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Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology
Vol.24, No.2, July 2007, pp.55-64


Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan
Psychosis is a mental state of illness in which person is detached from reality. Psychosis
is of many form, including; Hallucinations, Delusions, thought insertion, withdrawal,
block broadcasting, lack of insight etc. Different theories suggest that the cause of
psychotic illness may be, inherited, problem in brain, neurochemical imbalance, anxiety
or stress, any combination of the above, using drugs [e.g., cannabis, Lysergic acid
diethylamide (LSD)], infections (e.g., menningitis), brain tumours (cancer), epilepsy,
head injuries. Psychosis has been shown to respond well to treatments such as anti-
psychotic medication, and more recently cognitive-behavioural therapy has been
suggested as working well. Family and group therapies are often found to give successful
results in certain individuals. Haloperidol is a psychotropic agent indicated for the
treatment of schizophrenia. It also exerts sedative and antiemetic activity. Haloperidol
has actions at all levels of the central nervous system-primarily at subcortical levels as
well as on multiple organ systems. Risperidone is a novel antipsychotics, it is a uniquely
balanced serotonin/dopamine antagonist (SDA) that offers considerable advantages in the
first-line treatment of schizophrenia. This review examines the efficacy of haloperidol
versus risperidone.

Keywords: Psychosis, Scizophrenia, Antipsychotic, Mania, Major-bipolar disorder,


INTRODUCTION and brief psychotic disorder. However, other

disorders can present with psychotic
Psychosis symptoms, including bipolar disorder and
Psychosis comprises a cluster of medical depression with psychotic features, substance-
symptoms, but a precise and universally induced psychosis, medical illness such as
accepted definition has been elusive. The most neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease
restrictive definition is limited to symptoms of and with environmental circumstances e.g., in
delusions or hallucinations – the hallucinations the intensive care unit (ICU). ICU psychosis
occurring in patients who lack insight into can occur in some patients due to a variety of
their illness. A broad definition can include situations: post-surgical anesthesia, waking up
psychiatric manifestations such as the positive with numerous intravenous lines in place,
symptoms of schizophrenia like disorganized noises in the ICU area, the constant flow of
speech or catatonic behavior. The term staff, and an unfamiliar environment for that
psychosis can conceptually include the loss of could result in agitation and other psychotic
ego boundaries or a gross impairment in symptoms (Wallace, 2001; Sato et al., 2006
reality testing. and Krakoski et al., 2006).

Psychotic symptoms are a defining feature Antipsychotic Drugs

of schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, Antipsychotics drugs have been the
schizoeffective disorder, delusional disorder, mainstay of the treatment for psychosis since

Correspondence: Email:;

56 Comparative Efficacy of Haloperidol and Risperidone: A Review

chlorpromazine’s discovery in the mid-1950s sive and communicative. Anti-psychotics

and its record of achievement earned in drugs are therefore not simply tranquilizers,
clinical application during use in the early decreasing the ability of psychotic individuals
1960s. From 1960s to 1989, anti-psychotics to express their disturbances, but instead
drugs were effective in treating psychotic appear to somewhat selectively reverse many
symptoms in psychiatric disorders, but had of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Anti-
numerous adverse side effects, most notably psychotics do not cure schizophrenia, they
extra pyramidal side effects (EPS). The food simply alleviate symptoms. Since schizo-
and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of phrenia is a lifetime disorder, treatment with
clozapine started a new era of developing anti- anti-psychotics typically continues throughout
psychotics drugs with fewer EPS. the lifetime of the patient (Krakowski et al.,
2006; Molina et al., 2004 and Spanarello et al.,
Agents prior to 1989 can be classified as 2005).
“conventional” or “typical” anti-psychotics;
those approved after that date are termed Although anti-psychotics have produced
“atypical” anti-psychotics (Lee et al., 1997 and important benefits in the treatment of mental
Stollberger et al., 2005). illness, they are also associated with
significant side effects. Acutely, these drugs
Behavioral Effects in Humans: may produce extra pyramidal symptoms,
When administered acutely, anti- movement problems similar to Parkinson’s
psychotics produce profound effects in disease. With long-term use these drugs may
psychotic individuals, including patients with produce, in some individuals, a disturbing
schizophrenia, acute mania, and others movement disorder known as tardive
displaying agitation, aggression or paranoia. dyskinesia. Tardive dyskinesia is characterized
Soon after administration individuals become by stereotypical, repetitive, involuntary
less agitated, restless, aggressive and movements of the mouth and tongue, trunk,
impulsive without becoming excessively and extremities. These symptoms are typically
sedated. Initiative and interest in the seen after two years or more of anti-psychotic
environment may be reduced, in addition to drugs use and symptoms sometime persist
displays of emotion or effect. However, while indefinitely after discontinuation of the
there may be drowsiness and some slowness in medication. Secondary medications are often
response to external stimuli, subjects are easily administered with anti-psychotics to decrease
aroused, capable of giving appropriate answers the potential for the development of tardive
to direct questions, and seem to have intact dyskinesia (Ritchie et al., 2003 and Tarazi et
intellectual functions. Because of the dramatic al., 2003).
tranquilizing effect of these drugs in
individuals without schizophrenia, this Haloperidol:
calming of acute psychosis is less selective Haloperidol is a butyrophenone derivative
than the long-term effects (Wallace, 2001; with anti-psychotic properties that has been
Zuidema et al., 2006 and Sato et al., 2006). considered particularly effective in the
management of hyperactivity, agitation, and
With continuous administration of the mania. Haloperidol is an effective neuroleptic
anti-psychotics more selective effects on and also possesses anti-emetic properties; it
psychosis emerge. Following two to six weeks has a marked tendency to provoke extra
of administration, hallucinations, delusions, pyramidal effects and has relatively weak
and disorganized thinking tend to diminish or alpha-adrenolytic properties (Savaskan et al.,
disappear. Although negative symptoms are 2005). It may also exhibit hypothermic and
less likely to be affected than positive anorexiant effects and potentiate the action of
symptoms, patients displaying social with- barbiturates, general anesthetics, and other
drawal may sometimes become more respon- CNS depressant drugs. The mechanism of
Ahmed et al. 57

action of haloperidol has not been entirely Haloperidol has been reported to interfere
elucidated, but has been attributed to the with the anticoagulant properties of
inhibition of the transport mechanism of phenindione in an isolated case, and the
cerebral monoamines, particularly by blocking possibility should be kept in mind of a similar
the impulse transmission in dopaminergic effect occurring when haloperidol is used with
neurons (Alvarez and Skowronski, 2003; Karl other anticoagulants. Haloperidol may
et al., 2006; Ali et al., 2003; Kirkwood and antagonize the action of epinephrine and other
Givone, 2003 and Zimbroff, 2003). Peak sympathomimetic agents and reverse the blood
plasma levels of haloperidol occur within 2 to pressure-lowering effects of adrenergic-
6 hours of oral dosing and about 20 minutes blocking agents, such as guanethidine.
after i.m. administration. The mean plasma Enhanced CNS effects may occur when
(terminal elimination) half-life has been haloperidol is used in combination with
determined as 20.7 ± 4.6 (SD) hours, and methyldopa. Haloperidol inhibits the metabo-
although excretion begins rapidly, only 24 to lization of tricyclic antidepressants, thereby
60% of ingested radioactive drug is excreted increasing plasma levels of these drugs. This
(mainly as metabolites in urine, some in may result in increased tricyclic antidepressant
faeces) by the end of the first week, and very toxicity (anticholinergic effects, cardiovascular
small but detectable levels of radioactivity toxicity, lowering of seizure threshold)
persist in the blood and are excreted for (Krieger et al., 2004).
several weeks after dosing. About 1% of the
ingested dose is recovered unchanged in the When prolonged Carbamazepine treat-
urine. Haloperidol is indicated in the ment is added to haloperidol therapy, this
management of manifestations of acute and results in a significant reduction of haloperidol
chronic psychosis, including schizophrenia plasma levels. Therefore, during combination
and manic states. It may also be of value in the treatment, the haloperidol dose should be
management of aggressive and agitated adjusted, when necessary. After stopping
behavior in patients with chronic brain Carbamazepine, it will be necessary to reduce
syndrome and mental retardation and in the the dosage of haloperidol. Haloperidol may
symptomatic control of Gilles de la Tourette’s impair the antiparkinson effects of levodopa. If
syndrome (Zykov et al., 2005; Andrezina et an antiparkinson agent is used concomitantly
al., 2006 and Kennedy et al., 2003), Comatose with haloperidol, both drugs should not be
states and CNS depression due to alcohol or discontinued simultaneously, since extra-
other depressant drugs; severe depressive pyramidal symptoms may occur due to the
states; previous spastic diseases; lesions of the slower excretion rate of haloperidol. When
basal ganglia; Parkinson’s syndrome, except in haloperidol is used to control mania in cyclic
the case of dyskinesias due to levodopa disorders, there may be a rapid mood swing to
treatment; sensitivity to haloperidol; senile depression. The antiemetic action of
patients with pre-existing Parkinson-like haloperidol may obscure signs of toxicity due
symptoms. Safety and effectiveness in young to over dosage of other drugs or mask the
children have not been established; therefore, symptoms of some organic diseases, such as
haloperidol is contraindicated in this age brain tumor or intestinal obstructions. Severe
group. Safety for use in pregnancy and neurotoxicity (rigidity, inability to walk or
lactation has not been established; do not talk) may occur in patients with thyrotoxicosis
administer to women of childbearing potential who are also receiving anti-psychotic
or nursing mothers unless, in the opinion of medication, including haloperidol. Neuroleptic
the physician, the expected benefits of the drug drugs elevate prolactin levels; the elevation
outweigh the potential hazard to the fetus or persists during chronic administration.
child. Haloperidol is excreted in breast milk Although disturbances such as galactorrhea,
(Fredriksson & Archer, 2006; Diav-Citrin et amenorrhea, gynecomastia, and impotence
al., 2005). have been reported, which are presumed to be
58 Comparative Efficacy of Haloperidol and Risperidone: A Review

linked to elevated prolactin levels (Savaskan et Tardive dystonia, not associated with the
al., 2006, Besag and Berry, 2006). above syndrome, has been reported. Tardive
dystonia is characterized by delayed onset of
Neuromuscular (extrapyramidal) effects choreic or dystonic movements, is often
such as Parkinson-like symptoms, akathisia, persistent, and has the potential of becoming
dyskinesia, dystonia, hyperreflexia, rigidity, irreversible (Balestrieri et al., 2000; Luft,
opisthotonos, and, occasionally, oculogyric Taylor, 2006, Schneider et al., 2006 and
crisis are the most frequently reported side Alvarez, Skowronski, 2006)
effects associated with the administration of
haloperidol. Headache, vertigo and cerebral Insomnia, depressive reactions, and toxic
seizures have also been reported. The confusional states are the more common
extrapyramidal reactions are usually dose effects encountered. Drowsiness, lethargy,
related in occurrence and severity and, as a stupor and catalepsy, confusion, restlessness,
rule, tend to subside when the dose is reduced agitation, anxiety, euphoria, and exacerbation
or the drug is temporarily discontinued. of psychotic symptoms, including hallucina-
However, considerable interpatient variability tions, have also been reported (Harvey et al.,
exists, and, although some individuals may 2004, Hassaballa and Balk, 2003)
tolerate higher than average doses of
haloperidol, severe extra pyramidal reactions, Tachycardia, hypertension and ECG
necessitating discontinuation of the drug, may changes including prolongation of the QT
occur at relatively low doses. Administration interval and ECG pattern changes compatible
of an antiparkinson agent is usually, but not with the polymorphous configurations of
always, effective in preventing or reversing torsades de pointes have been reported.
neuromuscular reactions associated with Hypotension has occurred, but severe
haloperidol (Galili et al., 2000; Balestrieri et orthostatic hypotension has not been reported.
al., 2000). However, should it occur, supportive
measures, including i.v. vasopressors such as
As with all anti-psychotic agents, tardive norepinephrine, may be required. Epinephrine
dyskinesia may appear in some patients on should not be used, since haloperidol may
long-term therapy or may appear after drug block the vasoconstrictor effects of this drug.
therapy has been discontinued. The risk
appears to be greater in elderly patients on Dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary
high dose therapy, especially females. The retention, incontinence, diaphoresis and
symptoms are persistent and in some patients priapism have been reported. The overall
appear to be irreversible. The syndrome is incidence of significant hematologic changes
characterized by rhythmical, involuntary in patients on haloperidol has been low.
movements of the tongue, face, mouth or jaw Occasionally there have been reports of mild
(e.g., protrusion of tongue, puffing of cheeks, and usually transient leukopenia and
puckering of mouth, chewing movements). leukocytosis, decreases in blood cell counts,
Sometimes these may be accompanied by anemia, and a tendency toward lymphomono-
involuntary movements of extremities. There cytosis. Agranulocytosis has rarely been
is no known effective treatment for tardive reported with the use of haloperidol, and then
dyskinesia; antiparkinsonism agents usually do only in association with other medication.
not alleviate the symptoms of this syndrome. It Impairment of liver function (jaundice or
is suggested that all anti-psychotic agents be hepatitis) has been reported rarely. One case of
discontinued if these symptoms appear. It has photosensitization is known and isolated cases
been reported that fine vermicular movements of idiosyncratic cutaneous involvement have
of the tongue may be an early sign of the been observed.
syndrome and if the medication is stopped at
that time the syndrome may not develop.
Ahmed et al. 59

Other untoward effects encountered 5HT1C, 5HT1D, and 5HT1A receptors, weak
include peripheral edema, hypocholestero- no affinity (Ki of 620 to 800 nM) for the
lemia, alopecia, laryngospasm, bronchospasm dopamine D1 and haloperidol-sensitive sigma
and increased depth of respiration and stasis site, and to affinity (when tested at
pneumonia. Hyperammonemia has been concentrations >10-5M) for cholinergic
reported in a 5½ year old child with muscarinic or α1 and α2 adrenergic receptors
citrullinemia, an inherited disorder of (Marek et al., 2003, Aghajanian and Marek,
ammonia excretion, following treatment with 2000).
haloperidol. Table 1
The relative in vitro binding profiles of
As with other neuroleptic drugs, a (haloperidol)
symptom complex sometimes referred to a
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) has Receptor Haloperidol Risperodone
been reported. Cardinal features of NMS are D1 36.0 50.0
hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity, altered mental D2 7.5 4.0
status (including catatonic signs), and evidence D3 2.7 6.7
of autonomic instability (irregular pulse or D4 23.0 7.0
blood pressure). Additional signs may include 5-HT2A 55.0 0.76
elevated CPK, myoglobinuria (rhabdomyoly- 5-HT2C 2100.0 14.0
sis), and acute renal failure. NMS is Alpha 1 18.0 1.7
potentially fatal, requires intensive symp- Alpha 2 2000.0 2.3
tomatic treatment and immediate disconti- H1 >1000.0 110.0
nuation of neuroleptic treatment. Hyperpyrexia Muscarinic 5500.0 6500.0
and heat stroke, not associated with the above
symptom complex, have also been reported Risperidone is well absorbed. Risperidone
(Gerbershagen et al., 2001; Reeves et al., is extensively metabolized in the liver by
2001; Magdalan et al., 2004; Lee et al., 1997). cytochrome P450IID6 to a major active
metabolite, 9-hydroxyrisperidone, which is the
Risperidone predominant circulating specie, and appears
Risperidone is a relatively new anti- approximately equi-effective with risperidone
psychotics that is a potent antagonist at 5-HT2a with respect to receptor binding activity (A
and D2 receptors. It is the most potent second minor pathway is N-dealkylation).
serotonin/dopamine antagonist available today. Consequently, the clinical effect of the drug
It also demonstrates relatively high affinity for results from the combined concentrations of
alpha1 and H1 receptors but low affinity for risperidone plus 9-hydroxyrisperidone. Plasma
beta-adrenergic or muscarinic receptors (Table concentrations of risperidone, 9-hydroxy-
1). Preclinical studies indicate that while ridperidone, and risperidone plus 9-hydro-
risperidone is approximately equipotent to xyrisperidone are dose proportional over the
haloperidol at D2 antagonism, it is several dosing range of 1 to 16 mg daily (0.5 to 8 mg
times less potent than haloperidol at inducing bid). The relative oral bioavailability of
catalepsy (McDonald et al., 2003). risperidone from a tablet was 94% when
compared to a solution. Food does not affect
Risperidone is a selective monoaminergic either the rate or extent of absorption of
antagonist with high affinity (Ki of 0.12 to 7.3 risperidone. Thus, risperidone can be given
nM) for the serotonin type 2 (5H2T), dopamine with or without meals. The absolute oral
type 2 (D2), O1 and O2 adrenergic, and H1 bioavailability of risperidone was 70%. The
histaminergic receptors. Risperidone anta- enzyme catalyzing hydroxylation of
gonizes other receptors, but with lower risperidone to 9-hydroxy-risperidone is cyto-
potency. Risperidone has low to moderate chrome P450IID6, also called debrisoquin
affinity (47 to 253 nM) for the serotonin hydroxylase, the enzyme responsible for
60 Comparative Efficacy of Haloperidol and Risperidone: A Review

metabolism of many neuroleptics, anti- Fluoxetine may increase the plasma

depressants, antiarrhythmics, and other drugs. concentration of the anti-psychotic
Cytochrome P450IID6 is subject to genetic fraction (risperidone plus 9-hydroxy-
polymorphism. Following oral administration risperidone) by raising the concentration
of solution or tablet, mean peak plasma of risperidone, although not the active
concentrations occurred at about 1 hour. The metabolite, 9-hydroxyrisperidone.
apparent half-life of risperidone was 3 hours in
extensive metabolizers and 20 hours in poor In vitro studies indicate that risperidone is
metabolizers. Steady-state concentrations of a relatively weak inhibitor of cytochrome
risperidone are reached in 1 day in extensive P450IID6. Therefore, risperidone is not
metabolizers and would be expected to reach expected to substantially inhibit the clearance
steady state in about 5 days in poor of drugs that are metabolized by this
metabolizers (Aghajanian and Marek, 2000; enzymatic pathway. However, clinical data to
Zhou et al., 2006). confirm this expectation are not available.

Risperidone is indicated for the Overdose:

management of the manifestations of Acute risperidone over-dosage with
psychotic disorders. The antipsychotics estimated doses ranging from 20 to 300mg and
efficacy of risperidone was established in reported signs and symptoms are resulting
short-term (6 to 8 weeks) controlled trials of from an exaggeration of the drug’s known
schizophrenic inpatients (Kontaxakis et al., pharmacological effects (i.e., drowsiness and
2006). The effectiveness of risperidone in sedation, tachycardia and hypotension, and
long-term use, that is, more than 6 to 8 weeks, extrapyramidal symptoms). One case,
has not been systematically evaluated in involving an estimated overdose of 240 mg,
controlled trials. Therefore, the use of was associated with hyponatremia, hypo-
risperidone for extended periods should kalemia, prolonged QT, and widened QRS.
periodically re-evaluate the long-term useful- Another case, involving an estimated overdose
ness of the drug for the individual patient of 36mg, was associated with a seizure
(Klebovich et al., 2005). (Magdalan et al., 2004 and Lee et al., 1997).

The interactions of risperidone and other Another acute over-dosage with estimated
drugs have not been systematically evaluated. doses of up to 360 mg, the most frequently
Given the primary CNS effects of risperidone, reported signs and symptoms are those
caution should be used when risperidone is resulting from an exaggeration of the drug’s
taken in combination with other centrally known pharmacological effects (i.e.,
acting drugs and alcohol (Poewe, 2005). drowsiness, sedation, tachycardia, and hypo-
tension). Other adverse events reported which
Because of its potential for inducing were temporally, (but not necessarily causally)
hypotension, risperidone may enhance the related to risperidone overdose, include
hypotensive effects of other therapeutic agents prolonged QT interval, convulsions, cardio-
with this potential. pulmonary arrest, and rare fatality associated
with multiple drug overdose (Aichhorn et al.,
Risperidone may antagonize the effects of 2006 and Llerena et al., 2004).
levodopa and dopamine agonists.
Chronic administration of Carbamazepine It is recommended that responding
with risperidone may increase the patients be continued on risperidone, but at the
clearance of resperidone. lowest dose needed to maintain remission.
Chronic administration of clozapine with Patients should be periodically reassessed to
risperidone may decrease the clearance of determine the need for maintenance treatment
risperidone. (Silke et al., 2002).
Ahmed et al. 61

DISCUSSION reflects the finding with significantly fewer

patients treated with risperidone requiring anti-
Among patients with clinically stable parkinsonian medication compared to halo-
chronic schizophrenia or schizoaffective peridol (Garver, 2006).
disorder, the risk of relapse was significantly
lower during treatment with risperidone than RESULT
during treatment with haloperidol. The benefit
with risperidone was substantial. The means of Risperidone is at least as (and possibly
the modal daily doses of risperidone (4.9mg) slightly more) effective than atypical anti-
and haloperidol (11.7mg) were similar to those psychotics drugs (chiefly haloperidol). It has a
used in clinical practice (Nyberg et al., 1999). low incidence of EPS and may be more
The relapse rate among subjects receiving acceptable to patients with schizophrenia.
haloperidol (39.9 percent) was similar in Whether risperidone offers any advantages
magnitude to that found previously among over the other atypical anti-psychotics is yet to
patients receiving conventional anti-psychotic be established (Kirkwood and Givone, 2003;
agents (Glick et al., 2006). Conley and Kelly, 2002; Glick et al., 2006).
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