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718 International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009, 44, 718–724

Original article
Stability of bifidobacteria in powdered formula

Fumiaki Abe,* Hirofumi Miyauchi, Ayako Uchijima, Tomoko Yaeshima & Keiji Iwatsuki
Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd, Kanagawa Prefecture 228-8583, Japan
(Received 24 July 2008; Accepted in revised form 11 November 2008)

Summary Two stability tests of bifidobacteria in powdered formula were conducted. In a strain comparison test, three
kinds of bifidobacterial powders; Bifidobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium breve M-16V and
Bifidobacterium infantis M-63 powders, admixed in follow-up formula were used. In a commercial product
evaluation, powdered formulas for toddlers containing bifidobacteria sold in the Indonesian market were
analysed. When the inactivation rate constant of each sample, which was used as an index of the loss rate,
was determined from the stability tests, B. longum was the most stable strain. The mean inactivation rate
constant of commercial products was significantly lower than those obtained in strain comparison, although
the same strains (B. longum BB536 and B. breve M-16V) were used. A possible reason was the lower water
activity of commercial products compared to the follow-up formula. Also, higher storage temperature
yielded lower stability in all strains or samples, which obeys the Arrhenius theory.
Keywords Bifidobacterium, Bifidobacterium breve M-16V, Bifidobacterium infantis M-63, Bifidobacterium longum BB536, follow-up formula,
powdered formula, probiotic, stability.

Mah et al., 2007; Puccio et al., 2007). In particular,

probiotics have various beneficial effects for preterm
Nowadays probiotics are used in a wide variety of foods infants, such as improving the intestinal microbiota,
such as yogurt, cheese, dietary supplement, milk, con- protecting against necrotising colitis, maintaining cyto-
fection and cereal (Champagne et al., 2005). As probi- kine balance and balancing intestinal fatty acids (Li
otics are known to have various beneficial effects on et al., 2004; Fujii et al., 2006; Barclay et al., 2007;
human health, many manufacturers have developed Deshpande et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2007). Also,
various health products containing probiotics for an Hattori et al. (2003) reported that administration of
increasingly health conscious consumer market (Vinde- Bifidobacterium breve was effective in reducing the
rola et al., 2000; Charalampopoulos et al., 2002; Mat- allergy scores including atopic symptom in infants with
tila-Sandholm et al., 2002; Philips et al., 2006; Shah, milk allergy. The accumulated evidence demonstrating
2007). Recently powdered formulas containing probiot- the useful actions of probiotics for infants has acceler-
ics for infants or young children have become popular ated the development and marketing of an increasing
worldwide. In particular, bifidobacteria are often used in number of powdered formulas containing probiotics.
these products. A possible reason for this trend is that However, a prerequisite for probiotic products is that
bifidobacteria are the dominant bacteria in infant a sufficiently large number of viable probiotic bacteria
intestine (Mitsuoka, 1982; Magne et al., 2006). Many survive in the final product at the time of consumption,
investigations have examined the relationship between as probiotics are expected to modify the intestinal
intestinal microbiota and infant health or between microbiota (Saxelin et al., 1999). Since the drying
administration of probiotics and intestinal health, and process may cause significant damage to the membranes,
studies suggest that bifidobacteria are the most impor- proteins and nucleic acids of bacteria, it is not easy to
tant intestinal bacteria and that supplementation of maintain living cells in foods for a long time under
probiotics supports the intestinal health of infants general conditions such as ambient temperature (Potts,
(Mevissen-Verhage et al., 1987; Penders et al., 2006; 2001; Bill & Potts, 2002). Therefore there are some
issues of stability when using probiotics in powder
*Correspondent: Fax: +81 46 252 3055; products such as powdered formula. Scientists have
e-mail: tried to develop technologies to produce stable bacterial

 2009 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Stability of bifidobacteria in formula powder F. Abe et al. 719

powders, and many studies have investigated the effects unit (CFU) g)1 for B. longum, more than
of drying on microbial cell survival using various kinds 1.0 · 1011 CFU g)1 for B. breve, and more than
of microorganisms including lactic acid bacteria and 8.0 · 1010 CFU g)1 for B. infantis.
starter cultures (Kets et al., 1996; Castro et al., 1997; To
& Etzel, 1997; Carvalho et al., 2004; Zhao & Zhang,
Strain comparison tests
2005). Furthermore, the effects of storage conditions on
survival of some bacterial species have been discussed For the strain comparison test, a follow-up formula
recently (Hernandez et al., 2007; Higl et al., 2007; ‘Chil-mil’ (Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd), which
Portner et al., 2007). However, there is no report on contains no probiotic bacteria and is a general com-
the stability of probiotics in powdered formulas for mercial product widely sold in the Japanese powdered
infants or small children, especially in commercial formula market, was used. The standard composition
formulas sold in the retail market, although the stability was 18.0% fat, 14.5% protein, 60.5% carbohydrate,
of bifidobacteria in yogurt and cheese has been inves- 4.0% ash, 3% moisture and 460 kcal 100 g)1 energy.
tigated in detail (Daigle et al., 1999; Adhikari et al., The water activity, which is a very important indicator
2000; Vinderola et al., 2000; Champagne et al., 2005; for stability of probiotics, was 0.25 ± 0.025 (aver-
Philips et al., 2006). It is very important for both age ± SD) as measured by the Rotronic Hygroskop
manufacturers and consumers to know the stability of DT (Rotronic Instrument Corp., Huntington, NY,
probiotics in powdered formulas. In particular, the USA). Each of the three bifidobacterial powders; B.
viable counts of probiotics in powdered formulas at the longum, B. breve and B. infantis powder, was mixed
end of shelf life and the effect of storage temperature on thoroughly with the follow-up formula Chil-Mil to
stability of probiotics in final product are interesting obtain powdered formula containing 0.05–1.0% (w ⁄ w)
topics of investigation. bifidobacteria. After mixing, 6–9 g of bifidobacteria-
This paper is the first report on the stability of containing powdered formula which contained at least
bifidobacteria in powdered formula evaluated by two more than 4.8 · 107 CFU g)1 was put into an alumin-
long-term stability tests. One is a strain comparison test ium bag (PET ⁄ AL ⁄ PE, 70 lm thick) and hermetic
that compares the stability of three bifidobacterial sealed for stability testing. The aluminium bag was used
strains admixed in follow-up formula. Another test is to maintain the same moisture level of the sample during
commercial product evaluation that analyses the stabil- storage period, because moisture cannot pass through
ity of bifidobacteria in commercial powdered formulas the material. Aluminium bag samples containing each
for toddlers, which are labelled to contain bifidobacteria powdered formula were stored at temperatures of 5, 25,
and are being sold in the stores. Furthermore, based on 37 and 45 C. Viable counts of each sample were
kinetic analyses of the data from both stability tests, the monitored continuously during a storage period for a
characteristics of stability of bifidobacteria in powdered maximum of 24 months to observe bifidobacterial
formula are discussed. survival under various temperature conditions. Eighteen
tests using eighteen lots of B. longum BB536 powder, five
tests using three lots of B. breve M-16V powder, and two
Materials and methods
tests using one lot of B. infantis M-63 powder were
performed to observe the stability of the three strains in
Bifidobacteria powder
powdered formula. To compare the stabilities, the
Three kinds of bifidobacteria powder: Bifidobacterium common logarithms of cell counts during storage were
longum subsp. longum BB536 powder (B. longum plotted with time, and the slopes of the regression lines
powder), Bifidobacterium breve M-16V powder (B. breve were compared.
powder), and B. longum subsp. infantis M-63 powder
(Bifidobacterium infantis powder) were used in the strain
Commercial product evaluation
comparison test. All three bifidobacterial powders were
manufactured by mixture with starch following lyophil- For the commercial product evaluation, Chil-Kids
isation at Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd (Tokyo, Platinum with vanilla flavour, Chil-Kids Platinum with
Japan) and sold as ingredients for probiotics products. honey flavour, Chil-Kids School Platinum with vanilla
All strains were isolated from infant and deposited into flavour, and Chil-Kids School Platinum with chocolate
culture collections; B. longum biotype longum BB536 as flavour were used. All the products were manufactured
American Type Culture Collection strain BAA-999, by PT Sanghiang Perkasa (Jakarta, Indonesia) and were
B. breve M-16V as Belgian Co-Ordinated Collections of sold in the Indonesian market as powdered formula.
Micro-organisms (BCCM) strain LMG23729 and Chil-Kids Platinum with two flavours were for toddlers
B. longum biotype infantis M-63 as BCCM strain aged 1–2 years, and the standard composition was
LMG23728. Standard viable counts of the bifidobacte- 13.5% fat, 18% protein, 61% carbohydrate, 4.5% ash,
rial powders are more than 8.0 · 1010 colony forming 3% moisture, and 438 kcal 100 g)1 energy. Chil-Kids

 2009 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009, 44, 718–724
720 Stability of bifidobacteria in formula powder F. Abe et al.

School Platinum with two flavours were for children of absolute storage temperature to test for agreement with
older than 3 years, and the standard composition was the Arrhenius theory.
12.0% fat, 15% protein, 66% carbohydrate, 4.0% ash,
3% moisture and 432 kcal 100 g)1 energy. All powdered
Statistical treatment of the results
formulas had labels stating that the product contained
more than 420 million of B. longum BB536 and B. breve To evaluate the difference in slope of the regression line
M-16V in 100 g. The mean water activity (aver- defined as inactivation rate constant, analyses of covari-
age ± SD) of six samples was 0.20 ± 0.02. All pow- ance were used to compare the inactivation rate
dered formula products were tested before the end of constants between strains, storage temperatures and
shelf life. To observe bifidobacterial survival in com- commercial products. Unpaired Student’s t-test was
mercial powdered formulas, a total of six lots of performed to evaluate the difference in mean water
powdered formula products comprising three lots of activity between the powdered formulas used in strain
Chil-Kid Platinum with vanilla flavour, one lot of Chil- comparison test and commercial product evaluation.
Kid Platinum with honey flavour, one lot of Chil-Kid Also, regression analyses were used to examine the
School Platinum with vanilla flavour, and one lot of correlation between natural logarithm of inactivation
Chil-Kid School Platinum with chocolate flavour were rate constant versus inverse of absolute temperature for
used. Eleven to fifteen g of each powdered formula was storage, and the regression coefficient (R2) were com-
put into aluminium bags (PET ⁄ AL ⁄ PE, 70 lm thick) pared. Furthermore, analyses of covariance for natural
and hermetic sealed as for the strain comparison test. logarithm of inactivation rate constant and inverse of
Aluminium bags containing powdered formulas were storage temperature were performed to observe the
stored at 5, 25, 30 and 37 C, and the survival of differences in the Arrhenius plots.
bifidobacteria in each sample was measured by the
following enumeration method.

Enumeration of viable counts of bifidobacteria Strain comparison tests

Bifidobacterial counts were enumerated using pour plate To observe the stability of B. longum BB536, B. breve
technique. In the strain comparison test, 5 g of storage M-16V and B. infantis M-63 admixed in powdered
sample was weighed and suspended in 95 mL of suspen- formula, the log10 reductions in cell count were plotted
sion buffer (4.5 g potassium dihydrogenphosphate, 6.0 g against storage periods for the three bifidobacterial
disodium hydrogen phosphate, 0.5 g l-cysteine and 0.5 g strains, and the regression lines were obtained (Fig. 1a–
Tween-80 in 1000 mL distilled water). All ingredients of c). For all three strains, the reduction in cell count
the buffer were purchased from Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. increased with time of storage. Also, there were signif-
(Tokyo, Japan). After mixing thoroughly in the buffer, icant (P < 0.05) differences in the slope of the regres-
standard pour plate technique was performed using BL sion line between all temperature conditions in all three
agar medium (Nissui, Tokyo, Japan) as plating media. strains. The slopes became significantly steeper as
The agar plates were incubated at 37 C for 72 h under temperature increased. Since the slope of the regression
anaerobic condition (N2: 80%, H2: 10%, CO2: 10%) in an line reflects the loss rate of the strain under that
anaerobic chamber (Anaerobox; Hirasawa Works Co., condition, the slope obtained from Fig. 1 was defined
Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). Viable count was expressed in CFU. as the inactivation rate constant (log10 CFU g)1 year)1)
In commercial product evaluation, the enumeration for each condition. The inactivation rate constants
procedures were the same as for the strain comparison obtained from the respective regression lines at 5, 25,
test except that 10 g of storage sample was weighed and 37 and 45 C were used for comparisons between strains
dissolved in 90 mL of suspension buffer. (Fig. 2a–d). When the inactivation rate constants were
compared between strains by covariance analyses, the
constants were significant different among species at all
Inactivation rate constant of bifidobacteria
storage temperatures except 5 C. The inactivation rate
To compare bifidobacteria stability in each sample, the constant of B. longum was significantly lower than that
logarithm of reduction in cell count versus storage period of B. breve at 25 and 37 C and than that of B. infantis at
was plotted and the regression line was obtained. The log 37 and 45 C, indicating that B. longum was the most
reduction in cell count at 1 year on the regression line stable strains among the three strains tested.
(equivalent to slope of regression line) was set as the
inactivation rate constant (log10 CFU g)1 year)1) which
Commercial products evaluation
was used an index of reduction in cell number during
storage. Also, for each sample, the natural logarithm of Six commercial powdered formula products for tod-
inactivation rate constant was plotted against the inverse dlers, which contained bifidobacteria as probiotics, were

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009, 44, 718–724  2009 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Stability of bifidobacteria in formula powder F. Abe et al. 721

(a) 3.0 in Fig. 3. Although a great decrease was observed at the

highest temperature condition (37 C), bifidobacteria
Reduction cell counts

were stable in the powdered formulas tested at temper-
(Log10 CFU g–1)

2.0 atures lower than 30 C, as evidenced by the mainte-

nance of bifidobacteria cell counts of more than
1 · 107 CFU g)1 even after 24 months of storage. When
1.0 the inactivation rate constants of the commercial prod-
ucts at various storage temperatures were determined in
the same manner as in the strain comparison test, there
0.0 were significant differences between the inactivation
0 6 12 18 24
constants obtained from the commercial product eval-
Storage period (month)
uation and those obtained from the strain comparison
tests (Fig. 2). Commercial powdered formulas had
(b) 3.0 significantly (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) lower inactivation
rate constants compared to both B. longum and B. breve
Reduction cell counts

obtained from the strain comparison test at both 25 and
(Log10 CFU g–1)

2.0 37 C, although there were no significant differences at

low storage temperature (5 C).
The Arrhenius plot
The relationship between natural logarithm of the
0 6 12 18 24
inactivation rate constant for each sample and inverse
Storage period (month) of absolute storage temperature is illustrated in Fig. 4.
High correlation coefficients (R2 > 0.91) were observed
in all strains or commercial products. Also, the slope of
(c) 3.0 B. infantis ()22,102 ± 2443) was significantly different
(P < 0.05) from B. breve ()13,832 ± 2443) and com-
Reduction cell counts

(Log10 CFU g–1)

mercial product ()12,242 ± 3,006), although there was

no difference between the other two combinations
1.5 (P > 0.05).

0.5 Discussion
0.0 Recent studies on probiotics and the roles of intestinal
0 6 12 18 24 microbiota in infants have indicated that probiotics,
Storage period (month) especially bifidobacteria, are very important for infant
health (Mah et al., 2007). Powdered formulas for infant
Figure 1 Changes of log reduction of cell count during storage for
B. longum (a), B. breve (b), and B. infantis (c) admixed in powdered
or young children containing probiotics have been
formula. Temperature conditions were 5 C ()), 25 C (s), 37 C (4) developed and many clinical trials of these products
and 45 C (h). have confirmed not only the effects of probiotics on
infant health, but also their safety (Puccio et al., 2007;
Chouraqui et al., 2008). On the other hand, before
used to test stability of bifidobacteria in commercial manufacturing or launching a commercial product
products. The average water activity of the commercial containing probiotics, long-term stability test using the
products was 0.20 ± 0.020 (SD), which was signifi- actual product is necessary to confirm the stability of
cantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of the powdered probiotics and to determine the shelf life, because the
formula (0.25 ± 0.025) used in the strain comparison manufacturer has to guarantee a sufficiently high viable
test. When the stability of bifidobacteria in each cell count in the product until the end of shelf life.
commercial product was analyzed statistically, there Especially, powdered formulas are stored at ambient
was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the inactiva- temperature and it is possible that the products are
tion rate constant between products at all storage stored at higher temperature conditions during trans-
temperatures (5, 25, 30 and 37 C) (data not shown). port or interim storage, particularly in summer season
The changes in viable cell counts of six commercial or in hot countries like Indonesia. Generally, it is known
powdered formulas during 24-month storage at various that the viability of live bacteria such as probiotics
storage temperatures, and the regression lines are shown decreases during storage and is sensitive to higher

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722 Stability of bifidobacteria in formula powder F. Abe et al.

P < 0.01

(a) (b) P < 0.05

0.25 0.25

Inactivation rate constant

(Log10 CFU g –1 year –1)
Inactivation rate constant
(Log10 CFU g –1 year –1)

0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00
B. longum B. breve B. infantis Commercial B. longum B. breve B. infantis Commercial
Products Products

P < 0.05

P < 0.01
(c) (d)
40 P < 0.01
2.50 P < 0.01
Inactivation rate constant
Inactivation rate constant

(Log10 CFU g –1 year –1)

(Log10 CFU g –1 year –1)

2.00 30
Figure 2 Inactivation rate constants of B. lo-
1.50 ngum (grey), B. breve (white) and B. infantis
(diagonal stripe) obtained from strain com-
parison test and of bifidobacteria in com-
0.50 mercial powdered formulas (black) obtained
N.T. from commercial product test at four tem-
0.00 0
B. longum B. breve B. infantis Commercial B. longum B. breve B. infantis Commercial perature conditions: (a) 5 C, (b) 25 C, (c)
Products Products 37 C and (d) 45 C.
Logarithm of inactivation rate constant

8.0 4
o10 CFU g –1)

[Ln(Log10 CFU g–1 year –1)]

7.0 0
Cell counts (Log

6.0 –4

0 6 12 18 24 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036
Storage period (month) –1
Inverse temperature (°K )
Figure 3 Changes of viable bifidobacteria counts in commercial
Figure 4 Arrhenius plots for the inactivation rate constants of B. longum
powdered formulas stored at 5 C ()), 25 C (h), 30 C ( ) and 37 C
(¤), B. breve ( ), B. infantis (d) and commercial product ( ).

temperature conditions. If a large reduction in cell count

occurs in probiotic products such as powdered formulas products. However, to the best of our knowledge, there
during storage, the commercial values would be lost and are only a few reports on the stability of probiotics in
children would not be able to benefit from the expected powdered formulas for infants or toddlers (Perez-
probiotic effects due to insufficient viable cells in the Conesa et al., 2006).
products. Therefore the change in stability at various In this study, we conducted a strain comparison test to
storage temperatures should be considered in probiotic compare the stability of three Bifidobacterium strains
products. Also, it is extremely important for manufac- admixed in powdered formula, and a commercial product
turers and consumers that the tests should include not test to evaluate the stability of bifidobacteria in several
only samples made in the laboratory but also commer- commercial bifidobacteria-containing powdered for-
cial products manufactured at the factory to be sold in mula, using long-term stability tests. Although all three
the stores, because sometimes there are large differences strains showed reduction of cell counts during storage as
of the quality between laboratory samples and factory shown Fig. 1, there were significant differences in the

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009, 44, 718–724  2009 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Stability of bifidobacteria in formula powder F. Abe et al. 723

inactivation rate constant (an index of loss rate) between Nagawa et al. (1987) reported that water content was
storage temperatures and between strains. The results of influenced with bifidobacteria stability in powder form.
all stability tests indicate that higher storage temperature These reports suggested that there was a relationship
yields higher inactivation rate constant for bifidobacteria, between moisture level and the stability. In this study, if
which is consistent with previous investigations of the tested powders had the same water activity, the
bifidobacteria stability (Simpson et al., 2005). The inac- difference in stability might not exist. Also, the differ-
tivation rate constant of B. longum was lower than that of ences in composition of powdered formula may be
B. breve or that of B. infantis in many conditions. These another reason, although the powdered formula tested
results suggest that among the three species tested, were similar products and there was no great difference
B. longum is the most suitable bifidobacterial powder in composition between products.
for use in powdered formula. This storage test will be On the other hands, logarithm of the inactivation rate
helpful for manufacturers to consider the extra amount of constants showed a good relationship with the inverse of
bifidobacteria to be added in their products at the time of absolute temperature in all products; i.e. obeying the
manufacturing because expected survival rates at the end Arrhenius rate law. This result was supported by
of shelf life of the products can be estimated using the previous report (Damajanovic & Rdulovic, 1968), sug-
inactivation rate constants indicated in Fig. 2. Many gesting that the residual bifidobacteria counts upon
studies have demonstrated various beneficial effects of storage at room temperature in not only probiotic
B. breve M-16V on infant health (Hattori et al., 2003; Li powder but also commercial powdered formula can be
et al., 2004). The survival data shown in this study will predicted by an accelerated stability test conducted at
help manufacturers decide the number of bifidobacteria higher temperatures. However there were significant
to add during manufacturing when using this strain in differences in the slope of the Arrhenius plot between
powdered formulas. strains. Simpson et al. (2005) reported that there were
For commercial probiotic products, it is very impor- differences in bifidobacterial stability between species
tant to maintain a high enough number of viable and between strains. In view of the inter-strain difference
probiotics at the end of shelf life in order to achieve the in the slope of the Arrhenius plot, when trying to predict
probiotic effect obtained clinical investigations. Mah bifidobacterial survival in an acceleration test at higher
et al. used powdered infant formula supplemented with temperature conditions, the slope of the Arrhenius plot
1 · 107 CFU g)1 of B. longum BB536 in their clinical should be considered for each strain individually.
test and observed probiotic effects, although the other This investigation indicated that there were some
lactobacillus was also administered. We confirmed that differences in stability between Bifidobacterium strains,
the stability of bifidobacteria in Indonesian powdered that the bifidobacteria in the Indonesian commercial
formulas were high enough because more than products were survived well at ambient temperature
1 · 107 CFU g)1 of bifidobacteria survived after condition, and that the stability in powdered formula
24 months storage at 30 C which is presumed to be was in accordance with the Arrhenius theory. These
the ambient temperature in Indonesia (Fig. 3). These results will be useful for manufacturers and consumers
results will provide confidence to Indonesian consumers. to understand probiotic products. We hope that this
Also, although all powdered formulas contained the investigation will support further development of pro-
same strains (B. longum BB536 and B. breve M-16V) biotic products with good stability in the world.
used in the strain comparison test of this study, which
were confirmed by randomly amplified polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) techniques (data not shown), the inac-
tivation rate constants were significantly different We thank our technical staff in Food Science & Technical
between the commercial product test and the strain Institute of Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd for deter-
comparison test (Fig. 2). The stability of bifidobacteria mining viable counts of bifidobacteria in this study. We
in commercial products was significantly higher than are also indebted to Mr Hamano of Nutritional Science
that of B. longum and B. breve in the strain comparison Laboratory in Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd for his
test at both 25 and 37 C. One possible reason is the kind assistance in statistical analysis.
difference in water activity between the powdered
formulas used in the two tests. The follow-up formula
Chil-Mil used in the strain comparison test had water
activity of 0.25 ± 0.025, and was significantly Adhikari, K., Mustapha, A., Grun, I.U. & Fernando, L. (2000).
(P < 0.05) higher than that (0.20 ± 0.02) of the com- Viability of microencapsulated bifidobacteria in set yogurt during
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isms and that higher water activity results in lower review. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 45, 569–
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009, 44, 718–724  2009 Institute of Food Science and Technology

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