Science Club Organizational Action Plan 2013

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Republic of the Philippines


High School Department
Olongapo City



A.Y. 2013 – 2014
INVOLVED Source Amount
Election of Organizational To constitute the new set of June 2013 Students, Adviser - - The organization was able to
Officers officers of the organization. constitute its new set of officers
through an election.
Recruitment of Members To encourage the students to June 2013 Officers, Students - - The officers posted
join the organization and to announcements in the strategic
disseminate the organizational places in the campus that
thrusts and objectives. encouraged students to join the
Activation of the To provide an online portal July 2013 Officers, Students - - An official Facebook account of
Organizational Facebook that would promote the the organization was activated
Account organizational thrusts, under the name _______.
objectives and undertakings.
And provide an avenue for
students’ comments and
suggestions for the benefit of
the organization.
Induction of QARSS To induct the newly-elected July 2013 Officers, Adviser - - The adviser of the organization
Officers organizational officers. presented the organizational
officers to the inducting officer
who sworn the latter into
Kilos Protesta Laban sa To join the mounting August 2013 QARSS Officers, - - The officers and members
Planta clamor to stop the planned Students joined the peaceful mass
construction of a 600- action against the coal power
megawatt coal-fired power plant which would contribute
plant in Sitio Naglatore, serious risks to the
Science Club Organizational Action Plan | 1
Barangay Cawag in Subic, environment and the people’s
Zambales. health and livelihood.
Ozone Layer Poster and To develop the September Officers, students Php 700.00 Solicitation The students joined the poster
Slogan Making Contest consciousness of the 2013 and slogan making contest.
students in preserving the Entries were put into an
ozone layer through poster exhibit at the Library in
and slogan making contest celebration of the International
in line with the United Day for the Preservation of the
Nations International Day Ozone Layer.
for the Preservation of the
Ozone Layer every
September 16.
Sagip Dagat Coastal To partake in cleaning the September Officers, adviser, Php 1000.00 Solicitation The organizational officers and
Clean-up Drive specific beaches and marine 2013 students, members were able to initiate
in the province in community a clean-up drive in one of the
connection with the people coastal areas in Zambales.
National Clean-Up Month After the clean-up activity,
and International Coastal they distributed environmental
Clean-Up Weekend every pamphlets to the residents
third week of September. living near the coastal area.
Salansan Basura Project To encourage the students September – Officers, students - - The organization, in
in the campus to properly April 2013 coordination with the SSG, was
segregate their wastes in able to put up trash bins or
line with the provisions of sacks labeled with
the Solid Waste biodegradable, non-
Management Act of 2000 biodegradable and recyclable
(RA 9003). wherein students can put their
Documentary Film To raise funds for the October 2013 Officers, students, - - A documentary film was
Viewing for a Cause organizational projects and faculty showed before the students.
programs and at the same Proceeds will be used for the
time to raise the awareness upcoming Science Festival.
of the students regarding
the protection of the
habitats of the flora and
fauna in connection with
the celebration of the
World Habitat Day every
Science Club Organizational Action Plan | 2
first Monday of October.
Save Mother Earth Tree To participate in the October 2013 Officers and Php 1000.00 Solicitation The officers and members
Planting Activity National Greening Program Members, were able to plant a number of
of the government and to Community trees in an identified barangay.
mitigate climate change. people
Science Festival To showcase the skills and October 2013 Officers, students, Php 2000.00 Raised Funds Different competitions were
talents of the students faculty conducted such as sci-quiz bee,
through the various essay writing, slogan making,
scientific competitions and poster making, poetry writing,
to promote scientific and enviro-photo, jingle and
environmental awareness recyclable-made costume.
among them. There were also science exhibit
for science enthusiasts.
Balitaktakan para sa To develop the November 2013 Officers, students, Php 500.00 Solicitation In coordination with the RMTU
Kalikasan environmental awareness faculty Debating Society, the
of the youth through the organization was able to
conduct of debate in line spearhead an inter-collegiate
with the celebration of the environmental debate.
National Environmental
Awareness Month every
Usapang Pangkalikasan To discuss the causes and November 2013 Officers, students, Php 1000.00 Solicitation In coordination with the SSG, a
Climate Change effects of climate change faculty, DENR climate change symposium
Symposium and what would be the people was conducted and was
possible ways of mitigating participated in by the faculty
such in connection with the and students with speakers
celebration of Climate coming from DENR.
Change Week under the
provisions of RA 9729.
Lakbay Bundok To participate with the December 2013 Officers, students, Php 1000.00 Contributions In coordination with the other
Educational Tour United Nations adviser, campus organizations, a
International Mountain Day community mountain educational tour was
every November 11 and for people initiated by the organization.
the students to be exposed
with a garden of pygmy
trees and shrubs carpeted
with luscious greenery high
up in the altitude of Mt.
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Tapulao in Palauig.
Christmas Caroling Fund To raise funds for the December 2013 Officers and - - The organizational officers and
Raising Drive organizational projects and members, members initiated a house-to-
programs for next year. community house Christmas caroling in
people three barangays in the
municipality. Proceeds of the
fund-raising program will be
used for the projects for next
Batas Kalikasan Karavan To raise the awareness of January 2013 Officers and - - The organization extended its
the community people on Members, services to the community and
the different environmental Community spearheaded information
laws in the country. people dissemination to the
community people regarding
environmental laws.
Kalkal Kanal Community To help in maintain January 2013 Officers and Php 300.00 Contribution The organization was able to
Clean-up Drive cleanliness in adopted Members, help the community people in
communities through the Community cleaning up the adopted
spirit of volunteerism. people barangay.
Mahal ko, Kalikasan Ko To instill the vital role of the February 2013 Officers and Php 2000.00 The organization conducted a
Environmental Camp youth in protecting and Members, one-day environmental camp
preserving the students participated in by the students.
Programa Linis Batis To initiate a clean-up drive March 2013 Officers and - - The organization spearheaded
in the rivers and streams in Members, the program in coordination
the community in Community with the community people.
connection with the people
celebration of the World
Water Day every March 22.
Earth Day Poster Making To showcase the skills and March 2013 Officers and Php 500.00 Solicitation The organization was able to
Contest talents of the students in Members, conduct the poster making
poster making contest and students contest and put the entries
raise the awareness among into an exhibit until the Earth
them on the preservation of Day celebration on April 22.
the Earth.
Earth Day 2012 To participate in the April 2013 Officers and Php 1000.00 Solicitation The organization partook in
worldwide celebration of Members, the Earth Day celebration in
Earth Day through the students coordination with the
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conduct of Looc Lake clean- Sangguniang Kabataan of Brgy.
up drive. Looc, Castillejos, Zambales.

Prepared by:


Moderator, Science Club

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