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Priority Proposed Programs/Project 2017-2020

Priority Project
Rank No.
1 18 Infra Formulation of Drainage Master Plan for Q.C. in coordination with other LGUs
The project aims to produce a detailed drainage master plan for the city. The plan shall be a guide for
the city’s flood control projects.
2 42 Envi Updating of DRRM Plan
- Generate latest and updated maps of hazard areas including waterways
- Updating of hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment

Due to the city’s exposure to disaster risk, climate change, and perennial hazards, QC govt intends to
continouslyimplement a program that shall aim to provide a responsive and proactive manner of
addressing disasters through a framework focusing on the most vulnerable sectors and at the same
time recognizing the important role of local communities.

 Undertake situational analysis / evaluation of the current DRRM system

 Update database for DRRM
 Generate updated maps of hazard and risk areas within the city
 Come up with the updated LDRRMP
 Formulate and establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for implementing and sustaining
program objectives
3 10 Soc Drug Rehabilitation Facility Development Program
[Expansion and improvement of existing TAHANAN]
[Provisions for drug rehabilitation center]

It intends to improve and expand the city’s existing drug rehabilitation center (TAHANAN) and
establishment of additional drug rehabilitation center to cater to more constituents who need to avail of
its services and eventually curb drug addiction and drug dependency prevalent on drug users and those
under remission from addiction.
4 9 Soc Development of low-cost mass housing projects for low income earners
[Land acquisition for housing (on-site and off-site)]
[In-city resettlement/relocations sites for informal settlers along danger zones
[Resettlement of ISF family ejected from private property by court action]

This project aims to provide for decent, affordable and economical mass housing for low income earners
and informal settler families (ISFs). It involves land acquisition for on-site and off-site relocation of ISFs
on danger zones and those ejected from private properties by court action.
5 11 Soc Educational Support Program

[Construction of 5 state of the art public libraries – where?]
[Establishment of Public Training/ Research Center per district
[Establishment of additional community-based Alternative Learning System (ALS) centers

Training for ALS teachers/Instructional Managers (IMs)
City-funded scholarship grants for Senior High School and for deserving students

This project seeks to improve the intellectual development and competency of the students and the
teachers/instructors to achieve the optimum level of academic performance in all basic levels of
education through the provision of support facilities and services such as establishment of state of the
art public libraries, public training/research centers in each of the city’s district and ALS centers. It will
also provide opportunities for Senior High Schools (SHS) students to avail scholarship grants to
guarantee completion on this level and for deserving students as well.
6 36 Infra Replacement of existing old and undersized drainage pipes
This project covers the installation and improvement of drainage systems in parts of the road network
where there is no drainage or where the existing is insufficient or defective.
7 38 Infra Road network development program
[Widening of major roads by imposition of setback, acquisition of ROW]

To widen main city roads to their prescribed right-of-way including ROW acquisition, clearing of all
obstruction and illegal structures if any and restoration of sidewalks and easements to increase carrying
capacity of roads.

Priority Project
Rank No.
8 43 Soc Upgrading of urban poor communities
[(site identification and development / urban renewal sites) to include sewerage facilities, efficient and
adequate solid waste disposal system; installation of common public water supply to barangays with
ISFs, access]

This involves improvement of identified Community Mortgage Program (CMP) taken-out projects to
provide decent living environment to city’s urban poor communities. It will provide sewerage facilities;
efficient and adequate waste disposal system and installation of common public water supply to
barangay with ISF’s including pathwalks for their access.
9 37 Econ Resilient Livelihood Program
[Conduct of livelihood-oriented activities and/or income generating activities for potential internally
displaced population ]

Conduct of livelihood-oriented model that will generate income for potential internally displaced
population or victims of disasters.

 Establish a working group or task force dedicated to the program and shall consist of focal persons
among relevant QC offices and departments
 Identify pilot target communities and product for technology transfer
 Conduct Orientation/Trainings on Financial Literacy, Community Savings, Business Enterprise
Development, Micro-Insurance Advocacy, Basic DRRM concepts and policies
 Operationalize the resilient livelihood model.
10 35 Envi Renewable Energy Efficient Program
[- Research and Development of renewable energy sources
-Installation of solar panels in government buildings as alternative energy source [district center]
- Novaliches District Center to be solarized]

The project aims to generate electrical power through solar power systems in government
infrastructures such as schools, hospitals, offices, barangays halls etc. Solar power systems derive
clean, pure energy from the sun that helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces the city’s
dependence on fossil fuel.

 Research and development of renewable energy sources

 Development of solar energy panels to be partially subsidized by the QC government
 Novaliches District Center to be solarized
 Physical Inspection
 Preparation of Feasibility Study
 Preparation of Assessment Plan and Estimate
 Procurement of solar panels and accessories
 Installation of solar panels
11 6 Envi Setting-up of early warning systems
[Development, pilot-testing and institutionalization of early warning systems especially at the community
Procurement of equipment for early warning system facilities
Development of criteria for standardizing early warning systems]
Installation of LED Boards in strategic places in barangays that displays program and legislation of the

An essential component that will provide communities with relevant, up-to-date information on
environmental conditions so that they can assess levels of risk and make informed decisions to protect
themselves. EWS project seeks to empower communities and ensure a decrease to vulnerability to past
climate variability and change.

 Develop/institutionalize EWS info sharing and communication systems among local stakeholders
 Develop local criteria/standards aligned with national policies and guidelines for flood early warning
 Procure equipment and establish EWS systems
 Develop community-based and local early warning systems for various hazards
 Installation of LED Boards in strategic places in barangays that displays program and legislations of
the City

Priority Project
Rank No.
12 4 Envi Construction of Multi-Purpose Evacuation Centers
The construction of Evacuation Centers in every district of QC which will not only serve as temporary
shelter for evacuees during times of disaster but may also be used as venue for activities, seminars,
trainings and gatherings during ordinary days. These multi-purpose evacuation centers shall be
provided with complete amenities such as kitchen, storage rooms for supplies and goods, clinic, toilets,
shower rooms, laundry areas, sleeping quarters, counseling area and other related facilities designed
for convenience of the evacuees.

 Identification/Acquisition of potential sites for construction of dedicated evacuation centers based on

the HVRA of the city
 Preparation of plans and program documents
 Construction of evacuation centers
13 44 Infra Waterways bank protection/structures development
[Rip-rap/retaining walls along waterways]
[Installation of garbage screen on water ways]

The project covers the construction of grouted rip-rap, retaining wall and other erosion control structures
along identified stretches of rivers, creeks and drainage canals. It also includes the installation of
garbage screen structure in strategic locations of waterways and canals to continuously collect garbage
floating on waterways. This will facilitate easy, regular cleaning of city’s waterways as a way of
preventing flooding due of debris.
14 12 Infra Establishment of local mass transit system (e.g. monorail, tram, etc.)
To establish local mass transit system within the city along identified corridors through adoption of
Public-Private Partnership arrangement with the collaboration of National Agency concerned.
15 16 Envi Expansion of the waste-to-energy facility in the Payatas Sanitary Landfill
The project will increase the capacity of the existing methane extraction facility that would reduce
greenhouse gas emission as well as eliminate fire and explosion hazards in the existing dumpsite.
16 7 Econ Development of a Health/Medical and Wellness Integrated Program
[Human capital development - trainings on various health and medical services]

The city is site of the most number of hospitals with the biggest bed capacity in the country and home to
numerous wellness centers, physical fitness centers. The program aims to integrate and assess all
these services to better promote the city as medical tourism destination.

 Conduct of health summits and conferences
 Human capital development – training on various health and medical services

17 19 Soc Health Facilities Enhancement Program

[Establishment of Geriatric Ward in the Quezon City General Hospital]
[Construction of additional health centers]
[Establishment of additional Teen Health Quarters (THQ) in other districts]

The purpose is to provide additional health facilities particularly health centers for the primary health
care needs and services for the city’s growing population and additional teen health quarters (THQ) to
prevent the increasing incidences of teen-age pregnancies. A geriatric ward at the Quezon City General
Hospital is also proposed to accommodate their hospital needs to benefit specifically, indigent senior
18 20 Soc High density housing program
[to be developed with private developers]

This project involves provision of affordable housing units with the development of multi-storey buildings
in partnership with the private developers intended for low or middle income earners who are either
renters in apartments or do not own a city property and aspiring to have their own housing units.
19 27 Envi Open Space/Vacant Lands Development Program
- Clearing, recovery and/or development of open spaces, easements, fault lines, and utility corridors,
(aqueducts and transmission lines) into parks and urban forests
- Identify and convert into parks and open spaces acquired tax-delinquent properties
- Develop undeveloped lands and open spaces
- Identification and acquisition of safe, open areas for permanent evacuation areas

The program is expected to clear and recover open spaces, easements, faultlines and utility corridors
and develop into parks, urban forests, safe evacuation areas, and other essential infrastructures. The

Priority Project
Rank No.
program involves the following:

1. Clearing, recovery and/or development of open spaces, easements, fault lines, and utility corridors,
(aqueducts and transmission lines) into parks and urban forests
2. Identify and convert into parks and open spaces acquired tax-delinquent properties
3. Develop undeveloped lands and open spaces
4. Identification and acquisition of safe, open areas for permanent evacuation areas
20 39 Soc Social Welfare Facilities Development Program
- Establish additional facilities/services for CNSP cases
- Transfer and Construction of New Molave Youth Home
- Establishment of operational Community-Based Therapeutic Rehabilitation Center for PWDs in
barangays with huge number of PWDs
- Establishment of Protection Center in Novaliches District Hospital
- Establishment of additional Night-minding centers
- Construct additional day care centers – where?

The components of this project will address the need for the welfare and protection of children/youth and
other disadvantaged groups and individuals. Specifically, it will provide facilities for the children in need
of special protection (CNSP), children in conflict with the law (CICL), the establishment of protection
center, community-based therapeutic rehabilitation center for Person’s with Disability (PWDs). Also
included are additional night minding centers for children of street vendors for temporary care while
earning a living and more day care centers to accommodate enrolees for 3-4 years children for their
psychosocial development and early education.
21 14 Soc Establishment of shelter/home for all abandoned, neglected and abused elderly and PWDs
[Site acquisition]

This will promote the general welfare, care and protection of the elderly and persons with disabilities
especially those in need of special attention and care such as abandoned, neglected and abused elderly
and PWDs with the acquisition of a suitable site and provision for a permanent facility for these persons.
22 2 Econ City-wide food security program
[to include trainings & practical applications in urban farming, aquaponics, early food security warning to
food establishments (quick response during times of disasters)]

Program ensures availability, accessibility and affordability of sufficient, safe/healthy food supply for city

 Training on:
- Urban Farming and Vertical Gardening
- Aquaponics – system that combines conventional aquaculture with hydroponics (cultivating plants in
- Early warning to food establishments (quick response during times of disaster)
- Development of tie-ups / agreements with food chains / establishments for assistance on
immediate supply of food /products for victims of disaster.
23 3 Envi Comprehensive Greening and Beautification Program
[City wide tree-planting]
[Greening of public buildings]
[Roadside planting]

The program is not only about planting of trees but also it involves in the selection of species suitable
and appropriate for a particular area. The city is giving emphasis to the re-introduction of indigenous and
endemic plant species appropriate for this program. It also includes the sustainability of the plants by
maintaining and up-keeping regularly.

 Prioritization of sites
 Procurement of seedlings
 Provision and maintenance of indigenous trees
 Coordination meetings with the City Government through the Parks Development and Administration
 Coordination meetings with barangays
 Citywide tree-planting
 Greening of public buildings

Priority Project
Rank No.
 Roadside planting
 Development/Rehabilitation/Improvement of Center Islands and Entry Points
24 1 Insti Capacity Development Program for Barangays and NGO/PO
[Assistance to Barangay Planning & Development in the formulation of Comprehensive Barangay
Development Plan]
Seminar on Barangay Governance & Administration
[including Fiscal Management for newly elected and re-elected barangay officials]
Seminar on Barangay Local Economic Enterprise

Assistance to Barangay Planning & Development in the formulation of Comprehensive Barangay

Development Plan (BDP) – The preparation of the BDP with the participation of the community will
guide the promotion of the general welfare of the barangay inhabitants covering the five (5)
development sectors. It will develop genuine barangay interest and capability in planning and
mobilizing effectively the resources for development
 Seminar on Barangay Governance and Administration (including Fiscal Management for newly
elected and re-elected barangay officials) – This refers to enhancement of the capability of
barangay leaders in barangay administration and governance including fiscal management.
 Seminar on Barangay Local Enterprise – a capacity enhancement for barangay officials to identify
all sources of income within their barangays
25 28 Envi Parks Development Program
- Development/Rehabilitation/Improvement of Parks
- Development/improvement of Linear Parks along Waterways
- Immediate implementation of greening projects on identified open spaces to prevent ISF from
- Construction of playgrounds in Day Care Centers

The program involves the recovery, development, greening, protection and preservation of parks and
open spaces which include existing undeveloped and underdeveloped parks and potential parks/green
areas. The program involves the following:

1. Development/Rehabilitation/Improvement of Parks

 2018 Proposed Projects:

- Improvement of Heroes Hills Covered Basketball Court, Bgy. Sta. Cruz
- Improvement of Covered basketball Court and Park at Damar I, Bgy. Damar
- Improvement of Mini-Park at Rd. 1 cor. Rd. 9, Bgy. Project 6
- Const. of Wall Façade and Impvt. of Parking Area at Project 6 Par, Bgy. Project 6
- Impvt. of West Triangle Park, Bgy. West Triangle
- Impvt. of Don Antonio Park, Bgy. Holy Spirit
- Impvt. of Marilag Park, Bgy. Marilag
- Impvt. of Cruzville Park, Bgy. Kaligayahan
- Const. & Rehab of Open Space at Blk. 2 Ph. 3, Goodwill Homes II Subd., Bgy. Bagbag
- Impvt. of Pearl Open Space @ Pearl St., Bgy. Fairview
- Const. of Zabarte Covered Tennis Court, Bgy. Kaligayahan
- Impvt. of Covered Basketball Court at R.T. Gonzales Park, Bgy.San Bartolome
- Impvt. of Del Nacia 3 Park, Bgy. Talipapa
- Devt. of Dona Petrona Park (Phase 2), Bgy. Pasong Tamo
- Rehab of Covered Basketball Court at Greenville Park, Bgy. Sauyo
- Rehab of Covered Basketball Court at Del Nacia 4 Subd., Bgy. Sauyo
- Const. of Covered Basketball Court at Gloria I Park, Bgy. Tandang Sora

 Beautification/Greening Projects
- Proposed Ggreening of various public bBuildings in various barangays of the City

 Improvement of Center Islands

- Regalado Extension (Commonwealth to Republic Ave.)
- Batasan - San Mateo Road

 Quezon Memorial Circle Projects

- Prop. Impvt. of Playground Area
- Prop. Impvt. of Gardens & Landscaping
- Repair of Park Facilities

Priority Project
Rank No.
3. Development/improvement of Linear Parks along Waterways
4. Immediate implementation of greening projects on identified open greening spaces to prevent ISF
from returning
5. Construction of playgrounds and Day Care Centers
26 31 Envi Project on developing protection strategy of toxic, hazardous and other hospital and business
establishments’ waste during extreme weather events
Operation of toxic and hazardous waste treatment facilities
This program is in compliance with RA 6969, the Toxic Substances and Hazardous & Nuclear Waste
Control Act of 1990. It introduces new technologies, mechanism and strategies that will improve the
existing system most especially in the management of hazardous and toxic wastes coming from
hospitals, business establishment and others. The program will undertake the following activities:

1. Formulation of database on the sources of hazardous waste

- Conduct of survey
2. Conduct of hazardous waste analysis and characterization study
3. Conduct feasibility study on what technology is appropriate for the identified hazardous and toxic
4. Establishment of hazardous waste treatment facility on selected pilot area
5. Manage operation of hazardous waste treatment facilities
27 26 Insti Networking and Web Page Services, On-Line Computer Based, Information System and Strategic
Plan (ISSP)
(E-Barangay Information System / Digital Network Connectivity / Geographic Information System (GIS)

The project aims to outline a solution that will allow networking of information and databases across
QC LGU and its barangay units. It aims to integrate manual processes and procedures into a unified
automated information system to simplify and integrate service and regulation administration for the
benefit of the public and the QC-LGU itself. (Networking & Web Page Service, On-line Computer-based
Info System, E-barangay Information System/Digital Network Connectivity, Geographic Information
System (GIS)
28 13 Envi Establishment of mechanism in managing organic waste in all barangays
[e.g. through integrated composting system]

Managing organic wastes in the urban setting has been a perennial problem to all local government
units. These materials must be addressed thru a sustained effort of collection, transport and processing
in small material recovery facilities in areas where people produce considerable amounts of organic
wastes. Coupled with the use of small processing machines, biologic inoculants, vermiculture and urban
organic gardening, it eventually results to an instant study tour site for environment, science, health,
practical, arts, NSTP and research students. Small MRFs transform itself into ecology parks that
highlight edible landscapes, seedling nursery, and herbal gardens through creative composting systems,
the following activities are to be undertaken:

1. Selection of Priority barangays
2. Coordination/Planning meetings
3. Procurement of Materials and Equipment
4. Set-up of Integrated composting systems
5. Monitoring and documentation of the project
6. Submission of reports to the EPWMD

Materials for:
 Half Drum Composting
 Tower Tire Composting
 Wooden Plate Composting
 Hollow Blocks Composting
 Styro Boxes on Scaff Composting
 Chicken and Duck Farming Composting
 Twigs and Coconut Composting
29 21 Insti Improvement of Government Buildings/Offices and Facilities
[Construction of QC Central Records Building,
Construction of NGO/PO Center,
Retrofitting of QC city hall main building
Construction/improvement of barangay halls]

Priority Project
Rank No.
Rehabilitation and provision of necessary fixtures and equipment to provide a working environment
conducive to the workforce and transacting public

 Construction of QC Central Records Building – This will establish a central records depository
building for inactive but highly referential and permanent records with historical and archival values.
 Construction of NGO/PO Center – Provision for an NGO/PO center will serve as One-Stop Center
for all services needed by the NGO / PO community in the City, in partnership with the Local
Government Unity and the Private Sector
 Retrofitting of QC Hall Main Building – Improvement of QC Hall Main Building by way of providing
additional infrastructure strength to make it stand the tests of time
 Construction/Improvement of Barangay Halls – to provide the Barangay a conducive venue in
transacting with the barangay constituents
30 8 Econ Development of city-owned markets into a mixed use commercial facility
[Vending sites
[Trading center per district/food terminal market]
[identify sites]

The program involves the provision of more convenient and better food distribution outlets that will offer
cheaper food/commodities for the city’s buying public.

 Development of city-owned public markets into a mixed-use commercial facility to cope with new
developments. It also includes development of existing temporary vending sites.
 Development of a trading center, a “bagsakan area”/food terminal market for agricultural produce
coming from various outside provinces of the country as a major food supply source that is more
accessible and affordable.
31 17 Insti Formulation of Human Resources Development/Capacity Development Plan
[Capacity Development / Staff Development]

Refers to the preparation of plan where various activities, trainings, seminars are lined up for the
different levels of the workforce in order to capacitate them of the services and programs being offered
by their respective departments / offices and the city government, among others, and/or to enhance the
competencies of employees to make them productive and asset of the organization

Innovation Laboratory Project - Human Resource Development

Addresses the development of human resource by way of providing trainings to improve the
competencies of employees in handling their respective tasks and assignments.
32 41 Econ Study on the development of alternative tourist accommodations
[to include hospitels, inns, homestay accommodation, retirement villages accredited by the Department
of Tourism]

Conduct of study on identification of sites for the development and promotion of the following
accommodations: hospitels, inns, homestay accommodations and retirement villages accredited by the
DOT. This is also in line with the promotion of the city as a Health and Wellness tourist destination.
33 32 Insti Quality Management System (QMS-ISO)
This consists of the improvement of systems in service delivery and efficiency to the level of ISO
standards in order to satisfy/meet the needs and expectations of the QC residents
34 15 Econ Establishment of triple A slaughterhouse
[Identification of possible site]

Establishment of a modern and centralized slaughterhouse equipped with the latest technology in
compliance with national regulations (Sanitation Code) and international standards

 Site identification and analysis
 Site acquisition/development
 Project implementation
35 30 Soc Protective Facilities Development Program
- Construction of perimeter fence of new QC Jail
- Construction of additional fire sub-stations including procurement of fire trucks and modern firefighting
and rescue / protective equipment
- Transfer of Police Station 2 and 3
- Construction of additional Police Stations/Police Community Precincts

Priority Project
Rank No.
- Provision of LED streetlights [city-wide? Target for 1 year]

It covers the development of protective facilities in order to maintain and reinforce the security of the
city’s constituents. The construction of the new city jail in its concept alone will include a perimeter fence
with guard towers to prevent escape and to ensure security in the jail. The additional police and fire sub-
stations which includes provisions for vehicles and fire fighting protective equipment improves the
response time to mitigate fire/disaster risks areas and crime incidences. The placement of LED lights on
street posts improves visibility therefore, promoting vigilance and heightens security.
36 29 Insti Planning and Budgeting Seminar
A training workshop where methods and techniques of transforming the city’s vision and goals into
annual budget are best planned and transformed
37 5 Econ Construction of QC Convention Center
[which will house the City Tourism department/office]

Construction of a building / assembly venue for the city to host various national / international
functions e.g. conventions, conferences, summits, exhibits, trade fairs and events requiring large seating
capacity which shall be equipped with modern and most advanced technology. It shall house the
Tourism Department office.
38 40 Insti Strategic Planning Workshop for Managers and Legislators [ELA as output]
Interactive engagement of the Executive and Legislative Officials aimed at assessing the QC Team’s
current level of development and recognize and eliminate the blockages to maximum performance and
to strengthen as well both the interpersonal and inter-team relationships
39 24 Insti Land Banking / Acquisition
Acquisition of lot/properties for present and future needs
40 25 Econ Manufacturing projects
-Alternative energy vehicles with charging stations
-Knock-down furniture
-Compact housing components

The program involve provision of more manufacturing activities that has been observed to be
decreasing due to the dispersal of industries to the regions outside Metro Manila. Manufacturing is
important because it actually provides more income & employment opportunities compared to services.
Among the industries that shall be developed and promoted are:

 Manufacture and operation of alternative energy vehicles with charging stations – Partnership with
manufacturers of e-jeepney for the development of the industry in the city with the objective of
providing a more economical and greener alternative to gasoline-fueled jeepneys. This includes
designation and establishment of charging stations to support the project.
 Manufacture of knockdown furnitures for mass housing – Partnership with furniture manufacturers for
the fabrication/supply of knockdown furnitures which are easily installed/assembled, space-saver and
more affordable for the city’s mass housing projects.

- Livelihood training on carpentry, production of knockdown furnitures.
41 22 Insti Merged to Project No. 17
41 33 Insti Rationalization Program
The project covers revitalizing the organization structure and management procedure of QC government
departments/offices geared towards measuring the relevance of each unit as to functions vis-à-vis
personnel and resource
42 23 Econ Knowledge District
[to include enhancement of IT infra support facilities, fiber optics, through partnership with private utilities
companies, pilot phase, creative industries/knowledge-based services, e.g. original content creation
such as animation, software development, game development, health information management systems
and engineering design]

The Knowledge District is one of the five identified growth areas of the city cited in the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan (CLUP). Among the existing functions of this District is its services on the Information
and Communication Technology that need to be developed and promoted.

 Enhancement of IT infra support facilities: fiber optics, wireless connectivity, and broadband
infrastructure through partnership with private utility companies

Priority Project
Rank No.
Creative industries/knowledge-based services (e.g. original content creation such as animation,

software development, game development, health information management systems and
engineering design).
43 34 Econ Redevelopment of Lechoneros zone
[common slaughterhouse]

La Loma has been proposed to be declared and developed as one of the Tourism Districts of the city

 To support and promote the cultural, economic and service growth of the La Loma as a Tourism
District; and
 To improve the physical environment of the area, making it attractive, safe and convenient place for its
visitors and patrons.

 Redevelopment of La Loma area
 Traffic Management Plan
 Development of slaughterhouse (at the San Jose Market site) for the lechoneros.

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