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Unit-1 (A):

Mainly limestone with intercalations of shale and dolomite. The base of the unit-1 in the core of
the anticline is not exposed. Limestone is fine grained, compact, medium hard to hard and highly
calcareous, light brown, light grey, off-white, ash grey, khaki grey on fresh surface and light to
dark brown, dark grey, light yellow on weathered surface. The shales are calcareous, compact,
medium to dark brown, olive green, green, ash grey and grey. Intraformational conglomerates of
same matrix composition are also present. Fractures visible, elongated, open, vertical, oblique
parallel and calcite filled. Partially filled fractures with calcite along bedding are also present.
Fossiliferous, pelecypod shells are present. The rip ups, load casts and couliform stromatolites
are present. Ferruginous material is also present. The unit-1 is unconformably overlain by unit-2.
The unconformity is marked by basal conglomerates overlain by 1m thick fossiliferous coquina
bed. The age of the unit-1 need to be confirmed by biostratigraphic analysis. We tentatively
named this unit-1 as Dungal Formation (Figure-3b).

Unit-2 (B):

Mainly shale with intercalations of thinly bedded limestone. Shale is loose, soft to hard, platy,
fissile, rarely calcareous and light grey to greenish grey, pale green and brownish. The shales at
places grade into thin layers of limestone. Limestone is compact, medium hard, slightly
dolomitic, highly calcareous, light yellow, creamy white on fresh surface and light brown, light
grey on weathered surface. Open and calcite filled fractures are also present at surface. The
coquina beds also present with larger forum as white to off-white and brownish layers (Figures
12). The unit-2 is fossiliferous and unconformably overlain by unit-3 (Figures 13 and 14). The
age of the unit-2 need to be confirmed by biostratigraphic analysis. We tentatively named this
unit-2 as Ghazij Formation (Figure-3b).

Unit-3 (C):

Dominantly nodular limestone with intercalations of calcareous off-white shale and clays and
minor marl. The basal part of the unit-3 includes red and olive green clays (Figure-14). The olive
green clays are overlain by nodular limestone (Figure-15). The nodular limestone is overlain by
thickly bedded limestone with shale. Limestone is compact, medium hard and highly calcareous.
It is light grey, creamy, white to off white, chalky on fresh surface and grey, brown, light yellow,
light brown on weathered surface. Weathering surface indicates the solutional weathering. Open
and filled fractures with calcite are present. Unit-3 is highly fossiliferous. The unit-3 is
unconformably overlain by unit-4. The age of the unit-3 need to be confirmed by biostratigraphic
analysis. We tentatively named this unit-3 as Kirthar Formation (Figure-3b).

Unit-4 (D):

Mainly limestone. Limestone is compact, well cemented, hard and highly calcareous. It is
creamy white, light brown on fresh surface and light to dark brown on weathered surface.
Intraformational conglomerates of same matrix composition are also present. Open and filled
fractures are present at surface. Fractures are filled with dark grey black carbonaceous material.
Unit-4 is fossiliferous. The underlain and overlain contacts are unconformable with unit-3 and
unit-5 (Quaternary, E), respectively. The age of unit-4 need to be confirmed by biostratigraphic
analysis. We tentatively named this unit-4 as Nari Formation (Figure-3b).

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