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Course Title: Software Engineering

Course Outline:

Introduction to Software Engineering: Scope of Software Engineering(SE), Software fecycles; Alternative

techniques, Extreme Programming.

Software Standard and processes: Process types and models along with their specifications.

Capturing User Requirements: System and software requirements, Documenting requirements,

Structured and object-oriented approach, Managing requirements, Traceability and change control.

Role of analysis and Design:Structured and object-oriented analysis and design, Alternative
appproaches , Language ; Platform and database issue.

Verifying and Validating Results: Dynamic testing; traceability metrics, Software Quality
Assurance(QSA), Quality and process standards and guidelines, Project and risk Management, CASE
tools, Software Engineering Ethics.

Course Title: Educational Assessment

Couse Outline:

Introduction to Educational Assessment: Introducing the concepts, Test measurement, Assessment and
evaluation, Instructional process and role of assessment. Assessment of and assessment for learning.
Principles of assessment, Classification of asessment on the basis of nature of assessment, Purpose of
assessment, Forms of assessment, Methods of interpreting results, Teacher made vs standardized test.

Planing Classroom Assessment: Instructional aims, goals and objectives. General vs Specific Learning
outcomes. Taconomy of education objectives, Developing assessment framework, Developing test
specifications, Selecting appropriate types of test items.

Types of Achievement Test: Subjective vs objective: Constructing objective test items,

Characteristics,Different types, Rules to construct, Scoring , Advantages and limitations, Constructing
subjectives test items, Characteristics, Different types, Rules to construct, Developing scoring rubrics
and scoring, Advantages and limitations.

Assessment Techniques in Affective and Psychomotor Domains:Observation, Self-reports,

Questionnaire, Interview, Rating Scales, Anecdotal record, Checklists, Peer apppraisal.
Test Appraisal: Qualities of good test, Valitidy, Realibility, Usability, Item analysis for achievement test ,
Item discrimination, Item difficulty, Building item bank.

Course Title: Elementary Linear Algebra

Course outline :

Vectors in R” and C”: Bectors in R”, Linear combination of Vectors, Dot(Inner) product, Angle between
Vectors, projections, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality. Minkowsk Inequality, Hyperplanes, Lines, Vectors in
R(Spatial Vectors), Cross Products, Lagrange’s identity, Solving Vectos Problems using a Computer
Algebra Sysem(CAS).Maple Mathematica or Matlab.

Algebra of Matrices: Matrices, Squares of Matrices, Trace, Powers of Matrices, Polynomial in Matrices,
invertible Matrices, orthogonal Matrix, Normal Matrix, Hermition Matrix, Unitary Matrix, (Complex)
Normal Matrix, Block Matrix; Dealing Matrices with Maple, Mathematica or Matlab.

Systems of Linear Equations: System of Linear Equations and Its Solutions, Equivalent Systems,
Elementary Operations, Gaussian Elimination, Echelon Matrix, Row Equivalence, Homogenous System of
Linear Equations, Elementary Matrices, LU Decomposition; Solviing Linear System with Maple.

Determinants: Determinants, properties of Determinants, Minors and Cofactors, Classical Adjoint,

Cramer’s Rule, princpile Minors, Block Matrices and Determinants.

Course Title : Object Oriented

Course Outline:

Basic of object Oriented Programming:

Evolutionn of object oriented paradigm, object oriented concepts and principles, problem solving in
ojbect oriented paradigm, object oriented paradigm process.

Class Fundamentals: Classes, methods, objects and encaplusation, constructors and destructors,
operator and function overloading, virtual functions.

Inheritence:Derived classes, Member access, Super, Types of inheritance.

Polymorphism: Methods overriding,Dynamic method dispatch, Abstract classes and variables, Final

Interfaces: Define interface, Implements and paply interfaces, Variables in interfaces and extent

Exception Handling: Exception fundamental, Exception types, Built-in and User defined exception.

File Handling:I/O and file processing, Practical, Assignments and mini project.

Course Title : Introduction to Statistics

and Probability
Course Outline:

Preliminaries : frequency distribution, histogram, pie chart, Multiple bar graph, Cumulative frequency
curve and polygon, Mean, mode , median, variance and standard deviation, Quartiles, Deciles,
Percentiles, coefficient of variation, Scatter plots, Correlation coefficient, Methods of test squares,
Regression line, Curvelifting

Probability: sample space, event, mutually exclusive events, exhaustive events, Equally likely events,
Axioms of probability, Tree diagram, Law of complement, Law of addition, Conditional probability, Law
of Multiplication, Dependent and independent events, Bayes’ formula, Repeated independent trials,
Bionomial and normal distributions

Course Title: Technical writing and

presentation skills
Course Outline:

Presentation skills:Elements of an effective speech , Getting ready for presentation (organizing date),
During the presentation, (gaining attention, presenting data, working with visuals etc.), After the
presentation (review, question answer session, feedback). Presentation ethics.

Essay Writing: Descriptive, narrative, discursive,argumentative, parts of essay

Academic writing:How to write a proposal for research for paper/term paper, How to write a research
paper/term. Paper(emphasis on the style content, language, form clarity, consistency).

Report writing:Types of Reports, Formats

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