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Book Specification

Tittle of the book : Twelve Lectures on Second Language

Writer’s name : Willis Edmonson
Year of Publication : 1999
Publisher : Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen
Place of Publication : Germany
Number of Pages : 287 pages
Number of Chapter : 12 chapters
Book Size : 30 x 15 x 5 cm
Chapter Specification :

- Number and tittle : Chapter 12 (Second Language Acquisition

Theory and and Teaching Practice
- Number of Pages : 11 pages

B. Summary of the chapter

This chapter focuses on the six theories in second language acquisition. The six
theories elaborated in this chapter are theory of enablement, theory of development,
theory of achievement, theory of on-line processing, theory of optimal support, and
theory of didactic. First, theory of enablement. Theory of enablement explains that
human are considered to have ability to acquire one or even more than one languages.
Acquiring languages involves human mind and the discipline concern to second
language acquisition considered as cognitive science. Second, theory of development
which focuses on developing language sequently and accumulatively. Human needs
time and learning languages by process. Third, theory of achievement. Theory of
achievement argues that each individual reaches their achievements relatively in
different time. Some of them reach it faster than others. Some of them are slower and
probably have a static progress. Fourth, theory of on-line processing. This theory
argues that learning development can be supported by potential learning opportunity.
Learning opportunity outside the classroom from environment and networking can be
exposure to optimize learning outcome. Fifth, theory of optimal support. In this
theory, it is believed that environment can best help the learners. Family, school,
government with its policies, regulations and some supporting systems are beneficial
to give the optimal support. Sixth, theory of didactic. This theory is about theory of
language teaching. The six theories considered as all important, but among the
theories optimal support, instruction as part of didactic theory and achievement are
really significant on second language acquisition. First language considered to give
clue to understand the concept in second language. Language exposure and instruction
are signficant too.

C. Comment and Analysis of Chapter Content

This chapter such a general conclusion from all chapters discussed in the book. Some
important things in this chapter have been explained in the previous chapter. This
chapter emphasizes that second language acquisition can be optimally achieved
because of the six theories elaborated in this chapter. The language used in this
chapter quite hard to be understood since the writer uses a very good English
supported by various vocabularies not used in daily communication. Understanding
this chapter needs capability in thinking critically and the readers should actively
understand the previous chapters since each chapter connecting each other.
This chapter is considered as weak in giving the concrete examples of each theories.
Furthermore, it has less explanation of six theories discussed. The other weakness is
this chapter does not include the theory of how psychological factors also influencing
second language acquisition. Meanwhile, in one of chapters of other book entittled An
Introduction to Psycholingistics, it is explained clearly some psychological factors
which influence second language acquisition. It is stated in the fourth chapter. The
tittle of the chapter is Brain Lateralization and Second Language Acquisition. It has
24 pages.
Meanwhile, the chapter in Twelve Lectures on Second Language Acquisition has some
strengths. First, the explanation used in elaborating the theory is academically
qualified. This chapter can attract the readers’ mind to think deeply and highly
concentrate to every single words stated in each paragraph. The six theories on this
chapter can give knowledge to the readers that every person should be aware of some
factors influencing second language acquisition.
D. Conclusion

This chapter highlights the influencing factors toward the success of second language
acquisition does not only depend on someone’s cognitive capability, but also on some
important factors such as support from family, environment, teaching method of
teachers, time spent in learning and also other supporting factors. Each individual
should not miss one of those factor if the target is the success on second language
acquisition. This chapter is highly recommended to be read to broaden the readers’
mind in understanding the process of second language acquisition.


Edmonson, W. 1999. Twelve Lectures on Second Language Acquistion. Tubingen :

Gunter Narr Verlag.
Fauziati, E. 2008. An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. Surakarta : Muhammadiyah
University Press.

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