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Creating a Harness Drawing Page 1 of 13

Exercise: Creating a Harness Drawing

Task 1. Prepare the assemblies for drawing creation.

1. Switch to the ELEC_CABINET.ASM.

2. Ensure that the CABLING simplified representation is active.

3. Switch back to the CABLING.ASM.

4. Hide the unused CONN_2_MS.PRT connector.

Figure 1

Task 2. Create the harness drawing.

1. To view light cables more easily, edit to the dark background color:
◾ Click File> Options.

◾ Select System Colour and then select Dark Background as the Color Scheme and click OK.

2. Create a drawing named CABINET_HARNESS.DRW.

◾ Specify the Empty with format option.

◾ Specify the C_FORMAT_GENERIC.FRM format in the working directory.

◾ Type your name when prompted. 31-10-2017
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Figure 2

Task 3. Add a view of the cabling assembly.

1. Disable the Lock View Movement option, if necessary.

2. Insert a general view, No Combined State, in the lower-left corner of the drawing. Specify the
following view options:
◾ Specify 3D_2 as the view orientation.

◾ Edit the Display style as No Hidden.

◾ Specify Hide for Skeleton model display.

◾ Specify Thick for Cable display.

◾ Specify that the colors come from The model.

◾ Enter a Custom scale value of 0.40.

3. Reposition the view as necessary.

Figure 3 31-10-2017
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Task 4. Show and configure reference designator notes.

1. Add all reference designators to the drawing view. In the drawing, reference designators are
considered notes.

2. Show all of the notes and arrange them approximately as shown.

Figure 4

In the drawing ribbon, select the Annotate tab.

3. Use the Edit Attachment option to attach the PB-01, RL-01, and RL-02 to the surfaces of the
components, as shown. Move the notes as necessary.

Figure 5

Task 5. Add views of the electrical cabinet assembly.

1. Add the ELEC_CABINET.ASM model to the drawing. Ensure that you specify the CABLING simplified

2. Insert a general view, No Combined State, in the upper-left corner of the drawing. Specify the
following view options: 31-10-2017
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◾ Specify FRONT as the view orientation.

◾ Edit the Display style as No Hidden.

◾ Specify Hide for Skeleton model display.

◾ Specify Thick for Cable display.

◾ Specify that the colors come from The model.

◾ Enter a Custom scale value of 0.35.

You must select the Layout tab to insert a new view.

3. Reposition the view as necessary.

Figure 6

4. Insert another general view, No Combined State, in the upper-right corner of the drawing. Specify the
following view options:
◾ Specify 3D_CABINET-2 as the view orientation.

◾ Edit the Display style as Shading.

◾ Specify Hide for Skeleton model display.

◾ Enter a Custom scale value of 0.25.

5. Reposition the view as necessary. 31-10-2017
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Figure 7

Task 6. Add a model and create sheet 2.

1. Add the HARNESS_FLAT.ASM model to the drawing.

2. Add a new drawing sheet.

3. Type your name when prompted.

Task 7. Add a view of the flattened harness.

1. Insert a general view, No Combined State, in the center of the new sheet. Specify the following view
◾ Specify FRONT as the view orientation.

◾ Edit the Display style as No Hidden.

◾ Specify Hide for Skeleton model display.

◾ Specify Thick for Cable display.

◾ Specify that the colors come from The model.

◾ Enter a Custom scale value of 0.40.

2. Reposition the view as necessary. 31-10-2017
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Figure 8

Task 8. Insert a BOM table.

1. Insert the HARN_BOM.TBL table from file.

2. Place the table in the upper-right corner as shown.

Figure 9

Task 9. Add BOM balloons.

1. Edit the repeat region attributes for the table.

2. Edit the attributes from Recursive to Flat. 31-10-2017
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Figure 10

3. Add BOM balloons to the harness view using the table on the sheet.

Figure 11

Show all the BOM balloons. Click Create Balloons .

4. Show all the BOM balloon a second time to create the additional balloons for each assembly

5. Reposition the balloons as necessary.

Figure 12 31-10-2017
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Task 10. Add a pinout table for the CM-02 connector.

1. Insert the CONN_PIN-OUT.TBL table from file.

2. Place the table to the left of the upper CM-02 connector as shown.

Figure 13

Notice the table does not correspond to the connector.

3. Edit the model and simplified representation used to drive the repeat region.

4. After specifying the first row in the table, select the CONN_9_CM.PRT connector next to the table.

Figure 14

5. Edit the model and simplified representation used to drive the repeat region.

6. After specifying the third row in the table, select the CONN_9_CM.PRT connector next to the table. 31-10-2017
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Figure 15

Task 11. Create the remaining connector pinout tables.

1. Repeat the previous procedure, creating pinout tables for the following connectors:
◾ CM-01


◾ CONN_2_L

◾ MS-1

◾ L-01

◾ L-02

◾ L-03

Figure 16

Reposition balloons as necessary. 31-10-2017
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Task 12. Show harness dimensions.

1. Begin adding annotations to the drawing.

2. Show the dimensions for the red wire on the far-left side of the harness. Be sure to show all three

3. Reposition the dimensions as shown.

Figure 17

4. Edit the dimension properties of the bend radius value. Edit the Nominal Value to 4.0 and regenerate
the model. 31-10-2017
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Figure 18

5. Try to edit the length of the red wire.

6. Notice that you cannot modify the dimension because it is driven by the model.

Task 13. Add a model and create sheet 3.

1. Add the HARNESS_1.PRT model to the drawing.

2. Add a new drawing sheet and type your name when prompted.

Task 14. Add a general view of the 3-D extracted harness.

1. On the new sheet, insert a general view in the lower-left corner of the drawing. Specify the following
view options:
◾ Specify 3D as the view orientation.

◾ Edit the Display style as No Hidden.

◾ Specify Hide for Skeleton model display.

◾ Specify Thick for Cable display.

◾ Specify that the colors come from The model.

◾ Enter a Custom scale value of 0.40.

2. Reposition the view as shown.

Figure 19

Task 15. Insert a spool BOM table.

1. Insert the SPOOL_BOM.TBL table from file. 31-10-2017
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2. Place the table in the upper-right corner of the sheet as shown.

Figure 20

Task 16. Place a harness from-to table.

1. Insert the HARN_FROM-TO.TBL table from file.

2. Place the table in the upper-left corner of the sheet.

3. Filter the repeat region for the table By Rule. Add the following filters:

◾ &!=B*

These filters remove the network and any bundles from the table.

4. Sort the repeat region Forward from the left-most column.

◾ Select a wire from the first column in the table. 31-10-2017
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Figure 21

5. Save the drawing and close the window.

6. Save the assemblies and close their windows.

7. To view the 3D model more easily, edit to the default background color:
◾ Click File > Options.

◾ Select the System Colors and then select Default as the color Scheme and click OK.

This completes the exercise. 31-10-2017

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