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doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0307.2009.00464.

XXX of

RESEARCH Effects of storage temperature and water activity on the
survival of bifidobacteria in powder form
Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Kanagawa Prefecture 228-8583, Japan

Effects of water activity and storage temperature on survival of bifidobacteria in powder form were
investigated and kinetic analyses were performed to reveal characteristics of the stability. A significant
positive correlation was observed between water activity and natural logarithm of the inactivation rate
constant of bifidobacteria powder, indicating that higher water activity induced lower stability of
bifidobacteria in powder form. Also, higher temperature condition induced lower survival rate, which was
supported by that the stability was followed the Arrhenius theory. These findings constructed a prediction
model for bifidobacteria survival in powder form.
Keywords Bifidobacteria, Bifidobacterium longum, Water activity, Probiotics, Stability, Survival.

Zhang 2005). Furthermore, the effects of storage

*Author for correspondence. E-mail:

conditions on survival have been discussed recently
Bifidobacteria, which are well known as probiotic (Hernandez et al. 2007; Higl et al. 2007; Poltner
micro-organisms, have been investigated for their et al. 2007). However, few reports have investigated
beneficial effects on human health (Reddy and the effects of storage conditions on the survival of
Rivenson 1993; Yaeshima et al. 1997; Fujii et al. bifidobacteria in powder form (Damjanovic and
2006). Now bifidobacteria are used globally as Rdulovic 1968; Nagawa et al. 1987; Simpson et al.
probiotics in various food products including yogurt, 2005). For manufacturers of final food products
milk, infant formula, cereal, cheese and dietary containing bifidobacteria, it is very important to
supplements (Vinderola et al. 2000; Mattila- know what precautions should be taken during the
Sandholm et al. 2002; Charalampopoulos et al. manufacturing process and storage. The present
2002; Champagne et al. 2005; Philips et al. 2006), article reports the effects of storage conditions,
and some bifidobacterial strains including Bifido- both temperature and water activity, on the survival
bacterium longum BB536 are used in Japan as rate of bifidobacteria, and proposes a prediction
functional ingredients in products designated as model of product stability based on kinetic analyses
Food for Specified Health Uses (Shortt 1999). of data obtained from long-term stability tests.
For industrial application, a powdered form of
bifidobacteria is necessary for addition to powder
products such as infant formulas. So far, spray
drying and freeze drying technologies used to Bifidobacteria powder
produce bifidobacteria powder have been A commercial probiotic powder, lyophilized
investigated (Lian et al. 2002; Saarela et al. 2005; Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum BB536
Simpson et al. 2005). (Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan)
It is very important that the probiotic products which is deposited into American Type Culture
contain live probiotics at high enough viable counts Collection as strain BAA-999, was used in this
at the time of consumption (Saxelin et al. 1999). To study. The bifidobacteria powder tested in this
maintain living cells in powder foods for a long study contained 1.2 × 1011 colony-forming units
time under ambient temperature conditions is not (cfu)/g of B. longum BB536.
easy, because drying damages the membranes,
proteins and nucleic acids (Castro et al. 1997; Preparation of test powders with various water
Author for
correspondence. E-mail:
Potts 2001). Scientists have tried to develop activities and storage tests technologies to produce stable bacterial powder, To prepare test powders with various water activi-
and many studies have investigated the effects of ties (aw), raw cornstarch (Nippon Syokuhin
© 2009 Society of drying on microbial cell survival (Kets et al. 1996; Kako Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) and dried cornstarch
Dairy Technology To and Etzel 1997; Carvalho et al. 2003; Zhao and (Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Hyogo,

234 Vol 62, No 2 May 2009 International Journal of Dairy Technology

Vol 62, No 2 May 2009

Japan) were used. aw of the raw cornstarch and bifidobacterial count vs storage period, inactivation
dried cornstarch were 0.56 and 0.02, respectively, rate constant vs aw condition, and inactivation rate
when measured by the Rotronic Hygroskop DT constant vs inverse of absolute temperature for
(Rotronic Instrument Corp., NY, USA). The two storage. Where regression coefficient (R2) value
types of cornstarch were mixed in various ratios to is discussed, this refers to the correlation of the
prepare seven test powders with diverse aw ranging points on the line of best fit, 1 being a strong
from 0.04 to 0.56. Each mixed powder achieved positive correlation and 0 being no correlation
equilibrium 1 week after mixing (data not shown). between the points.
Commercial B. longum BB536 powder with a
viable count of 1.2 × 1011 cfu/g was then added to
each of the test powders at 0.1% (final count in
sample: approximately 1.2 × 108 cfu/g). After mixing Changes of bifidobacteria counts in the test
uniformly, 2 g of each bifidobacteria-containing powders under various aw and storage temperature
mixed powder was put into an aluminium bag conditions during the storage period are shown in
(PET/AL/PE, 9 cm wide × 7 cm tall × 70 μm Figure 1a–e. In each figure, the regression lines were
thick) and hermetically sealed for stability testing. determined and both the correlation coefficients
Aluminium bag samples of each aw were stored at and the regression coefficients indicating slopes of
various temperature conditions: 5, 25, 37, 45 and the line were calculated to estimate the bifidobacteria
60°C. Viable counts of each sample were monitored loss rate under respective conditions. As shown in
continuously during a storage period of 30 months Figure 1a, the test powder was very stable under
to observe survival under various conditions of cool condition except for the highest aw condition
aw and storage temperature. The above stability (0.56). As shown in Figure 1b, a significant negative
tests were performed twice using different lot of correlation was observed between the common
B. longum powder, and all data were used in logarithm of surviving bifidobacteria count and the
regression analysis to estimate stability. storage period at aw conditions greater than 0.21.
However, no significant decrease was observed in
Enumeration of viable counts test powders with aw lower than 0.16 when stored
Bifidobacterial counts were enumerated using at 25°C. At both 37 and 45°C, a significant negative
pour plate technique. One gram of storage powder correlation was observed between bifidobacterial
sample was suspended in 99 mL of buffer (4.5 g count and storage period in most test powders
potassium dihydrogenphosphate, 6.0 g disodium except that with aw 0.04 stored at 37°C (Figure 1c
hydrogenphosphate, 0.5 g l-cysteine, 0.5 g Tween- and b). Furthermore, at 60°C, rapid decreases of
80, 1.0 g agar and 1000 mL distilled water). All bifidobacterial count were observed and the loss
ingredients of the buffer were purchased from was evident within very short-term even in test
Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). After powder with the lowest aw (Figure 1e).
mixing thoroughly, the suspension was diluted In Figure 1, each regression line fitted the
serially in sterilized saline. Blood Liver (BL) agar following equation;
medium (Nissui, Tokyo, Japan) was used as the
Nt = –kt + N0 (1)
plating medium. The solidified agar plates were
incubated at 37°C for 72 h under anaerobic where Nt is the common logarithmic value of
condition (N2: 80%, H2: 10%, CO2: 10%) in an residual bifidobacterial count after a given storage
anaerobic chamber (Anaerobox; Hirasawa Works, period (log10cfu/g), k is the absolute value of the
Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) to obtain the cfu. regression coefficient constant of each regression
line, t is the storage period (month), and N0 is the
Calculation of inactivation rate constant and common logarithm of initial bifidobacterial count
Statistical treatment (log10cfu/g).
To obtain the rate of bifidobacteria inactivation Because the k in Equation 1 can be read as a
during storage, the regression line was determined level of the slope of each line in Figure 1, k was
from the plot of the common logarithm of the defined as the inactivation rate constant (log10cfu/
residual bifidobacterial count (log10cfu/g) versus g/month) in each storage condition. Table 1 shows
storage period (month) for each temperature all the inactivation rate constants (k) obtained from
and aw condition. The absolute value of the slope Figure 1, except for some conditions with low
(regression coefficient) determined from the regres- correlation coefficients (R2 ≤ 0.75) or a small
sion line was used as the inactivation rate constant number of samples (n ≤ 5).
(log10cfu/g/month) at that specific condition only When the relationship between aw and inactiva-
when the correlation coefficient (R2) of the regres- tion rate constant (k) obtained from Table 1 was
sion line was greater than 0.75 (R2 > 0.75). analysed at each storage temperature, a significant
Regression analysis was conducted to examine correlation was observed between the natural
the correlation between two factors, such as residual logarithm of k (lnk) and aw during storage for all

© 2009 Society of Dairy Technology 235

Vol 62, No 2 May 2009

Figure 1 Effects of water activity and temperature on

survival of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 in powder form.
Storage temperatures were (a): 5°C, (b): 25°C, (c): 37°C,
(d): 45°C, and (e): 60°C. Water activities were 0.04 (),
0.10 (), 0.16 (), 0.21 (), 0.32 (), 0.40 () and
0.56 ().

storage temperatures, as shown in Figure 2. At all during storage, and C is the constant at each
temperatures, lnk correlated positively and signi- temperature. In Figure 2, the regression equations
ficantly with aw (R2 > 0.95). All regression lines were lnk = 12.21x–6.871 at 25°C, lnk = 13.24x–
fitted the following equation 4.342 at 37°C, lnk = 15.13x–3.051 at 45°C, and
lnk = 18.00x–0.459 at 60°C.
Lnk = k′x + C (2)
From Equations 1 and 2, an equation was derived
where k′ is the regression coefficient for each to estimate the survival rate of this bifidobacterial
temperature condition in Figure 2, x is the aw powder under each aw and temperature condition,
as shown below:
Table 1 Inactivation rate constants of the test bifidobacteria powder under various Log10(nt/n0) = –exp(k′x + C)/t (3)
storage conditions
where nt is the residual bifidobacterial count after
a given storage period (cfu/g), n0 is the initial
Water activity
bifidobacterial count (cfu/g), k′ is the regression
Temperature 0.56 0.40 0.32 0.21 0.16 0.10 0.04 coefficient for each temperature condition in Equa-
60°C ND a
ND ND 26.036 b
11.601 4.285 1.195 tion 2, x is the aw of each powder, C is the constant
45°C ND 21.509 5.361 0.913 0.681 0.176 0.100 for each temperature condition in Equation 2, and
37°C 11.011 4.198 1.294 0.404 0.070 0.046 0.015 t is the storage period (month). Using Equation 3,
25°C 0.856 0.155 0.056 0.012 ND ND ND the theoretical survival rate of a test bifidobacteria
powder in each condition can be calculated. To
ND, not determined because of low correlation coefficients (R2 ≤ 0.75) or small
numbers of samples (n ≤ 5).
validate Equation 3, the theoretical survival rates
Log10cfu/g/month. calculated from the equation and the actual survival
rates obtained from stability tests were compared

236 © 2009 Society of Dairy Technology

Vol 62, No 2 May 2009

Figure 4 Prediction model of the survival rate of test

bifidobacterial powder at 25°C.
Figure 2 Effects of water activity on the natural logarithmic
() Survival rate after 12 months, () after 18 months,
value of inactivation rate constant (ln k) at various storage
() after 24 months and () after 36 months.
temperatures. Temperature condition: () 25°C, ( ) 37°C,
() 45°C and () 60°C.

Figure 5 Arrhenius plot for the inactivation of the test

bifidobacteria powder at various water activities (aw).
aw conditions: () 0.40, ( ) 0.32, () 0.21, (❍) 0.16,
() 0.10 and () 0.04.

the test powder were calculated at different storage

periods and are illustrated in Figure 4.
On the other hand, when the relationship between
the inactivation rate constant (k) obtained from
Table 1 and the storage temperature was analysed,
the natural logarithm of the inactivation rate
constant (lnk) showed an inverse dependence on
absolute temperature at all aw conditions, as
Figure 3 Comparison between theoretical and actual
shown in Figure 5. These results indicate that the
measurement values of survival rate of the tested powder at inactivation rate of the test bifidobacteria powder
25°C (a) and 37°C (b). follows the Arrhenius theory.
(a) (❍) theoretical value at aw 0.21, () at aw 0.32, ( ) at aw
0.40 () at aw 0.56.
() actual measurement value at aw 0.21, () at aw 0.32,
() at aw 0.40 and () at aw 0.56. Recently, probiotic powders are widely used in
(b) () theoretical value at aw 0.10, () at aw 0.21, () at aw recent food formulations, notably in infant formulas
0.32. () actual measurement value at aw 0.10, () at aw 0.21 and milk powders. To maintain a long shelf-life
and () at aw 0.32.
for powder foods containing probiotics, attention
should be paid to stability of the probiotics under
ambient temperature.
under various aw conditions as shown in Figure 3a In the present study, the effects of aw and storage
and b. There were no great differences between the temperature on the stability of bifidobacteria in
theoretical and the actual survival rates for various powder form during long-term storage were inves-
conditions, confirming that the theoretical survival tigated using a commercial B. longum BB536
rates obtained from Equation 3 can be used as powder. From the data of stability tests under various
prediction models of stability for the bifidobacteria storage conditions, we observe that stability can be
powder. Also, using the Equation 3, the effects of well described as a first-order kinetic reaction, as
aw on the survival rate of bifidobacteria at 25°C in indicated by Equation 1, which supports previous

© 2009 Society of Dairy Technology 237

Vol 62, No 2 May 2009

reports (Damjanovic and Radulovic 1968; To and stability map. However, as some scientists indicated,
Etzel et al. 1997; Andersen et al. 1999; Ziadi et al. the bacterial stability in powder form was very
2005). variable and depended on various conditions
From Figure 1, the inactivation rate constants (k) (Andersen et al. 1999; Simpson et al. 2005;
were determined for various storage conditions, as Schoug et al. 2006). Further investigations are
shown in Table 1. These constants represent the required to clear up the reason why bacteria
level of stability under various storage conditions. powders are reduced during storage or the relation-
Figure 2 shows that the natural logarithm of the ship between bacterial inactivation in powder form
inactivation rate increases in proportion to aw at all and nonenzymatic or chemical reactions.
storage temperatures, indicating that aw has very The fact that both aw and temperature have
strong effect on the survival of bifidobacteria in the considerable impact on the stability is in principle
test powder. These results suggest that when food consistent with other bacterial powders (Higl et al.
products containing the bifidobacterial powder are 2007). We also observed the same tendency in our
produced, the aw of the food should be considered. preliminary studies using other bifidobacterial
It is easier to maintain the stability of bifidobacteria species, although the inactivation rate constants
in powder products with lower aw. This finding may differed from strain to strain (not data shown).
be the same as a previous study on B. longum con- From these results, the stability of all bacterial
ducted by Nagawa et al. (1987), although they powders may depend on both aw and temperature
measured water content, not aw. conditions. Also, although this study used cornstarch
Equation 3 induced from both Equations 1 and as a carrier, knowledge of the effects of different
2 constructed a prediction model for survival of carriers like milk powder will promote further
bifidobacteria in powder product considering aw understanding of the bifidobacterial stability. Further
as shown in Figure 4. This prediction model or kinetic analyses of other factors may produce
equation may be very useful for manufacturers in useful hints for improving long-term stability.
producing probiotics products to decide the shelf These additional findings will be more useful for
life, to expect the survival after storage or to design the manufacturing of probiotic products.
the products. Equally, to construct a prediction
model from various stability tests is very helpful to
understand the characteristics of the stability of CONCLUSIONS
probiotics. Also, the survival kinetics of bifidobac- Effects of aw and storage temperature on stability
teria in this powder product followed the Arrhenius of B. longum in powder were investigated through
rate law (Figure 5), as was reported in previous long-term stability test. It was observed that both
studies (Damjanovic and Radulovic 1968; To and higher aw and storage temperature induced higher
Etzel 1997; Achour et al. 2001), indicating that the inactivation rate constant of bifidobacteria powder.
storage temperature has great effect on the stability. Also, a significant correlation was observed between
On the other hand, it was reported that aw was the natural logarithm of inactivation rate constants
temperature dependent and aw changed in accord- of bifidobacteria and aw condition. The kinetic
ance with temperature changes, although water analyses of the stability data induced an equation
content was not varied (Barbosa-Canovas et al. indicating a prediction model of survival of bifido-
2007). Because in present study we adjusted aw of bacteria. Furthermore, the stability followed the
the test powder at 25°C, the real aw in aluminium Arrhenius theory. These observations and kinetic
bag at each temperature may be different from our analyses will be useful for manufacturers to produce
observation. Although we should consider the probiotic products because they can predict survival
differences in cases where the temperature varied of adding bifidobacteria in their products.
widely from 25°C, because most manufacturers of
infant formula or powder products generally
produce their products and check the aw at room A C K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
temperature, our observation may be of benefit to We thank Mr Hamano of the Nutritional Science
them as index when these products are kept at dif- Laboratory in Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.
ferent temperature widely. Also, Barbosa-Canovas for his kind assistance with the statistical analysis.
et al. (2007) indicated that nonenzymatic or chemical
reactions were accelerated after formation of water
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