Netzach - The Work of The Divine Chariot

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Netzach - the work of the Divine Chariot

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Netzach - the work of the Divine Chariot
by Martina Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:13 am

Greetings Tau Malachi,

in Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ in the chapter on netzach (page 233) you write that "there
is no such thing as personal salvation ... the faithful and elect do not practice for themselves
alone, but for the sake of heaven... In spiritual practice we not only uplift and enlighten ourselves,
we uplift and enlighten humanity, the world and all that is in it."

When we meditate and pray we more and more become aware of the divine powers intuitively and
we can use our imagination to translate them into our actions. Our actions will be guided by
compassion for others more often. But it is still difficult to grasp the greater importance spiritual
practice seems to have.

In great appreciation for your help

Shalom Martina

The Great Work

by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:18 am
Salutations Martina!

Yes, indeed, as we experience higher states of consciousness and our consciousness opens to new
dimensions, and we come into contact with divine powers – tzaddikim and maggidim, our mind,
heart and life are transformed and we become a force for a greater good in the world; this in turn
benefits others who we encounter in life. Yet there is something more, for through the spiritual
life and practice as we call upon the Names of God and invoke archangels, orders of angels and
other divine and enlightened beings, we bring the influences of these divine powers into the subtle
atmosphere of the world – the subtle dimension, the astral earth.

Essentially, through human beings spiritual forces gain influence and power in the world, whether
divine, admixed or dark and hostile – through our thoughts and emotions, words and actions, we
invoke corresponding spiritual beings-forces which are as “real” in their domains as we are in ours.
Unfortunately, if we consider what occupies the minds, hearts and lives of the majority of
humanity – the herd consciousness of humanity, it corresponds to admixed and dark spiritual
forces: negativity such as self-cherishing, pride, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed, lust, fear,
anger, hatred, doubt and the like attracts negative spiritual beings-forces (klippotic forces). In this
we may understand the great need for the spiritual labor of the faithful and elect seeking to
balance the admixture and darkness through the invocation of the Divine Light and Divine Powers,
for quite literally, in ignorance people do not know or understand the power of the mind or soul
and what they are doing when they become bound up in negativity – klippot.

We may ask a question. Why, often times, is a wonder brought about by prayer that will not
transpire apart from prayer? If the Divine intends to bring about a wonder, why would it not
transpire anyhow, whether we prayed for it or not? But you see, there must be a person of faith
who turns to the Divine in prayer and who invokes the influx of the Divine Presence and Power
(Shekinah), receiving the influx of Light-power; otherwise, often times, the Divine Presence and
Power cannot act for there is no desire to receive it and no circuit is formed for the Divine 1/8
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Presence and Power to move. We are cocreators with the Divine and we create the circuits for the
Divine Presence and Power to flow – the Light-power is constantly present, but we must create the
circuits for it to flow, similar to how we create circuits for material energies like electricity.

This reflects something of the mystery of the Divine Incarnation within esoteric Christian teachings
– through the actual incarnation of the Messiah in human form the Light-presence and Light-power
of the Messiah is made manifest in humanity and the world; incarnate, the Messiah could then form
the circuit for the influx of Supernal Grace, Supernal Light, and through the Messiah all can access
the Supernal Light-power. Everyone is blessed by the Divine Incarnation in this way.

The greater benefit of our spiritual practice isn’t that it transforms us so that we might help others
– it is that through spiritual practice we actually invoke holy and enlightened beings, divine
powers, into the subtle atmosphere of this world and into the collective consciousness of
humanity, actually extending light and blessing power. This seems fantastic only so long as we
remain bound to the belief of an independent and substantial self-existence (self-grasping)
separate and apart from all other sentient beings, and separate and apart from the source or
ground of all, the Divine. The truth is, however, that we are not so separate and apart as we think,
but rather we are completely interconnected and interdependent with all and with the source of
ground of all, God, the True Light.

With the dawn of modern science it is a well known fact that when a person in one part of the
world gets a new idea or thought, others elsewhere may suddenly get the very same new idea or
thought around the same time in another part of the world – one person having no direct
knowledge or contact with the other. This has happened among scientist engaged in research and
experimentation in various fields, and something similar has been witness among species of
animals as well; for example scientists witnessed monkeys on one island begin to wash sand off
their fruit before eating it, and at the same time observed that monkeys on a complete different
island began exhibiting the very same behavior – two groups of individuals with no direct contact.
If this effect can be witnessed in mundane affairs, then it must also occur in terms of spiritual and
mystical experience – spiritual influences. Thus, quite directly, as we unfold our actual experience
of self-realization in Christ the influence will naturally and spontaneously ray out to others – to
many whom we may never meet in this world, but to whom our own spiritual life and practice is a
powerful influence and help by way of the same principle.

The very real power of a continuum of spiritual living and spiritual practice can become especially
obvious if we ever have the blessing of encountering a holy tzaddik and sacred circle, and having a
spiritual connection are open and sensitive; coming into contact with a tzaddik and circle all of a
sudden we may find that our dreams change and become more luminous, our experiences in
practices change and flow of circumstances in life change – as though we have entered into a
matrix of light-power or divine powers, which is exactly what we have done.

In my experience with Tau Elijah and his circle, in retrospect it proves very interesting – apart from
the many amazing experiences it facilitated in my own spiritual life, what is interesting is the
influence his circle appears to have had on the evangelical Christian movement and outer church at
Lake Tahoe in the years his circle was in operation on the West Shore. There was an incredible
charismatic revival with very luminous and dynamic events all of the years Tau Elijah and his
spiritual companions engaged the Continuum of Light Transmission up there – but within two years
of Elijah’s death, just as the former companions of his circle moved away, so also did the majority
of people of the Christian community of the outer church. He and his circle, quite distinctly, was
like a great generator of Light-power, and that Light-power blessed and benefited many who did
not even know him. Because my father and mother were deeply involved in the evangelical
movement during those years I was able to witness this effect very clearly, and truly it was
astonishing, unmistakable.

Now the strength to which we may have a more radical effect and influence will depend upon the
strength of our faith and gnosis, and the strength of our own continuum of the spiritual life and
practice – as our faith and gnosis grows and increases, and as our continuum develops and evolves,
our capacity as a conscious agent of the Great Work grows and increases, and we become more and 2/8
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more effective as actual light-bearers, healers and peacemakers. Quite naturally, as a novice
practitioner we will not have the same effect and influence as a skilled initiate or adept, but given
time to grow and mature in the Light-presence (Christ) and Light-power (Holy Spirit), over some
years we are likely to be surprised by the movements of the Messiah and Shekinah of Messiah – the
movements of Divine Grace.

However, it must be said that we do not engage in the Great Work with vital demand or lust for
results, whether for ourselves or for others; truly, it is for heaven’s sake, for the joy of the
spiritual life and practice, and for the glorification of God, the True Light. All of the good that we
hope for others is on account of love and compassion – the Sacred Heart, and our spiritual life and
practice is the expression of our worship of God in spirit and truth, our love of God, the True Light;
love and compassion is our motivation, and the real fruit is in the experience of love and
compassion itself.

There are many spiritual and metaphysical teachings in the world – some represent authentic
wisdom traditions that are actual expressions of the Path to Enlightenment, but others do not
necessarily represent any authentic wisdom tradition or express an actual Path to Enlightenment;
though in much of modern spirituality, the new age and pop-occultism in ignorance many would say
“its all the same,” in fact that is not true. There is much that is nothing more than a distortion of
the Spirit or Truth and much that is nothing more than a distraction from the Path to
Enlightenment – much that is not born of the enlightenment experience or actual realization. Thus,
we have good reason to reach out to others with the hope that they might receive the teachings
and practices of an authentic wisdom tradition which might lead to actual progress in the
enlightenment and liberation of their mind or soul-stream, and we have good reason to labor so
that others might enter into an expression of the Sanctuary of Grace – as much as the extension of
invisible spiritual assistance through the spiritual life and practice, abiding in the Sanctuary of
Grace, we wish to draw others into the Holy Sanctuary and share with others how to sojourn in the
Way, the Path of the Great Exodus (the Path to Enlightenment). Thus, in this spiritual labor it isn’t
just about our personal salvation, but it is a labor for the enlightenment and liberation of as many
sentient beings as possible – all our relations, visible and invisible.

In this spiritual labor we are not alone, but there are countless divine powers, countless holy and
enlightened beings who labor with us – quite naturally we invoke their help in our labor, and as we
labor we rely upon the Light-presence (Christ) and the Light-power (Holy Spirit) to accomplish the
Great Work with, in and through us, our spiritual life and practice being a dynamic surrender to
Divine Grace.

If something of the Truth and Light is revealed in our experience, it is only natural that we seek to
live according to it; hence our spiritual life and practice.

May we be empowered in the Great Work of the harvest of souls – all in the Risen Messiah;

Blessings & shalom!

Joy and Comtemplation

by Martina Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:38 am

Greetings Tau Malachi,

your words are a joy and give me much to contemplate. Some events in life prove their spiritual
truth for me.

I am very grateful to you and the circle for this web forum which gives so much inspiration that
would otherwise be impossible. Getting involved in the discussion group and reading your books,
my spiritual experience changes in surprising ways: while practicing the upper room meditation all
tzaddikim and maggidim where shining with the light and power of the holy spirit. It was a very 3/8
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deep spiritual experience.

Shalom Martina

Aur of El
by Elder Gideon Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:00 am

Greetings Tau Malachi!

As I read in the chapter of Netzach Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, I see a fascinating overlap
between Archangels Haniel, the Muse of El, and Uriel, the Light (Aur) of El. There is a chant and
visualization given, invoking creative inspiration of Haniel, but I find no chant or visualization for
Uriel. How may we go about invoking the illumination of the Light of El, Uriel?

Many thanks!

Brother Michael+

St. Uriel - The Light of God

by Tau Malachi Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:27 am

Greetings Elder Michael+!

Uriel and Haniel are distinct from one another, and yet they are intimately interconnected, for by
nature their missions overlap one another; while it may be said that Haniel is the archangel the
facilitates the Light Transmission in worlds of the Entirety, Uriel is the guardian and guide of the
development and evolution of life on earth and, indeed, in all worlds within which self-aware and
intelligent life emerges – hence facilitating the development and evolution of the vehicle through
which the Light Transmission is fulfilled.

Uriel presides over the elemental force of earth – the cosmic principle of materialization and
manifestation, and is also said to preside over “terrors and thunders and flashing fire,” thus the
power to create and bring into manifestation, as well as to destroy, ending the manifestation; as
an archangel with the secret knowledge of manifestation, and having and association with the
earth, Uriel is among the angels of God bearing the power of abundance, and the symbol of the
cornucopia is associated with him.

He has been said to be among the Kerubim standing guard of the Gates of Eden and Path to the
Tree of Life, but he has also been said to come from the Order of the Serafim, as the name Uriel
literally means “light of God” and “fire of God,” the fire of the heavens, supernal.

Once in a discourse Tau Elijah said, “If Haniel is the bearer of the Light Transmission, Uriel is the
archangelic manifestation of the Divine Light – so close are they.”

It has been said that it is Uriel that buried Adam and Eve, and Abel, in the Cave of the Ancestors,
and that Uriel knows the mysteries of that cave, Machpelah; and it is said that Uriel was with
Magdalene in her transfiguration in the holy cave, and that he stood in secret near Elijah in the
cave on Mount Carmel.

In wrathful countenance he manifested as Peniel, the angel who wrestled with and blessed Jacob,
and in one esoteric teaching it is said that he came to “dwelling on earth among humankind as
Jacob”; in merciful countenance he is the messenger sent to Noah to warn of the pending deluge.

He discloses mysteries of heaven to Ezra, interprets prophecies, and led Abraham and Sarah from
Ur, and he is the archangel who brought word to St. Lazarus to seek the Lord.

Most special of all, though, is the knowledge of the secret alchemy and physics held by Archangel 4/8
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Uriel, which focuses on atomic and nuclear energy, and upon the energy of photons, the energy of
matter/antimatter, and another secret cosmic energy that cannot be spoken among mortals –
hence, the spiritual alchemy of the Supernal Light Transmission and Great Transformation.

With this, it is Uriel who holds the secret knowledge of alchemy and theurgy with stones and
crystals, and who teaches the use of that knowledge directed towards the Great Transformation;
hence, Uriel plays and essential role in the movement of Supernal or Supramental Realization and
the divine theurgy that labors for it. (This reflects St. Uriel as the namesake in the tradition of the
Holy Order teaching the awakening of the Serpent Power and the divine theurgy of the tradition –
the practice of a magical art, celestial and ceremonial, and shamanic; heavenly and yet earth
centered, focused upon the Great Transformation on earth.)

Along with all of this Uriel is called the “Angel of Salvation” and “Angel of Illumination” (or
enlightenment). Thus, another key symbol of Uriel is the “coin of redemption” or pentacle.

If you seek to invoke Uriel his sacred chant is: Ah-U-Ya-Ya-Uriel, Uriel being pronounced as Or-ee-
el. (Alternatively, the sacred chant Ehi Or Uriel can be used, “Let there be light, light of God.”)

In visualization Uriel appears as a self-radiant human being with great wings of light, standing in a
pillar of white brilliance, with glaring and flashing glory, as though bolts of lightening flashing
forth, but of a heavenly and supernal fire, not electrical – when his presence is overwhelming he
veils himself as a human being, but with a radiant aura and with light in his eyes, as though the
skin is a robe for brilliant unimaginable light, infinite light (Or Ain Sof).

Because of the intensity of light and fire, the presence of Uriel is often confused by non-initiates
with the presence of Michael in experiences of psychic vision, and often if a holy person walks with
the presence of Uriel sensitive individuals may speak of perceiving “Michael” with them, unaware
that in fact it is the presence of Uriel.

It is really very interesting, for although St. Uriel is associated with the elemental forces of earth
and acts as the guardian of Planet Earth – seemingly so accessible, in truth, St. Uriel is the
archangel that is the most “alien” and unknown of all of the well known archangels in the Great
Work; very few are able to access the divine fullness of Uriel and more often than not it is as
though Uriel is overlooked, thought of only in passing, difficult for many to think about or relate
with – yet this holy maggid is central to the labor of the Supernal Realization underway in this

This completes the discussion of the archangels given in Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, Uriel being
the one principle archangel not discussed in detail within the book.

We may speak these teachings on the archangels of the Pleroma from the tradition, or we may
speak them from what the Spirit of the Lord has revealed to us and what we have learned from our
communion with them – it is the same; for it is what the Spirit of Yahweh has revealed and what
the maggidim have revealed which composes the teachings of the tradition – teaching affirmed in
our Gnostic experience.

May these teaching be a blessing of Supernal Grace and Light upon all who receive them.

May the Light of God, the True Light, shine brightly; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

Likeness and Light

by Elder Gideon Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:50 am

Solstice Greetings! 5/8
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Thank you ever so much! This indeed does complete a teaching on Netzach in the Gnosis of the
Cosmic Christ which I've very much needed! Its disclosure today, of all days, is quite fitting, for
while Michael is the Archangel attributed to this day in the solar year, I appreciate why one could
confuse the presence of Michael for Uriel; the former being "One Who is Like Unto El", the later
being "Light of El". This says that One-Who-is-Like-Unto El is like-unto Light!

Happy are all who live by the truth and come into the Light!

Amen and amen!

Brother Michael+

Secrets of Uriel
by Tau Malachi Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:03 pm

Greetings again Michael+!

There is something of a secret about Archangel Uriel that might be shared on this holy day of
summer solstice – the Feast of the Ascension & Pentecost. The Holy Spirit desires it to be spoken,
written, and so it shall be shared, all as the Divine Mother wishes!

As you know, in our Christian Kabbalah, the Great Angel of the Messiah is Hua, and Hua is the unity
of the “twin archangels,” the Great Ofanim, Sandalfon and Metatron; one very esoteric teaching
states that Hua is the appearance of the Glory Body dimension of the Great Angel of the Messiah,
and that Archangel Uriel is the Emanation Body dimension – Archangels Raphael, Michael and
Gavriel being as Holy Lights in this Emanation Body, though with Archangel Uriel, altogether
forming the fullness of the Emanation Body dimension of Hua, who is the Archangelic Glory Body
dimension of the Messiah.

It is also say that Uriel is the archangelic emanation of the Light that shines from the Risen
Messiah, – this “Light of God, the Light of the Sun of God.” Something similar is said of Archangel
Michael. According to the masters of the tradition, St. Uriel is the archangelic emanation of the
light of God as the “Midnight Sun,” and St. Michael is the archangelic emanation of the light of God
as the “Noonday Sun,” this reflecting their respective correspondences to winter and summer

There is something to be said regarding St. Uriel and all of the Holy Archangels – all of the holy
angels of God are composed of the “light of God,” all are holy emanations of the Divine Light
within the Universe of Beriyah. In a manner of speaking it could be said that St. Uriel is the
“substance” of them all, the “ground” of them all – hence the Emanation Body dimension coming
forth from Archangel Hua, who represents the Glory Body dimension.

This speaks to the mysterious existence of the archangels and angels of God, the True Light; for
though we may say that archangels and angels each have a distinct and individual existence, at the
same time they exist with and in one another, being holy emanations of one and the same Light-
presence and Light-power of God. Their existence is, thus, *non-linear and fluid*,
metadimensional, such as can only be call “mysterious” and “enigmatic” in terms of our ordinary
mental consciousness and finite or linear reason. Therefore, in an actual experience of archangels
and angels as they are they are in themselves and in God, the True Light, we see them pouring
forth from one another and into one another, and it is something like watching the movement of a
metadimensional living Jeweled Being (Metatron-Hua-Sandalfon), the countless archangels and
angles being like facets of that great Jeweled Being – and yet, at the same time, we may
experience the archangels and angels as distinct and individual divine beings, unique emanations of
Divine Being – El Elyon, the Sun of Elyon and the Holy Shekinah.

Of course, this speaks to the true nature of reality on all levels – the true nature of all. 6/8
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Now there is something more that may be said of St. Uriel and the labor of St. Uriel in the Great
Work – this labor for the Great Transformation. Coming out of the desert, following the
breakthrough of the Supernal Consciousness, the inspiration arose to form a crystal matrix as a
material talisman and extension of the Emanation Body; for there are certain crystals that have a
profound resonance with Supernal Light, as though emanated, created, formed and made in the
earth, in the nature sphere, by the Holy Spirit for this very purpose. St. Uriel holds the knowledge
of the mystery of their formation and the spiritual technology for their use in the Great Work. In
fact, we may say that the inspiration to form such a matrix for the Supernal Light Transmission is
within the labor of Archangel Uriel – that St. Uriel is the archangelic messenger of this divine labor.

The direct and full influx of the Supernal Force can be received by relatively few as yet in the
present human condition – for most it is simply too alien, too overwhelming in its intensity; just as
we might say of the message of the Holy Gospel, which after some two thousand years remains a
very lofty noble ideal around which we form vital sentiments and mental concepts, but rarely seem
able to translate into full and active practice. Thus, the purpose of a crystal matrix is to act as a
transformer and transmitter of the Supernal Force, allowing various lower gradations of the
Supernal Light Transmission at levels it might be more readily received. This is, of course, exactly
the purpose and wisdom of the Emanation Body, whether that manifest the Holy Tzaddik or in
talismanic extensions of relics or sacred objects.

Quite naturally, while such a crystal matrix rightly formed serves to downgrade the Supernal Force,
through it individuals may experience an upgrading of their energy-intelligence and soul, and thus
be empowered to receive the Supernal Light Transmission at significantly higher grades, perhaps
even the inmost gradation – it is skillful means.

(Basically speaking, this is a labor to build a crystal merkavah.)

This play of the mediation of Supernal Light and the manifestation various gradations of Light
Transmission is among the spiritual labors of Archangel Uriel. Thus, when we speak of the seven
Archangels of Christ, St. Uriel is attributed to the heart star, but when the seven interior stars are
spoken of in the context of the elemental principles to which they correspond, St. Uriel is
attributed to the root star. This reflects the very intimate connection that exists between
Archangel Uriel and Archangels Haniel and Sandalfon.

In this we may understand why we work very closely in the inner theurgic continuum with St. Uriel
as we carry out our charge or mandate to form a crystal matrix as an extension of the Emanation
Body, as well as our charge to create a power zone or amplify an existing power zone with it.

There is something much more, however, to this dimension of our spiritual labor – an even greater
wisdom within it. You see, it is the intention of the Light of God, the Supernal Light, to transform
every level of being and consciousness into the image and likeness of Itself, the Divine; this
includes the spiritual, mental, vital and physical, and even the very substance of matter. Certain
crystals have the capacity to help ground the Supernal Force in the material or physical dimension,
and in the substance of matter that composes it; consecrated to this spiritual labor they serve to
facilitate this Great Transformation of consciousness, life and the earth. Essentially, as with the
bodies of the holy ones taken up by this Supernal Light-presence and Light-power, they serve as an
interface of the Supernal Force in the material dimension and serve to facilitate the spiritual and
alchemical transformation brought about by this spiritual nuclear fire, the divine labor of the Great
Transformation that is underway among us.

This takes us further into the mysteries associated with Archangel Uriel, and while we have
ventured deep into the esoteric teaching on St. Uriel, no doubt each person will glean from it what
is beneficial for them, all as the Mother Spirit intends.

Let us pray continually for the fulfillment of the Divine Promise, the Great Transformation; and
yet more, may we blessed and empower to actively labor to bring it about – all in the
remembrance of the Risen Christ, the Divine I Am. Amen. 7/8
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Blessings & shalom!

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