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e1 coaching center
e1 Coaching Center
Video By :
Er. SuniL JindaL
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1. किस दे श ने जी 20 शशखर सम्मेलन 2018 िी मेजबानी िी?
Which country hosted the G20 summit 2018?
ए) ऑस्ट्रे शलया/Australia
बी) अजेंटीना/Argentina
सी) रूस/Russia
डी) डेनमािक/Denmark

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The G20 summit 2018 was held at Buenos Aires, Argentina
2019 – Japan
2. नया मुख्य आर्थकि सलाहिार (सीईए) ननयुक्त किया यया ह?
Who has been appointed the new Chief Economic Advisor
a) प्रणब बर्कन
b) जयती घोष तीन साल : अवर्र्
जयदीश भयवती अरवविंद सब्र
ु मण्ण्यया
िृष्णमूनतक सुब्रमण्यम
बजट से पहले आर्थकि

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3. हाल ही में िेंद्रीय मिंत्रिमिंडल द्वारा अनम
ु ोददत िरतरपरु यशलयारा
पिंजाब िे ण्जले में ण्स्ट्थत ह?
Kartarpur corridor, which was recently approved by Union Cabinet, is located in
which district of Punjab?
a) बद िंडा/Bathinda
b) यरु दासपुर/Gurdaspur
c) किरोजपरु /Firozpur
d) अमत ृ सर/Amritsar

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The corridor will facilitate pilgrims from India who visit Gurdwara Darbar Sahib,
Kartarpur, on the banks of the Ravi River in Pakistan every year, where Shri Guru
Nanak Devji spent 18 years.
4. 2019 िे अिंतराकष्रीय बौद्र्र्ि सिंपदा (आईपी) सच
ू िािंि में भारत िी
रैंि क्या थी? What was India’s rank in the 2019 International
Intellectual Property (IP) Index?
a) 36th
b) 44th
c) 51st
d) 62nd

e1 coaching center
Released by the US Chambers of Commerce
In 2018, India was ranked 44 out of 50 countries.
36th in the 2019
The United States tops the list of 50 global economies
5. किस राज्य ने 'अरिं र्नत' नामि योजना िी घोषणा िी ह?
Which state has announced a scheme named 'Arundhati' ?
a) Assam
b) Bihar
c) Manipur
d) Jharkhand

e1 coaching center
One Tola Gold Ornament presented to Brides
6. 2015-18 िे दौरान ननम्नशलखखत में से िौन से शीषक दस
राजस्ट्व उत्पन्न िरने वाले स्ट्मारि हैं Which of the following are
among the top ten revenue generating monuments during 2015-18
A) Taj Mahal B) Red Fort C) Agra Fort Taj Mahal
a) Only 2 Red Fort
b) Only 1 and 2 Agra Fort
Qutub Minar
c) Only 1 and 3
Sun Temple Konark

e1 coaching center
d) All of the Above Humayu Tomb
Ellora Caves
Mamallapuram Monuments
Khajuraho monuments
Ajanta Caves
7. ननम्नशलखखत में से किस टीम ने प्रो रे सशलिंय लीय िे चौथे सिंस्ट्िरण
िो जीता? Which of the following team won the 4th edition of the Pro
Wrestling League?
a) Delhi Sultan Haryana Hammers Vs Punjab Royals
b) Haryana Hammers
c) Punjab Royals
d) UP Dangal

e1 coaching center
e1 coaching center
8. ननम्नशलखखत में से किस कििेट टीम ने 2019 रणजी रॉिी प्राप्त िी
ह? Which of the following cricket teams has clinched the 2019
Ranji Trophy?
a) Vidharbha
b) Saurashtra C.K. Naidu Trophy
c) Bengal Deodar Trophy
Duleep Trophy

e1 coaching center
d) Railways
Irani Trophy
Second time in a row
defeating Saurashtra by 78 runs
9. अबू र्ाबी न्यानयि ववभाय ने अपनी तीसरी आर्र्िाररि अदालत भाषा
िे रूप में ननम्नशलखखत में से िौन सी भाषा जोडी ह? Which among the
following languages has been added by Abu Dhabi Judicial Department
as its third official court language?
a) Hindi
b) Malayalam
c) French
d) Urdu

e1 coaching center
Arabic and English.
helping foreigners to learn about litigation procedures, their rights
and duties without a language barrier.
10. पीएम मोदी द्वारा अरणाचल प्रदे श िे शलए शरू
ु किए यए
नए दरू दशकन चनल िा नाम बताइए? Name the new
Doordarshan channel launched by PM Modi for Arunachal
a) DD Podhigai
b) DD Sahyadri
c) DD Arunprabha

e1 coaching center
d) DD Saptagir
11. प्रर्ान मिंिी नरें द्र मोदी ने किस राज्य में सेला सरु िं य
पररयोजना िी आर्ारशशला रखी? Prime Minister Narendra Modi
laid the foundation stone for the Sela Tunnel Project in which
a) Jammu & Kashmir
b) Arunachal Pradesh
c) Tripura

e1 coaching center
d) Assam
Constructed by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) cost of Rs. 687 crore.
Fast movement of army troops in Tawang.
12. शमस वर्लडक 2018 िे रूप में किसने ताज पहनाया था?
Who was crowned as Miss World 2018?
a) Manushi Chhillar, India
b) Vanessa Ponce De Leon, Mexico
c) Quiin Abenakyo, Uganda
d) Nicolene Limsnukan, Thailand

Vanessa Ponce De Leon.

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118 contestants
13. एएचएि िे प्लेयर ऑि द ईयर अवाडक 2018 से किसे
सम्माननत किया यया ह? Who has been honoured with AHF's
Player of the Year award 2018?
a) Rupinder Pal Singh
b) P R Sreejesh
c) Lalremsiami

e1 coaching center
d) Manpreet Singh

Indian Hockey Captain

Women's team striker Lalremsiami bagged the Rising Player of The Year prize.
She was also part of the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires.
14. किस राज्य सरिार ने दरू स्ट्थ क्षेिों िे शलए नाव एम्बल
ु ेंस
सेवा शरू
ु िी ह?Which state government has launched the
boat ambulance service for remote areas?
a) Odisha
b) Jharkhand
c) West Bengal
d) Andhra Pradesh

e1 coaching center e1 coaching center

15. रे सशलिंय िेडरे शन ऑि इिंडडया (WFI) िा नया अध्यक्ष किसे
ु ा यया ह? Who has been elected new president of the Wrestling
Federation of India (WFI)?
a) I D Nanavati
b) Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh
c) Satyapal Singh Deshwal
d) Birendra Lakra

e1 coaching center
Four-year term (2019-2023)
I.D. Nanavati has been elected as the Senior Vice President,
16. PM KISAN योजना आर्र्िाररि तौर पर उत्तर प्रदे श िे ननम्नशलखखत
ण्जलों में से किसिे द्वारा शुरू िी यई ह? PM KISAN scheme has
officially been launched from which of the following districts of Uttar
a) Prayagraj
b) Bareilly
c) Gorakhpur

e1 coaching center
d) Jhansi

100% funding from Government of India. Rs 6,000 will be given per

year to small and marginal farmer (upto 2 hectares.) 2000 each(3 Installments)
17. दक्षक्षण-पव
ू क एशशया क्षेि में हे पेटाइदटस िे शलए डब्लर्लयए
ू चओ
सद्भावना राजदत ू िौन सा भारतीय व्यण्क्तत्व ह? Which Indian
personality is the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis in South-
East Asia Region?
a) Amitabh Bachchan
b) Sachin Tendulkar
c) Virat Kohli

e1 coaching center
d) Kapil Dev
countrywide elimination of Hepatitis C by 2030.
It is an inflammatory condition of the liver caused by
five known hepatitis viruses — A, B, C , D and E.
e1 coaching center
18. ननम्नशलखखत भारतीय रे लवे लाइनों में से िौन सी दनु नया िी
सबसे ऊिंची रे लवे लाइन होयी? Which of the following Indian railway
lines will be the world's highest railway line?
a) Chandigarh-Manali-Leh railway line
b) Kanpur-Shimla-Leh railway line
c) Delhi-shimla-Leh railway line
d) New Bilaspur-Manali-Leh Railway line

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completed by the year 2022. Rs 83,360 crore
465-km railway line.
5,360 meters above sea level.
19. भारत सरिार द्वारा इमरजेंसी ररस्ट्पािंस सपोटक शसस्ट्टम (ERSS) िे
तहत शरूु किया यया पन-इिंडडया हे र्लपलाइन निंबर ननम्नशलखखत में से
िौन ह? Which of the following is the pan-India helpline number
launched by Government of India under Emergency Response Support
System (ERSS)?
a) 114
b) 112

e1 coaching center
c) 113 Response time :10 to 12 minutes.
d) 116 Immediate assistance services from police,fire,health and
women help
20. लोयों पर मुिदमा चलाने से बचने िे शलए 2000 िे आईटी एक्ट
िी किस र्ारा िो खत्म िर ददया यया ह? Which section of IT Act of
2000 has been scraped to avoid people being prosecuted?
a) Section 68A
b) Section 65A
c) Section 66A
d) Section 64A

e1 coaching center
Jail term to people who post offensive
content online and it was scrapped by
the apex court 2015.

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21. ननम्नशलखखत में से किस नयर ननयम ने स्ट्वछता उत्िृष्टता
परु स्ट्िार 2019 में प्रथम परु स्ट्िार जीता ह? Which of the following
municipal corporations has won the first prize at the Swachhata
Excellence awards 2019?
a) Raigarh
b) Ambikapur Chhattisgarh'sRaigarh "Swachhata
c) Kumbakonam Excellence awards 2019“

e1 coaching center
d) Greater hydrabad nd
Ambikapur : 2
Kumbakonam: 3rd
22. IAF िी पहली मदहला फ्लाइट इिंजीननयर िौन बन यई ह? Who has
become the IAF’s first woman flight engineer?
a) Priya Sharma
b) Hina Jaiswal
c) Mohana Singh
d) Pratibha Kumari

e1 coaching center
Flight Lieutenant Hina Jaiswal (Chandigarh) the first woman inducted as a flight
engineer in the Indian Air Force in Bengaluru
23. 83 वें सीननयर नेशनल बडशमिंटन चैंवपयनशशप 2019 में पुरष एिल
प्रनतयोर्यता किसने जीती ह? Who has won the men's singles event
at the 83rd Senior National Badminton Championships 2019?
a) Chirag Shetty
b) Pranaav Jerry Chopra
c) Lakshya Sen
d) Sourabh Verma

e1 coaching center
Defeated Lakshya Sen
Sourabh Verma belongs to which Sports?
24. भारत िी खयोलीय सशमनत िी अध्यक्ष चुनी जाने वाली दे श
िी पहली मदहला िौन बनी? Who became the first woman of the
country to be elected President of the Astronomical society of India?
a) Dr. Kamala Sohonie
b) Dr. G C Anupama
c) Dr. Anandibai Joshee
d) Dr. rajeshwari Chatterjee

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Also recipient of Sir C V Raman Award for Young scientist in
e1 coaching center
25. 83 वीिं सीननयर नेशनल बडशमिंटन चैंवपयनशशप 2019 में मदहला
एिल प्रनतयोर्यता किसने जीती ह? Who has won the women's singles
event at the 83rd Senior National Badminton Championships 2019?
a) Jwala Gutta
b) P V Sindhu
c) Ashwini Ponnappa
d) Saina Nehwal

e1 coaching center
Sourabh Verma (Men’s)

She defeated P.V.Sindhu

e1 coaching center िे नए चुनाव आयुक्त िे रूप में किसने पदभार ग्रहण किया
ह?Who has assumed charge as the new Election Commissioner
of India?
a) Bipin Kumar Jha
b) Sushil Chandra
c) Vivek Dahiya Chief Election Commissioner (Sunil Arora)
d) Ranjan Misra 2 Election Commissioners

e1 coaching center
1. Ashok Lavasa

e1 coaching center
27. ननम्नशलखखत में से किस कििेट टीम ने 2019 ईरानी िप
जीता ह? Which of the following cricket teams has won the
2019 Irani Cup?
a) Vidarbha
b) Rest of India
c) Mumbai
d) Karnataka

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Ranji Trophy
Vidarbha captain Faiz Fazal donated prize money to the families of the CRPF
personnel martyred

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28. िुटबॉल ददर्लली द्वारा सवकप्रथम 'िुटबॉल रत्न' किसे प्रदान
किया यया ह? Who has been conferred the first-ever 'Football Ratna'
by Football Delhi?
a) Subrata Pal
b) Bhaichung Bhutia
c) Sunil Chhetri
d) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu

e1 coaching center
State Association governing
known as Captain Fantastic, 2nd highest number of goals in
international matches after Cristiano Ronaldo.
29. किस राज्य िी ववर्ानसभा ने हाल ही में सिंस्ट्िृत िो राज्य िी दस
ू री
आर्र्िाररि भाषा बनाने िे शलए एि ववर्ेयि पाररत किया ह? Which
state assembly has recently passed a Bill to make Sanskrit the 2nd
official language of the state?
a) Nagaland
b) Sikkim
c) Karnataka

e1 coaching center
d) Himachal Pradesh

first official language :Hindi

Sanskrit—Him means 'snow' and Achal means 'land'
30. 2019 मादटक न एननर्लस मानवार्र्िार परु स्ट्िार िा प्राप्तिताक िौन ह?
Who is the recipient of the 2019 Martin Ennals human rights
a) Hassan Saleh
b) Abdul Aziz Muhamat
c) Behrouz Boochani
d) Miral al-Tahawy

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A Sudanese refugee, Manus Island
exposing cruel refugee policy of Australian government.
PM : Scott Morrison
31. पस्ट्
ु ति ‘शसम्पशलशसटी एिंड ववजडम’िे लेखि िौन हैं? Who is
the author of the book ‘Simplicity & Wisdom’?
a) Jeet Thayil
b) Ahmed Mourad
c) Dinesh Shahra
d) Ravi Subramanian

e1 coaching center
Industrialist and Philanthropist Dinesh Shahra.
Keshari Nath Tripathi, Governor of West Bengal
सखु ी जीवन जीने िे शलए ज्ञान और मायकदशकन
32. वण्ववि खेलों िी ददग्यज ििंपनी PUMA इिंडडया िे ब्रािंड
एिंबेसडर िे रूप में किसे नाशमत किया यया ह? Who has been
designated as a brand ambassador for global sportswear giant
PUMA India?
a) Swapna Barman
b) Nirmala Sheoran
c) Dutee Chand

e1 coaching center
d) Mary Kom

Six-time world women boxing champion.

Two-year period.
33. वषक 2016 िे शलए सािंस्ट्िृनति सद्भाव िे शलए टयोर
परु स्ट्िार िे प्राप्तिताक िौन हैं? Who is the recipient of the Tagore
Award for Cultural Harmony for year 2016?
a) Ram Sutar Vanji
b) Chhayanaut Rajkumar Singh
c) ajit Singh
d) Milind Kumar

e1 coaching center
150thBirth Anniversary in 2012 Rabindranath tagore
Rajkumar Singhajit Singh : 2014,
Chhayanaut (a cultural organization of Bangladesh): 2015
Ram Sutar Vanji for the years : 2016
34. भारत ने हाल ही में शशमला जल आपूनतक िे शलए किस अिंतराकष्रीय
सिंय न िे साथ िानूनी समझौतों पर हस्ट्ताक्षर किए हैं? India has
recently signed Legal Agreements with which international
organization for Shimla water supply?
a) ADB
b) IMF

e1 coaching center
d) World Bank $40 Million Loan Agreement
President : Kristlina Georgieva
Replaced Jim Yong Kim
35. िेंद्रीय प्रत्यक्ष िर बोडक (CBDT) िे अध्यक्ष िे रूप में किसे ननयुक्त
किया यया ह? Who has been appointed as the chairman of Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)?
a) Pramod Chandra Mody
b) Poonam Kishore Saxena
c) Kaiser Chand Bohra
d) Pritam Jain

e1 coaching center
36. 72 वें बाफ्टा किर्लम अवार्डकस 2019 में किस किर्लम ने
सवकश्रेष् किर्लम िा परु स्ट्िार जीता ह? Which movie has won
the best film award at the 72nd Bafta Film Awards 2019?
a) The Favourite
b) A Star Is Born
c) Roma
d) Bohemian Rhapsody

e1 coaching center
37. "विंदे भारत एक्सप्रेस" िा मायक क्या ह? What is the route of
the “Vande Bharat Express”?
a) New Delhi to Varanasi
b) Allahabad to Hooghly
c) Shimla to Kolkata
d) Mumbai to Chennai

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e1 coaching center
38. भारतीय ररजवक बैंि (आरबीआई) िे नए ननयुक्त राज्यपाल िौन हैं?
Who is the newly appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank of India
a) Arvind Panagariya
b) Shaktikanta Das
c) Kaushik Basu
d) Rajiv Mehrishi

e1 coaching center
25th Governor :: (RBI)
Term : 3 Years
39. भारत और किस दे श िे बीच सिंयक् ु त सन्य अभ्यास 'हैंड-इन-
हैंड' शुरू हुआ?
Joint military exercise ‘Hand-in-Hand’ began between India
and which country?
a) Nepal Bangladesh : Sampriti
b) Bangladesh USA : Vajra Prahar
c) USA

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Nepal : Surya Kiran
d) China
40. ज्ञानपी परु स्ट्िार 2018 से किसने सम्माननत किया ह?
Who has honoured with Jnanpith Award 2018?
ए) िृष्णा सोबती
बी) दज
ु ॉकय दत्ता
सी) अशमतव घोष
डी) शोभा डी
Mr. Ghosh’s novels (English author Amitav Ghosh)

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Shadow Lines,
The Glass Palace,
The Hungry Tide,
41. यप
ू ीएससी िे नए अध्यक्ष िे रूप में ननयक्
ु त किया यया ह?
Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of UPSC?
a) M. Sathiyavathy/एम. सर्थयावथी
b) Pradeep Kumar Joshi/प्रदीप िुमार जोशी
c) Sujata Mehta/सजु ाता मेहता
d) Arvind Saxena/अरवविंद सक्सेना Part- 14 of Our Constitution

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Last was Vinay Mittal
Appointed by President
65Age & 6 Years : Term
42. ब्राजील िे नए राष्रपनत िे रूप में किसे शपथ ददलाई यई ह ? Who
has been sworn-in as new president of Brazil?
a) Michel Temer/ शमशेल टे मर
b) Hamilton Mourou/ हशमर्लटन मौरौ
c) Jair Bolsonaro/ जायर बोर्लसनारो
d) Fernando Haddad/ िनाांडो हदद

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2016 Olympics : Rio De Jenerio,Brazil
2020 ??
Tokyo (JaPan)
43. मिंत्रिमिंडल ने हाल ही में किस दो बैंिों िे साथ बैंि ऑि बडौदा िे
ववलय िो मिंजरू ी दी ह? The Cabinet recently approved the merger of
Bank of Baroda with which two banks?
a) Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank
b) Vijaya Bank and RBL Bank
c) RBL Bank and IDBI Bank
d) IDBI Bank and Dena Bank

e1 coaching center
44. अिंतराकष्रीय मद्र
ु ा िोष िे मख्
ु य अथकशास्ट्िी िे रूप में किसे ननयक्
ु त
किया यया? Who was appointed as the Chief Economist of the
International Monetary Fund?
a) Gita Gopinath
b) Maurice Obstfeld
c) Christine Lagarde
d) Mahesh Rathore

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CEO : Christine Lagarde
Washington DC
45. एशशया प्रनतस्ट्पर्ाकत्मि सिंस्ट्थान िे 2018 'ईज ऑि डूइिंय त्रबजनेस'
सूचिािंि में किस राज्य ने शीषक स्ट्थान हाशसल किया? Which state
topped the Asia Competitiveness Institute's 2018 'Ease of Doing
Business' Index ?
a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Andhra Pradesh

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d) Tamil Nadu
Ease of Doing business – India’s Rank is 100

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46. किसने 'मदहला कििेटर ऑि द ईयर' और 'मदहला वनडे
प्लेयर ऑि द ईयर' जीता? Who won the 'Women's Cricketer
of the Year' and the 'Women's ODI Player of the Year' ?
a) झलू न योस्ट्वामी/Jhulan Goswami
b) हरमनप्रीत िौर/ Harmanpreet Kaur
c) शमताली राज/ Mitali Raj
d) समनृ त मिंथन/ Smriti Manthana

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समनृ त मिंर्ाना किस खेल से सिंबिंर्र्त ह?
47. किस दे श ने अपने सबसे शण्क्तशाली यर-परमाणु हर्थयार िा
परीक्षण किया, ण्जसे 'मदर ऑि ऑल बॉम्स' से दय ु नी शण्क्त ह ?
Which Country tested its most powerful non-nuclear weapon, doubled
as the 'Mother of All Bombs'?
a) China
b) Japan
c) Canada

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d) Russia
5 to 6 Mtr
Dropped by Chinese H-6K bomber

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48. किस भारतीय मदहला मक् ु िेबाज ने छ े समय िे शलए वववव
ु िेबाजी चण्म्पयनशशप जीती?
Which Indian Female boxer won world boxing championship for the
sixth time?
a) सररता दे वी/Sarita Devi
b) मरी िॉम/Mary Kom
c) सरजबु ाला दे वी/Sarjubala Devi
d) यीता िोयत/Geeta Phogat

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Mary Kom defeated Hanna Okhota(Ukraine) in 48Kg Category.
She Belongs to Manipur. Gold in Year – 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2018
49. ‘वजरा प्रहर' एि सन्य व्यायाम एि द्ववपक्षीय व्यायाम ह ण्जसिे
साथ दो राष्र ह? 'Vajra Prahar' a military excercise is a bilateral excercise with
which two nations?
a) भारत और अमेररिा/India and America
b) भारत और बािंग्लादे श/India and Bangladesh
c) भारत और चीन/ India and China
d) भारत और रूस/ India and Russia

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Bangladesh : Sampriti
President : Donald Trump
China : Hand in Hand
Capital: Washington D.C.
Russia : Indra
50. किस दे श ने T20 मदहला वववव 2018 िप जीता ?
Which country won the T20 Women's World 2018 Cup?
A) ऑस्ट्रे शलया/Australia
B) इिंयलैंड/England
PM : Scott Morrison
C) भारत/India
Capital : Canberra
D) न्यजू ीलैंड/New Zealand
Currency : Australian dollar

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In Final, Australia Defeated England by 8 Wickets
Host : West Indies
Player of the Series : Alyssa Healy
51. नए मख्
ु य ननवाकचन आयक्
ु त िे रूप में ननयक्
ु त किया यया ह?
Who has been appointed as the new Chief Election Commissioner?
ए) त्रबमल जालान/ Bimal Jalan
बी) अननल योस्ट्वामी/ Anil Goswami
सी) सुनील अरोडा/ Sunil Arora
First CEC : Sukumar Sen
डी) निंदन नीलेिणी/ Nandan Nilekani
65 or 6 Years: Term
Appointed by President

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President Ram Nath Kovind has appointed Sunil Arora as the new Chief Election
Commissioner. He would be succeeding OP Rawat who retired on November 24.
52. सिंयक्ु त
राज्य िे राष्रपनत डोनार्लड रम्प और उत्तर िोररयाई नेता किम जोंय
उन किस दे श में दसू रा शशखर सम्मेलन आयोण्जत िरें ये? United States President
Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will hold the second summit
in which country?
a) Vietnam
b) South Korea
c) Italy United States President Donald Trump
d) Singapore North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un

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Last Visit Sentosa Island (Singapore)
Capital : Hanoi

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53. 91वें अिादमी परु स्ट्िार (ऑस्ट्िर) में किस किर्लम ने 'सवकश्रेष् र्चि'
िा परु स्ट्िार जीता? Which movie won the ‘Best Picture’ award at the
91st Academy Awards (Oscars)?
a) Bohemian Rhapsody
b) The Favourite
c) Roma
d) Green Book

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91st Academy Awards= Oscar Awards
54. हाल ही में स्ट्वच्छ भारत अशभयान िे ब्रािंड एिंबेसडर िे रूप में किस
अशभनेिी िो नाशमत किया यया? Which actress recently was named as
the brand ambassador of the Swasth Immunised India campaign?
a) Deepika Padukone
b) Alia Bhatt
c) Kareena Kapoor Khan
d) Sonam Kapoor

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Campaign to spread awareness among parents about child vaccination
to help prevent the future generation from life-threatening diseases.
55. सवकश्रेष् वत्तृ र्चि-लघु ववषय श्रेणी में किस किर्लम ने ऑस्ट्िर 2019
जीता? Which movie won the Oscars 2019 in Best Documentary – Short
Subject category?
a) Bao
b) Skin
c) Period. End Of Sentence
d) Free Solo

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The ‘Period. End Of Sentence’, a film on menstruation set in
rural India.
Directed : Rayka Zehtabchi
56. भारतीय जीवन बीमा ननयम (LIC) िा नया अध्यक्ष किसे ननयक्
ु त
किया यया ह? Who has been appointed the new Chairman of
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)?
a) L S Prasad
b) M R Kumar
c) Vipin Anand
d) Suseel Kumar

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1956 : Founded
ू ाइटे ड कििंयडम ने ननम्नशलखखत प्रशसद्र् हण्स्ट्तयों में से किसिे
57. यन
सम्मान में नया ब्ललि होल ’शसक्िा जारी किया ह?
United Kingdom has issued new ‘black hole’ coin in honour of which of
the following renowned personalities?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Charles Darwin
c) Stephen Hawking
d) Tim Berners-Lee

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British physicist
50 pence coin
on coins—including
Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
58. मनोहर पररिर किस राज्य िे मख्ु यमिंिी थे? Manohar parikar
was Chief Minister of which state?
a) Punjab
b) Haryana
c) Goa
d) Andhra Pradesh

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Died at the age of 63 (13 December 1955 – 17 March 2019)
CM of Goa: 2000 to 2005, 2012 to 2014. (14 March 2017 till his death)
Defence Minister of India : 2014 to 2017
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59. ननम्नशलखखत में से किस कििेट टीम ने 2019 सयद मवु ताि अली
रॉिी जीती ह? Which of the following cricket teams has won the
2019 Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy?
a) Odisha
b) Maharashtra
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Karnataka

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Karnataka Def Maharashtra
60. भारत िा पहला भ्रष्टाचार ववरोर्ी लोिपाल या लोिपाल होने िी
सिंभावना िौन ह? Who is likely to be India's first anti-corruption
ombudsman or Lokpal?
a) Madan Lokur
b) Anil R Dave
c) Pinaki Chandra Ghose
d) A R Lakshamanan

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The concept of an ombudsman is borrowed from Sweden
The term "Lokpal" was coined by Dr. L.M.Singhvi in 1963

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61. इसरो िे किस पव
ू क वज्ञाननि िो 2019 पद्म भष ू ण प्राप्त ह?
Which former ISRO scientist is the recipient of the 2019 Padma
a) K. Radhakrishnan
b) Nambi Narayanan Bharat Ratna
Padam Vibhusna
c) Tapan Misra
Padam bhushan
d) Nandini Harinath Padam Shri

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developing the Vikas Engine used for the first PSLV
(Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)
62. राष्रपनत ने 16 वषीय ______ िो एि शौयक चि से सम्माननत
किया, ण्जसने 2017 में अपने घर पर एि आतिंिवादी हमले िो रोिा
President awarded a Shaurya Chakra to 16-year-old ______ who
stopped a militant attack on his home in 2017?
a) Mamata Dalai
b) Karanbeer Singh
c) Irfan Ramzan Sheikh
d) Sebastian Vincent

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63. िजाकिस्ट्तान िी सिंसद ने _________ से दे श िी राजर्ानी
अस्ट्ताना िा नाम बदलने िे शलए मतदान किया | Kazakhstan's
Parliament voted to rename the country's capital Astana from
a) Karaganda
b) Nursultan
c) Taraz

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Capital : Astana
d) Aktau Currency : Tenge
Nursultan Nazarbayev

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ु ी रैंकििंय में किस दे श ने शीषक स्ट्थान हाशसल किया ह?
64. वण्ववि खश
Which country has topped the global happiness ranking ?
a) USA
b) Norway
c) Finland
d) Swedon

e1 coaching center
Capital : Helsinki
Currency : Euro
South Sudan is Least Happy
India : 140th Spot
65. दस
ू री स्ट्िॉपीन श्रेणी िी पनडुब्लबी िा नाम बताइए ण्जसे मई 2019
ति भारतीय नौसेना में शाशमल िरने िी तयारी ह? Name the Second
Scorpene Class Submarine which is set to be inducted into the Indian
Navy by May 2019?
a) INS Khanderi
b) INS Kalvari
c) INS Karanj

e1 coaching center
d) INS Vela

INS Kalvari (S21) is the first of the six Kalvari-class submarine currently in service
with the Indian Navy.
INS Khanderi, the second of the 6 Scorpene Class Submarines
66. डब्लर्लयएू चओ में किस भारतीय व्यण्क्तत्व िो मख्
ु य वज्ञाननि नाशमत
किया यया ह? Which Indian personality has been named Chief
Scientist at WHO?
a) Mylswamy Annadurai
b) Subbiah Arunan
c) Moumita Dutta
d) Soumya Swaminathan

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Deputy Director General of Programmes (DDP) of the World Health Organisation (WHO)
67. 2019 SAFF मदहला चण्म्पयनशशप िी मेजबानी िौन सा दे श िर रहा
ह? Which country is hosting the 2019 SAFF Women’s
a) Nepal
b) Bangladesh
c) India South Asian Football Federation Women's Cup
d) Sri Lanka Winner of 2018 : India
Indian coach : Maymol Rocky

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President : Bidhya Devi Bhandari
Prime Minister : Khadga Prasad Oli
68. भारत िे राष्रपनत ने 2019 में सशस्ट्ि बल िाशमकि िो कितने
िीनतक चि से सम्माननत किया? The President of India awarded
how many Kirti Chakras to the Armed Forces Personnel in
a) Five Wartime Peacetime
b) Three Param Vir Chakra Ashok Chakra Award
c) Two Mahavir Chakra Kirti Chakra

e1 coaching center
d) Four Vir Chakra Shaurya Chakra

Shaurya Chakras- 15
69. सेनेयल में राष्रपनत चन
ु ाव िौन जीता? Who won the
presidential elections in Senegal?
a) Macky Sall
b) Abdou Diouf
c) Abdoulaye Wade
d) Moustapha Niasse

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Capital : Dakar
Second Term (5 Years)
Currency : Franc
70. भयवान महावीर अदहिंसा पुरस्ट्िार ’िा प्रथम प्राप्तिताक िौन होया?
Who will be the 1st recipient of the 'Bhagwan Mahavir Ahimsa
a) Om Prakash Mehra
b) Abhinandan varthaman
c) Kuldip Prakash
d) Suraj prakash Khosla

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IAF Wing Commander
Shot down a Pakistani Air Force Jet F-16
71. भारत और किस दे श िे बीच सिंयुक्त द्ववपक्षीय अभ्यास एक्सरसाइज अल
नया 2019 ’12 से 25 माचक, 2019 ति आयोण्जत किया जाएया? Joint bilateral
exercise ‘Exercise Al Nagah 2019’ will be held from March 12 to 25,
2019 between India and which country?
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Oman
c) Turkey

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d) Qatar

both the armies exchanging expertise and experience in tactics, weapon handling
and firing.
72. प्रर्ान मिंिी नरें द्र मोदी ने "नेिहीन मिीपण
ू क सिंचलन" शसक्िों िी नई
ृ ला जारी िी। िौन सा मर्ल
ू यवयक िा शसक्िा 12-र्ाररत बहुभज ु
आिार िा होया? Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the new series of
"visually impaired friendly circulation" coins. Which denomination coin will be of
12-edged polygon shape?
a) Rs 2
b) Rs 5

e1 coaching center
c) Rs 10
d) Rs 20
73. स्ट्वच्छ सवेक्षण 2019 सवेक्षण में किस शहर िो सबसे स्ट्वच्छ
राजर्ानी िे रूप में सम्माननत किया यया? Which city was awarded
as the Cleanest Capital in the Swachh Survekshan 2019 survey?
a) Bhopal
b) Chennai
c) Greater Mumbai
d) Chandigarh

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Bhopal : ‘Cleanest Capital’ of India.
New Delhi Municipal Council area ''Cleanest Small City'' Award.
Indore :: Cleanest City
74. किस राज्य आपदा प्रबिंर्न प्रार्र्िरण िो प्रनतण्ष् त एसिेओएचसी
परु स्ट्िार 2018 से सम्माननत किया यया ह? Which state disaster
management authority has been honored with the coveted SKOCH
award 2018?
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) West Bengal
c) Tamil Nadu

e1 coaching center
d) Odisha

The Skoch award covers the best efforts in the areas of finance,
governance, banking, disaster management, technology, economics
and inclusive growth.
75. किस प्रौद्योर्यिी ििंपनी ने ट्यटू र बच्चों िो दहिंदी, अिंग्रेजी में पढ़ने
िे शलए ‘बोलो’नाम से एि एण्प्लिेशन लॉन्च किया ह? Which
technology company has launched an application called ‘bolo’ to tutor
children to read in Hindi, English?
a) Microsoft
b) Facebook
c) Twitter

e1 coaching center
d) Google

Help children in primary school learn to read in hindi and english.

76. िुम्मनम राजशेखरन ने हाल ही में किस राज्य िे राज्यपाल िे पद
से इस्ट्तीिा दे ददया? Kummanam Rajasekharan recently resigned
as the Governor of which state?
a) Mizoram
b) Assam
c) Meghalaya
d) West Bengal

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Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi :: additional charge of the state.
Resign Letter to President
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77. किस भारतीय वज्ञाननि िो शमसाइल शसस्ट्टम अवाडक 2019 से
सम्माननत किया यया ह? Which Indian scientist has been conferred the
Missile Systems Award 2019?
a) G Satheesh Reddy
b) Kailasavadivoo Sivan
c) Punit Goenka
d) S Somanath

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Chief of the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO).

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78. किस भारतीय-अमेररिी व्यण्क्तत्व िो नए यए
ू नडीपी सद्भावना
राजदतू िे रूप में ननयक्
ु त किया यया ह? Which Indian-American
personality has been appointed as new UNDP Goodwill Ambassador?
a) Kal Penn
b) Alpana Singh
c) Padma Lakshmi
d) Mira Nair

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International Women’s Day
Support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on fighting
inequality, discrimination and empowering the disenfranchised.
79. भाभा परमाणु अनस
ु िंर्ान िेंद्र (BARC) िा नया ननदे शि किसे
ु त किया यया ह? Who has been appointed new director of
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)?
a) Satheesh Reddy
b) Ajit Kumar Mohanty
c) Koppillil Radhakrishnan
d) P S Murthy

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Founder : Homi J Bhabha
On 1954
80. किसे भारत िे नए ववत्त सर्चव (FS) िे रूप में नाशमत किया यया
ह? Who has been designated as the new Finance Secretary (FS)
of India? Succeeded Ajay Narayan Jha.
a) Atanu Chakraborty Ajay Bhushan Pandey : Revenue Secretary.
b) Ajay Bhushan Pandey Rajiv Kumar : Secretary in Department of Financial
c) Subhash Chandra Garg Services
d) Rajiv Kumar Atanu Chakraborty : Secretary in Department of

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Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM)
Girish Chandra Murmu : Expenditure Secretary.
Rajiv Kumar : Secretary in Department of Financial
81. किशलस्ट्तीन िे नए प्रर्ानमिंिी िे रूप में किसे ननयक्
ु त किया यया
ह? Who has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of the state of
a) Mohammad Shtayyeh
b) Mohammad Abbas
c) Muhammad Mustafa
d) Ziad Abu-Amr

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President : Mahmoud Abbas
Capital : Ramallah, East jerusalem
replaces Rami Hamdallah, who had been prime minister since 2014.
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82. "टाइयर वम
ू न" पस्ट्
ु ति िे लेखि िौन हैं? Who is the author of
the book "Tiger Woman"?
a) Sirsho Bandopadhyay
b) Joy Goswami
c) Shahabuddin Nagari
d) Alokeranjan Dasgupta

e1 coaching center
translated by Arunava Sinha from the Bengali
version "Shardulsundori"
83. भारत में पहले रािंसजेंडर चन
ु ाव राजदत
ू िे रूप में किसे ननयक्
ु त
किया यया ह? Who has been appointed as the first transgender
election ambassador in India?
a) Laxmi Narayan Tripathi
b) K Prithika Yashini
c) Madhu Bai Kinnar
d) Gauri Sawant

e1 coaching center
In 2014, 918 voters were registered
now it is 2,086
84. यखणत िे शलए 2019 हात्रबल परु स्ट्िार िा प्राप्तिताक िौन ह? Who
is the recipient of the 2019 Abel Prize for mathematics?
a) John Nash
b) Karen Uhlenbeck
c) Robert Langlands
d) Jacques Tits

e1 coaching center
Award is sometimes called the nobel prize of mathematics.
For her work in the fields of geometric partial differential equations
19th-century Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel.
85. सिंयक्
ु त राज्य अमेररिा िी राजनीनत िे इनतहास में सबसे लिंबे समय
ति रहने वाले राष्रपनत िौन बने हैं? Who has become the longest
living President in the history of the United States politics?
a) Gerald Ford
b) Jimmy Carter
c) Ronald Reagan
d) Bill Clinton

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39th president of the United States
President George HW Bush, who passed away in November 2018 at the age of 94
years and 171 days.
86. नौसेना स्ट्टाि (भारत) िा अयला प्रमख
ु किसे ननयक्
ु त किया यया
ह? Who has been appointed the next Chief of Naval Staff
a) R. Hari Kumar
b) M S Pawar
c) G Ashok Kumar
d) Karambir Singh

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succeed Admiral Sunil Lanba who retires on May 31.

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87. वण्ववि शशक्षि परु स्ट्िार 2019 से किसे सम्माननत किया यया?
Who was conferred with global teacher prize 2019?
a) Nurten Akkus
b) Glenn Brown
c) Peter Tabichi
d) John Morrison

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Kenya’s Teacher
88. पुस्ट्ति िा लेखि V एव्री वोट िाउिं ट्स-द स्ट्टोरी ऑि इिंडडयाज
इलेक्शन ’िौन ह? Who is the author of the book ‘Every Vote Counts-
The Story of India’s Elections’?
a) N Gopalaswamy
b) Sunil Arora
c) Navin Chawla
d) B B Tandon

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Former chief election commissioner
Launched by former vice president of India
89. वववव वायु यण
ु वत्ता ररपोटक 2018 िे अनस
ु ार सबसे प्रदवू षत राजर्ानी
शहर िौन सा ह? Which is the most polluted capital city as per
the World Air Quality Report 2018?
a) Delhi
b) Beijing
c) Lahore Released by IQAir AirVisual and
d) Dhaka Greenpeace

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Dhaka at second and Kabul at third

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90. नेपाल ने किस दे श िी BIRDS पररयोजना िे तहत अपने पहले
उपग्रह नेपालीसट -1 िो सिलतापूवि क अिंतररक्ष में लॉन्च किया ह?
Nepal has successfully launched its first satellite NepaliSat-1 into space
under BIRDS project of which country?
a) Japan
b) India
c) China

e1 coaching center
d) United Kingdom
Sri Lanka has launched its first satellite ‘Raavana-1
NepaliSat-1 into space from Virginia in the United States.
The BIRDS project association with UN aims at helping countries launch their
first satellite.
91. ऑक्सिोडक यनू नवशसकटी िे बॉडली मेडल 2019 िा प्राप्तिताक िौन सा
भारतीय व्यण्क्तत्व ह? Which Indian personality is the recipient of the
Oxford University’s Bodley Medal 2019?
a) Amartya Sen
b) Raghuram Rajan
c) Manmohan Singh
d) Arvind Subramanian

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Nobel Prize Winner
Chris Patten, chancellor of the university
92. "भारतीय राजिोषीय सिंघवाद" पस्ट्ु ति िे लेखि िौन हैं? Who is the
author of the book “Indian Fiscal Federalism”?
a) Urjit Patel
b) Rajiv Mehrishi
c) Y V Reddy
d) Nripendra Misra

e1 coaching center
Former RBI governor dr. Y V REDDY and co-authored
by dr. G R REDDY.
93. तरल मीथेन हाल ही में सौरमिंडल िे किस उपग्रह पर दे खा यया ह?
Liquid methane has recently spotted on which satellite in the
solar system?
a) Triton
b) Titan
c) Ganymede
d) Callisto

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NASA’s Cassini spacecraft
Saturn’s moon

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94. जज
ु ाना िपटोवा िो किस राष्र िी पहली मदहला राष्रपनत िे रूप
में चन
ु ा यया ह? Zuzana Caputova has been elected as the first female
president of which nation?
a) Bolivia
b) Poland
c) Sweden
d) Slovakia

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Anti-corruption activist
Capital : bratislava
Currency : euro
95. 1 अप्रल, 2019 िो किस राज्य ने अपना 84 वािं स्ट्थापना ददवस
मनाया? Which state celebrated its 84th foundation day on April 1,
a) West Bengal
b) Bihar
c) Odisha
d) Karnataka

e1 coaching center
Also known as ‘utkal divas.’ Earlier, the state was a part of bihar.
1 april 1936
96. िोएशशया िे सवोच्च नायररि परु स्ट्िार- टोशमस्ट्लाव िे राजा िे भव्य
आदे श से किस भारतीय व्यण्क्तत्व िो सम्माननत किया यया ह? Which
Indian personality has been honoured with Croatia’s highest civilian
award- the Grand Order of the King of Tomislav?
a) Narendra Modi
b) Ram Nath Kovind
c) Rahul Gandhi

e1 coaching center
d) Arun Jaitely
He is the first-ever Indian head of state to visit Croatia
97. ननम्नशलखखत में से िौन एि 1 रे शसिंय बहरीन ग्रैंड वप्रक्स 2019
जीता? Who Among the following won F1 Racing Bahrain Grand Prix
2019 ?
a) Lewis Hamilton
b) Valtteri Bottas
c) Sebastian Vettal
d) Charles leclerc

e1 coaching center
Defeated Valtteri bottas
98. हाल ही में भारतीय सेना द्वारा लेह में ररिॉडक 40 ददनों में बनाए
यए 260 िीट लिंबे सस्ट्पें शन त्रब्रज िा नाम क्या ह? What is the name of
a 260-feet long suspension bridge recently made by Indian Army in
record 40 days at Leh?
a) Rural Bridge
b) Maitri Bridge
c) Suvidha Bridge
d) Sampark Bridge

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Over the indus river

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99. 2019 प्रवासी भारतीय सम्मान परु स्ट्िार (पीबीएसए) से किसे
सम्माननत किया यया ह? Who has been conferred with 2019 Pravasi
Bhartiya Samman Award (PBSA)?
a) Prathap C. Reddy
b) Ramesh Mehta
c) Rajendra Joshi
d) Kamal Karanth

e1 coaching center
Swiss-based nri scientist dr
Theme of 2019 pravasi bharatiya divas convention was 'role of indian
diaspora in building new india.'
100. किस दे श िी टीम ने 2019 सर्लु तान अजलान शाह हॉिी टूनाकमेंट
जीता ह?Which country’s team has won the 2019 Sultan Azlan Shah
Hockey tournament?
a) Poland
b) South Korea
c) India
d) Japan

e1 coaching center
Defeated five time champion india
Hosts malaysia defeated canada 4-2 and secured the 3rd place.
101. अथक आवर 2019 िे 13 वें सिंस्ट्िरण िा ववषय क्या ह? What is
the theme of the 13th edition of Earth Hour 2019?
a) #GiveBack
b) #Save Earth
c) #NatureCallingYou
d) #Connect2Earth

e1 coaching center
Observed on march 30 ( on a specific day towards the end of March)
To encourage people across the world to turn off non-essential electric lights for
one hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.M
World Wide Fund (WWF)
102. भारतीय ररजवक बैंि ने अपनी पहली द्वव-माशसि मौदद्रि नीनत वक्तव्य
2019-20 में रे पो दर किस प्रनतशत पर ननर्ाकररत िी? The Reserve Bank of India
fixed the Repo Rate at what percent in its First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy
Statement 2019-20?
a) 5.75%
b) 6.00%
c) 6.25%
d) 6.50%

e1 coaching center
6 percent from 6.25 percent with immediate effect.
Fiscal Policy - GOI
103. 2019 िी नवीनतम िीिा रैंकििंय में किस राष्र ने शीषक स्ट्थान
प्राप्त किया ह? Which nation has topped the latest FIFA rankings of
a) Belgium
b) Germany
c) France
d) Brazil

e1 coaching center
India climbed up two places to reach the 101st position.
Belgium topped
France at the 2nd position
Brazil at 3rd position.
104. शशिायो िे इनतहास में पहली अफ्रीिी-अमेररिी मदहला मेयर िौन
बन यई ह? Who has become the first African-American female mayor
in the history of Chicago?
a) Lori Lightfoot
b) Muriel Bowser
c) Lovely Warren
d) Toni Harp

e1 coaching center
Office from mayor rahm emanuel
105. लिंदन ववववववद्यालय, लॉ द्वारा परोपिार में एि मानद डॉक्टरे ट
से किसे सम्माननत किया यया था? Who was conferred with an
honorary doctorate in Philanthropy by the University of Law, London ?
a) Shah Rukh Khan
b) Salman Khan
c) Akshay Kumar
d) Ranbir kapoor

e1 coaching center
For his work to Society
106. वववव बैंि िे नए अध्यक्ष िे रूप में किसे चन
ु ा यया ह? Who is
selected as the new President of the World Bank ?
a) Steven Winberg
b) David Malpass
c) Wilbur Ross
d) Jeffrey Gerrish

e1 coaching center
Currently US Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs
Senior Economic Advisor to President Donald Trump
Malpass Succeeds Jim Yong Kim
107. भारतीय पर
ु ष राष्रीय हॉिी टीम िे नए मख्
ु य िोच िे रूप में
किसे ननयक् ु त किया यया ह? Who has been appointed as the new head
coach of the Indian men’s national hockey team?
a) Graham Reid
b) Dhanraj Pillay
c) Mark Knowles
d) Ajit Pal Singh

e1 coaching center
Australia’s Graham Reid
Captain : Manpreet Singh
108. ईएसपीएन इिंडडया मर्लटी-स्ट्पोटक अवार्डकस 2018 में किसे वषक िी
मदहला खखलाडी िे रूप में नाशमत किया यया ह? Who has been named
as female sportsperson of the year at the ESPN India Multi-Sport
Awards 2018?
a) Mary Kom
b) Saina Nehwal
c) Ekta Bhyan
d) P V Sindhu

e1 coaching center
2016 Olympic silver medallist
Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra male sportsperson of the year
Table tennis team ‘team of the year’ clinched its first-ever gold medal at the
2018 commonwealth games.
109. किस पररयोजना ने ब्ललि होल िी पहली छवव पर िब्लजा िर
शलया? Which project captured the first ever image of the Black Hole?
a) James Webb Space Telescope
b) Hubble Space Telescope
c) Event Horizon Telescope
d) Kepler Space Telescope

e1 coaching center
A network of eight linked telescopes
Described by scientists as "a monster".
black hole located in a distant galaxy
110. रूस िे सवोच्च नायररि परु स्ट्िार "ऑडकर ऑि सेंट एिंड्रयू द
एपोस्ट्टल" िे शलए किस भारतीय व्यण्क्तत्व िो चुना यया ह? Which
Indian personality has been chosen for Russia’s highest civilian award
“Order of St Andrew the Apostle”?
a) Mary Kom 7th international award conferred on Mr Modi since PM
b) Narendra Modi Zayed Medal of the UAE (2019)
c) Amitabh Bachchan Seoul Peace Prize,

e1 coaching center
d) Azim Premji UN Champions of the Earth Award,
Grand Collar of the State of Palestine (all in
2018), Amir Abdullah Khan Award of
Afghanistan and King Abdullaziz Sash of Saudi
Arabia (both in 2016)
111. 2018 सरस्ट्वती सम्मान िे शलए किसे चन
ु ा यया ह?Who
has been selected for the 2018 Saraswati Samman?
a) K Siva Reddy
b) Vijay Tendulkar
c) Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
d) Indira Parthasarathy Ramanujar

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Telugu poet
poetry titled Pakkaki Ottigilite (Turning Aside While Lying Down).
Instituted by the KK Birla Foundation in 1991,
given annually for literary work written in any Indian language
112. हाल ही में िौन सा दे श मलेररया वक्सीन लॉन्च िरने वाला दनु नया
िा पहला दे श बना? Which country recently became the world’s first to
launch malaria vaccine ?
a) Malawi
b) Serbia
c) Maldives
d) Nepal

e1 coaching center
vaccine, known as RTS,S
113. किस भारतीय पहलवान ने पर
ु षों िी 65 किग्रा फ्रीस्ट्टाइल वयक में
वववव में निंबर एि बन यया ह? Which Indian wrestler has become
world number one in the men's 65kg freestyle category?
a) Bajrang Punia
b) Yogeshwar Dutt
c) Sushil Kumar
d) Jinder Mahal

e1 coaching center
Issued by united world wrestling
Won gold in the asian games and commonwealth games
114. मदहलाओिं िी सरु क्षा ऐप "माई सिकल" िो ननम्नशलखखत
दरू सिंचार ििंपननयों द्वारा शुरू किया यया हThe women’s safety app
“My Circle” has been launched by which of the following telecom
a) Reliance
b) Bharti Airtel
d) Vodafone

e1 coaching center
Enables women to send SOS alerts to any five of their family
115. ननम्नशलखखत ववनाशिारी सिंरचनाओिं में से िौन एि ववनाशिारी
ववस्ट्िोट िे बाद हाल ही में जल यया? Which among the following
iconic structures almost burned down recently after a devastating
a) Acropolis of Athens
b) Notre-Dame Cathedral
c) Westminster Abbey
d) The Colosseum

e1 coaching center
UNESCO experts have agreed to help in rebuilding the
116. डब्लर्लयए
ू चओ िी 15 सबसे प्रदवू षत शहरों िी सच
ू ी में किस भारतीय
शहर िो पहला स्ट्थान ददया यया ह? Which Indian city has been ranked
first on the WHO’s list of 15 most polluted cities?
a) Varanasi
b) Faridabad
c) Kanpur
d) Delhi

e1 coaching center
Political Leaders Position and Action on Air Quality in India 2014-2019
Faridabad (Haryana) stood at 2nd position
117. स्ट्रीट बाल कििेट वववव िप िे शलए भारतीय टीम िे सद्भावना
राजदतू िे रूप में किसे नाशमत किया यया ह? Who has been named as
the goodwill ambassador of the Indian team for the Street Child Cricket
World Cup?
a) Virat Kohli
b) M S Dhoni
c) Harmanpreet Kaur

e1 coaching center
d) Mithali Raj

first cricket world cup for street-connected children.
Organised by Street Child United (SCU), a UK based organisation
118. िथा श्रेणी में 2019 पशु लत्जर परु स्ट्िार से किसे सम्माननत
किया यया ह? Who has been honoured with the 2019 Pulitzer
Prize in fiction category?
a) Rebecca Makkai
b) Richard Powers
c) Clare Barron
d) Tommy Orange

e1 coaching center
first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded June 4, 1917
119. 2020 में G-20 शशखर सम्मेलन िा आयोजन किस दे श में किया
जायेया? In which country will the G-20 Summit be organized in 2020?
a) Argentina
b) India
c) Saudi Arabia
d) Brazil

e1 coaching center
जी-20 का गठन 26 सितम्बर, 1999 को ककया गया था।
120 . 358 वषों में रॉयल सोसाइटी में चन
ु ी जाने वाली पहली भारतीय
मदहला िौन बन यई ह? Who has become the 1st Indian woman to be
selected in the Royal Society in 358 years?
a) Gagandeep Kang
b) Karanbeer Kaur
c) Jaspreet Dhillon
d) Preeti Sahai

e1 coaching center
Major research focus on viral infections in children, and the testing of rotaviral
vaccines. (Rotavirus infection : diarrhea among young child)
121. यूिेनी राष्रपनत चुनाव 2019 में किसने शानदार जीत दजक िी?
Who won a landslide victory in Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2019?
a) Volodymyr Zelensky
b) Petro Poroshenko
c) Dmitry Medvedev
d) Oleksandr Turchynov

e1 coaching center
Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky
Zelensky had taken more than 73 percent
Ukrain : Kyiv
e1 coaching center
122. इजराइल िे नए प्रर्ान मिंिी िे रूप में किसे ननयक्
ु त किया
यया ह? Who has been appointed as new Prime Minister of
a) Reuven Rivlin
b) Benjamin Netanyahu
c) Benny Gantz
d) Yisrael Katz

e1 coaching center
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin
fifth consecutive term
123. ग्लोबल अथक डे हर साल िब मनाया जाता ह? When the
Global Earth Day is celebrated every year?
a) 20 April
b) 21 April
c) 22 April
d) 23 April

e1 coaching center
To support and protect environment of the earth.
theme is – Protect Our Species.
124. सिंतोष रॉिी 2019 किसने जीती ह? Who won the Santosh Trophy
a) Punjab
b) The Services
c) Karnataka
d) Rajasthan

e1 coaching center
Punjab Vs Services

e1 coaching center
125. जशलयािंवाला बाय िी िववता V खन
ू ी वशाखी ’िे लेखि िौन थे?
Who was the author of the Jallianwala Bagh poem ‘Khooni Vaisakhi’?
a) Karnail Singh
b) Vir Singh
c) Nanak Singh
d) Navdeep Singh

e1 coaching center
English translation of the 100-
year-old classic Punjabi poem
released in Abu Dhabi
126. 2019 वववव प्रेस स्ट्वतिंिता सच
ू िािंि (WPFI) में भारत िी रैंि क्या
ह? What is the India’s rank in the 2019 World Press Freedom Index
a) 138th
b) 108th
c) 140th
d) 155th

e1 coaching center
released by Reporters Without Borders (RWB)
an international NGO based in Paris.
Norway, followed by Finland, Sweden
127. ननम्नशलखखत में से िौन सी र्रोहर स्ट्थल हरे -पीले 20 रपये
ू यवयक िे नोटों िा मल ू मिंि ह? Which of the following heritage sites
is the motif of greenish-yellow Rs 20 denomination banknotes?
1) Ellora Caves
2) Borra Caves
3) Barabar Caves
4) Elephanta Cave

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Ellora Caves
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