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This is an interesting story. The narrator’s grandfather was fond of keeping different kinds of pets. One day, he
bought a monkey from a tonga-driver for rupees five. Its name was Toto. It was a mischievous small monkey.
At first, his pranks were amusing. The family members enjoyed these pranks. But with the passage of time, his
mischief became wilder. He broke many things in the house. At last, grandfather realized that he could not
keep Toto at home any longer. So, he sold Toto back to the tonga-driver for three rupees.

TITLE: The title “The Adventures of Toto” indicates directly at the central theme as well as at the protagonist.
The story is about Toto, the pet baby monkey, and his numerous adventures. Of course, the title does not
clarify ‘who’ or ‘what’ is Toto, but it does rouse the curiosity of the reader, which is one of the characteristics of
a good title. In short, the title is suitable for this story.

GRANDFATHER: Grandfather was a lover of animals. He had put up a zoo in his house where he had a
number of animals and reared them with care and affection. He brings home a monkey caned Toto. But since
the monkey is a wild animal he could not have a peaceful life. So Toto had to be returned to its previous

TOTO, THE MONKEY: Toto was a beautiful, little monkey. He was with a tonga driver. Grandfather took pity
on him and brought him home. He created a lot of mischief and brought so much trouble in the house. He tore
clothes and disturbed other animals in grandfather’s zoo. So grandfather had to give him back to the tonga-
• This story shows that the narrator’s grandfather was very fond of animals.
• Grandfather bought Toto that was a monkey from a tonga driver for five rupees.
• Toto’s arrival in the house was kept a secret from grandmother.
• Toto was a pretty monkey. He was very naughty and disturbing.
• Once he was to accompany grandfather to Saharanpur in a canvas bag.
• He poked his head out from the bag and came in the notice of the ticket collector. Grandfather had to
pay three rupees as a fine.
• Toto was given a comfortable home in the stable.
• He always troubled Nana which was the family donkey in the stable.
• He always enjoyed a warm water bath in cold winter evening.
• The family members found it difficult to adjust with him.
• Finally, grandfather decided to return Toto to the tonga driver for three rupees.

Abode place of living ornamental decorative
afford bear Particular special
annoyance irritation pearly like pearls
apparent clear peg peg
Apparent visible Performance act
Attract to charm pickled salted and dried
Beneath below Pleased felt happy
Blazer jacket Poked pushed

Sharad Adhdhayan Institution

B-63-B, D. D. Puram, Bareilly (U.P.) M:+91-8851781149 Page 1
canvas thick cloth Prodded searched with hand
chattered made a sound Quadruped creature of four legs
Closet a cupboard Qualify gain ability
Comfortable relaxed Realised felt
Cunningly cleverly release free
curious inquisitive Scoop up lift quickly
Delicacy a tasty food item Screamed cried
a flat shallow container to something kept or meant to be kept
Dish Secret
cook food unknown
displayed shown Shred torn pieces
docile gentle Slap quick hit with palm
dragging pulling Sociably amiably, peacefully
Elderly old aged person Socket hole to fit in
Exhibition public show Sparkled shone brightly
fixed together at a place,
Fastened Spite hurt, insult
stuck into
manger squirrel squirrel
cattle shed, place where animals are
frightened terrified Stable
Fussed made too much noise Sticking out keeping out
Gradually slowly straw hay
Grin to show teeth in smile Stuffing eating a lot
Halter rope Suddenly abruptly
Hauled pulled, took out taken aback surprised
hind part of an animal with
Haunch Tame pet
four legs
Hopping jumping across tortoise tortoise
in shreds torn into pieces Treat special experience
jackfruit a vegetable Triumphant rejoicing, victorious
Jerked moved suddenly a revolving door that allows one person
Kettle a container at a time to pass through
Lid cover Unfortunately Unluckily
Mischievous naughty well-to-do Rich
naked bare wicked evil looking, naughty
Occasionally not frequently Wrenched Pulled
1. Who or what was Toto?
(A) A pretty child (B) pretty monkey (C) A little horse (D) A pet parrot.
2. By whom was Toto brought to the writer’s house?
(A) The writer’s servant. (B) The writer’s father. (C) The writer’s grandfather. (D) The writer’s uncle
3. For how much was Toto bought?
(A) Five rupees. (B) Ten rupees. (C) Fifteen rupees. (D) Twenty rupees.
4. Who did Grandfather buy Toto from?
(A) A rickshaw-puller. (B) A tonga-driver. (C) A milkmaid. (D) A juggler.
5. What colour was Toto?
Sharad Adhdhayan Institution
B-63-B, D. D. Puram, Bareilly (U.P.) M:+91-8851781149 Page 2
(A) Red. (B) Brown. (C) Yellow. (D) Grey.
6. The tonga-driver used to keep the monkey……….
(A) tied to his tonga. (B) Aired to a feeding trough. (C) tied to a tree. (D) tied to a tub.
7. Grandfather decided to add the little monkey……………
(A) his library. (B) his museum. (C) his theatre company. (D) his private zoo.
8. Toto had bright eyes that sparkled with……………
(A) joy. (B) mischief. (C) intelligence. (D) enthusiasm.
9. Toto’s………… often displayed a smile.
(A) little lips. (B) shining eyes. (C)pearly teeth. (D) red face.
10. Toto’s hands looked……….. as if they had been pickled in the sun.
(A) dried up. (B) coiled up. (C) screwed up. (D) nailed up
11. Toto’s ………… added to his good looks.
(A) face. (B) eyes. (C) teeth. (D) tail.
12. Grandfather believed that …………. added to anybody’s good looks.
(A) a nose. (B) a tail. (C) a tall body. (D) a fair complexion.
13. What could Toto do with his tail?
(A) Beat a drum. (B) Hang from a branch. (C) Eat from a dish.
(D) Put things into his mouth.
14. What would Grandmother do when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal?
(A) She always fussed. (B) She felt very happy. (C) She would start crying.
(D) She started playing with it.
15. Why was it decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret from Grandmother?
(A) Because she did not like monkeys. (B) Because there was no space for it in the house.
(C) Because she always fussed when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal.
(D) Because she had always a great fear of birds and animals.
16. What did Toto do with the writer’s school blazer?
(A) He tore it into shreds. (B) He wore it on his back. (C) He threw it out of the window.
(D) He made it into his bedding.
17. How did Grandfather react when Toto tore the writer’s school blazer into shreds?
(A) He was terribly angry. (B) He beat the monkey with a stick.
(C) He seemed pleased with the monkey’s performance.
(D) He decided to give the money back to the tonga-driver.
18. Before the coming of Toto, Grandfather’s pets included……………
(A) a tortoise and a pair of rabbits. (B) a tame squirrel and a pet goat.
(C) a tortoise and a pet goat. (D) a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and the writer’s pet goat.
19. Who is the writer of the story, The Adventures of Toto’?
(A) Mulk Raj Anand (B) Ruskin Bond. (C) R.K. Laxman. (D) Harsh Mander.
20. Where did the writer’s Grandfather live?
(A) In Dehradun. (B) In Saharanpur. (C) In Delhi. (D) In Mumbai
21. Where had the writer’s Grandfather to go and why?
(A) To Dehradun to collect his pension. (B) To Dehradun to meet an old friend.
(C.)To Saharanpur to collect his pension. (D) To Saharanpur to meet an old friend.
22. How was Toto taken to Saharanpur?
(A) In a basket. (B) In a little cage. (C) In a canvas kit-bag. (D) In a big black plastic bag.
23. How did the ticket-collector come to know that there was a monkey in Grandfather’s kit-bag?
(A) Tow had started jumping in the bag. (B) Tow had torn open his bag.

Sharad Adhdhayan Institution

B-63-B, D. D. Puram, Bareilly (U.P.) M:+91-8851781149 Page 3
(C) Toto had suddenly poked his head out of the bag. (D) Tow had started squeaking loudly in the bag.
24. What did Grandfather try to convince the ticket-collector about?
(A) That Toto was not a dog. (B) That Toto was not a quadruped.
(C) Both A and B above. (D) Neither A nor B.
25. What did the ticket-collector classify Toto as?
(A) As a dog. (B) As a monkey. (C) As a quadruped. (D) As a reptile.
26. How much did the ticket-collector charge as Toto’s fare?
(A) Three rupees. (B) Four rupees. (C) Five rupees. (D) Six rupees.
27. Which of his pets did Grandfather carry in his pocket while going to Saharanpur?
(A) A squirrel. (B) A tortoise. (C) A snake. (D) A lizard.
28. Why did the ticket-collector not charge Grandfather for carrying a tortoise with him?
(A) Because the tortoise was not a quadruped. (B) Because the tortoise was not a monkey.
(C) Because the tortoise was not a dog. (D) Because the tortoise was not a human being.
29. Who was Nana?
(A) The writer’s maternal Grandfather. (B) The family donkey in Grandfather’s house.
(C) Grandfather’s pet tortoise. (D) Grandfather’s pet lizard.
30. How did Toto have his bath in winter?
(A) Grandfather took him to a well daily. (B) Grandmother gave him a large bowl of warm water.
(C) The writer gave him a bath in the sunny compound.
(D) Toto would go into the bathroom and have a nice bath.


1) What did Toto do in the author’s room?
2) Where was Toto transferred from the author’s bedroom? Did he remain peaceful there?
3) Describe how grandfather took Toto with him to Saharanpur.
4) How many pets did the author’s grandfather have? Where were they kept?
5) How did Toto get along with other animals?
6) Why did Toto throw a plate at grandmother?
7) Why was Toto sold back to the tonga-driver?

SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

1) How does Toto come to Grandfather’s private zoo? Or Why did the author’s Grandfather decide to buy
2) “Toto was a pretty monkey”. In what sense is Toto pretty?
3) How did Toto use his body parts to his advantage?
4) Why did Grandfather hide Toto for some time when he brought him home? Or
Why was Toto’s entry into Grandfather’s zoo kept a secret?
5) Where was Toto kept immediately after Grandfather got him? Why?
6) What destruction was caused by Toto to the narrator’s room?
7) How did Grandfather react when Toto destroyed things on his first day in the house?
8) What pets did Grandfather have? Where did they live?
9) How did Toto behave when he was kept with other pets of Grandfather?
10) Where and why was Grandfather going the next day?
11) Why did Grandfather decide to take Toto with him to Saharanpur?
12) How did Grandfather decide to carry Toto to Saharanpur? Why?
13) How did Grandfather try to keep the presence of his travelling-mate a secret? Or
Who was Grandfather’s travelling-mate to Saharanpur? How did he try to keep his presence a secret?
Sharad Adhdhayan Institution
B-63-B, D. D. Puram, Bareilly (U.P.) M:+91-8851781149 Page 4
14) “An exhibition attracted a curious crowd of onlookers at the Dehra Dun railway platform”. What was the
cause of this exhibition?
15) How did the ticket-collector learn about the presence of Toto?
16) What did the ticket-collector classify Toto as? Why did he do so?
17) Why did Grandfather get annoyed at the Saharanpur station?
18) Why did Grandfather show his tortoise to the ticket-collector?
19) Why didn’t the ticket-collector charge for the tortoise?
20) When and where was Toto given a comfortable home?
21) Who was Nana? How did Toto trouble him?
22) Why couldn’t Toto and Nana become friends?
23) Describe Toto’s bath ritual. Or
How did Toto take a bath during winters? How did he learn to bathe in that manner?
24) When and why would Toto refuse to take a bath?
25) How did Toto’s love for warm bath almost lead to his being half-boiled?
26) “The brain part devoted to mischief was far more developed in Toto”. Do you agree with this observation
of the narrator? Support your answer with instances from the text.
27) What incident led to Grandfather’s decision of not keeping Toto as a pet?
28) Where did Grandfather finally send Toto and what did it cost him?
29) Why did Grandfather give away Toto, the monkey? Or
Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”? (Textual)
30) Toto was not an animal that could be trained into a pet. Why?
31) Why was Grandfather attracted to Toto?
32) “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Tow pretty?
33) How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?
34) Why was it decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret?
35) Why does the author say, “Toth was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?
36) Where was Toto transferred to after he wrenched the peg in the wall?
37) How did Toto behave with Nana, the donkey?
38) Why did grandfather buy Toto?
39) How is the tail useful for the monkey as in the case of Toto?
40) Why was the narrator’s grandfather attracted to Toto?
41) What happened when Toto tried to escape?
42) Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling
Toto a dog?
43) Why did the onlookers get attracted to Toto on the Dehradun railway platform?
44) Who was Nana? ‘Why did he never become Tote’s friend?
45) How did the narrator’s grandmother get rid of Toto?
46) How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?
47) How did Toto get along with other animals?
48) What did Toto do with the dish of pullao?
49) Why was Toto sold back to the tonga-driver?
50) Why did Grandfather decide to include the monkey in his private zoo?
51) How did Toto behave when he was put in a closet?
52) Describe how Toto took a bath during winter evenings.
53) How did Toto nearly boil himself alive?
54) Describe Toto’s mischief at lunch-time.

Sharad Adhdhayan Institution

B-63-B, D. D. Puram, Bareilly (U.P.) M:+91-8851781149 Page 5

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