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Role of Eccentric training in maximal strength gains – Charles Poliquin

 Eccentric strength is the amount of force produced in a muscle when it lengthens.

 Fewer motor units are only recruited during an eccentric contraction which increases
the mechanical load per motor unit. This greater tension leads to physiological
adaption’s which favours additional strength gains.
 Increased time under tension during a slow-controlled eccentric contraction leads to
additional hypertrophy gains in the muscles.
 Research shows that eccentric training alters force-time characteristics which
increase the power production abilities of a muscle.
 The role of effective eccentric muscular contractions during a sport is essential to
preserve healthy joint arthrokinematics.
 A sport which needs exceptional jumping abilities requires eccentric strength to be
optimal. Athletes may have the concentric strength to jump, but lack of eccentric
strength will lead to injuries because of the inability of the muscles to absorb shock
during the landing.
 Eccentric strength improves the exercise technique. Studies show that athletes who
could lift the heaviest weight were the ones who lowered it slowly.
 Even though eccentric training has a lot of advantages, it has to be performed with
caution. Training partners should always be there to assist when performing heavy
eccentric work.
 Usage of 120-170% of maximal loads for eccentric training should only be done by
athletes whose base strength levels are optimal.
 Since the intensity (% of 1RM) cannot be estimated for eccentric training precisely,
the athlete should have a preset time for lowering the weights. Once this tempo
cannot be maintained due to muscular fatigue the set should be terminated.
 Due to increased DOMS response following a heavy eccentric work the frequency of
workouts should be kept minimal in the initial stages. It takes approximately 7-10
days to completely recover from heavy eccentric training sessions.

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