Android Game Development

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Android Game Development


Development of own Android Games through users friendly software


Computer Animation and Game Development students will have an understanding of critical and
aesthetic issues in computer graphics and mixed-media.

They will be able to effectively use technical, conceptual and critical abilities, and appropriate
technology tools.

We want our students to have great game development skills so they know how to create unique
and creative game apps that are played and liked by many people.

Course Progression:

Levels Content Duration

1 Gaming Concepts 3 Months

Introduction of various terms: sprites, character 12 Classes

animations, object behavior, events and more.
1 class per week
Logic based programming including loops,
variables and event conditions.

Making 2D platform games..

2 Advance gamming concepts 4 Months

Troubleshooting for errors 12 Classes

Multi-Level games 1 class per week

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