check whether your list is complete.

Section 2 - Unit III

B. Use the words from the chart above to complete the following sentences.
There is one extra word.

1. Since he became interested in the art of Japan, he __________________________ a valuable

collection of netsukes.

2. The __________________________ of the chemical plant from the town was preceded by a
long public campaign.

3. The account of events presented by the witnesses __________________________ almost

entirely with what was already known to the police.

4. In areas where farmers do not __________________________ crops there is a high incidence

of erosion and soil degradation.

5. Humidity was high, and when he turned on the engine, a thin coat of _______________________
began to collect on the windshield.

6. The new textile fiber will undergo an __________________________ test; i.e., its capacity to
__________________________ liquids and fluids will be checked. (one word, two forms)

7. In order to make jewelry more durable, silver is often __________________________ with

harder materials.

8. The __________________________ of salt in the Kinneret could be reduced if some of the

underwater springs were tapped.

9. Because the manager is well-known for his authoritarian manner, few of his colleagues
dare __________________________ his opinions.

10. During space flights, astronauts experience the condition known as ____________________,
when a body has no __________________________, only inertia. (one word, two forms)

C. Make a list of materials mentioned in the article.

Section 2 - Unit III

D. Make a list of organs and parts of the body mentioned in the article. According to the
experimenters, which of them were affected by mercury?

E. Words in Context
What do the following words mean in the context of the article?

1. The word maintains, as it appears on line 7 means

a. preserves b. keeps in good condition c. asserts

2. The word fitted, as it appears on line 20 means

a. made suitable b. made ready c. provided with

3. The word stoutly, as it appears on line 27 means

a. bravely b. stubbornly c. vigorously

4. The words brands, as it appears on line 27 means

a. labels b. marks with disgrace c. impresses indelibly

Exercise 3: Grammar in context

A. Underline the verbs in sentences which begin on lines: 3, 7, 13 (2), 16, 19, 21, 27, 30.
Justify the use of tenses in each of these sentences.

B. Underline the subject and the main verb in the following sentences:

1. Besides mercury, dental amalgam contains four metals.

2. In spite of the recent research findings, ADA claims dental amalgam to be harmless.

3. Concentration of mercury was highest in the liver and kidneys.

4. The kidneys of the ewes with amalgam fillings did not work as well as before; the same
was true about male macaque monkeys.

5. He reported his patient's quick recovery after the surgery.

6. Little is known about the long-term effects of the new anti-AIDS vaccines.

7. Tracing the movement of mercury in the body was made possible by the use of radioactive
Section 2 - Unit III

C. A dash ( ─ ) is one of the punctuation marks used in this text.

Consult Appendix V and explain the function of the dash in each of the 4 sentences in which it

Exercise 4: Comprehension Questions:

A. Circle the letter preceding the one correct ending to the introductory statement--that which
best conveys the meaning of the text.

1. This text is about

a. the effects of different materials used for filling dental cavities.
b. the effects of metals which, together, make up amalgam.
c. the effects on body tissues of a component of amalgam.
d. the dangers inherent in having dental caries filled.

2. With regard to the filling material, amalgam, the reader can safely infer from the text
a. volume of mercury in amalgam.
b. ratio of silver to mercury in each filling.
c. actual weight of the mercury in each amalgam filling.
d. the weight, relative to that of other components, of the mercury.

3. According to the American Dental Association, the dental filling material amalgam
a. is unstable but not dangerous.
b. is stable and therefore not dangerous.
c. vaporizes in the mouth and is ingested.
d. should never be replaced by other filling materials.

4. The independent data gathered in Sweden (paragraph 2)

a. was based on examination of living human tissue.
b. supported ADA claims about the safety of amalgam.
c. contradicted the ADA's official claims about amalgam.
d. found little evidence that mercury collected in human organs.
Section 2 - Unit III

5. According to the text, animal experiments have indicated that the absorption of mercury
from amalgam into living tissue
a. irradiates the organs.
b. affects organ function.
c. ceases after a period of a year.
d. ceases with the birth of offspring.
e. increases substantially during pregnancy.

6. Which one of the following statements would best describe the author's overall attitude in this
a. It is strongly advisable to find a replacement for amalgam.
b. The ADA's defense of amalgam fillings is justified by the research.
c. Reports of cures after the removal of amalgam fillings prove amalgam is dangerous.
d. The animal research data are genuine but have no real significance for human health.

Section 2 - Unit III

B. Many experiments are described in this text. Fill in the missing information wherever a
question mark appears in the chart below.


1. Sweden More mercury in
brains and kidneys
? ? of people who had
amalgam fillings
than in those who
2. Denmark monkeys Teeth filled with
amalgam; a year
later, animals killed ?
and studied for

3. Canada Within 29 days,

tissues absorbed
(a) ewe ? mercury

(b) ? same ?

(c) ? Same ?

(d) 12 adult male sheep Six got amalgam ?

fillings, six got
mercury-free fillings


In line 2, the word it refers to ______________________________________________________

In line 26, the word this refers to ___________________________________________________

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