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1. Student centered
2. Based learning
3. Integated
4. Community based
5. Elective
6. Sitematic

An instructional student-centered approach which uses carefully constructed clinical problems as a

context for students to: define their learning needs, conduct self-directed enquiry, integrate theory
and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a solution to a defined problem.

Problem-solving vs. problem-based learning

- different but inter-related –

Problem-solving: arriving at decisions based on prior knowledge and reasoning

Problem-based learning: the process of acquiring new knowledge based on recognition of a need to

Problem solving Problem based learning

Stategi pembelajaran Traditional discipline-based Integrated systems-base
Karakter utama - The focus is on preparatory - The problem comes first
learning prior to exposure to without advance readings,
the problem. lectures, or preparation.
- The staff set the problems - The problem serves as a
(case history problems in a stimulus for the need to know.
primarily lecture- based - Based on their own prior
format), and students attempt knowledge and the identified
to resolve them using gaps in that knowledge,
previously taught curricular students determine the
content. learning issues within their own
group. They then identify and
use a variety of learning
resources to study these issues
and return to the group to
discuss and share what they
have learned.
Role of the teacher Content expert fasilitator
Learning environment Passive, teacher centered Learning becomes dependent
upon the self-directed efforts of
the small group. This method
creates a more active, student-
centered learning environment
Who is responsible for teacher The student decides what
directing the learning activities he/she needs to learn
Kondisi ideal

 Although the PBL tutorial is student-centered, major learning objectives are identified in
advance by the case writers as part of the overall curriculum design. Tutors may need to
provide prompts to ensure that major objectives are identified and pursued.

 In PBL, as knowledge is acquired in the context of a specific clinical problem (the problem is
encountered before the student has the knowledge to understand it), it is likely to be better
focused and retained.

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