Chapter 1. Introduction To Technical Communication

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Chapter 1.

Introduction to Technical Communication

A. Summary
Technical communication is the process of creating, shaping, and
communicating technical information so that people can use it safely,
effectively, and efficiently. It could also be thought of as the products of this
process: that is, the manuals, Web sites, reports, and so on that people make.
Technical communication is created by technical professionals (engineers,
scientists, businesspeople) and by technical communicators (full-time
writers, editors, and document-production people). Tech comm is essential
in business and industry because virtually every action taken has to be
communicated to subordinates, supervisors, or both and has to be
documented to provide a record for future reference. Technical documents
are addressed to particular readers, help those readers solve problems, reflect
an organization’s goals and culture, are often created collaboratively, use
design to increase readability, and often include graphics. Effective tech
comm is honest, clear, accurate, comprehensive, accessible, concise,
professional in appearance, and correct.

B. Goals
By the end of the chapter, students should be able to do the following:
1. define technical communication and its role in their careers
2. explain the three major roles of a technical communicator
3. list examples of technical communication in business and industry
4. describe the six major characteristics of technical communication
5. explain the eight measures of excellence in technical

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