Mechanical Engg MCQ

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Eknath Talele

Mob. No. 9011150190


Mechanical Engg. Important Topic MCQ’s for MES – 2019

During adiabatic process, essentially

(a) Entropy remains constant
(b) Enthalpy remains constant
(c) No work transfer takes place
(d) No heat transfer takes place
Ans:- D

Which of the following is called antifriction bearing?

(a) Slide contact bearing
(b) Collar bearing
(c) Rolling contact bearing
(d) all of the above
Ans:- C

According to Kelvin Planck statement, a perpetual motion machine

(a) Of first kind is possible
(b) Of first kind is impossible
(c) Of Second kind is impossible
(d) Of Second kind is possible
Ans:- C

In a four-stroke cycle I.C. engine, the minimum temperature inside the engine
cylinder occurs at the
(a) Beginning of suction stroke
(b) End of suction stroke
(c) Beginning of exhaust stroke
(d) End of exhaust stroke
In a four-stroke cycle of an I.C. engine, the operations are, in sequence
(a) Suction, compression, expansion and exhaust
(b) Suction, expansion, compression and exhaust
(c) Expansion, compression, Suction and exhaust
(d) Compression, Expansion, Suction and exhaust
Ans:- A

How many links would the simplest cam mechanism have?

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
Ans:- D

As per first law of thermodynamics, when any system confined within a boundary
is carried through a series of operations such that the final state is same as the
initial state, then
(a) the net work transfer is higher than the net heat transfer
(b) the network transfer is lower than the net heat transfer
(c) the network transfer is equal to the net heat transfer
(d) the network transfer is equal to or higher than the net heat transfer

Enthalpy is calculated as the

(a) sum of internal energy and the product of pressure and volume of the system
(b) sum of internal energy and the product of pressure and density of the system
(c) difference between the internal energy and the product of pressure and density of the system
(d) difference between the internal energy and the product of pressure and volume of the system

The area below the p–V diagram of a non-flow process represents

(a) heat transfer (b) mass transfer
(c) work transfer (d) entropy transfer

In an isothermal process, the heat transfer is

(a) less than the work transfer
(b) equal to the work transfer
(c) less than or equal to the work transfer
(d) more than the work transfer
A heat engine receives 1000 kJ of heast and produces 600 kJ of work. The amount
of hear rejected in kJ and the efficiency percentage of the engine, respectively
will be
(a) 400, 40% (b) 400, 60%
(c) 600, 40% (d) 600, 60%

The efficiency of a Carnot Engine depends on

(a) the nature of the working fluid
(b) the duration of working of the engine
(c) the capacity of the engine
(d) the temperature limits of the working fluid

The Taylor’s correlation between the cutting speed (V) and the tool life (T) is given
(a) Vn/T=Constant (b) VTn= Constant
(c) V/Tn=Constant (d) VnT= Constant
Ans:- b

The centre of gravity of a complex link in a four bar chain mechanism will
(a) No acceleration (b) Only linear acceleration
(c) Only angular acceleration (d) Both linear and angular acceleration

The power from the engine to the rear axle of an automobile is transmitted by
means of
(a) Worm and worm wheel (b) Spur gears
(c) Bevel gears (d) Hooke’s joint

When the load on engine increases, it becomes necessary to increase the supply
of working fluid and when the load decreases, less working fluid is required. The
supply of the working fluid to the engine is controlled by a
(a) D-slide valve (b) Governor
(c) Meyer’s expansion valve (d) Fly wheel
The term N.T.P. stands for :
(a) Nominal temperature and pressure
(b) Natural temperature and pressure
(c) Normal temperature and pressure
(d) Normal thermodynamic pressure
Ans:- a

Crank, connecting rod, cylinder, and piston of a steam engine constitute:

(a) One link (b) Two links
(c) Three links (d) Four links
Ans:- d

Heat and work are:

(a) Point functions (b) System properties
(c) Path functions (d) Intensive properties

Second law of thermodynamics defines:

(a) Entropy (b) Enthalpy
(c) Heat (d) Work
Ans:- a

A simple mechanism has,

(a) 1 link (b) 2 links
(c) 3 links (d) 4 links
Ans:- d

Which of the following is an irreversible cycle?

(a) Carnot (b) Stirling
(c) Ericsson (d) None of the above
Ans:- d
In automobiles the power is transmitted from gear box to differential through
(a) Bevel gear (b) Universal
(c) Hook’s joint (d) Knuckle joint
Ans:- A
For a slider crank mechanism, velocity and acceleration of the piston at inner
dead center will be:
(a) 0 and 0 (b) 0 and ω2 r
(c) 0 and < ω2r (d) 0 and > ω2r
where 'ω' is angular velocity of the crank and 'r' its radius.
Ans:- d

Inversion of a mechanism is:

(a) Changing of a higher pair to lower pair
(b) Obtained by fixing different links in a kinematic chain
(c) Turning it upside down
(d) Obtained by reversing the input and output motion
Ans:- B

The surface of gear tooth below pitch surface is called

(a) Bottom tooth (b) Face
(c) Flank (d) Dedendum portion
Ans:- c

The efficiency of Carnot cycle is maximum for:

(a) Gas engine (b) Reversible engine
(c) Petrol engine (d) Steam engine
Ans:- b

An open system is one in which:

(a) Mass does not cross boundaries of the system, through energy may do so
(b) Neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system
(c) Both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system
(d) Mass crosses the boundary but not the energy
Ans:- c

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of:

(a) Conservation of mass
(b) Conservation of energy
(c) Conservation of momentum
(d) Conservation of heat
Ans:- b
In the flange coupling the two flange are coupled together by means of bolts
fitted in
(a) Reamed Holes (b) Machine Holes
(c) Threaded Holes (d) Gasketed Holes
Ans:- b

The sleeve or muff coupling is designed as a

(a) Thin vessel (b) Thick vessel
(c) Solid shaft (d) Hallow shaft
Ans:- D

Which types of gear will be used for non-parallel and non-intersecting shafts?
(a) Helical gears (b) Hypoid gears ( spiral gears)
(c) Worm gears (d) Herringbone gears
Ans: b

To connect two parallel and coplanar shafts the following type of gearing is used
a) Spur gear b) Bevel gear
c) Spiral gear d) None of the mentioned
Ans:- a

The gear used to convert rotary motion into translating motion is

a) Worm and wheel b) Crown gear
c) Rack and pinion d) Spiral Bevel gear
Ans:- c

In a V- belt drive, the belt makes contact at

a) Bottom of Pulley
b) Sides of the groove pulley
c) Sides of groove and bottom of pulley
d) Could make contact anywhere
Ans:- c

The value of entropy at 0 degree Celsius is taken as

a) 1 b) 0
c) -1 d) 0.5
Ans:- b
Kelvin Plank’s law deals with the
(1) conservation of heat (2) conservation of Work
(3) conservation of heat into work (4) conservation of work into heat
Ans:- 3

The device which permits the connection and disconnection of shafts is:
(a) Bearing (b) Connector
(c) Clutch (d) Pulley

Heating wet steam at constant temperature is the same as heating at consonant:

(a) Entropy (b) Pressure
(c) Volume (d) Enthalpy

Which of the following is an extensive property?

(a) Temperature (b) Pressure
(c) Density (d) Enthalpy
Ans:- D

For a closed system, the difference between heat added to the system and work
done by the system, is equal to change in:
(a) Entropy (b) Temperature
(c) Internal energy (d) Enthalpy
Ans:- C

The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is called as:
(a) Isentropic (b) Isobaric
(c) Isochoric (d) Isothermal
Ans:- A

The only angle on which the strength of the tool depends, is:
(a) Lip angle (b) Clearance angle
(c) Rake angle (d) Cutting angle
Ans:- C

The size of the gear is usually specified by:

(a) Pitch circle diameter (b) Pressure angle
(c) Circular pitch (d) Diameter pitch

Herring bone gears are:

(a) Double helical gears (b) Spur gears with small teeth
(c) Large worm gears (d) Spiral gears
In a gear drive, module is equal to:
1 1
(a) Diametral Pitch (b) Circular Pitch

Circular Pitch Diametral Pitch

(c) (d)
π π

The relation between the number of links (L) and number of pairs (P) is:
(a) L = 2P - 3 (b) L = 2P - 2
(c) L = 2P - 4 (d) L = 3 – 2P
Ans:- C

An isothermal process is one in which:

(a) The pressure of the gas in the system is proportional to the volume of the gas.
(b) The internal energy of the system under consideration decreases during the change
(c) The heat transfer of the system under consideration is zero
(d) The temperature of the system under consideration remains constant during the change

Which of the following statements is not true for couplings?

(a) Couplings are meant for transmitting torque
(b) Couplings keep the mating shafts in alignment
(c) Couplings are used in shafts
(d) Couplings connect parallel shafts
Ans:- D

A slider crank chain is a four bar linkage consisting of

(a) One sliding pair and two turning pairs
(b) One sliding pair and three turning pairs
(c) Two sliding pairs and two rotating pairs
(d) Two sliding pairs and two turning pairs
Ans:- B

10. The angle of vee belts is

(a) 150 (b) 300
(c) 400 (d) 450
Ans:- D

11. A point on a link connecting double slider crank chain traces a/an
(a) Straight line path
(b) Circular Path
(c) Parabolic path
(d) Elliptical path
Ans:- D
In a kinematic chain, the minimum number of kinematic pairs required is
(a) one (b) two
(c) three (d) four
Ans:- D

The expression 1ʃ2pdV gives the measure of work done during

(a) Steady flow reversible process
(b) Non-flow reversible process
(c) Open system and any process
(d) Any system and any process
Ans:- B

If two liquids at different temperatures are mixed, then the final temperature of
the mixture of liquids can be obtained by using
(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) Second law of thermodynamics
(d) Third law of thermodynamics
Ans:- C

For an irreversible thermodynamics cycle

Ans:- B

The enthalpy of evaporation of water

(a) Decreases with increase in pressure
(b) Decreases with decrease in pressure
(c) Increases with increase in pressure
(d) Remain unaffected by change in pressure
Ans:- A

In a throttling process, the following thermodynamic property remains

(a) Enthalpy (b) Entropy
(c) Specific heat (d) Energy
Ans:- A

Heat supplied to a system equals the work done in case of non-flow process
carried out
(a) Isochorically (b) Isobarically
(c) Isothermally (d) Adiabatically
Ans:- C
39. Which property is an intensive property of the system?
(a) Specific enthalpy (b) Volume
(c) Kinetic energy (d) Entropy
Ans:- A

One of the extensive properties of a thermodynamic system amongst the

following is
(a) Pressure (b) Volume
(c) Temperature (d) Density
Ans:- B

The angle between the face and the flank of the single point cutting tool is known
(a) Rake angle (b) Clearance angle
(c) Lip angle (d) Side angle
Ans:- A

When neither mass nor energy is allowed to cross the boundary of a system, it is
then called
(a) Open system (b) Isolated system
(c) Universe (d) Closed system
Ans:- B

Which of the following entities is not a thermodynamic property?

(a) Temperature (b) Specific volume
(c) Heat (d) Pressure
Ans:- C

Of the following “path function” quantity is

(a) Temperature (b) Work done
(c) Enthalpy (d) Pressure
Ans:- B

Process in thermodynamic cycles are

I : Isentropic II : Constant Volume
III: Constant pressure IV : Isothermal
Which process of is/are not involved in an air standard
dual combustion cycle?
(a) II and III only (b) I only
(c) IV only (d) I and II only
Ans:- C
In a drill operation
(a) Torque is equal to the axial force
(b) Torque is more than the axial force
(c) Torque is less than the axial force
(d) Torque is half the axial force
Ans:- D

A spur gear with pitch circle diameter D has number

of teeth T. The module m is defined as
(a) m = D/T (b) m = DT
(c) m = T/D (d) m = D/T
Ans:- A

Degree of freedom of a slider crank mechanism is

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 0

Match the List-I with list-II and select the correct match using the codes below
List-I List-II
A. Governor 1. Dunkerley method
B. Flywheel 2. turning moment
C. Critical speed 3. D’ Alembert’s principle
D. Inertia force 4. Speed control

(a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 4 2 1 3

The reaction between number of lower pair (P) and number of links (L) in a four
link kinematic chain is given by
(a) L = p + 4 (b) L = 2p - 4
(c) L = 2(p - 1) (d) L = 2p – 4
Ans:- D

Which of the following gear system have minimum axial thrust?

(a) Bavel gears
(b) Helical gears
(c) Double helical gears
(d) Spur gears
Whenever velocity ratio required is to be very exact between two shafts at very
small distance, and then it is transmitted by
(a) Belts (b) Gears
(c) Leaves (d) Chain

Single point thread cutting tool should ideally have

(a) Positive rake angle (b) Negative rake angle
(c) Zero rake angle (d) Normal rake angle
Ans:- c

For maximum power transmitted by belt the maximum permissible tension in the
belt is–
(a) Equal to centrifugal tension
(b) Two times the centrifugal tension
(c) Three times the centrifugal tension
(d) Four times the centrifugal tension

Universal Joint is example of–

(a) Lower pair (b) Higher pair
(c) Rolling pair (d) Sliding pair

An idler pully is used–

(a) For frequent stop page of motion
(b) To maintain requisted tension in the belt
(c) To change the direction of motion of the belt
(d) To rotate only during non-load periods.
Ans:- b

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