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CO Integrated Training Program

Book- 1 / 2
(Version 16-1)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Trainer & Author:

© Srinivas Kasireddy
Skype : srinivas3d

Date printed : 19 June 2019

File Name : 424804391.doc

© Srinivas Kasireddy
© Srinivasa

© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Table of Contents:
1. CO -Basic Settings......................................................................................... 19
1. Copy comp code....................................................................................... 19
2. Maintain Controlling Area............................................................................. 19
3. Cost Centre Standard Hierarchy...................................................................22
4. Maintain Versions....................................................................................... 22
2. Cost Centre Accounting................................................................................. 24
Relationship between Profit centre & Cost centre..................................................24
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 25
1. Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Document........................................25
2. Creation of Primary Cost Element.................................................................26
3. Display Cost Elements................................................................................ 28
4. Creation of FSG (Cost Centre required).........................................................28
5. Assign New FSG in Expenses G/L Account....................................................28
6. Creation of Cost Centre............................................................................... 29
7. Creation CC Groups................................................................................... 30
8. Creation of CE groups................................................................................. 31
2. End User:.................................................................................................... 31
1. Posting of transaction in FI...........................................................................31
2. Display CC Report...................................................................................... 32
3. Display CO Document................................................................................. 34
4. Repost CO Line item................................................................................... 34
5. Display Cost Center Report.........................................................................35
6. Creating Common Cost center.....................................................................35
7. Posting to Common Cost center...................................................................36
8. Repost Costs:............................................................................................ 36
9. Display Cost Center Report.........................................................................37
10. Period Lock............................................................................................ 38
3. Allocations..................................................................................................... 39
1. Cost Center relatioships:............................................................................. 40
2. Assesment................................................................................................ 40
3. Periodic Reposting :.................................................................................... 40
4. Distribution:............................................................................................... 41
5. Indirect activity allocation:............................................................................ 41
6. Direct activity allocation:.............................................................................. 41
4. Allocation by Assessment using SKF.............................................................43
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 44
1. Create Cost Centre..................................................................................... 44
2. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKS RKIU........................44
3. Create SKF............................................................................................... 44
4. Enter SKF................................................................................................. 45
5. Allocation method (Assessment Method):......................................................45
1. Creation of secondary cost element..............................................................45
2. Creation of Assessment Cycle......................................................................45
1. Enduser...................................................................................................... 48
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1. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1004............................................................48

2. Execution of Assessment cycle (Month end activity)........................................48
3. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 49
5. Allocation by Distribution.............................................................................. 50
2. Settings...................................................................................................... 50
1. Create Cost Centre..................................................................................... 50
2. Create GL account/cost element Vehicle maintenance.....................................51
3. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKIV..............................51
4. Create SKF (already done)..........................................................................51
5. Enter SKF ((already done))..........................................................................52
6. Allocation method (Distribution):...................................................................52
1. Creation of Distribution Cycle.......................................................................52
2. Enduser...................................................................................................... 55
4. Posting of Rent , Salary ,Veh maintanance in CC 1011...................................55
5. Execution of Distribution cycle (Month end)..................................................55
6. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 56
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6. Allocation by Periodic Reposting....................................................................57

1. Settings...................................................................................................... 57
1. Create Cost Centre..................................................................................... 57
2. Create GLa/c & cost element Elec Charges....................................................58
3. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKIB..............................58
4. Create SKF............................................................................................... 58
5. Allocation method (Periodic Reposting):.........................................................58
1. Creation of Periodic Reposting cycle.............................................................58
3. Enduser...................................................................................................... 60
7. Posting of Rent , Elc bills , in CC 1006..........................................................60
8. Enter SKF (Month end)............................................................................... 60
9. Execution of Periodic reposting cycle (month end).........................................61
10. Cost Centre Report.................................................................................. 61
7. Indirect Activity Allocation using SKF..........................................................62
Splitting :......................................................................................................... 62
Actual activity valuation :.................................................................................... 62
Settings for price calculation ,revaluation and cost component structure :.................62
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 64
1. Create Cost Centre..................................................................................... 64
2. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKL , RKN, KSI0,KSII........64
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3. Create SKF............................................................................................... 64
4. Creation of secondary cost element..............................................................65
5. Creating Activity Type Testing hours-Manual...................................................65
6. Creation of secondary cost element..............................................................66
7. Creating Activity Type Testing hours-Automated..............................................66
8. Creating Cost Element Group.......................................................................67
9. Creating Activity Type Group.......................................................................68
10. Define Splitting Structure..........................................................................68
11. Assign Splitting Structure to Cost Centers...................................................69
12. Define Cost Component Structure.............................................................70
13. Change Revaluation/Price calculation/Cost comp Structure settings in Version 0
14. Allocation method (Indirect Activity Allocation):............................................72
1. Creation of Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle...................................................72
2. Enduser...................................................................................................... 74
1. CC Planning.............................................................................................. 74
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2. Activity planning for TSHRA/ TSHRM............................................................74

3. Splitting (Planned cost)............................................................................... 75
4. Calculating Activity Price(planned) for TSHRA................................................76
Display primary cost component split :................................................................76
5. Enter SKF................................................................................................. 77
6. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1009............................................................77
7. Sender activities for TSHRA.........................................................................77
8. Indirect Activity Allocation............................................................................ 78
9. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 79

10. Splitting(Actual)....................................................................................... 80
11. Price Calculation(Actual)..........................................................................80
12. Cost Centre Report.................................................................................. 81
8. Direct Activity Allocation............................................................................... 82
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 82
1. Create Cost Centre..................................................................................... 82
2. Creation of secondary cost element..............................................................83
3. Creating Activity Type Maintenance hours......................................................83
4. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKL................................84
2. Enduser...................................................................................................... 84
1. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1008............................................................84
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2. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 84

3. Set Activity price(planned) manually..............................................................84
4. Direct Activity Allocation............................................................................... 85
5. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 85
6. Price Calculation........................................................................................ 86
7. Cost Centre Report..................................................................................... 86
9. Internal Orders(I.O)....................................................................................... 87
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 88
1. Creation of internal Order Types...................................................................88
2. Creation of FS Group.................................................................................. 89
3. Creation of Tel expenses A/C......................................................................89
4. Creation of Internal order............................................................................. 90
5. Creation of IO group................................................................................... 90
2. End User..................................................................................................... 91
1. Posting Telephone Expenses.......................................................................91
2. Display IO Report....................................................................................... 91
© Srinivasa

3. Planning order wise.................................................................................... 91

4. Display Variance Reports............................................................................. 92
10. Real IO with settlement to CC....................................................................93
1. Settings...................................................................................................... 93
1. Creation of FS Group.................................................................................. 93
2. Creation of G/L Promotional expenses..........................................................93
3. Creation of secondary cost element..............................................................94
4. Create Cost Center..................................................................................... 94
5. Maintain allocation structure.........................................................................95
6. Maintain settlement profiles.........................................................................96
7. Creation of internal Order Types...................................................................96
Maintain number range for settlement documents: SPROControllingInternal
ordersActual postingsSettlemnt Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement
Documents...................................................................................................... 97
8. Maintain Number Ranges for Bus transaction KOAO.......................................98
2. End User..................................................................................................... 98
1. Creation of Internal order & Settlement rule....................................................98
2. Posting Expenses...................................................................................... 99
3. Display IO Report....................................................................................... 99
4. Settlement :............................................................................................... 99
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5. Display IO Report..................................................................................... 100

6. Display CC Report.................................................................................... 100
11. Schedule Manager.................................................................................... 101
1. Settings.................................................................................................... 101
1. Defining Selection Variables.......................................................................101
2. Maintain Standard Settings for workflow......................................................101
3. Flow Definition......................................................................................... 102
4. Specify selction variables in the program variants.........................................102
12. Real Time Integration (New GL)................................................................104
1. Settings :.................................................................................................. 104
1. Create second company code ie LAC..........................................................104
2. Assign Co-Area........................................................................................ 105
3. Activate CoCd Validation in Co-Area...........................................................105
4. Deactivate Reconcilition Ledger:.................................................................105
5. Creation of Cost Center in Comapany code LAC:..........................................106
6. Activate intercompany postings in doc type SA...........................................106
7. Creation of GL accounts in LAP:.................................................................107
© Srinivasa

8. Creation of GL accounts in LAC:.................................................................107

9. Define Variants for Real time Integration:.....................................................108
10. Assign Varaints for Real-Time Integration to Company Codes:.....................108
11. Define Intercompany Clearing Accounts:...................................................108
12. Define Account determination for Real-Time Integration:.............................110
2. Enduser.................................................................................................... 111
1. Posting expenses to common CC (1004).....................................................111
2. Reposing of Costs:................................................................................... 111

3. Displaying CO document:..........................................................................111
13. Sales/Purchase Tax................................................................................... 112
3. Settings.................................................................................................... 112
1. Define Tax procedure:............................................................................... 112
2. Assign Country to Calculation procedure :...................................................112
3. Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases..................................................113
4. Creation of 2 GL accounts.........................................................................114
5. Change GL accounts Sales, Inventory RM...................................................115
6. Define Tax acounts................................................................................... 115
7. Define Tax Determination Rules..................................................................116
8. Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records....................................................116
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4. Enduser.................................................................................................... 117
1. Posting Pur Inv........................................................................................ 117
2. Posting Sales Inv:..................................................................................... 117
7. MM Integration............................................................................................ 119
1. MM configuration...................................................................................... 119
1. Maintain Calendar:................................................................................... 119
2. Define plant:............................................................................................ 120
3. Define Division:........................................................................................ 122
4. Maintain Storage Location:........................................................................122
5. Maintain purchasing organisation:...............................................................123
6. Assign plant to company code:...................................................................124
7. Assign Business Area to Plant/Valuation Area and Division:............................124
8. Assign Purchasing organization to company code:........................................124
9. Assign purchase organisation to plant:........................................................125
10. Create Purchasing Groups:.....................................................................125
11. Define Material Group:...........................................................................125
© Srinivasa

12. Maintain Company Code for Material Management:...................................125

13. Define Attributes of Material Types:..........................................................126
14. Set Tolerance Limits for Price variance ( purchasing order):.........................128
15. Plant Parameters.................................................................................. 128
16. Define Number Assignment for Material and Phys. Inv .Docs.......................129
17. Set Tolerance Group (for GR):.................................................................129
18. Maintain Default Values for Tax codes:.....................................................130
19. Set Tolerance Limits (for invoice verification):............................................130
20. Define Automatic status change:..............................................................130
21. Group together Valuation areas:..............................................................131
22. Define Valuation Classes:.......................................................................131
2. FI Consultant’s Job.................................................................................... 131
1. Changing GL account Inventory RM............................................................131
2. Creating GL accounts............................................................................... 132
3. Assignment of Accounts:...........................................................................134
4. Creating No. ranges for Document types WE WA RE..................................136
3. MM End User............................................................................................ 137
1. Creation of RM master.............................................................................. 138
2. Creation of Vendor Masters.......................................................................139
3. Creation of Vendor Masters.......................................................................139
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4. Open Period for Current month...................................................................140

5. Purchase Order Creation:..........................................................................140
6. Goods Receipt......................................................................................... 141
7. Displaying Material document.....................................................................141
8. Invoice Verification for goods......................................................................142
9. Inv Verification for Freight..........................................................................142
10. RM Consumption.................................................................................. 143
11. Display Stock Ledger............................................................................. 144
12. Display Stock for posting date.................................................................144
8. SD Integration............................................................................................. 145
1. SD consultant job..................................................................................... 145
1. Define Sales Organisation:........................................................................145
2. Define Distribution Channel:......................................................................145
3. Define shipping points:.............................................................................. 146
4. Assign Sales Organisation to Company code:..............................................146
5. Assign Distribution channel to sales organisation:.........................................146
© Srinivasa

6. Assign division to Sales Organization:.........................................................147

7. Set up sales area:.................................................................................... 147
8. Assign sales organisation- distribution channel - Plant:..................................147
9. Define Rules by Sales area:.......................................................................148
10. Assign Business Area to Plant And Division...............................................148
11. Assign Shipping Point to Plant:................................................................148
12. Assign Shipping Points:..........................................................................149
13. Use Sales Employee Without HR............................................................149
14. Maintain Pricing Procedure:....................................................................150
15. Define Pricing Procedure Determination:..................................................150
16. Define Tax Determination Rules:.............................................................150
17. Set up Partner Determination:.................................................................151
18. Changing Schedule Line Category...........................................................152
2. FI Consultants job..................................................................................... 152
1. Changing GL account............................................................................... 152
2. Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Posting:.............................................152
3. SD End User............................................................................................. 153
1. Creation of Customer................................................................................ 153
2. Creation of Material FG............................................................................. 154
3. Creation of Condition records.....................................................................155
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4. Creation of Sales order............................................................................. 156

5. Production Receipts.................................................................................. 157
6. Delivery.................................................................................................. 158
7. Sales billing............................................................................................. 158
Error: Account 400491 requires an assignment to a CO object..............................159
8. Creating Cr Memo request.........................................................................159
9. Posting Cr Memo..................................................................................... 160
10. Sales Return Order (RE)........................................................................160
11. Return Delivery (VL02n)........................................................................161
12. CR Memo with reference to Returns order...............................................161
9. Profitability Analysis.................................................................................... 162
1. Settings.................................................................................................... 162
1. Maintain Operating Concern......................................................................162
2. Displaying Characteristic list......................................................................164
3. Creating Charcteristics.............................................................................. 164
4. Define Profitability Segment Characteristics(Segment-Lvl Characteristics).......164
© Srinivasa

5. Assign Co-Area to Operating Concern.........................................................165

6. Define No ranges for Actual Postings..........................................................165
7. Activate Tranfer of Incoming Sales Orders...................................................166
8. Maintain Assignment of SD Conditions to CO-PA Value Fields........................166
9. Assign Quantity Fields.............................................................................. 167
10. Create Revenue element for GL account ‘Sales’.......................................167
11. Create Cost element for GL account ‘Discount given’.................................167
12. Create Cost element for GL account ‘COGS’............................................168
13. Creating GL account Advertising..............................................................168
14. Create Secondary Cost Element(Settlement)............................................168
15. Maintain allocation Structure :.................................................................168
16. Maintain PA Tranfer Structure..................................................................169
17. Maintain Settlement Profile.....................................................................170
18. Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents..................................171
19. Creation of internal Order Types..............................................................171
20. Activate Profitability Analysis...................................................................172
21. Create IO Adv Event.............................................................................. 172
22. Create No. Range intervals for Bus Transactions KOAO.............................173
23. Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Direct posting.......................................173
24. Transfer of old SD data to PA.................................................................174
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2. SD End User............................................................................................. 175

1. Creating Sales order................................................................................. 175
2. Delivery of goods to customer....................................................................175
3. Billing document....................................................................................... 175
4. Display Billing document............................................................................175
3. FI Enduser................................................................................................ 175
1. Posting transaction in FI............................................................................ 175
2. Posting Advertising expenses in IO.............................................................176
4. CO End User............................................................................................. 176
1. Executing the Profitability Report...............................................................176
2. IO Settlement........................................................................................... 177
3. Set Operating Concern.............................................................................. 177
4. Display COPA Line items:..........................................................................177
5. Set Operating Concern.............................................................................. 178
6. Display COPA Line items:..........................................................................178
7. Checking the flow of Billing Documents.......................................................178
© Srinivasa

8. Displaying COPA tables(Costing Based)......................................................178

9. Displaying COPA tables(Account Based).....................................................178
10. COPA Characteristic Derivation-1.............................................................180
1. Define Characteristic Derivation..................................................................180
Assignment of Table Fields to Target Fields........................................................180
11. COPA-Valuation Overview........................................................................182
1. Valuation using Conditions.........................................................................182
2. Valuation using Mat. Cost Estimates...........................................................183
3. COPA Periodic valuation............................................................................184
1. CO-PA Valuation-1....................................................................................... 185
1. Settings.................................................................................................... 185
1. Create Condition Types and Costing Sheets.................................................185
2. Define and Assign Valuation Strategy:.........................................................185
3. Assign Value Fields.................................................................................. 186
4. Valuation Analysis.................................................................................... 186
2. Enduser :.................................................................................................. 187
1. Maintain condition record:..........................................................................187
2. Creating Sales order................................................................................. 187
3. Delivery of goods to customer....................................................................187
4. Billing document....................................................................................... 188
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5. Display Billing document............................................................................188

6. Valuation Simulation................................................................................. 188
2. Characteristic Derivation............................................................................. 190
3. CO-PA Manual Line Item Entry.....................................................................191
4. Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data..........................................................192
1. Settings.................................................................................................... 192
1. Maintain Characteristic Groups...................................................................192
2. Assign Characteristic Groups for Assignment Screen.....................................193
2. Enduser.................................................................................................... 193
1. Creation of Material FG(LAPFG9)...............................................................193
2. Create Condition Record...........................................................................194
3. Sales Order............................................................................................. 194
4. GRfrom Production................................................................................... 195
5. Delivery.................................................................................................. 195
6. Billing..................................................................................................... 195
7. Posting Freight charges in FI......................................................................195
© Srinivasa

8. Display Actual line items............................................................................ 196

9. Top-Down Distribution............................................................................... 196
10. Display Actual Line items........................................................................198
11. History................................................................................................. 199
5. Profit Centre Accounting.............................................................................. 200
1. Set controlling area:.................................................................................. 200
2. Maintain Controlling Area Settings:..............................................................200
3. Create Dummy profit centre:......................................................................200
4. Set Control Parameter for Actual Data:........................................................201
5. Maintain Plan Versions.............................................................................. 201
6. Define Number Ranges for Local Documents:..............................................201
7. Creating Profit Centres............................................................................. 202
8. Assign Profit Center in CostCenter :...........................................................203
Error : Changing profit center from to xxxx is not permitted...................................203
9. Create Sales Account As Revenue Element:................................................203
10. Maintain Automatic Account Assignment Revenue element:........................203
1. End User................................................................................................... 204
1. Posting of Salaries.................................................................................... 204
2. Posting Sales Invoice................................................................................ 204
3. Transfer of values from one ProfitCenter To another ProfitCenter:....................205
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4. Display Profit Centre Report:......................................................................205

6. Product Cost Planning................................................................................. 207
Moving Average Price/Standard price................................................................207
Costing Sequence.......................................................................................... 207
Automatic vs Unit Cost Estimate.......................................................................207
Cost Component Split..................................................................................... 208
1. Reference and Simualtion Costing............................................................209
1. CO Settings.............................................................................................. 210
1. Creating Secondary Cost Elements.............................................................210
2. Creating Activity Types Machine Hour/ Packing/ Asssembling/ Processing........211
3. Creating Origin group................................................................................ 213
4. Creating GL account/Cost element Packing Charges.....................................213
2. MM Enduser.............................................................................................. 213
1. Creating Material master LAPRM1 in plant LAP1.........................................214
Error : Tables TCURM and T001W inconsistent..................................................214
2. Creating Material master LAPRM2 in plant LAP2.........................................214
© Srinivasa

3. Creating Material master LAPPM1 in plant LAP1..........................................215

4. Creating Purchase Info Record for External activity PCKG.............................216
1. CO Enduser.............................................................................................. 217
1. Create Cost Element Group.......................................................................217
2. Create Activity type Group.........................................................................217
3. CC Planning for CC 1001..........................................................................218
4. Activity planning for MCH..........................................................................219
5. CC Planning for CC 2001..........................................................................219
6. Activity planning for PRCS.........................................................................220
7. CC Planning for CC 1002..........................................................................220
8. Activity planning for ASMB.........................................................................221
9. Calculating planned Activity Price...............................................................221
10. Display Activty type prices......................................................................221
11. Activity planning for PCKG......................................................................222
5. Creating a Base Planning Object LAPSFG1_BPO in plant LAP1....................222
6. Create single level unit cost estimate for LAPSFG1_BPO...............................223
7. Creating a Base Planning Object LAPSFG2_BPO in plant LAP2....................223
8. Create single level unit cost estimate for LAPSFG2_BPO...............................224
9. Create multilevel unit cost estimate.............................................................224
10. Exploding a material cost estimate/Base Planning Object............................227
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2. Creating a cost estimate w/o quantity structure......................................227

1. CO Settings.............................................................................................. 227
1. Creating Cost Center (Allocation)...............................................................227
2. Creating Cost Center (Allocation)...............................................................228
3. Define OH keys........................................................................................ 228
4. Define OH Groups.................................................................................... 228
5. Define Calculation Bases...........................................................................229
6. Define Percentage OH Rates.....................................................................229
7. Define Credits.......................................................................................... 230
8. Define Costing Sheet............................................................................... 231
9. Define Costing Variant............................................................................... 232
10. Define Cost Component Structure...........................................................233
11. Check/Change price calculation settings in Version....................................235
2. MM Enduser.............................................................................................. 237
1. Assign OHGroup in Material master LAPRM1...............................................237
2. Assign OHGroup in Material master LAPRM2...............................................237
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3. Creating Material master LAPFG1..............................................................237

4. Creating Material master LAPSFG1...........................................................238
5. Creating Material master LAPSFG2 in plant LAP1........................................239
6. Creating Material master LAPSFG2 in plant LAP2........................................240
7. Creating Purchase Info Record LAPRM1 / two vendors..................................241
3. CO Enduser.............................................................................................. 242
1. Cost Estimate W/O Quantity Structure(Single level) for LAPSFG1...................242
2. Price update :.......................................................................................... 243
3. Multilevel Cost Estimate for LAPFG1...........................................................244
3. Creating a cost estimate with quantity structure.....................................247
1. FI Settings................................................................................................ 248
1. Create GL Account Gain/Loss from Revaluation :..........................................248
2. Automatic account assignment for transaction UMB......................................248
2. PP settings................................................................................................ 248
1. Define MRP Controller.............................................................................. 248
2. Define Floats(Scheduling Margin Key).........................................................249
3. Define Production Scheduler......................................................................249
4. Determine Person Responsible for WorkCenter............................................249
5. Define parameters.................................................................................... 250
6. Define Standard value key.........................................................................251
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7. Check Formulas for Costing.......................................................................251

8. Define Control key.................................................................................... 252
3. PP Enduser............................................................................................... 253
1. Creating BOM for LAPSFG1......................................................................253
2. Creating BOM for LAPSFG2 in plant LAP2..................................................253
3. Creating BOM for LAPFG1........................................................................253
4. Material BOM Browser.............................................................................. 254
5. Creating Work Center............................................................................... 254
6. Creating Work Center............................................................................... 255
7. Creating Work Center............................................................................... 255
8. Creating Routing for LAPSFG1...................................................................256
9. Creating Routing for LAPSFG2...................................................................257
10. Creating Routing for LAPFG1..................................................................257
4. CO settings............................................................................................... 258
1. Creating Tranfer Control............................................................................ 258
2. Assigning Transfer Control in Costing variant...............................................259
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3. Creating Special Procurement Types...........................................................259

4. Update Additive Costs............................................................................... 260
5. Check Settings (for Costing Variant)............................................................261
5. MM Enduser.............................................................................................. 261
1. Enter Spl Proc type in Mat master LAPSFG2 in plant LAP1............................261
2. Enter Spl Proc type in Mat master LAPSFG1 in plant LAP1............................262
3. Maintain OH Group in Material master.........................................................263
6. CO Enduser.............................................................................................. 264
1. Creating Procurement alternatives..............................................................264
2. Creating /Changing Mixing Ratios...............................................................265
3. Creating Unit cost estimate for Additive Costs...............................................265
4. Close period in MM................................................................................... 266
5. Creating Cost Estimate for plant LAP1 and LAP2.........................................266
1. Costing Run............................................................................................ 267
Msg :No structure could be determined for internal activity ASMB (1002)................268
Delete Costing Run :....................................................................................... 269
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211
© Srinivasa

This book is vol-2 of 2 volumes
This book was initially a set of tutorials taught by me during class room training. After gradual
development over the years, now it has become a complete configuration guide/ end-user manual for
SAP FICO module. Obviously this book is more a practical guide than a reference book even though
some info stuff has been inserted at some places.

Having taught the SAP FICO course to hundreds of beginners and experienced at various institutions,
I know the kind of problems and questions you will have when learning this module.This book is full of
detailed step-by-step procedures with necessary screen shots and sample configurations.

Having worked as a SAP Consultant at various organizations, I know the kind of requirements that
may arise at clients. To this end, most of the business processes and underlying concepts have been
explained thoroughly through out the book.

By understanding the how and whys, you will start gaining basic knowledge which reaches to
advanced level with in no time.

As you go through the material, if you have problems or questions please do mail me. If you find an
error in this book, or suspect there may be an error, kindly notify .

I hope you will find using this book as enjoyable.

Conventions Used in This Book

‘’ indicates a next thing in navigation or next action
‘----- button’ means to hit the button . For example ‘ Position button’ means ‘to hit Positon button’.
‘:’ is followed by the value/text to be entered
Multiple inputs/input values in a single screen are shown in the form of table.

How to use the book

Just read line by line and follow the instructions. Refering to screen shots makes your job
easy . Please refer to Info boxes for additional info.
© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

CO is for internal Reporting FI is for Internal & external Reporting
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211
© Srinivasa

1. CO -Basic Settings
Organizational Structure :
Controlling FI Accounting
CO Area1
Operating Concern Plant4
(CO-PA) Plant5
CO Area2
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1. Copy comp code

a. Copy company code data without COA and GL accounts
(We assign a different COA and copy GL accounts in a separate step)
TCode :EC01
b. Create Business areas
c. Copy FSV
d. Assign FSV
e. Copy COA
f. Assign COA
g. Copy Account groups
h. Create retained earning account
i. Copy GL accounts from company code
j. Create vendor/customer account groups
© Srinivasa

a. Maintain Controlling Area

CO-Area CoCd
Scenario:1 (1:1 relationship)
Company Code = Controlling Area
(Company code and Controlling area are in same levels or
One Company code under a Controlling area)
Scenario 2: (1:n relationship)
Company Code under the Co area (more than one CoCd under a Co-area)
This is also called cross company code cost accounting.
CO-area Company Code
CoCd 1
Co Area1
CoCd 2
CoCd 3
Co Area2

We are going to follow scenario 2 .

SPROControllingGeneral Controlling OrganisationMaintain Controlling Area
Double click on Maintain Controlling Area
New Entries
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Controlling Area : LAP

Name : Co Area for LAP

Co Cd  CO Area : Cross-company-code cost accounting

Currency Type : 10
Currency : INR

Chart of Accts : LACA

Fiscal Year Variant : V3
CCtr Std. Hierarchy : Std_Hier

’Yes’ Button to create std hierarchy
Create Request Button
Short description : CO Settings for LAP
© Srinivasa

Double click on ‘Assignment of Company Code(s)’ folder

New Entries
CoCd Company Name
LAP Lair p div
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Double click on ‘Activate components/control indicators’ folder

New Entries
Fiscal Year : 2012
Cost Centres : Component Active
√ AA: Activity type
OrderManagement : Component Active
√ Profit Centre Acctg
© Srinivasa

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Enter to ignore the warning message

b. Cost Centre Standard Hierarchy

Up to Controlling Same path
Cost Centre AccountingMaster Data Cost CentresDefine standard Hierarchy
Controlling Area : LAP
 Enter
Group Name : STD_HIER
Description : Standard hierarchy for LAP

© Srinivasa

Info : Std hierarchy is top node in the cost centre hierarchy .

Std hierarchy represents all cost centres in the Co Area

c. Maintain Versions
SPROControllingGeneral Controlling OrganisationMaintain Versions
Select version ‘0’ ie Plan/Actual version
Double click on ‘Settings for Each Fiscal Year ‘ folder

Controlling Area : LAP
Version : 0
New entries
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Fiscal Year : 2012

Exchange Rate Type : M

A version can store different kinds of data like actual data , plan dat , WIP data , Variance
data etc
Version Plan Actual WIP Variance Valuation Trgt cost WIP/RA Plan
0 y y y y Legal Total WIP for
valuation variance Legal
1 y Planned
2 y Prod
900 y y Group WIP for
vaution group
909 y y PC WIP for
© Srinivasa

valuaiton PC view
x Y Optimistic
y Y Worst
z Y Average

Plan data Preiliminary planning data Optimistic

Modifed planning data Worst case

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Appoved planning data

Avrage case
2. Cost Centre Accounting
Cost Centre Profit Centre
Cost Centre Accounting(CCA) is used to Profit Centre Accounting(PCA) is used to record
record costs at org units called Cost costs and revenues at org units called Profit
centres. centres.
Eg:Cost centre can be a department Eg: Profit centre can be a plant.

Profit centre is an internal org. unit at which

you can analyze profitability independently.

Eg: Plant wise profitability is possible

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In FI module we can record expenses & revenues at GL account level.

Department level expenses can be captured in CCA .
Plant level expenses and revenues can be captured in PCA.

Relationship between Profit centre & Cost centre

A cost centre can be independent or assigned to a profit centre. For eg we have two plants
We can create each plant as a profit centre . We can create each department in the plant as
a cost centre.
Profit center Cost centre
1001 (Body shop)
1002 (Assembling)
(Mumbai plant)
1003 (Paint shop)
2001 (Body shop)
2002 (Assembling)
(Hyd Plant)
2003 (Paint shop )
Independent 9000 (Sales)
Independent 9001 (Admin)
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Primary Cost Element

Cost Element
Secondary Cost Element

Primary Cost Elements are nothing but ‘Expenses’ GL accounts

Primary cost elements Secondary cost elements

Used to transfer data from FI module to CO Used to transfer data within CO module
For eg you post to Salary a/c in FI . It can be For eg allocations from one CO-object to
transfered to CO with a cost element called other(Cost center to Costcenter )

Profit centre 1000 Profit centre 2000

(Mumbai Plant) (HydPlant)
Cost/Revenue 1001 1002 1003 2001 2002 2003 Cost /
element Revenue
element wise
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400500(Salaries) 27000 18000 9000 9000 27000 18000 108000

400600(Rent) 45000 54000 27000 27000 9000 9000 171000
CC wise Total 72000 72000 36000 36000 36000 27000
PC wise Total 180000 99000
300510 (Sales) 207000 135000  342000
PC wise 27000 36000  63000

1. Settings
1. Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Document
SPROControllingGeneral Controlling OrganisationMaintain Number Ranges for
Controlling Document
Tcode :KANK
CO Area : LAP
 Maintan Groups button
Create button
Group : No. ranges for CO documents (LAP)
From number To number
© Srinivasa

090000000 099999999

Back buton
Non-Assigned Elements
Click on COIN
Element/Group button
 Double click on ‘No. ranges for CO documents (LAP)’
(Repeat the same procedure for , RKP1, RKU1, RKU3)
 Save
Doument types Business transactions
Eg: SA, KR, KZ Eg: COIN , RKU1 , RKU3
Eg: Bus.transaction ‘COIN’ arises when a CO object like Cost centre is entered in FI
document . In this case a CO document is generated apart from a FI document.

Bus.transaction ‘RKU1’ arises when reposting of costs from one CC to other CC . In this
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case only CO document is generated.

2. Creation of Primary Cost Element

a.FI area
Tcode : FS00

Select 1st expenses Account

Change button’Edit cost element’ button
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Valid From : 1-4-2011 to : 31-12-9999

CElem category : 1 (Primary cost/cost-reducing revenue)
Note down the 2nd Expenses GL account
400409 Travelling Expenses
b. Co. Area:
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost element AccountingMaster
DataCost Element Individual processingCreate Primary
Tcode : KA01
Cost Element : 400509 (2nd exp a/c)
CElem category : 1

c. Automatic Creation:
SPROControllingCost Element AccountingMaster DataCost elementsAutomatic
Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost ElementsMake Default settings
Chart of Accounts : LACA
Acct from Account to CECt
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400403 (3rd Exp A/C) 400490 1

400492 400504 1
400506 499999 1
(Note :Don’t create cost element for 400505 Prod-variance a/c , For 400491 Disocunt ac we
create cost element later)
Back button twice
Create Batch Input session:
Same path
Create Batch Input session
Controling Area : LAP
Valid From : 1.4.2011
Valid to : 31.12.9999
Session : CE_CREATE_LA
Back button twice
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Execute Batch Input session

Same path
 Execute Batch Input session
Select Session name : CE_CREATE_LA
Process button
Process button again
Keep on pressing Enter until processing batch input session completed
Exit batch input session button

3. Display Cost Elements

Tcode :KA23
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost element AccountingMaster
DataCost elementCollective ProcessingDisplay

All Cost Elements


4. Creation of FSG (Cost Centre required)

Tcode : OBC4
Select FS variant ‘LAFS’
Double click on ‘Field Status groups’ folder
Select FSG ‘G004’ (Cost Accounts)
Copy as button
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Change Field status group to2 ‘G002’

Change the Text to ‘Cost accounts (CC req)’
Double click on Field Status Group ‘G002’
Double click on ‘Additional account assignment’
Req. Entry

Cost centre …

5. Assign New FSG in Expenses G/L Account

SAP Easy AccessAccountingFinancial AccountingGeneral LedgerMaster
RecordsGL AccountsCollective ProcessingCompany Code Data
Enter to ignore the warning message
Company Code : LAP
G/L Account : 400000 To 499999
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Replace Field status group with ‘G002’ for all GL accounts

Enter to ignore the warning message
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

6. Creation of Cost Centre

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingMaster DataCost
CenterIndividual ProcessingCreate
Tcode: KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost center: 1001
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to : 31.12.9999
Name : Body shop
Description : Body shop
Person Responsible : Mr. T
Cost Center Category : 1
Hierarchy Area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
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Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

Cost Center : 1002

Cost Center : 1001
Controlling Area : LAP
Replace the Name & Description with ‘ Assembling’
Person responsible : Mr. T
Enter to ignore the warning message

Cost Center : 1003

Cost center: 1001
Controlling Area : LAP
 Enter
Replace the Name with ‘Paint shop’
Replace the Description with ‘Paint shop’
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Person Responsible : MR. T

Enter to ignore the warning message

Cost Center : 2001

Cost center: 1001
Controlling Area : LAP
 Enter
Replace the Name with ‘Processing’
Replace the Description with ‘Processing’
Person Responsible : MR. T
Enter to ignore the warning message

7. Creation CC Groups
Tcode : KSH1
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Up to Master Data same path

CostCenter Group Create
Cost Center Group : PROD
Description : Production cost
Insert Cost Center button

1001 Body Shop
1002 Assembling
1003 Paint Shop

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8. Creation of CE groups
Tcode :KAH1
Up to Master Data same path
Cost Element GroupCreate
Cost element group : ADMIN
Description: Admn Cost
Insert Cost Element button
400591 Travelling Exp.
Cost element group : PERSNL
Description : Personal cost
Insert Cost Element button
400500 Salaries
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(Enter GL accounts like Wages , Bonus etc)


2. End User:
1. Posting of transaction in FI
Tcode :F-02
Doc Date : Type : SA
Posting Key : 40 Account : 400500 (Salaries)
Amount : 27000
Cost Center : 1001
Text : Salaries Payment
Posting Key : 40 Account : 400600(Rent)
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Amount : 18000
Cost Center : 1001
Text : Rent Payment
Posting Key : 50 Account : 200691(Cash)
Amount : *
Bus area : LANZ
Text : Expenses Payment
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Post one more document for Rent 9000.00 & Salaries 36000.00 for Cost Center ‘ 1002’

2. Display CC Report
Up to Cost Centre Accounting same path
Information SystemReports for CostCenter AccountingLine itemsCost Center: Actual
Line Items
Cost Center Group : PROD
Cost Element : 400500, 400600

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Change Layout button
Find button
Search term : ‘Business’
Select ‘Business Transaction’ under Column Name
Left arrow button
Select ‘Document Number’ under Column Name
Left arrow button
Select ‘Ref Document Number ‘ under Column Name
Left arrow button
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Make a note of Business Transaction , Doc no, Ref doc no.

RefDoNo is Fi document

DocumentNo is CO document

3. Display CO Document
Same Path CO Documents: Actual Costs
Document Number : 090000000

4. Repost CO Line item

Info : This function is used to rectify posting to wrong CO objects. For eg if during FI posting
it is been posted to wrong CC , you transfer to right CC without having impact on FI posting.
In this transaction only a CO document is generated.
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Up to Cost Centre Accounting same path
Actual postingsRepost Line ItemsEnter
Document Number : 1000000024
Company Code : LAP
Fiscal year : 2011
Value Tran curr Acct Assgt 1
11000 1003
7000 1003
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(Screen is updated as shown in the following image)


5. Display Cost Center Report
Tcode: KSB1
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Center Group : PROD
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6. Creating Common Cost center

CostCenter : 2000
Valid from : 1.4.2012 to : 13.12.1999
Name : Common for CC 1001, 1002, 1003
Person responsible Mr. T
© Srinivasa

CostCenter Category : 1 (Prod)

Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Busines area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning message

7. Posting to Common Cost center

Tcode F-02
1.Post one document for Salary
Amount : 36000
Cost Centre : 2000

2. Post one document for Rent

Amount : 9000
Cost Centre : 2000

8. Repost Costs:
Info: This functionality is used to simplify FI postings. For eg FI user can post to common CC
if the amount belongs to multiple CCs. Later cost accountant can transfer the amount to
individual CCs without having impact on FI posting. In this transaction only a CO document
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is generated.

Tcode: KB11N
Up to Cost Centre Accounting Same path
Actual posting
Manual Reposting of Costs
 Enter
Extra menuSet Controlling area
Controlling Area : LAP

CCtr (old) Cost Elem. Amount CCtr (new)

2000 400500 12000 1001
2000 400500 10000 1002
2000 400500 14000 1003
2000 400600 3000 1001
2000 400600 3000 1002
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2000 400600 3000 1003


9. Display Cost Center Report

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Tcode: KSB1
CostCenter Group : PROD
Back button
Cost centre : 2000
Multiple Entries button
Single value
Copy button
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10. Period Lock

At end of the month we lock the previous month

PPV Period lock
Open and close Posting Period for Account lock& unlock period for business transaction
type & accounts Eg : (COIN, RKU1)
Tcode : OKP1
Path: AccountingControllingCostcenterAccountingEnvironmentPeriodlockChange
Controlling area : LAP
Fiscal Year : 2011
Actual button
Locking transaction for all period:
Keep the cursor on transaction ‘CO through posting from FI’
Lock transaction button
Lock period for all transactions :
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select the period

Lock period button
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3. Allocations
Periodic allocations are done for planning data at the beginning of period (posting date will
be 1st day of the period).
Periodic allocations are done for actual data at the end of period (posting date will be last
day of the period).
The following periodic allocation methods are availble in SAP . They can be used for
allocating both planned and actual costs/activity quantities.
Allocation Cost allocation
Activity allocation
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Periodic Allocations

Distribution Periodic Asessment Indirect activity

Reposting allocation

Used for allocating Similar to Used for Used for allocating

primary costs distribution allocating primary activity type ( like Man
and secondary Hrs , Mach Hrs etc)
costs quanities
Primary cost Similar to Secondary cost Secondary cost
elements are used distribution elements elements(category :
(category : Internal allocation) are
Assesment ) are used
Detailed breakup at Similar to Data is Data is summerized on
cost element level is distribution summerized on allocation cost element/s
available assesment cost
Used for plan and Used for actual Used for plan and Used for plan and actual
actual costs costs actual costs costs
Detailed analysis is Analysis is available
available at sender at receiving cost
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and receiving cost center only

Used if sender cost Used if sender is
center is important just a cost collector
for cost analysis cost center
Used just to
simplify account
assignments during
FI postings
eg : Comon CC

Creates more no of Creates less no of
line items,uses more line items,uses less
memory compared to memory compared
periodic reposting to distribution

Direct Activity allocation : is used for recording actual quantities of activity types
consumed by the receving CO object. This allocation happens as and when an activity type
is consumed by the receiving CO object . So this is not a periodc allocation. KB21N is the
TCode used .

1. Cost Center relatioships:

Cost Centers used :

Cost Center Cost Center Name Costcenter category

1001 Bodyshop A : Production
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1002 Assembling
1003 Paintshop
1004 Cafetaria K : Service
1006 Cost Collector 9 : Common
1008 Plant mainatance B: Maintanance
1009 Quality control N:Quality assurance
1011 Plant Admin C: Administration

2. Assesment
Cost center cafeteria is used by other cost centers as shown in the following table
Allocation method used is assesment.
SKF (no of emplyees) is the allocation criteria.
Ie . Cafetaria charges are to be allocated based on the no of employees .
Note : Cost Center cafeteria itself has 5 employees
Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center No of emplyees
1001 75
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1002 100
1003 75
1004(Cafetaria) 5
1008 20
1009 25

3. Periodic Reposting :
To simplify the FI postings we use cost collector cost center. We can post costs like rent ,
Electricity charges to cost collector cost center during the period. At period end we allocate
to 3 production cost centers using allocation method periodic reposting.
Rent is to be allocated based on percentage basis
Electricity charges is to be allocated based on no of units ie SKF : EU (Electric Units)
Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center Rent Electricity charges
1001 50% As recorded
1006(Cost collector) 1002 30% As recorded
1003 20% As recorded

4. Distribution:
Cost center plant admin takes care of 3 production cost centers. Costs like salaries of
administration department , stationery charges, vehicle maintanance , travelling expenses
are recorded in the cost center.
At period end we allocate all the costs to 3 production cost centers using allocation method
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Salaries is to be allocated based on number of employees in the receiver cost center
Stationery charges , vehicle maintanance , travelling expenses are to be allocated based on
percentage basis.

Sender Reciving cost Salaries Stat chrges Vhcle maint TrExp

CostCenter Center
1001 75 25% 30% 20%
1011(Plant Admin) 1002 100 50% 60% 70%
1003 75 25% 10% 10%

5. Indirect activity allocation:

Cost center quality control gives quality check service to 3 production cost centers.
Activity type tesing hours(Tst Hrs) is to be allocated to 3 production cost centers
Quantity of Tst Hrs is allocated based on the number of tested items .
Allocated activity type is Tst Hrs and allocation basis is SKF (test items)Allocation method
used is indirect activity allocation.
© Srinivasa

Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center Tested items

1009(Qulatity control) 1002

6. Direct activity allocation:

Cost center plant maintenance gives maintenance service to 3 production cost centers.
Activity type maintenance hours(Mnt Hrs) is to be allocated to 3 production cost centers

Actual quantity of Mnt Hrs is recorded in the receiving cost center when the services are
Allocated activity type is Mnt Hrs and Allocation method used is direct activity allocation.

Sender Cost Center Reciving cost Center

1008(Plant maintanance) 1002
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4. Allocation by Assessment using SKF
SKF(Satistical Key Figures) is used as a basis to allocate costs from one cost centre to
other.If total number of employees in 3cost centers is 300. Cafetaria charges are to be
shared between 3 cost centers based on the number of employees.

Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center No of emplyees

1004(Cafetaria) 1001 75
1002 25
1003 200

Costs recorded in cost center Cafetaria by FI postings :

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Cost Center Primary Cost elements Costs incured

1004(Cafetaria) 400500 (Salaries) 45000.00
400600(Rent) 27000.00
Total cafeteria charges 72000.00

Formula used for allocation : (No of employees /Total no of employees)* Total amount
Eg : Cost allocation for cost center 1001 = (75/300)*72000.00 = 18000.00
Allocation of Cafetaria charges to 3 cost centers:
Sender Sending Sec.Cost element Reciving cost Allocated
CostCenter Amount Center amount
1004(Cafetaria) -18000.00 10000000(Cafetaria 1001 18000.00
-6000.00 1002 6000.00
-48000.00 1003 48000.00
-72000.00 72000.00

Summary of the above transactions:

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Sender Posted/Allocated Prim/Sec Cost Reciving Allocated

CostCenter amounts element cost Center amount
45000.00 400500 (Salaries)
27000.00 400600(Rent)
1004 -18000.00 1001 18000.00

(Cafetaria) -6000.00 10000000(Cafetaria 1002 6000.00

-48000.00 1003 48000.00
Balance 0.00 Total 72000.00

1. Settings
1. Create Cost Centre
Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Centre : 1004
Valid From : 1.4.2012
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Name : Cafetaria
Descritpion : Cafetaria
Person responsible : MR. k
Cost Center Category : 9 (Allocation cost ctr)
Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKS

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)
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Double click on Business Transactions RKS, RKIU,

Element/Group button

3. Create SKF
Tcode : KK01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingMasterData
Statistical Key FiguresIndividual ProcessingCreate (KK01)
Stat. key figure : EMP


Name : Employee
Stat. key fig. UnM. : EA (Each)
(Unm = Units of Measure)

Fxd val


4. Enter SKF
Tcode : KB31N
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Actual PostingsStatistical Key FiguresEnter
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Rec. CCtr StatKF Total Quantity

1001 EMP 75
1002 EMP 25
1003 EMP 200


5. Allocation method (Assessment Method):

1. Creation of secondary cost element

Tcode :KA06
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Element AccountingMaster Data
Cost ElementIndividual ProcessingCreate Secondary
Cost Element : 10000000
Valid From : 1.4.2012
Name : Cafetaria charges
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Description : Cafetaria charges

CElem category : 42 (Assessment)

2. Creation of Assessment Cycle

Scenario: Cafetaria charges are to be shared between 3 cost centers based on number of
Option 1: Option 2: Option3:

Assesment cycle 1 for Salaries Assesment cycle 1 for Assesment cycle 1 for
and Rent Salaries and Rent Salaries
Segment 1 for Salaries Segment 1 for Segment 1 for Salaries
Segment 2 for Rent Salaries& Rent Assesment cycle 2 for Rent
Segment 1 for Rent
We are using option 1 for the following configuration scenario

SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing

AssessmentMaintain Assessment
Double click on Create Actual Assessment
TCode :KSU1
Cycle : LAP1
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Start Date : 1.4.2012

 Enter
Text : Assesment of Cafertia Charges
√ Iterative
Attach segment button
Segment Name : SAL
Description : Salary Assessment
Assessment CEle : 1000000000
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100

Actual value origin

Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Senders/Receivers tab:
From To Group
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Cost Centre 1004 - -
Cost Element 400500 - -

Cost centre - - PROD

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Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Stat. key fig. EMP

Attach segment button

Segment Name : RENT
Description : Rent Assessment
Assessment CEle : 1000000000
© Srinivasa

Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts

Share in % : 100
Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Sender/Receivers tab
From To Group
Cost Centre 1004 - -
Cost Element 400600 - -
Cost centre - - PROD
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Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Stat. key fig. EMP

 Save

1. Enduser
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1. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1004

Tcode : F-02
40 Salary 45000
40 Rent 27000
50 Cash *

2. Execution of Assessment cycle (Month end activity)

T code : KSU5
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path

Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsAllocationsAssessment
Period : 5 To 5
Fiscal Year : 2012
√ Test Run
√ Details Lists

Double click on the item
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Back button 2 twice

Yes button to leave the list
Test Run

3. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1004
Costelement : 10000000
Back button
CostCenter : 1001 To 1003
Costelement : 1000000000Multiple selection button
Select Single values tab
Single values
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Copy button

5. Allocation by Distribution
Cost center plant admin takes care of 3 production cost centers. Costs like salaries of
administration department , stationery charges, vehicle maintanance , travelling expenses
are recorded in the cost center.
At period end we allocate all the costs to 3 production cost centers using allocation method
Salaries is to be allocated based on number of employees in the receiver cost center
Vehicle maintanance are to be allocated based on percentage basis.

Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Salaries Rent Vhcle maint

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1001 75 25% 30%

1011(Plant Admin) 1002 25 50% 60%
1003 200 25% 10%

Costs recorded in cost center Plant admin by FI postings :

Cost Center Primary Cost elements Costs incured
400500 (Salaries) 72000.00
1011(Plant Admin) 400600(Rent) 18000.00
Vehicle maintenance 27000.00
Total Plant admin charges 81000.00

Sender Sending Cost element Reciving cost Allocated

CostCenter Amount Center amount
1011(Plant -18000.00 400500 (Salaries) 1001 18000.00
-6000.00 1002 6000.00
-48000.00 1003 48000.00
-72000.00 72000.00
© Srinivasa


1. Settings
1. Create Cost Centre

Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Centre : 1011
Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Plant Admin

Descritpion : Plant Admin
Person responsible : MR. k
Cost Center Category : C: Administration
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Hierarchy area : STD_HIER

Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Create GL account/cost element Vehicle maintenance

G/L account 400203

3. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKIV

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)
Double click on Business Transactions RKIV (Actual Overhead Distribution)
Element/Group button
© Srinivasa


4. Create SKF (already done)

Tcode : KK01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingMasterData
Statistical Key FiguresIndividual ProcessingCreate (KK01)
Stat. key figure : EMP

Name : Employee
Stat. key fig. UnM. : EA (Each)
(Unm = Units of Measure)

Fxd val


5. Enter SKF ((already done))

Tcode : KB31N
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Actual PostingsStatistical Key FiguresEnter

Rec. CCtr StatKF Total Quantity

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1001 EMP 75
1002 EMP 25
1003 EMP 200


6. Allocation method (Distribution):

1. Creation of Distribution Cycle

Scenario: Plant admin charges are to be shared between 3 cost centers based on different
Option 1: Option 2: Option3:
Cycle 1 for Salaries and Rent Cycle 1 for Salaries and Cycle 1 for Salaries
Segment 1 for Salaries Segment 1 for Salaries
Segment 1 for
Segment 2 for Rent Assesment cycle 2 for Rent
Salaries, Rent
Segment 3 for Vehicle Segment 1 for Rent
& Vehicle maintenance
© Srinivasa

maintenance Assesment cycle 3 for Vehicle

Segment 1 for Vehicle
We are using option 1 for the following configuration scenario

SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing

DistributionDefine Distribution
Double click on Create Actual Distribution
TCode :KSV1
Cycle : LAP2
Start Date : 1.4.2012
 Enter
Text : Plant admin costs distribution
√ Iterative
Attach segment button
Segment Name : SAL
Description : Salary Distrbution
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100

Actual value origin
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Senders/Receivers tab:
From To Group
Cost Centre 1011 - -
Cost Element 400500 - -

Cost centre - - PROD
© Srinivasa

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:


Stat. key fig. EMP

Attach segment button

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Segment Name : RENT

Description : Rent Distribution
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100
Receiver rule : Fixed percentages

Sender/Receivers tab
From To Group
Cost Centre 1011 - -
Cost Element 400600 - -
Cost centre - - PROD

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Cost Ctr Portion/percent
1001 25%
© Srinivasa

1002 50%
1003 25%

Attach segment button

Segment Name : Veh
Description : Vehcile maintance distribution
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100
Receiver rule : Fixed percentages

Sender/Receivers tab
From To Group
Cost Centre 1011 - -
Cost Element 400203 - -
Cost centre - - PROD

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Cost Ctr Portion/percent
1001 30%
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1002 60%
1003 10%

 Save

2. Enduser

4. Posting of Rent , Salary ,Veh maintanance in CC 1011

Tcode : F-02
40 Salary 45000
40 Rent 27000
40 Vehcile maintance 18000
50 Cash *

5. Execution of Distribution cycle (Month end)

T code : KSV5
© Srinivasa

Up to Cost Center Accounting same path

Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsAllocationsDistribution
Period : 5 To 5
Fiscal Year : 2012
√ Test Run
√ Details Lists


Back button
Yes button to leave the list
Test Run

6. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

CostCenter : 1011
Costelement :
Back button
CostCenter : 1001 To 1003
Costelement :
Select Single values tab
Single values

Copy button
© Srinivasa

6. Allocation by Periodic Reposting
To simplify the FI postings we use cost collector cost center. We can post costs like rent ,
Electricity charges to cost collector cost center during the period. At period end we allocate
to 3 production cost centers using allocation method periodic reposting.
Rent is to be allocated based on percentage basis
Electricity charges is to be allocated based on no of units ie SKF : EU (Electric Units)
Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center Rent Electricity charges
1001 50% As recorded
1006(Cost collector) 1002 30% As recorded
1003 20% As recorded
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1. Settings
1. Create Cost Centre
Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Centre : 1006
Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Cost collector

Descritpion : Cost collector
Person responsible : MR. k
© Srinivasa

Cost Center Category : 9 Allocation

Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Create GLa/c & cost element Elec Charges
G/L account : 400392

3. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKIB

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)
Double click on Business Transactions RKIB (Actual Periodic Repostings)
Element/Group button
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

4. Create SKF
Tcode : KK01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingMasterData
Statistical Key FiguresIndividual ProcessingCreate (KK01)
Stat. key figure : EU

Name : Electrical Units

Stat. key fig. UnM. : KWH
(Unm = Units of Measure)

Tot val


5. Allocation method (Periodic Reposting):

1. Creation of Periodic Reposting cycle

© Srinivasa

SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing

Periodic RepostingDefine Periodic Reposting
Double click on Create Actual Periodic Reposting
TCode : KSW1
Cycle : LAP3
Start Date : 1.4.2012
 Enter
Text : Prim costs reposting

√ Iterative
Attach segment button
Segment Name : ELEC
Description : Elcricity bills reposting
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100

Actual value origin

Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Senders/Receivers tab:
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

From To Group
Cost Centre 1006 - -
Cost Element 400392 - -

Cost centre - - PROD

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Stat. key fig. EU
© Srinivasa

Attach segment button

Segment Name : RENT
Description : Rent reposting
Sender Rule : 1 posted amounts
Share in % : 100

Receiver rule : Fixed percentages

Sender/Receivers tab
From To Group
Cost Centre 1006 - -
Cost Element 400600 - -
Cost centre - - PROD

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Cost Ctr Portion/percent
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1001 50%
1002 20%
1003 30%

3. Enduser

7. Posting of Rent , Elc bills , in CC 1006

Tcode : F-02
40 Elc bills 45000
40 Rent 27000
50 Cash *

8. Enter SKF (Month end)

Tcode : KB31N
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Actual PostingsStatistical Key FiguresEnter
© Srinivasa

Rec. CCtr StatKF Total Quantity

1001 EU 750
1002 EU 250
1003 EU 2000


9. Execution of Periodic reposting cycle (month end)

T code : KSW5
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsPeriodic Reposting
Period : 5 To 5
Fiscal Year : 2012
√ Test Run
√ Details Lists

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


Back button
Yes button to leave the list
Test Run

10. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1006
Back button
CostCenter : 1001 To 1003
Costelement : 400600Multiple selection button
Select Single values tab
Single values
© Srinivasa


Copy button

7. Indirect Activity Allocation using SKF
Cost center quality control gives quality check service to 3 production cost centers.
Two activity types are used .
1.Testing hours-Manual (Act type category = 2 Indirect determination, indirect allocation)
2.Testing hours-Automated(Act type category =3 Manual entry, indirect allocation)

Both activity types are allocated on the basis of SKF (test items) . Allocation method used
is indirect activity allocation.

Splitting :
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Costs that incured in the costcenter quality control are to be split between the two activity
types . For that we need to define Splitting Structure and assign to the cost center.

Actual activity valuation :

During allocation activity quantity is valuated with plan price or manually set price initially
when actual price calculation is not done. At the time of actual price calculation we can
optionally revaluate the allocated activity. Variance amount is posted .
After revaluation process sender balance will be zero .

Settings for price calculation ,revaluation and cost component structure :

During Version maintenance we can make settings for price calculation and revaluation on
fiscal year basis.
In the Activity type master data we maintain actual price indicator 5 or 6.
© Srinivasa

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Sender CostCenter Reciving cost Center Tested items

1001 300
1009(Qulatity control) 1002 200
1003 220
© Srinivasa

Costs recorded in cost center Quality control by FI postings :

Cost Center Primary Cost elements Planned Costs
1009 (Quality control) 400500 (Salaries) 45000.00
400600(Rent) 27000.00
Total charges 72000.00

1. Settings
1. Create Cost Centre
Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Centre : 1009
Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Quality control

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Descritpion : Quality control

Person responsible : MR. k
Cost Center Category : N (Quality Assurance)
Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKL ,

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)
Double click on Business Transactions RKL,RKN,RKIL, KSI0,KSII
Element/Group button
© Srinivasa


3. Create SKF
Tcode : KK01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingMasterData
Statistical Key FiguresIndividual ProcessingCreate (KK01)
Stat. key figure : ITEM

Name : Testing items
Stat. key fig. UnM. : EA (Each)
(Unm = Units of Measure)

Tot Values


4. Creation of secondary cost element

Tcode :KA06
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Element AccountingMaster Data
Cost ElementIndividual ProcessingCreate Secondary
Cost Element : 1000000026
Valid From : 1.4.2012
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Name : Testing chrges-Manual
Description : Testing charges Manual
CElem category : 43 (Internal activity allocation)

5. Creating Activity Type Testing hours-Manual

SAP Easy Access Accounting  Controlling  Cost Center Accounting Master Data 
Activity type Individual Processing Create
Tcode: KL01
Activity Type : TSHRM
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : Testing Hours--Manual
Description : Testing Hours-Manual
Activity Unit : H
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
Allocation of default values
© Srinivasa

ATyp Category : 2 (Indirect determination, indirect allocation)

Caution : Activity type category maintained in the master data will be the default Activity
type category in the planning screen(TCode :KP26) . It can only be changed before doing
the activity planning and other activites for the first time in the planning screen.

It can not be changed after doing activities like activity planning , price- calculation etc .
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Activity type category change in the activity master data will only be reflected in the planning
screen when we do planning for the first time in the next fiscal year .
Ie activity type category can only be changed in the beginning of the fiscal year before doing
the planning and other activites for the first time .

Allocation Cost Element : 1000000026

Price indicator : 1
Variance Values for Actual Alloccation
Actl Acty Type Cat. : Blank As in planning
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

6. Creation of secondary cost element

Tcode :KA06
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Element AccountingMaster Data
Cost ElementIndividual ProcessingCreate Secondary
Cost Element : 1000000027
Valid From : 1.4.2012
© Srinivasa

Name : Testing charges-Automated

Description : Testing charges- Automated

CElem category : 43 (Internal activity allocation)


7. Creating Activity Type Testing hours-Automated

SAP Easy Access Accounting  Controlling  Cost Center Accounting Master Data 
Activity type Individual Processing Create
Tcode: KL01
Activity Type : TSHRA
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : Testing Hours- Automated
Description : Testing Hours-Automated
Activity Unit : H
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
ATyp Category : 3 (Manual Entry & Indirect Allocation)
Caution : Activity type category maintained in the master data will be the default Activity
type category in the planning screen(TCode :KP26) . It can only be changed before doing
the activity planning and other activites for the first time in the planning screen.
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

It can not be changed after doing activities like activity planning , price- calculation etc .
Activity type category change in the activity master data will only be reflected in the planning
screen when we do planning for the first time in the next fiscal year .
Ie activity type category can only be changed in the beginning of the fiscal year before doing
the planning and other activites for the first time .

Allocation Cost Element : 1000000027

Price indicator : 1 Plan price, automatically based on activity
© Srinivasa

Actl Acty Type Cat. : Blank As in planning

Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

8. Creating Cost Element Group

TCode :KAH1
CO Area : LAP
Cost element group : OH_COST
Description : OH Cost
Cost Element button

9. Creating Activity Type Group

TCode :KLH1
CO Area : LAP
Activity Type group : TEST
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Description : Testing
Activity Type button

10. Define Splitting Structure

TCode : OKES

SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing

 Activity Allocation SplittingDefine Splitting Structure

Double click on ‘Splitting rules’ folder

New Entries

Rule Text Meth Wt

LAP1 21 .

© Srinivasa

Select rule ‘LAP1’

Double click on ‘Selection for rules’ folder

New Entries

Field Label From Value

Version 0 (Co area LAP/ version 0)

Double click on ‘Splitting Structures’ folder

New Entries

Structure Text

L1 LAP Splitting Structure


Select structure ‘L1’

Double click on ‘Assignments’ folder

New Entries

Assignment Text Rule Text

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211



Select assignment ‘LA1’

Double click on ‘Selection for assignments’ folder

New Entries

Field Label From Value To Value Group

Cost Element OH_COST

Acivity Type TEST



11. Assign Splitting Structure to Cost Centers

© Srinivasa

Same Path

Cost centre : 1009

… All versions
Fiscal Year : 201x
Change button
 1009
Click on ‘L1’ under splitting Structures

Assign button( )


Category 3 Direct entry Indirect Category 2 Indirect entry Indirect Allocation


Planning :
Activity planning allowed Activity planning not allowed
Ie planning can be done in KP26 Ie : KP26 is not allowed
Price can be calculated Price cant be calculated because sender quantity is
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Enter Sender Activity Enter Sender Activity not allowed
Ie : Sender qty can be entered Ie : Sender qty can not be entered in KB51N .
manually in KB51N .
Price can be calculated Price cant be calculated sender quantity is unknown
Quantity and cost can be allocated Only quantity can be allocated
Sender quantity is determined only after activity
Then only we can calculate the price

Sender Quantity : 720 hrs Allocated quantity :

Allocated Quantity : 300items*1hr +200items*1hr+220items*1hr = 720 hr
720 items *1hr = 720 hrs
300+200+220 hrs
Allocation Basis :
300:200:220 items
© Srinivasa

12. Define Cost Component Structure

SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing 
Activity AllocationPrice CalculationSettings for Cost Component Split Define Cost
Component Structure
 Double click on Define Cost Component Structure folder
Select Cost Comp Str ‘01’
Copy As button
Cost Comp Str Active Prim.Cost Comp .Split Name
L2   LAP Actvity Cost Comp Str
Enter to confirm the message
Select Cost Comp Str ‘L2’

Double Click on ‘Cost Components with Attributes’ folder

Change the name as shown in the table
Cost Comp Str Cost Com Name of Cost Comp
L2 10 Consumables(V)
L2 30 Eectricity bills(F&V)
L2 50 Rent(F&V)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

L2 90 Salaries(F&V)
Delete the remaining cost components
Double Click on ‘Assignment :Cost Component – Cost Element Interval’ folder
New Entries button
Cost Comp Str Chart of Accts From cost el. Cost Component
L2 LACA 400392 30
L2 LACA 400600 50
L2 LACA 400500 90
 Double click on Cost Component Structure folder
Cost Comp Str Active Prim.Cost Comp .Split Name
L2   LAP Actvity Cost Comp Str

13. Change Revaluation/Price calculation/Cost comp Structure

settings in Version 0
TCode : OKEQ
© Srinivasa

SPROControlling General ControllingOrganizationMaintain Versions

Select version ‘0’

Double click on ‘Settings for Each Fiscal Year ’ folder

Controlling Area : LAP

Version : 0


Double click on the current fiscal year

Price calculation tab

Purely Iter. Price


Method : Periodic price


Method : Periodic price

Revaluation : Own business transaction

Cost Comp. Str. : L2 LAP Actvity Cost Comp Str

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

(Repeat the process for other fiscal years)

14. Allocation method (Indirect Activity Allocation):

1. Creation of Indirect Activity Allocation Cycle

TCode : KSC1
SPROControllingCost Center AccountingActual PostingsPeriod-End Closing
 Activity Allocation  Indirect Activity AllocationDefine Indirect Activity Allocation
Double click on Create actual indirect activity allocation
TCode :KSC1
Cycle : LAP4
Start Date : 1.4.2012
 Enter
Text : Allocation of testing Hrs
Attach segment button
Segment Name : TEST_A
© Srinivasa

Description : Tstng hr-Automate Allocation

Sender Rule : 1 posted quantities
Share in % : 100

Actual values

Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Senders/Receivers tab:
From To Group
Cost Centre 1009 - -
Activity Type TSHRA - -

Cost centre - - PROD

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Stat. key fig. ITEM

Attach segment button

Segment Name : TEST_M
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Description : Tstng hr-Manual Allocation

Sender Rule : Quantities caulated inversly
Share in % : 100

Actual values

Receiver rule : Variable portions
Var . portion type : Actual Statistical Key Figures

Senders/Receivers tab:
From To Group
Cost Centre 1009 - -
Activity Type TSHRM - -

Cost centre - - PROD

Sender Values tab:

© Srinivasa

Cost Ctr ActTyp Factor per 100 AUn
1009 TSHRM 100 H

Receiver Tracing Factor tab:

Stat. key fig. ITEM

2. Enduser

1. CC Planning
Tcode : KP06
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 201
Cost centre : 1009
Cost element group: OH_COST

… Form based
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Overview Screen button

Costelement Plan fixed cost Distribution
400500 540000 1 (Equal distribution)
400600 324000 1


2. Activity planning for TSHRA/ TSHRM

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Version : 0
From Period : 2
To Perod : 2
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 1009
Activity Type group: TEST

Form based

© Srinivasa

Overview Screen button

Activity Type Plan Activity EquiNo
TSHRA 720 1
TSHRM Blank 2
(EquNo is the basis for splitting)
Make sure the activity type category is correct before posting and going further.

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

3. Splitting (Planned cost)

TCode : KSS4
Same path
Controlling Area : LAP

Cost centre : 1009

Version : 0
Period : 3
Fiscal Year : 201x

 Test Run
 Details List
© Srinivasa

(Splitting should be in 2:1 ratio )

Cost Element button(to cost element wise splitting)

Back button
Yes button to leave the list
Test Run

4. Calculating Activity Price(planned) for TSHRA

Upto Cost Centre Accounting same path
PlanningAllocationsPrice Calculation
Tcode : KSPI

All Cost Centres

Version : 0
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Period : 2 To 2
Fiscal Year : 2011
 Test Run
 Details List

Display primary cost component split :

Select a line Goto menuComponents
© Srinivasa

Back button
(Activity price only calculated for TSHRA and should be 33.33 )

5. Enter SKF
Tcode : KB31N
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Actual PostingsStatistical Key FiguresEnter

Rec. CCtr StatKF Total Quantity

1001 ITEM 300
1002 ITEM 200
1003 ITEM 220


6. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1009

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Tcode : F-02
40 Salary 45000
40 Rent 36000
50 Cash *

7. Sender activities for TSHRA

TCode :KB51N
Send. CCtr SAtyTyp Total Quantity
1009 TSHRA 729

8. Indirect Activity Allocation

T code : KSC5
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsAllocations Indirect Activity Allocation
© Srinivasa

Period : 5 To 5
Fiscal Year : 2012
√ Test Run
√ Details Lists

Segments button
Select segment ‘TEST_A’

Line items button( )

Unhide Total quantity column.
(Quantity and costs are allocated . Actiivty type is valuated with planned price.)

Back button
Select segment ‘TEST_M’

Line items button( )

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

(Only quantity is allocated as planned price/manually set price is not availlable.)

Back button 2 twice
Yes button to leave the list
Test Run
© Srinivasa


9. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1009
(Only quantity is allocated for activity type TSHRM .
Both quantity and cost both are allocated for activity type TSHRA )

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

10. Splitting(Actual)
TCode :KSS2
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsSplitting

Controlling Area : LAP


Cost centre : 1009

Period : 3
Fiscal Year : 201x

 Test Run
 Details List
(Splitting should be in 2:1 ratio )
© Srinivasa

Cost Element button(to cost element wise splitting)

Back button
Yes button to leave the list
Test Run

11. Price Calculation(Actual)

T code : KSII
Up to Cost Center Accounting same path

Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsPrice Calculation

All Cost Centres

Period : 2 To 2
Fiscal Year : 2011
 Test Run
 Details List
(Activity price should be 37.00 For TSHRA 75 for TSHRM)
Yes button
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Back button

12. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1009
© Srinivasa

(Apart from quantity allocated , costs allocated should be displayed for TSHRM.
For TSHRA diference amount is posted)

8. Direct Activity Allocation
Cost center plant maintenance gives maintenance service to 3 production cost centers.
Activity type to be allocated is Maintenance hours(MNTHR) of category 1 ie Manual entry,
manual allocation

Sender Cost Center Reciving cost Center

1008(Plant maintanance) 1002
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Business transaction involved is RKL . Allocation method is called direct activity

The allocated activity quantities are entered directly using TCode KB21N .
(Eg :Sender can be OH cost center and receiver can be a production cost center )
Direct allocation happens automatically through production order confirmations (TCode :
(Eg : Sender is production cost center and receiver is a cost object . Cost object can be a
production order or a product cost collector)

In this scenario activity type is valuated initially by planned price which is set
manually(plan price indicator 3 ). At the time of actual price calculation activity type is
revaluated and difference is allocated to receivers.

1. Settings
1. Create Cost Centre
Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
© Srinivasa

Cost Centre : 1008
Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Plant maintanance

Descritpion : Plant maintanance
Person responsible : MR. k
Cost Center Category : 2

Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Creation of secondary cost element

Tcode :KA06
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Element AccountingMaster Data
Cost ElementIndividual ProcessingCreate Secondary
Cost Element : 1000000029
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Plant Maintenance Charges
Description : Plant Maintenance Charges

CElem category : 43 (Internal activity allocation)


3. Creating Activity Type Maintenance hours

SAP Easy Access Accounting  Controlling  Cost Center Accounting Master Data 
Activity type Individual Processing Create
Tcode: KL01
Activity Type : MNTHR
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : Maintenance hours
Description : Maintenance hours
© Srinivasa

Activity Unit : H
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
ATyp Category : 1 ( Manual entry, manual allocation )
Caution : Activity type category maintained in the master data will be the default Activity
type category in the planning screen(TCode :KP26) . It can only be changed before doing
the activity planning and other activites for the first time in the planning screen.

It can not be changed after doing activities like activity planning , price- calculation etc .
Activity type category change in the activity master data will only be reflected in the planning

screen when we do planning for the first time in the next fiscal year .
Ie activity type category can only be changed in the beginning of the fiscal year before doing
the planning and other activites for the first time .

Allocation Cost Element : 1000000029

Price indicator : 3 Determined manually
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

4. Create No. Ranges interval for Business transaction RKL

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)

Double click on Business Transactions RKL,
Element/Group button

2. Enduser
1. Posting of Rent & Salary in CC 1008
Tcode : F-02
40 Salary 45000
40 Rent 36000
50 Cash *

2. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1008
© Srinivasa


3. Set Activity price(planned) manually

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 1008
Activity Type : MNTHR

Form based

Overview Screen button
Activity Type Fixed price
Make sure the activity type category, price indicator is correct before posting and going

4. Direct Activity Allocation

TCode :KB21N
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Up to Cost Center Accounting same path

Actual PostingsActivity AllocationEnter
Scrn var.: Cost center Input Type : List Entry
Send. CCtr SAtyTyp Rec.CCtr Total Quantity
1008 MNTHR 1001 250
1008 MNTHR 1002 270
1008 MNTHR 1003 200

5. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1008
© Srinivasa

6. Price Calculation
T code : KSII

Up to Cost Center Accounting same path
Period-End ClosingSingle FunctionsPrice Calculation

Cost Centre group

Period : 2 To 2
Fiscal Year : 2011
 Test Run
 Details List
(Activity price should be 112.50)
Yes button
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Back button

7. Cost Centre Report

Tcode : KSB1
CostCenter : 1008
© Srinivasa

(Balance should be 0 in the sender CC )

9. Report painter
1. Settings
1. Display library
SAP Easy Access Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Information
system Tools Report Painter Report Writer Library Display
SAP Easy Accesas Information Systems Ad Hoc Reports Report Painter Report
WriterLibrary GR23 Display
TCode : GR23
Library : 1VK Cost Centers: Absorption Costing
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Libraries determine the reporting table , the characteristics and key figures of the table that
are available for reporting

Make a note of table CCSS

Characteristics button( )
Characteristics are the level at which you run the report . ie characteristics determine
selection criteria of the report . Eg : Company code ,Cost Center, Fiscal year , Cost element

Key Figures button( )

Basic keyfigures are the values that are going to be displayed in the report . Eg : Actual
cost, Plan cost etc
Keyfigure is a combination of basic key figure and one or more characteristics . Eg : Total
Actual cost for the current year , Plan fixed cost of previous year etc

Use.. button ( ) to display the reports that use this library

© Srinivasa

2. Creating Variable
Same path upto Report Writer



Variable : CCG-LAP

Reference field

Table : CCSS

Field name : KOSTL

Variable type

… Set
Sets: Sets are logical groupings of characteristic values


Default entries

All values
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Entry fields on selection screens

Set and value entry


3. Creating report
Same path upto Tools

Report PainterReportCreate


Report Painter tool is similar to Report Writer, but is easier to use. Report Writer uses Sets
but Report painter does not .

Report Painter uses a graphical report structure, which displays the rows and columns as
they appear in the final report output.

The major advantages of Report Painter is easy to be used and flexible definition of report.

Library : 1VK

Report : LAP1 CC Primary sec costs

© Srinivasa

Create button

10. Internal Orders(I.O)
Scenario1 : (Telephone wise expenses )
There is one GL account ‘Telephone Expenses’ and there are 5 telephones
Problem : How to record telephone wise expenses ?
Solution : Create an I.O for each telephone. While posting Tel phone expenses
in FI, TeI No can be entered in Internal order field.

Scenario 2 : (Vehicle wise expenses)

There is one GL account ‘Petrol Exp’ and one GL account ‘Vehicle Maintenance’ and
there are 10 vehicles.
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Problem : How to display vehicle wise expenses.

Solution : Create an I.O for each vehicle

Scenario 3 : (Event wise expenses)

There is a cost centre for ‘sales department’. Several activities like promotional events
happen in the department. For every event certain expenses incur .
Problem : Event wise expenses are to be recorded.
Solution : Create an I.O for each event .

Cost Centre & Internal Orders :

Internal Orders are of two types Real and Statistical.

Statistical IO : are used merely for reporting purpose.

In the following two cases, CC is the real CO -object and IO is statistical object.
Case1 :
While posting in FI , CO-object like Cost centre should be entered apart from IO .
© Srinivasa

Case2 :
IO can be assigned to a CC(as shown in the next image).
While posting in FI, only IO need to be entered.
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Real IO : are used for settlement purpose .While posting in FI , only IO should be entered.
Amount in the IO can be settled to Cost centre(s) later . Balance in the IO becomes zero
after complete settlement .

1. Settings

1. Creation of internal Order Types

SPROControllingInternal ordersOrder Master DataDefine Order types

New Entries
Order category : 01 ie Internal Order (Controlling)
© Srinivasa

Order type : LA1

Description : Telephone
Planning profile : 000001
Object class : Overhead cost
√ Release immediately
Assign/change interval button (next to Number range interval)
Yes button

Not assigned
Click on LA1
Element/Group button
Double click on ‘Motor pool A-zzzzzzzz(external)’

2. Creation of FS Group
Select FStV ‘LAFS’
Double click on Field status groups folder
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

 Select Field status group ‘G002’

Copy as button
Change the Field Status group to ‘G015’
Change the Text to ‘Cost accounts (CC req &IO Optinl) ‘
Double click on FSG ‘G015’
Double click on ‘Additional account assignment’

CO/PP order


3. Creation of Tel expenses A/C

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 400500 Salaries
Copy button
GL account: 400581
© Srinivasa

Change the Description to ‘Telephone expenses’

Create/Bank/interest tab
Change Field status group to ‘G015’
Edit Cost element button
Valid from :
Cost Elem Category : 01

4. Creation of Internal order
Tcode: KO01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingInternal OrdersMaster DataSpecial
Order type : LA1
Order : Tel 040230900
Description : Tel 040230900
Company Code : LAP
Business area : LANZ
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Control data Tab

√ Statistical order
Info:Select the check box to make it a statistical IO , else it will be a Real IO
Order type : LA1
Order : Tel040230901
Description : Tel040230901
(Other fields same as before)

5. Creation of IO group
Tcode : KOH1
Same path upto Master DataOrder Group
Order Group : HYD_LA1
© Srinivasa

Description : Hyd telephones

Insert order button

2. End User
1. Posting Telephone Expenses
Tcode :F-02
PstKy : 40 Account : 400581
Amount : 18000
Cost centre : 1001 Order : TEL040230900
Text : Telephone expenses
PstKy : 50 Account : 200691
Amount : *
Business area : LANZ
Text : +
Document MenuSimulate
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Post one more document for IO TEL040230901

2. Display IO Report
Tcode :KOB1
Up to Internal Orders same pathInformation System Reports for Internal OrdersLine
itemsOrders: Actual Line Items
Order Group : HYD_LA1
Cost element : 400581

3. Planning order wise

Tcode : KPF6
Up to Internal Orders same path
PlanningCosts & Activity inputsChange
Version : 0
From period : 1
To period : 12
© Srinivasa

Fiscal Year : 2012

Order group : HYD_TEL
Cost Element : 400581


Overview Screen button
Total plan costs Distribution key
240000 1

Next Combination button (Down arrow)

Total plan cost Distribution key
120000 1


4. Display Variance Reports

Tcode :S_ALR_87012993
Up to Internal Orders same path
Information SystemReports for Internal OrdersPlan/Actual Comparisons
Order: Actual/Plan /Variance
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Controlling area : LAP

Fiscal Year : 2012
From Period : 5
To Period : 5
Plan version : 0
Order group : HYD_LA1
Cost element group : Blank
Or value(s) : 400581
© Srinivasa

11. Real IO with settlement to CC
Eg : Real IO : Promtional event

Real IO : are used for settlement purpose .While posting in FI , only IO should be entered.
Amount in the IO can be settled to Cost centre(s) later . Balance in the IO becomes zero
after complete settlement .
Requirement : Costs should be captured under a promotional event for the sake of
Also the costs should be recorded in CC ‘Sales promotion’.
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1. Settings

1. Creation of FS Group
Select FStV ‘LAFS’
Double click on Field status groups folder
 Select Field status group ‘G002’
Copy as button
Change the Field Status group to ‘G016’
Change the Text to ‘Cost accounts (CC &IO Optinl) ‘
Double click on FSG ‘G016’
Double click on ‘Additional account assignment’

© Srinivasa

Cost Center

CO/PP order


2. Creation of G/L Promotional expenses

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 400500 Salaries
Copy button
GL account: 400518
Change the Description to ‘Adv expenses’
Create/Bank/interest tab
Change Field status group to ‘G016’
Edit Cost element button
Valid from :
Cost Elem Category : 01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

3. Creation of secondary cost element

Tcode :KA06
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Element AccountingMaster Data
Cost ElementIndividual ProcessingCreate Secondary
Cost Element : 1000000036
Valid From : 1.4.2012
Name : Promotional Expenses
Description : Promotional Expenses
CElem category : 21 (Internal Settlment)

4. Create Cost Center

Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
© Srinivasa

Controlling Area : LAP

Cost Centre : 1017
Valid From : 1.4.2012

Name : Sales &Promotion

Descritpion : Sales &Promotion
Person responsible : MR. k

Cost Center Category : P Sales & Marketing
Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

5. Maintain allocation structure

SPROControlling Internal ordersActual posting SettlementMaintain allocation


New Entries
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Allocation structure : L1

Text : IO-->CC settlment LAP



Select Allocation structure ‘L1’

Double click on Assignments folder

New entries

Assignment : LA1

Text : Promotional Expenses


Select ‘LA1’

Double click on Source folder

Controlling Area : LAP
© Srinivasa

From cost element : 400518 Adv expenses



Double click on Settlement cost elements folder

New entries button

Receiver cat By cost element Settlement cost elem Name
CTR . 1000000036 Promotional Expense


6. Maintain settlement profiles

Same path

Double click on Maintain settlement profiles

New entries
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Settlement profiles : LAP1

Description : IOCC LAP

To be settled in full

Allocation structure : L1

√ 100%-validation
√ %-Settlement

√ Equivalence number

√ Amount settlement

Valid receivers

Cost center : Settlement Required

Other Parameters
Document type : SA
© Srinivasa distribution rules : 999

Residence time : 3 months



7. Creation of internal Order Types

SPROControllingInternal ordersOrder Master DataDefine Order types
New Entries
Order category : 01 ie Internal Order (Controlling)
Order type : LA2
Description : Promo Events LAP
General parameters
Settlement prof. : LAP1
Planning profile : 000001
Object class : Overhead cost
√ Release immediately
Assign/change interval button (next to Number range interval)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Yes button
Not assigned
Click on LA2
Element/Group button
Double clikc on ‘Motor pool A - ZZZZZZZZZZZZ (external)’

Maintain number range for settlement documents:

SPROControllingInternal ordersActual postingsSettlemnt Maintain

Number Ranges for Settlement Documents
TCode : SNUM

Maintain groups button

Create button
Group : Settlemnt Docs LAP
© Srinivasa

From No. To Number

090000000 0999999999
Back button
Non-Assigned Elements

Click on LAP
Element/Group button

Double click on Settlemnt Docs LAP


8. Maintain Number Ranges for Bus transaction KOAO

Tcode :KANK
CO Area : LAP
 Maintan Groups button
Non-Assigned Elements
Click on KOAO
Element/Group button
 Double click on ‘No. ranges for CO documents (LAP)’
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

2. End User
1. Creation of Internal order & Settlement rule
Tcode: KO01
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingInternal OrdersMaster DataSpecial
Order type : LA2
Description : Exhibition stall
Company Code : LAP
Business area : LANZ
Control data Tab
Statistical order
Info: Do not select the check box for a Real IO
Goto menuSettlement Rule
© Srinivasa

New rule button( )

Settlement Reciever
Cost Center : 1017
Percent : 100 %
Valid from : 1..201x to Blank

2. Posting Expenses
Tcode :F-02
PstKy : 40 Account : 400518
Amount : 18000
Cost centre : Blank Order : EXHST_LAP
Text : Ehibition stall rent
PstKy : 50 Account : 200691
Amount : *
Business area : LANZ
Text : +
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Document MenuSimulate

3. Display IO Report
Tcode :KOB1
Up to Internal Orders same pathInformation System Reports for Internal OrdersLine
itemsOrders: Actual Line Items
Cost element : Blank

4. Settlement :
TCode : K088
Accounting ControllingInternal orderPeriod end closingSingle functionsSettlement
Individual processing

Settlement period : Current month

Fiscal year : 201x

© Srinivasa

√ Test run

√ Check transaction data


 Details list button( )

Back button twice
Test run


5. Display IO Report
TCode :KOB1
Up to Internal Orders same pathInformation System Reports for Internal OrdersLine
itemsOrders: Actual Line Items
Cost element : Blank

6. Display CC Report
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TCode :KSB1
Cost center : 1017
Cost element : Blank
© Srinivasa

12. Schedule Manager
Schedule Manager is used to perform period-end activities across the components in SAP.

1. Settings
1. Defining Selection Variables

DisplayChange button ( ) to get in to edit mode

Create button
Name Val. Case-Sensitive
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Create button
Name Val. Case-Sensitive
LAP_FYEAR 2015 

TCode : SM34
View cluster : VSMANTVARV
Maintain button
Enter twice to ignore the warning message
New Entries
Variable Name

© Srinivasa

2. Maintain Standard Settings for workflow

SPROSAP NetweaverAplication ServerBusiness ManagementSAP Business
WorkflowMainatain Standard Settings

Select the item with error mark ( )

Excute button

Save and Schedule button

Back button

(Repeat the same process for all error items)

3. Flow Definition
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Center AccountingPeriod-End Closing
Scedule Manager

TCode : SCMA

Extras menuFlow DefinitionEdit Flow Definition

Flow Definition : LAP_CCA

Create button( )

Description : CCA Closing

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Application : Cost Center Accounitng


(Workflow builder is displayed)

4. Specify selction variables in the program variants

© Srinivasa

© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

13. Real Time Integration (New GL)
Real Time Integration is a component of New-GL . Previously if users make any
cross company code postings in CO , these transactions do not reflect in FI. Users had to
process a job at month end to allow the system to reconcile the differences and post
corresponding entries in FI ledger. With the new GL, this reconciliation and posting of entry
in FI ledger has become an automatic process .

Scenario : Allocation of costs from CC1 to CC2 . CC1 and CC2 are two costcenters which
belongs to different company codes (Cross company code allocation) . FI posting should
happen automatically in two company codes .

Prerequisites :

1 The two company codes must belong to same CO-Area

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2 The two company codes must have same Chart of accounts.

1. Settings :
1. Create second company code ie LAC
Company code LAC should be assigned with

1. same Chart of accounts that is assigned to LAP.

2. same Co-Area that is assigned to LAP

SPROEnterprise StructureDefinitionFinancial AccoutingEdit,Copy,Delete,Check

Company Code

Double click on ‘Copy, delete, check company code’

Copy Org Object button

From Company Code : LAP

To Company Code : LAC

© Srinivasa

’Yes’ button to create GL Account Data

’No’ button for different local currency

Enter to ignore the msg


’Yes’ button to transport number ranges


Keep on pressing Enter

’Yes’ button to transport intervals



2. Assign Co-Area
Tcode : OKKP

Double Click on Co-area ‘LAP’

CoCd->CO Area : Cross-companycode cost accounting

 Double Click on Assignment of company code(s) folder

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

New Entries button

CoCd Company Name




3. Activate CoCd Validation in Co-Area

TCode : OKKP

Double Click on Co-Area ‘LAP’

Double click on Activate component/control indicators folder

√ CoCd Validation
Enter to Ignore wrn msg

4. Deactivate Reconcilition Ledger:

© Srinivasa

We have to deactivate the Reconcilition Ledger ,(if it is activated ) before using Realtime
Integration.We can use Tcode : OKKP to check the status.

We can skip this step in the lab.

Tcode : KALB
SPROControllingCost Element AccountingReconciliation LedgerActivate/Deactivate
Reconciliation Ledger
Deactivate Reconciliation ledger

Controlling Area : LAP


5. Creation of Cost Center in Comapany code LAC:

TCode : KS01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Extras menu Set Controlliong Area

Controlling Area : LAP
Cost Center : 1010
Name : Services
Description : Services

Person Responsible : mrt

Cost Center Category : 2
Hierarchy area : STD_HIER
Company Code : LAC
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the wrng msg
© Srinivasa

6. Activate intercompany postings in doc type SA.

TCode : OBA7
Double Click on Doc type ‘SA’
√ Inter-company posting

7. Creation of GL accounts in LAP:

Tcode : FS00

Select GL account ‘400500’
Copy button
G/L Account 400509
Short Text : FICO Recon account
Field status group : ICCF ie CO <-> FI reconciliation posting

Select GL account ‘200700’

Copy button
G/L Account 200970
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Short Text : LAC account

Field status group : G067

8. Creation of GL accounts in LAC:

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account ‘400500’
Copy button
G/L Account 400509

Field status group : ICCF ie CO <-> FI reconciliation posting


Select GL account ‘200700’

Copy button
G/L Account : 200971
© Srinivasa

Short Text : LAP account

Field status group : G067
Block GL account 200971 for creation in company code LAP
Block GL account 200970 for creation in company code LAC

9. Define Variants for Real time Integration:
SPROFinancial Accounting (New)  Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)
Ledgers Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting  Define
Variants for Real-Time Integration
New Entries
Var. for R-T Integ. : L1
√ R.-Time Integ:Active Key Date:Active from : 1.4. 2012
√ Acct Deter. :Active
Document Type : SA
Ledger Group (FI) : 0L
Text : Varaint for LAP
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Use Checkboxes

√ Cross-Company-Code
√ Cross-Profit-Center
√ Cross-Business-Area

10. Assign Varaints for Real-Time Integration to Company

Same Path
 Assign Variants for Real-Time Integration to Company Codes
New Entries
Company Code Variant for Real-Time Integration
© Srinivasa


11. Define Intercompany Clearing Accounts:

Upto Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting same path
 Define Account Determination for Real-Time IntegrationDefine Intercompany Clearing
Alterantive path1 :

SPROControllingCost Element AccountingReconciliation LedgerDefine Adjustment
Accounts for Reconciliation Posting
Double click on ‘Maintain Clearing Accounts for Company Codes’
Tcode : OBYA

Alterantive path2:

SPROFinancial AcccoutningGeneral Ledger AccountingBusiness Transactions

Prepare cross company code transactions

Company code 1 : LAP

Company code 2 : LAC
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Posted in : LAP
Cleared against : LAC

Debit posting key : 40 Credit posting key : 50

Account debit : 200970 Account credit : 200970

Posted in : LAC
Cleared against : LAP
Debit posting key : 40 Credit posting key : 50
Account debit : 200971 Account credit : 200971
© Srinivasa

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

12. Define Account determination for Real-Time Integration:

Upto Define Account Determination for Real-Time Integration same path
Define Account determination for Real-Time Integration
Alterantive path :
SPROControllingCost Element AccountingReconciliation LedgerDefine Adjustment
Accounts for Reconciliation Posting
Double click on ‘Define Accounts for Automatic Postings’
Tcode : OBYB
Controlling Area : LAP
© Srinivasa

Change Account Determin. Button


2. Enduser
1. Posting expenses to common CC (1004)
Tcode F-02
Post one document for Salary in company code LAP
Amount : 18000
Cost Centre : 1004

2. Reposing of Costs:
Tcode: KB11N
Extra menuSet Controlling area
Controlling Area : LAP
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

CCtr (old) Cost Elem. Amount CCtr (new)

1004 400500 7000 1010


3. Displaying CO document:
TCode : KSB5
Document Number : 900000000X
Click on CO document
Enviroment menu-Accounting Documents
(Two FI documents are generated , one in company code LAP the other one in Company
code LAC)
Double click on the Accounting document to be displayed.
Entry in LAP Should be :
Cr Salaries 7000.00-
© Srinivasa

Dr LAC account 7000.00

Entry in LAC Should be :

Dr Salaries 7000.00
Cr LAP account 7000.00-

14. Sales/Purchase Tax
Sales tax = Output tax
Purchase tax = Input tax
VAT : Value Added Tax
VAT is a mode of collection of tax
Purchase of RM Sale of FG
Pay purchase tax to Vendors Collect Sales tax from Customers
5000 Rs 7000 Rs

The diff is 2000. This amount is to be remitted to tax authority.

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

3. Settings
1. Define Tax procedure:
SPROFinancial accounting Financial accounting Global settingsTax on
Sales/Purchases Basic settingsCheck Calculation Procedure
Double click on Define Procedures
New Entries
Procedu Description
TAXIN Ind Tax procedure(LAP)

Create Request button
Short Description: Sales/Pur Tax Settings (LAP)
Select Tax Procedure ‘TAXIN’
Double click on Control Data folder
© Srinivasa

New Entries
Step Ctyp Description Fro To Manual AccKey
100 BASB Base amount
110 MWAS Output Tax 100 100 √ MWS
120 MWVS Input tax 100 100 √ VST


2. Assign Country to Calculation procedure :

Same path
Country : IN
Ct Proc
Tax is configured at country level but not at Comp Code level. This setup is going to work
for all Comp Codes which belongs to India .
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

3. Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases

TCode : FTXP
Upto Tax on Sales/Purchases same path
Calculation Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases
Country : IN
Taxcode : V0
Description : 0% input tax
Taxtype : V ie inputtax
Check ID √
Keep the cursor on Output tax(Click)
Deactivate line button
InputTax : 0
© Srinivasa


Taxcode : V1
Description : 4% input tax
Taxtype : V ie inputtax
Check ID √
Keep the cursor on Output tax(Click)

Deactivate line button
InputTax : 4

Taxcode : A0
Description : 0% output tax
Taxtype : A ie outputtax
Check ID √
Keep the cursor on Input tax(Click)
Deactivate line button
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

OutputTax : 0

Taxcode : A1
Description : 14.5% output tax
Taxtype : A ie outputtax
Check ID √
Keep the cursor on Input tax(Click)
Deactivate line button
OutputTax : 14.5

4. Creation of 2 GL accounts
a. VAT Payable
Tcode: FS00
© Srinivasa

Select GL account 100800 Expenses payable

Copy button
GL account : 100530
Description : VAT Payable
Control Data tab
Tax Category : > ie Output Tax Account

Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field status group : G041

b. VAT Recievable
Select GL account 100530 VAT Payable
Copy button
GL account : 200530
Account Group : Assets
Description : VAT Receivable
Control Data tab
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Tax category : < ie Input Tax Account


5. Change GL accounts Sales, Inventory RM

Tcode :FS00
Select GL account 300510 Sales
Change button
Control Data Tab
Tax category : + ie Only output tax allowed
√ Posting without tax allowed
Enter to Ignore the Wrng Msg
Select GL account 200700 RM inventory
Change button
Control Data Tab
Tax category : - ie Only input tax allowed
√ Posting without tax allowed
© Srinivasa

Enter to Ignore the Wrng Msg

6. Define Tax acounts

TCOde :OB40
Upto Tax on Sales/Purchases same path
Posting Define Tax accounts
Double click on transaction MWS ( Output tax)
Chart of accounts : LACA
 Save button
Back button
Double click on transaction VST ( Input tax)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


7. Define Tax Determination Rules

SPROSales and Distribution  Basic FunctionsTaxes Define Tax Determination
New entries
Tax count Name Seq Tax Categ Name
IN 5 MWST Taxble

8. Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records

SPROSales and Distribution  Basic FunctionsTaxesDefine Tax Relevancy Of
Master Records
Double click on ‘Customer Taxes’
New entries
Tax categ Tax class Description
© Srinivasa

MWST 1 Taxable
MWST 0 No tax

Back button
Double click on ‘Material Taxes’
New entries
Tax categ Tax class Description
MWST 1 Taxable
MWST 0 No tax

4. Enduser
1. Posting Pur Inv
Tcode: F-43
PstKy : 31 Account : LAPGNVNDR
Amount : 27000
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

√ Calculate Tax
Bus. Area : LANZ
Text : Pur inv

PstKy : 40 Account : 200700

Amount : *
Tax Code : V1
Busi Area : LANZ
Text : +
Document menuSimulate

Entry should be:

31 LANZ LAPFIVNDR LAP vndr 27.000,00-
40 LANZ 0000200700 RM inventory 25.714,29
© Srinivasa

40 0000200530 VAT Recievable 1.285,71

2. Posting Sales Inv:

Tcode :F-22
PstKy : 01 Account : LAPGNCUST
Amount : 18000
√ Calculate Tax

Bus. Area : LANZ
Text : Sales inv

PstKy : 50 Account : 300510

Amount : *
Tax Code : A1
Bus Area : LANZ
Text : +
Document menuSimulate
Entry should be
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

01 LANZ LAPFICUST LAP fi customer 18.000,00

50 LANZ 0000300510 Sales 15.720,52-
50 100631 VAT payable 2.279,48-
© Srinivasa

7. MM Integration
LIVE project
MM Configuration MM consultant
FI Configuration FI consultant
FI-MM Integration FI Consultant

Learning environment
MM Configuration FI consultant
FI Configuration FI consultant
FI-MM Integration FI Consultant
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1. MM configuration

1. Maintain Calendar:
SPROSAP Net weaverGeneral SettingsMaintain Calendar

Public holidays

Change button
Create Button

With fixed date

Day : 15
Month : 8

Not Guaranteed

Short holiday name : Independence day
Long holiday name : Independence day
© Srinivasa

Back button

Holiday Calendar

Change button
Create button
Calendar ID : LC
Description : holiday calendar for LAP
Assign Holiday button
Select holidays to be included
Assign publ. holiday button
Back button twice

Factory calendar

Change button
Create button
Factory calendar ID : LF
Description : Factory calendar for LAP
Holiday calendar ID : LC
Select Monday to Saturday
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


2. Define plant:
SPROEnterprise StructureDefinitionLogistics-GeneralDefine, Copy, delete, check
Double click on Define Plant
New Entries
Plant : LAP1
Name 1 : LAP Hyd plant
Factory calendar : LF
Name : LAP Hyd plant
Country : IN
Region : 01
City : Hyd
© Srinivasa

Create Request button

Short Description : MM configuration for LAP
Next entry button
Plant : LAP2
Name 1 : LAP mum plant
Factory calendar : LF
Name : LAP mum plant
Country : IN
Region : 13
City : Mum

Next entry button

Plant : LAP3
Name 1 : LAP Chennai plant
Factory calendar : LF
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Name : LAP Chennai plant

Country : IN
Region : 22
City : Chennai

Next entry button

Plant : LAP5
Name 1 : LAP Gurgoan plant
Factory calendar : LF
Name : LAP Gurgoan plant
Country : IN
Region :
City : Gurgoan
© Srinivasa


Next entry button

Plant : LAP7
Name 1 : LAP Delhi plant
Factory calendar : LF
Name : LAP Delhi plant
Country : IN

Region : 30
City : Delhi

3. Define Division:
Same path
Define, copy, delete, check division
Double click on Define Division
New Entries
Division Name
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

LS Small Cars


4. Maintain Storage Location:

Up to Definition same path
Materials Management Maintain storage location
Plant : LAP1
New Entries
SLoc Description
LAP1 Hyd Storage Location

© Srinivasa

Plant : LAP2
New Entries
SLoc Description
LAP2 Mum Storage Location


Plant : LAP3
New Entries
SLoc Description
LAP3 Chennai Storage Location


Plant : LAP5
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

New Entries
SLoc Description
LAP5 Storage Location


Plant : LAP7
New Entries
SLoc Description
LAP7 Storage Location

© Srinivasa


5. Maintain purchasing organisation:

Same path next line
New Entries
Purch. Organisation Purch. Org Descr
LAPO LAP purchase org.

 Continue

6. Assign plant to company code:

Up to Enterprise Structure same path
AssignmentLogistics-General Assign plant to company code
New Entries
CoCd Plnt

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


7. Assign Business Area to Plant/Valuation Area and Division:

Same path next line
Valuation area - division button
New entries
ValA Dv BusA
LAP1 (Valuation area is nothing but plant LS LANZ

8. Assign Purchasing organization to company code:

© Srinivasa

Up to Assignment same path

Materials ManagementAssign purchasing organisation to company code
Purchasing org : LAPO
POrg CoCd


9. Assign purchase organisation to plant:

Same path next line
New Entries
POrg Plnt
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


10. Create Purchasing Groups:

SPROMaterials ManagementPurchasingCreate Purchasing Groups
New Entries
Purchasing Group Desc. Pur.Grp
LPG LAP purchasing group

11. Define Material Group:

SPROLogistics-GeneralMaterial MasterSettings for Key FieldsDefine Material
New Entries
Matl Group Material Group Desc
LAPM Metals

12. Maintain Company Code for Material Management:

© Srinivasa

Up to Material Master same path
Basic SettingsMaintain Company Codes for Material Management
Company code : LAP
(CAUTION: Enter current period .If you enter wrong period it can’t be changed)
Cocd Year Period ABp

LAP 2012 5(Current period) √
Note: Material posting starts from the above period . ABp is Allow Back posting .
If ABp is selected 2 periods(current and previous) are allowed , other wise only current
period is allowed.

13. Define Attributes of Material Types:

Up to Basic Settings same path
Material typesDefine Attributes of Material types
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Material type : FERT

Select Material Type ‘FERT’
Double click on ‘Quantity/value updating’ folder
Valuatin area : LAP1
Valuation area Materials Qty updating Value Update
Back button
© Srinivasa

Material type : ROH
Select Material type ‘ROH’
Double click on Quantity/value updating folder
Valuation Area : LAP1
Val .area Matl type Qty updating Value Update
LAP1 ROH √ √
LAP2 ROH √ √
LAP3 ROH √ √
LAP5 ROH √ √
LAP7 ROH √ √
Back button
Material type : HALB
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Select Material type ‘HALB’

Double click on Quantity/value updating folder
Valuation Area : LAP1
Val .area Matl type Qty updating Value Update
Back button
Material type : VERP Packaging
© Srinivasa

Select Material type ‘VERP’
Double click on Quantity/value updating folder
Valuation Area : LAP1
Val .area Matl type Qty updating Value Update


Double click on Mtyp ‘FERT’

Int. purchase orders : 2 ie Int. purchase orders are allowed


14. Set Tolerance Limits for Price variance ( purchasing order):

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

SPROMaterial ManagementPurchasingPurchase OrderSet Tolerance Limits for

Price Variance
Select ‘TlKy’s PE, SE for Company code ‘1000’
Copy as button
Change the Company Code to ‘LAP’
 Enter
Again change the Company Code to LAP
 Save

15. Plant Parameters

Up to Materials Management same path
Inventory Management and Physical InventoryPlant Parameters
Select Plant ‘1000’
Copy as button
Change the plant to ‘LAP1’
© Srinivasa

Select Plant ‘1000’

Copy as button
Change the plant to ‘LAP2’
Select Plant ‘1000’
Copy as button
Change the plant to ‘LAP3’
Repeat the process for plants LAP 5 and LAP7

16. Define Number Assignment for Material and Phys. Inv .Docs
(One time setting)
SPROMaterials ManagementInventory Management and Physical InventoryNumber
Assignment Define Number Assignment for Material and Phys. Inv .Docs
Maintain Groups button

√ Material documents for goods receipts

Interval menuMaintain
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Position the cursor on any interval

Edit menuInsert year
Year From number To number
2013 4500000000 4599999999
(Calendar year)
Back button
√ Material documents for goods movements and inventory diffs
Interval menuMaintain
Position the cursor on any interval
Edit menuInsert year
Year From number To number
2013 5000000000 5099999999
(Calendar year)
© Srinivasa


17. Set Tolerance Group (for GR):

Same path up to Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Goods ReceiptsSet Tolerance Limits
Select Tlky B1, B2, VP for company code ‘1000’
Copy as button
Change Company Code to ‘LAP’
Change Company Code to ‘LAP’

Change Company Code to ‘LAP’

18. Maintain Default Values for Tax codes:

Up to Material Management same path
Logistics Invoice VerificationIncoming InvoiceMaintain Default Values for tax codes
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

New Entries
Company Code : LAP

19. Set Tolerance Limits (for invoice verification):

Up to Logistic Invoice Verification same path
Invoice BlockSet Tolerance Limits
Select Tolerance Keys PP, PS & ST for company code ‘1000’
Copy as button
Change Company Code to ‘LAP’ (3times)
Enter (3 times)

20. Define Automatic status change:

Up to Logistics Invoice Verification same path
Invoice Verification in Back groundDefine Automatic Status change
New Entries
© Srinivasa

CoCd Set correct invoice to’’completed’’

LAP Blank


21. Group together Valuation areas:

Up to Materials Management same path
Valuation and Account AssignmentAccount DeterminationAccount Determination
Without WizardGroup Together Valuation Areas
Valuation area : LAP1
Valuation Area Val. Grpg code
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

22. Define Valuation Classes:

Same path next lineDefine Valuation Classes
Valuation Class button
Select Valuation Class 3000 ( ie Raw material1) ,7900 (ie Semi-finished products) and
7920 ( ie FinishedGoods)
Copy as button
Change Valuation Class 3000 to ‘LAP1’
Change Valuation Class 7900 to ‘LAP2’
Change valuation class 7920 to ‘LAP3’

2. FI Consultant’s Job
© Srinivasa

1. Changing GL account Inventory RM

Tcode: FS00
Select GL account 200700 (RM Inventory)
Change button
Create /Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G006 (Material Accounts)
√ Post automatically only
Enter to ignore the warning message
2. Creating GL accounts
Inventory FG :

Select 200700 (Inventory RM)

Copy button
GL account : 200702
Description : Inventory FG
Control Data tab
Tax category : Blank
√ Posting without tax allowed
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Enter to ignore the warning message

Inventory SemiFG :

Select 200702 (Inventory FG)

Copy button
GL account : 200701
Description : Inventory SemiFG
Enter to ignore the warning message

GR/INR account
Select 100800 Expenses payable account
Copy button
GL account : 100520
Description : GR/INR account’
© Srinivasa

Control data tab

Tax category : - (Minus)
√ Posting without tax allowed
Sort key : 010 (Purchase order No.)
(Make sure Open Item Management is on)
Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G045 Goods/Invoice Received clearing account

Freight Clrng account
Select G/L account 100520 (GR/INR account)
Copy button
GL account : 100521
Description : Freight Clrng account
Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G017 Freight/customs provisions/ clearing (MM)
RM Consumption Account
Select 400500 (Salaries)
Copy Button
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

GL account : 400599
Description : RM Consumption
Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G003 (Material Consumption Account)
Edit Cost Element button
Valid From : 01.04.2012
Cost Elem category : 1
SFG Consumption Account
Select 400599 RM Consumption
Copy Button
GL account : 400950
Description : SFG Consumption
© Srinivasa

Edit Cost Element button
Valid From : 01.04.2012
Cost Elem category : 1

Cost Of Goods Sold a/c

Select 400500 (Salaries)

Copy Button
GL account : 400204
Description : Cost Of Goods Sold a/c
Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G030 ie Change in stock accounts
Inc/Dec in stock account
Select 300510 (Sales account)
Copy Button
GL Account : 300204
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Description : Inc/Dec in stock

Control data tab
Tax category : Blank
√ Posting without tax allowed
Create/Bank/Interest tab
Field Status Group : G030 (Change in stock account)

3. Assignment of Accounts:
Tcode: OBYC
SPROMaterial ManagementValuation and Account AssignmentAccount
Determination Account Determination without wizardConfigure Automatic Posting
Cancel button
Account Assignment button
Double click on transaction ‘BSX’ (Inventory posting)
Chart of account : LACA
© Srinivasa

Valuation class √
 Save
Valuation class Account
LAP1 200700(Inventory RM)
LAP2 200701(Inventory SemiFG)
LAP3 200702(Inventory FG)


 Back button
Double click on Transaction ‘FR1’ (Freight clearing)
Valuation modif √
Valuation class √
Valuation modif Valuation Class Account
X LAP1 100521
Back button

Double click on Transaction ‘WRX’ (GR/IR clearing account)

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Valuation modif √
Valuation class √
Valuation modif Valuation Class Account
X LAP1 100520

Back button
Double Click on transaction ‘GBB’
General modification √
Valuation modif √
Valuation class √
Valuation modif General Modification Valuation Class Account
X VBR LAP1 400599
X VBR LAP2(SemiFG) 400950
X VAY LAP3 400204
© Srinivasa

X AUF LAP3 300204

X AUF LAP2 300204
X VAX LAP3 400204
X ZOF LAP3 300204
X ZOB LAP1 100520
Note: GL account 400599 is RM consumption a/c
300204 is Inc/Dec in stock and
400204 is Cost of Goods Sold a/c
100520 is GR/INR account
VBR : RM consumption
VNG : Material Scrapping
ZOB : GR w/o purchase order (movement type 501)
FG Reciept from Production
With Production Order Without Production Order
[PP implemented] [PP not implemented]

FG Delivery to customer
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Sales A/C as Revenue element Sales A/C not as a Revenue element
[CO Implemented) (CO not implemented)

4. Creating No. ranges for Document types WE WA RE

Tcode :OBA7
Double Click on document type ‘WA’
Note down the No range ‘49’
Back button
Doubl Click on document type ‘WE’
Note down the no range ‘50’
Back button
Double Click on document type ‘RE’
Note down the no range ‘51’
In the same screen ‘Number range information’ button
Company Code : LAP
© Srinivasa

Change Intervals button

Interval button
No Year From Number To Number
49 2012 4900000000 4999999999
Interval button
No Year From Number To Number
50 2012 5000000200 5099999999

Interval button
No Year From Number To Number
51 2012 5100000000 5199999999

3. MM End User
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Planned delivery costs Unplanned Delivery Costs

If you know the freight charges at the time of PO If you don’t know the freight charges at
creation, you can enter in PO. During the GR, the the time of PO creation, you can enter
freight charges will be posted to Freight clrng them during Inv Verification (MIRO)

Freight charges will be posted to Inventory

There are two options as how to post
unplanned delivery cost (This is a CoCd
During freight invoice verification they are level setting).
transferred to vendor account.
1. Freight charges can be distributed
among invoice items

2. Freight charges can be posted to

Expenses account

Planned delivery costs:

© Srinivasa

Scenario1 : Goods inv and Freight inv are from single vendor
Solution : Goods inv and Freight inv can be entered in one step
Scenario2 : Freight inv is from a different vendor
Solution : Goods inv and Freight inv have to be entered in separate steps
(We are following scenario 2 ie Transport vendor is separate from goods vendor)

1. Creation of RM master
TCode :MM01
SAP Easy AccessLogisticsMaterials ManagementMaterial MasterMaterialCreate
(General) Immediately MM01

Material : LAPRM
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material type : ROH Raw Material
Select View(s) button
Select views Basic data1, Purchasing , General Plant Data / Storage 1 , Accounting 1,
Costing1 and Costing2
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. location : LAP1
Basic Data1 tab:
Material : LAP RM (Steel)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Basic unit of measures : KG

Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
Net Weight : 1 KG
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Purchasing Tab
Purchasing Group : LPG
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP1
Price Control : V (Moving Average Price)
Moving Price : 200
Problem : Converting material master field status from mandatory to optional.

Solution: Keep the cursor in the field F1 buttonTechnical Information button( ) Note
down the Screen Field
Maintain Field selection for Data Screens (TCode :OMS9)
Field :
© Srinivasa

Click on the field name Select optional entry


Error : Valuation class LAP1 not allowed for material type Raw material (ROH)
Solution : TCode : OMSK

2. Creation of Vendor Masters

Tcode : XK01
Company Code : LAP
Purchase Organisation : LAPO
Account Group : LARM
Name : LAP RM vendor
Country : IN
Region : 01
Enter 4 times (or Next Screen button 4 times)
Recon. account : 100980 (Sundry creditors)
Sort Key : 012 (Vendor Number]
Cash Management Group : A1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Payt Terms : 0001

Tolerance Group : blank
Chk double inv √

3. Creation of Vendor Masters

Tcode : XK01
Company Code : LAP
Purchase Organisation : LAPO
Account Group : LARM
Name : LAP Transport vendor
Country : IN
Region : 01
Enter 4 times (or Next Screen button 4 times)
Recon. account : 100980 (Sundry creditors)
Sort Key : 012 (Vendor Number]
© Srinivasa

Cash Management Group : A1

Payt Terms : 0001
Tolerance Group : blank
Chk double inv √

4. Open Period for Current month

(Periodic activity)
Tcode : MMPV
Up to Material Master same path
OtherClose Period
From Company Code : LAP
To Company Code : LAP
Period : 5 (Current period)
Fiscal Year : 2012

Check and close period

Check the current period : TCode : MMRV
Intialize the closed period : TCode : MMPI can be used to open the period which is closed
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

by mistake. But this is to be done very carefully. Any postings done in the new period will
have impact if we reopen the previous period and post to it.
Before using MMPI, add parameter ID ‘MMPI_READ_NOTE ‘ in user profile (TCode SU3) .
Parameter value shloud be current date in yyyymmdd format.

5. Purchase Order Creation:

Tcode : ME21N
Up to Materials Management same path
PurchasingPurchase OrderCreateVendor/Supplying Plant Known
Org.Data tab
Purch. Org : LAPO
Purch. Group : LPG
Company Code : LAP

Item Material PO Deliv. Date Net Currency Plnt Stor.

Quantity Price Location
© Srinivasa

10 LAPRM 100 15.08.2012 200 INR LAP1 LAP1

Expand ‘Item Detail’ button
Conditions tab
Enter amount for condition type ‘FRB1’ as below
CnTy Name Amount
FRB1 Freight (Value) 45.00
Messages button to see any errors
Back button
Check button
Note down the purchase order No. 4500017175

6. Goods Receipt
Tcode :MIGO
Up to Material Management same path
Inventory ManagementGoods MovementGoods ReceivedFor Purchase OrderPO
Number Known
Purchase order : 4500017175
Where tab
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Storage Location : LAP1

Text : GR
Quantity tab
Qty in Delivery Note : 100 kg
√ Item OK
Check button (‘Document is 0K ‘ msg should come)
(Note down the material document no 600000030)

7. Displaying Material document

Tcode: MB03
Up to Inventory Management same path
Material DocumentDisplay
Material Document : 600000030
Material document year : 2012
Accounting Documents button
© Srinivasa

Dr. 89 Inventory RM 20,045.00

Cr. 96 GR/INR account 20,000.00
Cr 50 Freight clrng account 45.00

8. Invoice Verification for goods

Tcode : MIRO
Up to Material Management same path
Logistics Invoice VerificationDocument EntryEnter Invoice
Invoice date : Todays date
√ Calculate tax
Tax code : V1 4%Input tax
Text : Inv Verifcation
PO Reference Tab
Purchase order/Scheduling agreement 4500017175 Goods/service items
Select √ Booking OK for item 1
Copy the amount in Balance field (red signal)
Paste to Amount field (without –‘ve sign)
(Red signal should turn into green signal)
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Payment tab
Baseline date : Todays date
Payment term : 0001
Simulate button
Close the window
Invoice Document menu Display
Follow-On Documents button
LAP RMvendor 20,800.00
GR/INR clrng account 20,000.00
VAT Receivable 800.00

9. Inv Verification for Freight

Tcode: MIRO
Invoice date : Todays date
√ Calculate tax
© Srinivasa

Tax code : V0 0%Input tax

Text : Freight Inv verifcation
PO Reference Tab
Purchase order/Schedulin agreement 4500017175 Planned delivery costs
Select √ Booking OK for item 1
Details tab
Inv. Party : LAPTRVNDR

Enter to ignore the msg
Basic data tab
Copy the amount in Balance field (red signal)
Paste it to Amount field (without –‘ve sign)
(Red signal should turn into green signal)
Payment tab
Baseline date : Todays date
Payment term : 0001
Simulate button
Entry should look like the following
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Cr LAP TR vendor 45.00-

Dr Freight clrng account 45.00
Close the window

10. RM Consumption
Tcode : MB1A
Up to Materials Management same path
Inventory ManagementGoods MovementGoods Issue
Movement type : 201 (Consumption for CC)
Plant : LAP1
Storage location : LAP1
Cost Centre : 2000
Material : LAPRM
© Srinivasa

Qty : 25
(Document 500000350 generated)
Goods Issue menuDisplay
Material Doc : 100000350
Mat. Doc. Year : 2012
Accounting Documents button
Double click on Accounting document

Entry should be :
Cr. Inventory RM 5011.25-
Dr. RM Consumption 5011.25

11. Display Stock Ledger

Tcode : MMBE
up to Material Management same path
Inventory ManagementEnvironmentStockStock Overview
Material : LAPRM
Plant : LAP1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Storage location : LAP1


12. Display Stock for posting date

Tcode :MB5B
Same path
Material No. : LAPRM
Company Code : LAP
Plant : LAP1

… Valuated stock
© Srinivasa

8. SD Integration
1. SD consultant job
1. Define Sales Organisation:
SPROEnterprise StructureDefinitionSales and DistributionDefine, copy, delete,
check sales organization
Double click on Define Sales Organisation
New Entries
Sales Organisation : LANS
Description : LAP North sales org
Statistics currency : INR
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Enter to ignore the warning message
Name : LAP North sales org
Country : IN Region : 01
Create Request button
Short Description: SD configuration for LAP
Next Entry button
Sales Organisation : LASS
Description : LAP South sales org
Statistics currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning message
Name : LAP South sales org
Country : IN Region : 01
© Srinivasa


2. Define Distribution Channel:

Same path Next line
Define ,copy , delete ,check distribution channel .
Double click on Define distribution channel .
New Entries
Distr. Channel Name
LD Direct Sales


3. Define shipping points:

Up to Definition same path
Logistics Execution  Define, copy, delete, check shipping Point.
Double click on Define shipping point.
New Entries
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Shipping point : LASH

Description : LAP shipping point
Name : LAP Shipping point.
Country : IN Region : 01

4. Assign Sales Organisation to Company code:

SPROEnterprise StructureAssignmentSales and DistributionAssign Sales
Organisation to Company code
Sales Org : LANS
Sorg. CoCd
Sales Org : LASS
© Srinivasa

Sorg. CoCd


5. Assign Distribution channel to sales organisation:

Same path (next line)
Assign distribution channel to Sales Organisation.
New entries
SOrg. Dchl

6. Assign division to Sales Organization:

Same path next line
New Entries.
SOrg. Dv
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7. Set up sales area:

Same path next line
 New Entries
SOrg. DChl Dv
 Save

8. Assign sales organisation- distribution channel - Plant:

Same path
New Entries
SOrg. DChCust/Mt Plant
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9. Define Rules by Sales area:

Up to Sales and Distribution same path

Business Area Account AssignmentDefine Rules for Sales area
Sales Org. : LANS
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SOrg. Rule
LANS 001 (Bus Area determination from plant & division)
LASS 001 (Bus Area determination from plant & division)

10. Assign Business Area to Plant And Division

Same Path next line
New Entries
Plnt Dv BusA
© Srinivasa

11. Assign Shipping Point to Plant:

Up to Assignment same path
Logistics ExecutionAssign Shipping point to Plant
Find Button
Find : LAP1
Click on LAP1
Keep the cursor on LAP1
Assign Button

(Repat the process for all plants )

12. Assign Shipping Points:

SPROLogistics ExecutionShippingBasic Shipping FunctionsShipping point and
Goods receiving point DeterminationAssign shipping points
New Entries
SC LGrp Plnt PrShP MShPt
01 0003 LAP1 LASH LASH
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01 0003 LAP2 LASH LASH

01 0003 LAP3 LASH LASH
01 0003 LAP5 LASH LASH
01 0003 LAP7 LASH LASH

13. Use Sales Employee Without HR

We need to implement HR module to enter sales employee data in sales order and send to
COPA. If HR module is not implemented we can use sales employee without HR to enter
sales employee data . In this case HR tables are transported from client 000 to target client.
There must be 2 transport requests to transfer HR tables from client 000.

SPROSales and DistributionMasterDataBusiness Partners Use Sales Employee

Without HR
Note: Alternatively report RPUTRL00 can be executed to transport the required tables .

Create request button (Customizing)

Short Description : Sales employee without HR
© Srinivasa

Create request button (workbench)
Short Description : Sales employee without HR

14. Maintain Pricing Procedure:

SPROSales and DistributionBasic FunctionsPricingPricing controlDefine and
Assign Pricing Procedures
Double click on Maintain pricing procedures
Select Procedure ‘RVAA01’ ie Standard or ‘RVAACA’
Copy as button
Change Procedure with ‘LAPPP’
Change Description with ‘LAP Pricing Procedure’
Copy all button
Enter to ignore the Wrng Msg
Select Procedure ‘ LAPPP’
Double click on Control Data folder
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

For Condition types SKTV (step 914), MWST (step 915) deselect Required
For Condition types K007 (step 104) select Required
Make a note of AccKey for ‘CTyp’s PR00 , MWST and K007 (ERL MWS and ERS
(Make sure CTyp ‘VPRS’(step 940) is copied )
Enter to ignore the msg

15. Define Pricing Procedure Determination:

Same Path same lineDefine and Assign Pricing Procedure
Double click on Define Pricing Procedure Determination
New Entries
SOrg. DChl Dv DoPr CuPP PriPr CTyp
© Srinivasa


16. Define Tax Determination Rules:

Up to Basic Functions same path
TaxesDefine Determination Rules
New Entries
Tax Count. : IN
Seq : 1
Tax categ. : UTXJ
Continue (skip this step lab)

17. Set up Partner Determination:

Customer Partner role
Customer’sH Office Sold to party Sales to party
Payer HO will settle the bill
Customer’sPlant Ship to party Send goods to plant
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Customer’s Br office Bill to party Send bill to Br Office

Up to Basic Function same path

Partner DeterminationSet up Partner Determination
Double click on Set up Partner Determination for Customer Master
Double click on ‘Account Groups- Function assignment’ folder
New Entries
Partn. Funct. Name Account Grp
SP Sold to party LASD
SH Ship to Party LASD
BP Bill to Party LASD
Enter 4times to ignore the msg
Double click on ‘Partner Determination Procedures’ folder
New Entries
© Srinivasa

Part. Det .proc Name

Enter to ignore wrng msg
Select Partner Determination ‘LAPD’
Double click on ‘Partner Functions in Procedure’ folder
New Entries

Part.Det. Proc Partn.Funct. Not Modifiable Mandat.Funct
Double click on ‘Partner Determination Procedure Assignment’ folder
Account Group : LASD
Group ParPr
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18. Changing Schedule Line Category

Tcode : VOV6
Double cl ick on SLCa ‘DN’ ie Returns
Movement Type : 653 ie GD returns unrestr.

2. FI Consultants job

1. Changing GL account
Tcode :FS00
Select GL account ‘300510’ ie Sales
Change button
Create/Bank/Interest tab
© Srinivasa

Change the Field Status Group to ‘G029’ ie Revenue accounts


2. Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Posting:

SPROSales and DistributionBasic Functions Account Assignment/CostingRevenue
Account DeterminationAssign G/L accounts
Double Click on table 1
New Entries
App CndTy ChAc SOrg. AAG AAG ActKy GL A/C
V KOFI LACA LANS 01 03 ERL 300510
V KOFI LACA LANS 01 03 ERS 400491
V KOFI LACA LASS 01 03 ERL 300510
V KOFI LACA LASS 01 03 ERS 400491

3. SD End User
1. Creation of Customer
Tcode : XD01
Account Group : LASD (SD Customers)
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Customer : LAPSDCUST
Company Code : LAP
Sales Organisation : LANS
Distribution Channel : LD
Division : LS
Name : LAP SD customer
Country : IN
Region : 01
Company Code Data button
Recon. account : 200610 (Sundry Debtors)
Sort Key : 031 (Customer Number)
Payment transactions tab
Terms of payment : 0001
Sales Area Data button
Sales tab
Cust. pric. proc : 1
© Srinivasa

Shipping Tab
Delivery priority : 02 (normal)
Shipping condition : 01 (as soon as possible)
Delivering plant : LAP1
Billing Documents tab
√ Price determine.
Inco terms : EXW (customer will take care of goods from plant only)
Terms of payment : 0001
Acct assgmt group : 01

Tax classification : 1 (liable for tax) for UTXJ
1 for MWST

2. Creation of Material FG
Tcode : MM01
Material : LAPFG
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Finished products (FERT)
Select View(s) button
Select Basic Data1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 , Sales: Sales Org. Data2 ,
Sales: General/Plant Data , MRP 1 , Accounting 1 , Costing1 and Costing2
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Org. Levels button

Plant : LAP1
Stor. Location : LAP1
Sales Org. : LANS
Distr. Channel : LD
Description : LAP FG
Base Unit of Measure : EA
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
GenItemCatGroup : NORM
Sales: sales org .1 tab
Delivering plant : LAP1
Tax Data
Tax Classification: 1 for UTXJ
1 for MWST
Sales: sales org. 2 tab
Acct assignment grp : 03 ie Finished Goods
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Item category group : NORM

Sales: General/Plant tab
Gross Weight : 1
Net Weight : 1
Availability check : KP (no check)
Trans. Grp : 0003
Loading Grp : 0003 ie Manual
MRP 1 Tab
MRP type : ND ie No plan
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP3 (Finished Product)
Price control : S (std. price)
Standard price : 600

3. Creation of Condition records

Tcode : VK11
SAP Easy AccessLogisticsSales and Distribution  MasterData Conditions
Select Using Condition TypeCreate
Condition type : PR00
Key Combination button

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Material with release status

Sales Organization : LANS
Distribution Channel: LD
Material Amount Valid From Valid to
LAPFG 700 1.04.2011 31.03.2012
Back button
Condition type : K007
Key Combination button


Sales Organization : LANS
Distribution Channel : LD
Division : LS
Customer Amount Valid From Valid to
LAPSDCUST 1 1.04.2011 31.03.2012
© Srinivasa

Back button
Condition type : MWST
Key Combination button

Domestic taxes

Country : IN
TaxCl1Cust Tax cl. Mat Amount Valid From Valid to TaxCode
1 1 1.04.2011 31.03.2012 A1


4. Creation of Sales order

Tcode :VA01
Up to Sales and Distribution same path
Order type : OR
Sales Organization : LANS
Distribution Channel : LD
Division : LS
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Sold-to party : LAPSDCUST

PO Number : 567 (customer’s Purchase order no)
Goto menuHeaderPartners
Display Range : PARPE All employees
Partn.Funct Partner
SE or VE Sales employee 41013

Info :Sales employee can be maintained in customer master data partner functions . Parner
function entered in the sales order overwrites .

Back button
PO date : Todays date
Req. deliv. date : Todays date
Delivery plant : LAP1
√ Complete dlv
Payment Terms : 0001
Item Material Order Quantity Plant
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10 LAPFG 10 LAP1
Select item 10
GoTo menuItemConditions
Enter CnTy ‘MWST’ and Amount ‘5%’
CnTy Amount

Make a note of Discount amount ie 7 Rs

Make a note of profit margin 93 ( ie (700-7)-600)
Back button
Edit menuIncompletion log
Note down the order no

5. Production Receipts
Tcode :MB1C
Up to Logistics same pathMaterails ManagementInventory ManagementGoods
Movement Goods ReceiptsOthers
Document date : Todays date
Movement type : 521 (receipt w/o production order into unrestricted use stock)
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Plant : LAP1
Storage location : LAP1
Material Qty.

Text : GR from production
Enter to ignore the warning message
Note down the material document no. 100000360
Other Goods Receipt menuDisplay
Material document : 100000360
Mat. Doc year : 2012
Accounting Documents button
Double click on Accounting Document
© Srinivasa

Dr Inventory FG .90000.00
Cr To Inc/Dec. in stock 90000.00- (=150*600)

6. Delivery
Tcode : VL01N
Up to Logistics same path
Sales and DistributionSalesOrderSubsequent FunctionsOut bound Delivery
Shipping point : LASH

Selection date : Sales order date (automatically come)
Order : 12124 (sales order)
Actual GI date : Todays date
Picking tab
SLoc Picked qty.
LAP1 10

Post Goods Issue button

Note down the delivery document 80015213
Outbound Delivery menuDisplay
Outbound delivery : 80015213 (comes automatically)
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Document flow button
Select GD goods issue
Display document button
Accounting Documents button
Dr Cost of Goods Sold 6000.00
Cr Inventory FG 6000.00-

Error : Sales order stock xxx xxxx does not exist

Solution : Check for special stock indicator indelivery screen . It should be blank . If it is ‘E ‘
check the requirement type and account assignment category

7. Sales billing
Tcode: VF01
Same pathBilling Document
Select the Delivery document
Execute button
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Goto menu ItemItem Conditions

Enter CnTy ‘MWST’ and Amount ‘5%’
CnTy Amount
Back button
[Note down the billing document no)
Billing document menuDisplay
Billing document : xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Accounting button
Dr LAP SD Customer 7276.50
Cr Sales 7000.00-
Dr Discount 70.00
Cr VAT Payable 346.50

In case of error ‘Document xxxxxxxx saved (no accounting document generated)’ ,

for complete error analysis:
TCode: VF02
Billing document :
Billing document menu Release To Accounting
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Double click on the error msg

Error: Account 400491 requires an assignment to a CO object

Solution : Delete cost element 400491 temprorarily and create again in the next topic

8. Creating Cr Memo request

Tcode : VA01
SAPEasy AccessLogisticsSales and DistributionSalesOrderCreate
Order type : CR
Sales Organization : LANS
Distribution Channel : LD
Division : LS
Create with Reference button
Bill doc tab
Billing Document : XXXXXXXXXXX
Copy button
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Item overview tab

Billing block : Blank
Target quantity
Sales tab
Billing block : Blank
Order reason : Damaged in transit
Billing Date : Today’s date
Item detail tab

Billing block : Blank

Edit menu  Incompletion log


9. Posting Cr Memo
Tcode : VF01
Enter Cr memo request
Execute button
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Billing document menuDisplay

Billing document 90036292
Accounting button
Double click on Accounting document
Entry should be :
Cr LAP SD Customer 1455.30-
Dr To Sales 1400.00
Cr Discount given 14.00-
Dr VAT Payable 69.30

10. Sales Return Order (RE)

Tcode : VA01
Order Type : RE
Create with Reference button
Order tab
Order : xxxxx
Copy button
Sales Tab :
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Delivery block : Blank

Billing block : Blank
Order reason : Returns
Order Quantity
Select Item 10
Goto menu ItemConditions
Edit menuIncompletion log
11. Return Delivery (VL02n)
Tcode : VA02
Order : XXXX
Sales document menuDeliver
Actual GI date : Todays date
Picking Tab
Deliv .Qty SLoc
5 LAP1
Post goods Reciept button
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12. CR Memo with reference to Returns order

TCode : VF01
Select Return sales order Execute
Billing document menuDisplay
Billing document : xxxxxxxxxxx
 Accounting button
© Srinivasa

9. Profitability Analysis
In SAP we have two tools to analyse the Profitability
Profit Centre Accounting Profitability Analysis
To analyze the Profitability at organizational To analyze the Profitability at Profitability
units called Profit Centres. segments like Customer , Employee ,
Product etc
Profit centres can be structured according to
Plants, Branch offices, Products or Product

This is called Multidimensional Profitability

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Eg: Customer wise profit, Employee wise

profit ,Product wise profit
PCA uses Period accounting and Cost-of- PA uses Cost-of-sales accounting method
sales accounting

PA is of two types Costing-Based and Account-Based . Both types can be used

Costing-Based PA Account-Based PA
Costing-Based PA uses Value fields to group cost and Account-Based PA uses cost
revenue elements. and revenue elements
Reconcilation issues : Reconciliation between FI and No reconciliation issues
SD: Delivery updates COGS in FI immediately but not
COPA. Billing updates FI with revenue.
Billing : During billing COPA is updated with COGS and
Reconcilation issues happens when delivery is done in
one period and billing is done in a different period
COGS can be split in to cost components Cost component split is not
© Srinivasa

Variance analysis is possible Variance analysis not poosible

Tables are generated with operating concern Uses standard tables

1. Settings
1. Maintain Operating Concern
Operating Concern is the highest node in CO. ie It is above the Controlling Area.

Op Concern 1
Co Area 2

Info : In Operating Concern we define the PA reporting data structure . Operating concern
contains a list of Characteristics and Value fileds.
Characteristic is the level at which you see the report and Value field(only for costing
based CO-PA) is what figure you want to see in the report .
Eg: You want to see customer wise revenue /cost of sales/ profit. Here customer is the
characteristic and revenue /cost of sales/ profit are the value fields .
Path:SPROControllingProfitabilty AnalysisStructuresDefine Operating
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ConcernMaintain Operating Concern

Operating Concern : LAP1
Create button
Enter to Ignore the msg
Description : LAP Operating concern

√ Costing-based

√ Account-based

Attributes tab

Operating concern currency : USD

Company Code Currency √
Fiscal year variant : V3
Data Structure Tab
Create button
Select KMVTNR Sales employee and MATKL Material Group
Fixed Characteristics: In every opearing concern there are some fixed characteristics,
which are included into operating concern automatically.
© Srinivasa

Eg: Product ,Company code,Co-area, Sales order etc

Predefined Characteristics : Optionally we can include more characteristics . These are
predefined in the field catalogue and explicitly added to operating concern .
Eg : Sales employee , Material Group, Customer group etc
Customer –defined Characteristics :
We can also define our own characteristics in field catalogue . From there you can include
them in your operatining concern.

Left arrow button

Value fields Tab
Select VV010 Revenue,
VV030 Customer discount,
VV100 Outgoing Freight
VV130 Internal sales comm
VV150 Material Input,
VV250 Mat OH
VV400 Production costs
VV700 Sales Quantity
VV713 Advertising,
VVIQT Invoiced Quantity ,
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KWSGEK Other overhead

Info : Value fields are to be included in to the operating concern according to the requirement
from the field catalogue . Here we are including the above value fields.
A value field can be either an amount field or a quantity field. In the above value fields sales
quantity, invoiced quantity are quantity fields and others are amount fields.

Left arrow button

Activate button
Back button
Yes button to generate Operating Concern environment
(Status should turn into green))
Enter to ignore the Msg

2. Displaying Characteristic list

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Upto Define Operating Concern Same path

Maintain Characteristics
Display button
Extras menuFixed fields

3. Creating Charcteristics

4. Define Profitability Segment Characteristics(Segment-Lvl

Upto Structures same path

Define Profitability Segment Characteristics(Segment-Lvl Characteristics)
Operating concern : LAP1
Char Description CostBased+AcctBased
ARTNR Product
KNDNR Customer
KAUFN Sales Order
Info : Profitability segment is a unique combination of the above selected characteristics . ie
Only the characteristics selected for the above setting will be used in profitability segments.
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Eg :
ProdA / Customer 1 = Proft seg 1
ProdB / Customer 1 = Proft seg 2
ProdA / Customer 2 = Proft seg 3

5. Assign Co-Area to Operating Concern

SPROEnterprise StructureAssignmentControllingAssign controlling area to
operating concern
Position button
CO Area : LAP
Error : Controlling area and op. concern have different fiscal year variants
© Srinivasa

Solution : Make sure if Op Concern and CoArea have same FYV. If they are different
change the FYV in Op Concern , logoff, re-login and peroform the above step .

6. Define No ranges for Actual Postings

Path: SPROControllingProfitability Analysis Flows of Actual Values Initial Steps
Define Number Ranges for Actual Postings
Operating concern : LAP1
Maintain Groups button
Create button
Group : COPA docs LAP
From No To Number
9000000000 9999999999
Back button
Click on ‘F’
Element/Group button
Double click on ‘ COPA docs LAP’
Repeat the process for A, B, C
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Data is generated in PA when documents are posted in SD , FI or MM components. For Eg
when a billing document is generated in SD , a PA document is generated as well.

7. Activate Tranfer of Incoming Sales Orders

Up to Flows of Actual Values same path
 Transfer of Incoming Sales Orders Activate Transfer of Incoming Sales Orders
Position button
CO Area : LAP
LAP 1 ie Active with date of entry

© Srinivasa

8. Maintain Assignment of SD Conditions to CO-PA Value

Up to Flows of Actual Values same path
 Transfer of Billing Documents Assign Value Fields
Double click on Maintain Assignment of SD Conditions to CO-PA Value Fields
New Entries
CTyp Val.fld
PR00 VV010
K007 VV030

9. Assign Quantity Fields

Up to Flows of Actual Values same path
Transfer of Billing Documents Assign Quantity Fields
New Entries
SD qty field Name CO-PA qty field Name
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FKIMG Billed Quantity VVIQT Invoiced Quantity

KWMENG Order Quantity VV700 Sales quantity

10. Create Revenue element for GL account ‘Sales’

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 300510
Change button
Edit Cost element button
Valid From : 1.4.2011
CostElemCategory : 11 i.e. Revenue

11. Create Cost element for GL account ‘Discount given’

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 400491
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Change button
Edit Cost element button
Valid From : 1.4.2011
CostElemCategory : 12 i.e. Sales deduction

12. Create Cost element for GL account ‘COGS’

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 400204
Change button
Edit Cost element button
Valid From : 1.4.2011
CostElemCategory : 1

13. Creating GL account Advertising

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 400500 Salaries
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Copy button
GL account: 400707
Change the Description to ‘Advertising’
Edit Cost element button
Valid From : 1.4.2011
CostElemCategory : 1

14. Create Secondary Cost Element(Settlement)

Tcode : KA06
Cost Element : 1000000008
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
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Name : Promotion expenses

Description : Promotion expenses
CElem category : 21

15. Maintain allocation Structure :

SPROControllingInternal OrdersActual PostingsSettlementMaintain Allocation
Select Allocation Structure ‘A1’
Double click on Assignments folder

New Entries
Assignment Text
070 Advtising

Select Assignment ‘070’
Double click on Source folder

From cost el To cost elem

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Double click on Settlment cost elements folder
New Entries
Receiver cat By cost element settlement cost elem
PSG 100000008


16. Maintain PA Tranfer Structure

Same path
Maintain PA Transfer Structure
New Entries
Structure Text
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L1 IO --> PA tranfer
Select Structure ‘L1’
Double click on Assignment lines folder
New Entries
Assignment Text
Q1 All cost

Select Assignment ‘Q1’
Double Click on Source folder
Cost Element
From : 400707
Double click on Value fields folder
New Entries
Quantity/value Fixed/Variable Value fld
Value field 2 Variable VV713
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17. Maintain Settlement Profile

Same path
Maintain Settlment Profile
Double click on ‘Maintain Settlement Profiles’
 New Entries
Settlement profile : LAP2 IO-->COPA
Actual Costs/Costs of Sales
To Be Settled in Full
Default Values
Allocation structure : A1
PA transfer str. : L1
Default object type : PSG
© Srinivasa

Valid Recievers
Cost center : Settlement Optional
Profit. Segment : Settlement Optional
Other Parameters
Document type : SA : 999
Residence time : 3

18. Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents
(Skip this step already done in topic IO->CC settlement)
Same menu path
Maintain groups button
Create button
Group : Settlemnt DOcs LAP
From No To Number
070000000 0799999999
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Back button
Click on ‘LAP’
Assign elemnt group button
Double click on ‘Settlemnt Docs LAP’

19. Creation of internal Order Types

SPROControllingInternal ordersOrder Master DataDefine Order types
New Entries
Order category : 01 ie Internal Order (Controlling)
Order type : LAEV
Description : Events
Settlement prof : LAP2
Planning profile : 000001
Object class : Overhead cost
√ Release immediately
© Srinivasa

Assign/change interval button (next to Number range interval)

Yes button
√ Motor pool A-zzzzzzzz(external)
Not assigned
Double click on LAEV
Element/Group button

20. Activate Profitability Analysis
Up to Flows of Actual Values same path
 Activate Profitability Analysis
CO Area : LAP
COAr Name FromFY Op.concern Active status
LAP CO area for LAP 2012 LAP1 4

21. Create IO Adv Event

Tcode: KO01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Order type : LAEV

Description : Adverstsing Event
Company Code : LAP
Business area : LANZ
Control data Tab
Statistical order
Info:Select the check box to make it a statistical IO , else it will be a Real IO
 Settlement Rule button
Cat Settlement Reciever
Product : LAPFG
Cat Settlement Reciever % Settlemnt type
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22. Create No. Range intervals for Bus Transactions KOAO

Tcode : KANK
CO Area : LAP
Maintain Groups Button
√ No. Range for CO Document (LAP)
Double click on Business Transaction ‘KOAO’ ie Actual settlemnt,
Element/Group button

23. Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Direct posting

Up to Flows of Actual Values same path
Direct Posting from FI/MM Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Direct Postings
Select Structure ‘FI’ ie Financial Accounting --> CO-PA
Double click on Assignment lines folder
Controlling Area : LAP
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

 Select Assignment ‘10’ ie Direct costs from FI
Double click on Source folder
Cost Element
From : 400592 To :
Group :
Double click on Value fields folder
New Entries
Quantity/value Fixed/variable Value fld
Value field 3 VV100

Double click on Assignment lines folder

 Select Assignment ‘20’ ie Direct revenues from FI
Double click on ‘Source’ folder
Cost Element
From : 300510 To :
Double click on ‘Value fields’ folder
© Srinivasa

New Entries
Quantity/value Fixed/variable Value fld
Value field 1 VV010

Double click on Assignment lines folder

 Select Assignment ‘30’ ie Sales Deductions / Rebates
Double click on ‘Source’ folder
Cost Element
From : 400491 To :

Double click on ‘Value fields’ folder
New Entries
Quantity/value Fixed/variable Value fld
Value field 1 VV030

24. Transfer of old SD data to PA

We perform this activity in the following two scenarios
Scenario 1 : In the lab if we post SD documents before configuring PA.
Scenario 2 : In the live project if SD module has been implemented before implementing
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

PA. After implementing the PA we can generate the PA documents for old SD documents.
Scenario 3 : Can also be used for corrective posting of documents in COPA. Existing COPA
docs are reversed and new documents are generated
Path: SPROControllingProfitability AnalysisToolsProduction Start upSubsequent
Posting of Documents Post Billing Documents Subsequently
TCode : KE4S
Billing Type : F2 ,G2
Company Code : LAP
√ Test run
√ Create log
Check for existing records
Back button
Test run
Error : Document with unauthorized business transaction “SD00”
Solution : Activate profitability analysis
© Srinivasa

2. SD End User
1. Creating Sales order
Tcode: VA01
Create a Sales order for Material LAPFG
Qty : 50

2. Delivery of goods to customer

Tcode : VL01N
Post goods issue for the above sales order
Picked Qty : 50

3. Billing document
Tcode : VF01
Post a billing document for above Delivery document

4. Display Billing document

Tcode : VF03
Billing document : 90036262
Accounting button
Double click on Profitab. Analysis
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Value fields Tab

Make a note of Value fields Cash discount, Cost of goods sold, Revenue
Invoiced quantity 50 EA
Cash discount : 350.00
Cost of goods sold : 30,000.00
Revenue : 35,000.00

3. FI Enduser
1. Posting transaction in FI
Posting cash sales :
Tcode : F-02

Dr LANZ 0000200691 Cash 18.000,00

Cr LANZ 0000300510 Sales 18.000,00-

In the second Item

Profit ,segment button
© Srinivasa

Plant : LAP1
Sales Org. : LANS
Division : LS
Continue button

2. Posting Advertising expenses in IO

Tcode :F-02
PstKy : 40 Account : 400707
Amount : 18000
Cost centre : Order : ADVEVNT_LAP
Text : Advertising expenses
PstKy : 50 Account : 200691
Amount : *
Business area : LANZ
Text : +
Document MenuSimulate
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

4. CO End User
1. IO Settlement
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingInternal OrdersPeriod End ClosingSingle
FunctionsSettlementIndividual Processing
Tcode : KO88
Settlement period : 6
Fiscal Year : 201
Processing type : Full Settlement
√ Test Run
√ Check trans. Data
Details list button
Back button two times
© Srinivasa

Test Run

2. Set Operating Concern

Tcode : KEBC
SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProfitability AnalysisEnvironmentSet
Operating Concern

Operating concern : LAP1

3. Display COPA Line items:

Upto Profitability Analysis Same path
Actual PostingsDipaly Line Items
Tcode :KE24
Currency type : 10
Company code : LAP
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4. Set Operating Concern

Tcode : KEBC
SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProfitability AnalysisEnvironmentSet
Operating Concern
Operating concern : LAP1

5. Display COPA Line items:

Upto Profitability Analysis Same path
Actual PostingsDipaly Line Items
Tcode :KE24
Company code : LAP
Error :No line items exist for these selection criteria
Solution : Set controlling area
© Srinivasa

6. Checking the flow of Billing Documents

SAP Easy AccessAccountsControllingProfitability AnalysisToolsAnalyze Value
Flows Check Value Flow in Billing Document Transfer
Tcode: KEAT
Company Code : LAP
Currency type : 10
Sales Organization : LANS
√ Display FI values

7. Displaying COPA tables(Costing Based)

When we a create an operating concern a set of tables are created . The name of
COPA tables start with ‘CE’ .
For eg : CE1XXXX - Actual line items
CE2XXXX - Planned line items
CE3XXXX – Segment level totals/Period
CE4XXXX- Segment definition
where XXXX stands for your Operating concern name.

8. Displaying COPA tables(Account Based)

COEP – CO Object: Line Items (by Period)
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CE4XXXX_ACCT - Segment definition

(Field PAOBJNR - Prof segment is the link between the two tables)
© Srinivasa

10. COPA Characteristic Derivation-1
Requirement : Sales employee need to be transferred to COPA-Value field KMVTNR from
sales order.

1. Define Characteristic Derivation


SPROControllingProfitability AnalysisMater Data Define Characteristic Derivation

Display < -> Change button ( ) (If you are in display mode)

Create Step button( )

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Table lookup


Enter table name : VBPA


Step Description : Derivation Sale employee

Definition tab

Source Fields for table lookup

Origin Name Name Assigment Origin Fiel Name Details Name

VBPA VBELN Sales and = CO-PA KAUFN Sales

Distribution Order
Document Number

VBPA POSNR Item = CO-PA KDPOS Constant 00000

number of : 00000
© Srinivasa

the SD


Function : VE

Assignment of Table Fields to Target Fields

Origi Field Detai Name Assignmen Origi Field Detai Name
n name l t n name l

VBPA PERN Personne = CO- KMVTN Sales

R l Number PA R employe

 Save

Back button

Test button ( )

Sales Order : xxxxx

Derivation button ( )

(Sales employee should be derivated )

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Analyze derivation button ( )

Double click on derivation rule ‘Derivation Sales Employee‘

Back button
© Srinivasa

11. COPA-Valuation Overview
Valuation is used to calculate/extract extra information which is not available at the time of
data transfer to CO-PA .

Eg : Sale deduction like commission, cash rebates which are not available in the invoice can
be calculated

Cost of sales can be extracted using standard cost estimates from Product cost planning
component or actual cost from Actual costing / ML component.

Special direct costs like transporting ,packaging can be calculated

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Data transfer to CO-PA without valuation function :

Information available based on SDCOPA mapping()

Product COGS Discount Revnue ?

Prod A 2700 100 3600

Prod B 3000 150 4000

© Srinivasa

Contbution margin(Gross profit) = 7600-(5700+250)= 1550

Profit from prod A = 3600-(2700+100) = 800

1. Valuation using Conditions

Condition technique can be used to calculate sales deductions like commsion, Cash
deductions, rebates which are unknown at the time of invoice generation. And also to
determine direct costs such as frieght, packaging or insurance which are not known at the
time of billing.

Requirment 1 : Calculate Sales Commsion, Freght charges

Solution : We can valuate Sales commission and freight in COPA using Condition tequniue

(We are going to configure this scenario in a dedicated topic ‘CO-PA Valuation-1’)

Sales commsion = 2% revenue

Freight = 5 Rs /Kg

Product COGS Discount Revnue Quantity Antcipated Anticipated

Sales Freght

Prod A 2700 100 3600 10 72 50

Prod B 3000 150 4000 5 80 25

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

2. Valuation using Mat. Cost Estimates

To update Cost of sales with latest material cost estimate.

Requirement 2 : Component wise analysis for COGS

COGS is to be split into components like Mat cost, Mat OH ,Prod cost etc

Solution = Valuation with Mat cost estimate

(We are going to configure this scenario in a dedicated topic ‘CO-PA Valuation-2’)

Extra mapping to be done as shown in the following image

Image : Mapping Cost component structure-COPA value fields

© Srinivasa

Product COGS Discount Revnue Quantity Sales Freght RM RM Prod Cost

commison cost OH

Prod A 2700 100 360 10 72 50 1500 150 1050

Prod B 3000 150 400 5 80 25 2000 200 800

3. COPA Periodic valuation

Requirement3 : Revaluated prices should reflect in COPA at month end

Month end revaluation of stock using new standard price

During the month :

Standard price prod A = 270.00 Rs

Reciept of FG to inventory from Prod :

Posting to inv a/c = 270X50 = 13,500.00

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Delivery to customer :

Posting to inv a/c = 270X10 = - 2700.00.00

Current inventory = 40X270 = 10800.00

At month end

New standard price = 280.00 Rs

Revalution of stock with new standard price :

40X280 = 11200.00

Amount to be posted to Loss/gain from revaluation a/c = 400.00 Rs

Solution : Periodic Revaluation

(We are going to configure this scenario in a dedicated topic ‘CO-PA Valuation-3’)

For prod A the defference is posted as a delta item as shown in the 3rd row

Product COGS Discount Revnue Quantity Sales Freght RM RM Prod Cost

commison cost OH
© Srinivasa

Prod A 2700 100 3600 10 7.2 50 1500 150 1050

Prod B 3000 150 4000 5 8 25 2000 200 800

Prod A 100 50 20 30

1. CO-PA Valuation-1

(In this Chapter we configure Valution using condtions)

Valuation using conditions : We use costing sheet and condition technique to calculate
anticipated freight charges based on the sale-quantity , anticipated commission based on
the revenue.

1. Settings
1. Create Condition Types and Costing Sheets
SPROControllingProfitability AnalysisMaster Data ValuationSet UP Conditions
and Costing SheetsCreate Condition Types and Costing Sheets
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Select ACT001 under pricing procedures

Copy button

Pricing procedure : LAP1 Antcptd: Commisions, Freight.. (LAP)



2. Define and Assign Valuation Strategy:

Upto Valuation same path

Valuation Valuation StrategiesDefine and Assign Valuation Strategy

Operating concern : LAP1


Select Val.strat ‘001’ Online Valuation Actual

Double click on Details folder

© Srinivasa

New Entries

sequence Appl Costg sheet Mat.cstg Qty.field


Double click on Assignment of Valuation strategy folder

New Entries

PV Rec. Plan ver Val .strat Name

01 F 001

3. Assign Value Fields

Upto Valuation same path

Set UP Conditions and Costing SheetsAssign Value Fields

Assign Value Fields

New Entries

CTyp Name Value fld Description

COGS Cost Price: CO-PA VV140 Cost of goods sold

DISC Customer discount VV030 Customer discount

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

PROV Int.Sales Commission VV130 Internal sales Comm.

REVN Revenue VV010 Revenue



4. Valuation Analysis
Upto Profitability Analysis same path

ToolsAnalysisCheck Customazing Settings

TCode : KECM

Select ‘Overview of Valuation’ under Analysis Options folder

Point of valuation : 01 Realtime valuation of actual data

√ Billing Document


The following image explains how values flow between CO-PA value fields and costing sheet
© Srinivasa

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2. Enduser :
1. Maintain condition record:

SAP Easy AccessAccountsControllingProfitability AnalysisMaster DataCondition


TCode : KE41

Condition type : PROV


Access to Sales organization


Sales Org Amount Valid From Valid to

LANS 3 1.4.2012 31.3.2013

© Srinivasa


2. Creating Sales order

Tcode: VA01
Create a Sales order for Material LAPFG
Qty : 30
Goto menuItemPartners Enter Sales employee

3. Delivery of goods to customer

Tcode : VL01N
Post goods issue for the above sales order
Picked Qty : 30

4. Billing document
Tcode : VF01
Post a billing document for above Delivery document

5. Display Billing document

Tcode : VF03
Billing document : XXXXXXx
Accounting button
Double click on Profitab. Analysis
Value fields Tab
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Value fields ‘Interanl sales comm’ should be filled with value

6. Valuation Simulation
SPROControllingProfitability AnalysisToolsAnalysisValuation Simulation

TCode : KE21S

Posting date : 27.11.2013 Record Type : F

Pt.of valuation : 01 Version : Blank

Legal View


Characterstics tab

Company Code : LAP

Sales Org. : LANS

Value fields tab

Revenue : 3000 (or any amount)

© Srinivasa

Valuation button( )
( Calculated Internal sales Comm. should be 90.00 per a revenue of 3000.00 )

© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

2. Characteristic Derivation
3. CO-PA Manual Line Item Entry
We can manually post entries in CO-PA in rare cases. If these postings are made without a
corresponding FI entry, then this can lead to a FI & CO-PA reconciliation issue. It should be
used in rare care cases like when it is too late to go back to the source module to make the
posting (e.g. when the period closing for that module has been carried out.)

TCode : KE21N

SAP Easy AccessAccountsControllingProfitability AnalysisActual PostingsCreate

Line items
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© Srinivasa

4. Top-Down Distribution of Actual Data
In CO-PA value fields like revenue , sales deductions and COGM are posted to detailed
level characteristics like Product/customer . Some transactions like freight charges,
insurance cost can not be attributed directly to detailed levels like product/customer . So
they are posted summarily to higher levels like division ,sale organization etc.
The ‘Top-Down Distribution’ function can be used periodically to distribute the data from
higher summerised levels to lower detailed levels.
Scenario : There are two products under one material group. When posting in FI, Freight
charges are transferred to material group in CO-PA . For the sake of analysis , product level
freight charges are to be calculated. ‘Invoiced quantity’ is the basis for distribution.

1. Settings
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1. Maintain Characteristic Groups

SPROControllingProfitability Analysis Flows of Actual Values
Initial StepsCharacteristic GroupsMaintain Characteristic Groups
Operating concern : LAP1
New Entries
Characteristic group Text
LAP1 Freight Charges posting
Select Characteristic group ‘LAP1’
Double click on Characteristics folder
New Entries

Row number Field Name Field Description Entry Status

1 KNDNR Customer Field ready for input
2 ARTNR Product Field ready for input
© Srinivasa

3 WERKS Plant Required entry

4 VKORG Sales Org. Required entry
5 VTWEG Distr. Channel Required entry
6 SPART Division Required entry
7 MATKL Material Group Field ready for input
8 KOKRS CO Area Field not ready for input


2. Assign Characteristic Groups for Assignment Screen

Same Path
New Entries
BusTran Name Name Entry aid
RFBU FI: Postings LAP1 Freight charges posting

Click on the button in the Entry aid column

Plant : LAP1
Sales Org. : LANS
Distr. Channel : LD
Division : LS

 ‘Save new entry aid’ button ( )

Name : Mat Group
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2. Enduser
1. Creation of Material FG(LAPFG9)
Tcode : MM01
Material : LAPFG9
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Finished products
Select View(s) button
Select Basic Data1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 , Sales: Sales Org. Data2 ,
Sales: General/Plant Data , MRP 1 , and Accounting 1
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. Location : LAP1
Sales Org. : LANS
Distr. Channel : LD
© Srinivasa

Description : LAP FG9
Base Unit of Measure : EA
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
GenItemCatGroup : NORM
Sales: sales org .1 tab
Delivering plant : LAP1
Tax Data
Tax Classification: 1 for UTXJ
1 for MWST
Sales: sales org. 2 tab
Acct assignment grp : 03 ie Finished Goods
Item category group : NORM
Sales: General/Plant tab
Gross Weight : 1
Net Weight : 1
Availability check : KP (no check)
Trans. Grp : 0003
Loading Grp : 0003 ie Manual
MRP 1 Tab
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MRP type : ND ie No plan

Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP3 (Finished Product)
Price control : S (std. price)
Standard price : 900

2. Create Condition Record

TCode : VK11
Condition type : PR00
Key Combination button

Material with release status

Sales Organization : LANS
Distribution Channel: LD
Material Amount Valid From Valid to
© Srinivasa

LAPFG9 1200 1.04.2011 31.03.2012


3. Sales Order
TCode : VA01
Material Order quantity

4. GRfrom Production
Tcode :MB1C
Up to Logistics same pathMaterails ManagementInventory ManagementGoods
Movement Goods ReceiptsOthers
Document date : Todays date
Movement type : 521 (receipt w/o production order into unrestricted use stock)
Plant : LAP1
Storage location : LAP1
Material Qty.

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Text : GR from production

Enter to ignore the warning message

5. Delivery
TCode : VL01N

6. Billing
TCode :VF01

7. Posting Freight charges in FI

Tcode : F-02
PstKy : 40 Account : 400592 Freight Charges
Amount : 9000
Cost Centre : 1001
Text : Freight charges payment
© Srinivasa

’Enter account assignment’ button( ) next to Profit.Segment

Double click on ‘Mat Group’ under Central entry aids
Material Group : LAPM
(Plant , Sales Org. Distr. Channel, Division, filled automatically)
Pst Ky : 50 Account : 200691
Amount : *
Text : +
Document menu Simulate

8. Display Actual line items

TCode : KE24

9. Top-Down Distribution
SAP Easy Access  AccountingControlling  Profitability Analysis  Actual Postings 
Period-End Closing Periodic Adjustments Top-Down Distribution
TCode :KE28
Operating concern : LAP1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Actual Data
From Period : 8.2013 to 8.2013
Record Type : B Dir.posting from FI
All Valuation Views

Reference Data
From Period : 8.2013 to 8.2013
Version : Actual data
Record Type : F
Cumulative Periods
Cumulate Record Type

Reference base
Single Val. Fld
Value Field : Invoiced quantity
√ Test run
© Srinivasa

Selction Criteria button

Product : *

Material Group : LAPM

(All remaining charceristics value = *)

Processing Instructions button

Characteristic Distibution Lvl Copy Value Summarize Value

Sales Order
Company Code
CO Area
Business Area
Sales Org.
Distr. Channel
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Profit Center
Sales employee
Material Group
Unit Sales qty
Unit Inv. qty

Value fields button

Deselct all button

√ Outgoing freight

( Other value fields should be deselected)

Save button(to save the variant)

Variant : LAP1_testmode



Messages tab
© Srinivasa

(Msg for successful distribution : Editing has been completed successfully)

Result tab

Click in ‘Receivers’ column (It should display number of receivers)

(Inv.qty is the basis for distribution of freight charges )

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Back button

Test run

(Enter all other input parameters as before)

Save button(to save the variant)

Variant : LAP1_updatemode


Back button


10. Display Actual Line items

TCode : KE24
© Srinivasa

(A new COPA document with 3 items is generated)

11. History
Same path

TCode : KE28L

Operating concern : LAP1



Variant : LAP1_updatemode


√ Test Run √ Update Run √ Cancelled

√ Successful √ with Warnings √ Errors Found


Expand subtree button( )

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Line Items button ( )

© Srinivasa

5. Profit Centre Accounting
EC-PCA(Enterprise control PC CO-PA(Profitablity Analysis )
is used to analyse profits at PA is multidimensional
organizational levels Used to analyse profits in multiple dimensions
like customer, Products, Sales org
Sales employee etc

1. Set controlling area:

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Path: SPROControllingProfit Center AccountingBasic SettingsSet Controlling area

T Code : OKKS
Controlling area : LAP

2. Maintain Controlling Area Settings:

Same path up to Basic settingsControlling Area SettingsMaintain Controlling area
Standard Hierarchy : STD_HIER
Elim. of Int. Business vol. √
PCtr Local Currency Type : 20 (CoArea currency)
Control indicators

From Yr. Active Indicator

2012 √

© Srinivasa

3. Create Dummy profit centre:

Up to Profit Center accounting same path
Master DataProfit CentreCreate Dummy Profit Centre
Double click on ‘EC-PCA:Create Dummy Profit Center’
Dummy Profit Center : LAP_DUMMY
Basic Data button
Name : Dummy PC for LAP
Description : Dummy PC for LAP
Porfit Center Group : STD_HIER

Enter to ignore the warning message

4. Set Control Parameter for Actual Data:

Up to Profit Center Accounting same pathBasic settings Controlling area Settings
Activate Direct postingsSet Controls Parameters for Actual Data
New entries
From year Line items Online transfer
2012 √ √

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

5. Maintain Plan Versions

Same path up to Activate Direct postings
Plan VersionsMaintain Plan Versions
Select version ‘0’ ie Plan/actual version
DoubleClick on ‘Settings for Profit Center Accounting’ folder
New Entries
Year Online Transfer Line items ExRate Type
2012 √ √ M

 Continue

6. Define Number Ranges for Local Documents:

Up to Prfit Center Accounting same path
Actual PostingsBasic Settings: ActualDefine Number Ranges for Local Documents
Maintain Groups button.
√ Act document from direct posting with GB01
Interval menuMaintain
© Srinivasa

Company code : LAP

Insert interval button
Year From Number To Number
2012 0100000000 0199999999
 Back button
√ Planned doc. from direct posting with GB01
Interval MenuMaintain
Company Code : LAP
Interval Button
Year From number To number
2012 0700000000 0799999999


7. Creating Profit Centres

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Tcode : KE51
SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingProfitCenterAccountingMasterData
Profit Centre : 1001
Analysis Period 01.04.2012
Name : Hyd plant
Long text : Hyd Plant
Person responsible : Mr. T
Profit centre group : STD_HIER
Enter to ignore the warning message
Enter to confirm the message
Activate button

Profit centre : 1002

© Srinivasa

Name : Mum plant

Long text : Mum plant
Person Responsible : MR. M
Profit Centre group : STD_HIER

8. Assign Profit Center in CostCenter :
Tcode : KS02
Cost Centre : 1001
Profit Centre : 1001
Yes button to ignore the warning message
Enter to ignore the warning message
Repeat the same procedure for CCs 1002 and 1003

Error : Changing profit center from to xxxx is not permitted

Solution : Change error msg to warning msg
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Double click on the error msg

Note down the msg no (here it is FAGL_ORG_UNITS011 )
Path : Up to Prfit Center Accounting same path
ToolsChange Message control
Application Area : FAGL_ORG_UNITS
New Entries
MsgNo User Name Online Batchl
011 W E

9. Create Sales Account As Revenue Element:

Tcode : FS00
Select GL account 300510 (Sales)
Change buttonEdit cost element button
© Srinivasa

Valid From : 1.4.2012

Cost Elem category : 11 ie Revenue
(Already done in PA)

10. Maintain Automatic Account Assignment Revenue element:

SPROControllingProfitCenter Accounting Actual PostingsMaintain Automatic
Account Assignment of Revenue Element
New Entries
CoCd Cost Elem. Profit Ctr Acct assignment detail
LAP 300510 1001 2 Business Area is mandatory

Select Company code LAP with CostElement ‘300510’
Double click Details per business area/Valuation area
New Entries
ValA Business Area Cost Center Profit Center
Blank LANZ 1001
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1. End User
1. Posting of Salaries
Tcode : F-02
PstKy : 40 Account : 400500
Amount : 36000
Cost Centre : 1001
Text : Salaries payment
Pst Ky : 50 Account : 200792
Amount : *
Text : +
Document menu Simulate
© Srinivasa

2. Posting Sales Invoice

Tcode : F-22
Psky : 01 Account : LAPGNCUST
Amount : 43000
Business area : LANZ
Text : Sales invoice
Psky : 50 Account : 300510
Amount : *
Text : +
Profitability segment button
Profit Center : 1001
Document menu Simulate

3. Transfer of values from one ProfitCenter To another

Tcode: 9KE0
Up to ProfitCenter Accounting same path
Actual PostingsProfitCenter DocumentEnter
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Layout : 8A-001
Document type : A0
Company code : LAP
Entry Screen button
Profit center Account number In pctr local curr
1001 400500 -9000
1002 400500 9000


4. Display Profit Centre Report:

Up to Profit Accounting same path
Information systemReports for ProfitCenter AccountingLine item Reports
 ProfitCenter :Actual Line items
Tcode : KE5Z
Record type : 0
Co Area : LAP
© Srinivasa

Company Code : LAP

Posting Period : 5
Fiscal Year : 2012
Account :
Profit Center : 1001

© Srinivasa Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

6. Product Cost Planning
Moving Average Price/Standard price
Moving Average Price Standard Price

Price is updated on every goods receipt and Price is fixed for at least over a period.
invoice reciept. We calculte the std price periodically.
Varaince is calculated and posted to
variance accounts .
Variance arises rarely (for example GR price is
different and enough stock is not available to
Generally used for FG , Semi FG
Generally used for RM
Std price can be calculated with either
product cost planning or Actual costing
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

The following types of cost estimates can be created in the Product Cost Planning
component :
1 . Cost Estimate for Base planning object (Reference and Simualtion Costing)
2. Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
3 . Cost Estimate with out Quantity Structure

Costing Sequence
Type of Reference and Cost Estimate without Cost Estimate with
Cost Simualtion Costing Quantity Structure Quantity Structure
Estimate  

Time New product proposal / First Prototype/ Production stage /

Stage Master data for the Material master data is Complete MM and PP
material that is being available / PP master master data is availble
costed is not available data not available
(Eg : BOM and routing
data not available

© Srinivasa

Cost Unit Cost Estimate Unit Cost Estimate Automatic Cost
estimate Estimate and Unit Cost
type Estimate(only for
Additive cost)

Qnantity BOM : Quantity of components required to manufacture one unit of a
structure product
Routing : Quantity of activity type required to manufacture a product

Automatic vs Unit Cost Estimate

Automatic Cost Estimate Unit Cost Estimates(Manual entry of
cost items)

Cost Esimate is created automatically Unit Cost Estimate is prepared manually for various
based on the PP quantity Structure . cost items or by copying from other cost objects.
BOM (Bill of Material provides Eg: Unit Costing is used for
planned qty of RM)
1. Materials without quantity structure
Routing( Priovides number of Activity
2. Materials with quantity structure to enter
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

uints required )
additive costs
3. Base Planning objects

Cost Component Split

We can generate one or two types of the following cost component splits.
1. Cost of goods manufactured
2. Primary cost component split
© Srinivasa

We specify one of the cost component splits as the Main cost component split and one
as the Auxiliary cost component split.
Main CCS and Auxiliary Aux CCS can be specified at the combination of company code ,
plant and costing variant level as in the following screen shot

Main Cost Copmonent Split is used for updating the standard price in the material master.
An Itemization is avialble for only Main cost component split.
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Auxiliary cost component split is used for comparision purpose.

1. Reference and Simualtion Costing

Reference and Simualtion Costing is used to create a cost estimate for a newly propsed
product/service for which no master data is available.

Scenario : A cost estimate is to be created for a product(LAPFG1) which is to be

manufactured in house . In the production process various components are used and
activities(internal and external ) are performed . .
The components/subcomponents materials are given in the following table.
Component Material type Procurement Valuation
LAPRM1 Raw Material External purchase from two Price from purchase
different vendors(Procurement info record
LAPRM2 Raw Material External purchase Price from material
master record
© Srinivasa

LAPSFG1 Semifinished In-house production in the same To be costed

product plant with two production versions

LAPSFG2 Semifinished In-house production/Different plant Existing costing data

product from supplying plant is
(Special Procurement)
to be used
LAPPM Packing External purchase Price from material
material master

Solution : We create a baseplanning objects for each of the two semifinished products .For
these two base planning objects we create single level unit cost estimates. The costing
items are to be entered manually in the list screen/detail screen of unit costing .
Then we perform multilevel unit costing We can create a worklist which facilitates access to
frequently used data.

The activity details are given in the following table

Activity Internal or Valuation
external ?
Machine Internal Calculating planned cost using planned price recorded
hour in cost centers
Assembling Internal Activity price is set manually
Processing Internal Activity price is set manually
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Packing External Price from purchase info record

The following table contains the preliminary information of the components and
subcomponents involved.

Material Components Qantity Units


The following table contains the preliminary information of the activities that are to be
Material Activity Internal/External Plant CCtr Activity Unit Activity
units price cost
© Srinivasa

LAPSFG1 Machine hour Internal LAP1 1001 10 5 50

LAPSFG2 Processing Internal LAP2 2001 5 7 35
Packing External 1002 1 10 10
Assembling Internal LAP1 1002 1 25 25

Material Material type Base planning object name Unit Cost estimate type

LAPFG1 Finished product LAPFG1_BPO Multilevel
LAPRM1 Raw Material
LAPRM2 Raw Material
LAPSFG1 Semifinished product LAPSFG1_BPO Single level
LAPSFG2 Semifinished product LAPSFG2_BPO Single level
LAPPM Packing material

1. CO Settings
1. Creating Secondary Cost Elements
TCode : KA06
Extras menu  Set Controlling area
Controlling Area : LAP
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Cost element : 1000000001
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : RM OH
Description : RM OH
CostElem Category : 41 (OH rate)

Cost element : 1000000002

Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : Activity Allocation
Description : Activity Allocation
CostElem Category : 43 (Internal Activity Allocation)

Indicators tab
© Srinivasa

√ Record qty
Unit of Measure : H Hour
Note : Record qty is very important setting. This can not be changed in the fiscal year if
already data is posted . This can only be changed in a new fiscal year before any data is
posted .

Cost element : 1000000003
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Name : Prod OH
Description : Prod OH
CostElem Category : 41 (OH rate)

2. Creating Activity Types Machine Hour/ Packing/

Asssembling/ Processing
SAP Easy Access Accounting  Controlling  Cost Center Accounting Master Data 
Activity type Individual Processing Create
Tcode: KL01
Activity Type : MCH
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Name : Machine Hours
Description : Machine Hours
Activity Unit : H
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
ATyp Category : 1 (Manual Entry & Manual Allocation)
Allocation Cost Element : 1000000002
Price indicator : 1 Plan price, automatically based on activity
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

Activity Type : PCKG

Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999
Master Data button
Name : Packing
Description : Packing
Activity Unit : UN Unit
© Srinivasa

CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)

ATyp Category : 1 (Manual Entry & Manual Allocation)
Allocation Cost Element : 1000000002
Price indicator : 1 Plan price, automatically based on activity
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

Activity Type : ASMB

Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999

Master Data button
Name : Assembling
Description : Assembling
Activity Unit : UN Unit
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
ATyp Category : 1 (Manual Entry & Manual Allocation)
Allocation Cost Element : 1000000002
Price indicator : 1 Plan price, automatically based on activity
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

Activity Type : PRCS

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Valid From : 1.4.2011 to 31.12.9999

Master Data button
Name : Processing hrs
Description : Processing hours
Activity Unit : H Hours
CCtr categories : * (All Cost Centre Categories)
ATyp Category : 1 (Manual Entry & Manual Allocation)
Allocation Cost Element : 1000000002
Price indicator : 1 Plan price, automatically based on activity
Act. price indicator : 5 Actual price, automatically based on activity

3. Creating Origin group

(Org groups are important for Variance analysis)
SPROControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost PlanningBasic Settings for
Material CostingDefine Origin Groups
Origin type From : 02
© Srinivasa

To : 02
Controlling Area : LAP
New Entries

Name Origin group

Org grp 1 RM1 LAP1
Org grp 2 RM2 LAP2
Org grp 3 SFG1 LAP3

Org grp 4 SFG2 LAP4

4. Creating GL account/Cost element Packing Charges

Field status group : G033 Cost accounts for external services

2. MM Enduser
1. Creating Material master LAPRM1 in plant LAP1

Error : Tables TCURM and T001W inconsistent

Reason : This problem arises when a plant is created by copying another plant. Plant
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

assignment to company code is also copied .

Solution : Assign the plant to company code using TCode : SM31, instead of through SPRO
customizing. Table/View to be maintained is V_T001K_ASSIGN.

TCode : MM01

Material : LAPRM1
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material type : ROH Raw Material
Select View(s) button
Select views Basic data1, Purchasing , General Plant Data / Storage 1 , Accounting 1
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. location : LAP1
Basic Data1 tab:
Material : LAP RM1 (Steel)
Basic unit of measures : KG
© Srinivasa

Material Group : LAPM

Division : LS
Net Weight : 1 KG
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Purchasing Tab
Purchasing Group : LPG
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP1
Price Control : V (Moving Average Price)

Moving Price : 270
Costing1 view
Origin group : LAP1
√ Material origin

2. Creating Material master LAPRM2 in plant LAP2

TCode : MM01
Material : LAPRM2
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material type : ROH Raw Material
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Select View(s) button

Select views Basic data1, Purchasing , General Plant Data / Storage 1 , Accounting 1,
Costing1 and Costing2
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP2
Stor. location : LAP2
Basic Data1 tab:
Material : LAP RM2 (Steel)
Basic unit of measures : KG
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
Net Weight : 1 KG
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Purchasing Tab
Purchasing Group : LPG
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP1
© Srinivasa

Price Control : V (Moving Average Price)

Moving Price : 360
Costing1 view
Origin group : LAP2
√ Material origin


3. Creating Material master LAPPM1 in plant LAP1

TCode : MM01
Material : LAPRM2
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material type : Packaging
Select View(s) button
Select views Basic data1, Purchasing , General Plant Data / Storage 1 , Accounting 1,
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. location : LAP1
Basic Data1 tab:
Material : LAP Pack mat (Boxes)
Basic unit of measures : KG
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Material Group : LAPM

Division : LS
Net Weight : 1 KG
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Purchasing Tab
Purchasing Group : LPG
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP1
Price Control : V (Moving Average Price)
Moving Price : 360

4. Creating Purchase Info Record for External activity PCKG

SAP Easy AccessLogisticsMaterail ManagementPurchasingMaster DataInfo
TCode : ME11
Material : Blank
© Srinivasa

Purchasing Org. : LAPO

Plant : LAP1
Info Record :
Info category
Description : Packing
Material Group : 0001
Order Unit : UN

Sort Term : SERVICES
Enter (or ‘Purch .Org Data 1‘ button)

Pl. Deliv. Time : 1 Days
Purch Group : LPG
Standard Qty : 1 UN
Net Price 10 INR / 1 UN
Conditions button
Double click on condition type ‘PB00’
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1. CO Enduser

1. Create Cost Element Group

Tcode :KAH1
Cost element group : RSE
Description: Rent , Salary , Elect
Insert Cost Element button
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2. Create Activity type Group

TCode :KLH1
CO Area : LAP
Activity Type group :
Description : Testing
Activity Type button
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The folwing table is the basis for cost center /activity planning

Material Activity CCtr Plant Activty Activty Unit Activit Activity

Qty/ qty/ yr pric y cost/ cost / Yr
month e month
LAPSFG Mach 1001 LAP1 21000 252,000 5 105,00 1260,000
1 hour 0
LAPSFG PrcngHr 2001 LAP2 10000 120,000 7 70,000 840,000
Packing 1002 LAP1 300 3,600 10 3000 36,000
Asmblng 1002 LAP1 300 3,600 25 7500 90,000
© Srinivasa

3. CC Planning for CC 1001

Tcode : KP06
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 1001
Cost element group : RSE

… Form based

Overview Screen button
Costelement Plan fixed cost Distribution
400500 700,000.00 1 (Equal distribution)
400600 140,000.00
400392 420,000.00
Total 1260,000.00


4. Activity planning for MCH

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 1001
Activity Type : MCH

Form based

Overview Screen button
Activity Type Plan Activity
MCH 252,000


5. CC Planning for CC 2001

Tcode : KP06
Version : 0
© Srinivasa

From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 2001
Cost element group : RSE

… Form based
Overview Screen button
Costelement Plan fixed cost Distribution
400500 500,000.00 1 (Equal distribution)

400600 120,000.00
400392 220,000.00
Total 840,000.00


6. Activity planning for PRCS

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 2001
Activity Type : PRCS

Form based

Overview Screen button
Activity Type Plan Activity
PRCS 120,000


7. CC Planning for CC 1002

Tcode : KP06
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
© Srinivasa

Fiscal Year : 2011

Cost centre : 1002
Cost element group: RSE

Form based

Overview Screen button
Costelement Plan fixed cost Distribution
400500 75,000.00 1 (Equal distribution)
400600 10,000.00
400392 5,000.00

Total 90,000.00


8. Activity planning for ASMB

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Fiscal Year : 2011

Cost centre : 1002
Activity Type : ASMB

Form based

Overview Screen button
Activity Type Plan Activity
ASMB 3600


9. Calculating planned Activity Price

Upto Cost Centre Accounting same path
PlanningAllocationsPrice Calculation
Tcode : KSPI

All Cost Centres

Version : 0
From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
© Srinivasa

Fiscal Year : 2011

 Test Run
 Details List
Messages button ( Messages button is available only in case of any errors)
Back button

10. Display Activty type prices

11. Activity planning for PCKG

SAP Easy AccessAccountingControllingCost Centre AccountingPlanningActivity
Ouput /PricesChange
Tcode : KP26
Version : 0
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

From Period : 1
To Perod : 12
Fiscal Year : 2011
Cost centre : 1002
Activity Type : PCKG

Form based

Overview Screen button
Activity Type Capacity Fixed price Variable price
PCKG 120


5. Creating a Base Planning Object LAPSFG1_BPO in plant

SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
Planning Reference and Simulation CostingCreate Base Planning Object

TCode :KKE1
© Srinivasa

Controlling Area : LAP


Base Planning Object : LAPSFG1_BPO


Base Unit of Measure : EA

Company Code : LAP

Plant : LAP1
Name BPO for LAPSFG1


6. Create single level unit cost estimate for LAPSFG1_BPO

Same path
Change Base Planning Object

TCode : KKE2

Base Planning Object : LAPSFG1_BPO


Create Cost Estimate button

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Costing Variant : PG

Lot Size : 1 EA


Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Quantity Description CostElement Formula

1 M LAPRM1 LAP1 10 400599

2 E 1001 MCH 10 1000000002

3 O Mat OH =(('1')*5)/100



7. Creating a Base Planning Object LAPSFG2_BPO in plant

SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
Planning Reference and Simulation CostingCreate Base Planning Object

TCode :KKE1
© Srinivasa

Controlling Area : LAP


Base Planning Object : LAPSFG2_BPO


Base Unit of Measure : EA

Company Code : LAP

Plant : LAP2
Name BPO for LAPSFG2


8. Create single level unit cost estimate for LAPSFG2_BPO

Same path
Change Base Planning Object

TCode : KKE2

Base Planning Object : LAPSFG2_BPO


Create Cost Estimate button

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Costing Variant : PG

Lot Size : 1 EA

Copy from

Base Object : LAPSFG1_BPO


Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Quantity Description CostElement Formula

1 M LAPRM2 LAP2 15 400599

2 E 2001 PRCS 5 1000000002

3 O Mat OH =(('1')*5)/100


© Srinivasa

9. Create multilevel unit cost estimate

The component materials are given in the following table.

Activity Internal or Valuation

external ?
Machine Internal Calculating actual cost using actual costs recorded in
hour cost centers
Packing External Price from purchase info record

Material BOM



Same path
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

 Edit Base Planning Object-Multievel

Right Click on the Costing StructureCreate Base Planning Object
Base Planning Object : LAPFG1_BPO
Base Unit of Measure : EA

Company Code : LAP

Plant : LAP1

Name BPO for LAPFG1


Costing Variant : PG

Lot Size : 1 EA


Now we are creating a worklist in which we include the items that are used in the multilevel
cost estimate.
© Srinivasa

’Worklist On’ button

’Create Worklist’ button

Name : cost_estimate_LAP

Manually-configured container : LAPFG1

Item category-Independent

Right click on worklist ‘LAPFG1’ Select Base Planning Object

Base Planning Object : LAPSFG1_BPO to LAPSFG2_BPO

Execute button

Select the two Base Planning Objects


Right click on worklist ‘LAPFG1’ Select Internal Activity

Controlling Area : LAP


Select ASMB
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Now we can drap and drop the items from worklist into the costing structure.

Drag ‘LAPSFG1_BPO’ from worklist and drop on ‘LAPFG1_BPO’

Drag ‘LAPSFG2_BPO’ from worklist and drop on ‘LAPFG1_BPO’

Drag ‘Assembling’ from worklist and drop on ‘LAPFG1_BPO’

Change the quantity as shown in the table below

Enter items of category F manually

Ite Categor Resource Pant/Activ Pur Quantity Description CostElment

m y ity Org

1 B LAPSFG1_BP0 7 400599

2 B LAPSFG2_BP0 5 1000000002

3 E 1002 ASMB 1 1000000002

4 F 250(Pur Info LAP1 LAPO 1 Packing 1000000002

© Srinivasa


Select the 4 items

Keep the curser in 5th line

Insert total( ) button


Yes button


10. Exploding a material cost estimate/Base Planning Object

While in the same screen
Funtions menu Explode Base Planning Object
Select the two base planning objects
Explode button

2. Creating a cost estimate w/o quantity

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Scenario : A cost estimate is to be created for the product for which we created a cost
estimate using Reference and Simulation costing . Material master has been created for the
material but not the PP master data(BOM and Routing) .
Solution : We create a multilevel unit cost estimate .

1. CO Settings
1. Creating Cost Center (Allocation)
Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost center: 1005
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to : 31.12.9999
Name : OH CC (Warehouse)
Description : OH CC(Warehouse)
Person Responsible : Mr. A
Cost Center Category : 9 (Allocation Cost Centre)
© Srinivasa

Hierarchy Area : STD_HIER

Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Enter to ignore the warning msg

2. Creating Cost Center (Allocation)

Tcode : KS01
Extras menuSet Controlling Area
Controlling Area : LAP
Cost center: 1015
Valid From : 1.4.2011 to : 31.12.9999
Name : Prod admin
Description : Prod admin
Person Responsible : Mr. A
Cost Center Category : 9 (Allocation Cost Centre)
Hierarchy Area : STD_HIER
Business Area : LANZ
Currency : INR
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Enter to ignore the warning msg

3. Define OH keys
SPROControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost PlanningBasic Settings for
Material CostingOverheadDefine Overhead Keys
New Entries
Over Head Key Description

4. Define OH Groups
Same Path Next line
New Entries
Valuation Area Over Head Group Over Head Key Name of the Over Head Key
© Srinivasa



5. Define Calculation Bases

Upto Overhead same path
Costing Sheet:ComponentsDefine Calculation Bases

New Entries
Base Name
LAP1 RM cost
LAP2 Prod cost
Select Base LAP1
Double click on Details folder
Controlling Area : LAP
New Entries
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

From Cost element

Double click on Calculation base folder
Select Base LAP2
Double click on Details folder
Controlling Area : LAP
New Entries
From Cost element

6. Define Percentage OH Rates

Same path Next line
© Srinivasa

New Entries
O/H Rate Name Dependency Description
LAP4 Prod OH D020
Select OH rate LAP3
Double click on Details folder
New Entries

Valid from Valid To CO area OH Type OH key Percentage
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP1 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP1 5
Double click on Prcentage overhead folder
Select OH rate LAP4
Double click on Details folder
New Entries

Valid from To CO area OH Type Plant Percentage

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP1 5

1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP1 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP2 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP2 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP3 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP3 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP5 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP5 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 1 LAP7 5
1.4.2011 31.12.9999 LAP 2 LAP7 5

7. Define Credits
we are going to create 2 credit keys one for material overhead and other for the production
overhead. By defining the credit key you are crediting the cost centre and debiting the
product or the production order. The credit on the cost centre happens with the overhead
cost element which we created earlier 1000000001 (RM OH) and 1000000003 (Prod OH).
Here we specify the allocation cost centre which is to be credited. You can also define what
percentage of the overhead is to be allocated as fixed costs.
© Srinivasa

Same path
New Entries
Credit Name
LA5 LAP RM OH credit
LA6 LAP Prod OH credit
Select Credit LA5
Double click on Details folder
Controlling Area : LAP
New entries
Valid To Cost element Fixed % Cost centre
31.3.9999 1000000001 100 1005
Double click on Credit folder
Select Credit LA6
Double click on Details folder
Controlling Area : LAP
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New entries
Valid To Cost element Fixed % Cost centre
31.3.9999 1000000003 100 1015

8. Define Costing Sheet

Same path up to overhead
Define Costing Sheets
New Entries
Costing Sheet Description
LAP1 LAP costing Sheet
Select Costing Sheet LAP1
Double click on Costing sheet rows folder
New Entries
© Srinivasa

Row Base O/H Rate Description From To Row Credit

10 LAP1 RM
20 LAP3 RM OH 10 10 LA5
30 LAP2 Prod
40 LAP4 Prod OH 30 30 LA6


9. Define Costing Variant
Same path upto Product Cost Planning
Material Cost Estimate With Quantity StructureDefine Costing Varaint
Select Costing Variant PPC1
Copy as button
Costing Variant : LAP1 Standard Cost Est. LAP
Enter to ignore the warning msg
Select Costing Variant LAP1
Details button
Create button (Button next to Valuation Variant)
Select Valuation Variant 001
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Details button
Create button ( Button next to Valuation Variant/Plant)
Select Valuation variant 001 for plant 1000
Copy As button
In plnt : LAP1
Select Valuation Variant 001 for plant LAP1
Details button
Material val. Tab
(Make sure Price from PIR will be 1st priority . Sub strategy sequence should be as shown
in the image)
© Srinivasa

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Overhead tab
Overhead on Material Components
Costing Sheet : LAP1 'LAP Costing Sheet ‘
 Save
Back button
Select Valuation Variant 001 for plant LAP1
Copy as button
in plnt : LAP2
Select Valuation Variant 001 for plant LAP1
© Srinivasa

Copy as button
in plnt : LAP3
(Repat th process for plant LAP5 and LAP7)

10. Define Cost Component Structure

Same path up to Product Cost Planning
Basic settings for Material CostingDefine Cost Component Structure

Select Cost Component Structure ‘01’
’Copy As’ button
Cost Component Structure Active Prim Cost Comp Split Name
L1  . LAP COGM Cost comp str
Select Cost Component Structure ‘L1’
Double Click on Cost Components with Attributes
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Delete all Cost Components except 10, 50, 70 , 80 and 90

Cost Comp Struct Cost Comp Name
L1 10 Raw Materials
L1 50 Production
L1 70 Production OH
L1 80 Material Overhead
L1 90 Packing chrges

Select Cost Component structure ‘L1’ with Cost Component ‘10’ (Raw Materials)
Double click on ‘Assignment: Cost Components-Cost Element Interval
New Entries
Cost Comp Struct Chart of Acc From cost el. Cost Comp
L1 LACA 400599 010
L1 LACA 400950 010
Double Click on Cost Components with Attributes
Select Cost Component structure ‘L1’ with Cost Component ‘50’ (Prod machine)
© Srinivasa

Double click on ‘Assignment: Cost Components-Cost Element Interval

New Entries
Cost Comp Struct Chart of Acc From Cost Comp
L1 LACA 1000000002 050

Double Click on Cost Components with Attributes

Select Cost Component structure ‘L1’ with Cost Component ‘80’ (Materials OH)
Double click on ‘Assignment: Cost Components-Cost Element Interval
New Entries

Cost Comp Struct Chart of Acc From Cost Comp
L1 LACA 1000000001 080

Double Click on Cost Components with Attributes

Select Cost Component structure ‘L1’ with Cost Component ‘70’
Double click on ‘Assignment: Cost Components-Cost Element Interval
New Entries
Cost Comp Struct Chart of Acc From Cost Comp
L1 LACA 1000000003 070

Double Click on Cost Components with Attributes

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Select Cost Component structure ‘L1’ with Cost Component ‘90’

Double click on ‘Assignment: Cost Components-Cost Element Interval
New Entries
Cost Comp Struct Chart of Acc From Cost Comp
L1 LACA 400501 090


Double Click on Cost Components Structure folder

Double click on ‘Assignment:Organiz.Units-Cost Component Struct’ folder

New Entries
Company Plant Costing Valid from Cost Comp Structure(Main
Code Variant CCS)
LAP ++++ ++++ L1
Double Click on Cost Components Structure folder
© Srinivasa

Cost Comp Struct Active Prim Cost Comp Split Name

L1  . LAP COGM Cost comp str


11. Check/Change price calculation settings in Version

(Already done in Cost Center Accounting)
Select Version ‘0’ ie Plan/actual version
Double click on ‘Settings for Each Fiscal Year ’ folder
Controlling Area : LAP
Version : 0
Double click on top row
Price calculation tab
Method : Periodic price
Methods : Periodic price
Revaluation : Own business transaction
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Cost Comp. Str. : L2 LAP Actvity Cost Comp Str

Back button repeat the procedure for all rows(ie for all years)
© Srinivasa

2. MM Enduser
1. Assign OHGroup in Material master LAPRM1
Costing 1 View
Overhead Group : LAPOHG

2. Assign OHGroup in Material master LAPRM2

Costing 1 View
Overhead Group : LAPOHG

3. Creating Material master LAPFG1

Tcode : MM01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Material : LAPFG1
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Finished products
Select View(s) button
Select Basic Data1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 , Sales: Sales Org. Data2 ,
Sales: General/Plant Data , MRP 1 , Accounting 1 , Costing1 and Costing2
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. Location : LAP1
Sales Org. : LANS
Distr. Channel : LD
Description : LAP FG1
Base Unit of Measure : EA
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
GenItemCatGroup : NORM
© Srinivasa

Sales: sales org .1 tab

Delivering plant : LAP1
Tax Data
Tax Classification: 1 for UTXJ
1 for MWST
Sales: sales org. 2 tab
Acct assignment grp : 03 ie Finished Goods
Item category group : NORM
Sales: General/Plant tab
Gross Weight : 1
Net Weight : 1
Availability check : KP (no check)
Trans. Grp : 0003
Loading Grp : 0003 ie Manual
MRP 1 Tab
MRP type : ND ie No plan
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP3 (Finished Product)
Price control : S (std. price)
Standard price : 50000
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

4. Creating Material master LAPSFG1

Tcode : MM01
Material : LAPSFG1
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Semi-finished products
Select View(s) button
Select Basic Data1, General Plant Data /Storage 1 ,Accounting 1 , Costing1 and
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. Location : LAP1
Description : LAP SFG1
Base Unit of Measure : EA
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
© Srinivasa

GenItemCatGroup : NORM
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Net Weight : 1
MRP1 view
MRP Type : ND
Lot size data
Assembly scrap (%) : 2
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP2 (Semi -finished products)

Price control : S (std. price)
Standard price : 3000
Costing1 view
Origin group : LAP3
√ Material origin


5. Creating Material master LAPSFG2 in plant LAP1

Tcode : MM01
Material : LAPSFG2
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering

Material Type : Semi-finished products
Select View(s) button
Select Basic Data1, General Plant Data /Storage 1 , Accounting 1 , Costing1 and
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP1
Stor. Location : LAP1
Description : LAP SFG2
Base Unit of Measure : EA
Material Group : LAPM
Division : LS
GenItemCatGroup : NORM
Gross Weight : 1 KG
Net Weight : 1
Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP2 (Semi -finished products)
© Srinivasa

Price control : S (std. price)

Standard price : 6000
Costing1 view
Origin group : LAP4
√ Material origin

6. Creating Material master LAPSFG2 in plant LAP2

Tcode : MM01
Material : LAPSFG2
Industry Sector : Mechanical Engineering
Material Type : Semi-finished products
Select View(s) button
Select General Plant Data /Storage 1 , MRP1 ,MRP2 ,Accounting 1 , Costing1 and
Org. Levels button
Plant : LAP2
Stor. Location : LAP2
MRP1 tab
MRP Type : ND No planning
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Lot size : EX Lot-for-lot order quantity

Accounting 1 tab
Valuation class : LAP2 (Semi -finished products)
Price control : S (std. price)
Standard price : 6000

7. Creating Purchase Info Record LAPRM1 / two vendors

We are creating pur info record for two vendors with different price

SAP Easy AccessLogisticsMaterail ManagementPurchasingMaster DataInfo

TCode : ME11
Material : LAPRM1
Purchasing Org. : LAPO
Plant : LAP1
© Srinivasa

Info Record :
Info category
Purch.Org.Data 1 button
Pl. Deliv. Time : 1 Days
Purch. Group : LPG
Standard Qty : 10 KG

Net Price 280 INR / 1 KG
Conditions button
Double click on condition type ‘PB00’

TCode : ME11
Material : LAPRM1
Purchasing Org. : LAPO
Plant : LAP1
Info Record :
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Info category
Purch.Org.Data 1 button
Pl. Deliv. Time : 1 Days
Purch. Group : LPG
Standard Qty : 10 KG
Net Price 270 INR / 1 KG
Conditions button
Double click on condition type ‘PB00’
© Srinivasa

3. CO Enduser
1. Cost Estimate W/O Quantity Structure(Single level) for
Option1 : we can create single level unit cost estimate as shown in this step.
Option2: We can also create single level unit cost estimate in multilevel costing
screen(TCode :CKUC)

SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost

Planning Material CostingCost Estimate Without Quantity StructureCreate


Material : LAPSFG1

Plant LAP1

Costing Data Tab

Costing Variant : LAP1 Standard Cost Est. (Mat.)

Costing Version : 1

Dates Tab

Default Values button

(Date Fields filled automatically)

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


Enter the data as shown in the table

Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Quantity Description CostElement Formula

1 M LAPRM1 LAP1 10

2 E 1001 MCH 10

Functions menuCalculate Overhead

Enter ( if any warning messages)



Error : SYST: Period is not valid in financial year variant V3 .

Reason : FYV V3 seems to be fine . But fiscal year may be shortened . Check the entry in
table T009Y .

Solution :Delete fiscal year variant V3 and create again.

© Srinivasa

2. Price update :
Upto Material Costing Same path
Price Update
TCode : CK24

Posting Period/Fiscal Year : 8 2014

Company Code : LAP
Plant : LAP1
Material : LAPSFG1
 Test Run
 With List Output

Marking Allowance button

Double click on Company Code ‘LAP’

Costing Variant : PPC1

Costing Version : 01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Issue Allowance for Marking button (Enter)

Back button
Test Run
Back button
Release button
 Test Run
Back button
Test Run
Back button
Double click on LAPFG1
Costing 2 tab
(Check Current price update)

3. Multilevel Cost Estimate for LAPFG1

SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
© Srinivasa

Planning Material CostingCost Estimate Without Quantity StructureEdit Multilevel

Right Click on the Costing StructureCreate Material Cost Estimate
Material : LAPFG1
Plant : LAP1
Costing Data tab

Costing Variant : LAP1

Costing Version : 1

Dates tab
Default Values button


Now we are creating a worklist in which we include the items that are going to be used in
the multilevel cost estimate.

’Worklist On’ button

 Container button( )Insert Container

Name of new container: LAPFG2

Item category-Independent
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


Right click on worklist ‘LAPFG2’ Select Material Cost Estimate

Material Number : Blank

Plant : LAP1

Std cost est  Future  Current  Previous

Execute button

Select the LAPSFG1


Right click on worklist ‘LAPFG2’ Select Internal Activity

Controlling Area : LAP


Select all the three activity types

© Srinivasa

Now we can drap and drop the items from worklist into the costing structure.

Drag ‘LAPSFG1’ from worklist and drop on ‘LAPFG1’ under Costing Structure



Right click on ‘LAPFG1’ under Costing StructureCreate Material Cost Estimate

Material : LAPSFG2
Plant : LAP2
Costing Data tab
Costing Variant : LAP1

Costing Version : 1

Dates tab

Default Values button


Change the quantity as shown in the table below

Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Quantity Description CostElement Formula

1 M LAPRM2 LAP2 15 400599

2 E 2001 PRCS 5
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Funtions menuCalculate Overhead



Include cost estimate LAPSFG2 to LAPFG1 by drag n drop

(Cost estimate for LAPFG1 will be updated)

Drag ‘Assembling’ from worklist and drop on ‘LAPFG1’ under Costing Structure

Change the quantity column asshown in the table

Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Pur Quantity Description CostElement


1 M LAPSFG1 LAP1 7 400599


3 E 1002 ASMB 1

4 F 250(Pur info LAP1 LAPO 1 1000000002

© Srinivasa


Yes button

Functions menuExplode Material Cost Estimates

All Levels

Material : LAPFG1


Material Number : LAPFG1

Plant : blank


Double click on material LAPFG1

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

3. Creating a cost estimate with quantity

Scenario: PP master data like BOM , routing is available for the material LAPFG1. The
below given tables gives information of various components, activities . Certain costs like
freight charges , additional components are to be added manually.
The components/subcomponents materials are given in the following table.

Component Material type Procurement Valuation

LAPRM1 Raw Material External purchase from two Price from purchase
different vendors(Procurement info record
LAPRM2 Raw Material External purchase Price from material
master record

LAPSFG1 Semifinished In-house production in the same To be costed

product plant with two production versions

LAPSFG2 Semifinished In-house production/Different plant Existing costing data

product from supplying plant is
(Special Procurement)
to be used
© Srinivasa

LAPPM Packing External purchase Price from material

material master

The activity details are given in the following table

Activity Internal or Valuation
external ?
Machine Internal Calculating cost using Planned costs recorded in cost
hour centers
Assembling Internal Calculating cost using Planned costs recorded in cost

Processing Internal Calculating cost using Planned costs recorded in cost
Packing External Price from purchase info record

The following table contains the BOM information of the finsished product and semifinsed
product .
Material Components Qantity Units
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

The following table contains the routing information.

Material Activity Internal/External Plant Activity units Unit Activity
price cost
LAPSFG1 Machine hour Internal LAP1 10 5 50
LAPSFG2 Processing hour Internal LAP2 5 7 35
Packing External 1 10 10
Assembling Internal LAP1 1 25 25

Solution : A cost estimate with quantity structure is to be created for the material. As
semifinshed products are involved in production process multilevel costing is to be done.
The cost estimate is a mixed cost estimate because one of the component has procurement
Freight charges , additional components can be included into cost components manually
using the function ‘Additive costs’.

1. FI Settings
1. Create GL Account Gain/Loss from Revaluation :
© Srinivasa

GL Account : 400502

2. Automatic account assignment for transaction UMB

TCode : OBYC

2. PP settings
1. Define MRP Controller
SPROProductionMaterial Requirement Planning Master DataDefine MRP

New Entries
Plant MRP Controller

2. Define Floats(Scheduling Margin Key)

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Upto Material Requirement Planning same path

PlanningScheduling And Capacity parametersDefine Floats
New Entries
Plnt Marg Op. Per FI Bef FI After Rel.Per
LAP1 LAP 1 1 1 1
LAP2 LAP 1 1 1 1
LAP3 LAP 1 1 1 1
LAP5 LAP 1 1 1 1
LAP7 LAP 1 1 1 1

3. Define Production Scheduler

Upto Production Same path
Shop Floor ControlMaster DataDefine Production scheduler
New Entries
Plant ProdSched
© Srinivasa

LAP2 Mrx
LAP3 Mr3
LAP5 Mr5
LAP7 Mr7

4. Determine Person Responsible for WorkCenter

SPROProductionBasic DataWork CentreGeneral DataDetermine Person
New Entries
Plnt Pers. respons
LAP2 Mrx
LAP3 Mr3
LAP5 Mr5
LAP7 Mr7

5. Define parameters
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Upto General Data Same path

Standard Value Define parameters
Select parameter ‘SAP_14’ ie User field
Copy as button
Parameter : LAP_14
Origin : 2 Standard value in the op
Parameter text : Assembling
Keyword : Assembling
Dimension : AAAADL
Standard Value : 1
Standard value unit : UN

Select parameter ‘SAP_14’ ie User field

Copy as button
Parameter : LAP_15
Origin : 2 Standard value in the op
© Srinivasa

Parameter text : Packing

Keyword : Packing
Dimension : AAAADL
Standard Value : 1
Standard value unit : UN
Select parameter ‘SAP_02’ ie Machine
Copy as button
Parameter : LAP_16
Origin : 2 Standard value in the op
Parameter text : Processing
Keyword : Processing
Dimension : TIME
Standard Value :
Standard value unit : H

6. Define Standard value key

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Same path
 Define Standard value key
Select Satndard ‘SAP1’ ie Normal Production
Copy as button
Std val. key : LAP1
4 Parameter : LAP_14
5th Parameter : LAP_15
6th Parameter : LAP_16


7. Check Formulas for Costing

SPROControllingProduct Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Material Cost
Estimate with Quantity StructureSettings for Quantity Structure ControlRouting
Selection Check Formulas for Costing
New Entries
Formula key : LAP_14 Assembling
© Srinivasa

LAP_14 * SAP_09 / SAP_08 / SAP_11

 Generate PRT Allowed For Reqmts
 Allowed for Calulation  Allowed for Scheduling
Work Center for Capacity Reqmts

Next Entry button( )

Formula key : LAP_15 Packing

LAP_15 * SAP_09 / SAP_08 / SAP_11

 Generate PRT Allowed For Reqmts
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

 Allowed for Calulation  Allowed for Scheduling

Work Center for Capacity Reqmts

Next Entry button( )

Formula key : LAP_16 Processing
LAP_16 * SAP_09 / SAP_08 / SAP_11

 Generate PRT Allowed For Reqmts
 Allowed for Calulation  Allowed for Scheduling
Work Center for Capacity Reqmts

8. Define Control key

TCode :OPJ8
© Srinivasa

Upto Master Data same path

Routing DataDefine Control Key
Select ‘PP01’
Copy As button
Control key : LAP1
Aut.goods receipt

 Cost




3. PP Enduser
1. Creating BOM for LAPSFG1
SAP Easy Access LogisticsProductionMaster Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Material BOMCreate
Tcode : CS01
Material : LAPSFG1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Plant : LAP1
BOM usage : 6 (Costing)
Component Quantity
Double click on item 10
 Operation scrap in % : 1 √ NetI D Component scrap(%) : 1
Back button

2. Creating BOM for LAPSFG2 in plant LAP2

SAP Easy Access LogisticsProductionMaster Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Material BOMCreate
Tcode : CS01
Material : LAPSFG2
Plant : LAP2
© Srinivasa

BOM usage : 6 (Costing)

Component Quantity

3. Creating BOM for LAPFG1

SAP Easy Access LogisticsProductionMaster Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Material BOMCreate
Tcode : CS01
Material : LAPFG1
Plant : LAP1
BOM usage : 6 (Costing)
ICt Component Quantity
(Make sure Qty update and value update is on for material types FERT and HALB )
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

4. Material BOM Browser

Same path upto Material BOM
MultilevelMaterial BOM Browser
TCode : CSMB
Material : LAPFG1
Plant : LAP1
Alternative :
Application : PC01
Goto menuExplode Material BOMMulti-level

5. Creating Work Center

Same path upto MasterData
Tcode : CR01
Plant : LAP1
© Srinivasa

WorkCentre : 1001 Machining

WorkCentre Cat. : 0001 Machine
Description : Machining
Person Responsible : MRW
Usage : 009 (All task list types)
Standard Value Key : LAP1 (Normal Production)
Costing Tab

Cost Centre : 1001
Alt Activity Descr Activity Type Activity Unit Formula
No Activity
Machine MCH H SAP002
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity

6. Creating Work Center

Tcode : CR01
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Plant : LAP2
WorkCentre : 1002 Processing
WorkCentre Cat. : 0001 Machine
Description : Processing
Person Responsible : MRX
Usage : 009 (All task list types)
Standard Value Key : LAP1 (Normal Production)
Costing Tab
Cost Centre : 2001
Alt Activity Descr Activity Type Activity Unit Formula
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity
Processing PRCS H LAP_16
© Srinivasa


7. Creating Work Center

Tcode : CR01
Plant : LAP1
WorkCentre : 1003 Assembling
WorkCentre Cat. : 0001 Machine
Description : Assembling
Person Responsible : MRW

Usage : 009 (All task list types)
Standard Value Key : LAP1 ( )
Costing Tab
Cost Centre : 1002
Alt Activity Descr Activity Type Activity Unit Formula
No Activity
No Activity
No Activity
Asemmbling ASMB UN LAP_14
Packing PCKG UN LAP_15
No Activity
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


8. Creating Routing for LAPSFG1

Upto Master Data same path

RoutingsRoutingsStandard RoutingsCreate
Tcode : CA01
Material : LAPSFG1
Plant : LAP1
Operations button

New entries button( )

Usage : 1 (Production)
Status : 4 (Released general )
Planning Work Centre : 1001
Operations button
Operation WorkCentre Plant Control Key
0010 1001 LAP1 PP01
© Srinivasa

Double Click on Operation ‘0010’

Std Value Un Act. Type

Machine 10 H MCH


9. Creating Routing for LAPSFG2

Tcode : CA01
Material : LAPSFG2
Plant : LAP2
Operations button

New entries button( )

Usage : 1 (Production)
Status : 4 (Released general )
Planning Work Centre : 1002
Operations button
Operation WorkCentre Plant Control Key
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

0010 1002 LAP2 PP01

Double Click on Operation ‘0010’

Std Value Un Act. Type

Processing 5 H PRCS


10. Creating Routing for LAPFG1

Tcode : CA01
Material : LAPFG1
Plant : LAP1
Operations button

New Entries button( )

Usage : 1 (Production)
Status : 4 (Released general )
© Srinivasa

Planning Work Centre : 1003

Operations button
Operation WorkCentre Plant Control Key Units of Measure
0010 1003 LAP1 LAP1
0020 1003 LAP1 PP02 UN
Double Click on Operation ‘0010’

Std Value Un Act. Type
Assembling 1 UN ASMB

Back button
Double Click on Operation ‘0020’
Std Value Un Act. Type
Packing 1 UN PCKG

External processing
(Scroll down)
Purchasing Info Rec. : 250 Purch. Organization : LAPO
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Cost Element : 400501(Packing chrges)


4. CO settings
1. Creating Tranfer Control
We are using SFG from one plant as a component in FG of another plant(in the same CO-
area). SFG is costed in the supplying plant and cost estimate is tranfered to receiving plant .
For that we have to assign Transfer control in Costing variant. Transfer control determines
how Cost estimate is tranfered from one plant to other.
SPROControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost PlanningMaterial Cost
Estimate with Quantity StructureCosting Variant ComponentsDefine Transfer Control

Select ‘PC01’ Transfer w. Plant Change

Copy As button

Transfer Control LAP1 Transfer w. Plant Change LAP

Single-Plant tab
© Srinivasa

Strategy .Seq Fiscal year

No Transfer

No Transfer

No Transfer

Cross-Plant tab

Strategy .Seq Fiscal year

Period-Based Transfer

Current Standard Cost Estimate 

Future Standard Cost Estimate 



2. Assigning Transfer Control in Costing variant

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Same path upto Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure

Define Costing Variants

Double click on LAP1

Tranfer Control : Trnsfr w. Plant Change LAP


3. Creating Special Procurement Types

A link can be set up between supplying plant and recieving plant with help of special
Material master data is maintained in both plants. In recieving plant

SPROControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost PlanningMaterial Cost

Estimate with Quantity StructureSettingsfor Quantity Structure ControlMaterial
DataCheck Special Procurement Types

New Entries

Plant : LAP1

Sp.Pr.Type : 81 Stock transfer (proc.from plant LAP2)

© Srinivasa

Procurement type : E In-house production

Special Procurement

Special procurement :P Prod. other plant

Plant : LAP2

 Direct production


Select Sp.Pr.Type ‘52’ ( ie Direct production / collective order) with plant ‘0005’

Copy as button

Plant : LAP1




4. Update Additive Costs

TCode : OKTZ
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Double click on ‘Cost Component Structure’ folder

Select Cost Comp .Str ’L1 ’

Double click on ‘Cost Components with Attributes’ folder

Select Cost Comp .Str ‘L1 ’ with Cost Component ‘50’

Double click on ‘Update of Additive Cost ’ folder

New Entries

Cost Comp .Str Cost Component Chart of Accts Cost Element

L1 50 LACA 1000000002


Double click on ‘Cost Component Structure’ folder

Select Cost Comp .Str ’02 ’

Double click on ‘Cost Components with Attributes’ folder

© Srinivasa

Select Cost Comp .Str ’02 ’with Cost Component ‘50’

Double click on ‘Update of Additive Cost ’ folder

New Entries

Cost Comp .Str Cost Component Chart of Accts Cost Element

02 50 LACA 1000000002


Double click on ‘Cost Component Structure’ folder

Cost Comp Str Active

L1 


5. Check Settings (for Costing Variant)

Info : We can display all the applicable settings in one place for a combination of Costing
Variant CompanyCode/Plant using this transaction

SPROControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost PlanningBasic Settings for

Material CostingCheck Settings
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

TCode : CKC1

Costing Variant : LAP1

Company Code : LAP

Plant : LAP1

Date :

Version : Blank


(Scroll down to see all the settings that are applied)

5. MM Enduser

1. Enter Spl Proc type in Mat master LAPSFG2 in plant

TCode : MM01/MM02
© Srinivasa

Material : LAPSFG2


Select ‘Costing 1’ ‘MRP2’ and ‘MRP1’views


Plant : LAP1

Stor. Location : LAP1


MRP1 tab

MRP Type : ND

MRP Controller : MRP

MRP2 tab

Procurement type : E

Special procurement : 81

Costing 1 tab

Quantity structure data

SpecProcurem Costing : 81
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211


2. Enter Spl Proc type in Mat master LAPSFG1 in plant

TCode : MM01

Material : LAPSFG1


Select ‘Costing 1’ ‘MRP2’ and ‘MRP1’views


Plant : LAP1

Stor. Location : LAP1


MRP1 tab

MRP Type : ND

MRP Controller : MRP

© Srinivasa

Lot size : EX

MRP2 tab

Procurement type : E

Special procurement : 52

Prod. stor. location : LAP1

Costing 1 tab

Quantity structure data

SpecProcurem Costing : 52


3. Maintain OH Group in Material master

TCode : MM02

Material : LAPRM1


Select ‘Costing 1’ view

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Plant : LAP1


Costing 1 tab

Overhead Group : LAPOHG


TCode : MM02

Material : LAPRM2


Select ‘Costing 1’ view


Plant : LAP2

© Srinivasa

Costing 1 tab

Overhead Group : LAPOHG


6. CO Enduser

1. Creating Procurement alternatives

We can procure a material into a plant in different ways.
For example
Process Procurement
Category alternatives
Purchase We can purchase the material from a vendor Vendor X
Vendor Y
Production We can produce in house in the same plant Prod version1
Prod version2
Production in We can produce in-house in a different plant(an SFG Prod in PlantX
other plant* can be produced in a different plant )
Prod in PlantY
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Stock We can purchase a RM in to one plant and tranfered to From Plant1

transfer* other plant.
From Plant2
*Production in other plant and Stock transfer are treated as special procurements. If we
procure a material in any of these two ways , we need to maintain Procuremetn type in
MRP/Costing views of the material master.
In our scenario we are creating two procurement alternatives of type purchasing. Ie we can
purchase the material from any of the two vendors .

SAP Easy AccessControlling  Product Cost Controlling  Product Cost Planning 

Material Costing Master Data for Mixed Cost Estimate  Edit Procurement Alternatives.
TCode : CK91N
Material : LAPRM1
Plant : LAP1
Create button
Process Cat. : Purchase order
Purchasing Org. : LAPO
Cstg Lot Size : 1
Confirm button
© Srinivasa

Create button
Process Cat. : Purchase order
Purchasing Org. : LAPO
Cstg Lot Size : 1
Confirm button

2. Creating /Changing Mixing Ratios
If Procurement Alternatives are available for a material , mixing ratio is used to determine
which alternative is used in what proportions . For example in this scenario LAPRM1
material has two vendors with different prices ie Rs 270.00 and Rs 280.00 (Please check
the Pur Info record in MM end user section ). If 50% is procured from each of the vendor,
final procurement price in the cost estimate will be Rs275.00

Same path upto Master Data for Mixed Cost Estimate

Mixing Ratios Create /Change
TCode :CK94
Material : LAPRM1
Plant : LAP1
Mixing Ratio
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Period : 9
Fiscal Yr : 2015
QtyStruct. Type : MIX

PCat Changeable name QtyStrDate MR Mixing Ratios

BB Vendor:LAPRMVNDR PurchOrg.:LAPO  50
BB Vendor:LAPTRVNDR PurchOrg.:LAPO  50

3. Creating Unit cost estimate for Additive Costs

Any costs which can not be calculated using automatic cost estimate ,can be included
manually by using additive costs which is nothing but a unit cost estimate.
SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
Planning Material Costing Cost Estimate with Quantity StructureAdditive
© Srinivasa

TCode : CK74N
Material : LAPFG1
Plant : LAP1
Costing Data tab

Costing Variant : LAP1

Costing Version : 1

Dates tab

Default Values button


Item Category Resource Pant/Activity Quantity Description CostElement Formula

1 E 2001 PRCS 3




4. Close period in MM
TCode : MMPV
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Check period : TCode : MMRV

Error : Invalid period for company code ; no conversion here


Company code has no period for date; no conversion here

Reason : Current open period is correct (We can check that using TCode MMRV). When we
try to open the next period we encounter the above error. FYV V3 seems to be fine . The
reason can be the shortened fiscal year . Check the entry in table T009Y .

Solution :Delete fiscal year variant V3 and create again.

5. Creating Cost Estimate for plant LAP1 and LAP2

When Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure is used there are 2 options to calculate
the cost and update the price
Option 1 : Option 2 :
Step 1.Selection TCode : CKMATSEL Edit costing Run
© Srinivasa

Step 2 Tcode : CK40N

Create Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
Tcode : CK11N
Step 3. Price Update
Tcode : CK24
Materials already costed (but with errors) can be Multiple materials can be costed at a
recosted using this method time using this method

1. Costing Run
SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
Planning Material CostingCosting RunEdit Costing Run
Tcode : CK40N
Create Costing Run button
Costing Run : LAP
Description : LAP Costing Run
Costing Run Date : Today’s date
Costing Variant : LAP1
Costing Version : 01
Controlling Area : LAP
Company Code : LAP
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Dates tab
Costing Date From : Todays date
Costing Date To : 31.3.2011 (Fiscal Yr End date)
Quantity Structure Date : Todays Date
Valuation Date : Todays Date
Expand Processing

Change Parameter button( ) In the ‘Selection’ Flowstep

Material Number : LAPSFG1 , LAPSFG2, LAPFG1,
Plant : LAP1, LAP2
 Background Processing
Print Log
 Save
Back Button
Execute button in the Selection Flowstep
(Status should be green)
Change Parameter button In the ‘Struct. Explosion’ Flowstep
© Srinivasa

 Background Processing
 Save
Back Button
Execute button in the ‘Struct. Explosion’ Flowstep
(Status should be green)
Change Parameter button In the ‘Costing’ Flowstep
 Log by Costing Level
 Background Processing

 Save
Back Button
Execute button in the ‘Costing’ Flowstep
(Status should be green)
(Costing Status should be ‘KA’ ie Costed Without Errors , in all levels . If any
level has status ‘KF’ ie Costed With Errors , double click on the level to see
complete error message)

Msg :No structure could be determined for internal activity ASMB (1002)
Solution : (You can ignore this msg if it is of type warning or info )
Create a primary cost component structure in OKTZ
Assign cost elements to cost components
Assign the cost component structure in OKEQ
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Change Parameter button In the ‘Analysis’ Flowstep

Double click on ‘SAP&12’
Plant : blank
Cost Component View : 01
 Background Processing
 Save
Back Button
Execute button in the ‘Analysis’ Flowstep
Double Click on LAPFG1

Materails only/All Items button ( ) (To display all items)

Right click on LAPFG1  Expand subtree
(The following image shows what costs arises at what level )
© Srinivasa

Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Cost Comps button ( )

Choose Layout button( )Choose Layout

Select layout ‘1SAP03’ ie Total/Level/Lower level by clicking
Double click on a material under costing structure
(By selecting a material under the costing structure we can analyse costs at the level of the
material and its lower level )
Back button

Goto button ( )Itemization

Back to CK40N screen

Note :Do all the error corrections before going further for Marking and Releasing flow steps.
Configuartional changes/corrections may not reflect in costing even when the flow steps
( Selection, Struct. Explosion , Costing , Anlaysis ) are re-executed.
© Srinivasa

For Eg : If we make any changes in the costing variant , the changes will not have any effect
even if we execute costing flow step again. We may have to delete the costing run and
create a new costing run again.

Delete Costing Run :

SAP Easy Access AccountingControllingProduct Cost ControllingProduct Cost
Planning EnvironmentCosting RunDelete Costing Run
TCode : CK44
Costing Run : LAP
Costing Run Date :

 Background Processing

Note: Please check the period closed for the company code using TCode MMPV/MMRV
before marking/releasing.

Lock button for ‘Marking’ Flowstep

Double Click on Company code ‘LAP’
Costing Variant : LAP1
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Costing Version : 01
 ‘Issue Allowance for Marking ‘ button ( =Save button)
Back button
Change Parameter button In the ‘Marking’ Flowstep
 Test Run
 With List Output
 Background Processing
 Save
Back Button
Execute button in the ‘Marking‘ Flowstep
Back to CK40N screen
Change Parameter button In the ‘Marking’ Flowstep again
 Test Run
Back button
Execute button in the ‘Marking‘ Flowstep again
Double Click on LAPFG1
© Srinivasa

Costing 2 tab
Make note of change in Future Planned price
Back to CK40N screen
Change Parameter button In the ‘Release’ Flowstep
 Test Run
 With List Output
 Background Processing
 Save

Back Button
Execute button in the ‘Release’ Flowstep
Back to CK40N screen
Change Parameter button In the ‘Release’ Flowstep again
 Test Run
Back button
Execute button in the ‘Release‘ Flowstep again
Double Click on LAPFG1
Costing 2 tab
Make note of change in Current Planned Price and Standard Price
Kasireddy© +91-9959765211

Marking : Marking updates the future price

Releasing : Releasing updates the current price

Check period closing status : Table MARV

Intialize the closed period : TCode : MMPI or program RMMMINIT can be used to open
the period which is closed by mistake. But this is to be done very carefully. Any material
postings done in the new period will have impact if we reopen the previous period and post
to it.
Parameter ID MMPI_READ_NOTE with current date(YYYYMMDD) as parameter value is to
be maintained in user profile(SU2) before running MMPI.(Note 487381)
Error : Materials locked
Solution : Use Tcode SM12 to unlock.

Deleting Cost estimates: Future /Current standard cost estimates can be deleted.
Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning
Environment Material Costing Delete Material Cost Estimate
TCode : CKR1
© Srinivasa


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