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Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board

Summary of Road Network

Chronology of roads constructed by HSAMB in Karnal Division:

a) Roads Completed before 1-7-1999 143 roads 366.53 km

b) Roads Completed between 1-7-1999 and 4-3-2005 159 roads 365.07 km
c) Roads Completed between 5-3-2005 and 25-9-2009 37 roads 96.45 km
d) Roads Completed between 26-9-2009 and 25-10-2014 46 roads 130.80 km
e) Roads Completed after 26-10-2014 36 roads 81.37 km

Total: 421 roads 1040.22 km

Karnal HSAMB Constructed Roads Karnal

Completed Roads under Maintenance
No SR envisaged 280 roads 665.96 km
SR Awarded 52 roads 135.43 km
SR required but not yet sanctioned 5 roads 18.93 km
SR sanctioned but yet to be awarded 7 roads 17.00 km
Group Total: 344 roads 837.32 km

New Construction
Approved by Government but AA pending 8 roads 23.76 km
Group Total: 8 roads 23.76 km

New Construction going on

New Construction - Awarded 52 roads 127.34 km
New Construction - Unawarded 11 roads 19.56 km
New Construction of partially constructed roads 1 roads 2.75 km
Group Total: 64 roads 149.65 km

Deffered 1 roads 2.88 km
Dropped 45 roads 84.61 km
Duplicate 25 roads 37.06 km
Rejected by Government 28 roads 50.30 km
Relates to other department 5 roads 4.32 km
Group Total: 104 roads 179.17 km

Planned - New Construction

Issues - for re-consideration 5 roads 15.22 km
Planned 34 roads 50.50 km
PR in Head Office 2 roads 4.18 km
PR Upward of Engineer-In-Chief 1 roads 1.53 km
PR with AM Office 1 roads 4.01 km
Group Total: 43 roads 75.43 km

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Transferred to MC 14 roads 18.83 km
Transferred to PWD (938 roads) 59 roads 169.30 km
Transferred to PWD (Individual) 4 roads 14.77 km
Group Total: 77 roads 202.90 km

Division Total: 640 roads 1468.22 km

1. Maintenance

No SR envisaged

1) H - 3900 Bir Rahat Khana To Garhi Sadan Indri 4.02 km. DLP Date: 18-Oct-19

141530 19-Apr-17 Constructed- 1990, Path- 4&5 Karam, Crust- 150mm, SR 02/2010 with
75mm WBM + PC in RD 2670 to 4020m = 1350m and PC in entire
length.Workplan 2012-13:Paver block laid in RD 357 to 497 m.A/A on
15.06.2012 for Rs.5.46 lacs. Work completed on 15.10.2012.
Expenditure Rs.5.01 lacs. Workplan 2015-16:75 mm WBM layer + PC in
RD 0 to 357m & 497 to 2670m=Total Length 2530m. Now crust in RD 0
to 357 & 497 to 2670 is 225 mm thick. A/A accorded on 23.05.2016 for
Rs.32.75 lacs. Work completed on 18.10.2016. Exp. RS.32.26 lacs.

2) H - 3901 Darar To Sanghoya Indri 2.81 km. DLP Date: 30-Nov-20

158286 30-Jan-18 Constructed 11/1990. Crust 150mm WBM. CC in RD 276 to 786m=

510m (Darar): paver block 786 tp 866m==80m, RD 3340 to
3618m=278m, RD 3678 to 3780m =102m, balance length PC in rest
PC(3.070 Km) done in 12/2007.Exp. 10.57 lacs.Work Plan 2011-12: PIP
in RD 786 to 866m =80m (Darar) and RD 3678 to 3780=110m; in rest
Patches.A/A on 17.7.2012 for Rs. 10.23 lacsWork Completed on
30.11.2012. Work plan 2014-15:(250mm GSB + Paver Block) + Nala in
(RD 3340 to 3618m) 270m in Village Sanghoya.A/A for Rs.
completed on 31.03.2015. CM Announcement Code No. 20494 dt.
24.9.2017 & Work Plan 2016-17: 250m GSB +paver block in 18'width at
RD 0 to 276m (Darar), in rest(2.534km) 75m WBM layer+PC+berm
repair. A/A accorded for Rs. 41.71 lacs on 25.11.2016.Work allotted on
29.11.2016. Work completed on 30.11.2017 except some road
damaged/cut portions.Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

3) H - 3904 Nandi to PC Ghari Birbal Indri 3.06 km. DLP Date:

136848 06-Feb-17 Constructed- 1994, Path- 5 Karam, Crust-150mm, Patch + PC in

07/2006 in entire length. Road falls in Yamuna Belt and damaged due
to traffic diversion in 7/10 to 9/10. Work plan 2012-13:75mm WBM+PC
entire length. A/A 12.10.12 Rs.35.51 lacs completed on 10.05.13
Exp.36.52 lacs Now crust is 225 mm.

4) H - 3908 Karwa To Badheri Indri 2.81 km. DLP Date:

161635 15-May-18 Repair of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, Minister of Food
Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana vide dairy no. 173-M dated
139465 07-Mar-17 Constructed 10/06/1994. Path 5 & 6 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC (0.390)
+PC (2.420 km) done 12/2007.Work plan 2012-13:Paver block laid in RD
0 to 100 m, 166 to 413 m (Vill.Karwa), RD 1723 to 1803, RD 1889 to
1974, RD 2035 to 2127 m RD 2188 to 2200 m (Santri), RD 2582 to 2640
m (Village Badheri). A/A Rs.36.25 lacs on dt.15.02.12. Completed on
30.09.12. Exp Rs.33.46 lacs

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5) H - 3911 Dhano Kheri To Kalra Jagir Indri 2.47 km. DLP Date: 28-Apr-20

149257 02-Aug-17 Constructed 3/1994. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR done on 7/2006.
Work Plan [2016-17]: 250mmGSB+paver block in 18'width at RD 0 to
250m (Dhanokheri) & RD 2320 to 2470m=150m (Kalra Jagir), in rest
75mm WBM layer +PC+Berm repair. A/A accorded for Rs.42.61 lacs on
21.11.2016. Work completed on 28.04.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick
in RD 250 to 2320 m

6) H - 3912 Ghari Jattan To Ghari Sadan Indri 0.90 km. DLP Date:

14444 15-Nov-11 Constructed 3/1996. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM done
on 1/2010. Now crust is 225mm.

7) H - 3914 Kalsora To Japti Chhapra Indri 4.61 km. DLP Date: 25-Oct-19

136827 06-Feb-17 Constructed 05/1997. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 8 karam. CC RD 4307 to
4460m= 153m (Japti Chhapra Phirni)+in rest PC done in 01/2010. A/A
on 17.07.2012 for Rs.1.75 lacs, work allotted on 28.07.2012 (Harjeet
Singh, Contractor). Heavy patch work. Completed on25.11.2012. Total
exp. 1.63 lacs. Work Plan 2015-16:-Paver block laid in RD 100 to 270m=
170m, in Rest 75 mm WBM layer + PC except cc RD 4367 to 4460m=
153m exist in (Japti Chhapra). A/A accorded for Rs.62.51 lacs on
25.04.2016. Work completed on 25.10.2016. Now crust is 225 mm in
RD 270 to 4367 m

8) H - 3916 Garhi Birbal To Leading To Nandi Indri 2.25 km. DLP Date: 08-May-20

143627 16-May-17 Const. 31.03.1998 , crust 150mm . PC in entire , 08/2006.

Workplan2012-13:PIP RD 0-100m & 250-305m (155m ) , rest
unthouched. A/A accorded on 17.07.2012 for Rs. 8.51 lacs. Work
completed on 20.03.2013. Exp. 8.78 lacs. Work plan 2014-15: Paver
Block+Nallah in (RD 100 to 250m, Paver block in RD 325 to 400m in
Village Garhi Birbal Phirni. A/A accorded for Rs.26.32 lacs on
12.08.2014. Work completed on 10.05.2015. Exp. Rs.25.46 lacs. Work
Plan 2015-16:- RD 400 to 2250m=1850m (75 mm WBM layer +PC+Berm
repair).A/A accorded for Rs. 23.65 lacs on 19.05.2016.Work completed
on 08.05.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm from RD 400 to 2250 m.

9) H - 3917 Jainpur To Chhaper Indri 1.49 km. DLP Date: 21-Oct-19

136824 06-Feb-17 Constructed 01/1998. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm WBM. 97m (RD0 to
97m)(Jainpur Phirni) CC+rest length (1.393km) PC done in 03/2008.
Work plan 2015-16: -75mm WBM Layer+PC+Berm repair in RD 97 to
1490m=1.39km. A/A accorded for Rs.17.87 lacs on dt.19.05.2016. Work
completed on 21.10.2016. Now crust is 225mm in RD 97 to 1490 m

10) H - 3918 Garhi Birbal Road To Indri Road Via Indri 1.07 km. DLP Date: 16-Jun-20

149258 02-Aug-17 Constructed 3/1998. Path 4, 7 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR done on

6/2006. Work Plan [2016-17]: 250mmGSB+paver block in 18'width at
RD 160 to 400m=240m (Kartapur) , in rest 75mm WBM
layer+PC+Berm repair. A/A accorded for Rs. 18.28 lacs on 09.03.2017.
Work completed on 16.06.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick in RD0 to
160 m & 400 to 1070 m

11) H - 3919 Norta To Depot Janesaro Indri 1.43 km. DLP Date:

136841 06-Feb-17 Constructed 12/1998. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM+PC
(entire) done 1/2010. Now crust 225mm

12) H - 3920 Ghisar Puri To Johar Majra Indri 1.19 km. DLP Date:

136834 06-Feb-17
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136834 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/1998. Path 4,5,6 Karam.Crust 150mm WBM. 183m
(Ghisar puri Phirni RD 0-183m) CC+rest length PC done in 03/2008.

13) H - 3921 Matak Majri To Ngm Indri Indri 0.97 km. DLP Date: 24-Oct-19

140364 06-Apr-17 Constructed 11/1998. Path 4,10 Karam. Crust 150mm WBM. PC done in
02/2010 with 3' widening of both side Crust is 225m. Metal width
5.49m. Total Exp. 16.56 lacs. Work Plan 2015-16:75mm WBM Layer +
PC in RD 0 to 725 m, in rest(WBM Patch+ Entire PC & one side Nallah
from RD 0 to 725 m.A/A accorded for Rs. 37.14 lacs on dt.23.05.2016.
Work completed on 24.10.2016. Now crust is 300 mm in RD 0 to 725 m
& 225 mm in RD 725 to 970 m.

14) H - 3923 Khanpur To Ladwa Indri Road Indri 0.82 km. DLP Date: 30-Aug-19

140365 06-Apr-17 Const. 03/1999 , crust 150mm, path 4 & 5k , PC in entire , 02/2005 . S/R
31.08.2012 with PIP RD 0-70 m , rest unthouched. Workplan 2015-
16:75 mm WBM+PC in RD 70 to 820m=0.75km. A/A Accorded for
Rs.8.11 lacs on dt.08.04.206. Work completed on 30.08.2016. Now
crust is 225 mm in RD 70 to 820 m

15) H - 3924 Dhanokheri To Dhanora Indri 2.79 km. DLP Date: 05-Apr-20

149259 02-Aug-17 Constructed 3/1999. Path 3,5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC(0.148 km RD
2642 to 2790m village Dhanora ) +PC (2.64 )km done 12/2007. Work
Plan [2016-17]: 250mmGSB+paver block in 18'width at RD 2572 to
2642m=70m (Dhanora) , in rest 75mm WBM layer +PC+Berm
repair.A/A accorded for Rs. 33.47 lacs on 05.12.2016. Work completed
on 05.04.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick in RD 0 to 2572 m.

16) H - 3925 Dabkoli Bus Stand To Cause Way Indri 0.59 km. DLP Date:

14446 15-Nov-11 Constructed 7/1999. Path 4, 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC done on


17) H - 3928 Japti Chhapra To Nabiabad Indri 1.20 km. DLP Date:

14448 15-Nov-11 Constructed 9/2000. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC done on 9/2009.

18) H - 3929 Churni To Bibipur Jattan Indri 2.90 km. DLP Date:

136867 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 10/07/2000. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM
in RD 0 to 2400 m+ PC in entire done on 20/10/2009 with exp. Rs.32.77
lacs. Now crust is 225mm in RD 0 to 2400 m & 2400 to 2900 is 150 mm

19) H - 3931 Chand Samand To Nagla Roran Indri 3.60 km. DLP Date: 28-Apr-20

147063 06-Jul-17 Constructed 10/2001. Crust 150 mm. Path 5,7 Karam. PC (entire) done
1/2010. Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair+10'x3
RCC culvert.A/A accorded for Rs. 42.20 lacs on 25.11.2016. Work
completed on 28.04.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

20) H - 3933 Rampur To Sawarn Majra Indri 3.00 km. DLP Date:

136842 06-Feb-17 Constructed 12/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM (2.4
km) + PC (entire) done 1/2010. Now Crust is 225mm

21) H - 3934 Pathera To Budhanpur Indri 2.24 km. DLP Date:

136837 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/2002. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm WBM+PC

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on entire length. A/A on 09.08.2011 Rs.21.81 lacs Exp.Rs.23.15 lacs
completed on 20.10.2012. Now crust is 225mm

22) H - 3935 Shekupura To Manak Majra Indri 1.03 km. DLP Date:

136861 06-Feb-17 Constructed 5/2009. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm WBM+PC

on entire length. A/A on 9.8.2011 Rs10.09 lacs Exp.Rs.10.82 lacs
completed on 7.8.2012. Now crust is 225 mm

23) H - 3936 Randoli To Dabkoli Kalan Indri 2.13 km. DLP Date:

136859 06-Feb-17 Constructed 4/2002. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm WBM+PC

on entire length. A/A on9.8.2011 Rs20.76 lacs. Work completed on
26.10.2012. Exp.Rs.22.05 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

24) H - 3937 Garhi Birbal To Ghat Indri 2.44 km. DLP Date:

136838 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/2003. Path 4, 12 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm

WBM+PC on entire length. A/A on 9.8.2011 Rs.24.32 lacs Exp.Rs.26.15
lacs completed on 23.10.2012. Now crust is 225mm

25) H - 3938 Ghari Birbal Road To Inder Garh Indri 1.91 km. DLP Date:
Primary School

136849 06-Feb-17 Constructed 2/2003. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm WBM+PC

on entire length. A/A on 9.8.2011 Rs.18.34lacs Exp.Rs.19.27 lacs
completed on 18.10.2012. Now crust is 225mm

26) H - 3939 Main Road Ram Nagar To Dera School Indri 0.76 km. DLP Date:

136862 06-Feb-17 Constructed 6/2003. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm.S/R:75mm WBM+PC

on entire length. A/A on 09.8.2011 Rs.7.26 lacs Exp.Rs7.73 lacs
completed on 19.10.2012. Now crust is 225mm

27) H - 3940 Dhano Kheri To Kalri Jagir Indri 0.44 km. DLP Date: 31-Mar-19

136826 06-Feb-17 Constructed 03/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work Plan 2015-
16:75mm WBM Layer +PC+Berm repair).A/A accorded for Rs. 5.17 lacs
on dated 14.12.2015. Work completed on31.03.2016. Now crust is 225

28) H - 3941 Garhi Jattan To Dhumsi Indri 2.81 km. DLP Date:

140366 06-Apr-17 Constructed 04/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Work plan 2012-
13:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 53 m (Vill.Garhi Jattan)=53 m, RD 2425m
to 2810 m (Village Dhumsi)=385 m. 75mm WBM+PC in RD 53m to 2425
m =2372 m ( Now Crust is 225 mm). A/A Rs.47.83 lacs. Completed on
15.11.2012. Exp Rs.42.01 Lacs

29) H - 3942 Garhpur Khalsa To Kalri Khalsa Indri 2.52 km. DLP Date:

123487 13-Jun-16 Const:6/2004, Crust 150 mm path 4,5 & 6 K. Work Plan
2012-13:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 385 m (Vill. Garhpur Khalsa)
Completed on 30.11.2012. Work plan 2014-15: 75mm WBM+PC in RD
385 m to 2520 m (Now Crust is 225 mm). A/A on 12.08.2014 Rs.30.50
lacs Completed on 30.04.2015

30) H - 3943 Rampur To Habitpur Indri 1.82 km. DLP Date:

123489 13-Jun-16 Const. 4/2004 , crust 150mm , path 5& 8k . S/R: Paver block laid in RD
1330-1820m = 490 m and 75mm WBM + PC in RD 0 to 1330 m. Now
crust is 225mm . -A/A Rs. 69.28 Lacs on 20.02.2014. Completed on
09.11.2014. Exp.60.14 lacs

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31) H - 3944 Chhaper To Bhoot Majra Indri 1.84 km. DLP Date:

140367 06-Apr-17 Constructed 05/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. Work plan 2012-
13:75mm WBM+PC entire length. A/A on 7.09.12 Rs.21.03 lacs
completed on 07.05.13 Exp.Rs.21.51 lacs Now crust is 225 mm

32) H - 3945 Shah Pur To Manohar Pur Indri 1.54 km. DLP Date:

140368 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/2006. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work plan 2014-15:
75 mm WBM+PC on entire length. A/A on13.08.2014 Rs. 21.88 lac.
Completed on 30.04.15. Now Crust is 225mm.Exp.20.29 lacs

33) H - 3946 Rajepur To Umar Pur Indri 1.22 km. DLP Date:

140369 06-Apr-17 Constructed 05/2007. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 6 karam. Work plan 2012-
13: Heavy patchwork A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs.1.33 lacs. Completed on
25.11.2012. Exp. 1.26 lacs

34) H - 3948 Approach Road To Stadium At Kalri Indri 0.19 km. DLP Date:

14457 15-Nov-11 Constructed 3/2009. Path 4 Karam. Crust 225mm. Patchless.

35) H - 3949 Ramba To Kheri Man Singh Indri 3.13 km. DLP Date: 18-Jul-19

140370 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/2002.Path 6 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM + PC

(entire) done 2/2010. Original length of this road was 2.22km. 1.094km
length was trasfered from Panchayati Raj Deptt. Now length this road
is 3.134km. SR:R/A/A accorded on 23.04.12 for Rs. 19,08,800/ Work
completed on 7/8/2013. Total Exp. 17.76 lacs,After treatemnt crust
from RD 104 to 509 m + RD 2729 to 3074m =750m (225mm), RD 0 to
104m GSB (250mm in village Ramba) PB RD 3074 to 3134m GSB
(150mm) +PB (in Kheri Man Singh).Workplan2015-16:dismenteling
existing metal & 250m GSB+relaying of metal in 2layers of 75mm
WBM each+PC in RD 509 to 2729m=2.22km.A/A accorded for Rs. 53.56
lacs on dated 15.01.2016. Work completed on 18.07.2016. Now crust is
400 mm in RD 509 to 2729 m

36) H - 3951 Bara Gaon to Sangoya Indri 3.84 km. DLP Date: 25-Oct-19

136822 06-Feb-17 Const. 03/1995. Path 5 Karam. crust 150mm .S/R 01/2010 PC on entire.
S/R -31.08.2015 with PIP RD 0-476 m , rest unthouched. S/R -A/A Rs.
58.92 Lacs on 12.08.2014 , Work completed on 31.08.2015.Workplan
2015-16:75mm WBM Layer+PC+Berm repair in RD 500 to
3840m=3.34km. A/A accorded for Rs. 41.88 lacs on 08.04.2016. Work
completed on 25.10.2016. Now crust is 225 mm in RD 500 to 3840 m

37) H - 3953 Kalweri-Kunjpura Road To Kalwari Indri 0.72 km. DLP Date:

140371 06-Apr-17 Constructed 01/2001. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. Work Plan 2012-
13:75mm WBM in 370m (RD350 to 720m) in rest patches also PC in
entire length. AA on 7/9/2012 for Rs. 7.34 lacs. Work completed on
20/12/2012. Now Crust is 225mm from RD 350 to 720 m

38) H - 3954 Darar To Bara Gaon Indri 4.82 km. DLP Date:

140372 06-Apr-17 Constructed 06/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Workplan 2012-

13:75mm WBM + PC in entire length. A/A for Rs.57.84 on 17.08.12.
Completed on 15/4/2013. Now crust is 225mm. Exp. 55.22 lacs

39) H - 3955 Karnal Indri Road To Dera Amrik Singh Indri 1.34 km. DLP Date: 24-Apr-20

143698 16-May-17
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143698 16-May-17 Constructed 4/1995. Path 3, 4 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR done
on12/2007.Work plan 2015-16: -75 mm WBM Layer + PC+ Berm repair
in entire length of 1.34km. A/A accorded for Rs. 17.29 lacs on 19.05.16.
Crust is 225 mm thick from RD 5 to 241 m, RD 450 to 1034m & 1239 to
1340 m. Crust from RD 241 to 450 m is 300 mm. Work completed on

40) H - 3957 Tikri To Dera Khera Indri 0.48 km. DLP Date:

140373 06-Apr-17 Constructed 11/1999. Crust 150mm. Path 3 karam.Workplan 2013-14:

75mm WBM + PC in entire length. A/A on 24.10.2013 for Rs. 4.18 lacs.
Completed on 31.12.2013 . Now crust is 225mm. Exp. Rs.3.16 lacs.
Width of Road is 3.05m

41) H - 3958 Uchani To Indri Road Indri 0.69 km. DLP Date:

140374 06-Apr-17 Constructed 04/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. Workplan 2012-13:
Paver block laid in RD 0 to 259m & 75mm WBM+ PC in RD 259 m to 693
m. A/A on 23.08.2012 for Rs. 18.03 lacs.WorkCompleted on 28.04.2013
. Now crust 225mm in RD 259 m to 693m. Exp. Rs.16.66 lacs

42) H - 3960 Abdulapur To Kurali Indri 1.53 km. DLP Date:

140375 06-Apr-17 Constructed 10/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam.Workplan 2012-

13:75mm WBM + PC in RD 0 m to 1035 m, Paver block laid in RD 1035
m to1530m, 6' heigth R/Wall in RD 1168 m to 1215 m. A/A on
23.07.2012 for Rs. 43.46 lacs. Completed on 15.07.2013 . Now crust
225mm in RD 0 m to 1035 m. Exp. Rs.37.61 lacs.

43) H - 3962 Johar Majra To Fazilpur Indri 1.92 km. DLP Date:

9083 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2009. Crust 225mm. WBM. (28.67 sqm) Patches done
3/09/2011 to 4/09/2011 ( 8 K). No patch.

44) H - 3964 Kurak To Gobind Garh Gamri Of Nilokheri (SC) 1.78 km. DLP Date:
Nadana Uptogamri Chopri Road

14459 15-Nov-11 Constructed 12/2009. Path 3, 4 Karam. Crust 225mm. Patchless.

45) H - 3965 Karnal Indri Road To Village Churni Indri 2.31 km. DLP Date:

14460 15-Nov-11 Constructed 6/2010. Path 5 Karam. Crust 225mm. Patchless.

46) H - 3970 Kunjpura Bus-Stand To Vegetable Indri 1.10 km. DLP Date:
Market/Mehmadpur Road (Old Mandi
Of Kunjpura Town)

140376 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/1997. Path 4, 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR:CC done.AA
on 26.9.2006 Rs.19.72 lacs. Completed on15.4.2007.Exp.Rs.23.33 lacs

47) H - 3972 Kachwa to PWD Road to Chamar Khera Karnal 3.36 km. DLP Date: 01-Sep-19

167000 13-Aug-18 Constructed- 1994, Path- 5 Karam, Crust- 150mm, 75mm WBM + PC in
entire in 1/2010. Road settled in 800m. Now crust 225mm.SR:75 mm
WBM in RD 2760 to 3360 m+PC+Berm Repair in whole length. R/A/A
granted for Rs.25.80 lacs on 13.12.2017. Work completed on
01.09.2016. Now crust is 300 mm in RD 2760 to 3360m & RD 0 to 2760
is 225 mm

48) H - 3973 Kachwa To Dera Purbian Karnal 0.37 km. DLP Date:

8484 04-Oct-11 Constructed- 1993, Path-5 Karam, Crust- 150mm, WBM + PC in entire
done in 3/2008. Now crust 225m.

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49) H - 3975 Dabri To Kaithal Road Karnal 2.08 km. DLP Date: 28-Feb-20

140411 06-Apr-17 Constructed 4/1994. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM+PC
(entire) done on 29/1/2010. Now crust 225m.SR:Paver block laid in RD
400to 574m =174m (Vill.Dabri). AA on 9/8/2012 for Rs. 6.85 lacs.
Completed 10.03.2013. Exp. Rs.7.12lac. Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm
WBM layer +PC+Berm repair in 1.91km.A/A accorded for Rs. 22.96 lacs
on 21.11.2016.Work completed on 28.02.2017. Now crust is 300 mm

50) H - 3977 Namaste Chowk To Gopi Ka Kuan Karnal 1.79 km. DLP Date:

8653 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/1994. SR 03.2002, Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm

51) H - 3978 Kachwa To Sita Mai Karnal 0.60 km. DLP Date:

140378 06-Apr-17 Constructed- 2001, Path- 4 Karam, Crust- 150mm, Patch + PC done in
01/2010.Work plan 2015-16:Paver block laid in RD 0-228m & 75mm
WBM +PC in RD 228 m to 600 m. A/A on dt.26.08.2015 Rs. 13.23 lac .
Completed on 25.10.2015. Exp. Rs.13.55 Lacs

52) H - 3979 Rattangarh To Kaithal Road Karnal 1.84 km. DLP Date:

140379 06-Apr-17 Constructed- 1995, Path- 5 Karam, Crust- 150mm, 75mm WBM +PC
done in 7/2005.SR: Premix patches in RD 0 to 1624 & 1785 to 1840 m
and PIP laid in RD 1624 to 1785m.A/A on 01/02/2012 for Rs. 11.97 lacs.
Work Completed on 15/01/2013. Exp. Rs.10.70 lac. Crust is 225 mm

53) H - 3980 Assandh Road To Taharpur Karnal 0.15 km. DLP Date:

123525 13-Jun-16 Constructed- 07/2009, Path- 4 Karam, Crust- 150mm

54) H - 3983 Approach Road To Sports Stadium At Karnal 0.31 km. DLP Date:

8654 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2009. No SR done, Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm,

Metalled width-5.49m

55) H - 3987 Tikari Kailash To Lado Ki Gamri Karnal 1.40 km. DLP Date:

8569 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/1999. Path-7 karam, Crust-150 mm. PC in 10/2009.

56) H - 3995 Nissing To Brass Nilokheri (SC) 5.04 km. DLP Date: 15-Feb-19

167001 13-Aug-18 Const. 10/1994 , Crust 150mm , path 6k . S/R 02/2010 with 225mm
WBM ( 0.45km. ) & 150mm WBM ( 0.17 km.) & PC on entire. Work plan
2015-16: RD 0 to 535m (250mm GSB+PIP Block+one side drain) A/A
accorded for Rs. 35.14 lac on dated 28.08.2015. Work completed on
15.02.2016. Work Plan [2016-17]: WBM patch+entire PC+berm repair
in RD 600 to 4640m =4.04km, in rest 250m GSB +PIP block in 18'width
at RD 4640 to 5040m =400m (Brass). A/A granted for Rs. 53.31 lacs on
16.09.2017. Work completed on 20.04.18. Crust thickness is 510mm in
RD 4640 to 5040m

57) H - 3997 Seroi To G.M. Nissing Nilokheri (SC) 4.71 km. DLP Date:

140380 06-Apr-17 Constructed 07/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
11/2005.Work Plan (2011-12): Paver block laid in RD 4140 m to 4710 m
(Nissing Phirni) in restpatches. A/A on 12.10.2013 for Rs. 19.82 lacs.
Completed on 15.01.2013 Exp.Rs.25.15 lacs. Work plan 2014-15:75mm
WBM+PC in RD 0 to 4140 m. A/A for Rs. 57.66 lacs on 12/8/2014.

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Completed on 15.11.14. Exp. Rs.58.73 lacs. Now crust is 225 m in RD0
to 4140 m

58) H - 3998 Singra To G.M. Nissing Nilokheri (SC) 3.77 km. DLP Date: 04-May-19

167002 13-Aug-18 Constructed 7/1995. Path-6 & 11karam, Crust-150 mm. Only widening
from 12' to 20' done by HSAMB in 2.74 Km length. A/A on 24.03.15 for
Rs.54.90 lacs. Work completed on 03.06.16 except stretch of 150
mtr.disputed portion. Middle 12' road is still maintained by PWD (B&R)

59) H - 3999 Throta To Guniana Nilokheri (SC) 2.31 km. DLP Date:

140381 06-Apr-17 Constructed 03/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
07/2006. Work plan 2012-13: WBM patch + PC in RD 0 to 1750m & RD
2200 to 2315 m. Paver block laid in RD 1750 to 2200m =450 m village
Guniana. A/A on 13.08.2012 for Rs. 39.32 lacs, completed on
25.12.2012.Exp. 34.54 lacs

60) H - 4000 Gonder To Dacher Nilokheri (SC) 2.74 km. DLP Date:

123536 13-Jun-16 Constructed 07/1995. Initial crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. Patches +
PC done in 05/2004. Workplan 2012-13:C Paver block laid in RD 0 to
200m in Gonder phirni. WBM patches + PC in RD 200 to 2740m. A/A on
04.05.2012 for Rs.27.38 lacs. Completed on 28.07.2012. Exp.Rs.28.14

61) H - 4001 Guniana To Badnara Nilokheri (SC) 2.81 km. DLP Date: 28-Feb-20

140412 06-Apr-17 Constructed 11/2001. Path 5, 6 Karam. Crust 150mm.Work Plan [2016-
17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire 2.81 km length. A/A
accorded for Rs. 33.37 lacs on 21.11.2016.Work completed on
28.02.2017. Now crust is 225 mm thick.

62) H - 4003 Amupur To Shambli Nilokheri (SC) 7.06 km. DLP Date:

136866 06-Feb-17 Constructed 9/2002. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done

63) H - 4005 Guniana Bandrana Via Sirsal Boundary Nilokheri (SC) 3.22 km. DLP Date:

140382 06-Apr-17 Constructed 3/2004. Path 5, 7 Karam. Crust 150mm.SR:75 mm WBM +

PC in entire length. A/A on 15/10/2010 Rs.31.62 lacs. Work completed
on 31.03.2012. Exp.Rs.36.77 Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

64) H - 4006 Bastali To Brass Nilokheri (SC) 3.30 km. DLP Date:

140383 06-Apr-17 Constructed 3/2004. Path 5, 6 Karam. Crust 150mm.SR:75mm WBM +

PC in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.36.72 lacs. Completed on
31.03.2012 Exp.Rs.41.99 Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

65) H - 4007 Singra To Jalala Veeran Nilokheri (SC) 4.34 km. DLP Date: 07-Apr-21

167003 13-Aug-18 Constructed 05/2005. Crust 150mm. Path 5karam.Work Plan: Heavy
patchwork (EC. 4 lacs). A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs.7.02 lacs.Work plan
2014-15:Paver Blocks in RD 0 to 565 in village Singra phirni + nala. A/A
accorded for Rs.41.10 lac on 05.08.2014. Work completed on 20.04.15.
Work Plan 2015-16:- RD 565 to 4340m=3775m (75mm WBM Layer+
PC+Berm repair) A/A accorded for Rs. 48.67 lacs on 22.04.2016. Work
completed on 05.04.2018 at the risk & cost of M/s S.K.Contractor. Crust
thickness is 225mm from RD 565 to 4340m.

66) H - 4008 Balu To Singra Nilokheri (SC) 2.86 km. DLP Date: 05-Mar-20

140414 06-Apr-17
Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 9 of 108
140414 06-Apr-17 Constructed 04/2007. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 6 karam.Work Plan
[2016-17]: WBM patch+PC+Berm repair in entire 2.86 km length. A/A
accorded for Rs. 27.04 lacs on 05.12.2016.Work completed on

67) H - 4010 Dacher To Badnara Nilokheri (SC) 3.60 km. DLP Date: 25-Mar-20

140415 06-Apr-17 Constructed 11/2008. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 7 karam.Work Plan
[2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire 3.60 km length.
A/A accorded for Rs. 42.95 lacs on 25.11.2016. Work completed on
25.03.2017. Now crust is 300 mm thick

68) H - 4011 Gonder To Gobind Garh Nilokheri (SC) 4.10 km. DLP Date: 29-Apr-21

167004 13-Aug-18 Const. 01/2009 , crust 225mm, Path 5 & 6K. Workplan 2014-15:Heavy
WBM + PC patch work only. A/A Rs. 7.03 Lacs on 09.06.2015.
Completed on 16.09.15. Exp. Rs.2.13 lacs. Work Plan [2016-17]: WBM
patch+PC+Berm repair in entire 4.10 km length. A/A accorded for Rs.
29.84 lacs on 03.04.2017. Work completed on 30.04.2018

69) H - 4012 App. Road To Village Bastali Nilokheri (SC) 0.26 km. DLP Date:

136847 06-Feb-17 Constructed 1991. Crust 150 mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:50 mm BUSG & PC
on entire length. A/A on 27.11.2000 for Rs.1.34 lacs. Completed on 29-
01-2010. Exp. Rs. 2.13 lacs. Now crust is 200 mm

70) H - 4014 Brass To Singra Bojpura Road. Nilokheri (SC) 3.28 km. DLP Date: 08-Mar-20

167005 13-Aug-18 Constructed 05/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 6 karam.SR:WBM

patches+PC. Rev. A/A granted for Rs. 23.70 lacs on 29.09.2017. Work
completed on 08.03.2017

71) H - 4018 I.T.I. Taraori To Nidana Road Nilokheri (SC) 0.35 km. DLP Date:

123554 13-Jun-16 Constructed 8/1993. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR PC on entire

length. A/A on 15.04.2008 Rs.1.94 lac. Completed on 29.01.2010. Exp.
Rs.1.62 Lacs

72) H - 4020 Shamgarh To Taraori Nilokheri (SC) 3.50 km. DLP Date: 30-Mar-21

167006 13-Aug-18 Constructed 04/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in

07/2004.Work plan 2012-13: Paver block laid in RD 0 to 390m
Shamgarh and WBM patches + PC in RD 390 to 3500m. A/A on
15.06.2012 for RS. 25.11 lacs. Completed on 19.09.2012. Exp.23.54 lac.
SR:75mm WBM+PC from RD 390 to 2870m. RD 2870 to 3500m taken up
by Municipal Committee, Taraori. A/A accorded for Rs. 27.49 lacs on
10.04.2017. Work completed on 31.03.2018. Crust is 225mm from RD
390 to 2870m

73) H - 4021 Nidana To Kurak Nilokheri (SC) 2.50 km. DLP Date:

140385 06-Apr-17 Constructed 03/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in

06/2005.Work plan 2012-13: Paver block laid in RD 0 to 347m in
Nidana phirni & 75mm WBM + PC in RD 347 to 2500m. Now Crust is
225mm in RD 347 m to 2500 m, A/A on dt.17.08.2012 Rs44.77
Lacs.Completed on 30.04.2013. Exp. Rs.38.93 lacs

74) H - 4023 Nidana To Sonkra Nilokheri (SC) 3.04 km. DLP Date: 01-Jun-20

149261 02-Aug-17 Constructed 03/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. 75mm WBM & PC
done in 03/2005. Crust is 225mm. Workplan:2012-13: WBM
patches.A/A on 17.07.2012 forRs.4.00 lacs.Completed on 07.10.2012.
Exp.Rs.2.15 lacs. Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 10 of 108

repair in entire 3.04 km length. A/A accorded for Rs. 37.71 lacs on
23.01.2017. Work completed on 01.06.2017. Now Crust is 300 mm thick

75) H - 4025 Mohri Jagir To Purchase Centre Sagga Nilokheri (SC) 8.54 km. DLP Date: 09-May-21

167007 13-Aug-18 Constructed 02/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. 75mm WBM & PC
done in 08/2007. Now crust is 225mm. Workplan 2012-13:Paver block
laid in RD 0 to 292m & RD 4888 to 5710m=1114 m, WBM patches in RD
292m to 4888m & RD 5710 to 8540m. A/A for Rs.59.63 lacs on
09.08.2012. work completed on 25.12.2012.Exp. Rs.59.50 lac. Work
Plan [2016-17]: WBM patch +PC+Berm repair in 7.43 km. A/A Granted
for Rs. 61.84 lacs on dt.22.11.2017. Work completed on 10.05.2018

76) H - 4026 Ramana To Sambhi Nilokheri (SC) 2.75 km. DLP Date: 30-Nov-20

158295 30-Jan-18 Constructed 06/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in

12/2007.SR done with WBM patches. A/A on 20.04.2012 for Rs. 3.91
lacs. Work completed on 28.11.2012.Exp. 2.90 lacs. Work plan 2014-
15:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 150m in Village Ramana.A/A accorded
for Rs. 9.46 lac on dt.24.07.2014.Work completed on 25.11.14. Exp.
Rs.6.86 lacs. Workplan 2015-16:RD 2350 to 2750m=400m(250mm GSB
+ Paver Block(Sambhi), In rest RD 150 to 2350m=2200m(75 mm
WBMlayer + PC+ berm repair).A/A accorded for Rs. 43.288 lacs on
dated 01.04.2016. Work reallotted on 18.10.2017 at the risk & cost of
M/s SK Contractor.Work completed on 30.11.2017. Now crust is 225
mm thick.

77) H - 4028 Sonkra To Anjanthli Nilokheri (SC) 3.90 km. DLP Date:

140387 06-Apr-17 Constructed 07/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in

05/2006.Work plan 2012-13: Heavy Patches. A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs.
3.67 lacs. Completed on 30.11.2012. Exp. Rs.3.24. Lacs

78) H - 4031 Sagga To Behlolpur Nilokheri (SC) 3.17 km. DLP Date: 15-Nov-20

158296 30-Jan-18 Constructed 3/1997. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done 12/2007. Work Plan
[2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire length. A/A for
Rs. 38.90 lacs on 27.04.2017.Work completed on 15.11.2017. Now
Crust is 225 mm thick.

79) H - 4033 Padhana To Cremation Ground Nilokheri (SC) 0.91 km. DLP Date:

159368 26-Feb-18 Constructed 0.910 Km & Repair existing PWD Road 256m with CC on
29.11.1999. Crust 150mm Path 3 Karam. Patches + PC done on 3/2008.

80) H - 4034 Bir Naraina To Dera'S Nilokheri (SC) 1.16 km. DLP Date:

9380 07-Oct-11 Constructed 08/2001. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 01/2010.

81) H - 4036 Solo Majra To Sambhi Road Nilokheri (SC) 2.16 km. DLP Date:

140389 06-Apr-17 Constructed 6/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.SR:75mm WBM + PC

in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2012 Rs.10.06 lacs. Completed on
15.03.2012. Exp.Rs.25.68 Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

82) H - 4037 Galib Kheri To Saddiqpur Nilokheri (SC) 1.03 km. DLP Date:

140390 06-Apr-17 Constructed 02/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.SR:75mm WBM + PC

in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2012 Rs.10.16 lacs. Completed on
31.03.2012 Exp.Rs.12.26Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

83) H - 4041 Nilokheri (SC)

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83) H - 4041 Sonkra To Shambi Nilokheri (SC) 4.82 km. DLP Date:

140392 06-Apr-17 Constructed 02/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work plan 2012-
13:75mm WBM + PC in entire length. A/A for Rs.59.63 lacs on
09.08.2012. Completed on 30.11.2012.Exp. 52.38 lacs. Now crust is
225mm thick

84) H - 4044 Barthal To Amin Nilokheri (SC) 4.77 km. DLP Date:

123590 13-Jun-16 Constructed 6/1990. Crust 150mm. Path 4, 5 & 6 Karam. PC done on
2/2006. SR:WBM 75mm+ PC RD 0 to 4253m and 75mm WBM 3'' thick +
paver block in RD 4253 to 4770m. R/A/A on 6.3.2012 for Rs.67.98 lacs.
Completed on 05.09.2012 Exp.Rs.64.00 lacs. Now crust is 225mm thick.

85) H - 4045 Samana Bahu To Bairsal Nilokheri (SC) 3.48 km. DLP Date:

140395 06-Apr-17 Constructed 01/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
07/2006.Workplan 2012-13:WBM patches + PC in RD 0 to 2930m &
Paver block laid in RD 2930m to 3480m. A/A Rs. 37.84 lacs. Completed
on 10.12.2012. Exp.Rs.50 lacs

86) H - 4047 Samani To Bairsal Nilokheri (SC) 4.13 km. DLP Date:

140396 06-Apr-17 Constructed 03/1194. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 5 karam. PC done in
02/2007.Workplan 2012-13:WBM patches + PC in RD 0 to 165m & RD
530 to 4130m. Paver block laid in RD 165 to 530m. A/A Rs.57.54 lacs.
Completed on 11.03.2013. Exp.Rs.46.11 lacs

87) H - 4048 Samani Bairsal To Buktipur Nilokheri (SC) 0.67 km. DLP Date: 07-Feb-20

140419 06-Apr-17 Constructed 04/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. PC done in 03/2008.
Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire
0.67km length.A/A accorded for Rs. 7.62 lacs 06.12.2016. Work
completed on 07.02.2017. Now crust is 225 mm thick.

88) H - 4049 Dabarthala To Anjanthali Nilokheri (SC) 3.55 km. DLP Date: 15-Nov-20

158297 30-Jan-18 Constructed 6/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4, 5 Karam. Patches + PC done
in 12/2007.Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in
entire 3.55 km length. A/A accorded for Rs. 43.80 lacs on 23.01.2017.
Work completed on 15.11.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

89) H - 4052 Raipur Roran To Barthal Nilokheri (SC) 5.42 km. DLP Date:

140397 06-Apr-17 Constructed 05/1999. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. PC done in

03/2008.Workplan 2013-14: Paver block laid in RD 0 to 567 m (Raipur
Roran)75mm WBM + PC in RD 567 m to 5420 m. A/A on 16.01.2014 for
Rs.92.69 lacs. Completed on 12.09.2014 . Exp. Rs.92.69 lacs.Now crust
is 225mm in RD 567 m to 5420 m.

90) H - 4053 Sherpur To Dera Bajigram Nilokheri (SC) 0.89 km. DLP Date:

123600 13-Jun-16 Constructed 02/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. 75mm WBM & PC
done in 10/2009. Now crust is 225 mm. Workplan 2012-13: Paver block
laid in RD 0 to 183m in village Sherpur Phirni & RD 730 to 890m in
village Dera Bajigram. WBM patches in RD 183 to 730m.A/A on
15.06.2012 for Rs. 21.41 lacs. Completed on 19.09.2012 Exp. 17.38 lacs

91) H - 4056 Kalsi To Sherpur Nilokheri (SC) 1.89 km. DLP Date:

140398 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/2001. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 02/2010.
Workplan 2012-13:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 342m in village Kalsi
phirni, WBM patches in RD 342 to 1890m. A/A on15.06.2012 for Rs.
22.36 lacs. Completed on 19.09.2012. Exp. Rs.21.66 lacs.

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92) H - 4058 Seedpur To Nilokheri Road Nilokheri (SC) 1.92 km. DLP Date:

140399 06-Apr-17 Constructed 10/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:75 mm WBM +
PC on entire. A/A Rs. 18.74 lac on 15/10/2010. Completed on
31.03.2012 Exp. Rs22.80 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm

93) H - 4061 Amar Garh To Kheri Man Singh Nilokheri (SC) 3.58 km. DLP Date:

140401 06-Apr-17 Constructed 6/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5, 6 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +

PC on entire. A/A Rs.37.45 lac on 09.08.2011. Completed on
30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.39.99Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

94) H - 4062 Butana To Sandhir Nilokheri (SC) 2.68 km. DLP Date:

170986 22-Nov-18 Road ID 4062_ The length of road is 2.68km and consolidation path is 4
& 5 karam. Widening of road is not feasible due to less consolidation
path. Right Of Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC guidelines, widening
of roads having ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and leads to accidents _
early damage of roads. Case discussed with worthy CA, Board. D.O
letter is being written to DC for arranging one karam path free of cost
from adjoining land owners with the help of local MLA. DO letter
written to DC Karnal on 21.06.2018 for arranging additional land.
162113 01-Jun-18 Right Of Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC guidelines, widening of
roads having ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and leads to accidents /
early damage of roads. Case discussed with worthy CA, Board. D.O
letter is being written to DC for arranging one karam path free of cost
from adjoining land owners with the help of local MLA.
160424 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20849 dated 26.02.2018
140402 06-Apr-17 Constructed 7/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4, 5 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +
PC on entire. A/A Rs.26.00 lac on 15/10/2010. Completed on
31.03.2012 Exp. Rs.31.53Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

95) H - 4063 Bakipur To Lathron Nilokheri (SC) 2.69 km. DLP Date:

140403 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4, 5 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +

PC on entire. A/A Rs.26.00 lac on 15/10/2010. Completed on
31.10.2012 Exp. Rs.28.02 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

96) H - 4064 Seedpur To Gurukul School Nilokheri (SC) 0.95 km. DLP Date:

140404 06-Apr-17 Constructed 5/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4, 5 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +

PC on entire. A/A Rs. 9.30 lac on 15/10/2010. Completed on 31.03.2012
Exp. Rs.11.48 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

97) H - 4066 Barshalu To Manak Majra Nilokheri (SC) 2.05 km. DLP Date:

140405 06-Apr-17 Constructed 1/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM + PC

on entire. A/A Rs.19.79 lac on 15/10/2010. Completed on 20.10.12 Exp.
Rs.20.59Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

98) H - 4067 Raipur Roran To Village Barana Nilokheri (SC) 1.90 km. DLP Date: 15-Jul-20

149264 02-Aug-17 Constructed 02/2006 Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2012-
13:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 356 m (Raipur Roran). WBM patches in
RD 356m to 1900m. A/A Rs.23.64 lac on 15.06.2012. Completed on
30.10.2012 Exp. Rs.22.50 Lacs. Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM
layer+PC+Berm repair at RD 390 to 1500m =1110m and 250m
GSB+paver block in 18'width at RD 1500 to 1900m =400m. A/A
accorded for Rs. 32.82 lacs on 09.03.2017. Work completed on
15.07.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick

99) H - 4068 Nilokheri (SC)

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99) H - 4068 Sambhi To Gholpura Nilokheri (SC) 4.22 km. DLP Date: 20-Jun-20

147071 06-Jul-17 Constructed 1/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 Karam. Work Plan 2015-16:-
WBM patches + Entire PC. A/A accorded forRs. 45.09 lacs on dated
22.04.2016. Work completed on 20.06.2017.

100) H - 4069 Bhola Khalsa To Bir Badalwa Nilokheri (SC) 2.40 km. DLP Date: 10-Nov-20

158298 30-Jan-18 Constructed 11/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in

03/2008.Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in
entire length.A/A accorded for Rs. 29.46 lacs on 22.04.2017.Work
completed on 10.11.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

101) H - 4071 Pattanpuri To Hathira Nilokheri (SC) 4.20 km. DLP Date:

140407 06-Apr-17 Constructed 01/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 8 karam. PC done in
11/2006.Workplan 2014-15:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on
12.08.2014 Rs.58.21 lacs. Completed on 30.04.15. Exp. Rs.52.36 Lacs.

102) H - 4074 Budhera To Hathira Nilokheri (SC) 2.42 km. DLP Date:

9414 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/2001. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in

103) H - 4075 Bukhapuri To Budhera Nilokheri (SC) 1.72 km. DLP Date:

170987 22-Nov-18 Road ID 4075_ The length of road is 1.72km and consolidation path is 4
karam. The widening of road is not feasible due to less path. Right Of
Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC guidelines, widening of roads having
ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and leads to accidents _ early damage of
roads. Case discussed with worthy CA, Board. DO letter written to DC
Karnal on 21.06.2018 for arranging additional land.
162114 01-Jun-18 Right Of Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC guidelines, widening of
roads having ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and leads to accidents /
early damage of roads. Case discussed with worthy CA, Board. D.O
letter is being written to DC for arranging one karam path free of cost
from adjoining land owners with the help of local MLA.
160427 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20852 dated 26.02.2018
9416 07-Oct-11 Constructed 01/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. PC done in 01/2010.

104) H - 4077 Mohri Jagir To Dera Souda Nilokheri (SC) 1.25 km. DLP Date: 22-Mar-20

140422 06-Apr-17 Constructed 3/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. Patches + PC done in
1/2010. Work Plan [2016-17]: 250mm GSB +paver block at RD 0 to
175m (Mohri), in rest (1.075km) 75m WBM layer+PC+berm repair. A/A
accorded for Rs. 22.90 lacs on 04.01.2017.Work completed on
22.03.2017. Now crust is 225 mm thick.

105) H - 4078 Koer To Mohri Nilokheri (SC) 3.40 km. DLP Date: 14-Feb-21

167008 13-Aug-18 Constructed 7/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. Patches + PC done in
2/2010.Work Plan [2016-17]: 250mm GSB +paver block in 18' width at
RD 0 to60mtr & RD3300 to 3400m =60m(total 160m) (Mohri), in rest
(3.30km) 75m WBM layer+PC+berm repair. A/A accorded for Rs. 49.72
lacs on 23.01.2017. Work completed on 15.02.2018. Crust thickness is

106) H - 4081 Borsham To Gittalpur Nilokheri (SC) 0.76 km. DLP Date:

143673 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +

PC on entire. A/A Rs.7.54 lac on 15/10/2010.Completed on 31.03.12
Exp. Rs.8.91 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm

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107) H - 4082 Bir Badalwa To Gholpura Nilokheri (SC) 4.30 km. DLP Date:

143648 16-May-17 Constructed 05/2005. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.Workplan 2012-13:

Paver block laid in RD 0 to 240 m (Bir Badalwa) 75mm WBM + PC in RD
240 m to 4300 m. A/A on 31.10.2011 for Rs.48.62 lacs. Completed on
14.09.2012 . Now crust is 225mm. Exp. Rs.52.85 lacs.

108) H - 4083 Haibatpur To Gholpura Nilokheri (SC) 2.20 km. DLP Date: 15-May-20

147072 06-Jul-17 Constructed 03/2006. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work plan 2012- 13:
RD to 184m= GSB 5'' thick + paver block (Haibatpur Phirni), RD 184 to
2200m= WBM patches.A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs. 17.87 lacs. Work
completed on 30.10.2012.Exp. 15.71 lac. Work plan 2015-16: - RD 200
to 2200m=2km (75mm WBMLayer+PC+Berm repair) in entire length.
A/A accorded for Rs.30.04 lacs on 22.04.2017. Work completed on
15.05.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick in RD 200 to 2200m

109) H - 4084 Sawant To Haibatpur Nilokheri (SC) 2.10 km. DLP Date: 10-Jun-20

147073 06-Jul-17 Constructed 08/2008. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. Work Plan 2015-
16:75mm WBM layer + PC. A/A accorded forRs.27.21 lacs on dated
22.04.2016. Work completed on 10.06.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

110) H - 4085 App Road To Stadium, Nigdhu Nilokheri (SC) 0.18 km. DLP Date:

14485 15-Nov-11 Constructed 1/2008. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.

111) H - 4098 Ballah To Goli Assandh 2.93 km. DLP Date:

143704 16-May-17 Constructed 6/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:75mm WBM in
RD 0 to100m & rest Patches + PC in entirelength. A/A on 15/10/2010
for Rs.16.58 lacs. Completed on 30.03.2012. Exp. Rs21.15 Lacs. Now
crust is 225mm in RD 0 to 100 m

112) H - 4099 Bir Bassi To Chogama Assandh 3.03 km. DLP Date:

143686 16-May-17 Constructed 16/06/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR: CC laid in
RD 0 to 575 m (Chougama), Patches + PC in balance length. A/A on
15.10.2010 Rs.31.19 lacs .Completed on 31.03.2012. Exp. Rs.36.30 lacs.
Total crust thickness 475mm in Chougama phirni, in balance length
crust thickness 150mm

113) H - 4100 Dera Gama To Lalain Assandh 3.91 km. DLP Date:

143693 16-May-17 Constructed 3/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. PC done in 3/2003.
SR:Patches+PC in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.22.00 lacs. DOC
31.03.2012. Exp. Rs.28.94 Lacs

114) H - 4103 Assandh Salwan Road To Dupedi Assandh 0.56 km. DLP Date:

143699 16-May-17 Constructed 4/2000. Path-4karam, Crust-150 mm.Work Plan 2015-

16:PIP block in RD 360 to 560 m (Dupdedi). A/A on 28.08.2015 Rs.9.18
lacs. DOC 07.11.2015 Exp. Rs.6.44 lacs

115) H - 4105 Jalmana To Dacher Assandh 5.55 km. DLP Date:

143697 16-May-17 Constructed 31/1/1994. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC (0.260 km) +
PC (5.29 km ) done 12/2006. Work plna 2014-15:75 mm WBM+PC in
entire length except CC portion (Dacher). A/A on 24.07.2014 Rs.74.40
lacs. DOC 23.10.2014. Exp. Rs.73.15 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm in RD 0
to 5290 m

116) H - 4106 Assandh

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116) H - 4106 Rattak To Pangala Assandh 3.16 km. DLP Date:

143632 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 01/2005.
Work plan 2011-12:75 mm WBM in RD 500 to 1500 mm, RD 2000 to
3000 m+PC in entire length. A/A on 17.08.12 Rs.35.01 lacs. DOC
29.09.2012. Exp. Rs.30.08 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm in RD 500 to 1500
mm, RD 2000 to 3000 m

117) H - 4108 Khizrabad To Gurudwara Assandh 0.30 km. DLP Date:

118174 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.
8657 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/2001. Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm

118) H - 4109 Thari To Phapharna Assandh 6.01 km. DLP Date: 30-Sep-19

143666 16-May-17 Constructed 1/2002. SR 10.2008, Path-6 & 18karam, Crust-150 mm,
Metalled width-7m wide except 3.66m wide in phirni of village Thari.
One No.5’ span culvert at RD 1050 m & 10’ span culvert at RD 1500 m
has been constructed.A/A accorded for Rs. 6.87 lacs on 16.06.2016.
Work completed on 30.09.2016

119) H - 4111 Depudi To Padhana Assandh 3.00 km. DLP Date:

143622 16-May-17 Constructed 08/07/2002. Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm. SR:PC in entire

length DOC 22/02/2010. Exp.Rs.33.40 lacs.

120) H - 4112 Jai Singh Pura Karnal Road To Salwan Assandh 2.53 km. DLP Date:

136856 06-Feb-17 Constructed 30/07/2002, Path 5 Karam. Crust 150 mm. SR 75 mm

WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 02/04/2000 for Rs.18.86 Lacs. DOC
on 30/07/2002 Exp. Rs.17.31 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

121) H - 4113 Assandh To Badrala Assandh 3.09 km. DLP Date:

143651 16-May-17 Constructed 06/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5, 6 & 7 karam. Workplan
2011-12: 75mm thick WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 15.06.2012
Rs.35.32 lacs. DOC 18.09.2012. Exp. Rs.32.32 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

122) H - 4115 Dera Gobind Garh To Dera Gurdas Assandh 1.66 km. DLP Date: 28-Feb-20

140424 06-Apr-17 Constructed 12/2002. Path-5 & 6karam, Crust-150 mm. Work Plan
2016-17: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire 1.66 km length.
A/A accorded for Rs. 19.95 lacs on 21.11.2016. Work completed on
28.02.2017. Now crust is 225 mm thick.

123) H - 4116 Salwan Road To Karnal Assandh Road Assandh 1.06 km. DLP Date:

9154 07-Oct-11 Constructed 07/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. 50mm BM+PC in
entire; PC done in 02/2010.

124) H - 4118 Govt.School To Ring Bandh Ardana Assandh 0.42 km. DLP Date:

143680 16-May-17 Constructed 12/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. PC done in 3/2003.
SR: 75 mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.4.33 lacs.
DOC 31.03.2012. Exp. Rs5.22 lacs.

125) H - 4119 Bahri To Theh Bahri Assandh 2.71 km. DLP Date:

143682 16-May-17 Constructed 12/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. Workplan 2011-
12:PIP block in RD 0 to 80 m, 75 mm WBM+PC in RD 80 to 2710 m. A/A
on 17/08/2012 for Rs.33.00 lacs. DOC20.11.2012. Exp. Rs.22.54 lacs

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126) H - 4121 Bahri To Gangtheri Assandh 2.61 km. DLP Date:

143695 16-May-17 Constructed 3/2003. No SR done, Path-7karam, Crust-150 mm.

Workplan 2013-14:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 17.10.2013
Rs.34.15 lacs. DOC 05.04.2014. Exp. Rs.33.12 Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

127) H - 4122 Rangruti Khera To Jabala Assandh 2.85 km. DLP Date:

144694 19-May-17 Constructed 3/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 5 Karam. SR: 75 mm
WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.29.04 lacs. DOC
31.03.2012. Exp. Rs.33.34 lacs. Now crust thickness is 225 mm.

128) H - 4123 Kabulpur Khera road To Shiv Mandir, Assandh 0.42 km. DLP Date:

123678 13-Jun-16 Constructed 10/2003. Crust-150 mm. Path 6 Karam. Workplan 2014-
15:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 05.08.2014 Rs.6.26 lacs.
DOC 06.10.2014. Exp. Rs.6.62 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

129) H - 4124 Jaisingh Pura To Karnal Assandh Road Assandh 1.12 km. DLP Date:

143657 16-May-17 Constructed 07/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2012-
13:75 mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on16.07.2012 Rs.14.44 lacs.
DOC 29.09.2012. Exp.Rs.13.29 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

130) H - 4125 Main Road Rathak To Harizan Chopal Assandh 0.40 km. DLP Date:

143669 16-May-17 Constructed 10/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. Workplan 2011-12:
75mm thick WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 16.07.2012 Rs.5.63 lacs.
DOC 15.09.2012. Exp. Rs4.50 lacs. Nowcrust is 225 mm.

131) H - 4128 P.W.D. Road To Vikash Bhawan Ballah Assandh 0.43 km. DLP Date:

143671 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2003. Crust 115mm. Path 4 karam. BOE only. Workplan
2012-13:PIP blocks in whole length. A/A on 14.08.2012 for Rs.31.23
lacs. DOC 30.11.2012. Exp.27.08 lacs.

132) H - 4129 Ballah To Munak Assandh 4.59 km. DLP Date:

136839 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/2003. Path 5 & 6 Karam.Crust 150mm. SR:75mm

WBM+PC (entire) done 12/2006. Now crust is 225 mm. Workplan 2012-
13: PIP block in RD 0 to 300 (Ballah). A.A on 23.05.2012 Rs.24.13 lacs
DOC 30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.20.71 lacs

133) H - 4130 Chochra To Chor Karsa Assandh 3.68 km. DLP Date:

143709 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 Karam. SR:75 mm
WBM+ PC (entire) A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.37.53 lacs, DOC 31.03.2012.
Exp.Rs.45.94 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

134) H - 4131 Rahra To Lalain Assandh 3.42 km. DLP Date:

143684 16-May-17 Constructed 12/2003. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

Workplan 2013-14: 75mm WBM+PC in entire. A/A on 24.10.2013
Rs.44.73 lacs. DOC 06.04.2014. Exp. Rs.44.72 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm.

135) H - 4132 Rahra to PC Rahra Assandh 1.86 km. DLP Date:

143710 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2003. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

Workplan 2014-15:PIP block in RD 210 m to 480 m & R/Wall in RD 140
to onward. A/A on 05.02.2014 Rs.49.64 lacs. DOC 20.11.14, Exp.
Rs.35.41 lacs.

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136) H - 4134 Bilona Rehra Khizrabad Assandh Road Assandh 2.68 km. DLP Date:

143667 16-May-17 Constructed 1/2004. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

Workplan 2013-14:75 mm WBM+PC in entire. A/A on 24.10.2013
Rs.35.06 lacs. DOC 05.04.2014. Exp. Rs.37.97 lacs, Now crust is 225 mm.

137) H - 4135 Bye Pass To Vill. Salwan Assandh 0.96 km. DLP Date:

143675 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. Workplan 2012-13:
PIP block in RD 200 to 960 m (Salwan) 75 mm WBM+PC in RD 0 to 200
m. A/A on 20.08.2012 Rs.46.92 lacs. DOC 15.04.2013. Now crust is 225
mm in RD 0 to200 m.

138) H - 4136 Rathak To Dera Mohar Singh Assandh 1.98 km. DLP Date:

143696 16-May-17 Constructed 3/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC
in entire. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.20.25 lacs. DOC 30.11.2011. Exp.
Rs24.73 Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm

139) H - 4138 Bal Rangran To Gandhi Gram Assandh 2.05 km. DLP Date:

143690 16-May-17 Constructed 2004 execpt 100m length balnace due to dispute in phirni
portion(Bal Rangran) & constructed in 11/2008. Crust 150mm. Path 5
karam. Workplan 2013-14:PIP block in RD 0 to 800 m & 75mm
WBM+PC in RD 800 to 2050 m. A/A on 09.12.2013 Rs.76.49 lacs. DOC
11.08.2014. Exp.61.15 lacs. Now crust is 400 mm from RD0 to 800&
225 mm from RD 800 to 2050 m

140) H - 4140 Mor Majra To Ballah Assandh 1.55 km. DLP Date:

136850 06-Feb-17 Constructed 2/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 4 & 5 Karam

141) H - 4141 Mor Majra To Dharam Garh Assandh 3.21 km. DLP Date:

143676 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2014-
15:Heavy patchwork in entire length. A/A on 04.05.2015 Rs.8.24 lacs.
DOC 03.07.2015. Exp. Rs.7.40 lacs.

142) H - 4142 Approach Road To Stadium Assandh 0.20 km. DLP Date:

9178 07-Oct-11 Constructed 08/2009. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. Width of Road

143) H - 4143 Balu To Jalala Veeran Assandh 2.86 km. DLP Date:

161751 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
9180 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1993. Crust 150mm WBM. PC done in 01/2010; 710m
(Balu side)75mm WBM strengthening+PC in entire length. Path 5, 6

144) H - 4144 Nissing Nardak Canal To Aungad Assandh 2.25 km. DLP Date: 30-Sep-19

143628 16-May-17 Constructed 01/1994. Crust 150mm WBM. PC done in 01/2010; 77m CC
pavement (RD2173 to 2250m). Path 5 Karam. SR: Paver block laid in RD
0 to 600 m and WBM patches+ PC inbalance length.A/A accorded for
Rs.49.36 lacs on 14.09.2015. Workcompleted on 30.09.2016

145) H - 4146 Balu To Budanpur Assandh 2.13 km. DLP Date:

136853 06-Feb-17

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136853 06-Feb-17 Constructed 3/1994. Path 5, 9 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done

146) H - 4148 Balu To Bajida Roran Assandh 3.52 km. DLP Date:

161757 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
143645 16-May-17 Constructed 05/1996. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done on
30/04/2005 with Exp. Rs.10.79 lacs.Work plan 2011-12: Heavy
patchwork. A/A on 24.07.2012 Rs.4.9 9lacs. DOC 30.11.2012. Exp.
Rs.4.61 lacs. Workpln 2013-14:WBM in Rd 220 to 475 m+ Patches+PC
in entire. A/A for 27.92 lacs on 14.08.2013. Work Compleed on
25.11.2013. Exp. Rs.26.39 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm thick in RD 220 to

147) H - 4150 Shekhupura To Gonder Assandh 2.12 km. DLP Date:

161754 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
123704 13-Jun-16 Constructed 04/1997. Crust 150 mm . Path 5 Karam. SR:75mm
WBM+PC done in 12/2006. Now crust is 225mm

148) H - 4151 Dacher Jalmana Road To Dera Assandh 1.08 km. DLP Date: 21-Jun-20

149266 02-Aug-17 Road was Constructed in year 12/1998. Crust 150 mm. Path 4 & 5
Karam. SR was done with 75mm WBM+PC in entire length in 01/2010.
Work Plan [2016-17]: WBM patch +Pc+Berm repair at RD 0 to 900m, in
rest RD 900 to 1080m=180m in phirni Dera Fatehpur 250m GSB +paver
block in 18' width in vill. Phirni (Dera Fatehgarh). A/A accorded for Rs.
14.08 lacs on 01.05.2017. Work completed on 21.06.2017.

149) H - 4152 Behlolpur To Bir Majra Assandh 2.94 km. DLP Date: 31-Mar-20

140765 07-Apr-17 Constructed 11/2001. Crust 150mm. PC done in 01/2010. Path 5

Karam.Work Plan [2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in
entire 2.94 km length. A/A accorded for Rs. 35.48 lacs on
04.01.2017.Work completed on 31.03.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick

150) H - 4154 Gonder To Machuri Assandh 5.05 km. DLP Date:

143656 16-May-17 Constructed 07/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2014-
15:75 mm WBM+PC in RD 0 to 4800 & PIP blocks in RD 4800 to 5050 m
(Manchuri). A/A on 31.07.2014 Rs.83.35 lacs. DOC 31.01.2015. Exp.
Rs.63.20 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm thick in RD 0 to 4800 m

151) H - 4157 Prem Khera To Balu Assandh 3.44 km. DLP Date:

136869 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 15/03/2003. Path5 Karam. Crust 150mm. Workplan

2011-12:PIP laid from RD 50 to 375 m. A/A on 15.06.2012 for Rs.23.16
lacs. Work completed on 15.10.2012. Exp. Rs.21.00 lacs. Workplan
2013-14:WBM patches+ PC in RD 0 to 50m & RD 375 to 3444 m. A.A om
14/08/2013 for Rs.22.87 lacs. DOC 30/03/14. Exp. Rs.22.74 lacs.

152) H - 4158 Hathlana To Jundla Assandh 4.18 km. DLP Date:

161753 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
143654 16-May-17 Constructed 07/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
12/2004. Work plan 2012-13: PIP blocks in RD 0 to 400 m & RD 3580 to
4018m. Patches+PC in RD 400 to 3580 m. A/A on 08/12/2004 for
Rs.92.14 lacs. DOC 10.12.2012. Exp. Rs.14.38 Lacs.

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153) H - 4159 Chirao To Pingli Assandh 2.23 km. DLP Date:

143677 16-May-17 Constructed 12/1996. Crust 150mm + extra 0.075m in both Vill phirni
portions WBM. PC done in 11/2004. Path 4 & 5 karam. Work plan 2012-
13:PIP block in RD 0 to 390 (Chirao ) Rd 1850 to 2230 m (Pingli) &
75mm WBM+PC in RD 390 to 1850 m. A/A on 25.06.12 Rs.55.13 lacs.
DOC 30.01.2013.

154) H - 4164 Dera Chasham Pal Nain To Jani Road Assandh 0.80 km. DLP Date:

8661 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/2002. Path-3karam, Crust-150 mm

155) H - 4165 Dadupur To Chirao Assandh 1.69 km. DLP Date: 09-Apr-20

143665 16-May-17 Constructed 1/2001. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done 1/2010. Work Plan
[2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire 1.69 km length.
A/A accorded for Rs. 22.38 lacs on 10.01.2017. Work completed on
09.04.2017. Now Crust 225 mm thick.

156) H - 4166 Barota To Neru Khari Assandh 3.44 km. DLP Date:

143642 16-May-17 Constructed 04/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.SR:PIP block in RD 0

to 400m and 75mm WBM in RD 400 to 2600 m+PC. A/A Rs. 59.52 lacs
on 10.8.2012. Work completed on 12.12.2012. Exp. Rs.52.80 lacs. Crust
is 410 mm from RD 0 to 400 m & 225 mm from RD 400 to 2600 m & 150
mm in balance length.

157) H - 4167 Aungad To Katlehri Assandh 2.96 km. DLP Date:

143707 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2002. Patches + PC done in 01.2010, Path-5karam, Crust-

150 mm. Workplan 2014-15: Retaining wall in Village Aungad in 250
mtr. A/A on 15.01.2014 Rs.21.74 lacs. DOC 15.10.2014. Exp. Rs.16.92

158) H - 4170 Anchla To Bansa Assandh 4.66 km. DLP Date: 30-Jun-19

143705 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 7 Karam. SR:75 mm WBM
+ PC (Rs. 46.11 lacs) sanctioned on 15/10/2010. Awarded to S.K const.
on 8/8/2011. Completed on 15.12.2011. CM announcement code 9939
dated 7/4/2015. This announcement consist of two roads 1. Katlaheri
to AinchlaConstructed by PWD and 2nd Part from Bansa to Anchla
const. by HSAMB. Widening & strengthening:A/A accoded for Rs. 113
lac on dated 22/05/2015. Work completed on dt.30.06.2016 except
disputed portion i.e.660 m. Metalled width 16 feet in RD 0 to 4000m.
The work has been finalized asit is.

159) H - 4171 Dera Chasam Pal Nain Upto Other Assandh 0.74 km. DLP Date:
Scarratted House

143672 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 3 Karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC
in entire. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.7.41 lacs. DOC 31.03.2012. Exp. Rs.9.16
Lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

160) H - 4173 Neru Kheri To Jani Assandh 2.78 km. DLP Date: 11-Apr-20

141532 19-Apr-17 Constructed 07/2008. Crust 150mm WBM. Path 4, 5 Karam. Work Plan
[2016-17]: 75mm WBM layer+PC+Berm repair in entire 2.78 km length.
A/A accorded for Rs. 36.64 lacs on 05.12.2016. Work completed on
11.04.2017. Now Crust is 225 mm thick. Under DLP 11.04.2020.

161) H - 4176 Jalala Veeran To Behlolpur Assandh 3.05 km. DLP Date:

9434 07-Oct-11

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9434 07-Oct-11 Constructed 03/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 Karam.

162) H - 4179 Manjura To Katlehri Assandh 4.95 km. DLP Date: 21-Oct-20

158300 30-Jan-18 Completion 28-Oct-2009. Path-5 & 6karam, Crust-225 mm.Work Plan
[2016-17]: WBM patch +PC+Berm repair in entire length. AA for Rs
38.91 lacs on 15.5.2017.Work completed on 21.10.2017.

163) H - 4180 Pangala To Vill. Bakal Assandh 4.88 km. DLP Date: 21-Sep-20

158301 30-Jan-18 Constructed 7/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 6 Karam.At the time of
const. RD 4884 to 5450m phinri portion in village Bakal not constructed
due to dispute of encorchment later on this lengthconstructed by
Gram Panchayat Bakal.SR: Raising of Phirni portion with IPBs in RD 0
to 230 m. A/A accorded for Rs. 8.88 lacs on 02.05.2017. Work
completed on 21.09.2017

164) H - 4184 Thal To Mund Assandh 2.45 km. DLP Date:

8668 07-Oct-11 Completion 10-June-2010. No SR done, Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm.

165) H - 4186 Birachpur to Budanpur Assandh 2.84 km. DLP Date:

123734 13-Jun-16 Constructed 5/2001. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done 1/2010

166) H - 4195 Kaimla To Barsat Gharaunda 4.65 km. DLP Date: 31-Dec-20

158302 30-Jan-18 Constructed 8/1992. Path 4karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM+PC
(entire) done 1/2010.Widening & Strengthening 12' to 16':IPB in RD 0
to 700m & 250 mm GSB+150mm WBM in widening portion+75mm
WBM in exisitng 12' wide from RD 700 to 4650m. R/A/A granted for
Rs.117.39 lacs on 13.12.2017. Crust is 400 in widening area & 300 mm
in exisitng. Work completed on 31.12.2017

167) H - 4196 Dinger Majra To Kaimla Gharaunda 1.91 km. DLP Date:

143662 16-May-17 Constructed 09/1993. Crust 150mm . PC done in 05/2004. Path 4

Karam. Work plan 2014-15: PIP laid in RD 0 to 139 m (Dinger Majra) &
Rd 1469 to 1910 m (kaimla) & rest 75mm WBM + PC in RD 139 to
1469m. A/A on 13.04.2015 Rs.52.14 lacs. DOC 15.06.2015 Exp. Rs.52.20

168) H - 4199 Kalheri To Jamalpur Gharaunda 1.69 km. DLP Date:

14441 15-Nov-11 Constructed 12/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 01/2010.

169) H - 4200 Garhi Baral To Rana Majra Gharaunda 3.73 km. DLP Date:

143634 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1999. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in03/2008.
Work plan 2012-13: PIP blocks in RD 3200 to 3730 m (Rana Majra)&
Rest patchwork. A/A on 14.08.2012 Rs.36.06 lacs. DOC 12.12.2012. Exp.
Rs…………… lacs. Workplan 2014-15: 75 mm WBM+PC in RD 0 to 3200
m. A/A on 12.08.14 Rs.41.28 lacs. DOC03.11.2014. Exp. Rs.40.31 lacs

170) H - 4202 Hassanpur To NGM Gharuanda Gharaunda 3.44 km. DLP Date:

171449 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
170718 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o

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Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143630 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1994. Crust 150mm . PC done in 03/2008. Path 4
Karam. Workplan 2014-15:75mm WBM + PC in entire length.A/A on
5.08.2014 for Rs. 47.71 Lakh. Work completed on 13.10.2014.
Exp.Rs.45.93 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm.

171) H - 4203 Chora Gharuanda To N.G.M. Ghd Gharaunda 1.28 km. DLP Date: 05-Apr-21

167011 13-Aug-18 Constructed 04/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 01/2010.
Workplan 2013-14:Widening of road from 12' to 16' with 150mm WBM
+ PC. Rev. A/A accorded for Rs. 33.39 lac on 05.12.2014. Work
completed on 29.05.14. Exp. Rs.33.16 lacs. Wd. & St. 16' to 18' A/A
granted for Rs.41.46 lacs on 13.12.2017. Work completed on
06.04.2018. Now crust thickness 450mm on widening & 500mm in
strengthening area.

172) H - 4206 Kaimla To Pundri Gharaunda 3.38 km. DLP Date: 18-Jun-19

143691 16-May-17 Constructed 25.02.1995. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC (entire) done
on 1/2010. SR: Widening & Strengthening done 12' to 16'. A/A
accorded for Rs.63.22 lacs on dt.08.04.2015. Work completed on
18.07.2016. Now crust is 225 mm.

173) H - 4207 Amritpur To Lalupur Gharaunda 5.80 km. DLP Date: 15-Jul-19

167012 13-Aug-18 Constructed 03/1997. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 01/2007.
Workplan 2012-13: PIP blocks in RD 5300 m to 5800 m (In Vill. Lalupur),
75 mm WBM +PC in RD 4000 m to 5300 m & patches in RD 0 to 4000 m.
A/A on 20.07.2012 for Rs.44.84 Lacs. Work completed on 16.08.2013.
Exp. Rs.40.42 lacs. Workplan 2015-16: PIP blocks in RD 0 to 310 m (in
Vill. Amritpur) 6' high retaining wall from RD 310 to 450m=140 m. A/A
on 11.09.2015 for Rs.20.18 lacs. Work completed on 15.07.16.
Widening & strengthening 12' to 18': RD 310 to 5300 m. R/A/A for
Rs.119.34 lacs on 21.07.2016. Work completed on 31.01.2018. Now
Crust is 225 mm in RD 310 m to 5300 m in except widening area.
Widening area has 400mm thick crust.

174) H - 4208 Dinger Majra Road To Shamshanghat Gharaunda 0.33 km. DLP Date: 30-Sep-19

143664 16-May-17 Constructed 1/1998. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 3/2008.
SR:75 mm WBM+PC+berm repair.A/A accorded for Rs.3.21 lacs on
18.03.2016. Work completed on 30.09.2016

175) H - 4209 Palheri To Faridpur Gharaunda 2.75 km. DLP Date:

143660 16-May-17 Constructed 08/1998. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 08/2006.
Mining belt. Workplan 2013-14:SR done in 30.04.2013 with RD 0 to
400m= GSB250mm + paver block and rest 75mm WBM + PC. Now
crust thickness 225mm. Exp. Rs.46.09 lacs

176) H - 4210 Garhi Baral To Dera Kashyap Gharaunda 0.27 km. DLP Date: 31-Mar-19

143713 16-May-17 Constructed 9/1998. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on 3/2008.
Work plan 2015-16:250mm GSB+ Paver Blocks in entire length. A/A
accorded for Rs. 10.13 lac on dated 11.09.2015. Work completed on

177) H - 4212 Garhi Biral To Ram Rang Gharaunda 1.25 km. DLP Date: 07-Mar-21

167013 13-Aug-18 Constructed 11/1998. SR 31.03.08, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8898 But revert to HSAMB. Work
Plan 2015-16:RD 0 to 250mm PIP block and 75 mm WBM
Layer+PC+Berm repair). A/A accorded for Rs.23.66 lacs on 01.06.2017.

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Work completed on 08.03.2018. Crust is 225 mm from RD 250 to

178) H - 4213 Bijna To Samalkha Gharaunda 2.09 km. DLP Date: 30-Apr-19

171451 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
170720 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143702 16-May-17 Constructed 5/1999. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. S/R done in 3/2008.
Workplan 2011-12: RD 0 to 100m =250mm GSB+ Paver Blocks in village
Bijna. A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs. 5.53 lacs. Work completed on
30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.5.23 lacs. Workplan 2015-16:RD 100 to
535m=0.435km(250mm GSB+PIP Block)+repair of retaining wall in
village Bijna. A/A for Rs. 18.56 lacs on 11.09.2015. Work completedon

179) H - 4214 Bassi Akbarpur To Behlolpur Gharaunda 2.01 km. DLP Date:

171452 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
170721 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143678 16-May-17 Constructed 12/1999. SR 31.03.08, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.
Workplan 2013-14:75mm WBM + PC. A/A on 16.01.2014 Rs.25.61
lacs.Work completed on 29.05.14. Exp. Rs.25.87 lacs. Now Crust is 225
mm thick.

180) H - 4215 Harizan Basti To Shamshanghat At Gharaunda 0.58 km. DLP Date:
Dinger Majra

14487 15-Nov-11 Constructed 5/2000. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on 1/2010.

181) H - 4217 Garh Sarnai To Pundri Gharaunda 2.38 km. DLP Date: 30-Oct-19

136836 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/2000. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:CC in RD 0 to

178 and PC in RD 178 to 2380 m done in 10/2009.SR: 75 mm
WBM+PC+berm repair in RD 178 to 2380 m. A/A for Rs 23.35 lacs on
18.3.2016. Work completed on 30.10.2016 except 60' disputed length.
Now crust is 225 mm

182) H - 4218 G.T.Road To Garhi Multan Gharaunda 1.76 km. DLP Date:

171447 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
162334 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
14488 15-Nov-11 Constructed 1/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on 1/2010.

183) H - 4219 Shekpura To Shiv Mandir Gharaunda 2.26 km. DLP Date:

171446 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18

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170716 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
14489 15-Nov-11 Constructed 11/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on 1/2010.

184) H - 4220 Barsat To Behlolpur Gharaunda 2.00 km. DLP Date:

143668 16-May-17 Constructed 10/2001. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. Work plan 2014-15:
RD 0 to 74m = GSB 250mm + paver block invillage Barsat side, RD 74
to 1715m= 75mm WBM + PC, RD 1715 to 1904m= GSB 250mm + paver
block, RD 1904 to 2000m= 75mm WBM + PC. . A/A accorded for Rs.
34.27 lac on 05.08.2014. Work completed on 19.11.14. Exp. Rs.34.80
lacs. Now crustthickness 225mm in RD 74 to 1715 & 1904 to 2000m.

185) H - 4223 Dadlana School To Bus Stand Gharaunda 0.42 km. DLP Date:

14492 15-Nov-11 Constructed 9/2001. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm. Later on CC laid by
Gram Panchayat on entire length.

186) H - 4224 Gagsina To Kapron Gharaunda 2.86 km. DLP Date: 30-Sep-19

143679 16-May-17 Constructed 12/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC(entire) done
1/2010. SR: 75 mm WBM+PC+berm repair. A/A for Rs 28.99 lacs on
16.3.2016. Work completed on 30.09.2016. Now crust is 225 mm.

187) H - 4225 Staundi To Picholiya Gharaunda 4.63 km. DLP Date:

167014 13-Aug-18 Constructed 4/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 3 Karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC.
A/A granted for Rs.6.32 Lacs on 13.12.2017. Work completed
23.06.2018. Now Crust is 225mm thick

188) H - 4226 Saini Wala Mandir To Barsat Gharaunda 0.65 km. DLP Date: 23-May-21

14494 15-Nov-11 Constructed 4/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 3 Karam.

189) H - 4227 Alipur Khalsa To Khotpura Gharaunda 3.90 km. DLP Date: 01-Nov-19

143685 16-May-17 Constructed 15/1/2002. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC (0.05 km ) +

PC (3.04 km ) done 1/2010. SR: Paver block laid in RD 0 to 180 m and
75 mm WBM+ PC in RD 180 to 3900 m. A/A for Rs 48.89 lacs on
18.01.2016. Work completed on 01.11.2016. Now Crust is 225 mm thick
in RD 180 to 3900 m.

190) H - 4229 Panori To Gharaunda Gharaunda 4.30 km. DLP Date:

143636 16-May-17 Constructed 03/2002 . Crust 150mm . CC in Gharaunda side RD4193 to

4300m+PC done in 02/2010. Path 5 Karam. Work plan 2014-15:75mm
WBM+ PC in RD 0 to 4193 m.A/A for Rs.58.18 on 12/8/2014. Work
completed on 30.04.2015. Exp. Rs.52.91 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm in
RD 0 to 4193m.

191) H - 4230 Bastara To Kutail Gharaunda 3.29 km. DLP Date:

170413 30-Oct-18 On 22.10.2018, Strengthening of road demanded by Sh. Harvinder

Kalyan, Chairman Hafed & MLA Gharaunda.
143712 16-May-17 Constructed 7/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam, 75mm WBM + PC in
8/2012 (Rs. 31.13 lacs), now crust 225mm. W/S: Widening &
strengthening done in whole length.A/A on 08.04.2015 Rs.79.65 lacs.
Work completed on 21.10.15. Exp.Rs.71.94 lacs. Now Crust is 375 mm
in 16' wide.

192) H - 4231 Gharaunda

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192) H - 4231 Kalram To Bastara Gharaunda 2.56 km. DLP Date: 20-Nov-20

158307 30-Jan-18 Constructed 9/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. Widening &
strengthening 12' to 16': A/A for Rs.48.22 lacs on 25.03.2016.Work
completed on 20.11.2017. Crust in widening portion is 400 mm &
225mm in balance width.

193) H - 4232 Shahjanpur To Munak Khora Kheri Gharaunda 2.59 km. DLP Date:

143706 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.SR:75mm WBM + PC.
A/A on dt.15.10.2010 Rs.26.27 Lacs. Completed on 15.10.2012. Exp.
Rs.26.11 lacs

194) H - 4233 Muank Kheri To Gagsina Anchla Road Gharaunda 1.37 km. DLP Date:

143670 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. SR:WBM patches +
PC. A/A on dt.23.08.2012 Rs.10.64 Lacs.Completed on15.10.2012. Exp.
Rs.9.33 lacs

195) H - 4234 Ghari To Belhera Gharaunda 0.15 km. DLP Date:

14498 15-Nov-11 Constructed 6/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.

196) H - 4235 App. Road To Mundi Garhi Gharaunda 0.80 km. DLP Date:

171450 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
170719 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143708 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. SR: 75 mm WBM+CC
7" thick in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.17.76 lacs. Work
completed on 15.09.2012. Exp. Rs.23.83 lacs. Now crust is 402 mm.

197) H - 4236 Barsat To Village Behlolpur Gharaunda 1.76 km. DLP Date:

143703 16-May-17 Constructed 5/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC
in entire. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.17.76 lacs.Work Completed on
15.09.2012. Exp. Rs.17.54 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

198) H - 4238 Begam Pur To Dera Nishan Singh Gharaunda 1.78 km. DLP Date:

143674 16-May-17 Constructed 11/2003. Path 5 karam. Crust 150mm . Work plan 2012-
13:75mm WBM+PC . A/A on 14.09.2012 Rs.17.77 lacs. DOC 28.10.2012.
Exp. Rs.17.33 lacs. Now Crust is 225 mm.

199) H - 4240 Dadupur Rangran To Uncha Samana Gharaunda 2.89 km. DLP Date:

143637 16-May-17 Constructed 03/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Originally Bridge
not provided by the Irrigation Deptt. In RD1244 to 1339m. RD0to 350m
CC laid by Gram Panchayat. Workplan 2012-13:Bridge at RD 1244 to
1339 (Irrigation Deptt.)& 75mm WBM+PC. A/A for Bridge on 30.04.14
Rs.97.46 lacs. And for Road work A/A on 03.08.14 Rs.36.42 lacs. Work
completed on 13.12.2014. Exp. Rs.97.46+36.42 =Rs.133.88 lacs. Now
Crust is 225 mm.

200) H - 4241 Lalupur Bridge Via Embankment Gharaunda 2.80 km. DLP Date: 30-Oct-19

158287 30-Jan-18 Constructed 4/2004, crust 150mm Path: 4 karam, SR 75mm WBM layer
+PC on 30.09.2012,SR:75 mm WBM+PC+Berm repair. Rev. A/A

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accorded for Rs. 35.01 lacs on 25.03.2016. Work completed on
30.10.2016. CM Announcement code 14894 dt.07.10.16:Widening of
Lalupura to Meerut road NH on Yamuna Bank. A/A on 06.03.2017 for
Rs.71.58 lacs for widening from 12' to 16'. Work allotted on
17.04.2017. Work completed on 27.11.2017. Now crust is 300mm.

201) H - 4242 Staundi To Bijna Gharaunda 2.96 km. DLP Date:

143652 16-May-17 Constructed 06/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. Workplan 2014-
15:75 mm WBM+PC in Rd 0 to 2816 m & PIP blocks in RD 2816 to 2960
m (Bijna). A/A on 12.08.2014 Rs.46.32 lacs. DOC03.12.2014. Exp.
Rs.42.68 lacs.

202) H - 4244 Dadlana To Begampur Upto Khond- Gharaunda 0.96 km. DLP Date: 31-May-19
Assandh Road

143711 16-May-17 Constructed 6/2009. Path-12karam, Crust-150 mm. Workplan 2015-

16:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A for Rs.12.23 lacs on
08.03.2016. Now Crust is 225 mm. Work completed on 31.05.2016.

203) H - 4245 Begampur to Refinery Town Ship Gharaunda 0.86 km. DLP Date: 28-Sep-19

143649 16-May-17 Constructed 05/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 3 Karam.SR:75 mm

WBM+PC+Berm repair. A/A accorded for Rs. 8.08 lacs on 16.03.2016.
Work completed on 28.09.2016. Now crust is 300 mm.

204) H - 4248 Subri To Karnal Kujpura Road Gharaunda 2.70 km. DLP Date: 18-Jul-19

143631 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 6 karam. CC in RD0 to
315m (Subri Phirni)+PC done in 03/2008. Heavy Patchwork:A/A on
17.07.2012 for Rs.5.07 lacs, DOC 25.11.2012. Exp. Rs.4.85
lacs.Workplan 2015-16: 75mm WBM+PC in RD 315 m to 2700 m. A/A
on 01.04.2016 for Rs.30.04 lacs. Work completed on 18.07.2016.
NowCrust is 225 mm in RD 315 m to 2700m.

205) H - 4249 Kalweri To Newal Gharaunda 1.83 km. DLP Date: 18-Jul-19

143633 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1997. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. PC done in 12/2007.
Heavy Patchwork:AA on 17.07.12 for Rs. 3.97 lacs, DOC
25.11.2012.Exp. Rs.3.70 lacs. Workplan 2015-16:75mm WBM+PC in
entire length. A/A for Rs.23.77 lacs on 22.04.2016. Now Crust is 225
mm. Work completed on 18.07.2016

206) H - 4250 App.Road To Vill.Mehmodpur Gharaunda 0.61 km. DLP Date: 12-Apr-21

167015 13-Aug-18 Constructed 4/2001. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. PC done on

30/4/2007.SR provision of 80mm thick paver block M-40 in RD 0 to
300m and 75mm thick WBM layer +PC in rest RD 300 to 610m. AA on
21.12.2017 for Rs.16.36 lacs. Work completed on 13.04.2018. Now
Crust is 225 mm thick

207) H - 4251 Nai Chundipur To Purani Chundipur Gharaunda 0.98 km. DLP Date:

143683 16-May-17 Constructed 12/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2012-
13:Patches+75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 07.09.2012
Rs.11.92 lacs, Work completed on 23.12.2012. Exp.Rs.11.53 lacs. Now
crust is 225 mm.

208) H - 4253 Mohidin Pur To Rasulpur Gharaunda 2.49 km. DLP Date:

143661 16-May-17 Constructed 08/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 9 karam.Workplan 2012-
13:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on07.09.2012 Rs.30.05 lacs.
Completed on 23.12.2012. Exp. Rs.28.95 lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

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209) H - 4256 Gogripur To Kheri Naru Gharaunda 3.32 km. DLP Date: 14-Oct-19

143629 16-May-17 Constructed 03/1992. Crust 150mm . CC 135m (Kheri Naru phirni)+PC
done in 01/2010. Path 4, 5 Karam. SR:75 mm WBM+PC+Berm repair.
RAA for Rs 34.24 lacs on 18.03.2016. Work completed on 14.10.2016.
Now crust is 225 mm in RD 0 to 3185 m

210) H - 4258 Bajida Jattan To Gogripur Gharaunda 1.59 km. DLP Date:

143639 16-May-17 Constructed 04/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 6 karam. PC done in
03/2004. Workplan 2012-13: Heavy patchwork. A/A on 17.07.2012
Rs.1.45 lacs. DOC 27.09.12. Exp. Rs.1.55 lacs.

211) H - 4259 Bhuslli To Kharkalil Gharaunda 2.20 km. DLP Date:

170722 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143687 16-May-17 Constructed 1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. PC done in 08/2004.
Work Plan 2012-13:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. AA on 16.07.12
for Rs.24.58 lacs. Work completed on 16.07.2012. Exp.Rs.21.11 lacs.
Now Crust is 225 mm.

212) H - 4262 Kambopura To Uncha Samana Gharaunda 2.80 km. DLP Date: 30-Oct-19

143659 16-May-17 Constructed 08/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 03/2004.
SR:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 16.07.12 for Rs.32.25lacs.
work completed on 25.10.12.Exp. 29.01 lacs. SR:75 mmWBM+PC+berm
repair in RD 1300 to 2800 m. A/A accorded for Rs.29.27 lacs on
25.03.2016. Now crust is 300mm in RD 1300 to 2800m. Work
completed on 30.10.2016 and balance length 1300 mtr. taken by the
MC Karnal as this stretch falls in MunicipalCorporation are Karnal.

213) H - 4265 Approach Road Of Sports Stadium Gharaunda 0.37 km. DLP Date: 23-May-21
Village Bastara

167016 13-Aug-18 Constructed 07/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 karam. Workplan 2012-
13:Heavy Patchwork. A/A 17.07.12 Rs.1.30 lacs. DOC 25.09.2012.
Exp.Rs.1.42 lacs. Wd. & St. 12' to 18' A/A granted for Rs.7.61 lacs on
13.12.2017. Work completed 23.06.2018. Now Crust thickness is
300mm in strenthening & 400mm in widening area.

214) H - 4266 Appraoch Road To Sports Stadium Gharaunda 0.11 km. DLP Date:

14505 15-Nov-11 Constructed 12/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 Karam.

215) H - 4267 Metaling Of Ramp Of Western Yamuna Gharaunda 0.15 km. DLP Date:
Main Branch In Gogripur To Munak

14506 15-Nov-11 Constructed - 2010. Crust 225mm. Path irrigation Deptt. Land

216) H - 4681 Chochra To Pangala Assandh 2.28 km. DLP Date:

123802 13-Jun-16 A/A on 20.08.09 for Rs. 46.66 lacs. Path 5,6 & 7 K . Crust 225mm. Work
completed on 31.05.2013. Exp. Rs.53.04 lacs

217) H - 4682 Thari To Jabala Assandh 2.96 km. DLP Date: 08-Oct-19

132682 17-Nov-16 One No. 10’ span culvert at RD 100 m has been constructed.A/A
accorded for Rs.4.86 lacs on 16.06.2016. Work completed on

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80819 31-Jul-14 A/A granted on 12.04.10 for Rs. 51.26 lacs, path 6 & 7 karam. Crust
225mm, allotted on 14.07.10 to Deepak Ghai, Completed on 30.04.13 &
final bill paid. Crust is 225mm.

218) H - 4683 Anchala To Picholia Assandh 3.61 km. DLP Date:

143624 16-May-17 A/A granted on 23.03.10 for Rs.74.35 lacs. Path 4 & 5 Karam. Crust
225mm. Work completed on 31.03.2014, except 308m disputed
portion, the CE decided to finalize work "as it is basis" on 05.05.14,
Final bill paid. Crust is 225mm. Exp. 103.28 lacs.

219) H - 4684 Ardana To Gangatehri Assandh 6.39 km. DLP Date:

136870 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 20.07.14.Path 6 & 8Karam. PIP blocks in RD 0 to 700m

& 5790 to 6390 in balance length GSB (250mm) +WBM (150mm) + PC
in RD 700 to 5790m. Crust is 400mm. A/A in supersession on 30.01.12
for Rs.186.66 lacs. Exp.Rs.212.05 lacs

220) H - 4685 Jalala Veeran To Behlolpur (West Nilokheri (SC) 0.37 km. DLP Date:
South Side Of Village Jalala Phirni)

123808 13-Jun-16 Construction 15.04.2014. Crust is 225mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. A/A on
10.09.2013 Rs.13.96 lacs. Exp.Rs.12.83 lacs.

221) H - 4688 Bahri To Mund Assandh 4.06 km. DLP Date:

136882 06-Feb-17 Construction on 30.07.2013. Crust is 400mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. A/A on
01.03.2013 for Rs.132.73 lacs. Exp.Rs.131.55 lacs

222) H - 4689 Jalmana To Thari Assandh 2.25 km. DLP Date:

136876 06-Feb-17 Construction 30.11.2013. Crust is 400 mm. R/A/A on 28.03.2014

Rs.74.18 lacs. Exp. Rs.70.50 lacs. Path 6 Karam

223) H - 4690 Chochra To Uplana Assandh 5.23 km. DLP Date:

132648 17-Nov-16 Construction 24.08.2013.Path 6 Karam. A/A on 21.01.2011 Rs.116.77

lacs. Crust is 225 mm. Exp. Rs.120.11 Lacs

224) H - 4691 Aungadh To Gonder Assandh 5.30 km. DLP Date:

123818 13-Jun-16 Construction on 15.07.2015. Path 5 & 6 Karam. A/A on 02.01.2013

Rs.334.387 lacs. Crust is 400 mm. Exp. Rs.213.81 lacs.

225) H - 4692 Dakwala Roran To Meerut Road Gharaunda 3.04 km. DLP Date: 29-Feb-20

170723 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
152112 05-Sep-17 A/A on 11.06.09 for Rs. 59.81 lacs. Path 5 &6 K .Crust 225mm. Allotted
on 24.12.09 to Deepak Ghai. Work Completed on 30.11.2011. R/A/A
accorded for Rs. 6.93 lac on 26.08.2014 for flood effectd portiononly
(67+42=109 m) Work completed

226) H - 4694 Baragoan To Makhu Majra Indri 2.37 km. DLP Date:

123822 13-Jun-16 Construction 30.11.2011. Path 11 & 5 Karam. A/A on 12.08.09 for Rs.
43.36 lacs. Crust 225mm.

227) H - 4695 Gharpur To Yamuna Ghat Indri 0.95 km. DLP Date:

123823 13-Jun-16
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123823 13-Jun-16 Construction 15.09.2015. Path 7 Karam. A/A on 20.08.2009 for Rs.
17.39 lacs. Crust 225mm.

228) H - 4696 Kamalpur To Churni Indri 1.92 km. DLP Date:

136875 06-Feb-17 Construction 14.01.2015. Path 5 Karam. A/A on 02.09.2009 for

Rs.38.37 lacs. Crust 225mm

229) H - 4697 Sayid Chappra Via Dera Halwana Indri 1.57 km. DLP Date:

123825 13-Jun-16 Construction 15.09.2015. Path 5 Karam. A/A on 26.08.2009 for

Rs.28.41 lacs. Crust 225mm.

230) H - 4698 Ghor Garh To Kheri Man Singh Indri 1.91 km. DLP Date:

123826 13-Jun-16 Construction 25.10.2015. Path 6 Karam. A/A on 28.08.2009 for

Rs.34.63 lacs. Crust 225mm.

231) H - 5033 Bhamberhari To Bansa Assandh 6.28 km. DLP Date:

132650 17-Nov-16 Construction 15.12.2013. Path 6,8,6 Karam. A/A on 27.12.2012 for
Rs.436.00 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.411.34 lacs

232) H - 5036 Devi Mandir To Ashwa Megh Tirath Assandh 0.41 km. DLP Date:

123830 13-Jun-16 Construction30.04.2013. Path 5 & 6 Karam. A/A on 27.12.2012 for

Rs.13.20 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.12.34 lacs

233) H - 5037 Goghripur (Karnal- Munak Road) To Gharaunda 1.65 km. DLP Date:
Ngm Karnal

123832 13-Jun-16 Construction 30.08.2014. Path 4 & 6 Karam. A/A on 04.03.2014 for
Rs.112.30 Lacs.Crust thickness 550mm thick in 12'' wide matelled
roadand in widening portion 150mm GSB + Paver bloc.. Exp.
Rs.108.78 lacs

234) H - 5038 Gagseena Anchla Road To Bansa Gharaunda 4.66 km. DLP Date:

159427 28-Feb-18 Representation for widening of road was made by Sh. Jagbir Sandhu
on 22-02-2018. Smt. Krishna Gahlawat, Hon'ble Chairperson, HSAMB,
recommended for the same.
136883 06-Feb-17 Construction 30.09.2014. Path 5 & 7 Karam. A/A on 17.05.2013 for
Rs.170.00 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.155.25 lacs

235) H - 5041 Kheri Munak To Gagseena Anchla Gharaunda 0.80 km. DLP Date:

171448 30-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
170717 13-Nov-18 Widening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Cahirman,
Hafed & MLA Gharaunda. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 1583-84 dt. 31.10.18
143638 16-May-17 Constructed 03/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5, 7 Karam. SR: WBM
patches+PC. A/A on 17.08.2012 Rs.6.11 lacs. Workcompleted on
25.10.2012. Exp. Rs.5.34 lacs.

236) H - 5042 Dera Balbir Singh To Dera Sahib Singh Assandh 0.50 km. DLP Date:

8664 07-Oct-11 Constructed 4/2009. No SR done, Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm, width-

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237) H - 5043 Arya Samaj Mandir To Pingli Road Gharaunda 0.87 km. DLP Date: 30-Oct-19
(Main Phirni Of Vill. Goghripur)

141551 19-Apr-17 Completion-2 july-2010, No SR done, Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm,

width-3.66m.SR:75 mm WBM (in RD 220 to 870 m)+ PC on entire
length.A/A accorded for Rs.7.18 lacs on 16.03.2016. Work completed
on30.10.2016. Now Crust is 225 mm in RD 220 to 870 m.

238) H - 5099 Pangala To P.C. Rahra Assandh 2.66 km. DLP Date:

123839 13-Jun-16 Construction25.07.2012. Path 5 & 6 Karam. A/A on 20.08.2009 for

Rs.50.15 Lacs. Crust 225mm.

239) H - 5100 Pucca Road In Sikanderpur Indri 0.41 km. DLP Date:

123840 13-Jun-16 Construction15.09.15. Path 6 Karam. A/A on 20.08.2009 for Rs.7.84

Lacs. Crust 225mm.

240) H - 5101 Shergarh To Dhano Kheri Indri 2.50 km. DLP Date:

123841 13-Jun-16 Construction15.09.15. Path 10 Karam. A/A on 20.08.2009 for Rs.48.15

Lacs. Crust 225mm.

241) H - 5102 Samora To Bibipur Indri 2.73 km. DLP Date:

123842 13-Jun-16 Construction15.09.15. Path 6 Karam. A/A on 28.08.2009 for Rs.58.78

Lacs. Crust 225mm.

242) H - 5175 Zarifabad To Jundla Assandh 3.52 km. DLP Date:

123844 13-Jun-16 Construction31.12.2013. Path 3 & 6 Karam (Panchayat has transferred

2 karam land). A/A on 19.04.2012 for Rs.111.00 Lacs. Crust 400 mm .
Exp. Rs.110.30 lacs.

243) H - 5206 Nasirpur To Kunda Kalan Indri 2.37 km. DLP Date:

8666 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2/2009. No SR done, Path-4 & 8karam, Crust-225 mm,

244) H - 5207 Phirni Portion Of Vill. Bajida Jattan Gharaunda 0.41 km. DLP Date:

141552 19-Apr-17 Constructed 1991. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 4 karam. PC done in
07/2004.Workplan 2012-13:PIP blocks in whole length. A/A on
15.06.2012 for Rs.18.34 lacs. DOC 18.10.2012. Exp.Rs.15.27 lacs.

245) H - 5209 Road Leading To Kutail Gharaunda 0.75 km. DLP Date:

123849 13-Jun-16 Constructed by Market Committee during 1982. Crust 150mm. Path 5
Karam. PC done in 02/2004. The road is Kutali Phirni. Workplan 2012-
13:PIP blocks in entire length: A/A on 15.06.2012 Rs.33.43 lacs. Exp.
Rs.31.77 lacs.

246) H - 5744 Lathron to Sikri Nilokheri (SC) 1.45 km. DLP Date:

136830 06-Feb-17 Constructed 09/06/2002. Crust 150mm. SR:CC in RD 50 to 400

m(Lathron) 75mm WBM+PC in RD 0 to 50 & 400 to 1450 m. A/A on
15.10.2010 Rs.20.55 lacs. DOC 30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.20.12 Lacs. Crust is
225 mm thick in RD 0 to 50 & 400 to 1450 m.

247) H - 5783 Bilona to Lalian Assandh 4.26 km. DLP Date: 09-Jun-21

167017 13-Aug-18
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167017 13-Aug-18 Constructed on 10.06.2018. Path: 5 karam, Crust is 400mm thick.
Retaining wall at RD 310 to 460m=150m long at one side of existing
pond . Paver block exists in RD 280 to 320m=40m (Bilona).

248) H - 5784 Padda to Achala Assandh 5.36 km. DLP Date:

159428 28-Feb-18 Representation for widening of road was made by Sh. Jagbir Sandhu
on 22-02-2018. Smt. Krishna Gahlawat, Hon'ble Chairperson, HSAMB,
recommended for the same.
123884 13-Jun-16 A/A on 03.03.2014 Rs.173.08 lacs. Completed on 30.05.2016.Exp
Rs.154.12 lacs. Path 11 karam crust 400 mm

249) H - 5786 Assandh Bye Pass on Bank of Drain Assandh 7.60 km. DLP Date:
around Assandh City

111720 29-Sep-15 Widening of external Assandh by pass from 12 -23' width case sent to
ACS (PWD) vide CA no. 477 dated 7/10/2015.
100954 01-May-15 Action under 14 A intiated aginst agency for removing the defects.
Crust 400mm (250mmGSB + 150mm WBM).
92895 19-Jan-15 PC Completed on 10.07.14, berm work, culverts, KM stone, boundary
pillers work yet to be executed
66830 21-Mar-14 A/A on 05.10.2012 for Rs. 321 lacs, allotted on 03.05.2013.

99143 01-Mar-12 Drain in 55' land width exists and out of this 12' wide mettalled road
constructed. Road is 3m - 4.5m above ground level.

250) H - 6358 Koer to Bhola Khalsa Nilokheri (SC) 3.21 km. DLP Date: 19-Jun-21

167018 13-Aug-18 CMA Code No.11076/ 06.04.2016. Constructed on 30.06.2018. Path: RD

0 to 1900m=5 karam, RD 1900 to 2380m=7 karam, RD 2380 to 3216 m=
5karam. R/A/A accorded for Rs. 1,20,96,600/- on 30.10.2017. Crust is
400 mm thick.

251) H - 6528 Guniana to Bastali Jhaal (upto Karnal Nilokheri (SC) 2.25 km. DLP Date:
Kaithal road)

132652 17-Nov-16 Construction 30.08.2014 Path 7,6 Karam. A/A on 15.05.2013 for
Rs.66.85Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.71.76 lacs

252) H - 6529 Assandh - Kaithal road to vill. Mund Assandh 4.77 km. DLP Date: 24-Oct-21

170404 29-Oct-18 Work completed on 25.10.2018.

165603 25-Jul-18 WBM 2nd layer completed in 2 Km
163641 29-Jun-18 WBM 2nd layer completed in 2 km
161564 14-May-18 GSB completed &laying of Ist WBM layer in progress.

159219 22-Feb-18 Earthwork is in progress

158337 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to Gupta & Co. on 29.12.2017. Schedule DOC 28.08.2018
158336 30-Jan-18 A/A granted for Rs. 155.82 lacs on 20.11.2017
158335 30-Jan-18 On dated 18.04.2017, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road by giving relaxation in policy. CM Announcement Code No.
20042 dt. 13.09.2017. Path: RD 0 to 1975m=4karam, RD 1975 to
3225m=5 karam & RD 3225 to 4770m=4 karam. 10'span culvert at RD
280m is required

253) H - 6670 Thal to Kheri Sarfali Assandh 2.76 km. DLP Date:

132653 17-Nov-16 Construction 06.04.2014 Path 6,5 Karam. A/A on 27.05.2013 for
Rs.78.67 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.84.32 Lacs. Work completed on

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254) H - 6724 Dacherchor Karsa road to village Assandh 2.86 km. DLP Date:

123858 13-Jun-16 Construction 31.05.15 Path 5 Karam. A/A on 27.06.2014 for Rs.90.82
Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.86.00lacs.

255) H - 6748 Manglora to Nagla Megha Gharaunda 2.10 km. DLP Date:

123860 13-Jun-16 Construction 05.12.2014 Path 5 Karam. A/A on 04.03.2014 for Rs.70.40
Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.65.06 lacs.

256) H - 6762 Approach road to Sports Stadium, Gharaunda 0.31 km. DLP Date:

123862 13-Jun-16 Construction 26.04.2014 Path Panchayat Land. A/A on 16.04.2014 for
Rs.5.65 Lacs. Crust 150mm. Exp. Rs.5.75 lacs.

257) H - 6807 G.T. Road to Malikpur Gharaunda 2.50 km. DLP Date: 30-Apr-19

139464 07-Mar-17 Constructed by PWD as a deposit work of IOC as onetime development

work as social obligation to people of area. Path 4 karam. Crust
225mm (150mm by PWD + 75mm by HSAMB on28/11/2012). Hon'ble
CM has directed vide note dt. 23.12.2009 to be taken up by HSAMB. SR:
75 mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on 06.04.2015 for Rs.29.45 lacs.
Work completed on 30.05.16. Now Crust is 300 mm thick.

258) H - 6808 Choura to Malikpur Gadian Gharaunda 1.70 km. DLP Date:

141553 19-Apr-17 Constructed in 2004. Path 8 & 4 Karam. Crust 150mm.SR:75 mm WBM+
PC (entire) A/A on 15.01.2014 Rs.20 lacs, DOC 29.05.2014. Exp.Rs.19.88
lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

259) H - 6855 Faridpur to Barsat Gharaunda 2.15 km. DLP Date:

123866 13-Jun-16 Construction 05.12.2014 Path 5 Karam. A/A on 05.08.2013 for Rs.65.79
Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.68.92 lacs.

260) H - 6911 Karnal-Kaithal Road-Singhra Road to Assandh 1.55 km. DLP Date:
village Buddanpur Veeran

123867 13-Jun-16 Construction 10.06.15 Path 5 & 6 Karam. A/A on 07.02.2014 for
Rs.44.34 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.46.22 lacs.
60021 16-Dec-13 Additional land given free of cost by villagers, mutation done. Hon'ble
AM desired to put up this PR again for orders.

261) H - 6918 Nangla Megha to Amritpur kalan Gharaunda 2.79 km. DLP Date: 19-Jun-21

167019 13-Aug-18 CM Announcement Code No. 14891 dt. 07.10.2016. Constructed on

15.08.2018 at risk & cost of M/s S.K. Contractor. Path: RD 0 to
2444m=8karam, RD 2444 to 2787m=6karam. A/A accorded for Rs.
77.70 lacs on 16.11.2016. Crust is 400 mm thick.

262) H - 7004 Chougama to Khizrabad Assandh 2.16 km. DLP Date:

123868 13-Jun-16 Construction 30.07.15 Path7 Karam. A/A on 08.07.2014 for Rs.69.38
Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.65.24 lacs.

263) H - 7751 Popra to Khanda Assandh 3.60 km. DLP Date: 04-Jun-21

167020 13-Aug-18 Constructed on 05.06.2018. Path: 6 K. Rev. A/A granted for Rs. 151.09
lacs on 15.09.2017. Crust thickness is 400 mm

264) H - 7871 Indri

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264) H - 7871 Dhano Kheri To Kalri Jagir (Part- II) Indri 1.47 km. DLP Date: 30-Dec-19

136821 06-Feb-17 CM Announcement No.: 10160. Constructed on 30.12.2016. R/A/A on

24.04.2016 for Rs.38.79 lacs.Path: RD 0-143m= 6 K, RD 146-536m= 12
K, RD 536-1465m=5K. Crust is 400 mm.

265) H - 7872 Islamnagar to Tushang Indri 1.35 km. DLP Date: 30-Dec-19

136820 06-Feb-17 CM Announcement No.: 10158 dated 4.6.2015. Constructed on

30.12.2016. R/A/A on 24.4.2016 Rs.39.41 lacs. Path: RD 0-930m= 5 K,
RD 930-1250m= 6 K, RD 1250-1347m=5K. Crust is 400 mm.

266) H - 7874 Raitkhana to Rampura Indri 3.02 km. DLP Date: 04-Jun-21

167021 13-Aug-18 CMA Code No.10157/ 04.06.2015. Constructed on 28.04.2018. Path 4 K.

A/A accorded for Rs. 81.98 lacs on 20.04.2017. Crust is 400 mm thick

267) H - 7875 Rampura to Panjokhra Indri 2.10 km. DLP Date: 31-Mar-20

140427 06-Apr-17 CM Announcement Code No.10403 dt.04.06.15. Path:RD 0 to216m= 5

karam & 27'-6'', RD 216 to 1121m & to 1302m= 6karam &33', RD 1302
to 2575m= 6 karam & 33'. R/A/A accorded forRs.56.73 lacs on
24.04.2016. Work completed on 31.03.17. Crust is 400 mm thick.

268) H - 7876 Bye pass in village Gumto to link with Indri 3.00 km. DLP Date: 17-Nov-20
village Sikri

158288 30-Jan-18 CM Announcement code 10159 date 04.06.2015. Path RD 0 to 445m

&RD 724 to 3240m=9 karam, RD 445 to 724m=10 karam, 2x10' span
slab culver at RD 2576m on Ramba minor. On 25.07.2016, Hon’ble CM
has approved the construction of the road after giving relaxation in
norms.Rev. A/A on 13.12.2014 for Rs. 129.47 lacs.Work allotted
on29.12.2016. Work completed on 20.11.2017. Crust is 400 mm thick.

269) H - 7982 Khawaja Ahmedpur to Dhand Nilokheri (SC) 1.22 km. DLP Date: 02-Jul-19
Nilokheri Road

167022 13-Aug-18 Const.on 02.07.2016.Path 4 karam.Crust 400mm. CM Announcement

Code No. 19971 dt. 13.09.2017 for its widening. A/A granted for Rs.
6.37 lacs on 01.09.2017. Work completed on 18-04-2018

270) H - 8030 Bilona to Kukar Kanda-Rahra road Assandh 2.97 km. DLP Date: 04-Jun-21

167023 13-Aug-18 Constructed on 05.06.2018. Path: RD 0-2170m= 6k, RD 2170-2970m=

Path exist on Rajaund distributor of Irr. Deptt. NOC received from PS,
Irrigation and Water Resources Department, Haryana vide memo no.
2/50/2017-1 1W daed 11.4.2017. CM Announcement Code No. 20045
dt. 13.09.2017. Rev. A/A granted for Rs. 116.81 lacs on 15.09.2017.
Crust is 400 mm thick

271) H - 8091 Sambli to Motia Nilokheri (SC) 1.54 km. DLP Date: 30-Apr-20

158289 30-Jan-18 Hon'ble CM Announcement Code No. 10910 dated 09.08.2015.Path:

path Rd 0 to 640m=11 karam, RD 640 to 2176m=5 karam, 80mm paver
block in 18' width at RD 0 to 150m (Sambli). A/A accorded for Rs.88.00
lacs on 12.04.2016. Work allotted on 27.09.2016. Work Completed on
31/10/2017. Crust is 400 mm thick. Length of 1.536 KM only
constructed from RD 640 to 2176m and balance length taken up by

272) H - 8167 Rai Farm to Bajigar Dera Behlolpur Karnal 1.56 km. DLP Date: 01-Mar-21

167024 13-Aug-18

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167024 13-Aug-18 Constructed on on 02.03.2018. Path RD 0 to 640m=5k, RD 640 to
1557m=6k. CM Announcement Code No. 11273 dated 24.04.2016. A/A
accorded for Rs. 46.36 lacs on 20.04.2017. Crust is 400 mm thick

273) H - 8339 Sadarpur to Bassi Akbarpur Gharaunda 3.27 km. DLP Date: 27-Nov-20

158290 30-Jan-18 CM Announcement Code No. 14893 dt. 07.10.2016. Path: RD 0 to

2070m=6 k, RD 2070 to 3270m=7k,Distance shorten to PC Barsat
3.275km. A/A accorded for Rs. 110.74 lacs on 16.11.2016. Work
allotted on 29.12.2016. Work completed on 27.11.2017.Crust is 400
mm thick.

274) H - 8341 Lalupura to Amritpur road Bhiwani Gharaunda 2.23 km. DLP Date: 24-Oct-21

170403 29-Oct-18 Work completed on 25.10.2018.

164893 17-Jul-18 Revised D/E T/S for Rs. 91,42,900/-.
164165 09-Jul-18 Rev. A/A granted for Rs. 91.43 lacs on 06.07.2018
161580 14-May-18 WBM completed on demand of M.L.A revised estimate submitted HQ
for decision still awaited.
159231 22-Feb-18 WBM completed
159230 22-Feb-18 Work was allotted on 29.12.2016 to S.K. Contractor. Earthwork
completed in 1.70 Km. Clause-2 & 3 imposed due to poor progress of
work.Work allotted to The Sandawa Adarh Co-op L&C Soceity on
31.10.2017 at the risk & cost of M/s SK Contractor
158360 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to The Sandawa Adarh Co-op L&C Soceity on 31.10.2017
at the risk & cost of M/s SK Contractor . Schedule DOC 29.04.2018
136816 06-Feb-17 CM Announcement Code No. 14892 dt. 07.10.2016. ath: 6 Karam,
Distance shorten to NGM Karnal 3.563km.A/A accorded for Rs. 69.63
lacs on 16.11.2016

275) H - 8564 Sita Mai road to Phirni portion Nilokheri (SC) 0.23 km. DLP Date: 07-Mar-21

167025 13-Aug-18 Constructed on on 08.03.2018. Path:4 Karam. Crust is 400 mm thick

276) H - 8566 Bal Bharti School to Sonkra Road Nilokheri (SC) 0.53 km. DLP Date: 07-Apr-21

167026 13-Aug-18 Constructed on on 08.04.2018. Path:4 Karam. Crust is 400 mm thick

159239 22-Feb-18 WBM 1st layer completed

277) H - 8758 Kutail Bhuymia to Kutail Uncha Gharaunda 0.72 km. DLP Date: 19-Jun-21
Samana Road

167027 13-Aug-18 PC left

159242 22-Feb-18 Work allotted to Sh.Satyender Singh on 18.12.2017. Schedule DOC
159241 22-Feb-18 Path 5 karam.CM Announcement Code No.19984 dt. 13.09.2017.A/A
granted for Rs. 22.36 lacs on 25.10.2017

278) H - 8808 Kalvehri to Chapra Jagir Gharaunda 2.14 km. DLP Date: 30-Oct-21

171246 26-Nov-18 Work completed on 31.10.2018

163582 29-Jun-18 GSB completed in 1500m
161596 14-May-18 Earth work is in progress.

159250 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 08.02.2018 (M/s Sandhu Const. Co. Schedule DOC
159249 22-Feb-18 Path: 4 karam.CM announcement code: 20120 dated: 13-09-
2017.Provision 80mm thick paver block M-40 with both side CC 1:2:4

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kerbs at Rd 1595 to 1740m =145m in rest 250mm GSB +150mm WBM
+pc.A/A for Rs 63.60 lacs on 29.11.2017

279) H - 8809 Dingenmajra to Gadi Multan Gharaunda 1.17 km. DLP Date: 24-Oct-21

170480 02-Nov-18 Work completed on 25.10.2018.

163581 29-Jun-18 WBM completed
161597 14-May-18 WBM in progress likely date 30.06.2018.

159252 22-Feb-18 GSB is in progress

159251 22-Feb-18 Path: RD 0 to 577m=5k, RD 577 to 777m=4k & RD 777 to 1170m=5k.
CM announcement code: 20121 dated: 13-09-2017. A/A granted for Rs.
35.88 Lacs on 22.11.2017.
158384 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to Satish Kumar on 19.01.2018. Schedule DOC 18.05.2018

280) H - 8810 Harsingpura Kendriya Vidyalya to Gad Gharaunda 0.76 km. DLP Date: 24-Oct-21
Sarnai Road

170405 29-Oct-18 Work completed on 25.10.2018.

163580 29-Jun-18 WBM completed
161598 14-May-18 Ist layer WBM completed likely date 30.06.2018.

159253 22-Feb-18 Path 4K,CM announcement code: 20122 dated: 13-09-2017.A/A

granted for Rs.24.17 lacs on 24.11.2017.
158461 05-Feb-18 Demarcation is in progress
158366 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to M/s Rajesh Singh Malik on 19.01.2018. Schedule DOC

Sub Total: 665.96 km.

SR Awarded

1) H - 3927 Manoharpur To Nagla Roran Indri 1.50 km. DLP Date:

165657 25-Jul-18 Berms completed

161608 14-May-18 Schedule date 06.05.2018, likely date 30.06.2018.

159727 13-Mar-18 SR (work plan 2016-17) allotted on 07.03.2018 (Sh. Surinder Kumar
158402 30-Jan-18 AA for Rs.9.05 lacs on 30-01-2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s
Surinder Kumar, Contractor & D/E/T/S for Rs.9.05 lacs.
118728 26-Apr-16 Work Plan [2016-17]: WBM patch+PC+Berm repair in entire length(Est.
Cost Rs. 12 Lakh)
14447 15-Nov-11 Constructed 5/2000. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM + PC
done 10/2009. Now crust is 225mm.

2) H - 3976 Kachwa To Shahpur Karnal 3.45 km. DLP Date:

165664 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-II) & under approval process
165240 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 100.88lacs (combine IDs 3976-39.72lacs, 3981-
28.44lacs, 4027-32.71lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Partap Construction Company on 18.07.2018
157255 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 3.45km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.46 lakh).
123518 13-Jun-16 Constructed- 1994, Path- 5 Karam, Crust- 150mm .S/R: WBM patches
and PC in entire length.A/A on 24.10.2013 for Rs.26.55 lacs.
Completed on22.11.2013, Exp. Rs.25.49 lacs

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3) H - 3981 Kachwa-Zarifabad Road To Bajida Karnal 2.47 km. DLP Date:

165665 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-II) & under approval process
165241 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 100.88lacs (combine IDs 3976-39.72lacs, 3981-
28.44lacs, 4027-32.71lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Partap Construction Company on 18.07.2018
157256 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 2.47km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.33 lakh).
123527 13-Jun-16 Constructed- 07/2009, Path- 5 Karam, Crust- 225mm. SR: WBM patches
+ PC in entire length. A/A on 24.10.2013 Rs.18.80 lacs. Completed on
12.11.2013 Exp. Rs.17.96 lac

4) H - 3982 Hansi Road To Namastey Chowk Karnal 3.24 km. DLP Date:

165637 25-Jul-18 Work completed in 2.50 Km. BM in balance length completed

161609 14-May-18 50% work completed.

159200 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 19.02.2018 to Sh. Ram Kumar, Contractor. Schedule
DOC 18.10.2018
157803 08-Jan-18 RAA for Rs. 129.27 Lakh over the existing AA of Rs.26.02 Lakh on 04-01-
142068 28-Feb-17 Roads transferred from PWD (B&R) to HSAMB for widening and further
maintenance. ROW: 33', Metalled Width: 5.5m, Last SR 2/2014. DLP
upto 2019
136920 06-Feb-17 The portion of HSIIDC having length 1.10 Km and PWD (B&R) portion
having length of 0.70 Km has been transferred to HSAMBoard on
dt.10.01.2017 and 03.01.2017 respectively. Now Total Length is 3.240
136906 06-Feb-17 SR completed 15.04.2014 with 225mm WBM + 50mm BM + 20mm
PC.A/A of Rs. 109.40 lac accorded on 09.12.2013. Now crust thickness
450mm. Exp. 103.31 lac
8597 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2006. Path-9karam, Crust-225 mm

5) H - 3996 Chakda To Gudha Nilokheri (SC) 1.70 km. DLP Date:

165649 25-Jul-18 Single bid received on 27.06.2018 in 1st instance. Tender reinvited for
165303 20-Jul-18 Tender approved on 19.07.2018 in favour of M/s Sanjeev Kumar
Thekedar and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 71,89,000/-.
161911 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 92.08 lacs on 22.05.2018

160428 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20853 dated 26.02.2018

9342 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in

6) H - 4013 Gullarpur To Manchuri Nilokheri (SC) 2.71 km. DLP Date:

170414 31-Oct-18 R/D/E T/S for Rs. 31,44,200/- on 30.10.2018.

165658 25-Jul-18 WBM patches done. GSB completed
161613 14-May-18 Allotted on 01.05.2018

159993 04-Apr-18 Tender approved on 04.04.2018 in favour of Sh. Yogesh Kumar

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 29,60,500/-.
159870 03-Apr-18 SR of A/A granted for Rs. 29.61 lacs on 03.04.2018
159212 22-Feb-18 Tender recalled by HO due to higher rates. Tender re-invited for
31.08.2017, 22.09.2017, 13.10.2017, 2.11.2017 & 06.12.2017,

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 36 of 108

28.12.2017 & 19.01.2018 , but no bid recevied. Tender received on
13.02.2018 & under approval process
118736 26-Apr-16 Work Plan [2016-17]: 250mm GSB+paver blockin 18'width at RD 0 to
200m (Gullarpur), in rest (2.51km) WBM patch+PC+Berm repair (Est.
Cost Rs. 28 Lakh)
9360 07-Oct-11 Constructed 02/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5 karam.

7) H - 4016 Nidana To Purchase Centre Sagga Nilokheri (SC) 2.70 km. DLP Date:

165651 25-Jul-18 Single bid received on 27.06.2018 in 1st instance. Tender reinvited for
165298 19-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Sanjeev Kumar, Thekdar on
19.07.2018 & D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,14,33,500/-
161906 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 118.59 lacs on 22.05.2018

160430 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20855 dated 26.02.2018

157281 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 2.70km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.37 lakh).
135250 03-Jan-17 Widening and strengthening of the road demanded by Sh.
Bhagwandass Kabirpanthi, MLA Nilokheri.
123552 13-Jun-16 Constructed 02/1996. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in 08/2006.
Workplan 2012-13:75mm WBM + PC in entire length. AA for Rs. 33.36
lacs on 17.08.12. Completed on 02.11.2012. Exp. Rs.30.15 lacs. Now
crust is 225 mm.

8) H - 4022 Sandir To Padhana Nilokheri (SC) 3.15 km. DLP Date:

165641 25-Jul-18 Tender rejected on 27.06.2018 due to non fullfilment of tender

condition. Tender reinvited for 12.07.2018
165299 19-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Sanjeev Kumar, Thekdar on
19.07.2018 & D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,18,29,300/-
161920 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 112.26 lacs on 22.05.2018

161919 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20769 dated 26.02.2018

157380 04-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 300m for 18' width + one side nallah
(vill. Sandhir) and WBM patches+ entire PC +Berm repair in RD 300 to
3150m=2.85km length out of 3.15km length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 38
140386 06-Apr-17 Constructed on 08.03.1994. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on
30.11.2002.SR:75 mm WBM + PC in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010
Rs. 30.63 lacs. Completed on 25/3/2012
132954 21-Nov-16 Repair of this road demanded by Bhagwandas Kabir Panthi, MLA
Nilokheri. Demand received through PS/CA Memo No. 4699 dated

9) H - 4024 Taraori Rly Crossing To G.T. Road Nilokheri (SC) 1.43 km. DLP Date:

165634 25-Jul-18 Work completed

161615 14-May-18 90% work completed likely date 23.05.2018

159203 22-Feb-18 Nallah work is in progress

158292 30-Jan-18 SR: GSB+tiles in 18' width from 930 to 1430m.A/A granted for Rs. 47.12
lacs on 20.11.2017. Work allotted to Sh.Jitesh Kumar Contractor on
24.01.2018. Schedule Date of completion 23.05.2018
123564 13-Jun-16 Constructed 02/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. 75mm WBM & PC
done in 10/2009, Now Crust is 225 mm. Workplan 2012-13:Heavy

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 37 of 108

patchwork . A/A on 17.07.2012 for Rs. 1.01 lacs.completed on
30.11.2012.Exp. 0.85 lacs

10) H - 4027 Sultan Pur To Khera Nilokheri (SC) 3.48 km. DLP Date:

170985 22-Nov-18 Road ID 4027_ The length of road is 3.48km and the available
consolidation path is 4 karam in the entire length of road. The
widening of road is not feasible. However estimate for strengthening is
in process at Head office. Right Of Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC
guidelines, widening of roads having ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and
leads to accidents _ early damage of roads. Case discussed with
worthy CA, Board. D.O letter written to DC on 21.06.2018 for arranging
additional land.
165666 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-II) & under approval process
165242 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 100.88lacs (combine IDs 3976-39.72lacs, 3981-
28.44lacs, 4027-32.71lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Partap Construction Company on 18.07.2018
162112 01-Jun-18 Right Of Way is 4 Karam. According to IRC guidelines, widening of
roads having ROW 4 Karam is non feasiblle and leads to accidents /
early damage of roads. Case discussed with worthy CA, Board. D.O
letter is being written to DC for arranging one karam path free of cost
from adjoining land owners with the help of local MLA.
160418 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20843 dated 26.02.2018
157257 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 3.48km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.46 lakh).
123568 13-Jun-16 Constructed 5/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 Karam. 75mm WBM + PC
done 10/2009. Now crust is 225 mm.

11) H - 4035 Upto School In Shenkhanpur Nilokheri (SC) 0.98 km. DLP Date:

165642 25-Jul-18 Single bid received on 22.06.2018 in 1st instance. Tender reinvited on
165301 19-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Kartik Builders on 19.07.2018 & D/E
Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 53,46,200/-
161913 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 52.59 lacs on 22.05.2018

160419 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20844 dated 26.02.2018

140388 06-Apr-17 Constructed 6/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 6 Karam. Patches + PC done
on 2/2010.SR:WBM patches + PC. A/A on dt18.06.2009 Rs.7.89 Lacs.
Completed on 22/02/2010. Exp. Rs.6.85 lacs

12) H - 4040 Padhana To Ganger Nilokheri (SC) 2.40 km. DLP Date:

165653 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 22.06.2018 & under approval process

163972 04-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Saubhagya Construction. D/E T/S
for Rs.47,92,800/-
161910 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 49.79 lacs on 22.05.2018

160432 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20857 dated 26.02.2018

140391 06-Apr-17 Constructed 09/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work Plan 2012-
13:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 534m (Vill. Padhana) & RD 1767 to
2400m in village Ganger phirni=Total 1167m.WBM patches + PC in RD
534 to 1767mA/A on 30.07.2012 for Rs.71.48 lacs. Completed on
10.12.2012.Exp. Rs.64.85 lacs.

13) H - 4042 Lalaini To Bhani Minor Nilokheri (SC) 1.19 km. DLP Date:

165640 25-Jul-18 WBM completed

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159438 26-Apr-18 A/A granted for Rs. 13.14 lacs on 03.03.2018. Work allotted on
24.04.2018 in favour of Sh. Sher Singh, Contractor.
140393 06-Apr-17 Constructed 04/2006 Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Work plan2012-13:
Heavy Patches . AA on 17.07.2012 for Rs. 2.39 lacs. Completed on
30.11.2012.Exp. 1.70 lac

14) H - 4043 Nadana (Gobind Garh Gamri) To To Nilokheri (SC) 6.04 km. DLP Date:
Sham Garh

165643 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 27.06.2018 & under approval process

163968 04-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Partap Contractor Company. D/E
T/S for Rs.1,96,45,800/-
161905 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 202.24 lacs on 22.05.2018

160420 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20845 dated 26.02.2018

140394 06-Apr-17 Constructed 03/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 6 karam.Work plan2012-13:
Heavy Patches . AA on 07.09.2012 for Rs.8.58 lacs. Completed on
30.10.2012.Exp.Rs.8.10 lacs

15) H - 4054 Sandhir To Kheri Man Singh Nilokheri (SC) 3.03 km. DLP Date:

165667 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-III) & under approval process
165425 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha Group of Construction &
Properties on 18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 47,32,700/-
on 23.07.2018.
165229 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 47.33 lacs (combine IDs 4054-28.15lacs, 4076-
19.17lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha
Group of Construction & Properties on 18.07.2018
157258 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : WBM patch +entire PC +Berm repair in
RD 0 to 2780m and 80mm thick paver block over 150mm GSB on
existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in widening +
CC kerbs in RD 2780 to 3030m=250m for 18' width out of 3.03km length
of road (Est. cost: Rs.29 lakh).
136874 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 31/07/2000. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 Karam. PC done
on 10/12/2007

16) H - 4057 Barsalu To Butankheri Nilokheri (SC) 2.69 km. DLP Date:

167365 23-Aug-18 Tender approved on 23.08.2018 in favour of M/s Kansal Contractors

and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,18,72,000/-
165645 25-Jul-18 No bid received on 27.06.2018. Tender reinvited for 12.07.2018
161907 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 128.70lacs on 22.05.2018

160422 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20847 dated 26.02.2018

136860 06-Feb-17 Constructed 5/2002. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. SR:75mm WBM
+PC(entire) done on 30.11.2009. Now crust is 225mm

17) H - 4059 Raipur To Pujam Nilokheri (SC) 3.42 km. DLP Date:

165646 25-Jul-18 Tender rejected on 27.06.2018 due to non fullfilment of tender

condition. Tender reinvited for 12.07.2018
165300 19-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Sanjeev Kumar, Thekdar on
19.07.2018 & D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,24,89,000/-
161914 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 131.19 lacs on 22.05.2018

160423 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20848 dated 26.02.2018

140400 06-Apr-17 Constructed 06/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam.SR:75 mm WBM +
PC on entire. A/A Rs.33.33 lac on 15/10/2010.Completed on 31.03.2012
Exp. Rs.40.56 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm.

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 39 of 108

18) H - 4070 Sakra To Nigdhu Nilokheri (SC) 4.60 km. DLP Date:

165636 25-Jul-18 GSB completed on both side in widening portion

161617 14-May-18 Work on widening is in progress

159205 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 08.02.2018 to M/s Bharat Builders. Schedule DOC
159204 22-Feb-18 CM Announcement Code No. 19968 dt. 13.09.2017-Wd. & St. in 5.49m
width with provision of 80mm thick paver block M-40 + both side
nallah in RD 0 to 170m (Nigdhu) and in rest 250mm GSB +75mm thick
WBM layer in widening and 75mm thick WBM layer inoverall 5.49m
width at RD 0 to 4430m.AA for Rs.119.62 lacs on 20.12.2017
140406 06-Apr-17 Constructed on 30/04/1994 . Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.PC done in
12/2006. Workplan 2012-13:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on
23.04.2012 Rs.51.10 lacs. Completed on 30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.48.34 lacs.
Now crust is 225mm.

19) H - 4073 Jamba To Abla Jagir Nilokheri (SC) 2.76 km. DLP Date:

165650 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 27.06.2018 & under approval process

163971 04-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Yogesh Construction & Builders.
Combined D/E T/S for Rs.1,16,66,100/-
161916 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 113.97 lacs on 22.05.2018

160429 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20854 dated 26.02.2018

136868 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 14/11/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC (entire)
done 29/1/2010

20) H - 4076 Pastana To Hathira.-II Nilokheri (SC) 1.68 km. DLP Date:

165668 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-III) & under approval process
165426 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha Group of Construction &
Properties on 18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 47,32,700/-
on 23.07.2018.
165230 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 47.33 lacs (combine IDs 4054-28.15lacs, 4076-
19.17lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha
Group of Construction & Properties on 18.07.2018
157259 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 1.68km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.23 lakh).
143641 16-May-17 Constructed 04/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
01/2010. Workplan 2012-13: Heavy patchwork. A/A on dt,17.07.2012
Rs.1.31 lacs. Completed on 25.11.2012. Exp. Rs.1.00 lac

21) H - 4079 Keor To Diktana Nilokheri (SC) 2.61 km. DLP Date:

165652 25-Jul-18 No bid received on 27.06.2018. Tender reinvited for 12.07.2018

165441 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Kartik Builders on 23.07.2018 and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 1,00,88,400/-
161912 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 97.34 lacs on 22.05.2018

160431 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20856 dated 26.02.2018

157260 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 250mm GSB +150mm WBM layer in
widening +75mm WBM layer in existing metal width for widening &
strengthening 12'to 18'width +entire PC in 5.48m width + construction
of berm in RD 247 to 2610m =2.363km out of 2.61km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs. 74 lakh). Paver block exist at RD 0 to 247m (Koer)
136863 06-Feb-17 Constructed 7/2002. Path 5, 6 karam. Crust 150mm. PC (entire) done

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 40 of 108

2/2010. SR:Paver block laid in RD 0 to 247 m (Koer). A/A on
dt.17.02.2014 for Rs.27.19 lacs. Completed on 18.07.2014. Exp.
Rs.12.15 Lacs
132957 21-Nov-16 Repair of this road demanded by Bhagwandas Kabir Panthi, MLA
Nilokheri. Demand received through PS/CA Memo No. 4699 dated

22) H - 4086 Rukanpur To Jattpura Nilokheri (SC) 3.72 km. DLP Date:

165669 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-IV) & under approval process
165436 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha Group of Construction &
Properties on 18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 76,36,000/-
on 23.07.2018.
165218 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 76.36 lacs (combine IDs 4086-37.42lacs, 4088-
21.19lacs, 4090-17.74lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Budha Group of Construction on 18.07.2018
157261 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 0 to 3379m out of 3.72km
length of road (Est. cost: Rs.45lakh). Paver block exist at RD 3379 to
3720m =341m (Jatpura)
143655 16-May-17 Constructed 07/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 5 karam. PC done in
12/2007. Workplan 2014-15:Paver block laid from RD 3379 to 3720 m
(Jattpura). A/A on dt.12.08.2014 Rs.29.98 lacs. Completed on
18.12.2014. Exp.Rs.16.03 lac

23) H - 4088 Rukanpur To Bhani Kalan Nilokheri (SC) 2.47 km. DLP Date:

165670 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-IV) & under approval process
165437 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha Group of Construction &
Properties on 18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 76,36,000/-
on 23.07.2018.
165219 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 76.36 lacs (combine IDs 4086-37.42lacs, 4088-
21.19lacs, 4090-17.74lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Budha Group of Construction on 18.07.2018
157262 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in R D0 to 1900m out of 2.47km
length of road (Est. cost: Rs.25 lakh). Re-constructed on 05.05.2014
at RD 1900 to 2470m=570m with crust 400m.
136810 06-Feb-17 1.9km Constructed 31/3/1998. Path 4, 5 Karam. Crust 150mm.
PC(entire) done 12/2007. Const:RD 1900 to 2470m constructed on
05.05.2014 withGSB 250mm + WBM 150mm thick + PC. A/A on
dt.15.01.13 Rs.17.19 Lacs.Exp. Rs.19.13 lacs. Now crust is 400mm in RD
1900 m to 2470m.

24) H - 4089 Bhani Khurd To Railway Station Nilokheri (SC) 0.36 km. DLP Date:

165644 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 22.06.2018 & under approval process

164209 09-Jul-18 Work allotted to Sh. Raj Kumar Contractor on 05.07.2018.
161917 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 16.96 lacs on 22.05.2018

160421 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20846 dated 26.02.2018

157263 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 0.36km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.5 lakh).
143635 16-May-17 Constructed 03/2000. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam.Workplan 2012-
13:75mm WBM+PC in entire length. A/A on07.09.2012 Rs.4.47 lacs.
Completed on 28.11.2012. Exp. Rs.4.55 lac

25) H - 4090 Nilokheri (SC)

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25) H - 4090 Dadupur To Kurali Nilokheri (SC) 2.11 km. DLP Date:

165671 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 05.06.2018 (G-IV) & under approval process
165438 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Budha Group of Construction &
Properties on 18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 76,36,000/-
on 23.07.2018.
165220 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 76.36 lacs (combine IDs 4086-37.42lacs, 4088-
21.19lacs, 4090-17.74lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Budha Group of Construction on 18.07.2018
157264 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 525 to 2110m=1585m out
of 2.11km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.21 lakh). Paver block exist at
RD 0 to 525m (Dadupur).
123649 13-Jun-16 Constructed 02/2002. Crust 150mm. Path 4 & 6 karam. SR:75mm WBM
& PC done in 01/2010. Now crust is 225mm. SR:Paver block laid in RD 0
to 525 m (Dadupur). A/A on 28.02.2014 Rs.44.35 lacs. Completed on
20.10.14. Exp. Rs.33.82 lacs.

26) H - 4101 Rahra To Khizarabad Assandh 5.00 km. DLP Date:

165638 25-Jul-18 WBM completed

163764 03-Jul-18 Rev. D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 2,02,79,000/-
163322 20-Jun-18 Rev. A/A granted for Rs. 202.79 lacs on 20.06.2018
161619 14-May-18 WBM completd in widening portion.

159765 20-Mar-18 work allotted on 16.03.2018 schedule date 15.11.2018

159369 26-Feb-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on

26.02.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 146.86 lacs.
158317 30-Jan-18 Wd. & St. AA granted on 21.12.2017 for Rs.133.52 lacs
157308 03-Jan-18 SR Wd. & St. provision of 80mm thick paver block M-40 replacement in
existing paver blocks at RD 4520 to 5000m in village Khizrabad, in rest
250mm GSB in widening and 150mm thick WBM in 2 layers in overall
18'width +20mm thick PC at RD 150 to 4520m=4370m except RD 0 to
150m existing paver block.
143650 16-May-17 Constructed 06/1997. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
12/2004. Workplan 2012-13:PIP block in RD 0 to 150 m (Rahra) & 4520
to 5000m (Khizrabad) and 75mm WBM+PC in RD 150 to 4520 m.A/A on
13.08.2012 Rs.89.64 lacs. DOC 20.11.2012. Exp.Rs.79.61 lacs. Now crust
is 225 mm in RD 150 to 4520 m

27) H - 4102 Ballah To Dharm Garh Assandh 3.72 km. DLP Date:

165672 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-V) & under approval process
165478 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 1,30,64,000/- on
165235 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 130.64lacs (combine IDs 4102-43.43lacs, 4104-
30.38lacs, 4182-22.78lacs, 4149-34.04lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163622 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157265 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 3.72km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.50 lakh).
143646 16-May-17 Constructed 05/1999. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 karam. PC done in
03/2008. Workplan 2014-15: Heavy patchwork in entire length. A/A on
06.09.2014 Rs.9.43 lacs. DOC 15.04.2015. Exp.Rs.9.11 lacs

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28) H - 4104 Jai Singh Pura To Rangrurti Khera Assandh 3.02 km. DLP Date:

165673 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-V) & under approval process
165479 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 1,30,64,000/- on
165236 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 130.64lacs (combine IDs 4102-43.43lacs, 4104-
30.38lacs, 4182-22.78lacs, 4149-34.04lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163623 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157266 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 300m for 18' width & WBM patch
+entire PC +Berm repair in RD 300 to 3020m=2720m out of 3.02km
length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 29 lakh).
8656 07-Oct-11 Constructed 1/2000. Path-4karam, Crust-150 mm

29) H - 4107 Mardan Heri To Thal Assandh 5.69 km. DLP Date:

165681 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VII) & under approval process
165486 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,01,36,600/- on
165221 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 101.33 lacs (combine IDs 4107-67.78lacs, 4133-
12.37lacs, 4137-21.20lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163624 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157267 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 5.69km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.75 lakh).
149289 02-Aug-17 Repair of this road requested by the Sarpanch & Gram Panchayat of
village Mardana Heri. Request received through O/o CM's Sect. No.
33603 dt. 24.07.2017.
136884 06-Feb-17 Construted 03/2001, Path 5 & 7 Karam .Crust 1500 mm. PC (entire)
done 10/2019. Workplan 2014-15:Heavy patchwork in entire length.
A/A on 29.10.2014 for Rs.9.64 lacs. DOC 15.06.2015. Exp Rs.6.49 lacs
118184 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.

30) H - 4133 Khizrabad To Dera Gama Assandh 1.76 km. DLP Date:

165682 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VII) & under approval process
165487 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,01,36,600/- on
165222 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 101.33 lacs (combine IDs 4107-67.78lacs, 4133-
12.37lacs, 4137-21.20lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163625 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157268 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : WBM patch +entire PC +berm repair in
entire 1.76km length of road (Est. cost: Rs. 14 lakh)
143647 16-May-17 Constructed 05/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. Workplan 2011-
12:75mm WBM+ Pc in entire. A/A on 15/06/2012 for Rs.22.66 lacs. DOC
16/09/2012 Exp. Rs.20.95 Lacs. Now crust is 225mm
118190 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 43 of 108

31) H - 4137 Dera Gujrai Wala To Dera Pattu Wala Assandh 1.76 km. DLP Date:

165683 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VII) & under approval process
165488 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,01,36,600/- on
165489 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 101.33 lacs (combine IDs 4107-67.78lacs, 4133-
12.37lacs, 4137-21.20lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour
of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163626 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
161758 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
157269 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 1.76km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.23 lakh).
143643 16-May-17 Constructed 04/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 & 6 Karam.Workplan 2012-
13:75mm WBM+ PC in entire length. A/A on 16.07.2012 Rs.22.84 lacs.
DOC 30.09.2012. Now crust is 225 mm.
118191 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.

32) H - 4149 Dacher To Rugsana Assandh 4.35 km. DLP Date:

165675 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-V) & under approval process
165481 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 1,30,64,000/- on
165238 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 130.64lacs (combine IDs 4102-43.43lacs, 4104-
30.38lacs, 4182-22.78lacs, 4149-34.04lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163627 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157270 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : WBM patch +entire PC +berm repair in
entire 4.35km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.34 lakh)
143688 16-May-17 Constructed 1997 Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 6 Karam. PC done in
07/2004. SR:A/A on 23.04.2012 for Rs. 31.19 lacs. PC in entire length.
DOC 30/01/2012. Exp. Rs.30.55 lacs.
118193 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.

33) H - 4153 Sitamai Road To Dera Soda Assandh 0.59 km. DLP Date:

165648 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 22.06.2018 & under approval process

164217 09-Jul-18 Work allotted on 05.07.2018 in favopur of M/s Varenyam Builders.
161915 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 25.15 lacs on 22.05.2018

160426 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20851 dated 26.02.2018

157381 04-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 410 to 590m for 18' width (vill. Dera Soda)
+ 75mm WBM layer+ entire PC +Berm repair in RD 0 to 410m length
out of 0.59km length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 12 lakh).
9194 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/2001. Crust 150mm. PC done in 01/2010. Path 5 Karam.

34) H - 4163 Kheri Naru To Jundla Assandh 4.95 km. DLP Date:

165676 25-Jul-18

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 44 of 108

165676 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VI) & under approval process
165458 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on 18.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,53,34,000/- on 23.07.2018
165224 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 153.34 lacs (combine IDs 4163-39.00lacs, 4172-
17.00lacs, 4174-61.00lacs, 4185-21.00lacs, 4686-28.00lacs) on
17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on
163628 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157271 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 2070 to 4950=2.88km
length out of 4.95km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.39 lakh).
Untouched length RD 0 to 2070m (CC exist 0 to 140m & paver block exit
at RD 495 to 2070m)
136873 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 30/07/1999. Path 4, 5 & 6 Karam. Crust 150 mm. CC
(0.140 m) + PC (4.81 KM) done in 12/2007. Work plan 2014-15: PC in
RD 0 to 495 m, PIP blocks in RD 495 m to 2070 m. A/A on 05.08.2014
Rs.1.25 crore. DOC 30.10.2015. Exp. Rs.108.16 lacs
118178 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.

35) H - 4172 Neru Kheri To Dadupur Assandh 1.47 km. DLP Date:

165459 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on 18.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,53,34,000/- on 23.07.2018
165225 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 153.34 lacs (combine IDs 4163-39.00lacs, 4172-
17.00lacs, 4174-61.00lacs, 4185-21.00lacs, 4686-28.00lacs) on
17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on
163629 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157272 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 120m for 18' width & 75mm WBM
layer +PC +Berm repair in RD 120 to 1470m =1.35km length out of
1.47km length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 22 lakh).
143644 16-May-17 Constructed 04/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC.
A/A on 16.07.2012 Rs.17.46 lacs. DOC30.09.2012. Exp. Rs.16.27 lacs.
Now Crust is 225 mm thick.

36) H - 4174 Bansa To Jundla Assandh 4.59 km. DLP Date:

165460 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on 18.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,53,34,000/- on 23.07.2018
165226 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 153.34 lacs (combine IDs 4163-39.00lacs, 4172-
17.00lacs, 4174-61.00lacs, 4185-21.00lacs, 4686-28.00lacs) on
17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on
163630 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157273 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 4.59km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.61 lakh).
118180 25-Mar-16 On 21.03.2016, Sh. Bakhshish Singh Virk, CPS Dev. & Panchayat Deptt.
Haryana requested for repairing of the road.
9210 07-Oct-11 Constructed 01/2007. Crust 225mm. Path 5, 6 Karam.

37) H - 4182 Jalmana To Kabulpur Khera Assandh 2.86 km. DLP Date:

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 45 of 108

165674 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-V) & under approval process
165480 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on
18.07.2018 and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for RS. 1,30,64,000/- on
165237 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 130.64lacs (combine IDs 4102-43.43lacs, 4104-
30.38lacs, 4182-22.78lacs, 4149-34.04lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Chahal Construction Company on 18.07.2018
163631 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157274 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 100m for 18' width & WBM patch
+entire PC +Berm repair in RD 100 to 2860m=2760m length out of
2.68km length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 24 lakh).
9214 07-Oct-11 Constructed 05/2010. Crust 225mm. Path 5 Karam.

38) H - 4185 Birachpur To Jani Assandh 1.93 km. DLP Date:

165461 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on 18.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,53,34,000/- on 23.07.2018
165227 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 153.34 lacs (combine IDs 4163-39.00lacs, 4172-
17.00lacs, 4174-61.00lacs, 4185-21.00lacs, 4686-28.00lacs) on
17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on
163632 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157275 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 368 to 1930m=1562m out
of 1.93km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.21 lakh). Paver block exist in
RD 0 to 368m.
136854 06-Feb-17 Constructed 3/1997. Path 4 & 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC (entire) done
1/2010. Workplan 2014-15: PIP blocks in RD 0 to 368 m (Birachpur) A/A
on 12.08.2014 Rs.33.48 lacs. DOC 17.01.2015 Exp. Rs.14.15 lacs

39) H - 4193 Bastara To N.G.M At Gharuanda Gharaunda 2.46 km. DLP Date:

168572 14-Sep-18 Tender approved on 14.09.2018 in favour M/s Kansal Contractors and
DE tech. sanction for RS. 92,12,200/-
162358 06-Jun-18 A/A granted forRs. 92.74 lacs on 01.06.2018
143653 16-May-17 Constructed 07/1991. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. PC done in
05/2004.Workplan:2013-14: 75mm WBM+ PC in entire length. A/A
on05.01.2013 Rs.28.36 lacs. DOC 28.04.2013. Exp. Rs.29.88 Lacs

40) H - 4198 Kaimla To Kohand Gharaunda 2.34 km. DLP Date: 15-Nov-20

165463 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018 and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,16,01,000/- on 23.07.2018
165231 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 116.00 lacs (combine IDs 4198-36.08lacs, 4201-
55.27lacs, 4222-12354lacs, 4260-12.11lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018
163596 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VIII) & under approval process
158303 30-Jan-18 Constructed 10/1993. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. 75mm WBM in
1730 mtr+PC done in 01/2006.SR done in 29.04.2013 with WBM
patches + PC from RD 0 to 2220m & RD 2220 to 2340m= GSB 250mm +
Paver block.AA on 5/1/2013 for Rs. 23.24 lacs.Completed on
29.04.2013.Exp. Rs.24.41 lac.Work completed on 15.11.2017. Widening
12' to 18':Rev. A/A accorded for Rs. 31.65 lacs over the on 09.12.2016.
Work completed on 15.11.2017. Crust in widening portion is 400mm
157280 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 46 of 108

GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 175m for 18' width + one side nallah
175m long and scarifying existing bitumen surface +75mm WBM layer+
PC +Berm repair in RD 175 to 2220m=2045m length out of 2.34km
length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 38 lakh). paver block exist at RD 2220 to

41) H - 4201 Malikpur Gadian To Panori Gharaunda 2.31 km. DLP Date:

165464 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018 and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,16,01,000/- on 23.07.2018
165232 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 116.00 lacs (combine IDs 4198-36.08lacs, 4201-
55.27lacs, 4222-12354lacs, 4260-12.11lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018
163597 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VIII) & under approval process
157276 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : Dismantling of existing road and re-
const. with 250mm GSB +150mm WBM + PC in 3.66m width + Berm by
taking credit of existing dismantled material (Est. cost: Rs. 51 lakh)
135152 29-Dec-16 Construction of the work demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA
Gharaunda & Chairman, HAFED.
123743 13-Jun-16 Constructed 04/1994. Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam. 75mm WBM+PC in
entire length done in 04/2005. Now Crust is 225 mm. SR:WBM
patches+PC.A/A on 15.06.2012 Rs.18.51 lacs. DOC 25.07.2012. Exp.
Rs.16.55 lacs

42) H - 4204 Barana To Pundri Gharaunda 3.77 km. DLP Date:

163593 29-Jun-18 One side widening completed. Other side widening is in progress
161621 14-May-18 Revised estimate for WBM under proportion one side widening done,
other side in progress
158304 30-Jan-18 E/W in excavation for widening is in progress, GSB material collected
atsite, work will be likley completed upto 31.03.2018
146394 28-Jun-17 Work allotted on 16.02.2017 (Sh. Deepak Ghai Contractor)
141533 19-Apr-17 Constructed 10/1994. Path 5 karam. 75mm WBM+PC in entire length
done in 02/2006. Mining belt. Crust 225mm.Workplan 2012-13 A/A
Rs.42.92 lacs on 17.08.12. RD 0 to 52m= 250mm GSB + paver block, RD
52 to 3572m= WBM patches + PC, RD 3572 to 3770m=250mm + paver
block. SR completed on 30.04.2013 with Now crust thickness 225mm.
Exp. Rs.43.71 lacs.
136935 06-Feb-17 Widening 12' to 18': A/A accorded on 42.55 lacs on dt.25.03.16.

43) H - 4211 Kaimla To Shamshan Ghat Kaimla Gharaunda 1.35 km. DLP Date:

163594 29-Jun-18 GSB+PIP is in progress

161623 14-May-18 300 m GSB&PIP completed likely date 30.06.2018

159209 22-Feb-18 S/R of Phirni portion work allotted on 12.02.2018 (M/s C.P. Const.
Co.)Schedule DOC 11.04.2018
159208 22-Feb-18 AA for Rs 38.85 lacs on 23.11.2017 for 0.60km out of 1.35km length of
road with provision of IPB & R/Wall
158320 30-Jan-18 Constructed 10/1998. SR 06.08.05, Path-6karam, Crust-150
mm.Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8897.Transferred back from
PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474) roads.
155751 17-Nov-17 Widening & Strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder
Kalyan, MLA Gharaunda, Chairman, Hafed.

44) H - 4216 Kalehri To Pundri Gharaunda 3.23 km. DLP Date:

163592 29-Jun-18
Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 47 of 108
163592 29-Jun-18 PC completed in 700m.Widening completed in balance length. PIP left
in 100m due to dispute
161625 14-May-18 Only 100m PIP block left, widening done, Pc left in widening portion
likely date 30.06.2018.
158306 30-Jan-18 PC completed in 700m. PC Left in balance length & will be done after
Winter season. Likely DOC 15.03.2018
152120 05-Sep-17 Widening & strengthening 12' to 18': RD 0 to 350m PIP & W/S in Rd
350 to 3230 m. A/A for Rs.78.95 lacs on 25.03.2016. Work allotted on
19.07.2016 to Deepak Ghai. Schedule Date of Completion 18.12.2016
9110 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/2000. Path 5karam. Crust 150mm. PC (entire) done
1/2010. (180.90 sqm) patches done 25/08/2011 to 27/08/2011 (47 K).
No patch.

45) H - 4221 Munak Road Staundi To Vet. Hospitial Gharaunda 0.47 km. DLP Date:

163595 29-Jun-18 WBM completed

161626 14-May-18 Work not started yet.

159213 22-Feb-18 Wd. & St. Work allotted on 12.02.2018 (M/s C.P. Const. Co.) Schedule
DOC 11.05.2018
157017 22-Dec-17 Wd. & St. AA on 21.12.2017 for Rs.11.05 lacs.
155748 17-Nov-17 Widening & Strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder
Kalyan, MLA Gharaunda, Chairman, Hafed.
14490 15-Nov-11 Constructed 1/2001. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC done on 1/2010.

46) H - 4222 Raipur Jattan To Badshahpur Gharaunda 1.05 km. DLP Date:

165465 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018 and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,16,01,000/- on 23.07.2018
165233 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 116.00 lacs (combine IDs 4198-36.08lacs, 4201-
55.27lacs, 4222-12354lacs, 4260-12.11lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018
163598 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VIII) & under approval process
157277 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 1.05km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.14 lakh).
14491 15-Nov-11 Constructed 12/2001. Path 5 Karam. Crust 150mm.

47) H - 4243 Gharaunda Aripura Road To Gharaunda 1.26 km. DLP Date:
Gharaunda Panouri Road Leading To
NGM Gharaunda

168824 20-Sep-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Kansal, Contractor. D/E T/S for Rs.
162357 06-Jun-18 A/A granted for Rs. 48.47 lacs on 01.06.2018
143701 16-May-17 Constructed 4/2008. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR: 75mm WBM+PC
in entire length. A/A on 13.12.2013 Rs.16.17 lacs. DOC 15.05.2014 Exp.
Rs.15.54 lacs. Now crust is 225 mm.

48) H - 4260 Sohana To Sector -6 Gharaunda 0.75 km. DLP Date:

165466 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018 and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,16,01,000/- on 23.07.2018
165234 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 116.00 lacs (combine IDs 4198-36.08lacs, 4201-
55.27lacs, 4222-12354lacs, 4260-12.11lacs) on 17.07.2018. Tender
approved in favour of M/s Rakesh Company on 18.07.2018
163599 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VIII) & under approval process

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 48 of 108

157278 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : 80mm thick paver block over 150mm
GSB on existing metal width & 250mm GSB + 75mm WBM layer in
widening + CC kerbs in RD 0 to 100m for 18' width & 75mm WBM
layer+ PC +Berm repair in RD 100 to 750m=650m length out of 0.75km
length of road (Est.cost: Rs. 12 lakh).
142506 02-May-17 Repair of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA
Gharaunda, Chairman, Hafed. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman Dairy No. 788 dt. 20.04.2017.
139463 07-Mar-17 Constructed 1/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. CC (in Phirni) &
Patch + PC in 8/2007.SR:75mm WBM patches+PC in entire length. A/A
on 15.10.2010Rs.35.71 lacs. DOC 21.10.2012. Exp. Rs.4.15 lacs in RD 0
to 750 m (now our length) as RD 750 to 3250 m has been transferred to
MC Karnal. Now crust in RD 0 to 750 m is 225 mm thick.

49) H - 4686 Anchla To Village Kheri Munak Assandh 2.12 km. DLP Date:

165680 25-Jul-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 (G-VI) & under approval process
165462 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on 18.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,53,34,000/- on 23.07.2018
165228 18-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 153.34 lacs (combine IDs 4163-39.00lacs, 4172-
17.00lacs, 4174-61.00lacs, 4185-21.00lacs, 4686-28.00lacs) on
17.07.2018. Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company on
163633 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 26.06.2018 under process
157279 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 2.12km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.28 lakh).
136871 06-Feb-17 Constructed on 20.10.12. Path 5 & 6 Karam. Crust is 225mm

50) H - 4687 Dupedi To Dinoli Assandh 4.28 km. DLP Date:

165635 25-Jul-18 Work is in progress

161629 14-May-18 Patch work done, PC left.

158328 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to Kheri Gulam Ali L&C Society Ltd on 24.01.2018.
Schedule DOC 23.06.2018
158327 30-Jan-18 SR: WBM Patch+PC in RD 0 to 3750m & PIP in RD 4220 to 4280m. A/A
accorded for Rs. 28.10 lacs on 06.09.2017
136903 06-Feb-17 Re-R/A/A on 01.01.2013 for Rs.1.50 crore, work completed on
30.09.2013.Exp. Incurred 133.17 lacs. Crust is 400mm (250 GSB +
150WBM). Path 6 Karam

51) H - 4693 Sonkra To Galibkheri Nilokheri (SC) 1.53 km. DLP Date:

165647 25-Jul-18 No bid received on 27.06.2018. Tender reinvited for 12.07.2018

165302 20-Jul-18 Tender approved on 19.07.2018 in favour of M/s Sanjeev Kumar
Thekedar and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 58,22,200/-.
162005 28-May-18 AA for Rs. 62.48 lacs on 22.5.2018.

160425 13-Apr-18 CM Annoucement Code No. 20850 dated 26.02.2018

123820 13-Jun-16 Construction on 05.05.2014. Path 5 Karam. A/A on 11.04.2012.
Rs.42.91 lacs. Crust is 400 mm. Exp. Rs.46.11 lacs.

52) H - 6312 G.T.Road Nilokheri to Kissan Basti Via Nilokheri (SC) 0.93 km. DLP Date:
Peer Baba Verma Hatchery upto road
connected NGM Nilokheri.

165639 25-Jul-18 GSB laid on both side widening portion

161630 14-May-18 Schedule date 23.06.2018,work not started yet.

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160497 20-Apr-18 Work allotted on 24.04.2018 in favour of Sh. Harpreet Singh,
160012 06-Apr-18 CM Announcement Code No. 20757 dt. 26.02.2018
153572 03-Oct-17 A/A granted for Rs. 15.59 lacs on 29.09.2017.
132955 21-Nov-16 Repair of this road demanded by Bhagwandas Kabir Panthi, MLA
Nilokheri. Demand received through PS/CA Memo No. 4699 dated
123854 13-Jun-16 Construction 30.04.2014. Path 5 Karam. A/A on 12.08.2013 for
Rs.28.64 Lacs. Crust 400mm. Exp. Rs.25.73 lacs.

Sub Total: 135.43 km.

SR required but not yet sanctioned

1) H - 3961 Nanhera To Badarpur Indri 4.47 km. DLP Date:

167639 31-Aug-18 On 18.7.2018, Widening & Strengthening of road demanded by Sh.

Karan Dev Kamboj, MFS, Haryana.
142712 04-May-17 On dated 04.05.2017, CE-I ordered that the road repair on the ordinary
138924 23-Feb-17 Work plan 2016-17: On dated 20.02.2017, Worthy CA ordered to repair
this road under ordinary work.
118730 26-Apr-16 Work Plan [2016-17]: WBM patch+PC+Berm repair in 3.889km
length(Est. Cost Rs. 30Lakh). CC exist in RD 0 to 118m & 4007 to
93024 29-Jan-15 On dated 15.01.2015, Hon'ble CM has seen & desired that matter may
be examined and put up. Construction of these roads demanded by Sh.
Karan Dev Kamboj, MOS (F&S).
9322 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5, 6 & 7 karam. CC from RD 0
to 118m & 4007 to 4470m.

2) H - 4110 Shekhpura To Kurlan Assandh 4.99 km. DLP Date:

171071 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 4110 Length 4.99km, Path 5 & 6 karam. Widening is feasible.
169114 27-Sep-18 Length 4.99km, Path 5 & 6 karam. Widening is feasible.
168886 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23232 dt. 24.09.2018.
143621 16-May-17 Constructed 15/08/2002. Path-5 &6 karam, Crust-150 mm. SR:PC in
entire length DOC 22/02/2010. Exp.Rs.49.36 lacs.

3) H - 4145 Manjura To Hathlana Assandh 1.34 km. DLP Date:

171080 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 4145 Length 1.34km, path 5 & 6 karam. Last special repair
carried out in 2006. Widening of road to 18ft is feasible.
169123 27-Sep-18 Length 1.34km, path 5 & 6 karam. Last special repair carried out in
2006. Widening of road to 18ft is feasible.
168890 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23258 dt. 24.09.2018.
161752 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
9184 07-Oct-11 Constructed 01/1994. Crust 225mm. PC done in 12/2006. Path 5, 6

4) H - 4175 Pucca Khera To Bansa Assandh 4.69 km. DLP Date: 30-Mar-19

171073 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 4175 Length 4.69km, path 5 karam. Widening of road to 18ft
is feasible.
169116 27-Sep-18 Length 4.69km, path 5 karam. Widening of road to 18ft is feasible.

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168888 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23234 dt. 24.09.2018.
161755 17-May-18 Widening and strengthening of this road demanded by Sh. Bakshish
Singh Virk, MLA, Assandh.
143692 16-May-17 Constructed 26/11/2008. Crust 225mm. Path 5 Karam.Work Plan 2015-
16:-Paver block laid in RD 4390 to 4690m=300m(Bansa).Revised A/A
accorded for Rs. 13.74 lacs on dt.04.01.2016. Work completed on
30.03.2016. Exp. Rs.13.50 lacs

5) H - 4237 Gagsina To Picholiya Head Gharaunda 3.44 km. DLP Date:

171081 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 4237 Length 2.94km, path 5 karam. 0.90km distance
shortened to NGM Jundla. Feasible
169124 27-Sep-18 Length 2.94km, path 5 karam. 0.90km distance shortened to NGM
Jundla. Feasible
168891 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23259 dt. 24.09.2018.
143689 16-May-17 Constructed 2/2003. Crust 150mm. Path 3 Karam. SR:75mm WBM+PC
in entire length. A/A on 15.10.2010 Rs.34.44 lacs. DOC 15.10.2012. Exp.
Rs.33.49 lacs, Now crust is 225 mm.

Sub Total: 18.93 km.

SR sanctioned but yet to be awarded

1) H - 3907 Dabkoli To Biana Indri 2.56 km. DLP Date:

165659 25-Jul-18 Tender reinvited for 26.06.2018 (G-I) but no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 12.07.2018
157250 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 415 to 2560m=2145m out
of 2.56km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.29 lakh). CC exist at RD 0 to
415m (Dabkoli)
139109 01-Mar-17 Repair of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister of
State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 573-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
136807 06-Feb-17 Constructed 12/1994. Path 4 & 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. PC (2.145 km)
CC RD 0 to 415m (Dabkoli) done on 10/2009

2) H - 3922 Karnal Garhi Birbal Road To Kalsora Indri 0.71 km. DLP Date:
Japti Chhapra Road Via Govt. High

165660 25-Jul-18 Tender reinvited for 26.06.2018 (G-I) but no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 12.07.2018
157251 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in in RD 140 to 710m=570m out
of 0.71km length of road+reatining wall in 200m length. (Est. cost:
Rs.17 lakh). CC exist at RD 0 to 140m (village Kalsora)
139116 01-Mar-17 Repair of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister of
State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 574-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
136835 06-Feb-17 Constructed 11/1999. Path 4,6 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC(0-140 m in
village Kalsora) + PC (570 m) done in 3/2008
122379 08-Jun-16 On 31.5.2016, Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MOS demanded special repiar of
the road.

3) H - 3926 Rasulpur To Johar Majra Indri 1.28 km. DLP Date:

165661 25-Jul-18 Tender reinvited for 26.06.2018 (G-I) but no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 12.07.2018

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157252 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in entire 1.28km length of road
(Est. cost: Rs.17.00 lakh).
139119 01-Mar-17 Repair of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister of
State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 574-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
136885 06-Feb-17 Cosntrucrted 3/2000. Path 4 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM + PC
(entire) done 10/2009.Now crust is 225mm
122382 08-Jun-16 On 31.5.2016, Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MOS demanded special repiar of
the road.

4) H - 3930 Rajepur To Umarpur Society Indri 1.79 km. DLP Date:

168529 13-Sep-18 On 6.9.2018, repair of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj,
165662 25-Jul-18 Tender reinvited for 26.06.2018 (G-I) but no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 12.07.2018
157253 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : scarifying existing bitumen surface
+75mm WBM layer+ PC+ Berm repair in RD 240 to 1790m out of
1.79km length of road (Est. cost: Rs.21.00 lakh). CC exist at RD 0 to
240m (Rajepur phirni)
139120 01-Mar-17 Repair of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister of
State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 574-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
122383 08-Jun-16 On 31.5.2016, Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MOS demanded special repiar of
the road.
14450 15-Nov-11 Constructed 9/2000. Path 4, 5 Karam. Crust 150mm. CC (Rajepur
phirni) + 75mm WBM + PC done 10/2009. Now crust 225mm.

5) H - 3966 Baragoan To Mugal Majra Indri 3.10 km. DLP Date:

165663 25-Jul-18 Tender reinvited for 26.06.2018 (G-I) but no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 12.07.2018
157254 03-Jan-18 Proposed Work Plan [2018-19] : WBM patch +entire PC +Berm repair in
enire 3.10km length of road (Est. cost: Rs. 25 lakh).
9324 07-Oct-11 Constructed 05/2010. Crust 225mm. Path 5 & 8 Karam.

6) H - 4139 Dera Manpura To Assandh Road Assandh 3.20 km. DLP Date:

171761 12-Dec-18 SR A/A granted for Rs. 46.94 lacs on 12.12.2018.

143663 16-May-17 Constructed 09/2004. Path 5 karam. Execpt 300m length balance due
to NOC not received from Irringation Department (Change of
Alignment Service Road of Kurlan Minor). Crust 150mm WBM.
Workplan 2012-13: Patchwork. A/A on 08.03.2013 Rs.3.02 lacs. DOC
12.05.2013. Exp.3.00 lacs.

7) H - 4205 Shekhupura To Khora Kheri Gharaunda 4.36 km. DLP Date:

167010 13-Aug-18 A/A granted forRs. 13.85 lacs on 01.06.2018 for Raising of phirni
portion of Khora Kheri.
167009 13-Aug-18 Constructed 8/1995. Path 4, 5 Karam.Crust 150mm. SR:CC done in RD 0
to 36m & 4013 to 4360 m and 75mm WBM+PC in Rd 36 to 4013m done
in 2/2010. Work Plan 2014-15: 75mm WBM + PC in RD 347 to 4324m
(3.97km) A/A on 31.07.2014 for Rs.55.23 lac. Work completed on
27.10.2014. Exp. Rs.53.53 lacs. Now Crust thickness is 300mm in RD 0
to 36m & RD 4013 to 4360m. Crust thickness is RD 36 m to 4013 m is
300 mm thick

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Sub Total: 17.00 km.

2. New Construction

Approved by Government but AA pending

1) H - 8909 Sirsi to Batara - Hassanpur road on Gharaunda 4.35 km. DLP Date:

170974 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 8909 U.O. has been sent to Govt. vide No.241047 dt.23.11.17
to transfer this announcement to HSAMB. Honble CM has approved to
transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide order dated 8.12.17. The
Length of road is 4.35km. The width of available path on RHS of Bajida
minor is 30ft. 256mtr distance will be shortened to nearest Market
Yard. Proposal feasible if NOC provided by Irrigation department.
Accordingly, case pursued with the Irrigation. The EIC, Irrigation vide
letter dated 16.07.18 has granted the NOC for construction of road on
LHS rather then on RHS. The width of available path on LHS is 25ft
which is less then 5 karam (27.5ft) so the relaxation is required from
Govt. for less path. file sent to Govt. for relaxation. (FTMS no. 4209).
On dated 06.11.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road by giving relexation in policy.
170676 12-Nov-18 On dated 06.11.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road by giving relexation in policy.
158923 16-Feb-18 Available land is less than 6 karam. Accordingly U.O. has been sent to
Govt. vide No.241047 dt.23.11.17 to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB vide order dated 08.12.2017. Length=3.69km, Path 8K in RD 0-
981, 7K in Rd 981-1251m, 10K in RD 1251- 2306m, 7K in RD 2306-
3134m & 5K in RD 3134- 3651mtr. No distance shortens to nearby
market yard. Consolidated case sent to Govt. for relaxation vide FTMS
no. 727 on 06.02.2018.
158394 30-Jan-18 DO letter sent to irrigation deptt. for granting NOC for const. of road
along the bank of irrigation channels.
158137 17-Jan-18 Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vider order dated
8.12.17.Length=4.345km, Entire length runs along the RHS of Bajida
Drain. A distance of
2.56kms shortens for Karnal Mandi. NOC is req. from Irrigation Deptt.

2) H - 9186 Guniana to Brass Nilokheri (SC) 2.11 km. DLP Date:

172020 21-Dec-18 On 19.12.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in policy.
170988 22-Nov-18 Length 2.11 km Path 7 kram in RD 0 to 1005 and 6 karm in RD 1005 to
2110m. ROW is less than 33 feet. Announcement may be transferred to
HSAMB. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB vide order dt.04.06.18.
170921 19-Nov-18 L- 2.11 km, Path RD 0 - 1005 m =7 K, RD 1005-2110m = 6 K. No distance
shortened to reach NGM Nissing. Not covered under road policy due to
no distance shortened to reach nearby NGM.
163661 02-Jul-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20860 dt. 26.02.2018. ROW is less than 33 feet.
Announcement may be transferred to HSAMB. Hon'ble CM has
approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide order dt.4.6.18

3) H - 9419 Bansa to Jundla Canal Assandh 6.13 km. DLP Date:

171082 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9419 Length 6.13km, path - Alignment of road falls on the
LHS bank of Bansa Canal where 4 karam wide path is available and
NOC granted by the Irrigation Department on 09.10.2017. 1km
distance shortened to NGM Jundla. Announcement made by Hon'ble

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CM by giving relaxation in norms. Feasible.
169125 27-Sep-18 Length 6.13km, path - Alignment of road falls on the LHS bank of
Bansa Canal where 4 karam wide path is available and NOC granted by
the Irrigation Department on 09.10.2017. 1km distance shortened to
NGM Jundla. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation
in norms. Feasible.
168892 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

4) H - 9421 Rattak to Rangruti Khera Assandh 2.38 km. DLP Date:

171084 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9421 Length 2.38km, path 6 karam. No distance shortened.
Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in Policy.
169128 27-Sep-18 Length 2.38km, path 6 karam. No distance shortened. Announcement
made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in Policy. Feasible
168895 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

5) H - 9428 Salwan to Hansi Butana Canal Assandh 3.56 km. DLP Date:

171088 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9428 Length 3.56km, path 6 karam. no distance shortened.
Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms.
169132 27-Sep-18 Length 3.56km, path 6 karam. no distance shortened. Announcement
made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms. Feasible
168899 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

6) H - 9531 Khera to Indri via Ramghar Road Indri 2.15 km. DLP Date:

172017 21-Dec-18 On 19.12.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in policy.
170975 17-Dec-18 Length 2.14km, Path - RD 0 to 1963m is 4 Karam and alignment from
RD 1963 to 2145 falls on service path of minor belongs to Irrigation
Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vide orders dated 10.09.18. A distance of 500m shortened to reach
NGM Indri. Relaxation from Govt. regarding less path and NOC from
Irrigation Department is required. Case referred to Govt. for relaxation.
(FTMS - 4810)
170308 25-Oct-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20497 dt. 24.09.2017. Estimate sent to Govt. vide
U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. A A received vide No.9-42-2018-
3B&R(W) dt.28.2.18 for Rs.206.36 lakh. ROW less than 33 feet.
Accordingly U.O. has been sent to Govt. vide U.O.No.164627 dt.
30.8.18 for transferring this announcement to HSAMB. Hon'bel Cm has
approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide CM orders
dated 10.09.18

7) H - 9532 Kalra to Kalri Jagir. Indri 1.41 km. DLP Date:

172018 21-Dec-18 On 19.12.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in policy.
170976 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9532 Length 1.41km Path 6 & 7kram. R_C_E sent to Govt.
vide U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. A_A received vide
No.9_42_2018-3B&R(W) dt.28.2.18 for Rs.87.45 lakh. ROW less than
33 feet. U.O. has been sent to Govt. vide U.O.No.164627 dt.30.8.18 for
transferring this announcement to HSAMB. Hon'ble CM has approved
to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dt.10.9.18.
170919 19-Nov-18 The length of the proposed road is 1.410km. The width of available
consolidation path is 6 & 7 karam diagonal. No distance will be
shortened to reach nearest PC Garhi Birbal with the construction of

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this road. The proposed road does not cover under the Road
Construction Policy of the Board due to no distance shortened to reach
nearest Market Yard.
170310 25-Oct-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20501 dt. 24.09.2017. RCE sent to Govt. vide
U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. AA received vide No.9-42-2018-
3B&R(W) dt.28.2.18 for Rs.87.45 lakh. ROW less than 33 feet. U.O. has
been sent to Govt. vide U.O.No.164627 dt.30.8.18 for transferring this
announcement to HSAMB. Hon’ble CM has approved to transfer this
announcement to HSAMB vide orders dt.10.9.18..

8) H - 9533 Ramgarh to Garhi Sadhaan road Indri 1.68 km. DLP Date:

172019 21-Dec-18 On 19.12.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in policy.
170977 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9533 Length 1.68km Path 6kram in RD 0 to 830, 7kram in RD
830 to 1680m. No Distance shortened. R_C_E sent to Govt. vide
U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. A_A received vide No.9_42_2018-
3B&R(W) dt. 28.2.18 for Rs.118.09 lakh. ROW less than 33 feet.
Accordingly U.O. has been sent to Govt. vide No.164627 dt.30.8.18 for
transferring this announcement to HSAMB. Honble CM has approved
to transfer thisannoucementto HSAMB videorders dt.10.9.18.
Relaxation required from govt. as no distance shortens.
170920 19-Nov-18 The length of the proposed road is 1.68km. The width of available
consolidation path is 6 Karam from RD 0 to 830m & 7 Karam from RD
830 to 1680m. No distance will be shortened to reach nearest NGM
Indri with the construction of this road. The proposed road does not
cover under the Road Construction Policy of the Board due to no
distance shortened to reach nearest Market Yard.
170309 25-Oct-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20507 dt. 24.09.2017. RCE sent to Govt. vide
U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. AA received vide No.9-42-2018-
3B&R(W) dt. 28.2.18 for Rs.118.09 lakh. ROW less than 33 feet.
Accordingly U.O. has been sent to Govt. vide No.164627 dt.30.8.18 for
transferring this announcement to HSAMB. Honble CM has approved
to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dt.10.9.18.

Sub Total: 23.76 km.

2. New Construction
New Construction - Awarded

1) H - 6513 Nathauri to Kalri Jagir Indri 2.21 km. DLP Date:

165615 25-Jul-18 Earthwork is in progress

161563 14-May-18 Allotted on 27.03.2018 Schedule date 26.09.2018, Earth work in
159505 07-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favour of M/s Avya Construction
Company and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 71,48,500/-
159262 22-Feb-18 Tender invited for 24.01.2018, no bid received. Tender received on
13.02.2018 & under approval process
159261 22-Feb-18 Path: RD 0 to 1060m=7 karam, RD 1060 to 2210m= 11 karam.CM
Announcement Code No. 20516 dated 24.9.2017.A/A on 20.12.2017 for
Rs.63.99 lacs

2) H - 6809 Salwan to Hafed sugar mil Assandh Assandh 4.43 km. DLP Date:
along Hansi Bhutana Canal

165626 25-Jul-18 Work allotted on 22.06.2018

163601 29-Jun-18 Allotted on 22.06.2018 schedule date 21.04.2019

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163113 15-Jun-18 Work allotted to Sh. Anoop Singh Rathee, Contractor. D/E T/S for Rs
160828 30-Apr-18 Tender received on 13-03-2018. Tender recalled & now to be received
on 02-05-2018.
158998 16-Feb-18 AA granted for Rs. 4.37 Crore on 15.02.2018.
156142 11-Oct-17 Length is 4.43km, Path is 29''-10' on embankements of Butana channel.
NOC required, distance shortened by 2.065km. Est. Cost Rs. 129.00 lacs.
156143 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20086 dt. 13.09.2017
128008 28-Jul-16 The proposed road is covered in the Road Policy of the Board, NOC
from Irrigation Department is required. Case sent to Govt. for
appropriate decision.
127940 27-Jul-16 length 4.43 km, Path RD 0 to 4430m=29'-10.5" ,(the NOC from
irrigation Deptt. required) 2.07km Distance shorten , Covered in the
road policy of HSAMB (Est. Cost Rs. 129 lakh)

3) H - 6932 Pucca Khera to Manchuri Assandh 1.73 km. DLP Date:

165601 25-Jul-18 WBM completed in 1600m

163642 29-Jun-18 WBM completed in 1600 m
161566 14-May-18 WBM Ist layer completed.

158339 30-Jan-18 Earthwork completed in 1.70 Km & Procurement of GSB material is in

147089 06-Jul-17 Work allotted on 14.06.2017 (Sh. Prabhu Dayal Contractor). Schedule
Date of completion 13.12.2018
136904 06-Feb-17 Road demanded by CPS development & Panchayat.Path RD 0 to 140m
paver block exist (pucca Khera), Path 5 karam (Angled), Provisionof RD
0 to 100m both side drain (Pucca Khera). On dated 11.06.2016, Hon'ble
CM has approved the construction ofthis road in relaxation of the
policy. A/A accorded for Rs. 55.75 lacs on 22.09.2016.

4) H - 7236 Bansa to Padha Assandh 3.82 km. DLP Date:

165604 25-Jul-18 GSB is in progress

163606 29-Jun-18 GSB in progress
161567 14-May-18 Earth work in progress.

159221 22-Feb-18 Path RD 0 to 1810m=8k, RD 1810 to 3815m=7k. Provision of VR bridge

at RD 796 to 876m=80m amounting to Rs. 1,78,35,234/- to be
constructed deposit work by irr. deptt. On dated 25.11.2016, Hon'ble
CM has approvedthe const. of the road & CM AnnouncementCode
No. 20047 dt. 13.09.2017.A/A granted for Rs. 295.66 lacs on 20.11.2017
158458 05-Feb-18 Demarcation done
157877 10-Jan-18 Work allotted on 04.01.2018. Schedule date of completion 03.11.2018
133872 06-Dec-16 On dated 25.11.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved the const. of the road

5) H - 7237 Bansa to Picholia Assandh 2.72 km. DLP Date:

165605 25-Jul-18 GSB completed in 2.00 km

163605 29-Jun-18 GSB completed in 2 km
161568 14-May-18 Earth work completed.

158457 05-Feb-18 Demarcation done.

158342 30-Jan-18 Path: 5 karam. Bridge 87.59 lacs involved at RD 1650m. On 25.11.2016,
Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road after giving
relaxation in the policy.CM Announcement Code No. 20046

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157880 10-Jan-18 Work allotted on 04.01.2018. Schedule date of completion 03.09.2018
155853 22-Nov-17 A/A granted for Rs. 168.43 lacs on 20.11.2017.

6) H - 7318 Sadarpur to Lalupur Gharaunda 2.15 km. DLP Date:

163578 29-Jun-18 GSB completed.

161569 14-May-18 GSB completed in 1800m likely date 30.06.2018

159223 22-Feb-18 On 25.11.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
after giving relaxation in the policy. Path: 6 karam. Rev. A/A
grantedfor Rs. 64.91 lacs on 22.08.2017. CM Announcement Code No.
20471 dt. 24.10.2017
159222 22-Feb-18 GSB is in progress
158343 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to Prabhu Dayal on07.09.2017. Schedule DOC 06.03.2018
158283 30-Jan-18 Recommendation of Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA Gharaunda for change
of alingment of road from north side of villge Sadarpur received on 19-

7) H - 7601 Jundla to Kathleri. Assandh 3.09 km. DLP Date:

165623 25-Jul-18 GSB laying is in progress

163607 29-Jun-18 GSB in progress
161570 14-May-18 Allotted on 05.04.2018 Schedule date 04.12.2018

159989 04-Apr-18 Tender approved in favour of Sh. Anoop Singh Rathi, Contractor on 04-
04-2018. D/E T/S for Rs.1,10,32,000/-
159804 28-Mar-18 Work allotted on 27-03-2018

158989 16-Feb-18 A/A granted for Rs. 1,03,81,200/- on 16.02.2018.

158441 01-Feb-18 On 17-01-2018 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by granting relaxation in the policy.
156164 29-Nov-17 Length: 3.09km, Path: RD 0 to 2211m =4 Karam,RD 2211 to 3085m
=5 karam,1.277km distance will be shortened with the const. of
proposed road to nearest NGM Jundla for the villagers of Katlehri., Not
covsred in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs. 94.36lakh)
155284 02-Nov-17 Length: 3.085km , Path: RD 0 to 2211m=4karam, & RD 2211 to
3085m=5 karam. 1277km distance will be shortened to reach the
nearest NGM Jundla for the villagers of Katlehdi.
155220 31-Oct-17 Path 4 karam. Not Feasible. SE, Karnal is asked to re-submit PR.
153847 11-Oct-17 Length is 2.075km, Path is 4k, 5k. Distance shortened by 1.287km. Est.
Cost. Rs. 100.00 lacs. CM Announcement Code No. 20089 dt. 20.08.2017

8) H - 7685 Kalsoura to Dera Sikligran Indri 2.69 km. DLP Date:

165616 25-Jul-18 SM laid in 1 KM

161571 14-May-18 Allotted on 27.03.2018 schedule date 26.10.2018 Earth work in
159504 07-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favour of M/s Avya Construction
Company and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 76,25,900/-
159263 22-Feb-18 Tender invited for 24.01.2018, no bid received. Tender received on
13.02.2018 & under approval process
157012 22-Dec-17 AA on 20.12.2017 for Rs.69.63 lacs.
156459 14-Dec-17 Length: 2.45km, Path: RD 0 to 1758m=5 karam, RD 1758 to 2450m= 10
karam, . distance shortened 272km to reach the nearest NGM Indri.
existing cause way 24mtr. long at RD 1190m
156316 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20517 dated 43002

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139113 01-Mar-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister
of State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 573-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
84324 12-Sep-14 On 10.09.2014, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road.
84024 01-Sep-14 Path is 0-1758=5karam st. & 1758-2690=10karam dign. Distance
shortened to reach NGM Indri is 0.789km. Road fall in the policy & case
stands submitted to ACS (A) vide worthy CA no. 484 dated 25.08.2014.

9) H - 7780 Purani Chundipur to Dhakwala Roran Gharaunda 2.04 km. DLP Date:

161573 14-May-18 Allotted on 05.04.2018 Schedule date 04.10.2018 demarcation pending.

159833 02-Apr-18 Tender approved on 30.03.2018 in favour of Sh. Mohit Contractor and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 70,85,500/-.
159264 22-Feb-18 No Bid/Tender received on 28.06.2017, 01.08.2017, 31.08.2017,
22.09.2017, 13.10.2017, 02.11.2017, 06.12.2017, 28.12.2017,
19.01.2018 & 13.02.2018. Tender reinvited on 13.03.2018
158284 30-Jan-18 Recommendation of Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA Gharaunda for change
of alingment of road from north side of villge Dhakwala Roran
alongwith provision of paver block in phirni portion received on 19-01-
143491 11-May-17 A/A accorded for Rs. 67.58 lacs on 09.05.2017.

142498 02-May-17 Provision of paver block over 250mm GSB +75mm WBM layer with PCC
kerbs at RD 0 to 103m (Dhakwala), LS provision Rs. 10,000/- for
shifting of pole, in rest RD 103 to2180=2.077km provision of 250mm
GSB+150mm WBM+PC.
142497 02-May-17 Length: 2.18km, Path: RD 0 to 860m=6 karam, RD 860m to 1931m
=7karam & RD 1931m to 2180m=5 Karam, 501m distance will be
shortened to reach the nearest Grain Market Kunjpura for villagers of
village Dhakwala.
129658 23-Aug-16 On dated 16.08.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road

10) H - 7877 Kalsora to Nabiabad via Bibipur Indri 4.32 km. DLP Date:
Brahmnan, Japti Chhapra

165602 25-Jul-18 Earthwork completed & 1 layer GSB completed & 2nd layer GSB
completed in 2 Km. SM laid in 1 Km
162009 29-May-18 On 17.05.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved to drop the announcement
Code No. 20498 being duplicate with code No. 20517.
161575 14-May-18 Earth work completed IInd layer GSB in progress.

159227 22-Feb-18 CM Ann. code no. 10156 dt. 04.06.2015. Path: RD 0 to 1240m=6 K, RD
1240 to 1400m=4K, RD 1400 to 1680m= Existing phirni of vill.
BibipurBrahmnan, RD1680 to 2630m= 8 K, RD2630 to 2687m Path
not exist but irrigation bundh exist, NOC required from irrigation
Deptt., RD2687 to 3156m= 4 K, RD 3156 to 3780m 5 K ., 282m distance
shorten to reach Sub yard Biana. On dated 26.08.2017, Hon'ble CM has
approved the construction of the road by giving relaxation in
policy.RAA on 21.12.2017 for Rs.145.68 lacs excluding cost Rs. 42.86
lacs. ofconst. of CC cause way
158450 05-Feb-18 E/W is in progress
158350 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to Raman Nanda on 28.12.2017. Schedule DOC

11) H - 8029 Jundla to Bansa on service road of Assandh 6.13 km. DLP Date:
Bansa Minor

167350 23-Aug-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Kadiyan Construction Company. D/E
T/S for Rs. 2,22,48,700/- on 21.8.2018.

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164584 12-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 211.51 lacs on 12.07.2018.
162189 04-Jun-18 On dated 22.05.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road by giving relaxation in policy.
142501 02-May-17 DO letter written from CA Board vide memo no. 3679 dated 10.04.2017
to Principal Secretary Power & irr. deptt. for issuing NOC for const.of
road along the bank of Bansa minor and vide memo no. 3680 dated
10.04.2017 to ACS forest & Wildlife deptt. for issuing of NOC for
removing the trees so that road may be constructed.
139129 02-Mar-17 Hon'ble CM has approved on 27.04.2016 the const. of road with the
condition if the villagers give 5'of land free of cost for this purpose.
119273 05-May-16 Construction of road conditionally approved by Government of
villagers give 5ft of land free of cost for this purpose.
114903 07-Jan-16 The road does not fall in the policy of the Board due to less
consolidation path i.e. RD 0-6130m=23'-6'' exist on service road of
Bansa minor. The path is along the Bansa minor & trees are also
standing in the alignment of path. Hence, NOC from Forest & Irrigation
Deptt. is also required. Villager offered five feet extra land free of cost
for construction of this road is also consideration with PWD (B&R)
Deptt. As the path will be more than 5 karam after arranging 5feet
extra land from the deviding field owner. Distance shortened 1.231km.
Sent to Govt. for appropriate decision.
114511 31-Dec-15 As desired by Sh. Bakshish Singh Hon'ble Chief Parliament Secretary
Govt. of Haryana.
118005 19-Dec-13 Construction of road on the bank of minor demanded by villagers of
Jundla & Bansa. On 12.12.2013, Hon'ble CM has forwarded for
necessary action.

12) H - 8123 Nalipur to Nasirpur Gharaunda 2.19 km. DLP Date:

163583 29-Jun-18 GSB is in progress

161577 14-May-18 Earth work completed in 0.5km.

159433 28-Feb-18 Work allotted on 28.02.2018 schedule date 27.08.2018

159228 22-Feb-18 On 25.11.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
after giving relaxation in the policy. Path: 6 karam. Provision of 80mm
thick paver block over 75mm WBM layer +250mm GSB along with CC
kerbs for locking at RD 0 to 400m Nalipur phirni in rest PC over 250mm
GSB +150mm WBM layer.A/A accorded for Rs. 74.93 lacs on
24.04.2017. Now, CM Announcement Code No. 20470 dt. 24.10.2017
159094 20-Feb-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rajesh Construction Company on 20-
02-2018. D/E T/S for Rs.83.61 lacs

13) H - 8124 Mundigarhi to Garhi Khajur Gharaunda 1.19 km. DLP Date:

163577 29-Jun-18 Bed prepared. Procurement of GSB material is in progress. Notice

issued for imposition of clause-2
161578 14-May-18 Action under clause -II taken.

158356 30-Jan-18 Earthwork completed. Procurement of GSB material is in progress.

158355 30-Jan-18 Path-7 K. A/A for Rs 37.18 lacs on 07.02.2017
147093 06-Jul-17 Work allotted on 21.06.2017 (Sh. Prabhu Dayal Contractor). Schedule
Date of completion 20.09.2017

14) H - 8340 Mundi Garhi to Balhera Gharaunda 4.32 km. DLP Date:

163576 29-Jun-18 Work completed except 700 m length

161579 14-May-18 Earth work in progress in 0.8km likely date 30.06.2018

156934 21-Dec-17 WBM completed in 3.50KM

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149281 02-Aug-17 Allotted on 17.04.2017 (Sh. Prabhu Dayal ). Schedule DOC 16.12.2017
141743 19-Apr-17 CM Announcement Code No. 14890 dt. 07.10.2016. Length 4.32km,
Path: RD 0 to 3520m=24'wide for Yamuna embankment, Rd 3520 to
432m=6k, Distance shorten to PC Barsat 5.606km. Path: RD 0 to
3520m=24' wide on top of Yamuna Embankment, Rd 3520 to 4320m=6
karam, Distance shortened 5.606km to reach nearest PC Barsat for the
village of MundiGarhi.NOC from Irr. Deptt received vide memo
No.22/2/2017-41W dated 17.01.2017.A/A accorded for Rs. 125.37 lacs
on 23.02.2017.Work allotted on 17.04.2017 to Sh.Prabhu Dayal
Contractor. Schedule date of completion 16.12.2017

15) H - 8409 Ardana to Barhi Assandh 2.60 km. DLP Date:

165606 25-Jul-18 GSB completed in 1800 m

163600 29-Jun-18 1 km GSB in progress
161581 14-May-18 Earth work is in progress.

159232 22-Feb-18 Path: RD 0 to 1400m =8 karam, RD 1400 to 2600m =6 karam. On dated

26.04.2017, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road by
giving relaxation in policy. CM Announcement Code No. 20043 dated
13.06.2017. A/A granted forRs. 84.54 lacs on 20.11.2017
158455 05-Feb-18 Demarcation done.
157878 10-Jan-18 Work allotted on 04.01.2018. Schedule date of completion 03.08.2018

16) H - 8410 Bandrala to Dera Fattuwala Assandh 1.70 km. DLP Date:

165624 25-Jul-18 Work allotted on 30.04.2018

161582 14-May-18 Allotted on 30.04.2018 Schedule date 29.10.2018.

160342 09-Apr-18 Tender approved in favour of The Sandhwa Adarsh Co-op L&C Society
Ltd. on 09-04-2018 & D/E T/S for Rs. 57,16,400/-
157808 08-Jan-18 AA for Rs. 56.26 lacs on 4.1.2018.
157312 03-Jan-18 Length: 1.70km, Path: RD 0 to 164m =Phirni of village, RD 164 to 172m
= 8m long bridge exist safe, RD 172 to 406m =Embankment of Nardak
drain, RD 406 to 1535m =6 karam, RD 1535 to 1695m =5 karam. Not
covered in road policy of HSAMB due to No distance shortened to
nearest NGM Assandh, Noc from Irr. Deptt. required as the road is on
embankment of Nardak drain from RD 164 to 406m on ring Bandh.
Provision of 48 no. protection /safety pillars at RD 164 to 460m.
156114 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20044 dt. 13/9/17. Length is 1.70km, Path
RD 0 to 164m phirni, RD 164 to 406m= Bank of Nadok Drain, RD 406 to
1536m=6k, RD 1536 to 1700m=5k, approved in relaxation on
26.04.2017. NOC from Irrigation required. Est. Cost. Rs. 63.00 lacs.
143510 11-May-17 On dated 26.04.2017, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the
road by giving relaxation in policy.
139131 02-Mar-17 Length: 1.70km, Path: RD 0 to 164m =Phirni of village, RD 164 to 406m
=Embankment of Nardak drain, RD 406 to 1535m =6 karam, RD 1535
to 1695m =5 karam. Not covered in road policy of HSAMB due to No
distance shortened to nearest NGM Assandh, Noc from Irr. Deptt.
required as the road is on embankment of Nardak drain from RD 164
to 406m on ring Bandh & Phirni road at RD 0 to 164m and road leads
to Dera Fattuwala as para 'j', 'g' & 'k' recpt. (Est. cost Rs. 63 lakh)
133944 08-Dec-16 Construction of thie road demanded by Sh. Bakshish Singh Virk, CPS
Development and Panchayat, Haryana vide his office Dairy No. 684-N
dated 05.12.2016.

17) H - 8537 Thal to Bahari Karnal 2.50 km. DLP Date:

165607 25-Jul-18 GSB completed except phirni portion

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161583 14-May-18 Earth work is in progress.

159233 22-Feb-18 Path: RD 0 to 900m=6 karam, RD 900 to 2900m=7karam. The

provision of paver block M-40 (width 5.49m) at RD 0 to 290m (village
Thal), In rest 250mm GSB +150mm WBM +pc.CM ANNOUNCEMENT
CODE NO.20085.A/A granted for Rs 101.43 lacs on 29.11.2017
158459 05-Feb-18 Demarcation done.
158362 30-Jan-18 Work allotted to M/s Chahal Const. Co. on 19.01.2018. Schedule DOC

18) H - 8752 Kheri Munak to Bal Pabana Assandh 2.99 km. DLP Date:

165613 25-Jul-18 GSB is in progress

163608 29-Jun-18 GSB in progress
161586 14-May-18 Earth work is in progress.

159432 28-Feb-18 Work allotted on 28.02.2018 schedule date 27.11.2018

159240 22-Feb-18 Path 6k in RD 0 to 150m, , VR bridge in 150 to 200mtr required, 6k in
RD 200 to 2390m, 7k in RD 2390 to 2990m.A/A on 20.12.2017 for Rs.
302.54 lacs including cost of Rs. 198 lacs forconstruction of 50 m long
bridge. CM Announcement Code No. 20032 dt. 13.09.2017
159126 21-Feb-18 Tender approved on 21.02.2018.

19) H - 8759 Beejna to Phurlak Gharaunda 2.84 km. DLP Date:

163587 29-Jun-18 Earthwork completed

161588 14-May-18 Allotted on 05.04.2018 Schedule date 04.12.2018

159834 02-Apr-18 Tender approved on 30.03.2018 in favour of Sh. Mohit Contractor and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 91,14,600/-.
159805 28-Mar-18 Work allotted on 27-03-2018

159269 22-Feb-18 Tender invited for 18.12.2017, but Single bid received. Tender Reinvited
for 09.01.2018, 30.01.2018 &20.02.2018 no bid received. Tender
reinvited for 13.03.2018
158439 01-Feb-18 On 17-01-2018 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by granting relaxation in the policy.
155844 22-Nov-17 A/A granted for Rs. 82.86 lacs on 20.11.2017.
155015 18-Oct-17 Length: 2.85km, Path: RD 0 to 480m=6 karam & RD 480 to 2850m=5
karam, 895m distance will be shortened to reach the nearest NGM
Gharaunda for the villagers of Beejna, 20m long bridge exist on Mugal
canal at RD 2400m
154755 16-Oct-17 It is CM announcement. Feasible.
153833 11-Oct-17 Length is 2.841km, Path RD 0 to 2515m=5k, RD 2515 to 2710m= 4k. No
distance shortened.

20) H - 8789 Bahlolpur to Bajida Roran Assandh 1.41 km. DLP Date:

165622 25-Jul-18 GSB laying is in progress

163603 29-Jun-18 Earth work completed, GSB in progress
161589 14-May-18 Earth work in progress Schedule date 23.10.2018

160631 26-Apr-18 Work allotted on 24.04.2018 to Sh. Narinder Gorsi, Contractor.

159503 07-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favour of Sh. Narinder Gorsi
Contractor, SE/EE are asked to complete the work within the
permissible limit of existing A/A. They are also directed to start the
work after taking the NOC from Irrigation Deptt. D/E Tech. Sanctioned
for Rs. 51,10,200/-.

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 61 of 108

158396 30-Jan-18 DO letter sent to irrigation deptt. for granting NOC for const. of road
along the bank of irrigation channels.
157038 08-Jan-18 AA for Rs 46.46 lacs on 4.1.2018.
153834 11-Oct-17 Length is 1.406km, Path 5k in RD 0 to 254m, RD 254 to 762m, 5k in RD
762 to 1406m, RD 2.71km, Distance shortened by 2.693km. Est. Cost.
Rs. 50.00 lacs.
153601 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20022 dt. 13.09.2017

21) H - 8791 Assandh to Dera Balbir Singh Assandh 1.18 km. DLP Date:
Government School

165714 26-Jul-18 Rev. D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 77,71,000/- on 26.07.2018.
165608 25-Jul-18 WBM completed
163997 05-Jul-18 RAA for Rs 67.25 lacs on 4.7.2018.
161590 14-May-18 WBM completed,Schedule date 18.08.2018 PC left only

159283 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 19.02.2018 (Sh. Yogesh Kumar contractor). Earthwork
is in progress
159243 22-Feb-18 Path: 5 karam.CM Announcement Code No. 20041 dt. 13.09.2017.AA
for Rs 38.66 lacs on 29.11.2017

22) H - 8797 Munak to Refinery Assandh 3.88 km. DLP Date:

165621 25-Jul-18 Demaraction done. Earthwork is in progress

163604 29-Jun-18 Earth work in progress
161591 14-May-18 Allotted on 24.04.2018 Schedule date 23.12.2018

159514 26-Apr-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favou of M/s Aman Construction

and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,38,75,700/-. Work allotted on
157807 08-Jan-18 AA for Rs. 131.55 lacs on 4.1.2018.
157311 03-Jan-18 Length-3.91 Km, Path from RD 0 to 427m = 13 Karam, RD 427 to 2609m
= 9-11 Karam, RD 2609 to 3407m = 5 Karam, RD 3407 to 4110m =
5.49m wide embankment of drain, distance shortened 4.977 Km to
reach purchase centre Munak, Bridge exist at RD 429 to 451m safe.
Provision of 90 no. protection/safety pillars at RD 3460 to 3910m, NOC
granted by Irr. Deptt. vide no. 6452/5YWS dated 13.12.17 with the
153845 11-Oct-17 Length is 3.882km, Path is 13k, 9k & 5k. Forest land in RD 3335 to
3882m. Distance shortened by 4.942km. Est. Cost. Rs. 200.00 lacs.
153610 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20087 dt. 13.09.2017

23) H - 8798 Mardanheri to Jind road Assandh 3.10 km. DLP Date:

165611 25-Jul-18 Earthwork is in progress

163609 29-Jun-18 GSB in progress
161592 14-May-18 Earth work in progress Schedule date 18.10.2018

159285 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 19.02.2018 ( The Sandhwa Adarsh Co-op L&C Society
159246 22-Feb-18 Path: 4 karam.CM Announcement Code No. 20088 dt. 13.09.2017.A/A
granted for Rs.101.32 lacs on 01.12.2017.

24) H - 8805 Panodi to Dingarmajra Gharaunda 3.63 km. DLP Date:

165614 25-Jul-18 GSB laying is in progress

161593 14-May-18 Allotted on 28.02.2018 Schedule date 27.11.2018 earth work in

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159248 22-Feb-18 Path: 0 to 3550m=4 karam, Rd 3550 to 3630m=6 karam. Provisionof 6'
high retaining wall at RD 3495 to 3582m =87m.CM announcement
code: 20117 dated: 13-09-2017.A/A for Rs 117.62 lacs on 29.11.2017
159127 21-Feb-18 Tender approved on 21.02.2018.

25) H - 8806 Arainpura to Bassi Akbarpur Gharaunda 2.60 km. DLP Date:

163586 29-Jun-18 Earthwork completed

161594 14-May-18 Allotted on 27.03.2018 Schedule date 26.11.2018 earth work in progress

159507 08-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favou of M/s Gupta & Company and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 99,13,300/-.
156044 24-Nov-17 Length 2.595m, Path 4K, Distance shortens by 1.42km. A/A granted for
Rs. 90.17 Lakh on 24.11.2017. Tenders to be received on 18.12.2017.
Provision of retaining wall 6ft high at RD 333m to 407m=74m & 2470m
to 2540m=65m alongwith pond.
154048 11-Oct-17 CM announcement code: 20118 dated: 13-09-2017

26) H - 8807 Nabipur to Bajidpur via Khirajpur Gharaunda 2.23 km. DLP Date:

163588 29-Jun-18 Earthwork is in progress

161595 14-May-18 Allotted on 06.04.2018 schedule date 05.11.2018 demarcation pending.

159790 27-Mar-18 Tender approved on 04.04.2018 in favour of Sh. Mohit Kumar

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 60,25,900/-.
158282 30-Jan-18 Recommendation of Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA Gharaunda for change
of alingment of road from east side of villge Khirajpur or Nabipur
received on 19-01-2018.
156270 07-Dec-17 Length: 2.245km, Path: RD 0 to 810m=4 karam, RD 810 to 1290m=
480m long existing road & RD 1290 to 2245m=5 karam, No distance
will be shortened to reach the nearest NGM Kunjpura. Provision of
80mm thick paver block M-40 in 5.49m width with both side CC 1:2:4
kerbs over 75mm thick WBM layer+250mm GSB G-III at RD 1290 to
1420m=130m (Khirajpur Phirni), in rest Rd 0 to 810m & Rd 1420 to
2245m=1635m provision of 20mm PC +150mm thick WBM +250mm
thick GSB G-III
156262 05-Dec-17 AA for Rs 54.79 lacs on 5.12.2017, tender invited for 09.01.2018
154049 11-Oct-17 CM announcement code: 20119 dated: 13-09-2017

27) H - 8812 Upli to Phurlak Gharaunda 2.17 km. DLP Date:

163579 29-Jun-18 WBM completed

161599 14-May-18 Ist layer WBM completed.

159255 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 04.01.2018 to M/s Gupta & Co. Schedule date of
completion 03.08.2018
159254 22-Feb-18 Path 5K,CM announcement code: 20124 dated: 13-09-2017. A/A
granted for Rs.65.49 lacs on 24.10.2017.
158462 05-Feb-18 Demarcation is in progress

28) H - 8813 GT road to Sheikhpur Khalsa Gharaunda 1.04 km. DLP Date:

163584 29-Jun-18 Earthwork is in progress

161600 14-May-18 Allotted on 28.02.2018 Schedule date 27.07.2018 earth work in
159256 22-Feb-18 Path: 4 karam.CM announcement code: 20125 dated: 13-09-2017.A/A
for Rs 33.10 lacs on 29.11.2017

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159128 21-Feb-18 Tender approved on 21.02.2018.

29) H - 8814 Malikpur to Raipur Jatan road Gharaunda 2.35 km. DLP Date:

163585 29-Jun-18 Earthwork is in progress

161601 14-May-18 Allotted on 27.03.2018 schedule date 26.10.2018 earth work in
159508 08-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favou of M/s Gupta & Company and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 81,13,500/-
158567 09-Feb-18 Tenders received. Rates are on higher side. Tender recalled. Now,
tender to be received on 5.3.2018.
158386 30-Jan-18 Tender invited for 09.01.2018, but no bid recevied. Tender invited for
156048 24-Nov-17 Length 2.35km, Path 4 Karam. No distance shortens. A/A granted for
Rs. 73.90 lacs on 24.11.2017. Tenders to be received on 18.12.2017.
154056 11-Oct-17 CM announcement code: 20126 dated: 13-09-2017

30) H - 8815 Manchuri to Gularpur in Gondar Nilokheri (SC) 1.92 km. DLP Date:

165612 25-Jul-18 GSB completed

161602 14-May-18 Earth work is in progress.

159430 28-Feb-18 work allotted on 28.02.2018 schedule date 27.09.2018

159257 22-Feb-18 Path 7 K. A 5mtr span bridge required from RD 1535 to 1540m.CM
announcement code: 20138 dated: 13-09-2017.A/A granted for
Rs.82.87 lacs on 18-01-2018
159129 21-Feb-18 Tender approved on 21.02.2018

31) H - 8816 Gonder named Noushari wali Sadak in Nilokheri (SC) 3.27 km. DLP Date:

165610 25-Jul-18 GSB completed

161603 14-May-18 Earth work completed.

159260 22-Feb-18 Earthwork is in progress

159259 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 09.02.2018 (Sh. Satish Kumar Contractor)Schedule
DOC 08.08.2018
159258 22-Feb-18 Path: 5 karam. Road lead to only Dera & dhani's. CM announcement
code: 20139 dated: 13-09-2017.A/A for Rs 104.68 lacs on 5.12.2017,
tender invited for 09.01.2018

32) H - 8864 Mukhala to Garhi Birbal Indri 3.55 km. DLP Date:

165618 25-Jul-18 GSB laying is in progress

161604 14-May-18 Allotted on 30.03.2018 schedule date 29.11.2018 Earth work in
159506 07-Mar-18 Tender approved on 07.03.2018 in favour of M/s Avya Construction
Company and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,16,30,000/-
157023 28-Dec-17 A/A granted for Rs.106.20 lacs on 27.12.2017. Tender invited on
156461 14-Dec-17 Length: 3.55km, Path: 6 karam, distance shortened 0.509km to reach
PC Garhi Birbal, Provision 80mm thick M-40 paver block in 5.49m
width over 75mm thick WBM layer+2500mm GSB with both side CC
1:2:4 kerbs at RD 3405 to 3550m=145m (Village Garhi Birbal) in rest
250mm GSB+150mm WBM +PC.
156116 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20513 dated 43002

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33) H - 8867 Garhi Birbal to Mukhali Karnal 2.10 km. DLP Date:

165625 25-Jul-18 Earthwork Started

158990 26-Apr-18 A/A granted for Rs. 59.53 lacs on 16.02.2018. Tender approved on
25.04.2018 in favour of Sh. Naveen Kumar Contractor and D/E Tech.
Sanctioned for Rs. 55,27,700/-.
158397 30-Jan-18 DO letter sent to irrigation deptt. for granting NOC for const. of road
along the bank of irrigation channels.
156119 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20518 dated 43002

34) H - 8868 Makhala to Kalri Jagir Indri 1.52 km. DLP Date:

165617 25-Jul-18 Earthwork is in progress

163413 25-Jun-18 Tender to be received on 03.07.18
161605 14-May-18 Allotted on 27.03.2018 Schedule date 26.09.2018 demarcation pending.

159366 26-Feb-18 Tender approved on 26.02.2018 in favour of M/s Goldy Construction

Co. and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 45,96,000/-.
157008 22-Dec-17 AA on 20.12.2017 for Rs.42.88 lacs.
156460 14-Dec-17 Length: 1.52km, Path: 5 karam, distance shortened 2.202km to reach
Purchase centre Garhi Birbal. 39 mtr. span bridge exist at RD 1090m.
156120 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20519 dated 43002

35) H - 8870 Baroda to Khanpur (Indri) Indri 2.13 km. DLP Date:

165629 25-Jul-18 Tender invited for 03.07.2018

165389 23-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Tripati Construction on 20.07.2018
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 67,15,100/-
162097 01-Jun-18 A/A granted for Rs. 65.64 lacs on 31.05.2018
161039 03-May-18 On 10-04-2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road
after giving the relaxation in the policy
156842 21-Dec-17 Length:2.13km, Path: RD 0 to 820m =4 karam, RD 820 to 2130m=5
karam,No distance will be shortened with the const. of proposed road
to nearest NGM Ladwa respectively Not coevred in road const. policy
(Est.cost: Rs.74.55 lakh)
156122 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20521 dated 43002

36) H - 8871 Salarpur to Landhora (Indri) Indri 0.31 km. DLP Date:

165630 25-Jul-18 Tender invited for 03.07.2018

165529 25-Jul-18 Work allotted on 24.07.2018 in favour of M/s A.S Construction Co.
162110 01-Jun-18 A/A granted for Rs. 10.56 lacs on 31.05.2018
161045 03-May-18 On 10-04-2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road
after giving the relaxation in the policy
160361 11-Apr-18 Case with CM office (FTMS No. 8189)
156844 21-Dec-17 Length: 0.31km, Path: RD 0 to 207m =5 karam, RD 207 to 307m =4
karam, distance shortened 6.107km to nearest PC Gheer for the
villagers of Landora, Not covered in road const. policy. (Est. cost:
Rs.10.74 lakh)
156123 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20522 dated 43002

37) H - 8872 Jaingarh to Andhgarh (Indri) Indri 1.96 km. DLP Date:

167351 23-Aug-18 Tender approved on 21.08.2018 in favour of Sh. Jitender Kumar,

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 62,98,000/-

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165631 25-Jul-18 Tender invited for 03.07.2018
162111 01-Jun-18 A/A granted for Rs. 58.26 lacs on 31.05.2018
161040 03-May-18 On 10-04-2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road
after giving the relaxation in the policy
160362 11-Apr-18 Case with CM office (FTMS No. 8189)
156845 21-Dec-17 Length: 1.96km, Path: 4 karam, No distance will be shortened with the
const. of proposed road to nearest NGM Indri. Not covered in road
const. policy (Est.cost: Rs.68.43 lakh)
156124 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20523 dated 43002

38) H - 8873 Budhanpur to Hinori (Indri) Indri 1.45 km. DLP Date:

165619 25-Jul-18 GSB completed in 1500m

161606 14-May-18 Allotted on 30.03.2018 schedule date 29.08.2018 Earth work in
159365 26-Feb-18 Tender approved on 26.02.2018 in favour of M/s Goldy Construction
Co. and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 45,15,200/-.
157009 22-Dec-17 AA on 20.12.2017 for Rs.41.92 lacs.
156457 14-Dec-17 Length: 1.45km, Path: 5 karam, distance shortened 1.607km to reach
the nearest NGM Indri.
156125 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20524 dated 43002

39) H - 8875 Garhi Birbal to Chandrav(Indri) Karnal 1.96 km. DLP Date:

165620 25-Jul-18 Earthwork Started

161607 14-May-18 Allotted on 16.04.2018 Schedule date 15.10.2018 demarcation pending.

160489 19-Apr-18 Tender approved on 17-04-2018 in favour of Sh. Raman Nanda

Contractor.. D/E T/S for Rs.62,36,300/-
159791 05-Apr-18 Tender approved on 27.3.2018 in favour of Sh. Raman Nanda
157804 08-Jan-18 AA for Rs. 59.69 lacs on 4.1.2018.
157309 03-Jan-18 Length: 1.963km, Path: RD 0 to 1289m=9 karam, RD 1289 to 1837m=6
karam, RD 1837 to 1963m=7 karam, Distance shortened 1.382 km to
reach PC Garhi birbal, A bridge at RD 897 to 967m=70m long required
on Dhanora escape , A 10'span culvert required at RD 1 to 89m
156127 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20526 dated 43002

40) H - 8876 Makhali to Hansu Majra (Indri) Indri 1.87 km. DLP Date:

168563 13-Sep-18 Tender approved on 13.09.2018 in favour Sh. JitenderKumar,

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 39,48,200/-.
164592 12-Jul-18 A/A granted for Rs. 203.43 lacs on 11.07.2018.
161038 03-May-18 On 10-04-2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road
after giving the relaxation in the policy
160363 11-Apr-18 Case with CM office (FTMS No. 8189)
156846 21-Dec-17 Length: 1.87km, Path: RD 0 to 840m =8 karam, RD 840 to 1865m =6
karam,No distance shortened to reach PC Garhi Birbal. NOC for const.
of heavy bridge over Dhanora escape is required from Irr. Deptt.
Haryana. Not covered in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs. 65.27 lakh)
156322 11-Dec-17 Length: 1.865km, Path: RD 0 to 840m =8 karam, RD 840 to 1865m =6
karam,No distance shortened to reach PC Garhi Birbal. Not covered in
road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs. 65.27 lakh)
156128 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20527 dated 24/9/2017

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41) H - 8877 Main Road to Chhapriyon (Indri) Indri 0.69 km. DLP Date:

165632 25-Jul-18 Tender invited for 03.07.2018

165530 25-Jul-18 Work allotted on 24.07.2018 in favour of Sh. Somvir Contractor
162096 01-Jun-18 A/A granted for Rs. 23.00 lacs on 31.05.2018
161046 03-May-18 On 10-04-2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road
after giving the relaxation in the policy
160364 11-Apr-18 Case with CM office (FTMS No. 8189)
156843 21-Dec-17 Length: 0.69km, Path: RD 0 to 690m=4 karam, distance shortened
1.223km to nearest NGM Indri for the villagers of Chhapriyan, Not
covered in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs.24.15 lakh)
156129 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20528 dated 24/9/2017

42) H - 8906 Dadupur to Hemda Assandh 1.67 km. DLP Date:

172053 24-Dec-18 Work allotted on 07.12.2018 (M/s Jasbir Singh Contractor

161908 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 56.40 lacs on 22.05.2018

160460 16-Apr-18 On 05-04-2018 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in the policy.
158925 16-Feb-18 Available land is less than 6 karam. Accordingly U.O. has been sent to
Govt. vide No.241047 dt.23.11.17 to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB. Hon'ble Cm has approved to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB vider order dated 08.12.2017.Length=1.67km, Path 5K in RD 0-
985 & 4 Karam in 985 to 1670. A distance of 2.466 km is shortened for
NGM Jundla but not covered in policy due to less path and
encroachment of houses in RD 1586 to 1670m. Consolidated case sent
to State Government for relaxation vide FTMS no. 727 on 06.02.2018.
158628 13-Feb-18 Length: 1.67km, Path; RD 0 to 985m =5 karam, RD 985 to 1670m =4
karam, 2.466km distance shortened to nearest NGM Jundla for the
villagers of Hemda and there is permanent structures encroachment of
houses in RD 1856 to 1670m. Not covered in road const. policy. (Est.
cost: Rs.56.00 lakh.)
158135 17-Jan-18 Hon'ble Cm has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vider order dated 08.12.2017.Length=1.49km, Path 6K in RD 0- 1240 &
4K in Rd 1240-1490mtr. A distance of
2.88km is shortens for NGM Jundla but not covered in policy due to less

43) H - 8908 Shekhpura Jagir to Rasulpur Kala road Gharaunda 3.69 km. DLP Date:

163973 04-Jul-18 Tender approved in favour of M/s Rakesh & Company. D/E T/S for Rs.
163589 29-Jun-18 Tender received on 22.06.2018 & under approval process
161921 22-May-18 CM Annc. Code No. 19985 dt. 13.09.2018. A/A for Rs. 128.49 lacs on
160457 16-Apr-18 On 05-04-2018 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in the policy.
158421 30-Jan-18 Length: 3.69km, Path: RD 0 to 981m= 8 karam, RD 981 to 1251m=7
karam, RD 1251 to 2306m =10 karam, RD 2306 to 3134m =7 karam, RD
3134 to 3690m =5 karam, No distance shortened to nearest NGM
Karnal, Not covered in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs.133.20 lakh)
158134 17-Jan-18 Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vide order dated
08.12.2017. Length=3.65km, Path 8K in RD 0- 981, 7K in Rd 981-1251m,
10K in RD 1251-2306m, 7K in RD 2306-3134m & 5K in RD 3134-
3651mtr. No distance shortens to nearby market yard. PR sent to Govt.

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44) H - 8918 Labkari to Umarpur road Indri 2.05 km. DLP Date:

167352 23-Aug-18 Tender approved on 21.08.2018 in favour of Sh. Jitender Kumar,

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 70,52,800/-
165627 25-Jul-18 Single bid received on 22.06.2018 in 1st instance. Tender reinvited on
161909 22-May-18 A/A for Rs. 67.91 lacs on 22.05.2018

160459 16-Apr-18 On 05-04-2018 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road
by giving relaxation in the policy.
158926 16-Feb-18 CM has approved to transfer this announcement form PWD,
Department to HSAMB on 08.12.2017. Length - 2044m, Path - 4 Karam
in entire length. Distance shorten to reach the nearest NGM Garhi
Birbal. Consolidated case sent to the State Government for relaxation
vide FTMS no. 727 on 06.02.2018.
158627 13-Feb-18 Length: 2.05km, Path: RD 0 to 975m =4 karam, RD 975 to 1015m =
Existing bridge Safe., RD 1015 to 2050m = 4 karam, 2.557km distance
shortened to nearest Purchase centre Garhi Birbal for the villagers of
Umarpur. Not covered in Road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs.72.00 lakh)
157910 10-Jan-18 CM Announcement code 20016 dated 24-09-2017

45) H - 9093 Padwala to Sambhi Nilokheri (SC) 1.88 km. DLP Date:

170253 23-Oct-18 Tender approved on 22.10.2018 in favoru of M/s Jasbir Singh,

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 66,96,800/-
167963 06-Sep-18 A/A granted for Rs. 63.47lacs on 05.09.2018.
167066 14-Aug-18 On 1.8.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road by
giving relaxation in norms.
163026 12-Jun-18 Length is 1.88km, Path: RD 0 to 815m=5k, RD 815 to 1880m=5 & 6k. No
Distance shortened to reach nearest PC Sagga. Not falls in the policy of
the Board.
162298 04-Jun-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20858 dt. 24.09.2017. Avalaible ROW is less than
33 feet. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB vide orders dated 28.5.18.

46) H - 9368 Nalikhurd to Nailpar Gharaunda 2.10 km. DLP Date:

170693 12-Nov-18 Tender approved on 12.11.2018 in favour of M/s Ravinder Singh Malik
and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 79,35,000/-
168584 14-Sep-18 A/A granted for Rs. 77.68 lacs on 14.09.2018.
167406 23-Aug-18 Cm announcement Code: 22882 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation in

47) H - 9369 Faizalipur-Kairwali road to Drain Ghat Gharaunda 0.72 km. DLP Date:

171427 30-Nov-18 Tender approved on 29.11.2015 in favour of Sh. Krishan Kumar

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 28,92,200/-
168581 14-Sep-18 AA granted for Rs. 28.59 lacs on 14.09.2018
167407 23-Aug-18 Cm announcement Code: 22883 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation in

48) H - 9370 Kalram to Arainpura Gharaunda 1.87 km. DLP Date:

170709 12-Nov-18 Tender approved on 12.11.2018 in favour of Sh. Mohit, Contractor and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 72,88,900/- on 12.11.2018.
168573 14-Sep-18 A/A granted for Rs. 67.55 lacs on 14.09.2018.
167408 23-Aug-18 Cm announcement Code: 22884 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation in

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49) H - 9371 GT road to Gharaunda-Kalram Road Gharaunda 3.55 km. DLP Date:

170711 12-Nov-18 Tender approved on 12.11.2018 in favour of Sh. Mohit, Contractor and
D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,32,06,200/-
168577 14-Sep-18 A/A granted for Rs. 125.71 lacs on 14.09.2018.
167409 23-Aug-18 Cm announcement Code: 22889 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation in

50) H - 9372 Modipur-Jammu Khala road to Gharaunda 0.75 km. DLP Date:
Mustafabad (Chhoti)

172052 24-Dec-18 Work allotted on 07.12.2018 (M/s Ravindera Singh MalikContractor.)

170690 12-Nov-18 Tender approved on 12.11.2018 in favour of M/s Ravinder Singh Malik
Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 36,83,200/-
170460 02-Nov-18 On 22.10.2018, a request for extension of road upto Yamuna Ghat
received from Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Chairman HAFED & MLA,
168585 14-Sep-18 AA granted for Rs.36.52 lacs on 14.09.2018
167410 23-Aug-18 CM announcement Code: 22893 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation
in norms..

51) H - 9373 Widening and construction of pucca Gharaunda 4.29 km. DLP Date:
road from village Mundogarhi to Garhi
Khajur via Akbarpur

171396 30-Nov-18 Tender approved in favour of Sh. Jitendra Singh Malik, Contractor. D/E
T/S for Rs. 1,64,53,000/-.
168588 14-Sep-18 AA granted for Rs. 159.43 lacs on 14.09.2018
167411 23-Aug-18 CM announcement Code: 22896 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation
in norms..

52) H - 9374 Dera Ram to Bassi Akbarpur via Gharaunda 2.82 km. DLP Date:
Phoosgadia Dera

170692 12-Nov-18 Tender approved on 12.11.2018 in favour of Sh. Jitender Singh,

Contractor and D/E Tech. Sanctioned for Rs. 1,17,17,500/-
168576 14-Sep-18 AA granted for Rs.109.66 lacs on 14.09.2018
167412 23-Aug-18 Cm announcement Code: 22897 dated 16.8.2018 by giving relaxation in

Sub Total: 127.34 km.

New Construction - Unawarded

1) H - 8565 Bir Dhandari Mor to Harijan Basti Nilokheri (SC) 0.17 km. DLP Date:

165609 25-Jul-18 Work completed on 11.04.2018 except culvert

159268 22-Feb-18 GSB is in progress
159267 22-Feb-18 Work allotted on 12.02.2018 (Sh. Yogesh Kumar Contractor)Schedule
DOC 11.04.2018
159266 22-Feb-18 Path 7 Karam. On dated 05.05.2017, Hon'ble CM has approved the
construction of theroad. A/A granted for Rs. 6.18 lacs on 20.11.2017

2) H - 8874 Janesaro to Ghisarpuri Indri 3.13 km. DLP Date:

171429 30-Nov-18

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171429 30-Nov-18 AA Granted for Rs. 116.86 lacs on 29.11.2018.
170979 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 8874, The original announcement was from Janesaro to
Johar Majra. The length of this road is 3.52Km. Proposal doesn't falls in
policy due to less or nil path in some stretch. On the demand of Hon'ble
Minister, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department the title
of announcement changed to Janesaro to Ghisapari on 17.08.2018.
Length - 3.13 Km, Path - 5, 6 & 7 Karam. Hon'ble CM has approved the
announcement by granting relaxation vide order dated 21.09.2018.
169297 01-Oct-18 On dated 21.09.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the
road by giving relaxation in the policy
167545 29-Aug-18 Case sent to PSA. FTMS no. 3784.
167510 27-Aug-18 A consolidated case sent to Govt. on 27.08.2018 for relaxation in policy
regarding less path of 4 karam and no distance shortened to reach
nearest Market Yard. FTMS No. 3784
167413 23-Aug-18 Path 5,6 and 7 Karam. No distance shortened. Relaxation required
from Govt.
167404 23-Aug-18 The announcement title changed from "Janesaro to Johar Majra" to
"Janesaro to Ghisarpuri". The road does not falls in the policy of the
Board due to no distance shortened. Relaxation required from Govt.
159439 05-Mar-18 CA ordered that the DC coordinate with the local MLA to make the final
attempt to get the adjoining road in accordance with HSAMB roads
and put up declaration as non-feasible only if this attempt fails. FTMS
No. 8203
159425 28-Feb-18 PR sent to CA/State Govt. on 28.02.2018 for declaring the
announcement as non-feasible. FTMS No. 8203
156347 13-Dec-17 DO letter written to DC Karnal to explore the possibility of getting 5
Karam land from RD 2392 to 2690m & 1 Karam additional land in RD
2690 to 3520m free of cost / on donation basis in consultation with
local MLA
156324 11-Dec-17 Length: 3.52km, Path: RD 0 to 2009m =7 karam, RD 2009 to 2126m
=117 mtr. bridge required approx. cost 4.50 crore, RD 2126 to 2392m
=6 karam, RD 2392 to 2690m =Nil Path, RD 2690 to 3520m =4 karam,
Safe exist bridge at RD 728m, No distance shortened to nearest NGM
Indri. Not covered in road const. policy (Est. cost: Rs.5.76 crore)
156126 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20525 dated 43002

3) H - 8977 Gullarpur to Alipur Nilokheri (SC) 2.09 km. DLP Date:

169126 27-Sep-18 Length 2.10km, path 7 karam. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by

giving relaxation in Policy. The work has already been announced
under announcement code no. 20771. The AA accorded for
Rs.162.60Lakh and tender invited for 04.10.2018. Case to be taken up
for deleting the announcement being duplicate.
167972 06-Sep-18 A/A granted for Rs. 162.60lacs on 05.09.2018.
163339 21-Jun-18 On 17.06.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the road.
161075 07-May-18 Length is 2.09km, Path: RD 0 to 1270m=7k, RD 1270 to 1300m=30m
long VR bridge required on Seori Minor, RD 1300 to 2090m=7k. No
distance shortened to reach NGM Nissing.
160013 06-Apr-18 CM Announcement Code No. 20771 dt. 26.02.2018

4) H - 9418 Bibipur Brahman to Randoli by giving Assandh 1.82 km. DLP Date:
relaxation in norms.

171821 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 62.80 lacs on 18.12.2018

171074 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9418 Length 1.83km, Path 4, 5 & 6 karam. 1.92km distance
shortened to Sub Yard, Biana. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by
giving relaxation in norms. (Feasible)

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169117 27-Sep-18 Length 1.83km, Path 4, 5 & 6 karam. 1.92km distance shortened to Sub
Yard, Biana. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation
in norms. (Feasible)
168889 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

5) H - 9425 Narukheri to Chidao Assandh 1.92 km. DLP Date:

171817 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 75.40lacs on 18.12.2018

169129 27-Sep-18 Length 1.92km, path 4 & 5 karam. No distance shortened.
Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms.
168896 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

6) H - 9427 Assandh to Jabala Assandh 1.41 km. DLP Date:

171810 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 51.92lacs on 18.12.2018

171087 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9427 Length 1.41km, Path 4 karam. 1.28km distance
shortened to NGM Assandh. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by
giving relaxation in norms. Feasible
169131 27-Sep-18 Length 1.41km, Path 4 karam. 1.28km distance shortened to NGM
Assandh. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in
norms. Feasible
168898 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

7) H - 9429 Tharwa Majra to Faujpur Khera Assandh 3.52 km. DLP Date:

171822 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 136.03lacs on 18.12.2018

171089 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9429 Length 3.53km, path 4, 5 & 6 karam. no distance
shortened. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in
norms. Feasible
169133 27-Sep-18 Length 3.53km, path 4, 5 & 6 karam. no distance shortened.
Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms.
168900 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

8) H - 9430 Baba Lakhi Mandir to Gaushala Road Assandh 0.98 km. DLP Date:

171805 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 32.94lacs on 18.12.2018

171090 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9430 Length 0.96km, path 4 karam. Proposed road leads to
Tample or spritual place. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by
giving relaxation in norms. Feasible.
169134 27-Sep-18 Length 0.96km, path 4 karam. Proposed road leads to Tample or
spritual place. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving
relaxation in norms. Feasible.
168901 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

9) H - 9433 Barthal to Aablee Jagir Nilokheri (SC) 1.58 km. DLP Date:

171811 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 49.14lacs on 18.12.2018

171095 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9433 Length 1.58km, path 4 & 5 karam. 1.73km distance
shortened to NGM Nilokheri. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by
giving relaxation in Policy. (Feasible)
169140 27-Sep-18 Length 1.58km, path 4 & 5 karam. 1.73km distance shortened to NGM
Nilokheri. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in
Policy. (Feasible)
168903 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

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10) H - 9434 Barthal to Kamalpur Nilokheri (SC) 1.90 km. DLP Date:

171806 18-Dec-18 AA Granted for Rs. 65.23lacs on 18.12.2018

171096 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9434 Length 0.91km, path 4 karam. No distance shortened to
nearest Mandi. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving
relaxation in policy. (Feasible)
169141 27-Sep-18 Length 0.91km, path 4 karam. No distance shortened to nearest
Mandi. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in
policy. (Feasible)
168904 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

11) H - 9603 Karnal-Kaithal road to NGM, Nissing Nilokheri (SC) 1.04 km. DLP Date:

171237 26-Nov-18 AA for Rs. 121.93 lacs on 22.11.2018.

171238 25-Nov-18 Path RD 0 to 423m=3k, 423 to 1040=No path available. Got. Has
approved to purchase 15 kanal 17 marla land on collector rate to
increase path width 6 karam from RD 0 to 423m and new path in 6
karam width from RD 423 to 1040m.

Sub Total: 19.56 km.

New Construction of partially constructed roads

1) H - 7018 Bibipur Jattan to Johar Majra Indri 2.75 km. DLP Date:

130817 19-Sep-16 Path: Path: RD 0 to 920m=23', 920 to 1004m=22', 1004 to 2140m=23'

,2140 to 2750m 22' wide st. Non-Feasible as per Government Orders
i.e. path less than 5k. Required PR not received from Karnal.Estimated
cost Rs. 62lacs.
114536 31-Dec-15 Road transferred from Panchayati Raj Department to HSAMB.
Relaxation is required from the Government.
109596 15-Sep-15 Width 3.66 m physical thickness of stone metal 0 - 1090 & 1630 to
2750m =2210 m Brick pavement only, 1090-1630 m= 540 m in which
61 m katcha portion exist at site and in 479 m 3" Av. Thick stone metal
in scattered position laid , Required : 2 layer WBM + PC in whole
length. Est. cost Rs. 62.37 lacs. Does not fall in the policy of the board
due to less consolidation path.

Sub Total: 2.75 km.

3. Under Planning


1) H - 5040 Sirsi To Jundla Assandh 3.82 km. DLP Date:

171083 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 5040 Length 3.82km, path - RD 0 to 400m is Nil, RD 400 to
3820m is 5k. 1.62km distance shortened to reach NGM Jundla.
Announcement mage by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms.
Matter to be taken up with DC, Karnal for arranging path in 400m
169127 27-Sep-18 Length 3.82km, path - RD 0 to 400m is Nil, RD 400 to 3820m is 5k.
1.62km distance shortened to reach NGM Jundla. Announcement mage
by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in norms. Matter to be taken up
with DC, Karnal for arranging path in 400m length.
168894 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.
133877 06-Dec-16 On dated 25.11.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved to reject the road due
to no path is available in RD 0 to 400m.

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128011 28-Jul-16 The proposed road is not covered in the Road Policy of the Board due
to no consolidation path is available in RD 0 to 400m. Case sent to
Govt. for appropriate decision.
127943 27-Jul-16 length-3.82km, path RD 0 to 400m- No path, RD 400 to 3815m=5 to 8k,
Distance shorten to 1.62km, Not covered in the road policy, (Est. cost
of Rs. 126 lakh).
127856 21-Jul-16 Demanded by Sh. Bakhshish Singh, CPS, D&P, Haryana.

2) H - 6323 Gagseena-Kapron road to village Gharaunda 2.75 km. DLP Date:


159426 28-Feb-18 Representation for construction of road was made by Sh. Jagbir
Sandhu on 22-02-2018. Smt. Krishna Gahlawat, Hon'ble Chairperson,
HSAMB, strongly recommended for the same.
103651 15-Jun-15 Worthy CA board has de-sanctioned the A/A on 11/6/2015.
88577 12-Nov-14 Worthy CA board ordered that recall the tender on 11.11.14.
83850 29-Aug-14 A/A accorded for Rs. 88.00 lac on 29.08.2014 subject to the condition
that Panchayat Land in RD 1320 to 1635 will be transferred before

3) H - 6395 Chochra-uplana road to Chochra-Choz Assandh 2.23 km. DLP Date:

Karsa road

131747 25-Sep-17 Path: RD 0 to 840m=6k, RD 840 to 2230m=7k, 0.634km distance will be

shorten to reach PC Rahra (Est. cost 76 lakh) covered in road policy.
134626 23-Dec-16 On 27.10.2016, CA ordered to file the case.
131748 25-Oct-16 On 30.09.2016 PR received back from Hon'ble CM has desired that the
case may be re-submitted since new financial year has begun in the
mean while.
131487 14-Oct-16 On 30.9.2016, Hon'ble CM has desired that the case may be
resubmitted since new financial year has begun in the meanwhile.
115521 19-Jan-16 PR pending in CM office vide SPS CM No. 40502 dated 20.10.2015.
85645 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.
Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.

4) H - 7033 Pangala to Lalian Assandh 2.47 km. DLP Date:

85640 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
72952 22-May-14 PR sent to CA on 22.05.2014.

49335 14-Jun-13 Recommended by MLA, Assandh. Case sent to AD Branch vide CA

memo no. 457 dated 29.07.2013. On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM asked to
put up after the Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct is over.

5) H - 7164 Pathera to Jainpur Indri 2.56 km. DLP Date:

157855 08-Jan-18 on 22-12-2017, request for construction of road received from

Sarpanch Gram Panchayat Jainpur Sadhan.
85693 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.
Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66621 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 2575 on 11.10.13.

55953 03-Oct-13 PR sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 560 on dated 03.10.2013.

6) H - 7365 Indri

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6) H - 7365 Gorgarh to Sikri Indri 1.93 km. DLP Date:

139111 01-Mar-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karandev Kamboj, Minister
of State, Haryana. Demand received through O/o MFS Dairy No. 573-M
dt. 23.02.2017.
133947 08-Dec-16 Construction of the road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, Minister
of State, Haryana vide his office Dairy No. 461-M dated 05.12.2016.
85733 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.
Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66696 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 3943 dated 23.12.13.

59995 13-Dec-13 Path: RD 0 to 1925m= 36'8" wide st, distance shortened 654m.

7) H - 7515 Jani road to Nirmal Kutia Assandh 1.36 km. DLP Date:

171086 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 7515 Length 1.36km, path 4 karam. The proposed road leads
to Dera - Dhani. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving
relaxation in norms. Feasible
169130 27-Sep-18 Length 1.36km, path 4 karam. The proposed road leads to Dera -
Dhani. Announcement made by Hon'ble CM by giving relaxation in
norms. Feasible
168897 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.
114634 05-Jan-16 Construction of this road requested by Sh. Ghanshyam Sarfra, Rajya
103669 15-Jun-15 Worthy CA board has ordered on 11.06.2015 to drop the proposal.
75407 15-Jul-14 R/C/E sent to MD HRDF for A/A amounting to Rs. 50.19 lac vide memo
no. 07422 dt. 23.06.2014.

8) H - 8041 Village Ghumsi Main Road to Khanpur Indri 1.50 km. DLP Date:

115066 12-Jan-16 Construction of this road requested the villager of Ghumsi. Request
received to this office by Sh. Karndev Kambij, Rajya Mantri, Minister
Food & Supplies, Haryana.

9) H - 8181 Popran to Penga via Alewa Assandh 8.00 km. DLP Date:

155865 22-Nov-17 Construction of this road requested by Sarpanch, Gram Vikas Parishad
of Village Popran and Gram Panchayat Alewa. Demand received
through O/o AM Diary No. 19959 dt. 14.11.2017
149981 03-Aug-17 Construction of this road requested by Sarpanch, Gram Vikas Parishad
of Village Popran and Gram Panchayat Alewa. Demand received
through O/o CM's Sectt. Diary No. 34335 dated 31.07.2017 and O/O
AM, Haryana Chandigarh Dairy No. 14212 dt. 02.08.2017.
149530 03-Aug-17 Construction of this road demanded by Gram Vikas Parishad of Village
Popran and Gram Panchayat and Sarpanch, village Alewa. Demand
received through O/o Agriculture Minister, Haryana Chandigarh Dairy
No. 1455 dt. 27.04.2017.
141268 11-Apr-17 Construction of this road demanded by villagers and Sarpanch of
village Alewa, Jind. Request received through O/o AM, Haryana Diary
No. 6573 dt. 03.04.2017.
125964 22-Jun-16 Construction of this road demanded by villagers and Sarpanch of
village Alewa, Jind received through O/o AM, Haryana, Chandigarh
Diary No. 2001 dt. 13.06.2016.
121833 02-Jun-16 Path is 8Karam. Construction of this road requested by Sarpanch,
Gram Vikas Parishad of Village Popran and Gram Panchayat Alewa,
request received through CM's Sectt., Haryana Dairy No. 20032 dt.
24.05.2016 & O/o Agriculture Minister, Haryana Chandigarh Dairy No.

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1690 dt. 27.05.2016.

10) H - 8233 Chora Khalsa to Dabkoli Khurd Indri km. DLP Date:

126759 29-Jun-16 Construction of this road demande by Minister Food & Supplies, MoS,
Forest Haryana vide its Dairy No. 748-A dt. 23.06.2016 and Sarpanch
Gram Panchayat, Dabkoli Khurd, Karnal

11) H - 8509 Mundi Garhi to Barsat via Behlolpur Gharaunda km. DLP Date:

146383 28-Jun-17 PR under Preparation with EE Karnal

141267 11-Apr-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA
Gharaunda & Chairman, HAFED. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 711-12 dt. 31.03.2017, O/o AM, Haryana Dairy
No. 565 dt. 03.04.2017.
140630 07-Apr-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA
Gharaunda & Chairman, HAFED. Demand received through O/o
Hafed/Chairman No. 711-12 dt. 31.03.2017

12) H - 8538 Dera Gama to Khanda Kheri Karnal 2.00 km. DLP Date:

142492 02-May-17 Construction of this road recommended by Smt. Krishna Gahlawat,

Chairperson, HSAMB.

13) H - 8584 Salarpur to Landoura Karnal 0.31 km. DLP Date:

147058 06-Jul-17 Path 4 Karam. No distance shortened to reach NGM

144699 19-May-17 Construction of the road demanded by Demand received through O/o
Minister Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Afairs, Haryana Dairy No. 673-
M dt. 09.05.2017.

14) H - 8643 Garhi Sadhan to Ladwa Road Karnal km. DLP Date:

146082 16-Jun-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, M.FCS &
CA, Haryana. Demand received through O/O AM, Haryana No. 10521
dt. 05.06.2017.

15) H - 8644 Garhi Sadhan to Ramgarh Karnal km. DLP Date:

146083 16-Jun-17 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, M.FCS &
CA, Haryana. Demand received through O/O AM, Haryana No. 10521
dt. 05.06.2017.

16) H - 8832 Sohlun to Dera Angrej Singh Nilokheri (SC) 0.97 km. DLP Date:

167641 31-Aug-18 Construction of road demanded by Bhartiya Kisan Sangh. Forwarded

through Hon'ble Agriculture Minister, Haryana.
155400 06-Nov-17 Length: 0.97km, Path: RD 0 to 830 = No path available , 830 to 970m=
No path available , No distance will be shortened with the const. of
proposed road to nearest NGM Tarori., Not covered in road const.
policy and further NOC for const. of proposed road over the bank of
Nissing Drain from RD 0 to 830m is also required. (Est. cost: Rs. 35.00
155290 02-Nov-17 Length is 0.970km, No consolidation path is availabale. 0.970m
distance shortened to reach nearest NGM Taroari. Construction of this
road demanded by Sh. Bhagwan Dass Kabirpanthi, MLA, Nillokheri.

17) H - 8916 Path adjoining to SYL Canal at Village Nilokheri (SC) 0.50 km. DLP Date:

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157856 08-Jan-18 on 09-12-2017, Request of Construction of road received from Sh.
Ashwani Kumar, MP, Lok Sabha.

18) H - 8924 Garhi Gujran main road to Bibipur Indri km. DLP Date:

158157 18-Jan-18 Note of Sh. Karna Dev Kamboj, MOS, Food & Supply for Widening &
repair of road.

19) H - 8925 Uchana to Rukhanpur road Indri 3.03 km. DLP Date:

158158 18-Jan-18 Note of Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj MOS, Food & Supply for S/R of road and
widening from 12 feet to 18 feet.

20) H - 8926 Bibipur Jattan to Janesaro Indri km. DLP Date:

158159 18-Jan-18 Note of Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj MOS, Food & Supply, for const. of road.

21) H - 8945 Kaul Khera to Jhimri Khera Assandh 3.04 km. DLP Date:

159444 06-Mar-18 Length: 3.040klm, Path: RD 0 to 2550m =7 karam, RD 2550 to 3040m

=6karam, No distanceshortened to reach Purchase centre Popra., Not
covered in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs. 120.00 lakh)
159360 26-Feb-18 Length is 3.042km, Path: RD 0 to 2550m=7k, RD 2550 to 3040m=6k. No
distance shortened to reach PC Popra. Construction of this road
demanded by Gram Panchayat, Kaul Khera through CM Window.

22) H - 8959 G.T. Road to Dadupur Khurd Nilokheri (SC) 0.57 km. DLP Date:

159757 19-Mar-18 Construction of road demanded by Gram Panchayat Dadupur Khurd.

RD 0 to 570 m = 6 Karam. Distance of 1.143km will be shorten with the
construction of this road to nearest NGM, Taraori for the villagers of

23) H - 8966 Sheikhupura to Rasulpur Suhana road Gharaunda km. DLP Date:

159769 20-Mar-18 Construction of road demanded by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA


24) H - 8975 Khukhni tapar to Thaske via Kandrauli Indri 1.50 km. DLP Date:

160008 06-Apr-18 Repair of this road demanded by the Villagers of village Khukhni and
Sarpanch, Gram Panahcyat, Khukhni, Dist. Karnal. Demand received
through O/o Minister Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affair, haryana
Diary No. 177-A dt. 27.03.2018.

25) H - 9042 Nathodi to Dhano Kheri road Indri km. DLP Date:

161634 15-May-18 Repair of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, Minister of Food
Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana vide dairy no. 173-M dated

26) H - 9060 Kali Mata Mandir GT Road to Railway Nilokheri (SC) km. DLP Date:
Crossing Bridge via GT Road

161839 18-May-18 Construction of this road demanded by the villagers of village

Nilokheri. Demand received through O/o PSCM Dairy No. 22816 dt.

27) H - 9101 Main Road to Panchayati Bhoomi Road Karnal km. DLP Date:

162315 05-Jun-18 Construction of this road demanded by Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat,

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Gheed, Distt. Karnal. Demand received through O/o Minister of Food
Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana. Dairy No. 298-A dt.

28) H - 9267 Chhapar to Dhumsi Indri 1.78 km. DLP Date:

172051 24-Dec-18 Path: RD 0 to 1470m= No revenue path but Proposed alignment falls
on service path of RHS bank of drain/Nallah, RD 1470 to 1780m= 4
karam, No distance shortened to reach NGM Ladwa. X-section for
available path on the bank of drain & NOC required from Irrigation
172005 21-Dec-18 Construction of road demanded by Smt. Krishna Gahlawat,
Chairperson, HSAMB, Panchkula. On 20.12.2018, Hon'ble CM has
approved the estimate prepartion on note.
166870 13-Aug-18 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj,
MFCS&CA. Demand received through O/o MFCS&CA, Haryana dt.
165173 18-Jul-18 Path 4 karam, Construction of this road demanded by Gram Panchayat
Chhapar and Dhumsi. No distance shortened to reach NGM Ladwa.
NOC required from Irrigation department.

29) H - 9336 Jainpur to Sekhpura Indri km. DLP Date:

167143 16-Aug-18 On 9.7.2018, construction of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj,
Hon'ble MFS, Haryana.

30) H - 9397 Indri rest house to Gumto Indri km. DLP Date:

167560 29-Aug-18 On 7.8.2018, construction of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj,

31) H - 9417 Barodi to Khairkheri Assandh 3.38 km. DLP Date:

171072 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9417 Length 4.71km, path 5, 8 & 10 karam. 2.91km distance
shortened to NGM Jundla. 76m long bridge is required on Indri Drain
and NOC is required from Irrigation Department.
169115 27-Sep-18 Length 4.71km, path 5, 8 & 10 karam. 2.91km distance shortened to
NGM Jundla. 76m long bridge is required on Indri Drain and NOC is
required from Irrigation Department.
168887 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23233 dt. 24.09.2018.

32) H - 9432 Gullarpur to Peont. Nilokheri (SC) 1.81 km. DLP Date:

171094 22-Nov-18 Road ID - 9432 Length 1.81km, path 6 karam. 3.77km distance
shortened to NGM Nissing. (Feasible)
169139 27-Sep-18 Length 1.81km, path 6 karam. 3.77km distance shortened to NGM
Nissing. (Feasible)
168902 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23302 dt. 24.09.2018.

33) H - 9605 Jainpur to Indri Indri 4.99 km. DLP Date:

171792 17-Dec-18 Length - 4.99km, Path - RD 0 to 270m is 4k, RD 270 to 568m is 5 k, RD

568 to 1260m is 8k, RD 1260 to 2145m is 7k, RD 2145 to 2993m is 11k,
RD 2993 to 4400m is 10k and alignment from RD 4400 to 4985m exist
on Yamuna Canal land for which NOC required from Irrigation
Department. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement
to HSAMB vide orders dated 10.09.2018. 800m Distance shortened to
reach NGM Indri. Relaxation from Govt. regarding less path and NOC
from Irrigation Department is required.
171241 26-Nov-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20514 dt. 24.09.2017. R C E sent to Govt. vide

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U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval. A A received vide No.9-42-2018-
3B&R(W) dated 28.2.18 for Rs.401.97 lakh. ROW less than 33 feet. U.O.
has been sent to Govt. vide U.O.No.164627 dt.30.8.18 for transferring
this announcement to HSAMB. Hoble CM has approved to transfer this
announcement to HSAMB vide orders dt.10.9.18

34) H - 9619 Barani Khalsa to Barthal. Nilokheri (SC) km. DLP Date:

171825 19-Dec-18 CM Announcement Code No. 23300 dt. 17.09.2018. Hon'ble C.M. has
approved on 05.12.2018 to transfer this announcement from

Sub Total: 50.50 km.

PR in Head Office

1) H - 7199 Gagseena-Anchla road to Picholia Gharaunda 2.94 km. DLP Date:

(Upto Anchla picholia Road)

153062 18-Sep-17 On dated 05.09.2017, Hon'ble CM would like an updated proposal.

148059 17-Jul-17 Case still pending with AD Branch as on 18.07.2017.
139572 09-Mar-17 Length: 2.94km, Path: 5 karam,only 896m distance shortened to NGM
Jundla , Covered in road const. policy of HSAMB. (Est.cost: Rs. 103 lakh)

2) H - 8666 Firojpur to Malikpur- Khurana road on Gulha (SC) 1.24 km. DLP Date:
Nahri Patri.

153115 19-Sep-17 HSAMB has sent the case for declaring non-feasible. On 5.9.2017,
Hon'ble CM has seen.
146472 03-Jul-17 Length is 1.24km. Path: RD 0 to 870m= No consolidation path
available. Irrigation land of 24ft exists out of which eucalyptus trees
exist in 12ft width and clear path of 12ft is available. RD 870 to
895m=No path available, RD 895 to 1242m=3k. No distance shortened
to reach nearest NGM Siwan. Road is not covered in the road policy of
the Board due to less consolidation path/no path available against the
required path of 5k and no distance shortened to reach nearest Market
Yard. The road alignment is along minor where NOC from Irrigation
Deptt. Is required. Case sent to CA sent to CA/Govt. for declaring the
proposal as non-feasible. FTMS No. 5014

Sub Total: 4.18 km.

PR Upward of Engineer-In-Chief

1) H - 9151 Udana to Kheri Jattan Indri 1.53 km. DLP Date:

171646 07-Dec-18 Length is 1.53km, Path from RD 0 to 1045m iis 6k, RD 1045 to 1525m is
5k. 224m distance shorneted to reach nearest NGM Indri. PR sent to
State Govt. on 06.12.2018 for appropriate action. FTMS No. 5002
163223 19-Jun-18 Construction of this road demanded by Sh.Balwinder Singh, Village
Udhana, Vidhan Sabha, Indri, BLA-2. Recommended by Sh. Karan Dev
Kamboj, Minister, FCSCA. Demand received through O/o Minister of
FCSCA dairy No. 323-A dated 05.06.2018.

Sub Total: 1.53 km.

PR with AM Office

1) H - 8656 Bhaini Khurd to Rukanpur Nilokheri (SC) 4.01 km. DLP Date:

165812 30-Jul-18 Case Pending with AM office

153344 25-Sep-17 Case returned back from CM office to AM on 22.09.2017.FTMS No.

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146755 04-Jul-17 Case sent to CA/Govt. on 04.07.2017 for appropriate orders as such the
proposal covered in the road policy of HSAMB in NOC for construction
of road on service road on bank of Nardak canal & Jundla minor be
granted by Irr. Deptt., Haryana. FTMS No. 4943
146641 03-Jul-17 Length: 3.21km,Path:RD 0 to 679m =5karam,RD 679 to 689m =Bridge
exist on old Nardak canal,RD 689 to 705m =Path exist on service road
on bank of old Nardak Canal, RD 705 to 711m =Bridge exist on Jundla
Minor, RD 711 to 4007m =Path exist on Service road of bank Jundla
minor, 462m distance shortened to nearest NGM Karnal for the
villagers of Bhaini Khurd, Covered in the Road const. policy. (Est. cost:
Rs. 140 lakh )
146291 27-Jun-17 Recommended by Sh. Bhagwan Dass Kabirpanthi, MLA, Nilokheri

Sub Total: 4.01 km.

5. Transferred
Transferred to MC

1) H - 3968 G.T. Road To Baldi Via School Indri 0.83 km. DLP Date:

8572 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1998. Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm. SR 31.12.09.

2) H - 3969 G.T. Road To Village Jhanjhari Karnal 0.32 km. DLP Date:

8573 07-Oct-11 Completion-12 June-1995, Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm

2308 22-Aug-11 SR completed on 20.10.2009 with an exp. of Rs. 2.96 lacs

3) H - 3984 Jarifafarm To Uchana Karnal 2.36 km. DLP Date:

8574 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1994. Path-5karam, Crust-225 mm. Patches + PC done

in 2002. PC in 1/2010 (Expenditure 10.95 lacs).

4) H - 3985 Phoosgarh To Sec-7 Karnal 1.48 km. DLP Date:

8575 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/1993. Path-4karam, Crust-150 mm

2307 22-Aug-11 SR completed on 20.12.2006 with an exp. of Rs. 6.90 lacs

5) H - 3989 Periphery Road To Village Baldi Karnal 0.64 km. DLP Date:

8576 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1999. Path-3karam, Crust-150 mm.

2309 22-Aug-11 SR completed on 29.01.2010 with an exp. of Rs. 6.53

6) H - 3992 Sec-6 To Dera Prem Singh Karnal 0.64 km. DLP Date:

8577 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/2001. Path-4karam, Crust-225 mm

2310 22-Aug-11 SR completed on 29.01.2010 with an exp. of Rs. 2.97 lacs

7) H - 4004 Nissing G.M. To Nissing- Gonder Road Nilokheri (SC) 1.10 km. DLP Date:

14463 15-Nov-11 Constructed 1982. Path 6 Karam. Crust 150mm. 75mm WBM + PC done

8) H - 4263 Phoosgarh To Shekhpura Sohana Road Gharaunda 1.35 km. DLP Date:

24439 01-Jun-12 Transferred to MC on 1.6.2012.

9268 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2001. Crust 150mm . Path 5 Karam.

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9) H - 4270 Daha To Madanpur Gharaunda 2.18 km. DLP Date:

8578 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/1995. Path-4karam, Crust-150 mm. PC done in 5/2006.

10) H - 4271 Madanpur To Bajida Jattan Gharaunda 0.40 km. DLP Date:

8579 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/1997. Path-4karam, Crust-150 mm. SR Nil. Transferred

to MC

11) H - 4272 Madanpur School To Bajida Jattan Gharaunda 0.50 km. DLP Date:

8580 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/1997. Path-4karam, Crust-225 mm. Transferred to MC

12) H - 4273 Budha Khera To Phoosgarh Gharaunda 3.33 km. DLP Date:

8581 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2/2002. Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm. No SR done.

13) H - 5208 Widening Of Road Phirni Phoosgarh Karnal 1.20 km. DLP Date:

24440 01-Jun-12 Transferred to MC on 1.6.2012

9341 07-Oct-11 Work Plan:75mm WBM+PC in 500m length; in rest patches (EC 10 lacs)
9340 07-Oct-11 Constructed 1981 (by Market Committee). Crust 150mm. Path 4 karam.
PC done in 1996.Built up area in 500m.

14) H - 6518 Sector 6 To Sohana Gharaunda 2.50 km. DLP Date:

25855 22-Jun-12 2.5km length transfer to MC on _________.

25853 16-Nov-11 75 mm WBM + PC (Rs. 35.43 lacs) sanctioned on 15/10/2010. Allotted
on 9/8/2011 (Harjit).
25852 15-Nov-11 Constructed 1/1995. Crust 150mm. Path 5 Karam. CC (in Phirni) &
Patch + PC in 8/2007.

Sub Total: 18.83 km.

Transferred to PWD (938 roads)

1) H - 3902 Taprian To Chaprian Indri 1.80 km. DLP Date:

43578 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 30.6 lacs.

14440 15-Nov-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8844

8582 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/1990. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

2) H - 3903 Bibi Pur Jattan To Kamal Pur Roran Indri 3.09 km. DLP Date:

43591 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 52.53 lacs.

14439 15-Nov-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8845

8583 07-Oct-11 Constructed 5/1991. SR 15.04.07 with PC, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

3) H - 3905 Bibipur Jattan To Nagla Roran Indri 3.80 km. DLP Date:

43605 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 79.9 lacs.

8584 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2/1994. SR 29.01.10, Path-8karam, Crust-225 mm.

7698 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8846

4) H - 3906 Garhi Birbal To Shergarh Indri 3.10 km. DLP Date:

43560 20-Mar-13

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43560 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 57.8 lacs.

8585 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/1994. SR 10.12.07, Path-12karam, Crust-150 mm

7701 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8847

5) H - 3909 Hanori To Bhoji Indri 3.88 km. DLP Date:

43590 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 71.4 lacs.

8586 07-Oct-11 Constructed 4/1994. SR 20.03.04, Path-6,8 & 10karam, Crust-150 mm

7706 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8848

6) H - 3910 Chourni To Samora Indri 2.73 km. DLP Date:

43584 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 46.41 lacs.

8587 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/1995. SR 29.01.10, Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm

7697 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8849

7) H - 3913 Chand Samand To Bir Majri Indri 1.44 km. DLP Date:

43589 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 25.5 lacs.

8588 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/1997. SR 30.09.06, Path-6 & 8karam, Crust-150 mm

7699 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8850

8) H - 3915 Garhi Sadhan To Panjokhera Indri 2.08 km. DLP Date:

43582 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 35.7 lacs.

8589 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/1998. SR 30.09.06, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7702 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8851

9) H - 3932 Biana To Shahpur Indri 2.33 km. DLP Date:

43588 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 42.5 lacs.

8590 07-Oct-11 Constructed 8/2001. SR 29.09.10, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7696 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8852

10) H - 3947 Pathera To Rajepur Indri 0.75 km. DLP Date:

43593 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 12.75 lacs.

8591 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/2008. No SR done, Path-6 & 8karam, Crust-225 mm

7704 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8853

11) H - 3950 Ganger To G.T. Road Indri 1.30 km. DLP Date:

43583 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 22.1 lacs.

8592 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2001.SR 29.01.10, Path-6, Crust-225 mm

8243 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8854
7109 30-Sep-11 Transferred to PWD (B&R) on 16/3/2010.

12) H - 3952 Shergarh Tapu To Yamuna Bandh. Indri 0.66 km. DLP Date:

47958 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

46489 01-May-13 Under progress in PWD.

45495 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)

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43202 19-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 10.2 lacs.

8593 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/1997. SR 10.12.07, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7700 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8855

13) H - 3959 Salaru To Taprana Indri 2.48 km. DLP Date:

43566 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 42.16 lacs.

8594 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/2005. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7695 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8857

14) H - 3963 Nagla Roran To Gheer Indri 2.56 km. DLP Date:

43592 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 81.6 lacs.

8595 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2009. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm. CC in

phirni of village Gheer.
8248 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8858

15) H - 3974 Kachwa To Behlolpur Karnal 4.04 km. DLP Date:

43600 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 69.7 lacs.

8596 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1993. Path-9karam, Crust-150 mm

8242 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD on 17/4/2010. PWD RoadID : 8842
2303 22-Aug-11 SR completed on 31.03.2008 with an exp. of Rs. 16.16 lacs

16) H - 3994 Guniana To Nissing Nilokheri (SC) 3.53 km. DLP Date:

43602 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 60.01 lacs.

8598 07-Oct-11 Constructed 5/1991. Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm

7859 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8875

17) H - 4002 Gonder To Guniana Road Nilokheri (SC) 5.04 km. DLP Date:

43579 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 85.68 lacs.

8600 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2002. Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm

18) H - 4009 Brass To Sambhli Nilokheri (SC) 4.68 km. DLP Date:

47959 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45496 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
43206 19-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 79.56 lacs.

8601 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/2008. Path-6, 7 & 8karam, Crust-225 mm. No SR done.
7857 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8878

19) H - 4015 Takhana To Taraori Nilokheri (SC) 0.87 km. DLP Date:

43577 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 14.79 lacs.

8602 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/1990. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7852 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8879

20) H - 4017 Nidana To Pakhana Nilokheri (SC) 2.47 km. DLP Date:

43565 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 41.99 lacs.

8603 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/1993. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR 10.09.05.

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7853 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8880

21) H - 4019 Sohlan To Sonkra Nilokheri (SC) 4.10 km. DLP Date:

65215 18-Feb-14 100 mtr PC damaged

43597 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 69.7 lacs.

8604 07-Oct-11 Constructed 1/1994. Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm

7861 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8881

22) H - 4029 Amupur To Sitamai Nilokheri (SC) 3.90 km. DLP Date:

43580 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 66.3 lacs.

8605 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1995. Path-13karam, Crust-150 mm

7856 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8882

23) H - 4030 Ramana To Bhola Khalsa Nilokheri (SC) 3.77 km. DLP Date:

43598 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 68 lacs.

8606 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/1996. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR 08.07.07.

7855 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8883

24) H - 4032 Pakhana To Chandan Khera Nilokheri (SC) 0.86 km. DLP Date:

43574 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 14.62 lacs.

8607 07-Oct-11 Constructed 5/1998. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR done in 3/2008

(Expenditure 4.40 lacs).
7854 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8885

25) H - 4038 Sonkra To Sandhu Farm Nilokheri (SC) 1.78 km. DLP Date:

43581 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 30.26 lacs.

8608 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/2003. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR Nil.

7845 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8884

26) H - 4039 Rambha To Sham Garh Nilokheri (SC) 3.18 km. DLP Date:

43561 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 56.95 lacs.

8609 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2003. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR Nil.

7848 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8886

27) H - 4046 Barsalu To Bairsal Nilokheri (SC) 3.48 km. DLP Date:

43585 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 61.2 lacs.

8610 07-Oct-11 Constructed 1/1994. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR done in 12/2007

(Expenditure 13.62 lacs).
7847 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8887

28) H - 4050 Amargarh To Sikri Nilokheri (SC) 1.00 km. DLP Date:

43587 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 17 lacs.

8611 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2/1998. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. PC done in 11/2006.

7846 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8888

29) H - 4051 Nilokheri To Badshahi Pul Nilokheri (SC) 2.02 km. DLP Date:

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43347 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD
45497 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
44065 03-Apr-13 PWD has repaired the road, now in good condition.
8612 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/1998. Path-12karam, Crust-150 mm. PC done in 11/2005.
7860 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8889

30) H - 4055 Sheedpur To Taraori Road Nilokheri (SC) 1.51 km. DLP Date:

43569 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 25.67 lacs.

8613 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/2000. Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm. SR in 10/2009

(Expenditure 7.51 lacs).
7851 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8890

31) H - 4065 Gorgarh To Gumto Nilokheri (SC) 2.60 km. DLP Date:

161636 15-May-18 Repair of road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, Minister of Food
Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana vide dairy no. 173-M dated
43567 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 44.2 lacs.

8250 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8891

32) H - 4072 Hathira To Pastana.-I Nilokheri (SC) 1.71 km. DLP Date:

43599 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 32.64 lacs.

8615 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/1997. SR-2008, Path-7karam, Crust-150 mm

7850 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8892

33) H - 4080 Karsa To Pastana Nilokheri (SC) 1.92 km. DLP Date:

43596 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 32.64 lacs.

8616 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/2003. SR-2008, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7849 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD on 17/4/2010. PWD RoadID : 8893

34) H - 4087 Shapur To Kalampur Nilokheri (SC) 1.95 km. DLP Date:

43573 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 33.15 lacs.

8617 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/1997. SR 09.2004, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

8239 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8894

35) H - 4097 Jai Singh Pura To Khanda Kheri Assandh 1.76 km. DLP Date:

47960 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45500 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8618 07-Oct-11 Completion- 14 june-1995, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. SR done in
3/2008 (Expenditure 14.49 lacs).
7429 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8903

36) H - 4114 Kurlan To Bal Pabana Assandh 6.62 km. DLP Date:

47961 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45501 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)

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8620 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
7431 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8905

37) H - 4117 Alawla To Tharwa Majra Assandh 0.90 km. DLP Date:

47962 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45502 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8621 07-Oct-11 Constructed 8/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
7434 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8906

38) H - 4120 Ardana To Muwana Assandh 4.61 km. DLP Date:

113739 15-Dec-15 Road has been taken up in A/M 2015-16 and A/M work allotted on
06.07.15 to Sh. Sher Singh, Contractor
47963 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD
45503 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8622 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2002. Path-6 & 7karam, Crust-150 mm
7427 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8914

39) H - 4126 Padhana To Jabala Assandh 5.92 km. DLP Date:

68908 17-Apr-14 Transferred to PWD (B&R) & handed over.

66527 14-Mar-14 EE PWD( B& R) Karnal intimated vide memo no. 1174 dt. 10.03.2014 to
EE HSAMB Karnal that the road has been approved under PMGSY-II
scheme and tender has been invited on 14.03.2014 with the provision
of retaining wall also. EE HSAMB Karnal has requested vide memo no.
1712 dt. 11.03.2014 to shift from HSAMB Karnal to PWD Road ID 8909.
61467 03-Mar-14 A/A of Rs.22,19,800/- accorded and rates also approved on 09.01.2014
(The Narwana Nain Co-Op L&C Society Ltd), allotted on 17.01.2014.
45770 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
91136 01-Apr-13 Retaining wall required in 225m in vill. Padhana, cost Rs. 15 lacs.
8625 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2003. Path-6&7karam, Crust-225 mm
7433 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8909

40) H - 4127 Assandh To Malik Pur Assandh 7.70 km. DLP Date:

47964 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45771 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8626 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/2003. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
7436 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8910

41) H - 4147 Chor Karsa To Jalmana Uplani Road Assandh 2.01 km. DLP Date:

7101 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45507 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
19084 18-Feb-12 PWD road ID 8918.
8570 07-Oct-11 Constructed 8/1994. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. PC done in 2005.

42) H - 4155 Assandh

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42) H - 4155 Dacher To Acchanpur Assandh 4.02 km. DLP Date:

43570 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 68.34 lacs.

8630 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm.

8244 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8868.

43) H - 4156 Achanpur To Rugsana Assandh 2.49 km. DLP Date:

43562 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 42.16 lacs.

8631 07-Oct-11 Constructed 8/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

8245 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8869

44) H - 4161 Sirsi To Assandh Road Via Dadupur Assandh 3.33 km. DLP Date:

43564 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 56.61 lacs.

8632 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/1998. SR 15.04.05, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7426 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8871

45) H - 4162 Hassanpur Road To Padha Kurlan Road Assandh 1.08 km. DLP Date:

47965 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45504 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8633 07-Oct-11 Constructed 10/1998. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
7440 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8915

46) H - 4168 Picholia To Jani Assandh 3.81 km. DLP Date:

47966 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45505 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8634 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
8251 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8916

47) H - 4169 Aungad To Hathlana Assandh 4.28 km. DLP Date:

43563 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 72.76 lacs.

8635 07-Oct-11 Constructed 8/2002. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7425 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8872

48) H - 4177 Jundla To Aungad Via Dera Kartar Assandh 5.94 km. DLP Date:

43601 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 100.98 lacs.

8636 07-Oct-11 Constructed 4/2009. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7428 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8874

49) H - 4178 Pyont To Bansa Assandh 3.95 km. DLP Date:

47967 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45506 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8637 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/1993. SR 05.02.03, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
8252 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8917

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50) H - 4194 Phurlak To Raseen Gharaunda 2.60 km. DLP Date:

47968 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45498 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
29516 16-Aug-12 Sh. Sushil Kr, JE reported that Actual length is 3.60 instead of 3.06.
8638 07-Oct-11 Constructed 5/1991. SR 05.07.05, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm
7628 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8895

51) H - 4197 Alipur Khalsa To Dera Harisingh Pura Gharaunda 0.62 km. DLP Date:

47969 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

45499 18-Apr-13 Transferred back from PWD on 17.4.2013 within a list of 550 (76+474)
8639 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/1993. SR 20.12.06, Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm
7630 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8896

52) H - 4228 Fazilpur To Kairwali Gharaunda 3.23 km. DLP Date:

43586 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 55.25 lacs.

8644 07-Oct-11 Constructed 3/2002. SR 29.01.10, Path-6karam, Crust-225 mm

7624 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8859

53) H - 4239 Barana To Garhi Basak Gharaunda 4.13 km. DLP Date:

47971 04-Jun-13 EE reported: Road not transferred to HSAMB. It is maintained by PWD

19086 18-Feb-12 PWD road ID 2513.
9244 07-Oct-11 Constructed 30/2004. Crust 150mm. Path 5 karam. Later on road
widened to 5.49m under PMGSY by PWD(B&R).

54) H - 4246 Sarfabad To Rasulpur Kalan Gharaunda 1.84 km. DLP Date:

43576 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 31.28 lacs.

8647 07-Oct-11 Constructed 9/1992. SR 17.01.05, Path-7karam, Crust-150 mm

7625 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8860

55) H - 4247 Kalweri To Subri Gharaunda 1.74 km. DLP Date:

43571 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 36.55 lacs.

8648 07-Oct-11 Constructed 5/1994. SR 31.03.08, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

8249 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8861

56) H - 4252 Subri To Rasul Pur Kalan Gharaunda 1.77 km. DLP Date:

43575 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 30.09 lacs.

23872 22-May-12 T/Approved, tenders on 21.06.2012

8649 07-Oct-11 Constructed 2/2005. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7629 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8863

57) H - 4257 Bajida Jattan To Rishi Nagar Gharaunda 4.70 km. DLP Date:

43572 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 150 lacs.

8650 07-Oct-11 Constructed2/1994. SR 01.2007, Path-5karam, Crust-150 mm

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8237 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8865

58) H - 4261 Bajida Rly Station To Sirsi Gharaunda 0.80 km. DLP Date:

43568 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 13.6 lacs.

8651 07-Oct-11 Constructed 11/1994. SR 26.06.05, Path-9karam, Crust-150 mm

8238 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8866

59) H - 4264 Bhusli To Samalkha Gharaunda 3.04 km. DLP Date:

43595 20-Mar-13 PWD has allotted works worth 62.05 lacs.

8652 07-Oct-11 Constructed 7/2004. No SR done, Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm

7626 03-Oct-11 Transferred to PWD. PWD RoadID : 8867

Sub Total: 169.30 km.

Transferred to PWD (Individual)

1) H - 4160 Aungad To Kathleri Assandh 0.80 km. DLP Date:

19085 18-Feb-12 PWD road ID 7270.

8571 07-Oct-11 Constructed 1997. Path-6karam, Crust-150 mm. 75mm WBM + PC done
in 2/2010 (Expenditure 13.37 lacs).

2) H - 4181 Tharwa To Padha Assandh 5.20 km. DLP Date:

157302 03-Jan-18 On 27.12.2017, Hon'ble CM has ordered to transfer the road to PWD
154072 12-Oct-17 Case for transfer of road to PWD (B&R) sent to CA Board.
9212 07-Oct-11 Constructed 12/2009. Crust 225mm. Path 5, 6, 7 Karam.

3) H - 4183 Kurlan To Kabulpur Khera Assandh 3.12 km. DLP Date:

24441 01-Jun-12 Transferred to PWD. PWD ID: 8919.

9103 07-Oct-11 Constructed 6/2010. Crust 225mm. (259.59 sqm) patches done
9/08/2011 to 13/08/2011 (50 K). No patch.

4) H - 4680 Ballah To Padha Assandh 5.65 km. DLP Date:

157303 03-Jan-18 On 27.12.2017, Hon'ble CM has ordered to transfer the road to PWD
154071 12-Oct-17 Case for transfer of road to PWD (B&R) sent to CA Board.
134015 13-Dec-16 A/A on 20.08.2009 for Rs.111.33 lacs. Path 6 & 5 K . Crust 225mm.
Work completed on 30.04.2012. Exp. Rs.100.94 lacs

Sub Total: 14.77 km.

6. Other


1) H - 8811 Jhinwerheri to Samalha passing Gharaunda 2.88 km. DLP Date:

through augmentation canal

159303 23-Feb-18 Hon'ble CM has approved the deferment on 19-02-2018 for the time
154788 16-Oct-17 It is CM announcement. Feasible.

Friday, December 28, 2018 Page 88 of 108

154053 11-Oct-17 CM announcement code: 20123 dated: 13-09-2017

Sub Total: 2.88 km.


1) H - 5034 Balrangran To Bansa Assandh 4.68 km. DLP Date:

85916 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
67610 03-Apr-14 On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM asked to put up after the Lok Sabha Election
Model Code of Conduct is over.
39740 02-Jan-13 Case sent to Govt. (sent to AM on 02.01.2013) for appropriate decision.
Road does not fall in the policy of the board due to no distance
shortened. Total cost Rs. 310 lacs (road work 127 lacs, cost of bridge
183 lacs). Bridge to be constructed by irrigation department on Indri
drain 76 m long.
33334 26-Sep-12 Hon'ble CM has approved this road on 23.11.2010. Path is more than
27' 6" in entire length. No distance shortened. Hon'ble CM approved
this road on 23.11.2010 with the condition to fulfill the norm.

2) H - 5035 Chocra To Kumhar Killa (Surta Dera to Assandh 1.36 km. DLP Date:
Kuar Killa)

89906 28-Nov-14 Worthy CA Board has filed the R/C - cum- D/E on 24.11.2014.
85945 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed
Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
79834 22-Jul-14 On dated 08.07.2014, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the
road subject to fulfillment of HSAMB norms.
79604 16-Jul-14 Path RD 0 to 1360m=6 Karam Diagonal, no distance shortened.
74140 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.
59141 04-Dec-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of this road due to non-
availablitity of consolidation path on dated 25.11.2013.
16875 04-Jan-12 CM has not approved the proposal on 23/12/2011 as the available
path (RD 0 - 160m, 5 karam, 160 - 460m 4 karam, 460 - 1120m 6 karam.

3) H - 5039 G.T. Road Gharaunda To Malikpur Gharaunda 1.33 km. DLP Date:

33738 03-Oct-12 A/A withdrawn on 03.10.2012 being non feasible due to non avialibility
of path.
9750 12-Oct-11 A/A on 02.07.08 for Rs. 46.88 lacs. Path 3,4&6 K. Crust 225mm.
Additional land not transferred by the Gram Panchayat , case
submitted to H.O. for declaring the work non feasible.

4) H - 5255 Shekhpur To Padda Assandh km. DLP Date:

46845 07-May-13 Sent to AM vide AD Branch no. 2880 on 28.01.2013.

44323 08-Apr-13 Sent to Govt. vide CA no. 657 dated 18/12/2012.

37727 26-Nov-12 Sent to CA on 26/11/2012 for approval of Govt. The proposal fulfills all
46846 16-Nov-12 Hon'ble CM ordered on 13.09.2011 to take up the construction of 50
nos. roads. This road is at Sr. No 4. Path is 82' straight.
14040 31-Oct-11 CM approved on 13/09/2011.

5) H - 5779 Nilokheri (SC)

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5) H - 5779 Nissing Brass road to Brass Prem Nilokheri (SC) 0.65 km. DLP Date:
Khera road

14555 16-Nov-11 Declared non feasible by CE, HSAMB on 25.10.10

6) H - 5781 Anand Vihar colony(Kabristan) to Karnal 1.70 km. DLP Date:

proposed Gogripur NGM , Karnal

51791 19-Jul-13 Case sent to AM vide AD Branch no. 2228 dated 17.01.12.

7) H - 5788 Bassi Akbarpur to Saderpur Gharaunda 3.10 km. DLP Date:

32816 17-Sep-12 Path RD 100 to 1300m=7k, 1300 to 3100 =6k. Sent to Govt. CA no. 201
dated 15.03.10

8) H - 6225 Bhod Sham to Jhambha High School Nilokheri (SC) 2.08 km. DLP Date:

32817 17-Sep-12 Path is less. CP RD 20 to 80 no path. Less than in 670m.

31884 24-Aug-12 Request filed as not as per Board policy.
30149 20-Aug-12 Case of non-feasible sent to Head office in March 2012.
16202 27-Dec-11 Representation of Gram Panchayat through office of C.M. Haryana on

9) H - 6396 Chochra to Chochra Pangala road. Assandh 0.40 km. DLP Date:

112826 26-Nov-15 Worthy CA Board has de-sanctioned the A/A on 10.11.2015 in viewof
Govt. Order No. U.O. No. 2/50/2014-5GA/CMS dated 24.12.2014.
110173 17-Sep-15 E.E. reported that work held up due to encrochment & dispute in path.
Requiest sent by the E.E. Karnal to Head Quarter for De -sanction the
108890 08-Sep-15 The case has to be sent to authority for desanction as per Govt.
92881 19-Jan-15 Demarcation taken on 25.04.14. Work could not be started due to land
dispute/enrcoachment by famers, the case has to be sent for de-
sanctioned as per Govt. instructions.
57506 03-Mar-14 A/A accorded for Rs. 13,49,800/- on 07.11.2013. Tender approved on
31.01.2014. Allotted on 20.02.2014 (M/s Rajesh Const. Co.). Likley date
of completion 19.06.2014.

10) H - 6473 Guniana to Karnal-Brass Kaithal Road Nilokheri (SC) 2.11 km. DLP Date:

85629 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
80670 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1116 on 30.05.14.
24446 31-Mar-14 Villagers request through D.C. Karnal. CP RD 0-1005= 32', 1005-2110=
27' 6". No distance shortened. Estimate cost RS. 80 lacs. P/R with
Hon'ble AM vide MOS no. 529 dated 13.12.12. On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM
asked to put up after the Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct is

11) H - 6687 Brahman Majra to village Dabarthala Nilokheri (SC) 2.32 km. DLP Date:

33739 03-Oct-12 P/R filed on 01.10.2012

33331 26-Sep-12 CP RD 0-1240=32' 1", 1420-1950= 32'6", in rest 26'6" wide, no distance
shortened, less path, not falls in policy. Upward of EIC on 26.09.2012.
33188 25-Sep-12 Consolidated path RD 0-1240 =32' 6", 1240-1420 =26' 6", 1420-
1950=32' 6". No distance shortened, case for fulfill the case sent to EIC

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on 25.09.2012.
32665 14-Sep-12 Request of Gram Panchayat received through DC Karnal. Path is 5 and
6 karam.

12) H - 6715 Beerdhandhari to Taraori Nilokheri (SC) 1.98 km. DLP Date:

85291 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
80619 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1057 on 30.05.14.
33735 31-Mar-14 Recommended by MP, Karnal. Case sent to Govt. Vide CA memo no. 38
dated 31.01.2013. Path above 27' 6" wide, 1km distance shortened. On
25.3.2014, Hon'ble CM has asked to put up after the Lok Sabha
Elections Model Code of conduct is over.

13) H - 6749 Jai Singh Pura to Phaphrana Assandh 4.22 km. DLP Date:

85887 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next Financial year.
80584 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1021 on 30.05.14.
38191 10-Dec-12 Recommended by MLA, Assandh Constituency CP 6 and 7 karam
diagonally. Case sent to Govt. vide CA memo no. 27 dated 29.01.2013.
On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM asked to put up after the Lok Sabha Election
Model Code of Conduct is over.

14) H - 6766 Aungadh Jundla road to Aungadh Assandh 0.36 km. DLP Date:
Hathlana road.

85678 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
80601 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1039 on 30.05.14.
67613 03-Apr-14 Case sent to Govt. vide CA memo no. 26 dated 29.01.2013. Hon'ble CM
has seen. Put up after the Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct is
39803 08-Jan-13 Recommended by MLA Assandh, Path is 30'-8"

15) H - 6906 Jundla Picholia road to Jundla-Jani Assandh 0.90 km. DLP Date:
road (Interlock)

85157 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is

imposed.Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be
put up in the next financial year.
80596 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1035 on 29.05.14.
46053 22-Apr-13 Hon'ble CM has desired that the estimate alongwith feasibility be
examined and put up on the request of Sh. Zile Ram Sharma, MLA
Assandh on 25/01/2012. PR Sent to PSA office vide CA memo no. 439
dated 22.07.2013. On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM asked to put up after the
Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct is over.

16) H - 6910 Faridpur-Palheri Road to Mother Dairy Gharaunda 1.14 km. DLP Date:
(Upto Barsat-Barana PWD Road)

103666 15-Jun-15 Worthy CA board has ordered on 11.06.2015 to drop the proposal.
75604 25-Jun-14 EE Reported: No affadavite given by villagers.
72370 13-May-14 EE Karnal directed to get the necessary entries regarding the trasfer of
land made in the revenue record immediately. Which he promissed
upto 20.05.2014.

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60226 20-Dec-13 On 13.12.2013, Hon'ble CM keeping in view the fact that the adjoining
land owners have submitted affidavit to provide additional land free of
cost to make requisite available path as 5 karam, he has approved the
construction of the road.
He has further ordered that necessary entries in the revenue record be
got made before the construction of this road.

17) H - 7055 Pyont to Katlaheri Assandh 2.50 km. DLP Date:

85537 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
59053 03-Dec-13 Case sent to Hon'ble A.M.vide AD Branch no. 2829 dated 06.11.2013.
50312 24-Jun-13 Path 6 K

18) H - 7056 Aungad to Budanpur Assandh 1.65 km. DLP Date:

85833 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next Financial year.
80590 28-Jul-14 PR sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 1028 on 30.05.14.
50275 24-Jun-13 CM has desired that this may be examine & put up with full facts on
15/5/2013. Path 6 K. Case sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 456
dated 29.07.2013. On 25.03.14, Hon'ble CM asked to put up after the
Lok Sabha Election Model Code of Conduct is over.

19) H - 7095 Aungad to Gullarpur via Seori Nilokheri (SC) 6.70 km. DLP Date:

85328 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
59078 03-Dec-13 Case sent to Hon'ble A.M.vide AD Branch no. 2864 dated 06.11.2013.

20) H - 7096 Araipur to Bassi Akbarpur Gharaunda 2.60 km. DLP Date:

85208 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is

imposed.Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be
put up in the next financial year.
66632 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 2290 on 11.10.13.

53317 16-Aug-13 PR sent to CA on 16.08.2013.

21) H - 7238 Munak to Koahand Assandh road Gharaunda 0.99 km. DLP Date:

85688 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
59101 03-Dec-13 Case sent to Hon'ble A.M.vide AD Branch no. 2887 dated 06.11.2013.
57954 15-Nov-13 Case sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 690 dated 31.10.2013.
55274 18-Sep-13 On the request of Ex-President village Gagseena Sh. Jagbir Sandhu
Hon'ble CM forwarded for appropriate action on 16.08.2014. Path

22) H - 7297 Barsalu to Beed Majra. Nilokheri (SC) 2.82 km. DLP Date:

85950 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66645 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 2932 10.12.13.

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57893 14-Nov-13 PR sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 756 dated 08/11/2013.
55575 30-Sep-13 New demand received from Hon'ble MP Rohtak in meeting on

23) H - 7319 Kohand to Razapur Gharaunda 4.19 km. DLP Date:

85541 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
57763 13-Nov-13 Demanded by Zila Parishad, Karnal. On 13.11.2013, Hon'ble CM has
desired that estimate alongwith feasibility report be put up to him.

24) H - 7354 Newal to Dilyanpur Indri 2.64 km. DLP Date:

85179 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is

imposed.Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be
put up in the next financial year.
58805 28-Nov-13 PR sent to CA on 28.11.2013.
58662 22-Nov-13 Recommended by Hon'ble Speaker , Haryana Vidhan Sabha .Path is

25) H - 7355 Dilyanpur to Newal Khurd Indri 1.52 km. DLP Date:

85220 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is

imposed.Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be
put up in the next financial year.
66682 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 3172 dated 23.12.13.

58663 22-Nov-13 Recommended by Hon'ble Speaker , Haryana Vidhan Sabha .Path is 4

and 5Karam.

26) H - 7382 Bada Goan to Landora Indri 1.53 km. DLP Date:

85249 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is

imposed.Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be
put up in the next financial year.
59992 13-Dec-13 Path : RD 0 to 286m=27'6", 286 to 1077m=26'9", 1077 to 1530 m=19'6"
wide st, no distance shortened.
59297 05-Dec-13 Request of Member Jila Parsad Karnal path 5 and 6 karam

27) H - 7392 Khanpur to Baronda Indri 2.25 km. DLP Date:

85861 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next Financial year.
60071 18-Dec-13 Path: RD 0 to 119m=22', 119 to 391m=27'6", 391 to 520m=27', 520 to
1079m=27'6", 1079 to 1427m=27', 1427 to 2250m=19'10", wide st, lesss
path, no distance shortened & Parallel road to ladwa Indri road.
59307 05-Dec-13 On the request of Gram Panchayat Hon'ble CM desired that the matter
be examined and put up on dt. 09.07.2013 path is 4 & 5 karam

28) H - 7449 Gali from House/Dera of Surat Singh Assandh 0.32 km. DLP Date:
to Balu-Jalala road

85296 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
62237 28-Jan-14 Path: RD 0 to 320m= No consolidation path, n o distance shortened.
61809 15-Jan-14 Request of Sh. Surat Singh received through Hon'ble CM for necessary

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action. No consolidation path available.

29) H - 7453 Padhana to Salwan-Assandh road Assandh 1.56 km. DLP Date:

85679 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66751 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 245 on 18.02.14.

62399 30-Jan-14 P/R sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 64 dated 29.01.14.
62231 28-Jan-14 Path: RD 0 to 1550m=30'-9.5" wide st, distance shortened 0.945 Km.
61813 15-Jan-14 On the request of Sh. jagbir Sandhu, Ex-Pardhan village Gagsina,
Hon'ble desired to examine. Path is 7 karam

30) H - 7454 Gagseena Gharauda road to Karnal- Gharaunda 0.39 km. DLP Date:
Munak road (phirni portion of village

85318 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66752 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no. 246 on 18.02.14.

62396 30-Jan-14 P/R sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 67 dated 29.01.14.
62232 28-Jan-14 Path : RD 0 to 227m=66', 227 to 385m=60' wide st, no distance
62033 24-Jan-14 PR sent to CA on 24.01.2014.
61814 15-Jan-14 On the request of Sh. jagbir Sandhu, Ex-Pardhan village Gagsina,
Hon'ble desired to examine. Path is 10 & 11 karam

31) H - 7462 Amupur-Sitamai Road to Gaushalla Nilokheri (SC) 0.50 km. DLP Date:

85313 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66735 19-Mar-14 PR sent to AM vide ACS (A) memo no.354 on 18.02.14

66597 14-Mar-14 PR sent to AD Branch vide CA no. 84 on 11.2.2014.

62780 10-Feb-14 Path: RD 0 to 500m= no revenue path available, Gram Panchyat

provided 5 karam land free of cost mutation yet to be done, no
distance shortened.
62838 10-Feb-14 The case sent to CA on 10.02.2014.
62346 29-Jan-14 Road demanded by Villager / Gram panchayat amupur.

32) H - 7464 Kohand-Ganjbar PWD road to Rajapur Gharaunda 2.75 km. DLP Date:
upto refinery

103668 15-Jun-15 Worthy CA board has ordered on 11.06.2015 to drop the proposal.
84327 15-Sep-14 On dated 11.09.2014, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
road from RD 0.00 to RD 2746 and balance portion of the road (from
RD 2746 to RD 4115) be constructed after taking the NOC from
Irrigation department.
62779 10-Feb-14 Path: RD 0 to 470m=33', 470 to 689m=27'6", 689 to 1224m=42', 1224 to
2746m=42'6', 2746 to 4115m=12' wide st, no distance shortened.

33) H - 7469 Sambhli to Ramana Nilokheri (SC) 3.88 km. DLP Date:

85319 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.

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62747 06-Feb-14 Path: RD 0 to 944m=33' , 944 to 949m= existing /proposed bridge, 949
to 3888m= 32'10" wide st, no distance shortened.

34) H - 7481 Bilona to Khidrabad rahra road Assandh km. DLP Date:

85667 24-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
66980 26-Mar-14 On 04.03.2014, Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of this
road due to non-availability of consolidation path prescribed in the
norms of HSAMB. Now resubmitted to CA 19.03.2014
66878 21-Mar-14 Path: RD 0 to 2170m=26'2" wide st, no distance shortened.

35) H - 7520 Kalsora to Bibipur Brahman Indri 1.40 km. DLP Date:

85934 29-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed

Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in
the next financial year.
78294 09-Jul-14 Path: Rd 0 to 1240m=29', 1240 to 1400m=22' wide st, no distance

36) H - 7573 Meerut Road (Nagla Farm) to Mirgan Gharaunda 1.62 km. DLP Date:
Basti Ganjo Garhi

113643 15-Dec-15 Work de-sanctioned on 11.12.2015.

112827 26-Nov-15 The case for de-sanctioned the A/A in view of Govt. Order No. U.O. No.
2/50/2014-5GA/CMS dated 24.12.2014 will be submitted.
110176 17-Sep-15 Dispute due to encrochment in revenue path. Work yet to be started.
105872 16-Jul-15 Work allotted to Sh.Ramehar Singh, Contractor 10.09.14. Complete
demarcation taken, but there is encroachment in revenue path &
requires heavy cutting & filling of earth at site
96202 09-Mar-15 Tender approved & A/A granted for Rs.49.76 lacs on 25.08.14, work
allotted to Sh.Ramehar Singh, Contractor. Complete demarcation yet
to be taken
92878 19-Jan-15 A/A on 25.08.2014 for Rs. 49.76 Lakh, T/Sanctioned on 26.08.2014 for
Rs. 49,75,900/-, allotted on 26.08.2014 (Sh. Ramehar Singh).
83667 26-Aug-14 Tender awarded onn 26.08.2014 (Sh. Ramehar Singh).
83638 25-Aug-14 A/A accorded for Rs. 49.76 lac on 25.08.2014.
82117 06-Aug-14 Tender invited for 28.07.14 against anticipated A/A, but due to some
technical grounds the tender has been postponed for 06.08.14.
78519 10-Jul-14 Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of road on 9/7/2014 being
consolidation path as per norms by giving relaxation in norms of
HSAMB regarding no shortening of distance and found to be beneficial
in marketing operatins in the public interest.
74879 23-Jun-14 Path: RD 0 to 1620m=31'4" wide st. no distance shortened.

37) H - 7598 Peont to Alipur upto Nirmal Kutiya Assandh 2.98 km. DLP Date:

145475 21-Jul-16 Demanded by Sh. Bakhshish Singh, CPS, D&P, Haryana.

79289 14-Jul-14 R/C/E sent to MD, HRDF vide no. 7417dt.23.06.2014 for A/A amounting
to Rs. 98,80,900/- of 2.96 km length of road.

38) H - 7723 Ladwa road to Shershah Suri G.T road Assandh 2.00 km. DLP Date:

84374 16-Sep-14 on dated 15.07.2014 Hon'ble C.M has desired that road may be
examined & put up with full facts. Road demanded by Gram Panchayat

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39) H - 7750 Sandhir Sikri to Rajgarh Nilokheri (SC) 0.77 km. DLP Date:

91784 05-Jan-15 Due to less path the proposal has been filed by worthy CA board on
91762 02-Jan-15 Length : 0.772 km, Path 4 Karam, No distance shortened.

40) H - 7769 Purani Chundipur to Jammu Gharaunda 2.35 km. DLP Date:
Khala/Dabarki par

93586 05-Mar-15 Length: 2.35 km Path RD 0 to 630m=6k, 630 to 820m=5k, 820 to

1785m=6k, 1785 to 2350m=5k.
93561 04-Mar-15 Worthy CA ordered on 26.02. 15 that the proposed road does not fall
within the policy of HSAMB. The proposal has been filed.
93092 06-Feb-15 Road demanded by Gram panchayat Dabarki kalan & Chundipur.

41) H - 7779 Gonder Road to Gullarpur Nilokheri (SC) 1.92 km. DLP Date:

93590 05-Mar-15 Length : 1.92 km , Path: RD 0 to 1920m=7k no distance shortened.

93317 24-Feb-15 The proposal does not fall within te policy of HSAMB. The case is filed.

42) H - 8412 Road between Godowns NGM Gharaunda km. DLP Date:
Gharaunda leading to Sewerage
Disposal Tank

146382 28-Jun-17 EE Karnal has reported that this work will be got executed within the
already alotted work of S/R of internal road and parking in NGM

43) H - 8869 Rambha to Kutiya (Indri) Indri 0.91 km. DLP Date:

170176 18-Oct-18 On 8.10.2018, Hon'ble CM has seen and filed the case.
168241 10-Sep-18 File with Agriculture Department as on 16.08.2018. FTMS No. 3173
168016 07-Sep-18 File with AM office as on16.08.2018. FTMS No. 3173
167447 27-Aug-18 File sent to AM on 16.08.2018. FTMS NO. 3173
166264 08-Aug-18 File with Agriculture Section Agriculture Department as on 27.03.2018 .
FTMS No. 3173
165539 30-Jul-18 File sent to Agriculture Section, Agriculture Department on
23/07/2018. FTMS No. 3173
156346 13-Jul-18 DO letter written to DC Karnal to explore the possibility of getting
additional land of 1 Karam from RD 0 to 910m & 2 Karam from RD 910
to 1465m free of cost / on donation basis in consultation with local
MLA. The committee under the chairmanship of SDM, Karnal, visited
the site on 22.02.2018 and vide report through Deputy Commissioner
dt. 31.05.18, it is recommended in the report that the road may be
constructed upto Kutiya i.e. 910m length where 4karam consolidation
path is available after seeking relaxation from the Govt. Accordingly,
the case referred to Govt. for granting relaxation. FTMS No. 3173.
156323 11-Dec-17 Length: 1.465km, Path: RD 0 to 910m =4 karam, RD 910 to 1465m=3
karam,No distance shortened to nearest NGM Tarori and direct link
leads to Dera only does not connect to any metalled road. Not covered
in road const. policy. (Est. cost: Rs.51.27 lakh)
156121 28-Nov-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20520 dated 43002

44) H - 8907 Behlolpur to Balu on Nardak Minor Assandh 2.15 km. DLP Date:

171254 26-Nov-18 CM has approved to declare this announcement as not feasible on

27.4.2018. with W-PSA for Relaxation. On the request of Hon'ble MLA,
Assandh and the revised report from Irrigation regarding availability of

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26ft wide path along the minor, the case referred to Govt. On
31.10.2018, Honble CM has reconsidered the proposal and approved
the const. of road by giving relaxation in policy for less path of 26ft
and no distance shortened to reach nearest Market Yard
170681 12-Nov-18 On dated 12.11.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of
this road by giving relexation in policy for less path of 26ft against the
required path of 27.5ft and no distance shortened to reach nearest
market yard.
161030 03-May-18 On 27-04-2018, Hon'ble has seen & declared the anncoucement as Non-
159434 05-Mar-18 Length of proposed road is 2.15km and the width of consolidation path
alongwith bank of Nardak Minor is only 11ft. (2karam) in entire length.
No distance shortened to reach nearest PC Sagga with the construction
of this road. NOC from Irrigation department is also required. So the
case sent to State Gov. for declaring the announcement non-feasible.
FTMS No. 728
159424 28-Feb-18 Pr sent to CA/State Govt. on 28.02.2018 for declaring the
announcement as non-feasible. FTMS No. 728
158422 30-Jan-18 Length: 2.15km, Path: RD 0 to 2145m =11’ wide (left side embankment
of Nardak distributor), No distance shortened to nearest Purchase
Centre Sagga. . NOC for const. of proposed road over the embankment
to be obtained from the Irr. Deptt. Haryana. Not covered in road const.
policy of HSAMB. (Est. cost: Rs. 75.00 lakh)
158395 30-Jan-18 DO letter sent to irrigation deptt. for granting NOC for const. of road
along the bank of irrigation channels.
158136 17-Jan-18 Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vider order dated 08.12.2017.Length=2.145km, entire length runs along
the bank of Nardak Minor. NOC from Irrigation Deptt. is required.
Request for NOC sent on 29.12.2017.

45) H - 9092 Modipur to Mugalmajra road Indri 1.41 km. DLP Date:

170682 12-Nov-18 On dated 30.10.2018, Hon'ble CM has approved this announcement as

170683 01-Nov-18 ROW is less than 33 feet. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this
announcement to HSAMB vide orders dt.28.5.18. Length 1.41km, path
in RD 0 to 200m is 2 karam, No path in RD 200 to 725m, in RD 725 to
890m is 2 karam, Irrigation land from RD 890 to 896m and in Rd 896 to
1405m is 3 karam. The proposal does not cover under Road
Construction Policy of the Board due to less path_ no path and no
distance shortened to reach nearest NGM Kanjpura. DO letter written
to DC karnal on 21.06.2018 & 31.08.2018 for arranging additional
land. The DC, Karnal vide letter dated 07.09.2018 has intimated that
the adjacent land owners are not ready to offer their land for
construction of road. The case is being referred to Govt. for declaring
the announcement Not-Feasible. (FTMS - 2626)
162297 04-Jun-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20511 dt. 24.09.2017. ROW is less than 33 feet.
Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB
vide orders dt.28.5.18.

Sub Total: 84.61 km.


1) H - 7568 Dera surtaram to Kumhar Killa & All Assandh 1.36 km. DLP Date:
Dhanis & Deras

89907 28-Nov-14 Worthy CA Board has filed the R/C - cum- D/E on 24.11.2014.
85549 19-Sep-14 Due to General Assembly Elections a Code of Conduct is imposed.
Hon'ble Agriculture Minister has desired that this file may be put up in

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the next financial year.
83648 26-Aug-14 On dated 11.08.2014, presented to Hon'ble CM. Who forwarded for
necessary action.
74134 11-Jun-14 Duplicate with Road ID: H-5035.
74090 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.

2) H - 7569 Chochra Uplana road to Chochra-Chor Assandh 2.24 km. DLP Date:
Karsa Road

74135 11-Jun-14 Duplicate with RoadID: H-6395.

74089 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.

3) H - 7570 Jai Singhpura to Phaphrana Assandh 4.22 km. DLP Date:

74136 11-Jun-14 Duplicate with RoadID: H-6749.

74088 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.

4) H - 7571 Chougama to Khizrabad Assandh 2.16 km. DLP Date:

74137 11-Jun-14 Duplicate with RoadID: H-7004.

74087 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.

5) H - 7572 Jundla Picholia road to Jundla Jani Assandh 0.90 km. DLP Date:

74139 11-Jun-14 Duplicate with RoadID: H-6906.

74086 09-Jun-14 Road demanded by Zile Ram Sharma (MLA). Hon'ble CM asked for
necessary action.

6) H - 8016 Bilona to khukand Assandh 2.00 km. DLP Date:

119224 03-May-16 Duplicate of RoadID: 8030.

113603 14-Dec-15 Road demanded by CPS development & Panchayat.

7) H - 8152 Bazida Jattan to NVM Karnal Karnal 4.70 km. DLP Date:

142067 19-Apr-17 Duplicate with Road ID 3982

8) H - 8338 Amritpur Kalan to Nagla Megha Karnal km. DLP Date:

132488 11-Nov-16 Duplicate with Road ID 6918.

9) H - 8366 Ramba Chowki Main Road to Indri km. DLP Date:

Gurudwara Buda Sahib

147055 06-Jul-17 Duplicate with Road ID 3955

132465 10-Nov-16 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MFS.
Demand received through O/oMinister Food & Supplies, Haryana Diary
No. 407-M dated 26.10.2016. Recommended by Smt. Krishna
Gahlawat, Chairperson, HSAMB, Panchkula.

10) H - 8367 Biana Chowki to Dabkoli Khurd Indri km. DLP Date:

147056 06-Jul-17 Duplicate with Road ID 3907

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132467 10-Nov-16 Construction of this road demanded by Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MFS.
Demand received through O/oMinister Food & Supplies, Haryana Diary
No. 406-M dated 26.10.2016. Recommended by Smt. Krishna
Gahlawat, Chairperson, HSAMB, Panchkula.

11) H - 8447 Widening of Lalupura to Meerut road Gharaunda km. DLP Date:
NH on Yamuna Bank

137020 06-Feb-17 Duplicate with RoadID: 4241.

12) H - 8756 Road and sewer adjoining site of Nilokheri (SC) km. DLP Date:
Geeta Vidhya Mandir in Nigdhu

153830 11-Oct-17 Road stand constructed. Estimate for widening & strengthening in
process amounting to Rs. 16173600. Laying of sewer relates to PHED
separate code No. needed.
154067 11-Oct-17 Duplicate of RoadID: 4070.
153265 22-Sep-17 CM Announcement Code No. 19968 dt. 13.09.2017

13) H - 8757 NKD road to Khawaja Ahmadpur Nilokheri (SC) km. DLP Date:

156937 21-Dec-17 Widening in 600 meter done.

153831 11-Oct-17 Road stand constructed. Estimate for widening and strengthening in
process for Rs. 6.37 lacs. Tender invited for 13.10.2017.
154069 11-Oct-17 Duplicate of RoadID: 7982
153264 22-Sep-17 CM Announcement Code No. 19971 dt. 13.09.2017

14) H - 8766 Munak to Bal Pabana Gharaunda 2.99 km. DLP Date:

153545 26-Sep-17 Duplicate with road ID 8752

153527 25-Sep-17 Length is 2.990km, Path: RD 0 to 150m=6k, RD 150 to 200m=VR bridge
required, RD 200 to 2390m=6k, RD 2390 to 2990m=7k. 2.912km
distance shortened to reach PC Munak.

15) H - 8790 Kheri Munak to village Bal Pabana Assandh 2.99 km. DLP Date:

156310 11-Dec-17 Duplicate of RoadID: 8752.

153835 11-Oct-17 Length is 2.99km, Path 6k in RD 0 to 150m, , VR bridge in 150 to
200mtr required, 6k in RD 200 to 2390m, 7k in RD 2390 to 2990m,
Distance shortened by 2.912km. Est. Cost. Rs. 300.00 lacs.
153602 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20032 dt. 13.09.2017

16) H - 8792 Assandh to village Mundh Assandh 4.77 km. DLP Date:

154758 16-Oct-17 Duplicate with Road ID 6529

153837 11-Oct-17 Length is 4.77km, Path 4km in RD 0 ot 1.975km, 5k in RD 1975 to
3225m. Est. Cost. Rs. 149.43 lacs.
153604 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20042 dt. 13.09.2017

17) H - 8793 Ardana to village Bahri Assandh 2.60 km. DLP Date:

156145 29-Nov-17 Duplicate with Road ID 8409

154759 16-Oct-17 It is CM announcement. Feasible.
153838 11-Oct-17 Length is 2.60km, Path 8k in RD 0 to 1400m, 6k in RD 1400 to 2600m,
approved in relaxation on 26.04.2017. Est. Cost. Rs. 32.60 lacs.
153605 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20043 dt. 13.09.2017

18) H - 8794 Assandh

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18) H - 8794 Badhrala to Dera Fattuwala Assandh 1.70 km. DLP Date:

154760 16-Oct-17 Duplicate with Road ID 8410

153839 11-Oct-17 Length is 1.70km, Path RD 0 to 164m phirni, RD 164 to 406m= Bank of
Nadok Drain, RD 406 to 1536m=6k, RD 1536 to 1700m=5k, approved in
relaxation on 26.04.2017. NOC from Irrigation required. Est. Cost. Rs.
63.00 lacs.
153606 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20044 dt. 13.09.2017

19) H - 8795 Bilona to village Khukanda Assandh km. DLP Date:

158456 05-Feb-18 WBM completed

156938 21-Dec-17 GSB done WBM in progress.
155744 17-Nov-17 EW completed, GSB in progress.
153840 11-Oct-17 Work allotted on 04.10.2017, will be completed by 03.06.2018.
154063 11-Oct-17 Duplicate with Road ID 8030
153607 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20045 dt. 13.09.2017

20) H - 8796 Bank of Hansi Butana Minor Assandh 4.43 km. DLP Date:

156144 29-Nov-17 Duplicate with Road ID 6809

156140 11-Oct-17 Length is 4.43km, Path is 29''-10' on embankements of Butana channel.
NOC required, distance shortened by 2.065km. Est. Cost Rs. 129.00 lacs.
153609 04-Oct-17 CM Announcement Code No. 20086 dt. 13.09.2017

21) H - 8865 Nathroi to Kalri Jagir Indri km. DLP Date:

156313 11-Dec-17 Duplicate of RoadID: 6513.

22) H - 8866 Kalsaura to Dera Sikligran Indri km. DLP Date:

156315 11-Dec-17 Duplicate of RoadID: 7685.

23) H - 8941 Kalsura Society to Dera Japati Assandh km. DLP Date:
Chhapra Road

161050 03-May-18 Duplicate of RoadID: 7877.

159192 22-Feb-18 The available land land width is less than 33 feet. Hon'ble CM has
approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dated
30.01.18. This is duplicate of CM Annc. Code No. 20517. The case is
being referred to Govt. for dropping the announcement being
duplicate. (FTMS - 1121/ 2018). Case with PSA office.
158626 13-Feb-18 The available land land width is less than 33 feet. Hon'ble CM has
approved to transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dated
158625 13-Feb-18 CM announcement code no. 20498 dated 24.9.2018.

24) H - 8989 Widening / Strengthening of road Nilokheri (SC) km. DLP Date:
from Sandhir to Padhana

161918 22-May-18 Duplicate with road ID 4022.

25) H - 9420 Alipur to Gularpur Assandh km. DLP Date:

169899 09-Oct-18 Road ID 9520 Length - 1.80km, Path - 2 & 6 karam. Hon'ble CM has
announced the construction of this road by giving relaxation in norms.
169051 26-Sep-18 Duplicate of CM Annc. Code o. 20771 & Road ID 8977.

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168893 24-Sep-18 CM Annc. Code No. 23235 dt. 24.09.2018 by giving relaxation in norms.

Sub Total: 37.06 km.

Rejected by Government

1) H - 5630 Barani to Barana Nilokheri (SC) 2.38 km. DLP Date:

39222 20-Dec-12 Govt. has not approved as per orders dated 13.12.2012.
32814 17-Sep-12 RD 1120 to 2100m no consolidation path exists. Panchayat gave
resolution to transfer the land. (Cost 61.24 lacs), Gram Panchayat
ready to give additional land and case is with APSCM CM Sectt. No.
4293 dated 28.05.2012.
8268 03-Oct-11 Hon'ble C.M not approved on 10.05.2011 due to less path. Now Gram
Panchayat resolved to provide 28' 6" land free of cost and the case is
being sent to Govt. for approval.

2) H - 5763 Munak to Panipat Refinery Gharaunda 4.16 km. DLP Date:

14539 16-Nov-11 Declared non feasible by Govt.

3) H - 5775 Jani road to Jundla to Nirmal Dham Assandh 1.72 km. DLP Date:
and other Dera at Jundlla

165574 25-Jul-18 Length = 4.52km, Path = 5 & 6 karam. Constructed in year 2014. The
special repair of road is feasible.
14551 16-Nov-11 Non feasible by Govt. on 23.08.10

4) H - 5776 Biana to Fazilpur Indri 3.15 km. DLP Date:

14552 16-Nov-11 Not approved on 6.08.11

5) H - 5777 Biana to Randoli Indri 1.85 km. DLP Date:

14553 16-Nov-11 Not approved on 6.08.11

6) H - 5780 Mirgan to Dera Pehalwan Karnal 1.50 km. DLP Date:

14556 16-Nov-11 Filled by Govt. on dated 21.01.11

7) H - 5782 Gurudwara Nanaksar Singra to Assandh 2.35 km. DLP Date:

Buddanpur Veeran

147057 06-Jul-17 Duplicate with Road ID 6911

39631 27-Dec-12 CM has not approved the proposal due to non-availibilty of
consolidation path prescribed in the norms of the HSAMB and also
being Irrigation land.
26508 03-Jul-12 In 600m path 23', rest 5k. 3.5km distance shortened. Upward from EIC
on 3/7/2012.

8) H - 5785 Aungad road to Manjura road in Vill. Assandh 0.24 km. DLP Date:

14561 16-Nov-11 Not approved on 19.07.11

9) H - 5787 Popra to Alewa Assandh 4.90 km. DLP Date:

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10) H - 6328 Dhumsi to Ladwa-Indri road Indri 1.15 km. DLP Date:

39242 20-Dec-12 Govt. has not approved as per orders dated 13.12.2012.
26464 02-Jul-12 Path is less than 25' every where. 2km distance shortened. Upward of
EIC on 2/7/2012.
21279 21-Mar-12 Recommended by Chairman Sh. Zila Parishad Karnal path is 0 to
880mtr= 6 karam, 880 to 1150mtr = 4 karam.

11) H - 6377 Kabulpur Khera to Fafrana Thari road Assandh 1.25 km. DLP Date:

39299 20-Dec-12 Govt. has not approved as per orders dated 13.12.2012.
27924 20-Jul-12 No path in 1 to 2.-3km. Rest 5.8k. No distance shortened. Upward of E-
22371 11-Apr-12 Request of Jagbir Sandhu received through office of C.M. Haryana. On

12) H - 6420 Firni of village Rugsana Assandh 0.96 km. DLP Date:

59110 04-Dec-13 Order dated 29.11.2013, Hon'ble CM has not approved the
construction road due to Non-availability of consolidation path.
46847 07-May-13 Sent to AM vide AD Branch no. 639 on 12.04.2013.

41589 04-Mar-13 Case sent to Govt. vide CA no. 139 dated 6/3/2013 for appropriate
41588 04-Mar-13 Path 0 to 960m = 21' wide.

32819 17-Sep-12 Road does not fall in the policy being phirni. PR in HQ since 14/6/2012.
22934 07-May-12 On the request of Gram Panchyat CM ordered on 04.04.2012 to examin
and put up .

13) H - 6426 Road to Residence of Balbir Singh Karnal km. DLP Date:
village Singara

59327 06-Dec-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the const.of this road due to non-
availability of consolidation path as per norms vide orders dated
53350 19-Aug-13 P/R sent to Govt. vide CA memo no. 136 dated 04.03.2013.
22940 07-May-12 On the request of Sartaz Singh CM ordered on 13.03.2012 for
examination and necessary action may be taken. CP less than 4k.

14) H - 6526 Main PWD road up to Stadium Gurukul Assandh 0.22 km. DLP Date:
Mor Majra

41727 06-Mar-13 CM has approved not approved on 18/2/2013.

37869 27-Nov-12 Case sent upward of EIC on 17.08.2012.

25863 22-Jun-12 Recommended by MP Rohtak no path available but Gurukul samiti
ready to provide 5 karam path.

15) H - 6533 Assandh Jind road (Bandrala) to Assandh 3.12 km. DLP Date:
Asandh Kaithal road (upto

56322 10-Oct-13 Hon'ble CM has asked for appropriate action.

42186 12-Mar-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the const. Of this road due to leading to
religious place and no distance shortened, on 18.02.2013.
26463 02-Jul-12 Path is 5k. Roads to Religious place & no distance shortened. Upward
of EIC on 2/7/2012.

16) H - 6534 Amupur to Ramgarh Nilokheri (SC) 2.55 km. DLP Date:

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39829 09-Jan-13 Not approved by Hon'ble CM vide orders dated 13.12.2012 due to less
28708 27-Jul-12 Path 18',22'. No distance shortened. P/R PS Agri. To Govt. vide no.
1536 dated 10.07.12
25970 25-Jun-12 MP karnal recommended the road.

17) H - 6535 Darbari primary school to proposed Karnal 0.46 km. DLP Date:
NVK link (Karnal - Kachwa NBK link
(Karnal Kachwa road to Laloji
Gurudwara on Karnal - Kaithal road).

39634 27-Dec-12 CM has not approved the proposal due to non-availibilty of

consolidation path prescribed in the norms of the HSAMB.
26497 03-Jul-12 Path 4k. No distance shortened, Upward from EIC on 3/7/2012.
25971 25-Jun-12 Request of Gram panchyat through MLA Karnal CM ordered on
08.02.2012 to examin and put up. Available path form Rd 0 to 400m= 4

18) H - 6699 Dera Gama to Assand Sirsal Assandh 1.37 km. DLP Date:

43960 28-Mar-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the cosnt of the road on 14.03.2013.

34609 17-Oct-12 Path 33' in entire 1.37 km length. Only 825m distance shortened. Road
falls in policy of the board. Estimated cost. 41 lacs. Case submitted to
Govt. from CA.
33109 24-Sep-12 Recommended by MLA, Assandh. Path is 7karam diagonal

19) H - 6714 Anjanthali to Saddiqpur Nilokheri (SC) 2.51 km. DLP Date:

39838 09-Jan-13 Not approved by Hon'ble CM vide orders dated 28.12.2012 due to less
36316 23-Oct-12 Recommended by Hon'ble Speaker. CP 0-1916 (21'-3"), 1916-2512 (22').
2km distance shortened to reach NGM Nilokheri. Road does not fall in
policy of board due to less consolidation path.

20) H - 6750 Phaphrana to village Salwan Assandh 3.35 km. DLP Date:

66405 13-Mar-14 On 04.03.2014, Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of road
due to non-availability of consolidation path prescribed in the norms of
46852 07-May-13 Sent to AM vide AD Branch no. 279 on 26.02.2013.

40200 19-Feb-13 Sent to Govt. vide CA memo no 50 dated 31.01.2013. Path RD 1620-
1876=25' 11" & 1876-2276= 26' 10" in rest ok, 0.370 km distance
38192 10-Dec-12 Recommended by MLA, Assandh Constituency CP 5, 6 and 7 karam

21) H - 6752 Tharwa majra to Kabul pur khera Assandh 3.53 km. DLP Date:
(Faizpur Khera)

59219 05-Dec-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of this road due to non-
availability of consolidation path on dated 29.11.2013.
39310 20-Dec-12 Request of Gram panchayat received from the office of Hon'ble CM for
action as desire. Available path is 0-183 5 karam, 183 to 1755 4 karam ,
1755 to 2178 4.39 karam, 2178 to 2900 4 karam, 2900 to 3115 6 karam,
3115 to 3530 4 karam.

22) H - 6778 Bhambharheri to Shiv Mandir Assandh 1.77 km. DLP Date:

59145 04-Dec-13

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59145 04-Dec-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of this road due to non-
availablitity of consolidation path on dated 29.11.2013.
44264 04-Apr-13 Path 0 to 920=33', 920 to 1420=15' 5", 1420 to 1765=16' 6". No
distance shortened. Road does not falls in the policy of the board.

23) H - 6791 Barsat-Barana PWD road to Gharaunda 0.98 km. DLP Date:
Shamshan Ghat, Faridpur

44295 08-Apr-13 Hon'ble CM has not apporved the construction of the road on
26.03.2013, due to less path, no distance shortened, leading samshan
40209 30-Jan-13 Recommended by Hon'ble Agriculture Minister, Haryana. Path 0 to
474= 5 k or 22' straight, 475 to 975=4 k or 22'.

24) H - 6857 Phirni portion in village Jabala Assandh 0.52 km. DLP Date:

66544 14-Mar-14 On 04.03.2014, Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of roda
due to non-availability of consolidation path prescribed in the norms of
44055 02-Apr-13 Case sent to Govt. on 1/4/2013 for appropriate order.
43734 22-Mar-13 Recommended by MLA Assandh Path is 5 karam.

25) H - 6917 Phirni portion in Dabkoli Kalan Indri 0.27 km. DLP Date:

66381 13-Mar-14 On 04.03.2014, Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of road
due to non-availability of consolidation path prescribed in the norms of
52369 29-Jul-13 Case sent to AM Vide PSA memo no 1835 on 29.07.2013.
46479 01-May-13 Recommended by Hon'ble CM on 25/4/2013

26) H - 6962 Jani Birachpur road to village Bijna Assandh 1.90 km. DLP Date:
(up to Karnal Munak road)

59251 05-Dec-13 Hon'ble CM has not approved the construction of road due to non-
availability of consolidation path on 25.11.2013.
49377 17-Jun-13 PR sent to AD Branch vide CA memo no. 348 dated 17.06.2013.
47587 23-May-13 Request of RamPal received through Cmpath is 4 & 3.5 karam

27) H - 7122 Dhakwala Gujran to Merrut road Karnal 1.15 km. DLP Date:

51399 11-Jul-13 Recommended by Smt. Meena Mandal on 23.7.2008. Not approved by

Government on 28.8.2008.

28) H - 7123 Govt. High School to Modhipur road Karnal 1.00 km. DLP Date:

51400 11-Jul-13 Recommended by Smt. Meena Mandal on 23.7.2008. Not approved by

Government on 28.8.2008.

Sub Total: 50.30 km.

Relates to other department

1) H - 5778 Jalala Veeran to Sambhli Nilokheri (SC) 3.20 km. DLP Date:

14554 16-Nov-11 Referred to PWD(B&R) on 21.01.11

2) H - 7314 Biana to Indri road Indri km. DLP Date:

56759 29-Oct-13 This road belongs to PW (B&R) deptt.

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56329 10-Oct-13 Demanded by Gram panchayat Biana. On dated 17.09.2013, Hon'ble
CM has asked for appropriate action.

3) H - 7634 Gharora to Furlak Gharaunda km. DLP Date:

79543 16-Jul-14 EE karnal has reported through E-mail dated 06.07.2014 at 2.13PM
that this proposed relates to PWD (B&R).
79379 15-Jul-14 Road demanded by Gram Panchayat, Furlak. Hon'ble CM has desire the
matter may be examined and put up.

4) H - 8025 Dhanora Jagir to Badshami Indri km. DLP Date:

114198 23-Dec-15 CM announcement code 10161 dated 4/6/2015. Hon'ble CM has

ordered on 17/12/2015 to transfer this announcement to PWD B&R.
114199 03-Jul-15 It is existing road, PW (B&R) Deptt.

5) H - 8062 Hasanpur Padha Kurlan road to Padha Assandh 1.12 km. DLP Date:
Ballah Road

157304 03-Jan-18 On 27.12.2017, Hon'ble CM has ordered to transfer the construction of

road to PWD (B&R).
154073 12-Oct-17 Case for transfer of road to PWD (B&R) sent to CA Board.
151412 23-Aug-17 Length: 1.10km, Path: RD 0 to 320m=7karam, RD 320 to 500m=6karam
& RD 500 to 1100m=9 karam,106m distance will be shortened to reach
the nearest Sub Yard Ballah for the villagers of Padha, provision of
110m retaining wall at RD 0 to 110m along the pond village padha, 1
no. 20'span slab culvert at RD 400m by dismantlng old existing culvert.
148082 19-Jul-17 On dated 12.07.2017, Hon'ble CM has approved the construction of the
141526 18-Apr-17 On 25.11.2016, Hon'ble CM has approved the cosntruction of the road
on the request of resident of village Padha. In the mean time, a fresh
note from PSCM dated 26.11.2016 on the recommendation of Hon'ble
CPS was received to re-sumbit the file for his orders. Thereafter, a note
vide PSCM no. 9946 dated 3.3.2017 received on the request of Hon'ble
AM dated 27.2.2017 that already approved road may be completed in
the public interest. The case is being re-submitted to Govt. on
18.4.2017 for appropriate irders in this regard.
115902 08-Feb-16 Demanded by villagers of Padha.On 28.1.2016, Hon'ble CM has desired
that it may be examined and put up by 12.2.2016.

Sub Total: 4.32 km.

3. Under Planning
Issues - for re-consideration

1) H - 5796 Baronda to Khanpur Indri 2.35 km. DLP Date:

114342 24-Dec-15 Hon'ble CM has ordered on 17.12.2015 to explore the possibility to

arrange additional land from the adjoining field owners free of cost
through the good office of the MOS.
106199 28-Jul-15 P/R sent to Hon'ble AM vide ACS(Agri) Office no. 1859 dt.19.06.2015.
101726 06-May-15 Path: RD 0 to 1427m=5k, 1427 to 2250m=4k, No distance shorten

80531 25-Jul-14 Recommendation of Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj, MOS, Transport, Tourism
and Hospitality. On dated 10.06.2014, Hon'ble CM has seen and
desired that this may be examine and take necessary action.

2) H - 6423 Nidana to Kachhawa Nilokheri (SC) 3.51 km. DLP Date:

135245 03-Jan-17
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135245 03-Jan-17 D.O letter written to DC Karnal , SE & EE Karnal vide memo no. 76-78
dated 02.01.2017 to make effort to arrange aditional 1/2 karam wide
land on both side of the alignment in RD 609 to 3510m free of cost.
And issue necessary directions to the quarter concermed for issuing the
NOC from Irrigation Deptt.
133868 06-Dec-16 On dated 25.11.2016, Hon’ble CM would like effort to made through
the local MLA for arranging ½ karam land on both side either as a gift
or on No-Objection basis, if fails he would like to re-submit the file by
31.12.2016 with an estimate of the cost of purchase of the balance
width of 1karam land at collector rates.
132900 21-Nov-16 PR pending with CM office as on 21.11.2016.
127863 21-Jul-16 PR sent to chairperson vide CA no. 950 dated 21.7.2016.
127862 21-Jul-16 DC, Karnal vide DO letter no. 8563/MA dated 24.6.2016 has intimated
that the matter be taken up with State Government for giving
relaxation in the norms for the construction of the said road as MLA
Nilokheri is presssing very hard for construction of this road. As the
width of the consolidation path is less than 5 karam and necessary
NOC is also required from Irrigation Department in RD 0 to 609m.
Hence, the case is sent to Government for declaring non-feasible.
115077 12-Jan-16 D.O. Letter written by worthy CA Board vide office no. 192-94 dated
12.01.2016 to DC Karnal, SE karnal and EE Karnal for persuing the case
arranging additional 1 Karam Path and NOC from Irr. Deptt. for Const.
of proposed road.
114485 30-Dec-15 On 18.12.2015, Hon'ble CM would like to know the possiblity of
arranging the land from the adjoining land owners free of cost.
102933 03-Jun-15 Path RD 0 to 609m= Exist on Bank Bhakhra channel, NOC required., No
distance shorten
32982 18-Sep-12 Path 21' 4" or 22'. No distance shortened. Upward of EIC on 18/9/2012.
32820 17-Sep-12 Three bridges at RD 220 (88' span), 1155 (65' span), 1965 (100' span).

3) H - 7310 Village Kheri Naru (I.e. House of Assandh 1.92 km. DLP Date:
satyawan S/o Surat singh) to village
chirao upto poltary farm / Hanuman
Mandir on Karnal-Assandh road.

135249 03-Jan-17 D.O letter written to DC Karnal and copy to SE/EE Karnal vide memo
no. 9005-9007 dated 20.10.2016 to make effort to arrange additional 1
karam wide land in RD 0 to 1680m free of cost so that this road can be
131486 14-Oct-16 On 30.9.2016, Hon'ble CM would like to know if the possiblity of
arranging the additional land from the adjoining land owners has been
explored. If not, he has desired that this may be done expeditously in
consultation with the CPS/MLA.
131334 13-Oct-16 PR return back from AM to ACS (A) on dated 07.10.2016.
128012 28-Jul-16 The proposed road is not covered in the Road Policy of the Board due
to less consolidation path is in RD 0 to 1680m and no distance
shortened to the nearest market yard. Case sent to Govt. for declaring
the proposal non-feasible.
127941 27-Jul-16 length 1.92km, path Rd 0 to 1680=4k, RD 1680 to 1920=5k, No distance
shorten, Not covered in the road Policy. (Est. cost of Rs 64 Lakh )
127854 21-Jul-16 Demanded by Sh. Bakhshish Singh, CPS, D&P, Haryana.

4) H - 8122 Fiazalipur Majra to Kutail High School Gharaunda 4.61 km. DLP Date:

135231 03-Jan-17 D.O letter written to DC Karnal, SE & EE Karnal vide memo no. 37-39
dated 02.01.2017 to make effort to arrange aditional 1/2 karam wide
land on both sides of the alignment in RD 0 to 720m free of cost.
134029 14-Dec-16 On 26.11.2016, Hon'ble CM would like one effort to be made through

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the local MLA for arranging 1/2 karam land on both sides either as a
gift or on a No-objection basis for construction of the road. If this
effort too fails he would like the file to be re-submitted by 31.12.2016
with an estimate of the cost of purchase of the balance width of 1
karam land at collector rates.
119295 06-May-16 length 4.61km,path RD 0 to 720=4k,RD 720 to 1570m=6k,RD 1570 to
4610m=8k, no distance shorten, not covered in the road policy of
118555 26-Apr-16 Construction of the​​ road​ ​desired​ by Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, MLA
Gharaunda & Chairman, Hafed received through vide PSCM ​office ​No.
15211 dated 25.04.2016

5) H - 9091 Shergarh Tapu to Modipur Indri 2.83 km. DLP Date:

170978 22-Nov-18 Available ROW is less than 33feet. Hon'ble CM has approved to
transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dated 28.5.18.
Length-2.83km, Path in RD 0 to 1050m is 6 karam, in RD 1050 to 1690m
is 4 karam, from RD 1690 to 2210m is Nill path (Chakbandi of the land
is yet to be done) & in RD 2210 to 2825m is 6 karam. The proposal does
not cover under Road Construction Policy of the Board due to less_ Nill
path and no distance shortened to reach nearest Market Yard. Matter
needs to be taken up with revenue authority for early Chakbandi.
Further action will be taken only after Chakbandi. DO letter written to
DC Karnal on 21.06.2018 & 31.08.2018 for arranging additional land.
The DC, Karnal vide letter dated 07.09.2018 has intimated that the
adjacent land owners are not ready to offer their land for construction
of road. Case is being refereed to Govt. for declaring the
announcement Not-Feasible. (FTMS - 2636). On 30.10.2018, Hon'ble
CM has desires to know if on alternate path for section for which no
path is available can be explored.
170685 12-Nov-18 On 30.10.2018, Hon'ble CM has desires to know if on alternate path for
section for which no path is available can be explored.
163060 14-Jun-18 Available ROW is less than 33feet. Hon'ble CM has approved to
transfer this announcement to HSAMB vide orders dated 28.5.18.
Length = 2.83km, Path in RD 0 to 1050m is 6 karam, in RD 1050 to
1690m is 4 karam, from RD 1690 to 2210m is Nill path (Chakbandi of
the land is yet to be done) & in RD 2210 to 2825m is 6 karam. The
proposal does not cover under Road Construction Policy of the Board
due to less/ Nill path and no distance shortened to reach nearest
Market Yard. Matter needs to be taken up with revenue authority for
early Chakbandi. Further action will be taken only after Chakbandi.
162296 04-Jun-18 CM Annc. Code No. 20510 dt. 24.09.2017. Estimate sent to Govt. vide
U.O.No.25585 dt.6.2.18 for approval.A/A received vide No.9/42/2018-
3B&R(W) dt.28.2.18 for Rs.174.84 lakh. Available ROW is less than
33feet. Hon'ble CM has approved to transfer this announcement to
HSAMB vide orders dated 28.5.18. Length = 2.83km, Path in RD 0 to
1050m is 6 karam, in RD 1050 to 1690m is 4 karam, path under
chukbandi from RD 1690 to 2210m for which NOC is required & in RD
2210 to 2825m is 6 karam. The proposal does not cover under Road
Construction Policy of the Board due to less path and no distance
shortened to reach nearest Market Yard. Consolidated case sent to
Govt. for relaxation on 13.06.2018

Sub Total: 15.22 km.

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Grand Total: 1468.22 km.

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