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Activity Sheet

Week 7- Day 3
Oral Reading Fluency
EN6F-IIg-1.6 EN6F-IIg-1.3 EN6F-IIg-1.7
Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate
and proper expression

EN6G-IIg-7.3.1 EN6G-IIg-7.3.2
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures:
-Prepositions and prepositional phrases

Show tactfulness when communicating with others

To the Learner

Now you’re done with those wonderful activities! It’s time to proceed and better
enhance your skills.

Being open to criticism and tactful when you communicate with others is a nice

In this next lesson we would also learn how to compose more sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures with prepositional phrases.

Let’s Learn This

The exercises prepared for you in this activity sheet will help enhance your skills in
composing more coherent sentences with prepositional phrases.

Let’s Try This

Task 1. Looking Back

Let’s review what you have learned. Study the following phrases in the cloud bubble.
Circle the preposition in each phrase.

1. in the dark
2. above the trees
3. below the ground
4. under the sun
5. in the closet
6. under the chair
7. in the vase
8. on the teacher’s chair
9. over the wall
10. above the sky

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Let’s Study This

Watch this short clip entitled “Preposition Sing Along Song”. Try to list down the
prepositional phrases used.

Preposition Sing Along Song. Produced by Jason Smith and Adam Smith. Youtube. January 20, 2015. Accessed July 28, 2017.

Remember that prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and a noun

or a pronoun and all the words in between.

Let’s Do This

Task 2. Choosy Me!

Study the following sentences. Underline the prepositional phrase in each

1. The old woman drives away the flies around the table.
2. She watched the food until her children and grandchildren arrived.
3. While waiting, she heard the screech of the car from the garage.
4. The children happily got out of the car.
5. It was about seven o’clock in the evening when they started eating.
6. Her son told the family that they saw a beggar on the road.
7. The children told grandmother that they gave all the food at the back of the car
to the beggar.
8. Grandmother was so proud some tear fell from her eyes.

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Let’s Do More

Task 3. Groupfie!
The teacher will prepare some envelopes containing jumbled phrases to form
sentence with a prepositional phrase. The first group to finish the sentence correctly
will be the winner. Post your answers on the board.

Let’s Remember This

 Prepositions are words used before nouns to form a phrase that modifies another
word in the sentence. English has about 150 prepositions.

Prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and a noun or a pronoun and all.

The words in between.

Examples: during the night

over the moon
beyond the horizon
across the highway
around the park

Let’s Test Ourselves

Task 4. Testing… 1,2,3!

Look at this picture. Compose 5 sentences about this picture using prepositional

Prepared by:

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(For Teachers’ Use Only)

Task 1. Looking back

1. on
2. above
3. below
4. under
5. in
6. under
7. in
8. on
9. over
10. above

Let’s Study This

Answers may vary

Task 2. Choosy Me!

1. around the table
2. until her children
3. from the garage
4. out of the car
5. about seven o’clock
6. on the road
7. at the back
8. from her eyes

Task 3. Groupfie
1. The moon shines brightly during the night.
2. I imagine the rabbits jumping over the moon.
3. The love appears over the horizon.
4. The cow walks across the highway.
5. The children play around the park.

Task 4. Testing...1,2,3!
Answers may vary.

Prepared by:

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