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1.1 Background

English in this Era is very important because English is the

international language of the language of all countries in the world.
With English all countries in the world can relate in business,
education and in other fields. Examples of relationships in education,
many countries have cooperated with Indonesia to exchange program.
Indonesian Lessons can be directly studied abroad, with good English
capital Indonesian students can communicate with foreigners. In the
world of education in Indonesia, English is one of the subjects of
schooling from the first middle to upper secondary level. For
elementary school level some schools in Indonesia have not studied
English only a few of the advanced and international schools that have
studied English.
Based on my experience, many students who have not been able
to speak English when they have been taught English from elementary
school. Some Indonesians can only use English in formal situations
and can not use English in informal situations. Because Indonesia
makes English into a foreign language, the language is not used
everyday. I judge, why the students have not been able to speak
English or have not been able to use English because of the lack of
vocabulary in English. In learning English must know a lot of
vocabulary so that it can get information and provide information to
others. Vocabulary is fundamental to learning English by knowing
many vocabularies can improve students' English proficiency of
listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on my experience in
the problem of students' lack of vocabulary that is when in class,
English teacher asks about the presence of students by saying "How
many students prensents today?" Most of them have not been able to
answer because they do not understand about the question of using
English delivered by their teacher .
So, as a researcher and also a prospective educator, should be
sensitive to the problems that occur in the learning process. One of
them is the lack of vocabulary of the students. One way to solve a
problem in a students’ lack of vocabulary is to do a technique that
enhances the students' vocabulary and the techniques we use should be
fun. Based on my experience, English is one of the less difficult
subjects and a bit boring for some students. So in teaching English to
students we must use such techniques in teaching vocabulary. Because
most students will be bored if only memorize vocabulary without
using techniques that can foster students' interest in learning English.
The technique I use in teaching vocabulary is Scrabble game.
Scrabble game is a game of composing letters into a word in
English. This game is usually played by 2 to 4 people. Using Scrabble
game techniques can be effective against improving students'
vocabulary. Scrabble games can make students interested in
improving their vocabulary. Applying scrabble games here students
can learn while playing to remember vocabulary in English, by
making students feel happy in learning a learning material can make
students quickly understand and can realize the purpose of learning to
be achieved. Based on the above background the author chose the title
1.2 Problem of The Research
Statement of the problem are as follow :
1. Can the scrabble game effective to improve students’
vocabulary ?
1.3 Objective of the research
The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of using
scrabble game can improve vocabulary.
1.4 Significant of the reseach
The result of this research are expeted :
1. For student
To improve students' vocabulary in English. because
vocabulary is one of the important things in learning English.
and with increasing vocabulary can also improve the ability of
2. For English teachers
To be useful information in teaching English especially in
improving students' vocabulary using scrabble games. scrabble
game is one of the effective games for improving vocabulary
3. For school
To give valuable contribution to school so that can improve
students' English proficiency.
4. For researcher
Research in teaching English can motivate researchers to
search new approach or method teaching English which can
also improve students' English ability.

1.5 Scope of the reseacrh

Based on the identification of the above problems, there are
many problems found during the teaching and learning practice. In
this study, researchers focused on how to improve students'
vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important things in learning
English. In order to improve the vocabulary of students,
researchers use effective techniques that can increase students'
interest in improving their vocabulary. Researchers also use game
techniques to improve students' vocabulary because, the game is a
fun technique that can make students interested in memorizing
vocabulary. The game are a scrabble game is a game set
letters on board to be a word in English. This game is played by 2-
4 people. This game is effective in improving the vocabulary of
students because the game can stimulate students scrabble to
arrange the letters into a word.

1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms

1. Improving is attempted by teacher to understand the level of
students' understanding of the lesson.
2. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects of the
language. In addition, Rahayu (1999: 6) states that "The
vocabulary is the whole word or vocabulary or term that refers
to certain concepts possessed by a person or a language in an
3. Scrabble game is a game that compose letters into English
words on a board game. This game can be played by 2-4
people.This game is effectively done in the classroom in
improving the vocabulary of the side.

2.1 Preview Study
Preview study is to determine the effectiveness of media or
strategy that has been used by researchers before in teaching
vocabulary. There are two previous studies that examine in
vocabulary teaching. The first research conducted by Dianti Dwi
Ningtyas (2015) and the second reseach conducted by Lilis Sutanti
The first study was conducted by Dianti Dwi Ningthyas from
the English Education Department Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teacher
Training State Islamic Institution (IAIN) Of Tulungagung. The
research was conducted in 2015 entitled "The Effectinevess Of
Scrabble Game Toward Students' Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth
Grade At SDN 1 Prigi Watulimo Treggalek". The Research was an
experiment that uses quantitative research. In this study, researchers
used pre-experimental research design in the form of one group of
pe-test and post test. Researchers have the objective of research
conducted in teaching vocabulary using scrabble game that aims to
know the mastery of vocabulary before being taught using scrabble
game, To know the mastery of students' vocabulary after the
researcher using scrabble game and the latter goal the researcher
wanted to know the significant value difference before and after the
researchers taught the vocabulary using scrabble games. The
population in this study were all 5th grade students of SDN 1 Prigi
and the samples in this study were students of SDN 1 Prigi Class 5B
consisting of 33 students. From the results of research in got research
in teaching the vocabulary using scrabble game in SDN 1 Prigi. The
results showed the total value of students before the researchers teach
the vocabulary using scrabble games is 2184, while the total value
after the researcher teaches vocabulary using scrabble games is 2684.
With the results obtained the total student score increases and in
other words, Scrabble game is one media which is effective in
learning vocabulary of elementary school students.
The second study conducted by one student from the Sunan
University Negeri Gunung Djati Bandung named Lilis Sutanti. The
research was conducted in 2013 entitled "The Effectiveness of
Scrabble Game in Improving Student 'Vocabulary Mastery and
Speaking Ability". In this research, researchers used quantitative
research. To conduct research, the researcher made the grade 2 MTs
Al-Fatah Cikembang-Bandung consisting of 3 classes as population.
And Samples in this research there are two classes that is class 2
consisting of 32 students in each class. Techniques undertaken by
researchers in conducting research are using interviews,
documentation studies and test (pre-test and post-test). Research
conducted by Lilis Sutanti which aims to improve vocabulary and
students' speaking ability in MTs Al-Fatah. The results showed that
in teaching vocabulary using the scrabble game Ha accepted and Ho
rejected. It can be concluded that vocabulary teaching using scrabble
games is very important. And in improving students' speaking skills
using scrabble games the results show that Ha is rejected and Ho
accepted. In other words scrabble games are not suitable for
improving students' speaking skills. The study states that scrabble
games are an effective method of teaching and improving students'
vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, to learned speaking ability of
students of English teachers are advised not to use scrabble game
method. And in a study conducted by Lilis Astuti it states that
scrabble is less effective in teaching students the ability to speak. But
Scrabble games are effective for teaching vocabulary students at
MTs level. Meanwhile Researchers also want to do research on
teaching vocabulary using the same media that is Scrabble game.
2.2 Review of Related Literature
2.2.1 Definition of Game
In education, the game is one of the instuments in
teaching in order to achieve the desired learning objectives.
Because by using games in learning will be able to increase
student's motivation and interest in learning. With the interest
of students in learning will make students easy to understand
learning materials. (Sadiman, 1996: 7) argues that game is a
contest between players who interact with each other by
following certain rules to achieve certain goals.
According to Both (1979: 38) with games can help
build vocabulary. Through the game, students' vocabulary can
be built and can be added. And so eventually they can practice
using vocabulary as they speak. In line with these two
statements, it can be concluded that the game is one technique
that can be used in learning English, especially vocabulary. If
the teacher uses the game in learning first the teacher must
explain the rules that must be followed by the students. Game
is also one of the effective techniques in improving students'
vocabulary, because through the game students can build and
add vocabulary.
2.2.2 Definition of Scrabble game
The students have prepared. Scrabble game is a
game of composing letters into a word arranged on a board.
Scrabble games can play two to four people, players must
get a high score to win. Scrabble games is a game of
composing letters into a word on a board, this game is
famous. Players collect values or points based on the words
they are formed on board games consisting of boxes and
there are 15 columns and 15 rows above the board.
In addition to using the board, scrabble also use tile or
commonly called this tile is pieces in the form of squares
and on one side is written letters. The player must stabilize 7
tiles later, arranging the tiles horizontally and downhill like
a crossword into a word. The word should also be compiled
words that are allowed to be played and according to your
standard language played by players.
Scrabble is a very famous game. Many countries are
attracted to playing scrabble, in addition to its exciting game
scrabble games can also increase the player's vocabulary
knowledge. Scrabble is sold in 121 countries in 29 different
language versions. One hundred million sets of scrabble
games are sold worldwide. In the United States and Canada,
the name of scrabble game is a trademark of Hasbro, in
other countries the trademark Scrabble games are held by
J.W. Spear and Sons. Before Srabble games are held by J.W.
Spear and Sons in 1993, Scrabble is a trademark of Murffet
Regency in Australia.

2.2.3 How to use Scrabble game

In playing scrabble games there are rules to be followed
by players. Game game scrabble rules as follows:
a. Determine the discussion subject that will be used in the
b. Place every stones, face to down and stir it. Then,
determine who is the first player, every player takes a
stone and who gets the letter A or the nearest of it, so he
is the first player. And then, return the stone and stir it.
Now every player takes 8 stones.
c. By using that stones in the particular time, the first
player creates a word on the board. The word can be
placed from left to right or from above downward and
the first word must pass the * (center of the board).
d. The player finishes his return by accounting the number
that he achieves in his return. Then, he can take the new
stone as many it has already used. So, he still has 8
stones on his hand.
e. The player uses the time in the game is one minute to
create the word.
f. The new words can be formed by:
1. Adding one or more of the letter in one word or
the letter has already put on the board.
2. Putting the letters crossly in a word or letter
that has already on the board.
3. Placing a word in an equal line that has already
on the board, with the result that create a
complete word.
g. The player can use the empty stones to change the letter
that he wants. And he must say it.
h. Every player can use his turn to change the stones and
take the new stones in an equal number. Then, he waits
his turn to play the game.
i. All words which exists in dictionary can be used except
the special name which started by capital letter and
abbreviations. Check the word with dictionary whether
it corrects or not.
j. The game is going on until all of the stones finished and
one of the players has used all his stones.
k. The scores of each player can be assisted by totaling the
letter‟s score that has already been on the board.

on April 7th 2018)

2.2.4 Vocabulary
1. Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the basic component that must be

possessed when learning the language. So also with

learning English, vocabulary is a component that must

be mastered. Word will increase over time, this may

affect language users. Overcoming many vocabulary

will make it easier for people to communicate. Because

one of the functions of the language is to communicate,

by overpowering many vocabulary one can

communicate fluently with others. Vocabulary is one of

the most important micro skills to be developed. Micro

skills such as vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar

are very importan t in learning English. But in

communicating it would be more difficult without

vocabulary than without grammar. Vocabulary is the

core component of language proficiency and provides

must of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read, and write (Richards, 2003: 255)

Some definition of vocabulary is proposed by

some experts. Nunan (1999: 101) states that vocabulary

is a list of target language words. To compose a

sentence it takes several words, so that the delivery of

the sentence can be clear. Another definition of

vocabulary Richards and Schmidt (2002: 58 0) argues

vocabulary is a set of lexeme, including single words,

compound words, and idioms. Furthermore, Jackson

and Amvela (2000: 11) viewpoint that the terms

vocabulary, lexis, and lexicon are synonymous.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary

Teaching English vocabulary is one of the basic
and very important lessons for students to learn English.
Vocabulary is an important element that needs to be
developed in English learning. For English learners to be
able to speak English well, learners must kusai
vocabulary. If the English learner has vocabulary, the
learner will be easy to get information and give
information to others in English. In addition, the
vocabulary can also improve the four skills in learning
English, namely: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Furthermore, (Nunan, 1991: 17) argues for
successful language learning, vocabulary acquisition
should be sufficient for language learners. By having a
vocabulary or vocabulously, students will produce many
sentences in oral form and in writing that can be used to
express ideas, opinions and also respond well. Wilkins
(1972) wrote that ". . . while without grammar very little
can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed "(pp.111-112). This teaching English
vocabulary is an important thing to learn.
3. Types of vocabulary
We must have known that in the phrase there are
"passive sentences" and "active sentences" in the
vocabulary. According to Jackson (2002: 28) argues that
there are two kinds of vocabularies, active vocabulary
and passive vocabulary.
1. Active Vocabulary
An active vocabulary means a vocabulary used by
someone in their own English speech or writing. They
really understand with the words they are right for their
use in their speeches or writings.
2. Passive Vocabulary
Passive vocabulary is a vocabulary that a person
recognizes but is rarely used for speaking and writing.

2.2.5 Teaching vocabulary through scrabble game

Scrabble games are a means to improve the player's
vocabulary. Many countries are already playing scrabble
games. In the world of scrabble education has been widely
used for learning English especially in vocabulary learning,
because Scrabble games can help students to vocalize the
vocabulary. Through scrabble games learning vocabulary in
the classroom will be more fun and easily absorbed by
Steps Teaching vocabulary through scrabble game:
1. The teacher gives the material that will be
presented to the students based on the syllabus and
the lesson plan that has been prepared.
2. Teachers deliver the vocabulary that students must
achieve during the lesson.
3. In order to expose the vocabulary can be cheaply
absorbed by students, teachers make the game that
is scrabble games.
4. Teachers divide students into groups. 1 group
consists of 4 students.
5. Teacher gives explanation to student about how to
play scrabble game student also listen to teacher
explanation well.
6. Before students start playing, teachers and some
students demonstrate game scrabble games for
students to better understand.
7. The teacher asks the students to start the game.
8. Students start the game by arranging the letters on a
scrabble board into a word.
9. Teacher Observe the game of each group.
Generally in English games scrabble games, if
the compiler is compiled, and the word is not in the
standard dictionary it can not be used. In every
vocabulary learning through scrabble games the
teacher should bring a standard English dictionary to
check the words
2.2.6 Hypotesis
Hypothesis or temporary answer. The research
hypothesis is the temporary answer of the problem problem
formulated in the study. The hypothesis is based on the
relevant theory. The research hypothesis should be proven
with data collected from the research undertaken. After the
researchers conducted data collection to prove the
hypothesis, the data must be analyzed to find the real
answer. Hypotheses were conducted in quantitative research.
Arikunto (2002: 66) explains that a hypothesis is
divided into two kinds.The first is work hypothesis (Ha) that
shows relationship or comparison betweenX and Y
variables. The second is null hypothesis (Ho) that shows
there is norelationship or comparison between X and Y
variables. In this research have two variables that is scrabble
games as variable X and increase student vocabulary as
variable Y. Researcher formulate research hypothesis as

Ha: Scrabble game efektive in improving students'

H0: Scrabble games are not efektive in improving students'
3.1 Reseacrh Design
Research is a process of finding a solution to a specific
problem with the data collected based on the problem. And for the
solution of the solution must be systematic, objective and logical.
This study is an experimental study.
According to Cohen et al., (2007: 272) an important feature of
experimental research is that researchers deliberately control and
manipulate the conditions that determine events, in which they are
interested. Experimental research generally involves two subject
groups, experimental groups and comparison groups. This study used
pre experimental design with one group given pre-test and post test.
Pre test and post test is done to find out the score after the students
learn after using the game scrabble.

A diagram of One Group Pre test – Post test design:

Y1 X Y1
Pretest Treatment Posttest
(Independent variable) (Dependent variable)

After the treatment, researchers can compare the pretest and

posttest scores. The Effectiveness of the strategy can be known by
researchers after knowing the difference between before and after
applying classroom learning using scrabble game.

3.2 Population and sample

3.2.1 Population
In quantitative research the population and sample is
the main source for the researcher to collect the data in order
to solve the problem or phenomenon which is the research
focus of a researcher. Population is the whole object of
research to be studied. Arikunto (2013: 173) in Encyclopedia
of educational Evaluation population is a collection of one or
more attributes of interest. A population consists of a set of
objects, observation, or scores that have somethingin
common. (Sugiyono, 2012: 117) argue population is a
generalization region consisting of: objects or subjects that
have certain qualities and characteristics set by the researchers
to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population in
this study is all students of class VII in MTs Negeri Luwuk in
the academic year 2017/2018. Class VII in this school
amounted to 6 classrooms. For more details can be seen in the
table below.

NO Class The number of
1 VII A 46
2 VII B 47
3 VII C 49
4 VII D 47
5 VII E 40
6 VII F 40

Based on the contents of the above table that describes

the population in this study are the students of grade VII in
MTs N Luwuk in the class of 2017/2018 which are from 6
grades of VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIID, VIIE and VIIF which as
many as 267 students.
3.2.2 Sampel
The sample is part of the population selected by the
researcher to be studied. The sample is a portion of the
population selected to be the source of the data (Sukardi
2003: 54). The sample in this study is one of the VII class in
MTs Negeri Luwuk.
NO Class The number
of students
1 VII B 47

From the table above then the sample in this research

is class VIIB in MTs N Luwuk in the academic year
2017/2018 which amounted to 47 students. In the research in
determining the sample the researcher must use sample
technique or called sampling. And in this reseacrh to
determine the sample that will be use the researcher using
sample random sampling or data collection conducted random
on the population. Random sampling of the population allows
each individual in the population to have equal opportunity to
sample in the study. Thus the researcher gives the right to
each subject to be select to be a sample. The researcher does
not give the privilege for a particular subject. All members of
the population in the study are likely to be sample.

3.3 Reseacrh Variables

Variables in the reseacrh are the things being studied by
researchers. Variable is the object of the research of the problem
which emphasized in research. According to Arikunto (2013:161),
variable is research subject or as to focuses some research. Based
on the title, the research had two kinds of variables, they were:
Independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). Independent
variable is a variable that explains or variables that affect other
variables. Dependent variable is the variable explained by the
independent variable. In this research :
a) Indepedent variable (X) of this research is application of
Scrabble game technique in teaching vocabulary.
b) Dependent variable (Y) in this research is to improve
student vocabulary.

3.4 Instrument of data collection

The research instrument is a tool that helps researchers in data
collection research. According to (Sugiyono, 2013: 148) research
instrument is a tool that
used measuring natural and social phenomena are observed. Data
collection in this research was conducted in MTs Negeri Luwuk with
sample of class VII B with number of student 47 using observation
and test. The research specified in this study is an instument to
measure the increase of vocabulary students.

3.5 Techniques of data collection

3.5.1 Observasion
Observation is one of the data collection techniques, the
researchers made direct observations with the respondents. In
this study the researchers conducted a direct observation of
teaching English and learning process in class VII MTs
Negeri Luwuk Academic year 2017/2018. Researchers
observe students and teachers. Researchers observe the
learning of English and especially the teaching of vocabulary,
the researcher must observe the extent to which students can
remember the vocabulary that their teacher has taught.
3.5.2 Tes
Test conducted in this experimental research is pre test
and post test. This test can know the ability of students after
treatment. test also serves to compare the students'
vocabulary before performing treatment and after treatment.
Pre test is done before the researchers give treatment and
post test after the researcher gives treatment. Form of test in
use is written test in form of Matching test and Gap-filling.
From tests that have been done by researchers, researchers
will know the progress of students in remembering
vocabulary before and after teaching vocabulary through
scrabble game.

3.6 Technique of data analysis

After doing the test the researcher must analyze the data or
manage the test result data. Here are the researchers techniques in
managing test data:

1. Check the test results the researcher conducted pre test and post
test to the respondent.
Pre test done before teaching vocabulary using scrabble game
and post test done after teaching vocabulary using scrabble game.
Pre test and post post test are given to the students and then the
students. then their answers are checked by the researchers. after
the calculation is completed, the result of the calculation is the
value obtained by each respondent.
2. Calculate the average value of Test
After calculating the value of each respondent. Researchers then
calculate the average value of the overall value of respondents by
using the formula:


(Sarwono, 2006 : 140)

M : Average Value
ΣX : Number of Values
ΣN : Number of respondents.

After the average value of both tests is calculated, the

researcher will also calculate the calculation of the correlation
value of the variable by using the formula:

√(𝛴𝜒 2 )(∑у2 )
(Sugiyono, 2008 : 128)
r: Correlation

X: Pre test

Y: Post test

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