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1. The log is being towed by two tractors A and B.

Determine the magnitudes of the two towing forces FA

and FB if it is required that the resultant force have a
magnitude FR = 10 kN and be directed along the x axis.
Set 𝜃 = 15°.

2. Three chains act on the bracket such that they create

y a resultant force having a magnitude of 500 lb. If two
of the
 chains are subjected to known forces, as
shown, determine
 the angle u of the third chain measured
clockwise from the positive x axis, so that the magnitude of force F
in this chain is a minimum. All forces lie in the x–y plane. What is
the magnitude of F? Hint: First find the
resultant of the two known forces. Force F
acts in this direction.

3. Determine the magnitude of the resultant

force acting on the pin and its direction
measured clockwise from the positive x

4. A particle moving along a straight line is subjected to a deceleration a = (-2v3) m/s2, where v is
in m/s. If it has a velocity v = 8 m/s and a position s = 10 m when t = 0, determine its velocity
and position when t = 4 s.

5. A sphere is fired downwards into a medium with an initial

speed of 27 m/s. If it experiences a deceleration of a = (-6t) m/s2,
where t is in seconds, determine the distance traveled before it

6. The ball is thrown off the top of the building. If it strikes the
ground at B in 3 s, determine the initial velocity vA and the
inclination angle 𝜃A at which it was thrown. Also, find the
magnitude of the ball’s velocity when it strikes the ground.

7. A projectile is fired with a speed of v = 60 m/s at an angle of

60°. A second projectile is then fired with the
 same speed 0.5 s
later. Determine the angle 𝜃 of the
 projectile so that the two projectiles
collide. At what position (x, y) will this happen?

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