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Deoeader 1972 Hot Rolled Btesle for Quenched ané Tespered Springs uality Specifications Varagevelate Btinle fOr verpitbare Feern; Gltevorschriften qnnsction vith Buropora 09.71 and the Standard prepared by tbe Intornationsl Organisatt Jor Soaeetatation (150), see Replanations. reread ad soe aevaqnoted by a dot (o) contain inforaation regarding agresnents vhich are to be sale, sathent, “Senate, when ordering. the, gongerning Gatte of egmarnant of Zul Zely 1263 tnt the ATgzea"s ry oocerning Unite on Sune ag70 the unit edopted in this Standard for, t ig Act ane tated ie) an Band (Hovtons per oquare millinetre). ie values ee ase defiastive sage te 8 3, pare CD;1 of tie Act, tbe unite end values appearing in Drackete elonge according to 8 2ralttads since the hg isthe base unit for ta Scone 1a Beate standard applin te the apring steels accorfing to Table 7 in the for of gt relied end eubeequentiy, where pecessar7s Centreless-turned or ground bar steel (round or fiat steel), Set welled sibbed spring stow Bot rolled wire, Vide’ nates or , Delica and plate ae roars procensed to make quenched and tenpered leaf, torsion Der; Wpringe, spring lock vashers es well lepring-Like componente of ail Ei srrings Miguck quaitey stenterda exiet in respect of : ead polled steel strip, fo ( Btentert)) eaked degen pring Toes Best 4}, cree ety vite made of unailoys ‘DIN 17226 (Preliminary Btenderd)) and eB Seth Atay BianaacelS Bheet 2), jo steel vize and strip’ for Rign-texperature steele for springs sei lots, Sie auetiiepee © To metals iosding within « given Fane required of the walk enblen wane che Joe te Eenore Do eontente, end eliay! ertees such ap eliicony maneest siane eo carbontcoktente, ane lioyi0e, 2 spas as eliicon cpleuned through Bienes cozton,coMtSDTy Hives turcugh best-trentaent, ine~ Bardening 48 of Gr chrontutes eubeequen®. tenperine- E sae eeperisitions and technical teras relating to Dest-trestuent, Dim 1 sop ver! seasraeeticn standards covering the majority of the products Rte NMP vee a peesaatae She ond of "hit facneion atandarde for particular forms of product, the perais ene" os GoMhe agreed when ordering. 3 s rt tee delaity of the steele covered by thie Standard is reckoned ae 7.05 xg/en?, Sor De deletes cfeied co the contrary in the dimension standards listed, the pereiesible weteht SaHaLSEE REDS greed aben ordering yo DIN 47018. yationed in Section 1.4 are vie fgreten Listed in Table 4 are divided into quality atecls and Bigh-grade ste) fe chffer from tbe qualiy steele not ony in tele Lovey Be porus ec da" the undforalty of shed properties > particularly op vie" 2° eo in tht the fact that they are largely free from nonaeteliic 1o- turface condsti 5.4.3. 0 The wade de the purchaser's responsibility. It ie advisable that the manufacturer szould be consulted. »_ (condi t3 if aeli very, eraliy supplied 4p the not Folded. cope wat conditions indicate: ¢ on. They are also aveileble in one 0 ordered. to 8 Continued op pager 8 ant 9 Explanations on pet Page 2 DIN-17224 tie 38 __| sala! g} gasltl 3 1s sss z a] 388|,! Tae fret appended number, vhieh according to ton of Di 004s Onas nas nas 0935 | | jeraational Rativay Federation (UC) are reformulat ones ons onus ons nas nas 6.1.2. The code number or the materiel number tter or the for’ the 1 grade and the code \guation)according to Couparable steet 4 88, 828 q zes| 338 5 338] §88)2:. q 3222/2 333/7 qa | Ste poe £28 2/0 S32 as aunt ere” sccording to 3 B22)3 222/82435 § 2."20 The Golde nuaber must be 2 | adele PTET ny, the code letter, and to i é Hii 5 eee ac 3233/3 3232/3 ip z fof) 22 dlaks 9 Ea setae agte tanealsd cosdition Ce or 02)+ BSS) FSS[FFas, S| 54 1°70 or 1.0903.02. ©1855 -5 $| appended numbers for identifying eee t 8 ease on] comgition (in confanction with Z Eyre ich, according to nooltzesd § 7 28255 3] ota ccrreaieton natetia’ the arp a i z Zed] appended nusber for the treataent condition are <3 Eu) 'be sopgnded to the ayabete for the product 2 z] as given in the examples 0 tion in the Sés 5g] afatosion steatarae. a B85 de a feriel sunber 1.0905) in thet bot terial sunber 4. 2 285 Folled condition: Eee 80 x 40 DIN 4570 - $1 81.70 AER 80 X 10 DIE 4570 - 4.0903.00 eds of. F 6.2.4. The exasple quoted in Section 6.1.2 for a'code desiguetion fe to be written ss follows when combined sith particulars apecifying « 5 Mode of delivery (eng. 3 ble 3): z Spring t.01 80 x10 DIN 1570 - 51.51 7 U- <3 node of delivery 3.0 os? or Bpring ateel 80x 10 DIN 1570 - 1.0903.00 = $36 node of delivery 3.8 Bas Table 4. Grade classification and cheat. 76 DIN 47221 Page 5 2. Bequiremente eda Pepduction procveses Tete oboice of production pro of ft saeaistig 2.2: Moden.of Se eats) tea a the not i214. Stools jing to, andar are 12 one of the modes of delivery (combina- 72s gePetehtattes proberticn) accordane to ante: aaa denaeentepat contivion (eee Table 2) and the node of fete, { ine trantnent coery ie usuliy sade in the untreeted (Dor ots raeTebenieel couposition and through bard Tresponde to mode of deliv re ugually delivered to the purcbaser ae ere ufecturing conditions the purchaser a te left to the manufacturer work unless agreed to the con- 1e Table 3) must be 3 condition with according to beats. Por the a’beat basis. Shen: sree regard to the chemical composition 3a. Manet apalzeie values are guaranteed for odes of Se3t2077 1 and 40 ad the pagtect SROs Values for the otner podee of deliver > to "1X. 7.3.2+.0 In the cas ee delivery 1 end 1 4 it may de agreed vhen ordering thas. Porieteat ion 4 povided oat, tbe product analysis upholds, the edie enel7~ Ts2 Tubshet tot the permiasibie varietions fros tbe lisit values © ated 4p Table 4. perniseibie Uelivery 5 to 11 2 ainor variations fre theee 140lt yeioes for eee eete a are peraiteed provided that the properties to be Saar” ‘of delivery are maintained: for round canard through barfenability 1s, quarente eangard Ghrougl pe iguicetes dn Mabie 5+ nor Pui through bargening ie genoted DY & 2 el eens gelue of Se Hae (47 HEC in the mae a eo*SS Sii7) in he core of apeciael MIT) Dud in water or ofl. Gprough hardensbiliey is verified only f specially agreed wher ordering (see Section ‘and ayebole for, jode of delivery?) chemical composition Pernieaibie wexinus feontent in Ladle ab] hardness in the core ‘after quenching?) hardness tn the soft ‘tunecled condition (0) ae meena (©) Sa Wepaataas HG 100 10 esas = 3100 5 1) mre ef wre piven ip b 2) me numbers and letters ment with the sdent: Cernational stander: 3) bee Section 7-4 and Table 5+ 4) see Table 6 and Section 745+ Exanpiee of application: fue order apecifien the node of delivery T tyubol t's the following must del el eospoeition from the prt ih the core after yrénese ip the soft an wetere are tov ‘the product analys: je analy 2) vnan two or wore protuct analyse! neck the vardati cording to the b) If the chenten) cow the he

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