Tugas Cerpen Bahasa Inggris: Nama: Sekararum Edria Kelas: IX-I No Absen: 29

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Nama : Sekararum Edria

Kelas : IX-I
No Absen : 29
Dream of going to Korea came true

"Fidella, you yesterday took the test for student exchanges, congratulations, you
passed the test, so you and your friends who passed the test can take the student exchange to
Korea. You already know if you go to Korea and you need to remember the exchange of
students for 1 month, "said Miss Aruni.
"Yes miss I know, thank you miss, I am very happy" I said very happy and I really
wanted to go to Korea, I suppose I followed the exchange of students that was my heart in my
heart. Fidelle !!! Wake up, this building was at 5:00 a.m., my mother's voice was very loud in
my ear. I woke up and finally I realized that it was just a dream, but his dream was very
beautiful, and while answering my mother's words while yawning "Yes mom, I have already
After I woke up, continued to take a shower and breakfast, at breakfast I thought
about the dream, I thought there was a student exchange at school but I didn't know where it
was, but what's wrong with trying it, even if it's not in Korea, thank God can be an
experience, am I trying to ask just mom? "Mom, I want to ask, right at school like there is a
student exchange test, huh, what do you think, mama, how come I am?" I asked rather
hesitantly. "You really love it, asking is like this, but if your intention is to learn, you agree,
but it all depends on you, just sign up," said Mom advising me.
When I arrived at school, oh yes i have not told my name, my name is Fidella Jasmine
Anjani, usually called Fidell, I went to XIN ZHONG Middle School, don't be surprised, it
was Chinese but it was good, and there were all religions. Now I'm sitting in 3rd grade in
middle school, and my friends say I'm smart hehe. Just continue to the story okay! When I
was in school I wanted to meet Miss Aruni, ask about the student exchange and it turns out
that the list and tests can still be done on Friday, this week. "kringg ... kringg ..." the school
bell rang when entering.
When it's been the following weeks and arrived on Friday, it's time that day I run the
test, and this is still the first stage of the test, if there are 4 stages of the test, the first test is
still an interview then it will be more challenging. When I had finished the first stage of the
test, I immediately went home because it was 4 pm, the announcement of the test was
confirmed by Monday. When I returned from school, Mama asked "Dell, how was the test?"
"Can you do it, it's not difficult," I answered easily
The first test, the announcement had arrived and everyone had graduated, I was very
happy, but Miss Aruni had not yet known this, trying to be a student who wanted to take this
test, not just going up the streets or even unwilling to learn. After walking week to week and
when it arrived at the 3rd test, if I passed also the 2nd test, allhamdulillah once, for those of
you who asked for the stage 2 test , it was like in a conversation test, and it was on another
test. When the test began, I answered my friend who also graduated Brenda, said he moved
the student to Seoul or not, but he didn't know anymore.
On September 12, the announcement was stage 4, and the chosen ones were only 4
people who passed round 3, 9 and at that time were very very nervous. Anyway before
continuing the story, so I want to tell you about in stage 3 when the test in stage 3, was finally
told that the exchange of students was really true to KOREAAAAAA OMG !!!! I swear I
don't know what dreams are like, but I'm really happy to go to Korea, Seoul, broooooo !!!!
Even though it's not certain that I have passed the 4th stage, and certainly I keep trying and
praying so I can get away. Oh yeah, the one that just started from a dream, BUT I WAS
4 has learning about Korean language like hangeul, the meaning of everyday language in
Korea, and the like is fortunately I like to understand that.
"Congratulations to BRENDA, FARELL, FIDELLA, and RENO you passed this test
and you can join the student exchange to Seoul! And for those who have not graduated, you
should be calm, do not be sad, because you have already been classified as very good, and
maybe this is not the way for you, I know you are all smart and great so keep the spirit not
sad "said Miss Aruni at that time I don't know how happy I was at the time, the point is I
didn't expect it, mixed feelings, and who would have been really happy with my dream that
I'd been wanting to go to Korea in reality.
On September 14, I went to Seoul for a student exchange for 1 month and it felt great
that I was also escorted by my mother and my mother never thought I could join this student
exchange, because it was just fun, trial and error but in the end it came true . So you have to
believe that the dream can be realized by the way you want to try and believe you can do it.

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